
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

When the hand-holding ends and students are pushed off the cliff and told to fly, too many potentially awesome people are spiraling onto the rocks of frustration without learning how to [[flap]] their wings.

(of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly

We are working hard to update existing lessons and produce new content so we would love to hear your feedback on how you are [[coping]] with the lessons and projects.

(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult

[[coping]] with unknown words when speaking.

(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult

Hey, and guess what? The <code>/Home</code> directory is yours now! I gave it to you! Am I [[generous]] or what?!

(of a person) showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected

Because the client-side code runs in the browser, all you really need to write some HTML, CSS and Javascript is a web browser like Chrome, Firefox or ([[shudder]]) Internet Explorer.

(of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion

This means that if you're [[eager]] to see the Rails 5 update of the Rails Tutorial, the Learn Enough Society is the fastest way to get it (probably starting in late spring or early summer).

(of a person) wanting to do or have something very much.

His search for knowledge is a thing of legends -- he gave his eye for the wisdom of ages and hung from the world tree, [[pierced]] by his own spear, for nine days and nights to gain the knowledge of runes.

(of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something)

It's that text-only interface that Hollywood has told us hackers [[furiously]] type away on while doing their devious business and the domain of experienced programmers who can effectively communicate in binary.

(of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner

This is why we believe the people with the power to pass legislation need to understand what's at stake before making decisions that could [[drastically]] affect how the Internet works!

Extreme in effect; severe or radical:

The regular normal price is called economy or [[coach]].

economy class seating in an aircraft or train

You're done! [[Revel]] in the glory of your newfound CSS knowledge for a moment, then head on to the project.

enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing

[[Revel]] in the glory of your newly created webpage.

enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing

I [[enlisted]] in the army right out of high school to study language at the Defense Language Institute.

enroll or be enrolled in the armed services

We're going to [[stuff]] some miniature book reviews in this hash.

fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something

In addition, many of them (including Atom and Sublime) include an option to run in Vim compatibility mode, so even if you [[end up]] loving Vim you can still use a modern editor without having to give Vim up entirely.

finally be or do something

Show us a screenshot if you can't [[pinpoint]] the problem - you should use this especially to show the output of commands in the command line.

find or locate exactly

Your job here is to bend and [[mold]] those wild ideas into something viable. Stretch and test your ideas. Prove your assumptions.

form (an object with a particular shape) out of easily manipulated material

You can read this book anywhere, at your [[leisure]], on your phone or tablet. Use this book to gain background understanding when you are not at your computer.

free time

opportunity afforded by free time to do something.

free time

A JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") uses a mathematical algorithm to compress the image and will [[distort]] the original slightly.

give a misleading or false account or impression of

If you'd like to [[vent]] your ire at how your life hasn't shaped up the way you hoped it would, please contact us here ([email protected]).

give free expression to (a strong emotion)

It's [[silly]] to go diving straight into server-side programming without having a context for what it is and why it's useful (and why you should learn it!).

having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish

Odin is a figure from Norse mythology, the allfather of the gods. He is portrayed as powerful and fickle (as they often are) but also wise and [[cunning]].

having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion

My books are [[densely]] packed with links to background reading.

having the component parts closely compacted together; crowded or compact

In order to be [[eligible]] for a Course Certificate, I must have had my identity verified on the Coursera platform.

having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions

If you've run into issues with your installation and are [[desperately]] looking for something else to try, take a deep breath first and go back over the instructions step-by-step to make sure you've followed them properly.

in a way that shows despair

(there are many color values [[besides]] red)

in addition to; apart from

[[Inadequately]] altering the settings may result in system's failure to boot.

in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree

because the reset link puts the email in params[:email], [[whereas]] the latter would put it in params[:user][:email].

in contrast or comparison with the fact that

Instead, there were a profusion of options (i, a, and o among them) for switching to insertion mode, and all it took was a few wrong keystrokes for all hell to [[break loose]].

indicates a state of fury or chaos

But what may not be evident is that those other elements - images, videos, and the like - are (usually) [[discrete]] and separate files from the HTML.

individually separate and distinct

The following code, for example, will cause all list items in a list to appear next to each other in one continuous line [[rather]] than each one having its own line:

instead of; as opposed to

In the next lesson we will go over the basic workflow of using Git which should [[enhance]] your understanding and demonstrate why Git is so useful.

intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of

No matter how [[convoluted]] a webpage's HTML is, the web inspector gives us an easy way to find the piece of the page we want.

intricately folded, twisted, or coiled

If you're less technical or brand new to all this, it will take longer. Don't [[despair]]! When you think about it, that's pretty much the same learning curve you had to climb to learn anything worthwhile so far in life.

lose or be without hope

Many tech companies make fun or amusing 404's to [[ease]] the pain of rejection.

make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe

Nice work! Your page is still looking a bit spare, though. Better add an image or two to [[spruce]] things up a bit.

make a person or place smarter or tidier

A pair of virtual attributes (password and password_confirmation), including presence validations [[upon]] object creation and a validation requiring that they match.

more formal term for on, especially in abstract senses

But where Git really shines is when we start talking about this in the collaborative sense: you and other team members trying to do the same thing, even [[worse]]: on the same files.

more seriously or severely

What's [[worse]], when you choose a version control system, you really commit to it, and it is often difficult to switch from one to another.

more seriously or severely

I have the [[utmost]] respect for anyone who continues investing in their own education.

most extreme; greatest.

In the next chapter on HTML parsing, we'll see how easy it is to [[traverse]] that HTML structure to pull out the data in any kind of tabular format we wish, such as comma-delimited text.

move (something) back and forth or sideways

They do a great job [[easing]] you into the kind of logical thinking you'll need to cultivate over the coming phases.

move carefully, gradually, or gently

The guild is an exclusive, invite-only Facebook group where the most passionate language learners gather to share resources, discuss learning techniques, and [[mingle]] with like-minded people.

move freely around a place or at a social function, associating with others.

Your periodic flashes of brilliance are countered by noob mistakes and, worse, a [[creeping]] suspicion that you still don't have a damn clue what you're doing.

move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard or noticed

DNS was designed to work extremely fast and efficiently. It is an [[integral]] part of the Internet.

necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental

If you'd like to provide [[unsolicited]] advice, donations, or tips for good places to hike in the Bay Area, please contact us here ([email protected]).

not asked for; given or done voluntarily

So are you giving out harsh, [[unfair]] reviews?

not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice

If we were to use the cat tool from Chapter 9 Section 9.2, we can see that the contents of b.txt are still [[intact]].

not damaged or impaired in any way; complete

If the battery won't come [[loose]], don't force it.

not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached

This is [[frictionless]], and a great ally in the battle to stay focused on the story.

not impeded by or creating friction; smooth

This is because they aren't built [[solely]] for language learners, and translations aren't their main feature.

not involving anyone or anything else; only

Programming may not be perfect for everyone, but we want you to make progress because sometimes the [[unlikeliest]] of stories become the grandest successes.

not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable

During sleep your brain also [[rehearses]] some of the tougher parts of whatever you're trying to learn, going over and over neural patterns to deepen and strengthen them.

practise for later public performance

Finally, we'll add the ability to destroy users, [[wiping]] them clear from the database.

remove or eliminate (something) completely

Let's say "wash", and you'll look: "Wash", and it'll say: "Wash - to clean, or to [[erase]], to clean oneself."

rub out or remove (writing or marks)

If the puzzle still can't be solved, push your project to GitHub so that others can [[comb]] through and debug the code.

search carefully and systematically

To [[remedy]] this, please type Command+0 or Ctrl+0 to reset your view.

set right (an undesirable situation)

You might be surprised to learn that just [[plain]] being awake creates toxic products in your brain.

sheer; simple (used for emphasis)

Just like a house, an HTML page needs a <strong>[[frame]]</strong>. In this case, your frame is made of <code>&#60;!DOCTYPE&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;html&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;head&#62;</code>, and <code>&#60;body&#62;</code> tags.

[1]a rigid structure that surrounds or encloses something such as a door or window; [2]the structure, constitution, or nature of someone or something

[1]Every house needs a [[frame]]

[1]a rigid structure that surrounds or encloses something such as a door or window; [2]the structure, constitution, or nature of someone or something

[2]At LinguaLift, we're strong believers in language learning being enjoyable, that you're better off learning at a relaxed but [[steady]] pace, instead of overworking for awhile before giving up completely.

[1]not shaking or moving; [2]regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity

firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving

[1]not shaking or moving; [2]regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity

In the meantime, give your divs a [[makeover]] on the CSS tab:

a complete transformation or remodeling of something

So when meeting new people. Don't just [[barrage]] them with questions.

a concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area

The third core area are the discussion forums where there is also an opportunity for you to ask the questions that concern you. You'll be able to help others with your own information and your own [[insights]].

a deep understanding of a person or thing

These [[insights]] are based on solid research from neuroscience, from cognitive psychology, and also from dozens of leading instructors and practitioners in difficult-to-learn subjects.

a deep understanding of a person or thing

If your system becomes unstable and you have loaded the BIOS default settings, you can use this function to load the BIOS settings from a profile created before, without the [[hassles]] of reconfiguring the BIOS settings.

a disagreement; a quarrel

I'm a [[rogue]] paragraph! I do what I want!

a dishonest or unprincipled man

This is especially useful when there's a [[rogue]] process on your system that needs to be killed.

a dishonest or unprincipled man

Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system [[malfunction]].

a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner

The main [[takeaways]] are (1) it's possible to "go back in history" to view the project at an earlier state and (2) it's tricky to make changes, so if you find yourself doing anything complicated you should ask a more experienced Git user what to do.

a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.

The [[trek]] towards job-readiness can be plotted in terms of how your confidence level changes as your capability increases:

a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot

As an additional security [[precaution]], we'll also plan to expire the reset link after a couple of hours, which requires recording the time when the reset gets sent.

a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening D will either mean you are sitting on the [[aisle]], in the middle, or on the window. weird word...aisle, the place where the stewardesses come up and down to bring drinks during the flight, that's the aisle.

a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an airplane, or a train

Learning like a child is sexy because it sounds easy and effortless—until you realize it took you more than a [[decade]] to reach a reasonable level in your own language, despite being immersed in it every day and receiving a formal education on top of that.

a period of ten years.

Well, it is. So use [[sparingly]].

something done in a frugal manner

The results were pretty [[astounding]].

surprisingly impressive or notable

If you've [[dabbled]] in HTML, JavaScript, or maybe a little Python, but you're not quite sure which path to venture out on, this handy breakdown is for you.

take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way

Tools like Codecademy and Treehouse and Code School reach out with the gentlest of touches to [[assure]] you that you too (nay, anyone!) can not just learn to code but become a full-fledged developer as well.

tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have

You can complete Book Two in one long weekend, though it will take concentration and [[stamina]].

the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort

You can finally remove all those pesky octocats by using the git rm command which will not only remove the actual files from disk, but will also stage the [[removal]] of the files for us.

the action of taking away or abolishing something unwanted

Learning How to Learn is for you—it's meant to give you practical [[insight]] on how to learn more deeply and with less frustration.

the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing

You'll also see how two key factors -- the [[density]] of resources and scope of required knowledge -- define this journey.

the degree of compactness of a substance

Now maybe this is confusing to you, after all, [[accountability]] and stuff, right?

the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility

That's why even the best of them use their browsers' web inspector, a tool built into most major browsers that hugely reduces the [[frustration]] in reading through raw HTML.

the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something

The [[upshot]] for us programmers is that we can target these discrete files.

the final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion, action, or series of events

The [[upshot]]: "There's no specific date but they are adding it to Mac OS X," he said.

the final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion, action, or series of events

Sometimes we can frustrate ourselves with the [[enormity]] or the ambiguity of the problem. On one hand you have to innovate and delight, on the other hand you have to be practical and provide real actionable solutions.

the large size or scale of something.

You would never plan to compete in a weight lifting competition by waiting until the very day before a meet and then spending that entire day working out like a [[fiend]].

a person who is excessively fond of or addicted to something

Wireless Network are the easiest and desirable target for [[wannabe]] hackers.

a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people.

The actual HTML generated by this ERb isn't particularly relevant, but you might be curious, so here's a [[peek]] at a schematic view (details may differ):

a quick and typically furtive look

You'll be learning about CSS in the next lesson and project, but we thought you might like a sneak [[peek]] here.

a quick and typically furtive look

We say these style [[sheets]] are cascading because the sheets can apply formatting when more than one style applies.

a rectangular piece of paper, especially one of a standard size produced commercially and used for writing and printing on

First, you observe, and get a [[cue]] about something that causes a tiny bit of unease.

a signal for action

This is a [[remnant]] of XHTML, a form of HTML based on another markup language called XML.

a small remaining quantity of something

In recent years, we've made great [[strides]] from research, in discovering how to learn most effectively. Finding a way to simply and effectively share these ideas with you, has been a big undertaking, but we feel it's well worth doing.

a step or stage in progress toward an aim

There have been enormous [[strides]] from research in discovering how we learn most effectively.

a step or stage in progress toward an aim

You will then learn the basics of front end technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript before stepping into the back end with a brief [[foray]] into Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something

On the one hand, you've heard rumors of how difficult programming is since you were young, like [[old wives tales]] meant to scare children into studying social sciences instead.

a superstition or traditional belief that is regarded as unscientific or incorrect

Finding a way to simply and effectively share these ideas with you, has been a big [[undertaking]], but we feel it's well worth doing.

a task that is taken on; an enterprise

They allow you to easily and quickly track down the cause of issues and bugs like problems with layout or other css [[hiccups]].

a temporary or minor difficulty or setback

You just think one simple thought like, I'll get dressed, but it's amazing when you realize the complex [[swirl]] of underlying activities that take place with that one, simple chunk of thought.

a twisting or spiraling movement or pattern

But then there are items that you directly use in the car to make it go: your gas and brake pedals, the [[steering wheel]].

a wheel that a driver rotates in order to steer a vehicle

<code>:splendid</code> → a [[masterpiece]].

a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship

At that point we move into a more [[receptive]] posture where conflict can start to solve us.

able or willing to receive something, especially signals or stimuli

One of the most [[versatile]] structure tags available to you is the <code>&#60;div&#62;&#60;/div&#62;</code> tag.

able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

Among those computers, some computers (called Web servers) can send messages [[intelligible]] to web browsers.

able to be understood; comprehensible

And now, let's [[tack]] one more method on the end there, if you don't mind.

add or append something to something already existing

Cut and paste is how the world was built, and it's a [[fabulous]] medium-term memory system.

amazingly good; wonderful

Have a [[fabulous]] day! Cheers!

amazingly good; wonderful

It's inspiring that he's taking the [[plunge]] into learning development himself in the midst of running a startup which, I can attest, is an insane pursuit on its own.

an act of jumping or diving into water

You feel like half of you is a bulletproof developer and the other half is a thin [[veneer]] of effectiveness covering a wild-eyed newbie who is in way too deep.

an attractive appearance that covers or disguises someone or something's true nature or feelings

<code>ls</code> is an example of a command, a [[directive]] to the computer to perform a specific task.

an official or authoritative instruction

They are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6, h1 being the almighty emperor of headings and h6 being the lowest [[pleb]].

an ordinary person, especially one from the lower social classes

If you'd like to vent your [[ire]] at how your life hasn't shaped up the way you hoped it would, please contact us here ([email protected]).


