Race and Ethnicity

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Racial Profiling

(Police-initiated) action that disproportionately affects minorities DWB (Driving While Black): New Jersey-based study found that the majority of cars searched during traffic stops belonged to nonwhite drivers (70 percent), and a high percentage of drivers searched subsequently were arrested. Use of force Police are more likely to use force on black and Hispanic citizens than on white citizens.

Over the entire span of U.S. history, _______ percent of people elected to the Senate have been nonwhite.


what are the five consequences of housing segregation?

1. Economic Mortgages with inflated interest rates and high monthly payments for homes with lower property values. Proximity to well-paying jobs, successful networks. Address used as proxy for race in job applications Living Conditions Old, dilapidated housing, often infected with rats and bugs; leaky; cold. Far away from normal institutions like hospitals, grocery stores, banks, and similar facilities Higher crime rates, Political, Marginalizes nonwhites; politicians ignore them, Erodes hope of interracial collaboration Symbolic Mental segregation: racial segregation gives off the appearance that racial divisions are real, natural, and unchanging Emotional Creates a sense of personal inadequacy and inferiority among marginalized groups Conversely, gives whites a sense of superiority, reinforcing a preference for segregation Educational Property values determine property taxes. Roughly half of all property tax revenue is used for public elementary and secondary education. Thus, low-income areas have much smaller education budgets. For many students, schooling becomes of less concern than staying safe and making ends meet.

An advocate of which of the following racial ideals would disapprove of affirmative action policies for racial minorities? 1. color-blindness 2. multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism 3. racial democracy 4. the racist aesthetic

1. color blindness

Which of the following played a major role in remaking the gendered family structure in the United States in the twentieth century? 1. the Great Depression 2. World War I 3. the abolition of slavery 4. the court case Loving v. Virginia

1. the Great Depression

14th amendment

1868 extended citizenship rights to blacks

15th amendment

1870) guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous servitude.

In what year were black Americans able to fully participate in American democracy?

1965 (Voting Rights Act)

In __________, the Supreme Court ruled antimiscegenation laws unconstitutional in Loving v. Virginia, marking a significant civil rights victory.


Which of the following is true about America's welfare programs? 1. The United States has a very high rate of poverty and spends nearly half its wealth on antipoverty programs. 2. America spends a smaller portion of its wealth on antipoverty programs than almost any other developed country. 3. Growing numbers of new immigrants have resulted in the United States spending more on antipoverty programs than ever before.


Which of the following is true about American women in prison today? 1. Women are incarcerated at lower rates in the United States than in most other industrialized nations. 2. Most women in prison are mothers. 3. The number of women in prison has been steadily decreasing. 4. White women are more likely to be incarcerated than black and Hispanic women.


Which of the following statements is representative of the white aesthetic? 1. People of color are depicted in negative ways. 2. The white experience is seen as "normal." 3. It is subversive art made for racial justice. 4. It reduces racial domination to interpersonal domination.


Which of the following is an example of how change can be enacted on the institutional level? 1. recognizing and examining your own racist beliefs 2. enacting affirmative action policies 3. conducting diversity training 4. engaging in a respectful debate with a person who expressed racist views

2. enacting affirmative action policies

Advocates of which of the following racial ideals would be most likely to find value in experiencing other cultures and broadening their horizons? 1. color-blindness 2. multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism 3. racial democracy 4. change at the interactional level

2. multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism

In the year _______, the U.S. government began allowing citizens to check multiple racial boxes on the census.


Which of the following is a true statement about affirmative action policies on college campuses? 1. The majority of colleges use some form of affirmative action in their admission practices. 2. Affirmative action relies on quota systems. 3. "Legacy" students far outnumber students who benefited from affirmative action on college campuses. 4. The most likely beneficiaries of affirmative action are black women.


Which of the following is true about prisons? 1. there are less prisoners today than there were in the decades after the Civil War. 2. The number of people in prison has been steadily increasing every year. 3. In the 1970s, the prison population increased significantly.


Which of the following statements is true of minstrel shows? 1. They showcased the experiences of black Americans in the pre-Civil War era for white audiences. 2. They were a platform for the African American community to show the artistic talents that had been stifled during slavery. 3. They made a mockery of black Americans for the enjoyment of white audiences. 4. They were performed by white actors for largely black audiences and designed to reinforce black Americans' inferior social position.


Today, about _______ percent of the breadwinners of American families make less than $10 an hour.


