Race in Society Final

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Katherine S. Newman and Catherine Ellis wrote ...

"'There's No Shame In My Game': Status and Stigma among Harlem's Working Poor"

Alicia Edison and George Yancey wrote ...

"Black and White in Movies: Portrayals of Black-White Biracial Characters in Movies"

Heather M. Dalmage wrote ...

"Discovering Racial Borders"

William J. Wilson wrote ...

"Jobless Ghettos: The Social Implications of the Disappearance of Work in Segregated Neighborhoods"

Michael O. Emerson wrote ...

"Race, Religion, and the Color Line (Or Is That The Color Wall?)"

Lawrence D. Bobo and Victor Thompson wrote ...

"Racialized Mass Incarceration: Rounding Up the Usual Suspects"

The U.S. prison population hovers around ...

1.6 million

What percentage of whites sampled agreed with the positive description of Blacks as "hardworking"?


U.S. Incarceration Rate

750 per 100,000 More than 2,000,000 imprisoned 13/100 black people arrested compared to 5/100 whites

WPA - Works Progress Administration

A New Deal program from the 1930s to provide jobs for the unemployed


Accumulation of goods and resources and control of them


Aid to communities for cleanup and abatement of the effects of living near abandoned industrial waste sites

Environmental Racism

Any policy, practice, or directive that differentially affects or disadvantages (whether intended or unintended) individuals, groups, or communities based on race or color

What does the phrase "No Shame in My Game" suggest about our attitudes toward work?

Any work is better than no work

White Gaze

Artistic production controlled by white people

Transformative Assets

Assets usually received from parents and grandparents that socially and economically "transform" their life (college debt, down-payment on home, start-up for business, etc.)

Colorblind ideology is reinforced in the ideas that

Assimilation allows anyone to become mainstream American Asians don't use identity politics to promote group interests No clear role or occupation is now determined by skin color

High Socioeconomic Status Advantage in Law

Bail Better, more experienced attorneys

Which characterization have the female African American community been forced to deal with historically in regards to sexuality

Beasts with uncontrollable animal passions Scheming jezebels * African-American women have been the sexual scapegoat for America historically

If crime rates have been heading down in recent years, why have the numbers of prisoners and rates of incarceration skyrocketed?

Because the war on drugs has led to the arrest of people who are harmless to society for the non-violent crime of doing drugs and because society, especially the inner-city, is more heavily policed than ever

The fact that many blacks are overqualified for their current jobs costs the U.S. _____ per year


"Black and White in Movies: Portrayals of Black-White Biracial Characters in Movies" by Alicia Edison and George Yancey

Biracial characters in movies tend to be upper-class, while black characters tend to be lower class. This can be true even if the two characters are played by the same biracial actor. Darker skin is also associated with negative characteristics like violence and crime, while lighter skin is associated with more positive characteristics


Black Urban Professional

Popular Epidemiology

Citizen-initiated collection and communication of illness information by concerned residents in a community


Dandy buffoons that imitated whites; Free blacks


Darker or lighter skin within a race = more or less discrimination

"Race and Gender Discrimination: Contemporary Trends" by James Sterba

Despite many white people and men thinking that discrimination is no longer an issue, statistics in a variety of arenas say that it is. People still thought that discrimination wasn't a problem right before the Civil Rights Act was implemented

Of the multiple studies cited in "Race and Gender Discrimination: Contemporary Trends" by James Sterba, in which areas are African Americans today still discriminated against?

Education Employment Housing (and more)

Socioeconomic Status Attainment

Education and job opportunities

The best way to reform fair weather liberals is through ...


Poverty and Disorder

Healthy eating - supermarkets (food deserts - no healthy foods and hyperexposure to unhealthy foods) Exercise - unsafe neighborhoods Alcohol and cigarettes - advertisements

Forms of Racism

Ideological Interpersonal Institutional Systematic Structural

Wage and Earnings

Income fro work or other means

Cultural Racism

Inequality due to values and behaviors of groups

Is it possible for low-status workers to find employment that pays a living wage (about $16 an hour in New York City)?

It is incredibly difficult

How much racial separation is there in American religion?

It is the most racially separated venue in America

What are things Gallagher proposes you can do?

Know thyself Vote Be introspective


Mobility between social classes is rare

Interpersonal Racism

Occurs between individuals

Chronic Illness and Poverty

Pay for treatment, take work breaks - not all jobs have sick leave - quit or work through

Horizontal Racism

People of targeted (subordinate) racial groups believe, act on, or enforce dominant system of racial discrimination

What are some examples of Contemptible Collectibles?

Playing cards depicting caricatures Lawn ornaments featuring a mammy Postcards with an image of a pickaninny

How do residential environments contribute to racial disparities in health?

Races tend to be clustered, black people tend to be in poorer areas, and poorer areas tend to have fewer places to buy healthy food

Longitudinal Analysis

Research conducted over many years so outcomes over time can be observed

Internalized Racism

Result of of targeted racial groups believing, acting on, or enforcing dominant systems of beliefs about themselves and members of their own racial group

African American Wealth Discrimination

Slavery Jim Crow New Deal Social Security System (Latinos as well) GI Bill Housing Discrimination

Which of the following contribute to the possessive investment in whiteness, in Lipsitz's view in "The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy"?

Social democratic policies like the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Urban renewal projects after WWII

Cumulative Discrimination

Systematic discriminatory progression that occurs over a period of time and throughout life - each of multiple discrimination instances creates further disadvantage

Which specific programs does Lipsitz identify as being party to institutional racism?

Taxes Building of highways Gentrification/Urban Renewal White flight Deindustrialization

Eastern European Jews did not succeed because ...

They entered the U.S. with high levels of education They participated in business relationships with other ethnic groups Americans became more tolerant of ethnic and religious diversity


To "prejudge"; having preconceived notions, attitudes or negative beliefs about a group

True or False: Survey research has consistently shown that incarceration is linked to lower employment and income


True or False: One of the problems of "black self-segregation theory is that it treats black choice and action as if it exists in a vacuum.

True. It ignores feedback mechanisms.

Chong-suk Han wrote ...

"A Different Shade of Queer: Race, Sexuality, and Marginalizing by the Marginalized"

Robert K. Merton wrote ...

"Discrimination and the American Creed"

Robert D. Bullard wrote ...

"Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: Race Still Matters"

Bonnie Thornton Dill wrote ...

"Fictive Kin, Paper Sons, and Compadrazgo: Women of Color and the Struggle for Family Survival"

Evelyn Torton Beck wrote ...

"From 'Kike' to 'Jap': How Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, and Racism Construct the Jewish American Princess"

William Kandel and Emilio A. Parrado wrote ...

"Hispanics in the American South and the Transformation of the Poultry Industry"

Moustafa Bayoumi wrote ...

"How Does it Feel to Be a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America"

Amy Braverman wrote ...

"Kristen v. Aisha; Brad v. Rasheed: What's in a Name and How It Affects Getting a Job"

Lawrence D Bobo wrote ...

"Laissez-Faire Racism, Racial Inequality, and the Role of the Social Sciences"

David Cole wrote ...

"No Equal Justice: The Color of Punishment"

Meishu Lui, Bárbara J. Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose M. Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson wrote ...

"Policy Steps Toward Closing the Gap"

Patricia Hill Collins wrote ...

"Prisons for our Bodies, Closets for our Minds: Racism, Heterosexism, and Black Sexuality"

Herbert Blumer wrote

"Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position"

James Sterba wrote ...

"Race and Gender Discrimination: Contemporary Trends"

Danielle Dirks and Jennifer Mueller wrote ...

"Racism and Popular Culture"

Douglas S. Massey wrote ...

"Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Conditions in U.S. Metropolitan Areas"

Richard E. Lapchick wrote ...

"Sport in America: The New Racial Stereotypes"

Xiaolan Bao wrote ...

"Sweatshops in Sunset Park: A Variation of the Late-Twentieth-Century Chinese Garment Shops in New York City"

Charles A. Gallagher wrote ...

"Ten Things You Can Do To Improve Race Relations"

Elijah Anderson wrote ...

"The Code of the Streets"

Devah Pager wrote ...

"The Mark of a Criminal Record"

Marci Bounds Littlefield wrote ...

"The Media as a System of Racialization: Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racism"

George Lipsitz wrote ...

"The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy"

Thomas M. Shapiro wrote ...

"Transformative Assets, the Racial Wealth Gap, and the American Dream"

David Williams and Michelle Sternthal wrote ...

"Understanding Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Health: Sociological Contributions"

Sheldon Krimsky and Tania Simoncelli wrote ...

"Using DNA for Justice: Color-Blind or Biased?"

Roger Waldinger wrote ...

"When the Melting Pot Boils Over: The Irish, Jews, Blacks, and Koreans of New York"

Peggy McIntosh wrote ...

"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack"

What was the result of the experiment in which similar resumes with white-sounding names and with black-sounding names were sent to 1,300 employers in Boston and Chicago

"White" applicants received 50 percent more calls from potential employers

Name-based Work Privileges

"White-sounding" names called back 50% more than "black-sounding" names

Shannon N. Zenk (et. al.) wrote ...

"Why are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood? The Long Search for Fresh Fruit, Produce, and Healthy Food"

Debra Merskin wrote ...

"Winnebagos, Cherokees, Apaches, and Dakotas: The Persistence of Stereotyping of American Indians in American Advertising and Brands"

Urban Renewal

(aka Slum Clearance) These policies attempted to renew blighted urban areas by redeveloping the land. Many have viewed these policies as a way to dislocate the urban poor and working classes, seize the land, and create development opportunities for the elites

Discuss the similarities between previous creations such as "the Jew" and today's suspicion of "the Muslim

-Religion and Race -Well-off yet not trusted -Sectioned off to make a living -Scape-goats

"Jobless Ghettos: The Social Implications of the Disappearence of Work in Segregated Neighborhoods" by William J. Wilson

1) Jobs are important, especially in poor minority areas, not only because they allow people to earn money (hopefully enough to get themselves out of poverty), but because they provide structure to people's daily schedules that can decrease problems such as divorce rates, delinquency, and unwanted pregnancy 2) If the public will not hire (often poorly-educated) people from the inner city, then the government must do it (regardless of the raise in taxes that this would probably require)

"How Does it Feel to Be a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America" by Moustafa Bayoumi

1) Prejudice against Arab-Americans has been present in America since before 9/11 2) This discrimination is more at a political/policymaking level than at an individual level (although individuals discriminate against Arab-Americans all of the time as well) 3) Throughout history and today, although Arab-Americans have and do experience discrimination, they experience acceptance as well, so that they are often uplifted and degraded in society at the same time.