In summary [[then]], we learned that analogies provide powerful techniques for learning.

at that time; at the time in question

All my life I've [[sought]] to avoid pain.

attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something)

past and past participle of seek.

attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something)

The Pomodoro technique is great for avoiding procrastination as it forces you to work without distractions. And since it's only for 25 minutes before taking a break, it's not overwhelming, making it harder to [[rationalise]] procrastinating.

attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate

The best way to learn? [[Tinker]]! Play! Go!

attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way

It can feel [[clunky]] the first few times you use them.

awkwardly solid, heavy, and outdated

In the chatroom, code can be displayed differently from normal sentences by using [[backticks]] - it's the button above your tab key - which are not to be confused with single quotation marks.

back quote

I've just returned from 14 days in Bangkok, and I already miss the [[hustle]] and bustle of that incredible city.

busy movement and activity

With a combination of positioning, floating, margins, padding and borders, you should be able to represent any web design your mischievous little imagination can [[conjure]].

call (an image) to mind

And while that image of a programmer is a bit [[overdone]], the command line really is sort of like our base of operations, from which we'll launch other programs to do our "real developing" in.

carried to excess; exaggerated

Teaching what you know to others is a great way to solidify what you have learnt and can often [[reveal]] holes in your knowledge that you wouldn't have identified otherwise.

cause or allow (something) to be seen

We don't want to be [[intrusive]].

causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited

Many tech companies make fun or [[amusing]] 404's to ease the pain of rejection.

causing laughter or providing entertainment

He is portrayed as powerful and [[fickle]] (as they often are) but also wise and cunning.

changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection

This [[amalgamates]] these properties:

combine or unite to form one organization or structure

margin allows you to [[amalgamate]] margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left in the form of property: top right bottom left;

combine or unite to form one organization or structure

order('created_at DESC') Here DESC is SQL for "[[descending]]", i.e., in descending order from newest to oldest. In older versions of Rails, using this raw SQL used to be the only option to get the desired behavior, but as of Rails 4.0 we can use a more natural pure-Ruby syntax as well: order(created_at: :desc)

come or go down a scale

As a result, you're much more likely to quit like a baby. Still not [[convinced]]?

completely certain about something

As seen in Figure 10.10, I've taken the [[liberty]] of associating the first few sample addresses with Gravatars so that they're not all the default Gravatar image.

the power or scope to act as one pleases

CSS brings 16,777,216 colors to your [[disposal]].

the power to use something or someone

display: inline-block will keep a box inline but [[lend]] the greater formatting flexibility of block boxes, allowing margin to the right and left of the box, for example.

contribute or add (something, especially a quality) to

What you lack is a reliable system for [[harnessing]] the power of your memory, and practising in a way that helps you reliably remember new words and phrases - the ones you want - so you never forget them.

control and make use of

As I wondered back to my desk I felt tired and [[worn]]. I was sleepy and a little sad. I felt a lot of things, but the one thing that I felt more strongly than anything else was a sense of resolution.

damaged and shabby as a result of much use

A list this long is too [[intimidating]] to memorize without a good strategy.

daunting: discouraging through fear

Let's face it -- the command line is a bit [[intimidating]].

daunting: discouraging through fear

Anyone who's made the jump from beginner to intermediate can [[attest]] that there is a BIG difference between the amount of resources available when you first start out versus when you're first looking for help building things on your own without too much hand-holding.

declare that something exists or is the case

It's inspiring that he's taking the plunge into learning development himself in the midst of running a startup which, I can [[attest]], is an insane pursuit on its own.

declare that something exists or is the case

While most students are stuck in the [[vicious]] learn-forget-relearn cycle, you could be spending a fraction of the time in learning, and making faster progress, by focusing on your efficiency in study.

deliberately cruel or violent.

You feel like half of you is a [[bulletproof]] developer and the other half is a thin veneer of effectiveness covering a wild-eyed newbie who is in way too deep.

designed to resist the penetration of bullets

We can discuss [[merits]] of this or other textbook and methodology all day long, but most learning happens out in the wild, through interaction with native speakers, in natural environment.

the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

It doesn't matter how long you struggle with a concept or project; all that matters is that you have the grit and [[tenacity]] to see it through, that's how real learning happens.

the quality or fact of being very determined; determination

If you obtained this book from Amazon or another [[retailer]], take a moment to get on the mailing list for the book. I'll let you know when I release updates to the book.

the sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities

Just like a real family, elements have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on (though we don't make this [[distinction]] with HTML—a child of an element, and all that child's children, are children of the first parent).

the separation of things or people into different groups according to their attributes or characteristics

However, there are a few basic terms you need to understand at the [[outset]], since you'll hear these expressions all the time as you read on.

the start or beginning of something

"Back End" typically refers to the [[guts]] of the application which live on the server.

the stomach or belly

The construction of images for the web is a little outside of the [[remit]] of this website, but it is worth noting a few things

the task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organization

Using super-high resolution images isn't doing your or your user's [[bandwidth]] (or patience) any favors.

the transmission capacity of a computer network or other telecommunication system

I took some time to [[ponder]] the following question: "What are the moments in my life when I feel in control, productive, successful, focused, happy, eager, and motivated?

think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion

Points to [[ponder]]

think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion

Ruby has [[tossed]] you a useful error message.

throw (something) somewhere lightly, easily, or casually.

The two are nearly identical, but the latter operator has a higher precedence, which [[binds]] too tightly to root_url in this case.

tie or fasten (something) tightly

You can take the letters P-O and P and [[bind]] them together into one conceptual easy to remember chunk, the word pop.

tie or fasten (something) tightly

I neglected, ignored, flunked, and [[downright]] hated math and science all through grade school, middle school, and high school.

to an extreme degree; thoroughly

Dude! Don't sweat your exam,I 'm sure you'll [[smash it]].

to be successful

[[Pretend]] you are at a fancy restaurant.

to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so:

Instead, all we need to do is .... [[get on with it]]!

to start or continue doing something, especially work

An 80-column limit also enforces good coding discipline, as exceeding 80 columns is often a sign that we [[would do well]] to introduce a new variable or function name.

used for advising that someone should do something

The Domain Name System is [[indisputably]] one of the most important and over-looked parts of the Internet.

used to describe something that is so obviously true that there is no room for questions or debate

Life has a funny way of showing you that the things you thought were absolute truths are actually [[flat out]] wrong.

without hesitation or reservation

When you want to present information [[neatly]] in a table with rows and columns — you guessed it — the <code>table</code> tag is what you need.


As a token of our [[gratitude]] (bribe) we're giving away 5 Codewars t-shirts! Just fill out the survey to enter to win.


So, we created a short and fun form to collect data about your study routines. It'll take less than 5 minutes to complete, and you'll have my eternal [[gratitude]]!


There's an additional detail we need to address regarding our application's data model: unlike symmetric Facebook-style friendships, which are always [[reciprocal]] (at least at the data-model level), Twitter-style following relationships are potentially asymmetric—Calvin can follow Hobbes without Hobbes following Calvin.

взаимный, обоюдный

at least one word character, plus, [[hyphen]], or dot


An [[acrimonious]] dispute, especially when conducted on a public electronic forum such as Usenet.

желчный (о характере); язвительный, саркастический

That's Mistake #1: [[Sacrificing]] long-term progress for the short-term "feeling" of progress.

жертвовать чем-л.

Keep torso [[rigid]].

жёсткий, негнущийся; неподатливый

[[backwards]], yes, but not that backwards.

задом наперед

Some Rails classes are used like ordinary Ruby objects, but some are just grist for Rails' magic [[mill]].


The tool I had been handed was vi. To say that it seemed like a [[downgrade]] from word processors is a gross understatement.

наклон, склон, уклон

In short, we shouldn't allow name and email to be just any strings; we should enforce certain constraints on their values. Active Record allows us to [[impose]] such constraints using validations.


You are ready for the [[inevitable]].

неизбежный, неминуемый

Confirm at the console that the user in the previous exercise has valid reset_digest and reset_sent_at attributes, [[despite]] the error. What are the attribute values?


Sometimes terminate code 15 isn't enough, though, and we need to [[escalate]] the level of urgency until the process is well and truly dead.


As noted in Section 6.1.5, this method [[bypasses]] the validations, which is necessary in this case because we don't have access to the user's password or confirmation.


I've never been a fan of rote learning, and hence never developed skills to learn [[vast]] quantities of unrelated things.


Session hijacking was widely [[publicized]] by the Firesheep application, which showed that remember tokens at many high-profile sites were visible when connected to public Wi-Fi networks.


So I'm going to Germany from Houston, but I have a [[layover]] in Chicago.


Here we've used the terminate code 15, which attempts to kill the process as [[gently]] as possible (meaning it gives the process a chance to clean up any temporary files, complete any necessary operations, etc.).

осторожно, легко

The urlsafe_base64 method from the SecureRandom module in the Ruby standard library [[fits the bill]]: it returns a random string of length 22 composed of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and "_" (for a total of 64 possibilities, thus "base64").

отвечает всем требованиям

If Alice sends Bob a note before she [[heads off]] to her tea party, Bob will know to do a git pull to pull in Alice's changes:


It's usually like: "Ugh, that was [[disgusting]]."


In particular, we can replace the Ruby code following_ids with the SQL [[snippet]] following_ids = "SELECT followed_id FROM relationships WHERE follower_id = :user_id"

отрывок, кусок, фрагмент

In honor of [[shipping]] your first Git repo, drink a celebratory beverage of your choice.


This is a list of habits to protect as I take another stab at developing and [[nourishing]] them.


Because static HTML pages by definition don't change from one page view to the next, GitHub can cache them efficiently, which makes GitHub Pages sites both fast and cheap to serve (which is why GitHub can [[afford]] to offer them for free).

позволить себе

Before you [[wave your fists]] at me and tell me this is wrong because company X wants GPAs listed, or company Y wants education on top, read this next paragraph.

помахать кулачками

Then we also have the word for coming back down and that's [[landing]].


Pages to display followed users and followers will [[resemble]] a hybrid of the user profile page and the user index page (Section 10.3.1), with a sidebar of user information (including the following stats) and a list of users.

походить, иметь сходство

However, it has been [[plausibly]] suggested that the real reason for the term "metasyntactic variable" is that it sounds good.


By inspecting your browser's cookies directly, verify that the "remember me" checkbox is having its [[intended]] effect.


Alice [[suspects]] the fix for this involves adding some markup to the HTML template for the website's pages, but she's already agreed to attend a tea party, so she only has time to add a couple of HTML comments requesting for Bob to add the relevant fix, as shown in Listing 26 and Listing 27.

предполагать, допускать

In the, move to the [[second-to-last]] nonblank line using whatever technique you wish. Then move to the third word from the beginning of that line.


It's a good read in understanding the spectrum. I recommend it. Although it comes bearing it's own [[biases]] pretty strongly.


card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. The word is a neologism created as a homophone of fishing due to the similarity of using a [[bait]] in an attempt to catch a victim.


This includes both existing knowledge (such as familiarity with text editors and the Unix command line) and the ability to [[acquire]] new knowledge, as illustrated in Figure 3.

приобретать; овладевать

How [[quaint]].


Because it places the id as plain text, this method [[exposes]] the form of the application's cookies and makes it easier for an attacker to compromise user accounts.

раскрывать; разоблачать

(The other main possibilities listed in the CarrierWave documentation on MiniMagick [[stretch]] images if they're too small, which isn't what we want in this case.)

растягивать, вытягивать

[[stretch]] yourself.

растягивать, вытягивать

The problem with the data model in Figure 14.6 is that it is terribly [[redundant]]: each row contains not only each followed user's id, but all their other information as well—all of which is already in the users table.

растянутый, многословный (о стиле)

By the way, there's no harm in including -a via the -am combination shown in Listing 5 (and despite the [[redundancy]] I often do so out of habit), so this could just as easily read git commit -am "Add a README file".

резервирование; избыточность

The [[outcome]] is better than if you let it alone.


While it's possible to [[mitigate]] this issue with advanced git log options, it can make it hard for other developers to understand the history of the project.


This code has a [[formidable]] combination of Rails, Ruby, and SQL, but it does the job, and does it well:

странный, труднопреодолимый

It is aimed both at those who work with software developers and those who [[aspire]] to become developers themselves.


I've just returned from 14 days in Bangkok, and I already miss the hustle and [[bustle]] of that incredible city.


You can usually make an opinion of someone's skill after seeing a [[substantial]] amount of their work.


Apart from proper ordering, there is a second [[refinement]] we'd like to add to microposts. Recall from Section 10.4 that site administrators have the power to destroy users. It stands to reason that, if a user is destroyed, the user's microposts should be destroyed as well.


But for people who want to give their vocabulary a boost with minimal study time, there's a tool that many expert language learners [[swear]] by...

make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case

Should you [[possess]] a thirst for knowledge and persistence of spirit akin to that storied in Odin's mythos, you will find success on your journey.

have as belonging to one; own

This is a picture of one [[dendritic]] branch on a neuron which receives inputs from other neurons.

having a branched form resembling a tree.

And when you have the problem down cold, so you can go over each step completely and concisely in your mind without even looking at the solution, and you've even had practice on related problems, why then, the pattern is like this dark [[firm]] pattern you can see towards the bottom of the pinball frame.

having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure

It's important to have a [[firm]] grasp on the basics of how to use the Unix (or Linux) command line.

having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure

On the front end, you will need to be highly [[conscious]] of who your user is and how they will be interacting with your webpage because you are building their gateway to your page or product.

having knowledge of something; aware

With only a [[finite]] amount of time to study every day, you can make a choice: - learn useful words, or - learn non-useful words

having limits or bounds

It'll take less than 5 minutes to complete, and you'll have my [[eternal]] gratitude!

lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning

To leave the airport, we call that taking [[takeoff]]


feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity)


[1] Are You [[harsh]]?