Which of the following is true about religious affiliation in America? 1. America is one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world. 2. Approximately one-third of Americans identify as atheist or agnostic. 3. America is one of the least religious nations in the world. 4. The grand majority of Americans identify as Christians.


What percentage of Americans under the age of eighteen identify as multiracial?

5 percent

Blacks and Hispanics account for approximately __ percent of all prisoners, and make up __ of the U.S. population.

58; 25

More than ______women are abused by their partners each year.

6 million

From 1600 to 1900, over _______ of America's indigenous peoples died as a direct result of European colonization.

90 percent

Oppositional Culture

A collection of linguistic, behavioral, aesthetic, and spiritual attitudes and practices formed in direct opposition of mainstream white culture

what is racial Terrorism?

A form of ethnic violence which continued in the United States even after the end of slavery, often in the form of lynch mobs. (page 177)


A form of popular entertainment that ruled the American stage between 1830 and 1910, in which whites performed in blackface and purported to represent authentic African-American life. Minstrel shows featured a collection of stock characters that portrayed blacks as lazy, ignorant, subservient, buffoonish, and childish. (page 282)

what is the Education Gap?

A gap in educational opportunities that separates whites and Asians, on the one hand, and African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, on the other. (page 259)


A kind of artistic segregation, in which television producers target specific racial or ethnic groups with programs supposedly designed to speak to those groups' unique needs and lifestyles, where "black programs" are pitched at black viewers, "Jewish programs" at Jewish viewers, "Hispanic programs" at Hispanic viewers, and so forth. (page 304)

Split Labor Force

A labor market in which there are at least two groups of workers whose price of labor differs for the same work, or would differ if they did the same work. (page 154)

White Flight

A migratory process whereby many whites, fearing racial integration, sold their houses in the city and fled to the suburbs. (page 176) Whites moved out to the suburbs beginning in the 1950s. White flight increased with deindustrialization and with the Civil Rights Movement. In 1940, only one-third of metropolitan residents lived in suburbs; by 1970, the majority of them did. Meanwhile, the poorest of the poor were left behind in the cities.

Single Motherhood

A mother not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the responsibilities in raising her child or children. At least since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, single mothers have been stereotyped as immoral delinquents who have more children in order to collect bigger welfare checks. But the truth is that single mothers are "a remarkably diverse group who have arrived at single parenthood through divergent, and often class-segregated paths." (page 375)

what is a Stereotype Threat?

A negative stereotype about a racial group can make members of that group conscious of the fact that any of their actions that happen to align with that stereotype end up verifying the stereotype, making it more real in the eyes of others and, perhaps, even of themselves; being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about one's group. (page 269)


A program set forth in the nineteenth century by Francis Galton to ensure genetic purity by attempting to "solve" the "natural inferiority of the lower races" through such extreme measures as forced sterilization. (page 82)

Racial Polarization

A relationship between the racial identity of a voter and the way in which the voter votes. For example, the American electorate is racially polarized: the majority of whites tilt toward the Republican Party while the majority of nonwhites support the Democratic Party. (page 108)


A rigid or unfair generalization about a group of people **check definition

White Affirmative Action

A series of exceptions, put forth by the southern arm of the Democratic party, which precluded a large majority of nonwhites from benefiting from Roosevelt's New Deal by disqualifying certain jobs (those dominated by nonwhite workers) from the policy. (page 130)

what is a ghetto?

A set of neighborhoods that are exclusively inhabited by members of one group, within which virtually all members of that group in that particular city live The defining characteristic is advanced marginality; in other words, severe spatial and social segregation of residents, marked by their exclusion from economic prosperity, national security, collective imagination and memory, and state welfare services reinforced racial inequality. They served as convincing evidence to white homeowners that blacks would ruin their neighborhoods. They justified further disinvestment in black neighborhoods.


A set of processes by which elected politicians redraw and manipulate the borders of political districts to secure political advantage. (page 113)

Color Blindness

A society in which racial differences exist but no one pays them heed, a world in which race no longer serves as the basis for social stigmatization, discrimination, inequality, or injustice. (page 395)

Racial Demography

A society's racial categories. (page 79)

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Abolished national origins quotas

Which racial/ethnic groups have the highest public high school dropout rate?

African Americans and Native Americans

which of the following racial groups has/have the highest rate of poverty in the US?

African Americans and native Americans

what is Lowbrow Art?