Reasons for the Hispanic Paradox

1. Complex pattern 2. Complicated relationship with Socioeconomic Status 3. Stressors/strains associated with migration combine with other factors related to social structure (language, immigrant status, race, uprooting) 4. What is the effect on health of migration on sending communities

Identify and describe at least two privileges associated with whiteness that have influenced work in the United States

1. People with "white" names are 50% more likely to get called back for job interview than people with "black" names 2. Through a combination of better elementary schools, more family wealth (which translates into transformative assets), and, for a while, discriminatory laws, white people have been able to go to college with less hastle than POC, which puts them on track for a professional career with higher earnings

What are the 10 Things You Can Do to Improve Race Relations?

1. Talk to Your Family 2. Avoid Stereotypical Language 3. Racism Isn't Funny 4. Be Introspective 5. Be a Good Citizen - Vote 6. TV, Rap, Rock: Appeals to the Lowest Common Denominator 7. Learn Your Family's History 8. Teach Through Example 9. Step Out of your Comfort Zone 10. Know Thyself

The racial bias inherent within the drug war is a major reason that compared to 1 in 106 white men behind bars there is 1 in every _____ black men behind bars


While twelve percent of the U.S. population is African American, what percentage of children receiving social security survivor benefits is African American?

23 percent * Due to a shorter life span of African American men, both survivor and disability benefits go disproportionately to African Americans


A charmed or superficial representation of something

Shisha Café

A coffee shop like business that serves tobacco for use in a communal hookah or waterpipe

Food Desert

A geographic area where affordable and nutritious food is difficult to obtain, particularly for those without access to an automobile; Usually exist in rural areas and low-income communities; Linked to diet-related health problems and obesity

How and in what ways does the historical timing of a group's entry (for example, Irish, Jews, Italians, and Afro-Caribbeans) into the United States affect its economic and social mobility?

A group that comes into the workforce with wealth or education to being with will have an easier time integrating, and it also helps to enter the workforce at a time when there isn't much competition from other races or ethnic groups

"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack" by Peggy McIntosh

A hegemonic identity (masculine, male, cis, white, straight, able-bodied, neurotypical/allistic, citizen, etc.) grants everyday privileges that no one really thinks about such as the expectation that when one speaks to the manager of a store, that person will look similar to the customer, or that one will see many representations of oneself in the media. The author separate these privileges into those that everyone should have, like the right to feel safe and fit in when you're in a group, and privileges that people should not have, like knowing that the manager of a store will look like you.

White Supremacist

A person who believes in the supremacy of the white race


A racist stereotype depicting black women as hypersexual and promiscuous


A reference to Senator Joe McCarthy and his tactic of accusing individuals of disloyalty or subversion with little or no evidence


A response to the liberalism of the 1960s, this political philosophy is an attempt to return to the conservatism of the 1950s. The movement is characterized by privatizing public goods, nation building through military intervention abroad, and minimum government regulation

Structural Racism

A system in which policies, practices, and cultural norms act in ways that perpetuate racial group inequality

Free Market

A system of exchange in which buyers and sellers come to agreement about pricing with no outside influences. The idea of a free market is that there is little or no government intervention in the private transaction of individuals


A systematic, oppressive treatment based on racial group membership and the beliefs, behaviors, institutional organizations, or attitudes that favor one group over another

"The Color of Health in the United States" by David R. Williams and Chiquita A. Collins

A variety of factors contribute to minorities, especially black people, having shorter and less healthy lives, including polluted neighborhoods, discrimination, stress caused by racism, and hazardous jobs.

H2A Visa

A visa granted to a foreign national for temporary or agricultural work in the United States

Systemic Racism

A way to organize society based on inequalities between races

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 transformed immigration patterns and representation in the United States. Describe the transformation. Identify trends in immigration work and living experience in the United States. Use the experiences of Asian, Latin@, or Black immigrants to support your answer.

Abolished the quota by nation system that had been in place since the 1920s and replaced it with a preference system for skill and familial relationships with U.S. citizens = increase in immigrant population - crowding, minimum wage jobs - now POC make up almost half of all people in the United States

According to research conducted by sociologist Devah Pager, white job applicants with criminal records were ...

About 50 percent less likely to be called back by potential employers than whites without criminal records

Identify and describe at least three ways to improve race relations in the United States

According to Gallagher, one can improve race relations through voting for candidates that support POC issues rather than being racially divisive, calling out racist jokes rather than going along with them so that friends and family will not think that racist attitudes are okay, and being introspective about whether your own thoughts and actions are racist. We can also financially invest in POC communities.

How might someone who maintains their innocence challenge the results of a DNA match?

All a DNA match means was that they were at the scene of the crime, not that they committed the crime

What would be considered stereotypical language Gallagher advises to avoid?

All black people don't like to work Latinos always like to get something for nothing


An industrial or commercial site that is idle or underused because of real or perceived environmental pollution

How does being included in the CODIS data bank create the possibility that you might be accused of a crime you did not commit?

Anyone who was at the scene of a crime is a possible suspect. CODIS can help track down the suspects who were at the scene according to DNA evidence.

Tipping point

As low as 3 black families = black neighborhood (white families start moving out)

What are areas the Asset Policy Initiative of California has targeted to develop policy strategies?

Asset accumulation Asset leveraging Asset creation Asset preservation

AFDC - Aid to Families with Dependent Children

Assistance provided by the federal government to families in economic need

"Sport in America: The New Racial Stereotypes" by Richard E. Lapchick

Athletes are stereotyped as being violent, abusive, drug-using, and unintelligent despite being no more likely than any other group to fit these stereotypes because we associate athleticism with blackness and blackness with all of these stereotypes

What is true about athletes?

Athletes are subjected to the same stereotypes as black men

What is and example of Black Americana?

Authentic hand-sewn Southern quilts

How is it possible that being a member of a particular racial group could confer social and economic privileges (or disadvantages) that are both institutional and intergenerational?

Basically, white people have built up wealth in their families by laws that only benefited them like the GI Bill and housing discrimination while people of color were denied wealth by law from institutions like slavery, Jim Crow, deindustrialization, the trail of tears, Japanse Internment, stealing of Mexican land during the Mexican American War, etc., and these gains and losses transfer over to the present generation to create wealth inequality

"Using DNA for Justice: Color-Blind or Biased" by Sheldon Krimsky and Tania Simoncelli

Because more African Americans than whites are arrested and convicted for crimes, especially felonies, they also would be more likely to be found in the index of DNA that the police have at their disposal, and this would mean that even if they were not convicted of a crime before, they still would be more likely to be considered as a suspect in future cases, and arrested and convicted becasue of this, while guilty white people would go free because their DNA was not in the index because they had never been arrested before.

Why do some communities get "dumped on" while others remain free of any toxic waste sites?

Because people who are white and wealthy have more political power and can complain, while poor black Americans do not have political power and will not be heard if they complain

Why does it appear that race-based discriminatory treatment remains such an entrenched facet of American society?

Because that's how American society was designed. Racist laws and discriminatory policies in the past have led to gaps in the quality of health, wealth, education, income, housing, and almost all areas of life for the different races, and people only acknowledge the current situation without acknowledging how it came about.


Behavior that favors one group over another; The denial of goods or services to an individual race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other arbitrary reason

Race and Historical Relationship to Law

Black codes, Jim Crow, immigration law

"Transformative Assets, the Racial Wealth Gap, and the American Dream" by Thomas M. Shapiro

Black people are more likely to be poor or to be in a tenuous position in the middle class because they are less likely to have accumulated wealth in their families through the years and thus cannot give their family members "transformative assets" such as good elementary education, college tuition, or job contacts. People often do not think about this generation aspect of wealth/poverty and as such black poverty is often blamed on character traits of individual black people such as laziness or overspending

"The Media as a System of Racialization Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racism" by Marci Bounds Littlefield

Black women's bodies are routinely commodified. They are objectified and made to seem inhuman, hypersexualized, and "other." All of these portrayals hearken back to how black women were treated when they were enslaved and are a mixture of both racism and sexism

Racial Threat Theory

Blacks are policed, prosecuted, and sentenced more because they are seen, officially, as threats to social order and cohesion

Compare and contrast the Taco Bell Chihuahua with one of the Native American images on consumer products.

Both are offensive stereotypes used to sell products, but Native American stereotypes are more varied.

Make connections between "The Media as a System of Racialization: Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racism" and it's focus on mass media and "Racism and Popular Culture" and it's focus on contemptible collectibles. Where (if any) could today's generation find realistic images of African American females and in what ways are even these portrayals confined by the culture's notions of race and sexuality?

Both articles specifically talk about the sexuality of black females (oversexualization = jezebel and undersexualization = mammy). Some movie do a better job portraying blackness than others, but when they do it is because they make a concerted effort to do so.

"Discoverin Racial Borders" By Heather M. Dalmage

Both black and white society have a vested interest in stopping interracial romance that makes it very difficult for interracial couples to get together


Both queer POC and white queer people prefer white partners Isolation and powerlessness for both POC and LGBTQ+ Not intersectional even though some LGBTQ+ are POC and some POC are LGBTQ+

How and in what ways has the treatment of Arab immigrants changed since 9/11 and the United States' greater military involvement in the Middle East?

Both the government and the population of America have gotten more openly hostile and downright discriminatory toward Arab immigrants

How has the restructuring of the poultry industry increased profits?