[1] cruel or severe; [2] ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect; [3] jarring to the eye or to the esthetic sense; unrefined; crude; raw;

[2] So are you giving out [[harsh]], unfair reviews?

[1] cruel or severe; [2] ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect; [3] jarring to the eye or to the esthetic sense; unrefined; crude; raw;

[3] These colors might be a little too [[harsh]],

[1] cruel or severe; [2] ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect; [3] jarring to the eye or to the esthetic sense; unrefined; crude; raw;

[1]If this happens in your first language, imagine how easily it can in another language where you are always distracted by the need to [[decipher]] new words and phrases.

[1] to discover the meaning of (anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand); [2]convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language

[2]The three-digit version is easier to [[decipher]] (the first digit, like the first value in RGB, is red, the second green and the third blue) but the six-digit version gives you more control over the exact color.

[1] to discover the meaning of (anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand); [2]convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language

[1](not recommended for [[sensible]] people)

[1](of a person) possessing or displaying prudence; [2]done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.

When it comes to padding, though, things go [[awry]].

away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss

You can make that application work but what's happening [[beneath]] the surface?

extending or directly underneath

In the olden days, pre-hominid apes used HTML tables to layout web pages. [[Hilarious]], right?!

extremely amusing

The long-term memory storage warehouse is [[immense]].

extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree

There are nineteen callbacks in total, which give you [[immense]] power to react and prepare for each state in the Active Record life cycle.

extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree

I am invited to participate in the discussion forums, where I can ask questions and share my opinions, but I must not make [[abusive]] or spam-like posts.

extremely offensive and insulting

You don't have to install anything on your local machine (this can be a con depending on the way you look at it, experience installing and setting stuff up on your local machine can be [[invaluable]])

extremely useful; indispensable

I neglected, ignored, [[flunked]], and downright hated math and science all through grade school, middle school, and high school.

fail to reach the required standard in (an examination, test, or course of study)

The Desert of Despair is behind you and the Cliff of Confusion is a [[distant]] memory.

far away in space or time

Finally, fixed positioning anchors an element to the browser window—you can think of it as [[gluing]] the element to the screen.

fasten or join with or as if with glue

A long time ago there was an [[intrepid]] young student who wanted to learn CSS...

fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect)

You can use a table to create a beautifully formatted [[grid]] of photos.

a network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles

These insights are based on solid research from neuroscience, from cognitive psychology, and also from dozens of leading instructors and [[practitioners]] in difficult-to-learn subjects.

a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine

Deadline: This week has assignments that will be reviewed by your [[peers]]. If you submit late, you might not get a grade.

a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person

If you go through the help steps, you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll be able to find the solution — or your [[peers]] or Coursera will be able to help!

a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person

About a week ago, an [[acquaintance]] of mine named Tom Scott putout a video called "Why You Should Write Down Your Goals"

a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend

This is frictionless, and a great [[ally]] in the battle to stay focused on the story.

a person or organization that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity

The further you progress, the more a gnawing sense of uncertainty grows that someone is going to "out" you as a [[fraud]].

a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities

The pretty exterior that gives the house character, or the [[host]] that invites guests in and makes them feel at home.

a person who receives or entertains other people as guests

This will target something only if it is the very first [[descendant]] of an element.

a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor

Physical distractions are distractions from your environment, things like a TV in the background, other people speaking etc. These are just as much a [[nuisance]] to breaking your focus as digital distractions.

a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance

Look in the preview [[pane]]: no surprises there. (In fact, it's pretty ugly if you ask us.)

a separate defined area within a window for the display of, or interaction with, a part of that window's application or output

Remove the comment from around the <code>link</code> tag on line 4, then view the result in the preview [[pane]] to see what you'll soon be able to do with CSS!

a separate defined area within a window for the display of, or interaction with, a part of that window's application or output

But, when compared to other careers, web development does have some [[wrinkles]] (that probably work in your favor).

a slight line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin of the face

I [[neglected]], ignored, flunked, and downright hated math and science all through grade school, middle school, and high school.

not pay proper attention to; disregard

Looping over the users first gives feeds with big runs of microposts from the same user, which is visually [[unappealing]].

not pleasant or attractive

Also, I'm really proud of this form, so at least check it out for its [[sheer]] coolness 😝

nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis)

Displays the context sentence to provide more meaning, [[jog]] your memory, and aid retention.

nudge or knock slightly

I realize that even if my worst fears [[eventuated]] it would not be the end of the world.

occur as a result

If you've ever been on a less-than-[[instantaneous]] Internet connection, then you've noticed the ramifications of this when a webpage loads but has blank spots where the more slowly-loading images should be.

occurring or done in an instant or instantly

Should you possess a thirst for knowledge and persistence of spirit [[akin]] to that storied in Odin's mythos, you will find success on your journey.

of similar character

[[patted]] yourself on the back for accomplishing a task that has turned back many brave warriors.

touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand

So, here's your brain, with the ears right here, and the eyes looking [[upwards]]. And we can lay that pinball machine right down inside it. So, there you go.

toward a higher place, point, or level

Sign up for a meetup to find an experienced programmer that can help you and Google the error messages to [[troubleshoot]] the installation.

trace and correct faults in a mechanical or electronic system

If it does, the name is translated to the IP address and the browser [[negotiates]] contents with the web server. End of story.

transfer (a check, bill, or other document) to the legal ownership of another person

Now that the computer knows the requested IP address, your browser can [[negotiate]] contents with the web server.

transfer (a check, bill, or other document) to the legal ownership of another person

As noted in Section 6.3.1, "unencrypted password" is a [[misnomer]], as the secure password is hashed, not encrypted.

неправильное название

This is a challenging section and can be skipped without loss of [[continuity]].

непрерывность, последовательность, неразрывность, целостность

In particular, when two collaborators edit the same file, it is possible that the changes might be [[irreconcilable]].


Vim will give us a chance to see our first examples of the most important functions of a text editor, but because Vim can be [[forbiddingly]] complex for a beginner, in this tutorial we will cover only the bare minimum necessary to make basic edits.

неприступно, страшно

Indeed, this is good advice for the main text as well—you'll be surprised how often a seemingly impossible idea or [[intractable]] problem will look easy the second time around.

несговорчивый, упрямый, неподатливый, неуступчивый

As usual, use your technical sophistication (Box 3) to resolve any [[discrepancies]].

несоответствие, расхождение, противоречие

A [[relentless]] dedication to your goals


[[relentless]] focus on one task at a time


The output of git help is similar to the man pages covered in Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous: full of useful but often [[obscure]] information.


:q!\ Force-quit a file, [[discarding]] any changes

отбрасывать, выбрасывать, отказываться

Actually, we'll use the closely related, but we'll [[defer]] that subtlety until we need it.


So far we've only [[rejected]] blank email addresses; in this section, we'll require email addresses to conform to the familiar pattern [email protected].


# Secrecy is [[unveiled]] (ActiveRecord::Callbacks)


There are two types of callbacks, differing in how they control data flow at runtime: blocking callbacks (also known as synchronous callbacks or just callbacks) and [[deferred]] callbacks (also known as asynchronous callbacks).


Here we [[somewhat]] arbitrarily arrange for the first user to follow users 3 through 51, and then have users 4 through 41 follow that user back.

отчасти, to some extent

It [[encompasses]] anything I make; the podcast, art, making a better self, making a safe home, making lasting relationships, making better choices, etc. 2.


A Maker is first and foremost, a maker, and then a [[sharer]].


By using your text editor's ability to comment out code, [[toggle]] back and forth between commenting out code in Listing 8.25 and confirm that the test suite toggles between red and green. (You will need to save the file between toggles.)


To help with the [[transition]] from tutorial to independent development, Section 14.4 offers some pointers to more advanced resources.

переход, развитие, эволюция, превращение

The two are nearly identical, but the latter operator has a higher precedence, which binds too [[tightly]] to root_url in this case.

плотно, тесно

Undocumented feature is a common, [[allegedly]] humorous euphemism for a bug.

по утверждению, как утверждают, будто бы, якобы

Because of the heavy lifting ahead, it's especially important to review where we're going. A [[recap]] of the final status feed, shown in Figure 14.5, appears again in Figure 14.21.

повторение, суммирование

You've now got control of your webpage, including the color, size and type of your font. To [[recap]], we use the style attribute in the opening tag, like so:

повторение, суммирование

The presence: true argument is a one-element options hash; recall from Section 4.3.4 that curly braces are optional when passing hashes as the final argument in a method. (As noted in Section 5.1.1, the use of options hashes is a [[recurring]] theme in Rails

повторяется постоянно

I took me from feeling afraid and [[despondent]] in my Japanese, to confident and enthusiastic...


The beginning is different, though; unlike account activation, implementing password resets requires both a change to one of our views and two new forms (to handle email and new password [[submission]]).


The path to expertise is built little by little, small chunks can become larger, and all of the expertise serves to [[underpin]] more creative interpretations as you gradually become a master of the material.


As indicated in the [[caption]] to Listing 10.12, the test suite is still red, which is the result of the password length validation (Listing 6.42) failing due to the empty password and confirmation in Listing 10.11.


They were one of the biggest inspirations for me as I built my own band, and wrote and preformed my own songs. In my [[adolescent]] view, these kids were my heroes. We became friends and played shows together.


Vim thus [[dovetails]] nicely with a command-line tutorial like Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous.

подходить, соответствовать, совпадать

A good way to find such processes is by running the top command, which shows the processes [[consuming]] the most resources.


An 80-column limit also enforces good coding discipline, as [[exceeding]] 80 columns is often a sign that we would do well to introduce a new variable or function name.


For the [[foreseeable]] future I will be in one of my most busiest seasons.


Of course, even the subselect won't scale forever. For bigger sites, you would probably need to generate the feed asynchronously using a background job, but such scaling subtleties are beyond the [[scope]] of this tutorial.

пределы, рамки, границы

Simply put, the first 6 months involve a [[deliberate]] process of learning a lot of vocabulary.

преднамеренный, умышленный;

But be warned: there's a major [[caveat]], so don't just skim this section—read it carefully.


The above discussion [[suggests]] putting the digest-token comparison into an authenticated? method in the User model, which plays a role similar to that of the authenticate method provided by has_secure_password for authenticating a user (Listing 8.15). The implementation appears in Listing 9.6. (


Many programming tutorials either [[gloss over]] the command line or assume you already know how to use it.

представлять в лучшем свете; представлять в лучшем виде; приглаживать

[[Advantages]]: 1. Powerful, hackable, and easy to use. 2...

преимущество; превосходство

Def: arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion.

сомнительный, подозрительный

Errors. If you try to reverse a number or do anything [[fishy]], Ruby will skip the prompt and tell you to straighten up.

сомнительный, подозрительный

So far we've only rejected blank email addresses; in this section, we'll require email addresses to [[conform]] to the familiar pattern [email protected].


When the origin and target directories [[coincide]], such a "move" reduces to a simple renaming.

соответствовать, быть одинаковым, совпадать

The interface of an object [[conforming]] to this pattern would include functions such as Insert, Update, and Delete, plus properties that correspond more or less directly to the columns in the underlying database table.


Git has a combination of power, speed, and community adoption that leave it few [[rivals]], but it can be tricky to learn, and other Git tutorials have a tendency to introduce lots of heavy theory, which can be interesting to learn but in practice is really only understood by a tiny handful of Git users.


What usually [[accompanies]] this feeling is joy, growth, and peace of mind.


[[Accompanying]] these patterns was a feeling that "this is just how things are, and they can't change." It's that feeling of being stuck.


In the case of the base64 string above, each of the 22 characters has 64 possibilities, so the probability of two remember tokens [[colliding]] is a negligibly small.


Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts. We [[strive]] to help you learn by doing.


To [[release]] the prompt and continue execution of the application, press Ctrl-D, then remove the debugger line from the show action.

allow or enable to escape from confinement;

Established companies are often a good way to cut your teeth in the industry while being surrounded by smart people and [[willing]] mentors.

ready, eager, or prepared to do something

Finally, this data model is a maintainability [[nightmare]]: each time a user changed (say) their name, we would need to update not just the user's record in the users table but also every row containing that user in both the following and followers tables.

кошмар, ужас

There's no science to picking a maximum length; we'll just pull 50 out of thin air as a reasonable upper [[bound]], which means verifying that names of 51 characters are too long.

a limiting value

Last night i was watching Brooklyn. Light and kind movie about Irish girl who moved to America. No blood and [[violence]], good movie before sleeping.


Solution: find a quiet study place in your home you can go to to focus. If that's not an option you can use <strong>[[noise]]</strong> cancelling head phones to block out any noise distractions from your environment.

a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance

If you look at that guy right there, he was Salvador Dali, a [[very]] well known Surrealist painter of the 20th century. He was the very definition of a wild and crazy guy. You can see him here with his pet ocelot, Babou.

actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of a particular person or thing)

Great, thanks for the [[heads up]]! It looks like the course is no longer available, so I've removed the link.

an advance warning of something

You can add images to your websites to make them look [[fancy]].

elaborate in structure or decoration

No my sweet summer child, stay [[innocent]] and revel in the joy of your first Hello World.

free from moral wrong; not corrupted

Of course, you must also [[plant]] the seed for your diffuse mode by first doing focused mode work.

place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow

So... [[anyway]]... The resolving name server takes the response from the TLD name server, stores it in cache, and then queries the name servers.

used to confirm or support a point or idea just mentioned

Why was Phase II (the Cliff of Confusion) so [[awful]] compared to Phase I (the Hand-Holding Honeymoon)?

very bad or unpleasant

The term "[[flat out]]" means: completely, definitely or clearly.

without hesitation or reservation

[[However fancy]] your grammar may be

какой бы модной

This moves the entire feature branch to begin on the [[tip]] of the master branch, effectively incorporating all of the new commits in master.


could send a reset request to the user's email address and then use the token and email to visit the corresponding password reset link, thereby gaining control of the account. Using a digest for password resets is [[thus]] essential. As an additional security precaution, we'll also plan to expire the reset link after a couple of hours, which requires recording the time when the reset gets sent. The resulting reset_digest and reset_sent_at attributes appear

таким образом

Here, you were looking specifically for [[toast]] in order to swap it out with a fruit.