Also known as "popular culture," comprises art forms that are considered more ordinary and associated with the tastes and lifestyles of "the masses," and which is more or less bereft of cultural capital. (page 305)

Antiracist Aesthetics

An artistic approach that seeks somehow to throw a wrench in the grinding gears of racism, forcing its audience to confront American racial history honestly and courageously. (page 287)

Double Consciousness

An insider's vantage point, which suggests that nonwhites have a double vision as part of a racial survival strategy used to navigate white America. (page 378)

Nonwhite Affirmative Action

An umbrella term referring to a collection of policies and practices designed to address past wrongs, institutional racism, and sexism by offering people of color and women both employment and educational opportunities. (page 160)

what is does the phrase, "fear of Crime" mean?

Anxiety about becoming a victim of a crime as opposed to the actual probability of becoming a victim of a crime. (page 214)

what is Environmental Racism

Any environmental policy, practice, or directive that disproportionately affects nonwhite communities (Includes radioactive dumping, incinerators, erosive mining, clear-cutting, and dangerous air emissions) Black and Latino neighborhoods far more likely to have environmental hazards than white ones. Three out of five blacks live in areas with toxic waste dumps; 46 percent of public housing units are within a one-mile radius of factories emitting toxic gases. Native American reservations are particularly vulnerable, since state dumping laws do not apply Skull Valley example

Environmental Racism

Any environmental policy, practice, or directive that disproportionately disadvantages (intentionally or unintentionally) nonwhite communities. (page 196)

Identity Politics

Arising in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, refers to political action intended to address the unique interests and hardships of groups (such as nonwhites, women, and gays) who historically have faced oppression and who continue to be excluded from mainstream society. (page 332)

Collective Action

As history attests, bold reform and transformative social change also are brought about (perhaps most consequentially) through public protest: through strikes, sustained boycotts, public demonstrations, civil disobedience, and racial uprisings. —to employ the time-honored methods of public protest—is to engage as fully and completely as possible in civil society and to refuse to "become victims in a democratic society." (page 418)

what were boarding schools?

As part of the white agenda to Anglicize America's indigenous population at the beginning of the twentieth century, American Indian parents were forced to send their children to boarding schools run by Christian missionaries and, later on, by the federal government. (page 246)

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Banned literacy tests Abolished poll taxes Appointed federal examiners and observers

Why were many nonwhites denied access to the New Deal?

Because of social isolation and residential discrimination, they were less likely to be aware of the programs.


Being true to one's ethnic or racial heritage, including in that discussion the choice of some whites to reject whiteness for an alternative ethnic identity. (page 382)

describe the drug war

Between 1981 and 2001, national drug control spending grew from $2 billion to over $18 billion. More police officers were dispatched to poor, nonwhite communities to arrest street-level dope slingers. Police surveillance and brutality has increased in nonwhite communities. Driven partly by the racialization of drug use in the United States

__________women are the least likely to get married and __________ women are the most likely to get married.

Black; Asian American

_______ supported "industrial education" for black Americans. _______ believed that black education should be no different from white education.

Booker T. Washington; W. E. B. Du Bois

Religious Associations in relation to race

By and large, ____________ do not overcome racial divides; in fact, the opposite is true. Religious life is racialized to a high degree. Certain religions, denominations within religions, and places of worship within denominations correspond to certain racial and ethnic groups. (page 344)

Who founded the United Farm Workers of America (UFW)?

Cesar Chavez

Out-of-Wedlock Births

Children who are born to parents who are not married at the time of the birth. -In 2011, out-of-wedlock births accounted for 41% of all births in the United States. -Out-of-wedlock births have increased steadily over the last few decades, the number of American children living in single-parent homes nearly doubled between 1960 and 2010. In 1970, only 12% of all children lived with one parent; in 2000, 25% of children did. -Today, a third of all American children are not being raised by two parents, the majority of whom live in single-mother households. (page 371)

_______ occurs when a foreign power invades a territory and establishes enduring systems of exploitation and domination over that territory's indigenous populations.


what is Mass Incarceration?

Comparatively and historically high rates of imprisonment in the United States, predominantly of African-American men. (page 207)

Substantive representation

Correspondence between the goals of nonwhite representatives and those of nonwhite citizens

__________ occurs when members of one ethnic or racial group adopt a cultural product associated with another group.

Cultural appropriation

effects of Urban Renewal

Destroyed entire nonwhite communities Forced millions to lose their homes and packed people into other slums First time in U.S. history that "the government was given the right to seize an individual's property not for its own use but for reassignment to another individual for his use and profit"

What Causes Racial Segregation?