By controlling all phases of poultry production By creating more value-added products like pre-packaged, cut-up chicken By concentrating the industry into larger-sized plants


Can help in sweatshop instances, but even then there is some evidence that it only helps the immigrants that join the union and not everyone in the sweatshop

Weakened community and neighborhood infrastructure

Can negatively affect interpersonal relationships and trust among neighbors

Xiaolan Bao's research does not support that ...

Chinese cultural values are the main reason for workers' complicity in garment industry abuses Better labor legislation would reform the garment industry Political and consumer awareness of sweatshop abuses will solve the industry's main problem

Describe the reasons why labor reform laws do not always improve conditions for Chinese garment workers. What suggestions does the author offer to remedy this exploitative industry?

Chinese sweatshops are specifically designed to appeal to some of the Chinese workers' needs. If the sweatshops were shut down, those needs would need to be met through legal industries by providing childcare, food, transportation, and translation services (but that seems unlikely to happen)

"Race, Religion, and the Color Line (Or Is That the Color Wall?)" by Michael O. Emerson

Church goers should make an effort to go to multiracial churches in order to make friends of different races. This can significantly change white people's views of other races and allows white people to meet POC's financial needs.


Combined DNA Index System

"Winnebagos, Cherokees, Apaches, and Dakotas: The Persistence of Stereotyping of American Indians in American Advertising and Brands" by Debra Merskin

Companies use many stereotypes of Native Americans to sell products, including Native Americans as children of nature, noble savages, and ferocious warriors, and also draw on feminine stereotypes when presenting Native American women. People believe these stereotypes.

White Privilege

Concrete benefits of access to resources and social rewards; the power to shape the norms and values of society which whites received, unconsciously or consciously, by virtue of their skin color

Inter-ethnic Competition

Conflict when expansion into other industries gets in the way of other races

Why did the creators of the Land O' Lakes think that the Indian Maiden would be a good image to attach to their butter products?

Consumers idealize Native Americans' closeness with nature The maiden would symbolize the purity of their product The Minnesota company was located in the legendary lands of cultural icons like Hiawatha and Minnehaha

According to Littlefield, a "new racism" includes ...


Fast food managers overcome peer disapproval by ...

Counseling workers

How does the criminal justice system treat blacks and whites differently?

Crack possession carries a higher penalty than cocaine

The age distribution pattern among Hispanic immigrants in the Southeast affects local communities by ...

Creating a greater demand for English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in local schools

Crime in U.S. Imagination

Crime rates and high school drug use are actually falling, but most people think they are rising Most people think we are weak on crime and should spend more money on crime, even though the US has the highest incarceration rate of any nation

Evidence suggests that black job applicants discrimination is not limited to ...

Criminal records whether they are articulate in their job interview Whether white applicants are applying for the same job

Describe Devah Pager's audit of the employment practices in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What were her key findings?

Criminal records significantly negatively affect black lives (and to a lesser extent white lives). Also, white people with criminal records are more likely to get jobs than black people without them, which basically means that hiring practices are racist.

Among inner-city families ...

Decent families are expected to know the code of the streets

Do prisons make us safer?

Decline in crime would have happened without prison boom No focus on rehabilitation Prisons produce more crime - crime schools Criminal record = no job

Racist ideology serves several the social function of ...

Defining the racial and ethnic identity of the dominant group

What is deindustrialization? Describe how deindustrialization influence one of the following urban issues: neighborhoods, family formation, or health

Deindustrialization is decline in industrial activity in a region or economy. It leads to white flight to the suburbs, leaving minorities isolated and politically disenfranchised in the cities. It also creates a loss of jobs in the city, which according to William J. Wilson leads to higher crime rates because people do not have jobs to occupy them, which in turn can lead to fractured families as family members are arrested and poorer health becasue people are afraid to go outside and exercise. It also creates food deserts which leads to poor nutrition in the cities.

Economic Inequality

Disparity between earning power and wealth accumulation of one group compared to another

What measures did Zenk (et. al.) use in their study of supermarkets and African American neighborhoods in Detroit?

Distance to nearest supermarket Number of supermarkets in a 3-mile radius Potential supermarket accessibility

"Ten Things You Can Do to Improve Race Relations" by Charles A. Gallagher

Do not stand for racism in yourself or others, get to know more diverse groups of people, be active in politics, etc.

In regards to the U.S. prison boom, ....

Drug offense accounts for most of it *Even though violent crime gets more attention in the media

Discuss why the war on drugs and its racialized bias get less media attention than violent crime

Drugs are not as sensational as violent crime, and the media likes to blame black people for institutional problems

Socioeconomic Status (SES)

Education, income, occupation, and status (social status); usually does not include wealth; may include race

How much higher is the black incarceration rate in the U.S. compared to non-Hispanic whites?

Eight times the rate

Outline how ethnic conflict and competition affected the upward mobility of ethnic groups in early 20th century New York

Ethnic groups either separated into enclaves and supported each other in those specific fields or fought against each other for the same positions

Optional Ethnicity

Ethnicities that people can choose to show or not show without grave consequences

How might race play out among those with and without a criminal "mark"?

Even though a person with a criminal record is always less likely to get a job than a similarly qualified person without a criminal record in their own race, white people are always more likely to get a job than a similarly qualified black person, even if the white person has a criminal record and the black person does not. Furthermore, black people are more likely than white people to have a criminal record because they have higher arrest and conviction rates, even though they are just as likely to commit the same crimes

How and in what ways does everyone benefit from living in a society where there is greater social equality?

Everything becomes merit-based, which gives everyone a chance to succeed

Increased Risk

Exposure to toxins, poor housing quality, criminal victimization

True or False: The author agrees that law enforcement in the Chinese garment industry will cause the shops to immediately close and push the industry to overseas sweatshops


True or False: The whites interviewed by Gallagher conceded that it takes at least a few generations to overcome the harm brought on by racism and discrimination


True or False: When product images become commonplace and last for generations, their original meanings lose impact


True or False: Merskin claims that advertising images do not make meaning, they simply reflect existing ideas, beliefs, and stereotypes


True or False: Naming a new sports franchise the "Jews" wouldn't be acceptable, but naming the new franchise the "Redskins" is.


True or False: Professional and college athletes use drugs more than others their age


True or False: Research indicates that racial and ethnic stereotypes used in advertising affect the dominant group's views of themselves.


True or False: Affirmative action was successful in helping to diminish discrimination and now is no longer relevant within a 21st century U.S.

False. "Race and Gender Discrimination: Contemporary Trends" by James Sterba has shown that discrimination continues even if popular awareness believes otherwise.

True or False: In a survey of 90,000 female soldiers, pilots, and sailors only 13% reported being sexually harassed

False. 60% reported being sexually harassed.

True or False: Examples such as Bill Cosby, who is worth around $540 million in assets, shows it will be possible to close the racial wealth divide.

False. A few people at the top do not help the millions at the bottom.

True or False: Almost all of the Hispanic immigrant workers who land jobs in the poultry industry keep those jobs for many years

False. A significant portion of Hispanic poultry workers only work for short periods, leaving for a variety of reasons including family visits in their home country, dissatisfaction with the work, and other work opportunities

True or False: While the U.S. has a high rate of incarceration, it cannot match the high rates of Cuba and Russia.

False. Actually the U.S. has the highest international rate unfortunately beating out both Cuba and Russia

True or False: The stereotypical representation of Blacks in the media began with the release of the film _The Jazz Singer_ in 1927.

False. Actually, according to Littlefield, the stereotypical representation of Blacks in the media began with the release of the film _The Birth of the Nation_ in 1915

True or False: Of all the groups discussed by Merton, all weather liberals are the only ones that do not need reform

False. All weather liberals need to reform their approach to racial prejudice and discrimination from individual action to collective action

True or False: "Alien Terrorists and Undesirables: A Contingency Plan" was a secret internal memo President Bush circulated in response to the war in Afghanistan.

False. It was circulated by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in 1986.

True or False: The City of Detroit has been predominantly African American since the 1950s

False. It was only 16.2% African American in 1950

True or False: Burger Barn employees do no succeed financially mainly because most don't know how to manage their earnings.

False. The vast majority of Burger Bar employees never earn enough to get out of poverty

True or False: The historically influenced concentration of African Americans into high poverty neighborhoods in Detroits improves access to local supermarkets.

False. They adversely affect special access to supermarkets.

True or False: Macro-level segregation decreased after WWII due to the efforts by cities to integrate neighborhoods

False. They decreased because blacks were migrating out of the south and rural areas.

True or False: The results from analyzing the DEA's Operation Pipeline revealed that blacks violated traffic laws and were arrested at higher rates than white drivers

False. They violated roughly equally to whites but comprised 73% of arrests

True or False: While the U.S. has a history of sexualized representations of African-American women, today's images do not resemble those previous characterizations as insatiable sexual creatures

False. Today's images are almost identical in their sexuality

True or False: The 1942 and 1944 immigration court cases involving Yemeni Ahmed Hassan and Mohamed Mohriez both set back Arab and Muslim desires for U.S. citizenship until the 1970s

False. While Hassan was denied, Mohriez succeeded thus revealing the fluid and dependent nature of immigration laws on international politics

"Fictive Kin, Paper Sons, and Compadrazgo: Women of Color and the Struggle for Family Survival" by Bonnie Thornton Dill

For black women, families were often broken up during slavery and women had to create families rather than relying on blood. Chinese men and women had to navigate separation when the men went to work in America and the women stayed behind in China. Latinas had to navigate migration, dead and absent husbands, and American hostility against their cultures.

The practices and policy implications of the supermarket accessibility study include ...

Fundamental inequalities between whites and African Americans need to be addressed to reduce diet-related disease Metropolitan areas need to plan an approach to food system needs Afforable transportation must integrate access to supermarkets along the routes

What is a difference between boys and girls in the inner city

Girls rarely use guns

Why is there racial separation in America?