Yes, that [[enigmatic]] dot that appears at the end of every domain name you type into that address bar.

difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious

This is different because there is no "correct" answer to a clear question... things get [[fuzzy]].

difficult to perceive clearly or understand and explain precisely; indistinct or vague

We've already covered what the overall difference is between back end (server-side) and front end (client-side) programming, but you'll see it [[manifested]] again in how you install the necessary software.

display or show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance; demonstrate

We will cover a very broad area of knowledge here and that's [[intentional]].

done on purpose; deliberate

Because they are both immediate children of <code>html</code> (that is, they are both only one element away), they are [[siblings]].

each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister

Parents, children, and [[siblings]].

each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister

The [[affirmation]] of your goal by somebody whose respect you desire actually makes you feel like you are closer to achieving it,

emotional support or encouragement

The Upswing of Awesome always takes longer than you expect it to and it feels [[interminable]] because you're so close... but you will get there.

endless (often used hyperbolically)

The colors indicate brain areas whose activities were highly [[correlated]], as shown by the time courses below, color-coded to the brain areas.

establish a mutual relationship or connection between

[[pow]]. There it is. Your first web page. How exciting. And all it took was a few typed words.

expressing the sound of a blow or explosion

Well, you might say, yeah, but what about ones like love, [[zest]], or hope?

great enthusiasm and energy

He'd have a key in his hand, [[dangling]] it just above the floor.

hanging or swinging loosely

As soon as you get away from the basics, you see a [[rapid]] broadening of the Scope of Knowledge as you need to begin picking up things that are more difficult like understanding errors and when to use the code you know know how to use.

happening in a short time or at a fast pace

You'll see how you can fool yourself about whether you actually know the material. You'll discover new ways to hold your focus and [[embed]] the material more deeply and powerfully in your mind.

implant (an idea or feeling) within something else so it becomes an ingrained or essential characteristic of it

You will continue to increase focus as you push [[onward]] and into the beginning of your career.

in a continuing forward direction; ahead

The path to expertise is built little by little, small chunks can become larger, and all of the expertise serves to underpin more creative interpretations as you [[gradually]] become a master of the material.

in a gradual way; slowly; by degrees

So look at how that thought moves [[smoothly]] around on the fuzzy underlying orange neural pathway. In some sense it's as if it's traveling along a familiar, nicely paved road.

in a smooth way

This is the main thing to remember about Git if you want the rest of your learning process to go [[smoothly]].

in a smooth way

As another example, [[whereas]] "<<code>title</code>>" and "<<code>/title</code>>" are tags, "<<code>title</code>>Rumple Stiltskin<<code>/title</code>>" is a title element.

in contrast or comparison with the fact that

Your working memory is centered out of the [[prefrontal]] cortex, although as we'll see later, there are also connections to other parts of your brain ,so you can access long term memories.

in or relating to the foremost part of the frontal lobe of the brain

This means it's important to practice with ideas and concepts you're learning in math and science, just like anything else you're learning, to help [[enhance]] and strengthen the neural connection you're making during the learning process.

intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of

Brian Kwong from DaGeniusLab [[surveyed]] his audience on what was holding them back in their language learning.

investigate the opinions or experience of (a group of people) by asking them questions

In order to be eligible for a Course Certificate, I must have had my identity verified on the Coursera platform. This [[entails]] submitting a photo and government-issued photo ID so that Coursera can verify my legal name, country, and date of birth.

involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence

In this section, we'll add a couple of [[refinements]] to the user/micropost association. In particular, we'll arrange for a user's microposts to be retrieved in a specific order, and we'll also make microposts dependent on users so that they will be automatically destroyed if their associated user is destroyed.

усовершенствования; тонкости

In Chapter 11 and Chapter 12, we'll add two additional [[refinement]]s: an account activation link for newly registered users (verifying a valid email address in the process) and password resets to help users who forget their passwords. With that, apart from one refinement, the basic functionality of user activation is done.


My wife and I have a third child joining the family, I'm [[tripling]] my efforts at work to make a positive impact on what I have influence over, and at the same time I am also doubling down on my maker efforts outside of work.


Even though BaconBizConf is aimed mainly at entrepreneurs, not at software developers, over the course of the conference probably a third of the [[attendees]] came up to me and told me how much they liked the Ruby on Rails Tutorial.

участники (конференции, семинара), слушатели (курсов и пр.)

You won't be able to [[brag]] about how many words you learn per week, but you WILL remember the ones that you learn, you will be able to actually use them ... which I much prefer.


In fact, in this tutorial we'll actually ship two things—a public Git repository and a surprise bonus that will give you [[bragging]] rights with all of your friends.


Observing how I reacted, urging myself to maintain [[equanimity]] through the experience.


mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation


Tables are very useful. We use them to store [[tabular]] data so it is easy to read!

(of data) consisting of or presented in columns or tables

Try to look for an [[emerging]] pattern with the commands you are running.

(of facts or circumstances) become known

Students who have learned entirely on their own may be productive but rarely have the kind of [[legible]], modular, and maintainable code that makes them attractive in a professional setting.

(of handwriting or print) clear enough to read

The <code>border</code> property in turn supports several values. For example, for a border 2 pixels [[thick]], solid, and red, you'd type: <code>border: 2px solid red;</code>

(of script or type) consisting of broad lines

GIFs also allow any pixel in the image to be [[transparent]].

(of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen

The [[raw]] HTML that makes up that headline is:

(of a material or substance) in its natural state; not yet processed or purified

The Desert of Despair is the long and lonely journey through a pathless landscape where every new direction seems correct but you're frequently going in circles and you're [[starving]] for the resources to get you through it.

(of a person or animal) suffer severely or die from hunger

In the greater scheme of all the different careers and disciplines that people can [[pursue]], why are those involving math and science, sometimes, a bit more challenging?

(of a person or way) continue or proceed along (a path or route)

How to [[cope]] with a different alphabet.

(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult

In this tutorial, we'll adopt a more pragmatic regex that has proven to be [[robust]] in practice.

(of a process, system, organization, etc.) able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions

There are several pagination methods available in Rails; we'll use one of the simplest and most [[robust]], called will_paginate.

(of a process, system, organization, etc.) able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions

Kind of like the [[faint]] pattern at the top of our paintball machine analogy here.

(of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible

The desert is long and [[fraught]] with dangers.

(of a situation or course of action) filled with or destined to result in (something undesirable)

Bootstrap CSS supports styling for four such flash classes for increasingly [[urgent]] message types (success, info, warning, and danger), and we'll find occasion to use all of them in the course of developing the sample application (info in Section 11.2, war

(of a state or situation) requiring immediate action or attention

The main takeaways are (1) it's possible to "go back in history" to view the project at an earlier state and (2) it's [[tricky]] to make changes, so if you find yourself doing anything complicated you should ask a more experienced Git user what to do.

(of a task, problem, or situation) requiring care and skill because difficult or awkward

The paginated users index is now complete, but there's one improvement I can't resist including: Rails has some incredibly [[slick]] tools for making compact views, and in this section we'll refactor the index page to use them.

(of an action or thing) done or operating in an impressively smooth, efficient, and apparently effortless way

We'll err on the side of making more frequent commits, representing relatively [[modest]] changes, but this isn't necessarily how you should work in real life.

(of an amount, rate, or level of something) relatively moderate, limited, or small.

This can be quite useful for maintaining a [[sane]] file system, or for having multiple versions of a file or directory, and not wanting to use disk space to store copies of those files.

(of an undertaking or manner) reasonable; sensible

This illustrates that, [[intriguingly]], that you are not the same person you were after a night's sleep or even a nap.

In an intriguing manner; with intrigue; with artifice or secret machinations

The COM name servers are called the [[Top Level Domain]] name servers or TLD name servers.


[2]background-position, which can be top, center, bottom, left, right, a length, or a percentage, or any [[sensible]] combination, such as top right.

[1](of a person) possessing or displaying prudence; [2]done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.

[1]This request would make user 17 an admin, which would be a potentially serious security [[breach]].

[1]a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense, especially one made by an attacking army; [2]an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct

[2]I must not post the questions or answers to the quizzes in the discussion forum or anywhere else. This would be a [[breach]] of Coursera's Honor Code.

[1]a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense, especially one made by an attacking army; [2]an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct

[1]In some editors the line is at something like 78 columns instead of 80 to allow a small [[margin]] for error.

[1]the blank border on each side of the print on a page; [2]the edge or border of something

[2]Now is a good time to quickly mention indentation—that is, the amount each line is spaced in from the [[margin]].

[1]the blank border on each side of the print on a page; [2]the edge or border of something

[1]That class served as a useful example, but it lacked the critical property of [[persistence]]: when we created a User object at the Rails console, it disappeared as soon as we exited. Our goal in this section is to create a model for users that won't disappear.

[1]the continued or prolonged existence of something; [2]firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

[2]What does this mean for you? it means you can learn new skills and develop new talents with [[persistence]] and grit.

[1]the continued or prolonged existence of something; [2]firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

[2]When you find yourself in this position, remind yourself that you may not get it yet but with [[persistence]] and grit you will.

[1]the continued or prolonged existence of something; [2]firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

[2]While you're working through the curriculum, embrace the struggles you encounter with learning difficult concepts and completing projects. And celebrate your [[persistence]] at overcoming those struggles.

[1]the continued or prolonged existence of something; [2]firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

[1]This is the [[essence]] of your learning. Taking simple things, toying with them and turning them into new things!

[1]the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character; [2]a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is

[2]Next stop, we'll be talking about chunking, the vital [[essence]] of how you grasp and master key ideas.

[1]the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character; [2]a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is

They are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6, h1 being the [[almighty]] emperor of headings and h6 being the lowest pleb.

[adj] having complete power; omnipotent

If you have documents with [[genuine]] headings, then there are HTML tags specifically designed just for them.

[adj] truly what something is said to be; authentic

Modern browsers allow users to zoom in and out of a page so that, even if you specify font-size: 12px, or height: 200px, for example, although these will be the [[genuine]] specified size on a non-zoomed browser, they will still increase and decrease in size with the user's preference.

[adj] truly what something is said to be; authentic

I agree! Its a very gutsy thing to approach a woman, let alone 3 solo. Whoever disliked this video is [[retarded]] :(

[adj] very foolish or stupid

[[Occasionally]], you may be required to work during the weekend or other non-standard business hours in order to perform website maintenance or in the case of an emergency.

[adverb] at infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then.

and in that video he [[recounted]] a failed marketing stunt/experiment put on by the British television network ITV

[p]tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience

Finally we'll talk about something called overlearning, which can solidly ingrain information in your mind, but also can be a little like digging deeper ruts as you might [[spin]] your wheels ineffectively in learning.

[v] turn or cause to turn or whirl around quickly

[n]It's important to have a firm [[grasp]] on the basics of how to use the Unix (or Linux) command line.

[v]get mental hold of; comprehend fully; [n]a person's understanding

[v]And you'll learn to condense key ideas you're learning about, so you can [[grasp]] them more easily, master the simple, practical approaches outlined here, including simple tips to help prevent procrastination.

[v]get mental hold of; comprehend fully; [n]a person's understanding

[v]This hasn't stopped some developers from adding a check to verify that no collision has occurred, but such efforts result from failing to [[grasp]] just how small 10 power −40 is.

[v]get mental hold of; comprehend fully; [n]a person's understanding

[n1] Erik: Why are you taking the [[leap]] to learning web development yourself?

[v]jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. [n]a sudden, abrupt change or transition; [n1] a forceful jump or quick movement; [n2] a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc

[n2] Chunking is the mental [[leap]] that helps you unite bits of information together through meaning.

[v]jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. [n]a sudden, abrupt change or transition; [n1] a forceful jump or quick movement; [n2] a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc

[n]The precise moment this [[leap]] occurs is the first time you sit down at your keyboard, open up your text editor, and try to build a project from scratch without any of the fancy in-browser editors, scaffolded code or helpful hints.

[v]jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. [n]a sudden, abrupt change or transition; [n1] a forceful jump or quick movement; [n2] a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc

[v]LinguaLift is for the folks who are super serious about learning a new language and want to [[leap]] forward in the quest.

[v]jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. [n]a sudden, abrupt change or transition; [n1] a forceful jump or quick movement; [n2] a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc

[v]To help you make this difficult, but crucial [[leap]] of faith, I've prepared an actionable study plan that will get you from zero to your first casual chit chat in just 14 days.