Economic factors There are class-based inequalities. Personal choice A survey of Milwaukee residents claimed that "people of different races choose to live in communities with people of their own race."

More than any others, which two European countries would give birth to the system of racial classification we know today?

England and Spain

what/ who is a Model Minority?

Ever since the nineteenth century, white America has regarded its Asian inhabitants as constituting a "model minority." That is, "more obedient and industrious" than other minorities. (page 266) Americans of Chinese, Indian, and Korean descent are advantaged in the educational realm. Americans of Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Pacific Island descent are disadvantaged in the educational realm. The stereotype of the model minority allows racial attributes to take precedence over personhood . The model minority stereotype is marshaled to oppress and humiliate other nonwhite groups.

The ratification of the _______ Amendment extended citizenship rights to blacks.


The New Deal antipoverty programs were initiated by

Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Government provisions intended to help disadvantaged people, including those who are poor, elderly, war veterans, unemployed, and disabled. (page 157)

White Aesthetics

Images of whiteness often are understated and subtle. They rely on an unspoken edict that treats the white body and the white experience as normal, an edict that, for some of us, connects with our innermost presuppositions about the world. (page 287)

Brave New Families

In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled antimiscegenation laws unconstitutional in Loving v. Virginia, marking a significant civil rights victory. Today the United States is home to over 4.8 million interracially married couples; that's one in twelve. (page 358)

Racial Democracy

In the abstract, racial justice means that persons of all racial groups draw returns on societal resources commensurate with the value they themselves have added to them; moreover, all are recognized in their full humanity as contributors to the social whole. (page 403)

Coded Language

Indirect allusions to physical appearance, class upbringing, or sexual attractiveness; code words that give voice to dormant racialized dispositions (such as "welfare queen," "urban unrest," "illegal immigrants," "Islamic terrorists" ). (page 124)

Cultural Labor

Interracial relationships require each person to engage in a fair amount of cultural labor, which involves learning the history and culture of one another's racial and ethnic identities. ________ requires broadening your cultural competence, stepping out of your comfort zone, and trying as much as possible to adopt another perspective on the world. (page 369)

Changing Institutions

It is difficult to imagine changing patterns of racial interaction in any far-reaching way without also reconstructing the institutional frameworks within which they unfold. (page 416)

Which of the following is an example of subversive art?

James Luna's The Artifact Piece

According to the text, the ghetto first originated as an area of the city where _______ were cordoned off from the rest of the population.


Felon disenfranchisement

Laws adopted after ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment 1 adult in every 40 citizens denied the right to vote (most are ex-felons) One in seven black men disenfranchised


Literally meaning "love of the same," homophily refers to the practice of associating with people like you. (page 327)

what are three examples of Severe Sentencing?

Mandatory minimum sentences Three-strikes laws Parole limited severely or abolished

what is a eurocentric Curriculum?

Many educators favor Eurocentric knowledge and cultural styles over non-Eurocentric ones, even if the latter are not avowedly anti-intellectual. (page 255)

Which of the following was a leader in the black nationalist movement? Martin Luther King, Jr. Marcus Garvey Frederick Douglass Toni Morrison

Marcus Garvey

Interracial Unions

Marriages between individuals of different racial or ethnic groups. Racism can shape-shift and adjust to demographic changes. It can make—and has made—room in its wide enterprise for degrading multiracial people. Some parents, white and nonwhite alike, actively discourage their children from interracial dating, many times cloaking their own prejudices or ethnic chauvinism in a concern over mixed-race children or "other people's" racism. (page 358)

What 1930s government policy was known as the Mexican Repatriation Program?

Mexican families, including U.S. citizens, were rounded up and sent via train to Mexico.

Which group is most likely to experience religious discrimination in the United States?


Which Civil Rights Movement organization focused mainly on fighting racism in the courts?


_______student activists played a key role in forming the Third World Liberation Front.

Native American

describe the many cost of incarceration

Negative psychological effects of being in prison Children suffer negative consequences such as: Single parenthood, Increased poverty, Emotional pain Destroys offenders' life chances (jobs, education) Especially for black offenders, the majority of black male dropouts will be incarcerated at some point in their lives. Social costs Uneducated and stigmatized workforce, Unemployment, poverty, inequalities reproduced in next generation Political costs- Political disenfranchisement Enormous expense Costs approximately $30,000 per year to incarcerate one person. Over $60 billion annually

White-Collar Crime

Nonviolent and often financially motivated crimes committed by more privileged members of society, such as computer hacking, fraud, identity theft, environmental law violations, tax evasion, bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, and embezzling. (page 224)

_______ deployed the National Guard to aid the segregationists in keeping black students out of Little Rock Central High.