Going to the same church for generations since Jim Crow Different races = different religions and denominations Comfort Residential segregation


Goods and resources

_____ is not a push-pull factor that influence the number of Hispanics settling in the Southeast

Greater access to culturally familiar communities and social services

Why is the Southeastern geographic context preferable to the poultry industry?

Greater access to low-cost grain

Housing Discrimination

Higher mortgage interest rates Statistical discrimination Fewer assets and resources Blatant Racism

The Chinese garment industry in New York does not involve ...

Higher than minimum wage, tax-free wages paid under the table

Hispanic Paradox

Hispanic immigrants have higher rates of poverty and low accessibility to health insurance in the U.S., yet their first generation has very good health and poor in second and third generations

Discuss the pros and cons between membership in a homogenous and mix race religious congregation.

Homogeneous Pro - More comfortable, closer Con - Do not meet people outside of own race or share the wealth Mixed Pro - share the wealth, meet people outside of own wealth Con - farther, less comfortable

The black community is... and the LGBTQ+ community is ...

Homophobic Racist

List the government policies of the past 50 years that lend support to the possessive investment of whiteness. What are the attitudes behind the policies and how do these attitudes mask white privilege?

Housing discrimination, urban renewal and gentrification, building of highways through poor neighborhoods, displacement of jobs in poor neighborhoods, and high taxes on poor families. Attitudes - They do not matter and don't have the power to complain. "Culture of poverty" *Consider the ideal of the "free market" - The supposedly free market allow those who have already amassed wealth (white people) to remain ahead and gives them privileges like lower taxes while allowing them to blame poor POC for their own poverty.

How and why do individuals who are not prejudiced act in bigoted and discriminatory ways?

If they believe that others expect them to act in a bigoted way and want to please them or if they believe that there is something to be gained and nothing to be lost from behaving in a bigoted manner, that might induce them to behave in discriminatory ways. This is especially likely in an already racist society.

"The Code of the Streets" by Elijah Anderson

In the inner city, streed cred is gained by being able to rough someone else up, retaliate against violence, or at least look like you can. Everyone who lives in that type of environment is familiar with this "code" and, at least to a certain extent, must follow it in order to survive

The dismantling of the black-white hierarchy will result in ...

Inclusion of more groups into the dominant category

Push-pull factors influencing the number of Hispanics settling in the Southeast include ...

Increased enforcement by the Immigrant and Naturalization Services (INS) in traditional migrant-receiving states Increased recruiting by poultry industry employers Labor market saturation in traditional migrant-receiving states

Federal highway construction did not result in ...

Increased job opportunity for poor people in the city Lower housing prices and a decline in housing discrimination Location of trash dumps and prisons outside poor neighborhoods

Naturalization of Inequality

Inequality is because of the natural order of things

Is most violence interracial (between) or intraracial (within)?


Colorblindness is a dangerous ideology because ...

It ignores the cumulative nature of discrimination and inequality of opportunity

"Discrimination and the American Creed" by Robert K. Merton

It is possible that someone's internal feelings about race and behavior toward people of other races may not match. There are therefore people, both liberal and bigoted, who practice what they preach regarding race and people, both liberal and bigoted, who will go along with what other people are saying regarding race in order to suit their needs. Changing both bigoted laws and public education about/ in support of minorities can have some positive effect on society, but there are also just some people who will be bigoted for the rest of their lives.

How is "oppositional culture" often detrimental to children and young adults in communities that have it?

It makes everyone act aggressively, which can be dangerous for people who do not know the rules, do not act respectfully, or do not posture correctly. In addition, the rules of the street do not transfer over into job interview well.

White men in interracial relationships claim to be color blind because

It reinforces masculinity through rugged individualism

Is it possible that how the media present black women in rap videos shapes the way these women are treated?

It's not just possible, it's almost sure.

Reasons for Residential Segregation

Jim Crow Wage gap and wealth inequality White flight Laws and policies from the past (GI Bill) People like to live around people like them

How do individuals maintain self-respect at a job that provides little in the way of social status?

Just the fact that they have a job when others that they know do not gives them a certain amount of self-respect

Describe the ways in which the restructuring of the poultry industry influence Hispanic migration patterns

Larger poultry plants farther away from the Mexican border force Hispanic workers to migrate north in order to work for them

If discrimination continues to exist today, what can we implement within our society to stop it?

Laws about equality in employment, housing, education, etc. (but we have to actually implement them, not just pass them)

Anti-Miscegenation Laws

Laws that criminalized marriage and sometimes sex between members of different races

"Three Strikes and You're Out"

Laws that require judges to adhere to mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for a third criminal offense

The fallacies of private solutions, group soliloquy, and unanimity prevent _____ from realizing their goals

Liberal non-discriminators

Geographic Equity

Local and spatial configurations of community and proximity to Locally Unwanted Land Uses (LULUs)

"Sweatshops in Sunset Park: A Variation of the Late-Twentieth-Century Chinese Garment Shops in New York City" by Xiaolan Bao

Long hours and low pay in the Chinese garment sweatshops of New York City are due to a number of conditions including unscrupulous employers, language barriers, fears of undocumented immigrants, and deliberate and unintentional miscommunication.

Tough on Crime Policies

Mandatory Minimum sentences Three Strikes Laws Parole limited and/or abolished Increased drug arrests For-profit prisons

How, according to Professor Zenk and associates, is race and class implicated in having access to large supermarkets?

Many black people are also poorer, and poorer neighborhoods are less likely to have grocery stores with healthy foods because the people who live in those neighborhoods are less likely to be able to afford them. Furthermore, even when social class is ignored, black neighborhoods are still less likely to have healthy grocery stores than white neighborhoods.

How can we espouse the idea that everyone should be treated as equals when discrimination remains a fact of life for so many Americans?

Many people hold on to the ideology of color blindness without looking at the facts and statistics that prove that American Society is not actually colorblind at all.

What criticism do members of interracial relationships receive from the wider public and how do they respond?

Many people in the wider public see interracial relationships as a betrayal of one's own race and a sullying of pure race lines. Many people in interracial relationships have this initial reaction, too, and must work through it to ignore he wider public and continue the relationship, or else break up.

Would most Americans sign on to these plans to create a more just society?

Maybe. Less than 30% of people are Hetero cis white men who are citizens with no disabilities, and those are the only people who the current system whole-ly benefits. If the rest of us banded together and accepted that equality for all benefits all, we could probably win.

Index of Isolation

Measures extent to which minority will be in contact with members of same minority as opposed to other racial/ethnic groups (by community interaction) - high = little contact ouside of group

How might the gender imbalance among Hispanics living in the Southeast impact migration patterns?

Men may return to Mexico to find a marriage partner

"Hispanics in the American South and the Transformation of the Poultry Industry" by William Kandel and Emilio A. Parrado

Mexican immigrants are continuing to move north of the United States - Mexico border in order to take the jobs that no one else wants, such as jobs at poultry farms, but may be displacing black people from their jobs at the same time.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Mexican American War)

Mexicans were told that they could keep their land, but it was taken by Americans

"Understanding Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Health: Sociological Contributions" by David Williams and Michelle Sternthal

Minorities experience adverse effects to their health compared to white people because of stress caused by racism and differences in wealth/socioeconomic status. These are social problems that can be solved by studying them and suggesting policy changes. Because gender creates similar health disparities, it needs more study, also.

"Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: Race Still Matters" by Robert D. Bullard

Minorities, especially black people, are far more likely to live in environments that are bad for their health. White people are unlikely to do anything about it. The principles of environmental justice advocated on the behalf of minorities living in polluted areas.

"Laissez-Faire Racism, Racial Inequality, and the Role of the Social Sciences" by Lawrence D. Bobo

Most interpretations of black segregation into lower income neighborhoods ignore critical aspects of why they do so. Liberals ignore that race as a social construct plays a role separate from individual racism or other statistical anomalies connected with systematic racism such as racism and income levels. Conservatives say that black people simply prioritize being around other black people over living in better neighborhoods without analyzing the systemic racism that turns black people away from buying homes in better areas and creates hostility toward them when they do manage to get into better neighborhoods. Because both sides fail to take systemic oppression into account, white people who subscribe to either option will tend to blame black people for their own poverty and resist afirmative action, all the while denying contemporary racism. The author calls this laissez-faire racism

In the new racial hierarchy it is likely that ...

Multiracials will be classified depending on their class as well as their appearence Well-off Asians and other darker skinned affluent people will be classified into the non-black category Whites will retain their dominance in society

Among prisoners released from incarceration in the United States ...

Nearly two-thirds will be charged with new crimes 40 percent return to prison within three years Those not re-incarcerated have worse employment and income than those without criminal records

Reasons for Inter-ethnic Competition

Networking Social Capital Job Skills Language Discrimination Preferential hiring Wealth

What are the health consequences of having to purchase groceries from corner stores or bodegas rather than a huge supermarket

No fresh fruits or vegetables = hard to have good nutrition = worse health overall

Are the intergeneration transfers of wealth throughout the life course that are transformative assets "fair"?

No, they are not equal or merit-based

Could one argue that these images are merely entertainment and have no bearing on how women are treated?

No. Black women are mistreated in real life because of these images

Pervasive stereotypes of American Indians include ...

Noble savage Mystical environmentalist Alcoholic gambler

Institutional Racism

Occurs when racist actions permeate the everyday processes within a particular large bureaucracy or components of a larger entity

How are race, ethnicity, and control of local politics linked to upward mobility?

People of one race/ethnicity are more likely to help people of their own race succeed, and they have an easier time boosting people of their own race up the ranks if they control politics.

To what extent are the images of shows, sports mascots, television characters, or advertisements that draw on stereotypes now such a part of popular culture that these stereotypes seem to be an accurate depiction of an entire group?

People who do not know minority groups firsthand tend to think that they way they are portrayed in the media is the way that they actually are.


People who live in hyper-segregated low-income spaces in urban communities; socially isolated; disconnected from job opportunities; no middle class; usually black

What are some examples of the racial divide decisively prefiguring and channeling core features or our domestic politics?