[v]jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. [n]a sudden, abrupt change or transition; [n1] a forceful jump or quick movement; [n2] a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc

My older brother had a compilation cassette called "Heavy Metal Vol.4" I would steal it and listen to it in my boom box, very quietly so no one would hear it. Then I started stealing his [[walkman]] also, so I could listen to it loud!

a brand of small portable stereo cassette player, radio, or cassette player and radio used with headphones

<!DOCTYPE html> — the doctype. In the [[mists]] of time, when HTML was young (about 1991/2), doctypes were meant to act as links to a set of rules that the HTML page had to follow to be considered good HTML, which could mean automatic error checking and other useful things.

a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface limiting visibility, but to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1.5 miles (1 km)

All right! Hit Save & Submit Code to proceed to the next stop on our [[whirlwind]] tour of CSS: syntax!

a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape

Used in similes and metaphors to describe a very energetic or tumultuous person or process.

a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape

If you've ever been on a less-than-instantaneous Internet connection, then you've noticed the [[ramifications]] of this when a webpage loads but has blank spots where the more slowly-loading images should be.

a consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome

And as he would slip into his dreams, falling asleep, the key would fall from his hand and the [[clatter]] would wake him up, just in time so he could gather up those diffuse mode connections and ideas in his mind.

a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other

When Edison would fall asleep, the ball bearings would drop and [[clatter]] to the ground just as with DalĂ. And it would wake Edison up and off he'd go with his ideas from the diffuse mode, ready to take them into the focused mode and build on them.

a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other

After you've built your new hash of count values, type <code>ratings</code> again to see the full [[tally]].

a current score or amount

On the one hand, you've heard [[rumors]] of how difficult programming is since you were young, like old wives tales meant to scare children into studying social sciences instead.

a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth

I think there's a [[chasm]] between that and being able to build something you can show your mom and say "hey, this is cool."

a deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface

Speaking Bootcamp is an easy-to-follow video course that walks you through the basics of finding people to practise with, beating your [[anxiety]], and having confident conversations...even as a beginner!

a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome

Actually, "ROSE", "RoSE", "rOSE", etc., all match as well, but "Rose" is the likeliest candidate. Confirming this [[hunch]] is left as an exercise (Section 3.4.1).

a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts

This could be a designer, person who works with documents, or as is most frequently the case in the [[realm]] that Git is talked about, a developer, or someone who writes code.

a field or domain of activity or interest

Freelancers are able to command a strong hourly [[wage]] and the freedom to make their own hours and design their own products.

a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to a manual or unskilled worker

It's kind of like a [[coin]]. We can see either one side, or the other side of the coin. But not both sides at the same time.

a flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money

Like a [[leaf]] in a tornado, the advice Quincy received jerked him first one way and then another and then another until he'd finally taken "every online course program imaginable".

a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and bladelike, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk. Leaves are the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration

If you want to be a real boss, test out your new skills on a project and make something to show your [[pals]]!

a friends

You can also run other programs directly, or even load up a file containing a whole [[batch]] of commands to run.

a group of records processed as a single unit, usually without input from a user

Merging is nice because it's a non-destructive operation. The existing branches are not changed in any way. This avoids all of the potential [[pitfalls]] of rebasing (discussed below).

a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty

The example in this section shows one of the [[pitfalls]] of mechanically finding and replacing text: we've ended up with the ungrammatical result "a example" instead of "an example".

a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty

the [[pitfalls]] that you should try to avoid.

a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty

You need to work with other humans who will challenge your assumptions, ask piercing followup questions, and force you to fix the [[leaks]] in your bucket of knowledge.

a hole in a container or covering through which contents, especially liquid or gas, may accidentally pass

If you're a child hanging around a Spanish speaking [[household]], learning Spanish is as natural as breathing.

a house and its occupants regarded as a unit

And just like a [[warehouse]], it's distributed over a big area.

a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale

The long-term memory storage [[warehouse]] is immense.

a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale

The other form of memory, long term memory, is like a storage [[warehouse]].

a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale

Yes, we have this image of developers staring at a black screen with white or green text flashing across while they wildly enter incomprehensible commands and hack into the corporate [[mainframe]] (spilling soda and wiping cheetos off their keyboard no doubt as well).

a large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals

The input tag is the daddy of the form world. It can take a [[multitude]] of guises, the most common of which are outlined below.

a large number

The [[plethora]] of available resources in the Hand-Holding Honeymoon make it a lot of fun.

a large or excessive amount of (something)

Virtually all web applications require a login and authentication system of some sort. As a result, most web frameworks have a [[plethora]] of options for implementing such systems, and Rails is no exception.

a large or excessive amount of (something)

In the greater [[scheme]] of all the different careers and disciplines that people can pursue, why are those involving math and science, sometimes, a bit more challenging?

a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect

If you work through the book over a longer [[timespan]], try to set aside uninterrupted blocks of two hours or more for reading and coding, as it takes time to focus and concentrate.

a length or period of time

As an example, background images are used on this web site as the bullets in lists, as the [[magnifying glass]] in the search box, and as the icons in the top left corner of some notes, such as this one.

a lens that produces an enlarged image, typically set in a frame with a handle and used to examine small or finely detailed things such as fingerprints, stamps, and fine print

When your typing speed for every key in that alphabet reaches certain [[threshold]], the algorithm adds the next most frequent letter to the alphabet. And so on, until the next letter.

a level, rate, or amount at which something comes into effect

Learning any new skill is a journey full of speed [[bumps]] and obstacles to be overcome.

a light blow or a jolting collision

Finally we'll talk about something called overlearning, which can solidly ingrain information in your mind, but also can be a little like digging deeper [[ruts]] as you might spin your wheels ineffectively in learning.

a long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles

Here are eight things to keep in mind on your [[quest]] for a larger vocabulary.

a long or arduous search for something.

So, imagine this. You spend your Saturday over at a friend's apartment, where you sit on the [[couch]] all day eating pizza and marathoning Puella Magi Madoka Magica with Starship Troopers as a finale.

a long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on

To make up for it, you spring up off your friend's [[couch]] at the crack of noon and exclaim:

a long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on

They pray everyday for my [[downfall]] but it's me who answers them.

a loss of power, prosperity, or status

And, for the most part, these introductory tools do a great job of guiding you like a child in a [[crosswalk]] past the big scary variables and conditional statements and through the early phases of programming syntax.

a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross

it could the creative [[outlet]] programming provides; it may be to have the skills and abilities to build any sort of app you can think of;

a means of expressing one's talents, energy, or emotions

Each of the following sections and lessons represents essential [[baseline]] knowledge.

a minimum or starting point used for comparisons

To get the best results from this curriculum try to stick to the path laid out as much as possible and try to limit time spent going down rabbit holes as these [[sidetracks]] can really ruin your momentum.

a minor path or track

If you don't leave time for the [[mortar]] to dry, that is, time for the synoptic connections to form and strengthen, you won't have a very good structure.

a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks or stones

Your, your neural [[mortar]] in some sense has a chance to dry.

a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks or stones

The [[Cliff]] of Confusion is the painful realization that it's a lot harder when the hand-holding ends and it feels like you can't actually do anything on your own yet.

a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea

Should you possess a [[thirst]] for knowledge and persistence of spirit akin to that storied in Odin's mythos, you will find success on your journey.

a strong desire for something

[[Fluid]] can flow past these cells and wash the toxins out.

a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid

There is a developmental shift in our awareness. An ability to handle complexity, [[nuance]], and ambiguity evolves.

a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound

When in this state your mind goes about the business of connecting what you have been learning to the other things you know. This is where [[break-throughs]] happen.

a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development

A [[glitch]] in the matrix.

a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment

The [[asterisk]] indicates the "any file" part. Ruby then hands us every file that matches our request.

a symbol (*) used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter

Learning any new skill is a journey full of speed bumps and [[obstacles]] to be overcome.

a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress

So the major [[obstacle]] in language learning is not the complexity of the language, choosing the right method or finding good learning materials.

a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress

Work hard and stay humble! Overcome all [[obstacles]]! Believe in yourself!

a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress

PNGs are typically used for [[versatile]] images in more complex designs BUT they are not fully supported by some older browsers.

able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

The <code>float</code> property is pretty [[versatile]] and can be used in a number of different ways.

able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

It will be an [[indispensable]] skill in your toolset.

absolutely necessary

Knowing how to use your browsers developer tools is an [[indispensable]] skill for a web developer.

absolutely necessary

Finally, fixed positioning [[anchors]] an element to the browser window—you can think of it as gluing the element to the screen.

act as an anchor for

You'll be learning about CSS in the next lesson and project, but we thought you might like a [[sneak]] peek here.

acting or done surreptitiously, unofficially, or without warning

This state occurs [[subconsciously]], at times when you are not actively learning, such as doing the dishes, exercising, sleeping etc.

acting or existing without one's awareness

This course is [[geared]] to absolute beginners and people who have maybe tried out different resources along the way but never really found anything worth sticking with long enough to become an expert in it.

adjust or adapt something to suit a special purpose or need

In addition to using the mouse or trackpad, I also like using the arrow keys to move around, typically in [[concert]] with the Command key ⌘ (Table 2).

agreement, accordance, or harmony

When we've asked you to [[adjust]] font size, we've specified that the unit you should use is <code>px</code> (for "pixels").

alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result

You're going to want to use a wildcard again to get all the octocats in one [[sweep]], go ahead and run:

an act of sweeping something with a brush

If you're looking for a bonus challenge, try adding images and links to each <code>div</code> so your various circles look like (and link to) your friends, family, and [[foes]]!

an enemy or opponent

The input tag is the daddy of the form world. It can take a multitude of [[guises]], the most common of which are outlined below.

an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something

These scripts take all manner of [[guises]] that are largely outside of the remit of this website because they require languages other than HTML and CSS.

an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something

The [[upswing]] of Awesome is when you've finally found a path through the desert and pulled together an understanding of how to build applications.

an increase in strength or quantity; an upward trend

You're finally, truly, on the [[upswing]].

an increase in strength or quantity; an upward trend

Now that we've added support for all relevant micropost actions, in this section we'll make it possible for microposts to include images as well as text. We'll start with a basic version good enough for development use, and then add a series of [[enhancements]] to make image upload production-ready.

an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent

The first line on the top, !DOCTYPE html, is a document type declaration and it lets the browser know which [[flavor]] of HTML you're using (HTML5, in this case).

an indication of the essential character of something

If you don't do this, if instead you learn by cramming, your knowledge base will look more like this, all in a [[jumble]] with everything confused, a poor foundation.

an untidy collection or pile of things

We don't want to see you get majorly frustrated and giving up on this first [[hurdle]] of getting everything installed.

an upright frame, typically one of a series, that athletes in a race must jump over

First, you observe, and get a cue about something that causes a tiny bit of [[unease]].

anxiety or discontent

You don't like it, so to make the sensation go away you turn your attention from whatever caused that [[unease]].

anxiety or discontent

This isn't so bad... what's all the [[fuss]] about?

anxious behaviour or activity that is usually about unimportant things

Git allows groups of people to work on the same documents (often code) at the same time, and without stepping on each other's [[toes]].

any of the five digits at the end of the human foot

On the front end, you will need to be highly conscious of who your user is and how they will be interacting with your webpage because you are building their [[gateway]] to your page or product.

any passage by or point at which a region may be entered

Without any hesitation [[whatsoever]], the 3-day full body workout is almost always what I recommend to beginners with any goal. It looks like this...

at all (used for emphasis)

Your journey has progressed wonderfully. You may think that this may be simple stuff, but keep in mind that you didn't know any Ruby [[whatsoever]] just a little while ago!

at all (used for emphasis)

Unfortunately, the reverse doesn't work: by default, the set of all followed users would be called the followeds, which is ungrammatical and [[clumsy]].

awkward in movement or in handling things.

If we wanted to state that our cat is VERY [[grumpy]], we could wrap the word "very" in a <code>strong</code> element, which means that the word is to be strongly emphasized:

bad-tempered and sulky

It's worth noting that the model in Figure 13.1 uses the text data type for micropost content (instead of string), which is capable of storing an [[arbitrary]] amount of text. Even though the content will be restricted to fewer than 140 characters (Section 13.1.2) and hence would fit inside the 255-character string type, using text better expresses the nature of microposts, which are more naturally thought of as blocks of text.

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system

Whether those thoughts [[pertain]] to acronyms, ideas, or concepts are the basis of much of the science, literature, and art.

be appropriate, related, or applicable

[[Beware]] the "Mirages of Mania", like sirens of the desert, which will lead you astray.

be cautious and alert to the dangers of

You can think of the HTML page as sort of like a sea, and floating elements as boats on it: all the boats have positions on the sea, and they all see and [[steer]] clear of each other.

be guided in a specified direction

Turns out that when you sleep, your brain cells [[shrink]].

become or make smaller in size or amount; contract or cause to contract

The further you progress, the more a [[gnawing]] sense of uncertainty grows that someone is going to "out" you as a fraud.

bite at or nibble something persistently

The third pixel value sets the blur radius of the shadow — a bigger value will mean a more [[blurry]] shadow.

blurred; indistinct

As with many great things in life, Git began with a bit of creative destruction and [[fiery]] controversy.

consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly

"Facts do not [[cease]] to exist because they are ignored." — Aldous Huxley

bring or come to an end

It's seems that during sleep your brain [[tidies]] up ideas and concepts your thinking about and learning.

bring order to; arrange neatly

You might come across "self-closing" tags, [[whereby]] a br tag, for example, will look like "<<code>br /</code>>" instead of simply "<<code>br</code>>".

by which

I mention these examples not because you need to know what they are, but only to show what a [[bewildering]] variety there is.

cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.

No multiplication, division, or other kinds of things that can directly [[equate]] to mini mathematical or scientific terms.

cause (two or more things) to be the same in quantity or value

([[spilling]] soda and wiping cheetos off their keyboard no doubt as well).

cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally

Check yourself before you [[wreck]] yourself

cause the destruction of (a ship) by sinking or breaking up

We want to remove all these [[pesky]] octocats, so let's create a branch called clean_up, where we'll do all the work:

causing trouble; annoying

You can finally remove all those [[pesky]] octocats by using the git rm command which will not only remove the actual files from disk, but will also stage the removal of the files for us.

causing trouble; annoying

Some of this stuff is necessary just to have a more [[holistic]] understanding of the ecosystem in which you will be working (and to not sound like a total newbie when talking to other developers about it).

characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole

And as he would slip into his dreams, falling asleep, the key would fall from his hand and the clatter would wake him up, just in time so he could [[gather]] up those diffuse mode connections and ideas in his mind.

come together; assemble or accumulate

Nevertheless, I consider a minimal proficiency with Vim to be essential, simply because Vim is [[utterly]] ubiquitous—it's present on virtually every Unix-like system in the known universe, which means that if you ssh into some random server halfway 'round the globe, Vim will be there.

completely and without qualification; absolutely.

These actions, these interleavings of you and the team members working on the same, similar, or adjacent files is handled adeptly by a [[full-fledged]] version control system like that of Git.

completely developed or established; of full status

Having addressed the uniqueness caveat, there's one more change we need to make to be [[assured]] of email uniqueness.