Orval Faubus

The 1968 Fair Housing Act

Passed after King assassination; last of the four great Civil Rights Acts Outlawed refusal to sell or rent a dwelling on account of race or color Outlawed racial discrimination in terms or conditions of sale or rental of home Outlawed indication of racial preference in advertising of dwelling sale or rental Weak in enforcement, which was bargained away to secure passage

What does the "Florida Effect" tell us about race relations in America?

People are less likely to support public programs that benefit other racial groups than those that do not.

1980 Refugee Act

Political asylum for refugees and asylees victimized on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, or group membership

explain The Feminization of Poverty

Poor single mothers must choose between staying at home with the children and living on welfare versus working outside the house in a low-paying job, which offers little more than welfare. Children of single mothers are five times more likely to live below the poverty line than those raised by married parents.

Violence and Women of Color

Poor women, women of color, and immigrants are victimized at disproportionately high rates. The leading cause of death for black women between ages 15-24 is partner homicide. A woman's risk of partner abuse increases the more socially isolated she is. Like victimization, access to protection and justice also varies by degree of social isolation.

Superficial representation

Process of appointing to political positions nonwhites who are disconnected from the needs and problems of most nonwhite citizens

Clinton's "welfare reform" in 1996

Promised to "end welfare as we know it" Cut Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), replaced it with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Hate Groups

Racist _________ present a threat to a multiracial democratic society and are often closely tied with white nationalist organizations, which believe whites to be superior to African Americans and Hispanics and vie for a separate, exclusively white country. (page 336)

what is a police state?

Refers to the heightened surveillance and police repression, such as curfews, found in nonwhite metropolitan areas. (page 231)

Who utilized the campaign tactic that came to be know as the "Southern Strategy," which helped to polarize the electorate around racial politics and to recruit masses of southern whites into the Republican Party?

Richard Nixon

Principle-Implementation Gap

Since the Civil Rights Movement, opinion polls have shown that most white Americans consistently have accepted the principle of racial inclusion while rejecting any of policy measures designed to carry this out. (page 118)

Civil Society

Some critics believe identity politics is responsible for splintering ______ but in post-Civil Rights America, __________ has widened to include a cacophony of voices and opinions. (page 332)

The White Aesthetic

Standards of beauty continue to be riveted to whiteness. seeks to normalize whiteness, ignores people of color

Jim Crow laws

Statutes that kept blacks at inferior position

Racist Appropriation

Strategic amnesia detaches the art form from the racial or ethnic group that brought it into the world. It denies nonwhite groups the ability to profit from their creations and control the way the groups are represented. It contributes to the status of nonwhite groups as "other": nonwhite culture represented by and for the white gaze (modern-day minstrelsy). It becomes regarded as an accurate reflection—representation becomes misrecognized as reality.

Myrdal's Vicious Cycle

Stratification -> prejudice and ideological racism -> individual discrimination and institutional discrimination (keeps cycling)

institutional racism

Systematic white domination of people of color, embedded and operating in corporations, universities, legal systems, political bodies, cultural life, and other social collectives.

Political Representation

The activity of integrating citizen perspectives and concerns in the public policy making process. Very few nonwhites are elected at the national, state, and local levels, resulting in the underrepresentation of nonwhite perspectives and concerns. (page 112)

Deterrent Effect

The argument that prisons discourage would-be criminals from committing crimes. (page 240)


The belief that certain traits are marks of inferiority that justify discriminatory treatment of people with those traits. Two types- institutional and interpersonal

Separate Is Not Equal

The case brown vs. ed in 1954 ruled that racially segregated schools were separate but anything but equal; the Supreme Court ruled on behalf of the NAACP, dismantling the legal basis of racial segregation. (page 251)

Multiethnic Heritage

The category by which many Americans identify, claiming heritages from two or more ethnicities or races. (page 85)

what is Highbrow Art?

The collection of art forms associated with an upper-class taste and lifestyle, which is rich in cultural capital. (page 305)

what is an underground Economy?