Persistently contested efforts at affirmative action Expansion of the penal system Dismantling of "welfare as we know it"

"Why are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood? The Long Search for Fresh Fruit, Produce, and Healthy Food" by Shannon N. Zenk, et. al.

Poorer neighborhoods and black neighborhoods (regardless of socioeconomic status) are less likely to have grocery stores with fresh produce and more likely to have convenience stores full of junk food, which makes it harder to have good nutrition in these neighborhoods, especially if you don't have access to transportation.

"A Different Shade of Queer: Race, Sexuality, and Marginalizing by the Marginalized" by Chong-suk Han

Queer people of color are not fully accepted among the communities of people of color or queer communities.

Differentiate between race disparities and race discrimination. Can discrimination be proven in court? What about disparities?

Race disparities are general trends rather than individual slights like race discrimination. Discrimination can be proven in court, while disparities can only be proven in statistics *Consider the effect group disparities have on individuals - Although disparities are based on groups, they increase the likelihood of discrimination for individuals of color

Discuss the reasons why employers would be more likely to call back applicants with white-sounding names (e.g. Kristen and Brad) than those with black-sounding names (e.g. Jermaine and Ebony). What impact might this form of subtle discrimination have on the system of racial hierarchy in the United States?

Racism = high unemployment for black people

"Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position" by Herbert Blumer

Racism is not an ideology held by individuals, but more of a groupthink cultivated by the race group in power.

"Prisons for our Bodies, Closets for our Minds: Racism, Heterosexism, and Black Sexuality" by Patricia Hill Collins

Racism, heterosexism, and the intersection of the two ideas are all different faces of the same structure of oppression that create interlocking consequences from both within and outside of the LGBTQ+ and African American communities. The solution to this problem is intersectionality.

"The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy" by George Lipsitz

Racist tax laws and infrastructure legislation that include building highways through poor neighborhoods populated by people of color and high taxes make it nearly impossible for poor people of color to acquire wealth over generations.

Lapchick points out that the sports media ...

Rarely put stories of athlete misconduct in context

What are biases that are linked to categorization and social comparison?

Recalling information that confirms stereotypes Assigning an individual's negative behavior to an entire group Ingroup favoritism

Reasons for Racial Health Disparities at Institutional Level

Residential Segregation - Concentrates poverty, social disorder, social isolation, pathogenic conditions in residential environments

In the 1990s, immigration courts expanded the use of what in order to prosecute select Muslims or Arabs?

Secret Evidence

De Jure Segregation

Segregation that is imposed by law

Which theoretical frameworks does Merskin use to analyze product labels that depict Native Americans?

Semantic meaning Meaning Transfer Model Semiotic analysis


Simple, docile, laughing black man; avoided work, reveled in song, dance, and food; childlike contentment

Use highlights from "Using DNA for Justice: Color-Blind or Biased" by Sheldon Krimsky and Tania Simoncelli to explain why seemingly race-neutral objective technology can in fact be biased

Since more black people are likely to be arrested, more people are put into the system, which spits out more black people to be investigated at the scenes of crimes, thus creating a feedback loop of more black people being arrested

According to Alicia Edison and George Yancey's thesis, what trait would predict who would play the young CEO of a Fortune 500 company within a film?

Skin color (ligher) * They suggest that race is predictive of the socioeconomic class of roles assigned; lighter skin is portrayed in a positive way while darker skin is portrayed in a negative way

How can social illiberals be sometimes social conformists and other times social deviants? Explain how this fluidity may impact change in racism and discrimination in society.

Social illiberals do not change their beliefs based on the beliefs of others, so they may blend in with a racist society or be a social deviant in a less racist society. No matter what, a social illiberal will remain racist in both thought and action unless their complete isolation force them to back off of (but not disavow) their racist behavior (and let's face it, society will not be so racially sensitive that racists cannot find any friends any time soon). *Consider the role of social pressure - Social pressure does not have any affect on these assholes

What was implemented after 9/11 in suspicion of a new creation called "the Muslim"?

Special registration of men from 25 Muslim majority countries Shutting down of five major Muslim charities Legal ability to imprison immigrants indefinitely

Choose a trend in racial representations in the media. Use it to illustrate how the media can perpetuate race-based stereotypes

Sports and the African American Male as Brute End of Civil War - 1865 _Birth of a Nation_ - 1915 Hip hop culture/videos - 1970s-present Sports - less intelligent, crime, rape/domestic assault, drugs - 1996-present Vogue Cover - LeBron James = King Kong - 2008

Pollution - Language Problem

Technical vs. Vernacular - Vernacular dismissed as unscientific

"From 'Kike' and 'Jap': How Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, and Racism Construct the Jewish American Princess" by Evelyn Torton Beck

The "Japanese American Princess" is a racist and misogynistic slur and the stereotype and ill will that comes with it is harmful to Jews of all genders.

How does the Burger Barn experience highlight the meaning of work in American society?

The Calvin commercials and the quote about "no shame in my game" show that despite stigma against fast food workers, there is dignity in work of any kind for some people in American society

What is the GI Bill of Rights? Why is the bill significant for understanding race relations in the United States?

The GI Bill of Rights was a law that provided a range of benefits for Returning WWII veterans, including low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start businesses, cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend university, high school or vocational education, and one year of unemployment compensation. Unfortunately, these rights were denied to women and African Americans and constructed to be difficult for non-white races to benefit from them. This ensured that white people had homes in the suburbs and college educations while people of color did not, leading to the wealth gap between the races today

Plessy v. Ferguson

The U.S. Supreme Court decision that held that blacks and white could be legally segregated as long as both were treated "separately but equally"

What country has the largest per capita forensic DNA data bank in the world?

The United Kingdom

Du Bois argued that the color line was the problem of the twentieth century. Based on course readings, make a case for whether the color line remains a problem in the twenty-first century. Be sure to cite at least three relevant sources

The color line does remain a problem Health - Locally Unwanted Land Uses; Food Deserts; Infant/Maternal Mortality "Why are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood? The Long Search for Fresh Fruit, Produce, and Healthy Food" by Shannon N. Zenk et. al. Housing - Deindustrialization; Residential segregation; White Flight "Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Conditions in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" by Douglas S. Massey Incarceration - War on Drugs; Criminal Records; Policing (Stop and Frisk)/Arrests/Convictions/Sentencing "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander

Outline Gans' prediction for the new racial hierarchy. Give examples that support these trends.

The current white-nonwhite dichotomy will become a black-nonblack dichotomy, raising model minorities like Asians into the dominant category (this is beginning to happen in America already) and allowing POC who are affluent or have lighter skin to move up the ranks as well (this is already happening in Brazil)

How did (does) the economy influence family life and structure, particularly for women of color? You may use the experiences of one racial or ethnic group to support your answer

The economy influences family life for women of color by inducing men to leave, leaving the women to take care of their children and/or work another job to make ends meet. African American - Slavery = double shift, selling of partners and children Chinese - Husbands in America earning money, wives back in China taking care of home and children Latinos - Men tend to take migratory work, leading their families to either be split up or move with them


The false idea that individuals or groups have an immutable fundamental nature that exists outside of society

Why has the United States experienced a drastic increase in incarceration? What are the race-based implications of the increase?

The increase in incarceration is connected with the war and rugs and increased policing of inner-city neighborhoods. The war on drugs is responsible because it imposes heavy penalties for non-violent drug use as well as the three-strike rule with harsher penalties for people who are convicted three times regardless of what the offenses were. And because policing is heavier in the inner-city, the laws tend to impact POC more, so that even though POC offend at about the same rate as White people, they are more likely to be arrested, charged, and convicted than whit people. This is a problem not only because of the imprisonments themselves but because people are far less likely to be hired if they have a criminal record.

How might negative images of women of color translate into their objectification or result in descrimination

The make it okay to treat women as only sexual objects rather than human beings

How do the media and the public combine negative stereotypes of African Americans and professional or college athletes?

The media only presents negative stories of both, and the public accepts these negative stories without question * Which sports are most affected and why? - Footbal and basketball and other sports that tend to be more African American

Deep Throat

The name used by the tipster who provided damaging information about President Nixon's involvement in the break-in to the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate office complex in Washington D.C.

What is the cycle of black segregation and why is it so difficult to break?

The problem with black segregation is that it is not black people's fault. They often try to move into white communities, but there is a tipping point (less than 50%) after which white families perceive a neighborhood as "too black" and begin to move away, so rather than mixing into more integrated neighborhoods, white flight ensures that new neighborhoods become black and nothing really changes. *Discuss the consequences of residential segregation on disadvantaged groups - In addition, once a black person gets into a poor black neighborhood without jobs, it is very difficult to scrape enough money together to move into a white neighborhood.

The American Dream embraces the idea that anyone who works hard enough will be rewarded. How has this been made more difficult for people not defined as white? Describe institutional privileges associated with whiteness.

The problem with the American Dream is that it assumes that people are all starting out in the same place. In reality, white families have built up wealth that allows them to gain transformative assets like homes, businesses, and college educations, as well as giving them a net to fall back on should they fail, while people of color have not built up these same masses of wealth for a variety of reasons and thus experience cumulative discrimination where each new problem, form poorer health to poorer elementary school education to the inability to go to college or start a career for lack of funds puts them in worse situations than before. Mexican - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Mexican American War), Social Security Japanese - Internment Native American - Dawes Act, Homestead Act, Trail of Tears African American - Slavery, Jim Crow, New Deal, GI Bill, Social Security, Housing Discrimination

Identify a boundary that influences intimate relationships between or within races. Describe the implications of the boundary - Queer

The queer community is often racist and POC communities are often homophobic. This leads to a preference for white partners inside the LGBTQ+ community that makes it difficult for queer POC to get dates, and exclusion from POC communities because queernes doesn't fit with POC ideals/stereotypes. This means that queer POC feel isolated and disenfranchised because they are discriminated against from all sides.

What is true about the CODIS system?