Develop a [[legitimate]] habit of working on them so it's automatic.

conforming to the law or to rules

[[legitimate]] line breaks can occur in the likes of addresses or poetry — when they are a meaningful part of the content.

conforming to the law or to rules

Be careful! You're about to overstep a precipice that's broken many strong aspiring learners and [[relegated]] them to the "coding is too hard" camp.

consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position

Lessons: You will be assigned resources to read, watch and do in a lesson. These are [[comprised]] of various resources we have gathered from all over the internet.

consist of; be made up of

The Web Development 101 course will give you a chance to explore several of the languages and technologies you'll need to know on your journey so you have a good sense of context when you push forward into the real [[meaty]] stuff.

consisting of or full of meat

Sublime Text is free to use, but it does have an occasional [[nagging]] pop-up that asks you to purchase it.

constantly harassing someone to do something

the ability to sustain [[prolonged]] physical or mental effort.

continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

Take a look at this HTML data table, which I've [[cribbed]] from Wikipedia's list of Nobel laureates:

copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgment

If you recall, HTML is the skeleton of the webpage, and CSS lets you give the skeleton some skin and [[makeup]].

cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance

What makes webpages pretty? That's CSS—Cascading Style Sheets. Think of it like skin and [[makeup]] that covers the bones of HTML.

cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance

It doesn't matter how long you struggle with a concept or project; all that matters is that you have the [[grit]] and tenacity to see it through, that's how real learning happens.

courage and resolve; strength of character

What does this mean for you? it means you can learn new skills and develop new talents with persistence and [[grit]].

courage and resolve; strength of character

When things get tough, work through it, have [[grit]], and persevere.

courage and resolve; strength of character

When you find yourself in this position, remind yourself that you may not get it yet but with persistence and [[grit]] you will.

courage and resolve; strength of character

Describe actions that [[hinder]] students from learning most effectively, such as procrastination, over-learning, Einstellung, choking, multi-tasking, illusions of learning, and lack of sleep.

create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction

There are lots of different ways to [[slice]] our understanding a memory, but for this course on learning, we're going to talk about only these two major memory systems, working memory and long term memory.

cut (something, especially food) into slices

Once you've completed this course, you should be pretty comfortable with the building blocks of web programming but [[itching]] to dig deeper.

feel a restless or strong desire to do something

If you'd like to [[rage]] and troll about the project itself, please contact us here ([email protected]).

feel or express violent uncontrollable anger

Let's change directions for a moment. I've [[stuffed]] a bit of poetry for you in a certain variable. Take a look, by typing `print poem`.

fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something

Finally we'll talk about something called overlearning, which can solidly [[ingrain]] information in your mind, but also can be a little like digging deeper ruts as you might spin your wheels ineffectively in learning.

firmly fix or establish (a habit, belief, or attitude) in a person

You can benefit from these ideas whether you are struggling in high school or [[soaring]] through math and science at graduate levels at a university.

fly or rise high in the air

Then take a break or at least change your focus to something different for [[awhile]].

for a short time

This course is meant to help you [[reframe]] how you think about learning, to help reduce your frustration and increase your understanding.

frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently

Give it a [[whirl]]! Change the entire HTML body's <code>background-color</code> to <code>#C6E2FF</code>.

frantic activity of a specified kind

Give it a [[whirl]]! Set all your <code>div</code>s' display property to the none value.

frantic activity of a specified kind

How is the Project Funded? [[Goodwill]] and infinite patience. Seriously, if you want to help, please reach out.

friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude

Though interesting and helpful, these aren't necessary for you to know [[off the bat]].

from the start; immediately; right away

Maybe it's Khan Academy's quick challenges, Codecademy's in-browser exercises, Chris Pine's Learn to Program book or Code School's [[wacky]] try Ruby experience.

funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way

Check out the diagram in the Result tab (it's the one from the first exercise in this lesson). As you can see, each box is made of layers. From the outermost to the [[innermost]]:

furthest in; closest to the center

Good! Let's adjust the padding. Remember, the padding is the space between your border and your [[innermost]] layer: the actual content.

furthest in; closest to the center

So without further [[ado]]...!

fuss, especially about something that is unimportant

Without further [[ado]], lets jump in to learning Web development.

fuss, especially about something that is unimportant

Web development will be a long and [[arduous]] journey - you can make the marathon a lot more fun by pairing up with somebody who is running it at the same pace as you.

involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring

<code>br</code> has no content and therefore does not [[warrant]] a closing tag.

justify or necessitate (a certain course of action)

Imagine learning dozens of sentences like this every day, which is basically what students who cram vocab [[haphazardly]] are doing.

lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Excellent! Your page is a little [[bland]], though. Let's add a picture with a border.

lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting

It still looks a bit [[bland]], though.

lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting

Your table is starting to look great, but it's still a little [[bland]].

lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting

[[Inadequate]] BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose

In this section, we'll add the [[penultimate]] user action, the index action, which is designed to display all the users instead of just one. Along the way, we'll learn how to seed the database with sample users and how to paginate the user output so that the index page can scale up to display a potentially large number of users.

last but one in a series of things; second to the last

Practice makes [[permanent]].

lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely

This is why we believe the people with the power to pass [[legislation]] need to understand what's at stake before making decisions that could drastically affect how the Internet works!

laws, considered collectively

When people we don't know or respect barrage us with questions, we often just want them to [[scram]].

leave or go away from a place quickly

This problem [[exacerbates]] as the amount of knowledge increases rapidly entering Phase III, and is one reason why we call that phase the "Desert of Despair".

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse

But they often involve multiple clicks, button presses or short [[delays]].

make (someone or something) late or slow

While most of this material should be fine to [[tackle]] on your own, the projects in particular are good opportunities to find a partner and do some pair programming. Give it a shot!

make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)

Although preferable to [[soiling]] our HTML with inline presentation, it is similarly usually preferable to keep the HTML and the CSS files separate, and so we are left with our savior

make dirty

Helping others that haven't made it as far as you is a great way to [[deepen]] your own understanding and make your learning stick.

make or become deep or deeper

Check your assumptions because you've probably [[skated]] by with some gaping holes in your knowledge that you didn't even know you had. You need to diagnose and fix these holes.

make quick and easy progress through

Projects: Most of these lessons are followed by projects that allow you to practice and [[solidify]] the concepts you have just learned about in the previous lessons.

make stronger; reinforce

Your motivation to learn to code could be to have a [[fulfilling]] career that pays well; it could the creative outlet programming provides;

making someone satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or abilities

How could you change the query in Listing 14.44 to have the feed [[erroneously]] return microposts of unfollowed users, thereby breaking the third test in Listing 14.42? Hint: Returning all the microposts would do the trick.

mistakenly: in a mistaken manner

Sorry for the confusion and repeat email, everyone. The original message [[erroneously]] said Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous, but it should have said Learn Enough Text Editor to Be Dangerous instead, as shown below.

mistakenly: in a mistaken manner

The reason for the order of the loops in Listing 13.25 is to [[intermix]] the microposts for use in the status feed.

mix together

First create a free Github account here. As you will find out later on, Github will become an [[integral]] part of your development workflow so you will be using it for much, much more than just accessing the chat.

necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental

Among other things, this means that if you Cut something and then accidentally hit "copy" instead of "paste" (which is easy since the letters are [[adjacent]] on the keyboard), you overwrite the buffer, and the text you Cut is gone forever.

next to or adjoining something else

These actions, these interleavings of you and the team members working on the same, similar, or [[adjacent]] files is handled adeptly by a full-fledged version control system like that of Git.

next to or adjoining something else

The CSS in <code>stylesheet.css</code> is broken; some of the curly braces (<code>{}</code>) are [[out of whack]] and semicolons are missing. Your mission (should you choose to accept it): fix this CSS!

out of order; not working

As you [[conquer]] one after another of their gamified challenges, your confidence rises.

overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force

Hopefully this chapter has provided you with the solid footing that you'll need to [[conquer]] the command line.

overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force

For shorter deletion tasks, such as one word, it's usually faster to hit ⌫ repeatedly, as context-switching to use ⌥⌫ incurs some [[overhead]] that makes it faster to just delete directly.

overhead cost or expense

Technically all of the projects would be possible to build using only the simplest editor such as Microsoft Notepad, or whatever is built into the system that you are using, but Sublime has many of handy shortcuts, code highlighting and other [[nifty]] features that'll make your life much easier.

particularly good, skillful, or effective

You've probably seen all kinds of [[nifty]]-looking buttons on your favorite websites that link you to different webpages.

particularly good, skillful, or effective

Finally: "shell", "[[shell out]]". Well, shells are for protection. Right?

pay a specified amount of money, especially an amount that is resented as being excessive.

But what may not be [[evident]] is that those other elements - images, videos, and the like - are (usually) discrete and separate files from the HTML.

plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood

This theme is [[evident]] as we move through this book.

plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood

The pain caused by the [[toxic]] combination of a rapidly increasing Scope of Knowledge and a falling Resource Density results in what I call the "Desert of Despair".


The trek towards job-readiness can be plotted in terms of how your confidence level changes as your [[capability]] increases:

power or ability

You thought you learned the lessons of the Hand Holding Honeymoon -- that there are no easy answers -- but the temptation to seek [[salvation]] is too great and you fall for the promise that this one will get you to the finish where the others did not.

preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss

Finally sign in to the chat with your newly [[minted]] Github account here. Jump in and introduce yourself; tell us your story!

produce for the first time

One of my most [[vivid]] memories from school was the day our chemistry teacher let us in on the Big Secret: every chemical reaction is a joining or separating of links between atoms.

producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind

You just take a chunk of your page and [[shove]] it wherever you choose.

push (someone or something) roughly

Hack Nights -- Hack nights are a type of in-person meetup designed to [[cater]] to casual collaboration.

provide food and drink, typically at social events and in a professional capacity

While the content of the source and target files are linked, if the source file gets deleted, the target file will continue to live as an independent file, despite the [[severed]] link.

put an end to (a connection or relationship); break off

You may find yourself shutting yours eyes to keep any other items from [[intruding]] into the limited slots of your working memory as you concentrate.

put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited

If you don't tell an element how to position itself, it just [[plunks]] itself down in the document.

put or set (something) down heavily or abruptly

You'll find yourself drawn to "Mirages of Mania" along the way -- dozens of tempting resources which appear to hold the solutions you're looking for but which will [[deposit]] you, once again, in a place where lonely sand extends to each horizon line.

put or set down (something or someone) in a specific place, typically unceremoniously

Now that you understand more about the display property and the box model, we can [[delve]] into the details of how each individual box behaves.

reach inside a receptacle and search for something

The best learning sentences are [[applicable]] to daily life

relevant or appropriate.

So you look for people who have anything in common with you and you [[exaggerate]] those qualities in an effort to make these same people like you more.

represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is

The tutorial is designed to [[unfold]] in steps, one section leading to another, until you reach the "Testing" chapter.

reveal or disclose (thoughts or information)

open or spread out from a folded position.

reveal or disclose (thoughts or information)

And, for the most part, these [[introductory]] tools do a great job of guiding you like a child in a crosswalk past the big scary variables and conditional statements and through the early phases of programming syntax.

serving as an introduction to a subject or topic; basic or preliminary

Tutorials are a good way to bridge from more high-touch [[introductory]] offerings but you'll need to wean yourself off the pacifier and face the real world at some point.

serving as an introduction to a subject or topic; basic or preliminary

Inline styles are [[plonked]] straight into the HTML tags using the style attribute.

set down heavily or carelessly

Let's [[remedy]] this sad situation.

set right (an undesirable situation)

To [[remedy]] this defect, we'll add validations for the image size and format, both on the server and on the client (i.e., in the browser).

set right (an undesirable situation)

Be sure to pull the jumper straight up to remove it so that you don't [[bend]] the pins.

shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle

Your job here is to [[bend]] and mold those wild ideas into something viable. Stretch and test your ideas. Prove your assumptions.

shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle

Your neurons fire and wire together in a [[shimmering]] mental loop cementing the relationship in your mind between the sound mama and your mother's smiling face.

shine with a soft tremulous light

There are ways to [[short-circuit]] most of these problems.

shorten (a process or activity) by using a more direct (but often improper) method

It's that text-only interface that Hollywood has told us hackers furiously type away on while doing their [[devious]] business and the domain of experienced programmers who can effectively communicate in binary.

showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals

Unfortunately, this orders the results in [[ascending]] order from smallest to biggest, which means that the oldest microposts come out first.

sloping or leading upward

There are six heading sizes, where <h1> is the boss and <h6> is [[puny]]!

small and weak

Okay, all on your [[lonesome]]: add a <code>link</code> tag between the <code>head</code> tags in the HTML tab to the right.

solitary or lonely

That's the reason why we have delivered so many free [[goodies]] over the past several weeks. And that's also why we have fought to keep the price down on our exclusive path to mastering new tongues.

something attractive or desirable, especially something tasty or pleasant to eat

Well now, we've got our own lovely, little popup to manipulate. You can also fill it with your own [[goodies]].

something attractive or desirable, especially something tasty or pleasant to eat

Students often compare themselves against others who are further along in their coding journey or have more experience. This is a [[recipe]] for depression and frustration.

something that is likely to lead to a particular outcome

The programmers who created Rails had a preference for unix based operating systems (OSX, linux) this means learning Rails on a Windows machine is a [[recipe]] for frustration.

something that is likely to lead to a particular outcome

The resolving name server may or may not have this in memory or, you know, cache. Yes the C-A-C-H-E one, not the... [[nevermind]]..

something you say when you no longer want people to pay attention to whatever you previously said or asked

That [[scintillating]] neural loop is one memory trace, which is connected of course to many other related memory traces.

sparkling or shining brightly

To get to this new thought pattern, you need a different way of thinking. And that's represented here, by the [[diffuse]] mode. Look at how widely spaced the rubber bumpers are.

spread out over a large area; not concentrated

It's very important to stick this in - If you don't, browsers will assume you don't really know what you're doing and act in a very [[peculiar]] way.

strange or odd; unusual

the ability to [[sustain]] prolonged physical or mental effort

strengthen or support physically or mentally

Your brain needs to alternate its ways of learning as it [[grapples]] with and assimilates the new material.

struggle with or work hard to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge)

If you don't do this, if instead you learn by [[cramming]], your knowledge base will look more like this, all in a jumble with everything confused, a poor foundation.

study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination

Imagine learning dozens of sentences like this every day, which is basically what students who [[cram]] vocab haphazardly are doing.

study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination.

But links also have a property, text-decoration, that you can change to give your links a little more custom [[flair]].

stylishness and originality

Here, you were looking specifically for toast in order to [[swap]] it out with a fruit.

substitute (one thing) for another

Suddenly the problem isn't fear, it's an [[overabundance]] of hopes and high expectations.

surfeit: the state of being more than full

Sometimes we can frustrate ourselves with the enormity or the ambiguity of the problem. On one hand you have to innovate and [[delight]], on the other hand you have to be practical and provide real actionable solutions.

take great pleasure in.