The combined forms of enterprise classified as criminal under current law, as well as any other economic activity that is unrecorded and untaxed by the government. (page 224)

Racial Disparities in Income and Wealth

The concept that, due to historical and current circumstances, certain racial groups have more income and wealth than others as a result of their race. On average, a white worker will make more than a black or Hispanic worker, even if all these people work exactly the same hours, possess exactly the same work experience, and hold exactly the same educational credentials. (page 134)


The defensive reaction many privileged whites have to being confronted with societal racism. (page 409)

explain what Unjust Sentencing means

The disadvantaged are arrested at higher rates relative to whites and are forced to rely on public defenders. Example: repeat drug offenses sentencing From 1990 to 1995, 573 people were sentenced to life under this law; only 13 of them were white. Example: death penalty sentencing Exoneration by DNA evidence: since 1989, 311 people found innocent; 193 of them black, 94 white, 22 Hispanic

Interaction Order

The face-to-face domain of social life, the mezzanine level between large-scale structure and individual psychology. (page 377)

Manifest Destiny

The nineteenth century belief that it was God's will that the United States conquer the American continent. (page 69)


The process of entering and establishing permanent residence in a place other than one's country of origin; during the mid-nineteenth century, immigrants flocked to America by the millions. (page 75)

Racialization of Neighborhoods

The rise of industrialism, which facilitated the rise of cities, attracted thousands of people—immigrants, blacks, Mexicans, whites, Asians—to roiling metropolises. As they poured into cities, some ethnic groups tended to cluster together in neighborhoods, many living in crowded, dilapidated slums. (page 170)

Advanced Marginality

The severe spatial and social segregation of the ghetto's residents, marked by their amputation from America's economic prosperity, national security, collective imagination and memory, and state services. (page 189)

Which of the following policies is partly responsible for the massive prison boom?

Three-strikes laws


To deprive a group or an individual of certain privileges. Practices, which often mirror, in a softer and shrewder form, techniques deployed by southern whites during the mid-twentieth century to deter voters and revoke voting rights among racial minorities, such as voter ID laws. (page 119)

Which author wrote about a double consciousness?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Ethnic Nationalism

When racial integration did not lead to liberation but only to more oppression for many nonwhites, racial segregation and complete independence from whites was the only answer. Ambassadors of ________ resist cultural and social assimilation and instead champion self-determination, race pride, separatism, and, in some cases, the creation of an independent nation based on racial identity. (page 322)

Sociologist Devah Pager conducted an audit study of hiring practices and found that

Whites convicted of selling drugs were more likely to land a job than were blacks with no criminal history

How are black women effected by incarceration?

Women of color, especially black women, are incarcerated at disproportionately high rates.


aspires to a world in which all persons' inherent dignity as human beings is recognized. But in contrast to color blindness, which hopes to abolish race as a relevant criterion in law, public policy, and everyday social practices, multiculturalism envisions a society in which racial diversity is taken fully into account and valued for its own sake. (page 398)

ahistorical fallacy

assumes history is inconsequential; only what's "recent" matters

fixed fallacy

assumes racism is fixed and constant across time and space racism is always changing, but that does not mean that it has gone away

legalistic fallacy

assumes that abolishing racist laws effectively abolishes racism Brown vs. Board of Education

tokenistic fallacy

assumes that the presence of people of color in influential positions is evidence that racism no longer exists

individualistic fallacy

assumes the racism belongs to the realm of ideas and prejudices racism is not always intentional; it exists in our habits and our social institutions

The Civil Rights Movement

collection of organizations and people who carried out political acts aimed at abolishing racial segregation, nonwhite disenfranchisement, and racial economic exploitation. (page 89)

The percentage of Americans favoring interracial marriage has

consistently increased.

Which type of interpersonal racism is more common today?

covert interpersonal racism


creation of "the Indian," the barbarous Other, the "savage"

Emancipation proclamation

declared all slaves in states waging war against the Union to be free (1863).