The racial composition of CODIS mirrors that of the prison population 8.6 percent of the entire African American population is in CODIS

"Policy Steps Toward Closing the Gap" by Meishu Lui, Bárbara J. Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose M. Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson

There are many ways that policy creation and implementation can decrease income and wealth inequality between the races, and most of them have a ground-up approach to the the problem of race-based financial inequality

"'There's No Shame In My Game': Status and Stigma Among Harlem's Working Poor" by Katherine S. Newman and Catherine Ellis

There is a stigma attached to fast-food jobs, especially in Black and Latino communities, especially because these workers must be deferential to the clients, which goes against the idea of "respect" that Elijah Anderson talks about in "The Code of the Streets," and also that this stigma needs to be overcome because these jobs are still infinitely better than no jobs.

How likely is it, given increased levels of socioeconomic inequality and health care cuts by both federal and state governments, that the United States can follow the policy recommendations suggested by David R. Williams and Chiquita A. Collins regarding health?

They can't, and even if they could, they wouldn't because they do not care about black Americans.

Chinese immigrants continue to work in an industry that exploits them because ...

They desire upward mobility and their employers are often role models of success Workers can maintain their cultural practices at work Violations of labor laws mean that their children can work by their sides and that they can work extra hours if they "choose" to do so

Why is it that other developed countries have similar challenges with illegal drugs but have far fewer of their citizens in prison.

They have more lenient punishments or have decriminalized drugs altogether and treat drug addiction rather than incarcerating the addicts

What were the experiences of immigrants coming from Arab nation states who came to make a home in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century?

They were discriminated against both because they were not allowed by the government to be naturalized and because citizens would not always give them jobs, forcing them into enclaves of society to sell tourist fodder

Given that such unions are often stigmatized, what strategies do interracial couples employ, according to Dalmage, to dismiss such views and normalize their relationship?

They work through their own internalized issues and ignore other people

How does one group come to monopolize one trade or occupation?

Through a combination of racism forcing them out of other occupations and education, training, and nepotism welcoming them into the trade linked with their race/ethnicity

Homestead Act of 1862 and Dawes Act of 1887

Took land away from Native Americans and gave it to either white people or the government

True or False: All weather illiberals can be pressured to change their ways through social isolation


True or False: All weather liberals tend to believe that changing personal behavior will eventually eliminate discrimination and prejudice


True or False: Alternative scenarios for changing race relations must consider any future changes in immigration patterns, the level of unemployment, and economic or political crises


True or False: Black men who marry white women are accused of marrying to improve their social status


True or False: Burger Barn managers typically place women at the cash register because they surmised that men tend to have more difficulty putting up with challenges from customer


True or False: Change in the use of Native American stereotypes to sell products is slow in part because Native Americans as a group tend to be poor and make up a relatively small percentage of Americans


True or False: Colorism is the practice by which Blacks who are relatively light-skined are given favorable status by other Blacks as well as whites


True or False: Displacement of blacks by Hispanics and Asian immigrant has decreased the black-white segregation in Los Angeles.


True or False: Even though Burger Barn type jobs may not pay enough to make sense economically, jobs strongly influence the social integration, personal identity, and respectability of poor people


True or False: Similar faux resumes sent in with white-sounding names and with black-sounding names in response to 1,300 help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago yielded 50 percent more calls for "white" applicants


True or False: Supermarkets have remained open in recent years in the racially transitioning (from white to predominantly African American) neighborhoods)


True or False: The "American Dilemma" refers to the difference between our beliefs in equality on the one hand and the persistence of racial prejudice and discrimination on the other.


True or False: The "one country, two systems" phenomenon found in some unionized shops in Sunset Park refers to union and non-union workers in the same shop receiving different pay and benefits


True or False: The "push-pull" effect refers to living conditions that push Chinese out of their native country and the underground economy in the United States that pull immigrants into garment industry jobs


True or False: The Georgia Supreme Court upheld the crack/powder sentencing disparity


True or False: The authors demonstrate a link between seasonal migration patterns and permanent settlement of Hispanic immigrants


True or False: The consumption of media is a form of self-socialization and influences our understanding of race and other racial groups


True or False: The image on Crazy Horse Malt Liquor differs from some of the other brand logos Merskin studies in that the person depicted on the product was a real person.


True or False: The migration of Hispanic labor to the Southeast poultry market is linked to the increased popularity of fast food chicken and convenience packaging of chicken


True or False: Urban renewal projects hurt subordinate groups by not replacing low-income housing units.


True or False: Zenk (et. al.) assume that access to supermarkets also means access to higher quality, healthier foods


True or False: Eighty-three percent of those attending racially homogenous congregations said that most or all of their friends were of the same race

True - 83%

True of False: The ability to live full American lives depends less on what happens on the home front and more on America's policies abroad and global conflicts


True or False: According to Wacquant, the emergence of the carceral state represents the fourth state of racial oppression after slavery, Jim Crow, and the urban ghetto.


True or False: In _United States v. Brignoni-Ponce_, the Court concluded it was permissible to use race as a factor in making decisions about which motorist to stop and search.


True or False: In studies performed in two different states, whites with prison records were more likely to be hired than black men without prison records


True or False: Modern-day minstrelsy is linked by some researchers to media such as day-time talk shows and the genre of hip-hop


True or False: Voting in every election as an informed voter can help to defeat those candidates who use racially divisive tactics to win votes


True or False: A 2000 study found that people of color are more likely to be uninsured than non-Hispanic whites and are less likely to have job-based health insurance

True. 30% of Latinos, 25% of African Americans, 20% of Asian Americans, and 17% of Native Americans are uninsured

True or False: African Americans comprise 64 percent of those who were found to have been wrongfully convicted of rape.

True. This suggests that there are disproportionately more false convictions for rape of blacks than whites

True or False: Any media product that displays equal opportunity racism carries with it an inherent danger of either ignoring or white washing a still present problem of discrimination

True. While admirable for presenting racism as a human problem, it inevitably lets whites "off the hook" and reaffirm that it is okay to have such thoughts since most others do as well while ignoring the historical inequality and continuing structures of discriminatory racism

Discuss three of the policy implication suggested by the authors' research into racial disparities in supermarket access.

Try and make public transportation to healthy food stores more readily available Remove impediments toward residential integration Make sure that the stores in a community are wanted by that community

What might the link between our attitudes toward race, gender, and sexuality and the sexist and racist ways individuals behave toward women and racial minorities in the media?

We have a poor attitude toward all three, so when we combine them our view is that much worse

How does a "sense of group position" shape how we see other racial and ethnic groups?

We tend to have an "us" vs. "them" mentality that takes on a meanspirited edge for the dominant group (whites) who make jokes about the other groups and try to keep them out of power

Explain the connection between a "law and order society" and racialized mass incarceration

When the government wants more control, they get it by locking more people up at less provocation

What does George Lipsitz mean by a "possessive investment in whiteness" in "The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy"?

White people possess wealth solely because they are white and there were policies in the past that invested in white people while at the same time disenfranchising people of color. Not only do they benefit from the past, but white people have a vested interest in keeping people of color down in the future, whether they act on that interest or not.

Who is likely to have tranformative assets?

White people, especially middle class or upper class white people

Racial Profiling

Whites less likely than POC to be pulled over, searched, fined, arrested, convicted, and sentenced to harsher penalties, including death sentence

the use of race symbols and minority associations, as in Malcolm X hats or Black Miss America pageants, is problematic in a colorblind nation because:

Whites perceive them as divisive Blacks are seen as employing a double standard They are seen as advocating group rights over individual rights

David R. Williams and Chiquita A. Collins wrote ...

"The Color of Health in the United States"

Michelle Alexander wrote ...

"The New Jim Crow"

Environmental Policy Implications

1. How data is reported - now only race, need socioeconomic and gender overlap (intersectionality) 2. Race - health strategies - individual and institutional intervention 3. Target social determinants of health

Characteristics of Dominant Paradigm

1. Institutionalized unequal enforcement 2. Traded human health for profit 3. Place the burden of proof on "victims" and not polluting industry 4. Legitimize human exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, and hazardous substances 5. Promote "risky" technologies (incinerators) 6. Exploit vulnerability of economically and politically disenfranchised communities 7. Subsidize ecological destruction 8. Create an industry around risk assessment 9. Delay cleanup 10. Fail to develop pollution prevention as overarching dominant strategy

Pathways of Segregation Influences to Health

1. Restricts Socioeconomic Status Attainment 2. Poverty and Disorder 3. Exposure to Elevated Stressors 4. Weakened community and neighborhood infrastructure 5. Increased exposure to Risk

Environmental Justice Framework

1. Right of all individuals to be protected from environmental degredation 2. Public Health model of prevention = preferred strategy 3. Burden of proof to polluter/discharger 4. Impact and statistical weight infer discrimination rather than "intent" 5. Redress disproportionate impact through targeted action and resources

Africans Americans and the Law

20% of population but 42% of arrests and 64% of incarcerated


A society organized so that men dominate over women

"Racialized Mass Incarceration: Rounding Up the Usual Suspects" by Lawrence D. Bobo and Victor Thompson

All parts of the criminal justice system, from arrest to sentencing, exhibit extreme racial disparity, discriminating against Latinos and especially Blacks. This is especially true for drug charges

"Report to the President"

Although the majority of students and staff feel welcome at the University of Delaware, actions can be taken to ensure that women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ people feel more accepted than they currently do. Most of these action are increasing communications and creating opportunities.

"Racism and Popular Culture" by Danielle Dirks and Jennifer Mueller

American media has been racist (and especially anti-black) since its onset, from minstrel shows in the Antebellum South to colorblind ideology and profiteering off of racial caricatures today

Laissez-faire Racism

An ideology that blames minorities for their poorer economic situations, viewing it as the result of cultural inferiority

Why are advertisers able to exploit Native American stereotypes without much public objection when similar product labels drawing on stereotypes of other racial and ethnic groups have been exposed as offensive?

Because Native Americans tend to be poor and do not make up a large percentage of the American population, and thus their protests do not have a large affect

Why is residential segregation the norm rather than the exception?