Your memory can be unpredictable, but by bringing your full Attention to a word, and attacking it from many different angles, you'll soon find something your brain will [[latch on]] to and remember later.

take hold of or attach to;

Your brain needs to alternate its ways of learning as it grapples with and [[assimilates]] the new material.

take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully

He picked up Linux, [[dabbled]] in Lisp and coded in Python while living on the command line for more than half a year.

take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way

Displays the context sentence to provide more meaning, jog your memory, and aid [[retention]].

the fact of keeping something in one's memory

The latter example not only evokes emotion by featuring your favourite food, but it also sets everything into a context that we readily relate to, greatly increasing the possibility of [[retention]].

the fact of keeping something in one's memory

If you think of the <code>html</code> tag as the [[trunk]] of the tree, you can think of its immediate branches—<code>head</code> and <code>body</code>—as its children.

the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots

You can think of an HTML document as a tree: elements "branch out" from the main [[trunk]] (the <code>html</code> tags).

the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots

(see the background property reference for the [[nitty-gritty]])

the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation

You've got the main ideas—now it's time to dive into the [[nitty-gritty]].

the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation

As you can see, each box is made of layers. From the [[outermost]] to the innermost:

the one that is farthest from the center

Your working memory is centered out of the prefrontal [[cortex]], although as we'll see later, there are also connections to other parts of your brain, so you can access long term memories.

the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex), composed of folded gray matter and playing an important role in consciousness

The steps to test password resets broadly parallel the test for account activation from Listing 11.33, though there is a difference at the [[outset]]: we first visit the "forgot password" form and submit invalid and then valid email addresses, the latter of which creates a password reset token and sends the reset email. We then visit the link from the email and

the start or beginning of something

Other [[curriculums]] often skip the basics. With this tutorial you'll have a solid grounding in key concepts.

the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

They often start with idea [[pitches]], then teams are formed, and then you have a short period of time (say 12-36 hours) to build the thing before presenting to a panel of judges.

throw (the ball) for the batter to try to hit

Battle it out... there are lots of resources [[scattered]] throughout the web and someone has had your problem before.

throw in various random directions

But when the data is [[scattered]] across hundreds or thousands of pages, this is where your programming skills give you a huge edge.

throw in various random directions

This makes using Git a joy because we know we can experiment without the danger of [[severely]] screwing things up.

to an undesirably great or intense degree

[[smash it]]!

to be successful

The commands you will learn in this lesson are very intuitive so don't let the the prospect of using the command line for the first time [[intimidate]] you.

to make timid; fill with fear

Just a quick note today and then likely nothing next week as I'll be [[wandering]] the desert then.

traveling aimlessly from place to place; itinerant.

I've [[stumbled]] across a framework for thinking about problems.

trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.

Therefore we [[unequivocally]] recommend using linux or a Mac for this curriculum.

unambiguously: in an unambiguous manner;

It also involves a tolerance for [[ambiguity]]: technically sophisticated readers won't panic if a tutorial says to use ⌘Z to Undo something when it's actually ⌃Z on their system.

uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language.

Sometimes we can frustrate ourselves with the enormity or the [[ambiguity]] of the problem. On one hand you have to innovate and delight, on the other hand you have to be practical and provide real actionable solutions.

uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language.

There is a developmental shift in our awareness. An ability to handle complexity, nuance, and [[ambiguity]] evolves.

uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language.

Everyone goes through it, so you're not crazy if your computer suddenly seems like a [[hostile]] beast.

unfriendly; antagonistic

In fact, you'll sometimes see these terms [[misused]] in news reports and elsewhere, so getting them mixed up is understandable!

use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose

HTML tables are still best known for being used and [[abused]] to lay out pages.

use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse

After defining the alias, we'll be able to replace the more [[verbose]] $ ls -hartl with the pithier $ lr

using or expressed in more words than are needed

The mkdir command supports a [[verbose]] mode flag, -v. Adding the -v flag will print the results of mkdir to the console.

using or expressed in more words than are needed

They are free to use and give you a brand [[spanking]] new Ruby and Rails setup to start coding with.

very good; fine and impressive

Traditionally, browsers will display em in italics and strong in bold by default but they are not the same as i and b tags which (although they have been [[tenuously]] redefined in HTML5) have their origins in italic and bold - remember - HTML isn't for presentation.

very slightly

It was a [[bizarre]] experience: I had reasoned myself into teaching the exact subject I had just spent over a year working on!

very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.

Me:​I'm [[exhausted]]. My Wife:​Why? Me:​I've just been running.

very tired

Time to make it all sing together like a very nice set of glistening chimes on the beach in the maginificent sunlight! Yeah, [[imagery]]!

visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work

I'm a [[voracious]] researcher and reader.

wanting or devouring great quantities of food

Don't be a perfectionist. Don't worry about details and certainly don't get [[hung up on]] corner cases.

быть одержимым чем-л.

This represents the total [[breadth]] of new topics you need to learn in each phase. Here's what it looks like:

wide range or extent

Wikipedia lays out the [[breadth]] of the web design profession in their entry on web design.

wide range or extent

It's really hard to blame anyone for coming into the programming industry with [[outrageous]] expectations.

wildly exaggerated or improbable

If you're feeling [[adventurous]], feel free to add more!

willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences

Working memory is the part of memory that has to do with what you're immediately and [[consciously]] processing in your mind.

with awareness

Study it hard by focusing [[intently]].

with earnest and eager attention

We're familiar with focusing. It's when you concentrate [[intently]] on something you're trying to learn or to understand. But we're not so familiar with diffuse thinking. Turns out that this more relaxed thinking style is related to a set of neural resting states.

with earnest and eager attention

<<code>br</code>> - a line break doesn't hold any content so the tag [[merrily]] sits by its lonely self.

without consideration of possible problems or future implications

📌 [[Jot down]] 10 reasons why you're learning a new language (first few tend to be obvious, but the last ones will force you to think more deeply). Then choose the most important reason from the list and pin it to your wall.

write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of

It is quite common to see a [[tilde]] (~) in place of the full path for a home directory.


This section includes only MVV (Minimum [[Viable]] Vim)—just enough to use Vim to do things like edit small configuration files or Git commits.

Жизнеспособный, практически осуществимый

[[Pun intended]]. If you don't get it, don't worry—by the end of this tutorial, you will.


For reference, the Rails console also shows the SQL command corresponding to ([[namely]], INSERT INTO "users"...).

а именно

To make the view for new password resets, we'll work in analogy with the previous form for making a new non-Active Record resource, [[namely]], the login form (Listing 8.4) for creating a new session, shown again in Listing 12.3 for reference.

а именно

where cookies.signed[:user_id] [[automatically]] decrypts the user id cookie. We can then use bcrypt to verify that cookies[:remember_token] matches the remember_digest generated in Listing 9.3. (In case you're wondering why we don't just use the signed user id, without the


So baggage and [[luggage]] are just fancy words for bags you take when you travel... to weight luggage


In a [[ruthless]] business I am the most ruthless

безжалостный, жестокий

For shorter deletion tasks, such as one word, it's usually faster to hit ⌫ repeatedly, as context-switching to use ⌥⌫ [[incurs]] some overhead that makes it faster to just delete directly.

берет на себя

The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


After defining the alias, we'll be able to replace the more verbose $ ls -hartl with the [[pithier]] $ lr

более сжатый

Depending on our history of commands, the even [[terser]] !cu or !c would work as well.

более сжатый, более краткий

"That's not a bug, that's a feature!" is a common [[catchphrase]].

броская фраза, коронная фраза

It needs [[to be tailored]] to the company.

быть адаптированы

Being "[[hung up on]]" something means to be really worried or upset about something, so that you can't stop thinking about it.

быть одержимым чем-л.

Here the option dependent: :destroy arranges for the dependent microposts to be destroyed when the user itself is destroyed. This prevents userless microposts from being [[stranded]] in the database when admins choose to remove users from the system.

в затруднительном положении

Migrations provide a way to alter the structure of the database [[incrementally]], so that our data model can adapt to changing requirements.

в порядке возрастания

By the way, the extra level of [[indentation]] on the user_params method is designed to make it visually apparent which methods are defined after private.


Learning to use a text editor is important because text is [[ubiquitous]] in modern computing—it's used for code, markup, configuration files, and many other things.

вездесущий; повсеместный

Here we see both foo and bar making an appearance in the man page for man itself—an unambiguous testament to their [[ubiquity]] in computing.

вездесущность, повсеместность

That's what it's called when a cat... A cat [[spits]] it out, it's a hairball.


We come now to the [[pinnacle]] of our sample application: the status feed of microposts.

вершина, кульминационный пункт

Because technically sophisticated people use text editors practically every day, you'll keep learning new tricks in [[perpetuity]].

вечность, бесконечность

As with the Unix diff utility, modified sections of code or markup are shown as close to each other as possible so that it's clear at a [[glance]] what changed.


On the other hand, deleting lines is enough of a special case to merit [[inclusion]].


(In case you're wondering why we don't just use the signed user id, without the remember token, this would allow an attacker with [[possession]] of the encrypted id to log in as the user in perpetuity. In the present design, an attacker with both cookies can


Realizing there's a typo in your commit message, change bazz to baz using git commit --[[amend]].

вносить изменения, поправки

In addition, off-the-shelf systems can be "black boxes", with potentially mysterious [[innards]]; when you write your own system, you are far more likely to understand it.


Phew! That was a close one. (It's worth noting that git checkout -f itself is potentially dangerous, as it wipes out all the changes you've made, so use this trick only when you're 100% sure you want to [[revert]] to HEAD.


Learn Enough Text Editor to Be Dangerous is designed to help you learn to use what is [[arguably]] the most important item in the aspiring computer magician's bag of tricks: a text editor.

возможно, вероятно

([[presumably]] to display all the tigers in our application)

возможно, вероятно; предположительно; по-видимому

Happily, in the last few years an undisputed winner has [[emerged]] in the open-source VCS wars: Git.

возник, появился

Some people say "SOO-doh", so that it sounds like the prefix pseudo, but in fact sudo is composed of the command su (which, [[contrary]] to popular belief, stands for "substitute user", not "superuser") followed by the English word "do"


It's a loop, you keep repeating this till you have something both [[delightful]] and practical.


Without Undo, operations like deletion would be irreversible and hence potentially [[harmful]], but with Undo it's easy to reverse any mistakes you make while editing.

вредный, пагубный; опасный

Confirm by replacing all occurrences of f with foobar that the name of the block variable is irrelevant as far as the result is concerned. Why might foobar [[nevertheless]] be a bad choice?


They are designed to be a sanity check, not to be [[comprehensive]]; indeed, as noted in Section 5.3.4, comprehensive tests of things like HTML structure are likely to be brittle and thus counter-productive.

всеобъемлющий, исчерпывающий; полный; обширный

Table 1: [[Miscellaneous]] keyboard symbols.

вспомогательный, смешанный, неоднородный

You may recall from Section 4.4.5 that we have already [[encountered]], via a custom-built User class, user objects with name and email attributes.


Indeed, much of the elegance of Rails ultimately [[derives]] from the malleability of the underlying Ruby language.


You can read up on this on for instance wikipedia. An [[excerpt]]:


At the console, [[invent]] examples showing both possible behaviors of the ternary operator (Box 9.2).


[[exhale]] while coming down.

выдыхать, производить выдох

Def: authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court.


Each variable has a unique name, so that it can be [[summoned]] up whenever we need the info it contains.


We've scanned language learning approaches from around the world to combine the best practices in the field into one very [[doable]] method.


Go ahead and try the command above; you will discover that the result is to overwrite about.html with a newline, thereby effectively [[wiping out]] its contents, as we can verify with cat:


In mathematics, many subjects can be developed by applying pure [[deduction]] to a small number of assumptions, or axioms; examples include algebra, geometry, number theory, and analysis.

вычет, удержание, выведение

Pages to display followed users and followers will resemble a [[hybrid]] of the user profile page and the user index page (Section 10.3.1), with a sidebar of user information (including the following stats) and a list of users.


The rest of the tutorial will expand on the themes developed in Section 1 by describing some of the many powerful features required in any programmer-grade text editor, with examples drawn [[principally]] from Atom, an open-source cross-platform editor, with additional examples from the closely related Sublime Text editor and from Cloud9, a cloud IDE.

главным образом, преимущественно

Incidentally, a [[bare]] "dot" is a shorthand for source, so in fact you can type . .bash_profile to obtain the same result. (This usage is unrelated to the use of a dot to refer to the current directory.)

голый; неизолированный; пустой

Git has a combination of power, speed, and community adoption that leave it few rivals, but it can be tricky to learn, and other Git tutorials have a tendency to introduce lots of heavy theory, which can be interesting to learn but in practice is really only understood by a [[tiny handful]] of Git users.


The tool I had been handed was vi. To say that it seemed like a downgrade from word processors is a [[gross]] understatement


This is what prevents arbitrary users from [[granting]] themselves administrative access to our application.


In addition to making it easier to [[parse]] the source code visually (i.e., distinguishing keywords, strings, constants, etc.), syntax highlighting can also be useful for catching bugs.

делать разбор, делать анализ

I was shocked by the [[savagery]] and brutality of this local hardcore metal band.


Following Twitter's lead, we'll plan to display a user's microposts not on a separate microposts index page but rather directly on the user show page itself, as mocked up in Figure 13.4. We'll start with [[fairly]] simple ERb templates for adding a micropost display to the user profile, and then we'll add microposts to the seed data from Section 10.3.2 so that we have something to display.


Through these examples, you will see how Rails can handle even [[rather intricate]] data models, which should serve you well as you go on to develop your own applications with their own specific requirements.

довольно запутанный

For the most part, word processors also save their results in proprietary formats that sometimes go bad (as many who've tried opening old Word files have learned to their [[chagrin]]).

досада, огорчение

As constructed, only admins can destroy users through the web since only they can see the delete links, but there's still a terrible security hole: any [[sufficiently]] sophisticated attacker could simply issue a DELETE request directly from the command line


So I can't go on big trips or do anything, but I'm not poor and I don't have zero money, but I have enough to get my food, and pay my rent or my homestay, and pay some other things for me, maybe my cellphone and my internet, but nothing special; no car, no [[jewellery]]

драгоценности, ювелирные изделия

Since [[unanimous]] agreement could not be achieved on using either the English word order, CUT, or the French word order, TUC, the acronym UTC was chosen as a compromise.


And there's [[gum]] on here, and you want to get the gum off, you're going to... That's called scraping.


[[Amusingly]], the reason the tilde character is used for the home directory is simply because the "Home" key was the same as the key for producing "~" on some early keyboards.

забавно, смешно

On the other hand, this also means that the feature branch will have an extraneous merge commit every time you need to incorporate upstream changes. If master is very active, this can [[pollute]] your feature branch's history quite a bit.


But basically what a [[delay]] is is it means to be late...something isn't happening at the time it's suppose to, it's going to happen later.

задержка, приостановка

|sleep - [[delay]] for a specified amount of time.

задержка, приостановка

The whole poem's been turned [[backwards]], letter by letter.

задом наперед

Computers may be as close as we get to magic in the real world: we type [[incantations]] into a machine, and—if the incantations are right—the machine does our bidding.