Income inequality between white and nonwhite people is _______, and wealth inequality between white and nonwhite people is _______.

decreasing; increasing

Political Correctness

discourages free thought and honest debate, because people are afraid to offend their fellow citizens or, worst of all, to be labeled as "racists." In its most recent incarnation, usually refers to discourse that, while designed to minimize offense to marginalized groups, ends up censoring certain speech or attitudes deemed off-limits. (page 334)

The ideological movement that resisted cultural and social assimilation with whites and instead championed self-determination, race pride, and separatism is called

ethnic nationalism.

true or false- America has higher crime rates than other industrialized countries.


true or false- Compared to similar nations, the United States has a relatively low divorce rate.


true or false- Nearly all new immigrants to the United States follow the acculturation and parallel integration path into the middle-class.


true or false- Racial segregation is ultimately explained by economic factors. As a case in point, the most affluent African Americans are far less likely to live in segregated neighborhoods.


true or false- Research has conclusively shown that prisons successfully prevent crime.


true or false- Researchers have found that cities that experienced the largest increases in immigration between 1990 and 2000 experienced the largest increases in violent crime.


true or false- The goals of the racial democracy ideal are in opposition to the goals of color-blindness and multiculturalism.


true or false- the English encouraged intermarriage between the colonizers and indigenous women, a practice they thought would help stabilize the region.


true or false- Nonwhites are overrepresented as performers in the entertainment industry, but underrepresented as writers and directors.

false (Nonwhites are underrepresented in every field of the entertainment industry.)

true or false- In the early 1990s, the Supreme Court ruled that "political" gerrymandering was unconstitutional.

false- The Supreme Court ruled that race-based gerrymandering was illegal, but it allowed political gerrymandering.

What social policy was associated with eugenics programs?

forced sterilizations

The Antiracist Aesthetic

forces its audience to confront American racial history honestly and courageously. It corrects distorted representations of nonwhites and racial domination.

What is the term for the unspoken obstacles to advancement experienced by white women and people of color?

glass ceiling

Marriage and Divorce

if the U.S. has a fairly high marriage rate, it has an enormously high divorce rate, ranking second only to Aruba in the number of divorces per 1,000 people. -Divorce rates have risen since the 1970s, but like marriage rates, they fluctuate widely across race. (page 355)

Social Capital

includes all the resources one accrues by virtue of being connected to a network of people. (page 261)

Interracial marriage __________ between 1960 and 1990.

increased significantly

According to research cited in the text, most whites today explain racial disparities by pointing to

individual failings.

A person who understands racism as simply the personal prejudices of "racist" people is operating under which fallacy about racism?

individualistic fallacy

The tendency of schools and universities to teach students about the accomplishments of white Americans and ignore those of people of color is an example of

institutional racism


is the notion that one succeeds only on the basis of one's own abilities.


is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic composition of those areas.

biological determination of race

it is not biological it is socially constructed assumptions: athletic ability, IQ, physical trait differences

Robert Putnam argues that members of the current generation are __________ than members of the previous generation.

less engaged in civil society

Being forced to live in an area that lacks normal institutions (like banks, grocery stores, and hospital) is a(n) _______ consequence of racial segregation for nonwhites.



membership in a specific politically delineated territory controlled by a government

Which of the following best describes the Great Migration?

millions of southern African Americans moving north in search of better opportunities

What are the three structural causes of poverty that are highlighted in the text?

modern day capitalism, deindustrialization, and social spending

Digital Divide

nonwhite citizens disproportionately are less likely to own computers and to have regular access to the Internet than their white peers, which results in many nonwhites being excluded from virtual associations, on account of them not having regular access to the Internet. (page 340)


occurs when a foreign power maintains political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people for an extended period

Cultural Appropriation

occurs when members of one ethnic or racial group adopt a cultural product associated with another.

what is Cultural Appropriation?

occurs when someone of one ethnic or racial group adopt a cultural product associated with another. (page 308)

13th amendment

officially banned slavery in the entire United State (1865).

what is Identity politics

political action intended to address unique interests of historically oppressed groups

Scapegoat theory

prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged

Conflict theory

proposes that prejudice is used as a tool by powerful people to oppress others

An advocate of which of the following racial ideals would focus attention on the lasting racial injustices in housing? 1. color-blindness 2. multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism 3. racial democracy 3. racial justice

racial democracy

interpersonal racism

racial domination that is manifest in our dispositions, interactions, and practices

The majority of religious congregations in the United States are

racially and ethnically segregated.

what is Homophily

refers to associating with people you perceive to be like you.

Cultural capital

refers to the sum total of one's knowledge of established and exalted cultural activities and practices.

Antiracist Appropriation

refuses to deracialize or dehistoricize the art form that inspires it but gives credit where credit is due.

what is Racial Authenticity

seeks to define the essence of "Mexicanness" or "Arabness" or "whiteness" by including or excluding certain behaviors. can also be tied directly to one's history through nationalism, ethnic fraud, and strict cultural guidelines.