Because for a long time it was the norm in law and real estate policy to not sell homes in certain neighborhoods to people of color, and now even though there's less of that going on, people's wealth, jobs, education, and family homes are based on past discrimination and make it more difficult for POC to more to white neighborhoods. In addition, if too many POC move into a white neighborhood (less than 50%), the white people will start moving away (white flight)

Why is laissez-faire racism more problematic than "old-fashioned" racism?

Because it's a lot easier to justify hating people of color or leaving them in poor situations when you think they brought it upon themselves

Gender Roles

Beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and behaviors that a society links to one's sex

"Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Conditions in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" by Douglas S. Massey

Black people are far more segregated in where they live than any other race, and this has economic consequences for them.

The most residentially segregated racial group is ...


"The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander

Both the war on drugs and stop-and-frisk type policies are inherently discriminatory against people of color, not only when they are sent to prison but also because a criminal record stops people from getting jobs for the rest of their lives, creating prejudice against them similar to that of the Jim Crow era.


Brief verbal barbs that could occur in a split second; a pattern of everyday treatment that the victim is sure is due to race but the violator can attempt to hide with other issues

Black men stereotype

Brute, beast - reestablish white control

Religion and the Racial Divide

Church is the most segregated venue in the United States Integrated churches tend to make members less discriminatory and share the wealth from white neighborhoods into poorer POC neighborhoods

Elements of Hip hop

DJ, graffiti, culture, breakdancing, rapping, MCing

Japanese Internment

During WWII; Japanese rounded up and placed in camps, homes and possessions seized

According to Waldinger, immigrant groups achieve social mobility through ...

Ethnic cooperation

Principle of Inter-ethnic Competition

Ethnic groups are either separated into enclaves and support each other in those specific fields or fight against each other for the same positions

De Facto Segregation

Exists "in fact" or practice but is not specified by law

True or False: All weather liberals contribute to a society in which prejudice and discrimination can thrive


True or False: Even if an ideology becomes a part of the social structure, today it really can't effectively control subordinate groups


True or False: Gallagher shows that while your family certainly shapes and influence you; you unfortunately cannot influence your family or friends


True or False: The Fujinese are fanatically hardworking, according to Xiaolan Bao's research


True or False: When drug laws begin to effect young people in the white middle class, the laws get tougher


True or False: Attempts to increase the number of blacks on the New York City payrolls led to several routes of social mobility for blacks

False. Blacks were channeled into noncompetitive positions in hospitals, sanitation, and public works

True or False: Removing drug offenders from the community probably decreases unemployment among black males not in jail

False. Cole found that eliminating black drug offenders actually increased unemployment rates for black males

True or False: According to Gans, the change in the racial hierarchy in America may come about if blacks begin gaining affluence and status

False. Gans Predicts that the change in the racial hierarchy will come about when whites lose their numerical majority

True or False: The common notion that athletes are prone to violence comes from academic studies and a media focus on violent athletes

False. It comes from the media

True or False: The _Alexander v. Sandoval_ case established a legal avenue for fighting against racial bias in the criminal justice system

False. It eliminated the last legal avenue for fighting against racial bias in the criminal justice system

True or False: According to Michael O. Emerson in "Race, Religion, and the Color Line (Or Is That the Color Wall?)," changing the organization of religion is the sole answer to destructive race relations in the U.S.

False. It is important but not the sole answer

True or False: White border patrolling tends to focus on white men marrying black women

False. It tends to focus on black men marrying white women.

True or False: Korean immigrants succeeded more quickly than many other immigrant groups because they worked hardest.

False. Koreans brought enough capital with them to start businesses

True or False: Racist jokes are okay so long as it is between two friends who trust each other

False. Not speaking up is condoning the beliefs and behavior

True or False: Pager's research demonstrates that Milwaukee-area employer attitudes toward minority job applicants have improved dramatically since 1994

False. Pager's research demonstrates that Milwaukee-area employer attitudes have changed very little since 1994

True or False: Several states, including Wisconsin, have expanded employment legislation to allow employers to reject applicants with criminal backgrounds whether or not the offenses are related to the job for which they are applying

False. Several states have expanded employment legislation to prohibit employers from rejecting applications with criminal backgrounds if the offense is not related to the job opening.

True or False: The ratio of CEO pay to worker pay in the U.S. is around 40 to one

False. That's in most other countries. In America it's 431 to one

True or False: The Chinese who provided stores for poor blacks in Mississippi were treated as near blacks

False. The Chinese were treated as near whites in these circumstances

True or False: A disproportionate number of blacks are drug users due to problems of poverty

False. The U.S. Public Health Service found that the percentage of drug users roughly parallel the percentage of each group in the population

True or False: The War on Drugs focused its attention on stable and densely networked working or middle class white communities

False. The War on Drugs focused on open-air public-space drug trafficking in urban black environments.

True or False: There is no indication that Hispanic workers displace other low-skilled workers in the communities where the poultry plants operate

False. The increasing proportion of Hispanic workers in the poultry industry suggests that they are displacing some black workers

True or False: The main objective for young men who follow the code of the streets is to possess trophies to demonstrate their manhood.

False. The objective is to have the right image.

True or False: The black population in the north has low levels of residential segregation

False. They are very high.

True or False: Free market policies help to eliminate the unfair advantages of whiteness

False. They exacerbate them because they tend to help out whites more at the expense of minority groups

True or False: Middle income African American neighborhoods that have recently transitioned in terms of racial makeup have lost their local supermarkets.

False. They have kept them and are likely to keep them as long as they can support them economically.

True or False: Three strikes laws have been successful in reducing costs to the overtaxed criminal justice system

False. They have led to greater financial burdens on the criminal justice system as well as backlogs of civil court cases

True or False: Tax reform, which turned investments toward areas other than industrial production, have helped decrease racial disparities

False. They led to disinvestments in industrial production which harmed blue collar workers, who were disproportionately represented by minorities

True or False: Street parents are usually disorganized, unable to pay bills, uninterested in finding jobs, and prefer to hang out and use drugs.

False. They tend to be unorganized and not pay the bills, but many would like to find jobs.

True or False: Research shows blacks are eight times more likely than whites to both use and be arrested for using marijuana.

False. Whites use marijuana more than blacks but blacks' arrest rates for usage is 8 times higher.


Fat, black, happily obedient, docile, loyal, protective, coarse manners, antithesis of white lady, never sexual Controlling of own black family (man weak, woman strong)


Financial stress, discrimination, etc.

Classical Liberalism

Focus on individuals and individual freedom and limited government; addressing problems is preferential treatment

What is an assumption made by Zenk (et. al.) in "Why Are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood? The Long Search for Fresh Fruit, Produce, and Healthy Food"?

Food resources influence dietary patterns

Interracial Marriage

Frowned upon Predatory black male Gold-diggers Impurity Betrayal Policed by all races Sometimes ignored by white males in the interracial relationships

Institutional Racism - Police

Heightened surveillance and police repression in poor urban neighborhoods


How a society ranks its members within a social hierarchy

Barthes' Semiotic Analysis

Image + meaning = sign

What occurs within the media of a color-blind society

Images that deny racial equality Focuses on individual behaviors rather than social structure Presents equal opportunity racism


Improving area until it is too expensive for its old residents, no new, richer (and usually whiter) residents move in

Minority groups receive poorer healthcare even if ...

Incomes are the same

Reasons for Racial Health Disparities at Individual Level

Increased exposure to acute and chronic discrimination - Negative effects on mental and physical health

McCracken's Meaning Tranfer Model

Media both draws from and reproduces stereotypes

Fallacy of Group Soliloquies

Only talk about issues to people who agree with you

How is oppositional culture linked to Anderson's discussion of "street" and "decent" families

Oppositional = street Mainstream = decent

Two types of colorblind ideology

Our society does vs. should treat everyone equally regardless of skin color

In Detroit, to proximity of grocery stores to neighborhoods with high percentages of African Americans averages ...

Over a mile

If DNA is supposed to take the bias out of law enforcement, why is there concern that a new kind of bias might emerge with the expansion of DNA databases?

PO are more likely to be arrested and imprisoned, and when a person is arrested or imprisoned, their DNA is put into CODIS. But that means that their DNA is more likely to be recognized in other cases, which means that they are more likely to be arrested again, creating a feedback loop regardless of how guilty they actually are.

Blacks and other minorities tend to

Participate in border patrolling within their own and multiracial groups

Violence and women of color

Poor women, women of color, and immigrants are victimized at disproportionately high rates Compared to black women, white women are twice as likely to be killed by an intimate partner However, leading cause of death for black women between 15-24 is partner homicide

What macrotrends in the poultry industry suggest that Hispanic population inflows do not necessarily imply worker displacement?

Poultry plants are getting larger, so rather than displacing current jobs, the Hispanic immigrants are just filling new ones, and many people in the communities do not want poultry processing jobs anyway because they are dangerous, dirty, and unpleasant. There is some evidence that they displace black workers, though.

Mortality Rates

Poverty = higher mortality


Prejudiced Discriminator/All-weather illiberal Prejudiced Nondiscriminator/Fair-weather illiberal Nonprejudiced discriminator/Fair weather liberal Nonprejudiced nondiscriminator/All-weather liberal

Macro Discrimination

Privilege system

Index of Dissimilarity

Proportion of minority that would need to move in order to achieve an even racial distribution; measure of level of residential segregation in a region or city (high = many would have to move)

What are the pros and cons of a supposed post-racism world in which many are supposedly self-aware of stereotypes, re-possess them, and attempt to neutralize or change their historical meanings in an ironic, subversive "wink-wink" sort of way?

Pros: Gets people talking about/thinking about racism Cons: People may not realize it's ironic and perceive it as justifying their own racism

How does oppositional culture both protect and harm inner city youth?

Protect - toughens them, prepares them for life inside their neighborhoods Harm - Makes it difficult to get jobs, more likely to die young *Consider the risks of self image based on "juice" - image may be based off of things or skills rather than personality traits, so losing things or fights may be devistating to their self image

Researchers have found that ...

Puerto Ricans are the most segregated of all Hispanic groups Levels of black-white segregation do NOT vary by social class European ethnic groups were not highly segregated


Pushes undesirable/poor out of certain neighborhoods - Usually against African Americans

What is Bullard's environmental justice framework and how does it differ from current tenvironmental protections?

Puts the burden of proof on polluting companies that their pollutants are safe rather than on communities to prove that the chemicals are not safe. *Where does race fit in? - this eliminates the differences in health and safety based on race and social status.

Rule of Colorblind Universe

Race is all about skin color It is the equivalent of holding onto unscientific notions of racial biology It is a personal problem


Race is no longer relevant in culture, politics or economics, no longer shapes life changes

What facts help to reinforce the notion that any social structure that both increases group boundary saliency and decreases interracial ties reproduces racial inequality?

Racial inequality in access to valued resources Access to valued resources is gained through social ties People have positive bias for their ingroup and negative bias for outgroups

Ideological Racism

The belief that groups of people are superior or inferior to other groups because of genetic, biological, or cultural differences

Melting Pot

The blending or "melting" or different racial, cultural, and ethnic groups into a new configuration

"Campus Climate Survey"

The campus climate at the University of Delaware is pretty open, inclusive, and diverse, but we still have many things to work on.

Forensic DNA

The collection of DNA evidence at crime scenes for use in legal proceedings

Pager's research indicates that ...

The criminal justice system is key in the lives of young black men

Black job applicants noted that employers' responsiveness changed when ...

The employer notice the applicant's criminal record

The rationale used to support the gender hierarchy within the Chinese garment industry includes

The idea that women are less intellectually capable The idea that women are less physically capable Contradictory and inconsistent arguments about gender differences

How did the red and white box that contains Marlboro cigarettes come to signify freedom, satisfaction, competence, maleness, and a quintessentially American, Western Character?

The image of the Marlboro man cowboy tapped into cultural stereotypes that consumers recognized

White Flight

The move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities

Stop and Frisk

The practice of the New York City police department in which police officers stop, question, and frisk hundreds of thousands of pedestrians annually (usually based on skin color)

What are the effects of the presence or absence of a criminal record versus the effect of race on young men applying for jobs?

The presence of a criminal record always makes someone less hire-able than a similarly qualified person of the same race, but racism still trumps criminal record


The view that European culture is superior to all other cultures in the world; implies that European culture is the yardstick by which all other cultures should be measured

"No Equal Justice: The Color of Punishment" by David Cole

The war on drugs, punishment for drug-related crimes, and prosecution for crimes in general disproportionately target minorities.

Identify a boundary that influences intimate relationships between or within races. Describe the implications of the boundary - Interracial

There is a strict boundary between black and white people that strongly discourages relationships between them. Interracial couples are accused of selling out, being "gold-diggers", polluting their race, and of being "disgusting" because stigma against interracial relationships is so strong. This indicates that America is not as colorblind as some people think.

What does "No shame in my game" mean?

There is no shame in taking a minimum wage fast-food job in order to make ends meet rather than turning to crime or welfare

Do dangerous, dirty, unregulated, and exploitive jobs present new immigrants with a path toward upward mobility or a life of poverty wages?

They are inherently poverty wages, but some manage to claw their way out of poverty anyway

What do we know about multiracial congregations?

They are more accepting of diversity.

How are the intergenerational perks of transformative assets a form of unearned privilege?

They are passed down through families and earned through discriminatory laws and policies, so that the current generation did not do anything to deserve them and past generations often actively discriminated against other races to get them.

Why are these racially integrated congregations of interest for understanding race in the United States?

They provide a test/plan for integrating America as a whole.

How do product labels reinforce stereotypes of Native Americans?

They represent them

Minimization of Racism

Things aren't really that bad (comparatively)

Fallacy of Private Solutions

Thinking that changing one person's mind at a time can make a large difference in the degree of discrimination in a society

Fallacy of Unanimity

Thinking that everyone believes the same way you do because you only ever talk to like-minded individuals

"When the Melting Pot Boils Over: The Irish, Jews, Blacks, and Koreans of New York" by Roger Waldinger

Through a combination of racism and nepotism, specific races often become entrenched in specific professions.

True or False: Evidence suggests that the influx of poultry workers into the Southeast increases the upward mobility for the more educated native-born residents


True or False: Fair weather liberals change their internal attitude in the presence of discriminators


True or False: In Lapchick's view, athletes should be held to a higher standard and should act as role models


True or False: Inner city decent families often encounter racism and poverty that challenge their value system and also have street oriented family members


True or False: Irish immigrants in New York were able to get city jobs because their English proficiency helped them score well on employment essay exams


True or False: It appears that the vast majority of employers are reluctant to take a chance on applicants with a criminal record


True or False: Many black women object to interracial relationships because if they marry white men, they lose status within the black community


True or False: Most Chinese garment industry employers in New York City hire only workers from major Chinese settlements


True or False: Most crack users are white


True or False: Pager's research indicates that employers are more likely to call back white job applicants with a criminal record than black job applicants with no criminal record


True or False: Sentencing disparities are partly the result of perpetual discrimination by police, lawyers, and judges


True or False: The number of African-Americans incarcerated in the U.S. during the last half of the 20th century increased by 900 percent

True. It went from 98,000 black people to 884,500.

True or False: Mainstream scholars on the left tend to treat race as a categorical designation that affects the outcome

True. Lawrence D. Bobo says in "Laissez-faire Racism, Racial Inequality, and the Role of the Social Sciences" that this is the fundamental failure of left leaning social scientists.

True or False: If all U.S. states required DNA samples from arrestees, it is estimated that profiles of about 90 percent of urban black males would be in DNA data banks

True. Right now about 41 to 49 percent of CODIS is comprised of African Americans

True or False: The current generation born in the 1980s and afterward is bombarded with negative controlling images of African Americans

True. They include the welfare queen and the porno chick.

True or False: Six percent of African Americans sampled believed we had already achieved racial equality in the U.S.

True. This is compared to one-third of white respondents who expressed the same sentiment.

True or False: The author refers to people in mixed race congregations as "Sixth Americans"

Ture. Writer David Hollinger believes the U.S. is made up of five racial melting pots. Michael O. Emerson believes people in mixed congregations live in multiple melting pots simultaneously

3 out of 5 African Americans live in a community with ...

Uncontrolled toxic waste sites

The McDonald's "Calvin" commercials ...

Underscored the pursuit of the American Dream

How do union bureaucracies impact the Chinese garment workers?

Unions help the union members but not non-union members that work in the same sweatshop

How difficult is it for someone with a criminal record to secure employment?

Very - they are only half as likely to get a job as someone of their race without a criminal record.

Why high incarceration?

War on Drugs

Why are blacks subject to the most severe discrimination in the housing market

Wealth inequality Racism on part of real estate agents Assumed racism on the part of real estate customers

House Underwater

When a person owes more on a house than the house is worth

Hate Crime

When a victim is targeted for harassment, assault, or other victimization due to perceived membership to a certain social group Half of all hate crimes are based on race, and 71.4% of all race hate crimes are anti-black

Micro Discrimination

When an individual performs discriminatory acts


When one country controls another in order to seize resources, such as land, gold, timber, or ivory, or to enslave its population

How is laissez-faire racism different from "old-fashioned racism?

While "old-fashioned" racism perceives people of color as beneath white people and discriminates based on that, laissez-faire racism blames POC for their own situations

Where did the economic inequality in Detroit originate?

White flight from the city to the suburbs Deindustrialization in the city Racial steering and unfair lending practices

"Kristen v. Aisha; Brad v. Rasheed: What's in a Name and How It Affects Getting a Job" by Amy Braverman

White names on a resume will get more jobs than black names, even if the resumes are otherwise identical

"The Mark of a Criminal Record" by Devah Pager

White people are more likely than blacks to be hired for entry-level jobs, people without criminal record are more likely to be hired than people with criminal records, and these two facts interact to make it more likely that a young black men with a criminal record, even for non-violent offenses like drug possession, will be discriminated against when trying to get a job.

New Racial Hierarchy

White/nonwhite => black/nonblack

Facts about minstrel shows of the 19th century

Whites perceived gross caricatures portrayed by white people in black face as representations of "genuine Negros" Blacks eventually replaced white minstrel performers They were so popular one was performed for a U.S. President

Why don't workers take legal action against their employers until after the shops have been closed?

Workers are unaware of their rights and the political system Workers are unfamiliar with the U.S. tax laws Workers fear the Immigrant and Naturalization Service (INS) may raid the shop

The Chinese garment industry in New York involves ...

Working more than eight hours per day Hazardous working conditions Illegal paycheck deductions and late paychecks

Is it the case that "repression and inclusion [of Arab Americans] may be happening at the same time"?

Yes, although the government and citizens are often unkind to Arab immigrants, many people are also nice and helpful to Arab immigrants, giving them a place to belong in their communities. It is possible for different people to present both good and bad behavior at the same time.

Are the suggestions for a greater social justice in this passage politically possible?

Yes, but not with our current leadership

Is it possible to live our lives in the category Merton calls the "unprejudiced non-discriminator"

Yes, it is possible to believe in the inherent equality of all people and stand by those principles, but even then one must try not to fall into the trap of thinking that everyone believes the same way they do.

Is it possible that race discrimination could include denying someone employment opportunities because that person has a black-sounding name?

Yes, that is what "Kristen v. Aisha; Brad v. Rasheed: What's in a Name and How It Affects Getting a Job" by Amy Braverman says

Are transformative assets racist?

Yes, they appear in some races more than others

Do the transfers of wealth that are transformative assets undermine the deeply held belief that individuals should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Yes. It makes it easy for the children of rich parent to succeed while poor children have a much more difficult time.

Does American racial separation in religion matter, and if so, how?

Yes. People tend to make church friends, so if their congregation is diverse then their friends will be diverse. Also, diverse churches spread the wealth to a wider variety of people.

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