If the white aesthetic seeks to normalize whiteness, the racist aesthetic

seeks to depict people of color in a negative light.

Racist Aesthetics

seeks to depict people of color in negative ways, represent people of color—but never in their full humanity. Rather, it distorts and stereotypes; it infantilizes and demonizes. (page 287)


shared lifestyle informed by cultural, historical, religious, and/or national affiliations fluid category to the degree that an individual can slip and slide through multiple ethnic identities depends on the degree to which those identities are stigmatized

According to the _______ thesis, new immigrants self-segregate in ethnic enclaves only until they are able to assimilate economically and culturally and move on.

spatial assimilation

Social scientists have advanced three interlocking explanations for why inner-city poverty became more severe and more concentrated during the latter decades of the twentieth century. Which explanation points to the decline of manufacturing jobs?

spatial mismatch thesis

The nearly worldwide acceptance of European standards of beauty is an example of what concept?

symbolic violence

Who were the first Europeans to colonize the Americas?

the Spanish

racial domination

the arrangement of racial life in such a way that its ordinary, everyday workings serve to benefit certain racial groups at the expense of others

white privilege

the collection of unearned cultural, political, economic, and social advantages and privileges possessed by people of Anglo-European descent or by those who pass as such


the overlapping systems of advantages and disadvantages that affect people differently positioned in society

symbolic violence

the process of people of color unknowingly accepting and supporting the terms of their own domination

The Racist Aesthetic

the racist aesthetic seeks to depict people of color in negative ways; it infantilizes, represents them but never in their full humanity.demonizes, and exoticizes. misrepresents, not only people of color, but also the very nature of racial domination. It whitewashes history and replaces nonwhite heroes with white ones. It pretends racial domination does not exist, that we live in a racial utopia. It depicts racism as a purely psychological issue, reducing racial domination to interpersonal racism.

what are the causes and Consequences of Segregation?

the rise of industrialism brought thousands to live in crowded, dilapidated slums. As the twentieth century marched forward, prosperous European immigrant families were able to move out of the slums and assimilate into the white American mainstream. Meanwhile, those who wore the badge of otherness—the "racial uniform," in the words of American sociologist Robert Park—were forbidden by law and custom to live anywhere else. (page 183)

The text offers four explanations for racial disparities in education. Which of the four explanations points to the effects of cultural capital?

the role of families


the splitting of "Indian" into "noble savage" and "ignoble savage"

Movies like Black Hawk Down, Three Kings, The Matrix, and Avatar are all representative of which of the following themes?

the white savior trope

What was the primary objective of Indian boarding schools at the beginning of the twentieth century?

to strip Native Americans of their culture and force Native Americans to assimilate to Anglo-American culture

Someone who believes that Barack Obama's election signifies the end of racism in America is operating under which fallacy about racism?

tokenistic fallacy

Ethnicity is a fluid category and can change based on the social and historical context.


true or false- According to research cited in the text, the stereotype threat results in black students performing worse on standardized tests than white students.


true or false- America is more racially segregated today than at the end of the civil war?


true or false- Contrary to popular belief, Americans' political attitudes and interests are not becoming more polarized.


true or false- During and after World War II, the economic gap between whites and nonwhites increased.


true or false- President Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president.


true or false- The United States has a very high murder rate compared to almost all other developed nations.


true or false- White people are more likely to live in segregated neighborhoods than any other racial or ethnic group.


After World War II, many nonwhite neighborhoods in major cities were destroyed to make way for highways or luxury homes. What was this practice called?

urban renewal

Civil Rights Act of 1964

was the most important legislative effort to eradicate discrimination. -It applies to all racial and ethnic minority groups, as well as women. -But remember the legalistic fallacy: discrimination still occurs today.

Which of the following groups has the highest rates of civil engagement? black Americans Asian Americans Latinos white Americans

white Americans

According to Peggy McIntosh, _______ is like "an invisible package of unearned assets . . . of special provisions, assurances, tools, maps, guides, codebooks, passports, visas, clothing, compass, emergency kit, and blank checks."

white privilege

which type of crime is more profitable?


Most people arrested in the United States are _______, but __________ people are arrested at much higher rates.

white; black and Hispanic

Which of the following groups is least likely to be in an interracial marriage? 1. whites 2. Asian Americans 3. Black Americans 4. Latinos


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