The highlighting in Cloud9's case is quite high-contrast, but in Atom's case it isn't particularly [[prominent]];

заметный, бросающийся в глаза, видный

What do [[prominent]] security experts (such as Arjen Lenstra and so on) say about using bcrypt for password hashing?

заметный, бросающийся в глаза, видный

Active Record comes with a host of methods for creating, saving, and finding data objects, all without having to use the structured [[query]] language (SQL) used by relational databases.


On the other hand, deleting lines is enough of a special case to [[merit]] inclusion.

заслуживать, быть достойным

We could use the user's id instead, since it's already exposed in the URLs of our application, but using email addresses is more future-proof in case we want to [[obfuscate]] user ids for any reason (such as to prevent competitors from knowing how many users our application has, for example).


This is motivating, but once you've learned the top 1000 words and realize how little you understand, you get [[jaded]] and realize that it's those 20% of rarer words that carry the most meaning.


Instead, there were a [[profusion]] of options (i, a, and o among them) for switching to insertion mode, and all it took was a few wrong keystrokes for all hell to break loose.

изобилие, избыток, богатство

In the present case, the master branch didn't change while we were working on the about-page branch, but Git [[excels]] even when the original branch has changed in the interim.

изощряться, превосходить

By the way, the use of target="_blank" in the Gravatar link is a [[neat]] trick to get the browser to open the page in a new window or tab, which is sometimes convenient behavior when linking to third-party sites.


One [[neat]] thing about the GitHub SSH keys tutorial is that it detects the system you're on and customizes the tutorial accordingly.


2. At the console, [[instantiate]] a second micropost with no user id and content that's too long. Is it valid? What are the full error messages?

иллюстрировать примерами

For example, the value of with name "user[email]" is [[precisely]] the email attribute of the user hash.


It's reasonable to ask why we should reinvent the wheel. Why not just use an [[off-the-shelf]] solution instead of rolling our own?

имеющийся в наличии

[[barring]] the improbable scenario of migrations generated the same second, using timestamps conveniently avoids such collisions.


If you purchase the Capstone Rails Tutorials, you'll keep the project going. And you'll have my [[sincere]] appreciation for your support.


free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings


In addition, when doing something a little [[artificial]] like this I like to use a temp directory called ~/tmp, so create this directory if it doesn't already exist on your system:


With all the work making templates for user microposts in Section 13.2.1, the ending was rather anticlimactic. We can [[rectify]] this sad situation by adding microposts to the seed data from Section 10.3.2.


Neither the tests nor the validation will be [[exhaustive]], just good enough to accept most valid email addresses and reject most invalid ones.


The [[whale]] picture added in Listing 12 (Figure 29) requires attribution under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license.


Of course, this is only one step on a longer journey, both toward command-line excellence (Box 13) and software development [[wizardry]].

колдовство, чары

Although the intervening years have seen a [[proliferation]] of more modern text editors, whose design is much more like the click-and-type interface I expected from my experience with word processors, the enduring popularity of vi (via Vim) means that learning the basics of modal editing is a valuable skill, even if it might at first seem ridiculously foreign.

количественный рост; распространение

At the console, [[replicate]] the steps shown in Listing 14.9.

копировать, повторять

[[replicate]] the original sonnet_1.txt (containing the first two lines of the sonnet) by first redirecting the contents of line_1.txt and then appending the contents of line_2.txt.

копировать, повторять

Sometimes terminate code 15 isn't enough, though, and we need to escalate the level of [[urgency]] until the process is well and truly dead.

крайняя необходимость

Applying the results of the above discussion yields the [[succinct]] current_user method shown in Listing 8.16.


[[in a nutshell]], the idea is simple.

кратко, в двух словах

Software development is usually an iterative process—you write code until it starts getting ugly, and then you refactor it—but for [[brevity]] the tutorial presentation is streamlined a bit.

краткость, немногословие

As with many technical terms, this sometimes [[bleeds]] over into common usage, such as "Diff present ideas against those of various past cultures, and see what you get."

кровоточить; истекать кровью

A [[Wee]] Blank Book


The learning curve to master Ruby is less [[steep]] in comparison to other programming languages, and after just a short period, you will be able to write and execute Ruby programs and solve complex algorithm challenges.


an Active Record model with a table in the database. The time has finally come to add a second such resource: user microposts, which are short messages associated with a particular user.1 We first saw microposts in [[larval]] form in Chapter 2, and in this chapter we will make a full-strength version of the sketch from Section 2.3 by constructing the Micropost data model, associating it with the User model using the has_many and belongs_to methods, and then


One of the biggest [[traps]] you can fall into is to look for a big, fancy, bells and whistles language learning method... whereas all the time you're ignoring the simple things right in front of dialogues in textbooks.


This is exactly the sort of feature that could easily lead to a [[spurious]] passing test (i.e., a test that would pass even if the application code were wrong), so we'll proceed using test-driven development to be sure we're testing the right thing. In particular, let's write a test to verify that the first micropost in the database is the same as a fixture micropost we'll call most_recent, as shown in Listing 13.14.

ложный, кажущийся, иллюзорный

[[Incidentally]], in Listing 9.31 we could write `assert_equal current_user, @user`

между прочим; кстати

[[Incidentally]], in Listing 9.31 we could write assert_equal current_user, @user instead, and it would work just the same

между прочим; кстати

[[Incidentally]], we're now in a position to understand the prompts shown in Figure 6: I have my prompt configured to show the current directory, which might be something like [~], [ruby], or [projects]

между прочим; кстати

I've never been a fan of [[rote]] learning, and hence never developed skills to learn vast quantities of unrelated things.

механическое запоминание

Briefly, it uses the Unicode character ✓ (a checkmark ✓) to force browsers to submit data using the right character encoding, and then it includes an authenticity token, which Rails uses to [[thwart]] an attack called a cross-site request forgery (CSRF


So they don't like being opened and something come out. So when you have to shell out money, you literally have to take money and give it out, and you don't want to; you want to protect it and keep it inside.


Tortoise, shrimp has a soft shell, [[clam]]s and mussels all have shells, but they protect because they want to keep whatever's inside. A mussel, or a clam, or a shrimp, or a tortoise, or a snail - they all want to keep themselves safe inside.


Git is a [[mildly]] insulting British slang term for a stupid or annoying person, and Linus likes to joke that he named both Linux and Git after himself.


I tend to look at the big picture and how things connect. I am [[observant]] and resourceful. I get things done without needing help or supervision.


Although our immediate motivation is making a page to show users, the single line resources :users doesn't just add a working /users/1 URL; it [[endows]] our sample application with all the actions needed for a RESTful Users resource, along with a large numbe


I am observant and resourceful. I get things done without needing help or [[supervision]].


Moreover, adding this index on the email attribute accomplishes a second goal, [[alluded]] to briefly in Section 6.1.4: as noted in Box 6.2, the index on the email attribute fixes a potential efficiency problem by preventing a full-table scan when finding use


Note the presence of !user.activated?, which is the extra boolean [[alluded]] to above.


You need to use an absolute URI when linking to an SSL site from a non-SSL site, and [[vice versa]].


In Section 6.3.2 we'll add a final common validation, confirmation. And we'll see in Section 7.3 how validations give us convenient error messages when users make submissions that [[violate]] them.


[[perseverance]] is the key to winning at anything in life.


I tend to look at the big picture and how things connect. I am observant and [[resourceful]]. I get things done without needing help or supervision.

находчивый, изобретательный

Here the class and id attributes are largely [[irrelevant]]; what's important is action="/users" and method="post".

не имеет значения

Barring the [[improbable]] scenario of migrations generated the same second, using timestamps conveniently avoids such collisions.

невероятный, маловероятное

This is a potentially serious security [[flaw]] in our application, and the way to fix it is to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt all relevant information before it leaves the local browser.


You could also use -D, which is an alias for --delete --force, which deletes the branch "[[irrespective]] of its merged status."


Experience shows that, at the level of this tutorial, the costs associated with including such an explicit Ruby version number outweigh the ([[negligible]]) benefits, so you should ignore this warning for now.


Even then, on a long enough timeline some conflicts are [[inevitable]], and with the techniques in this section you're now in a position to handle them.

неизбежный, неминуемый

If the above sequence seems [[implausible]], believe me, it isn't: it can happen on any Rails website with significant traffic (which I once learned the hard way).


Technical sophistication includes concrete skills like command lines, text editors, and coding, as well as [[fuzzier]] skills like Googling the error message and knowing when to just reboot the darn thing.

неясный, неопределённый; смутный, расплывчатый, размытый; не чётко определённый

In the case of the base64 string above, each of the 22 characters has 64 possibilities, so the probability of two remember tokens colliding is a [[negligibly]] small.


we'll add the penultimate user action, the index action, which is designed to display all the users instead of just one. Along the way, we'll learn how to seed the database with sample users and how to [[paginate]] the user output so that the index page can scale up to display a potentially large number of users. A mockup of the result—users, pagination links, and a "Users" navigation link—appears in Figure 10.8.7 In Section

нумеровать страницы

By [[wrapping]] the post in the assert_no_difference method with the string argument 'User.count', we arrange for a comparison between User.count before and after the contents inside the assert_no_difference block.

оберточная бумага

In order to [[facilitate]] the comparison of files that are similar but not identical, Unix systems come with the helpful diff command:

облегчать, помогать, способствовать

To [[facilitate]] the use of these parameters, it's conventional to introduce an auxiliary method called user_params (which returns an appropriate initialization hash) and use it in place of params[:user]:

облегчать, помогать, способствовать

You may not impersonate others in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or [[deceive]] others.


We're putting together a system to manage our [[vast]] video game collection that we just can't seem to part with.


You may recall from Listing 7.20 that the error-messages partial references the @user variable explicitly, but in the present case we have an @micropost variable instead. To [[unify]] these cases, we can pass the form variable f to the partial and access the associated object through f.object, so that in form_for(@user) do |f| f.object is @user, and in form_for(@micropost) do |f| f.object is @micropost, etc.


(Recall from Listing 14.19 that this is a div that [[wraps]] the form, not the form itself.)

обёртывать; завёртывать; упаковывать

[[With hindsight]], I probably should have made this analysis before writing a 700-page book and making over 15 hours of screencast videos, but it was gratifying to realize I hadn't wasted my time.

оглядываясь на прошлое

As with every category of text manipulation, Vim has an [[enormous]] number of commands for deleting content, but in this section we're just going to cover the absolute minimum.


There actually exists a full regex for matching email addresses according to the official email standard, but it's [[enormous]], obscure, and quite possibly counter-productive.


When I first started to learn programming in the Unix tradition (as opposed to my childhood experience with Microsoft DOS, BASIC, and Pascal), I distinctly recall being absolutely [[mortified]] at the unbelievably primitive editor I was expected to use.


The code in Listing 13.30 leads in turn to the RESTful routes shown in Table 13.2, which is a small subset of the full set of routes seen in Table 2.3. Of course, this simplicity is a sign of being more advanced, not less—we've come a long way since our [[reliance]] on scaffolding in Chapter 2, and we no longer need most of its complexity.

опора, надежда

...card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy [[entity]] in an electronic communication. The word is a neologism created as a homophone of fishing due to the similarity of using a bait in an attempt to catch a victim.

организация; сущность

What is your favorite astronomical [[entity]]? The Pleiades.

организация; сущность

Git is a mildly [[insulting]] British slang term for a stupid or annoying person, and Linus likes to joke that he named both Linux and Git after himself.


Note that Bob has included an alt attribute in Listing 20, which is a text alternative to the image. The alt attribute is actually required by the HTML5 standard, and including it is a good practice because it's used by web spiders and by screen readers for the visually [[impaired]].


The solution I eventually found to this [[debilitating]] problem has been the most valuable lesson I've ever learnt about language learning.


A long time ago I made a video in which I said one of the three most important things for a person to learn is [[awareness]] - awareness of themselves and how they relate to the world around them.


knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.


Having finished both the data modeling and display templates for microposts, we now turn our attention to the interface for creating them through the web. In this section, we'll also see the first hint of a status feed—a notion brought to full [[fruition]] in Chapter 14. Finally, as with users, we'll make it possible to destroy microposts through the web.

осуществление; достижение желанной цели

If you followed Chapter 11, you already have a mailer for password resets, which was generated in Section 11.2 (Listing 11.6). In this section, we'll complete the necessary [[preliminaries]] by adding a resource and data model for password resets (Section 12.1) to go along with the mailer. We'll implement the actual password reset in Section 12.3.


preliminary - an action or event preceding or preparing for something fuller or more important


I had manually removed "pg (0.17.1)" from Gemfile.lock in an attempt to cover my tracks after [[neglecting]] to put the '--without production' param in for bundle install. Adding back solved the issue.


The tool I had been handed was vi. To say that it seemed like a downgrade from word processors is a gross [[understatement]].

преуменьшение; занижение

This made me very [[squeamish]] about using the command again.

привередливый, разборчивый, брезгливый

Integrity [[attracts]] the best people.


In 6th and 7th grade I wanted to be fashionably grunge, but I was never more than a [[dork]].


a dull, slow-witted, or socially inept person.


Being able to figure out details and edge cases like this is a [[hallmark]] of growing technical sophistication (Box 3).

признак; критерий

Computers may be as close as we get to magic in the real world: we type incantations into a machine, and—if the incantations are right—the machine does our [[bidding]].

приказание; распоряжение

At this point, Bob might send Alice a notification that there's a change ready, or Alice might just be [[diligent]] about checking for changes.


How [[diligent]] is the person with the quality of their code?


Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, banks, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to [[lure]] unsuspecting victims.


The phrase first appeared in English writing [[circa]] 1711.

примерно, около (особ. о датах)

Indeed, in many cases I find the details of man pages to be almost impossible to understand, but being able to scan over the man page to get a high-level overview of a command is a valuable skill, one worth [[acquiring]].

приобретать; получать; достигать; овладевать

As before, it's essential to understand that the highlighting isn't [[inherent]] to the text, which is still plain.

присущий, свойственный

Here xhr stands for XmlHttpRequest; setting the xhr option to true issues an Ajax request in the test, which [[causes]] the respond_to block in Listing 14.36 to execute the proper JavaScript method.

причинять, быть причиной

I'm a developer who worked in Japan for many years as a programmer, post-, and pre-sales consultant for Japanese and North American companies, but now [[reside]] in Australia.

проживать, жить; пребывать, находиться (где-л.)

and I have a third child joining the family, I'm tripling my efforts at work to make a positive impact on what I have influence over, and at the same time I am also doubling down on my [[maker]] efforts outside of work.


Early versions of the Jargon File interpreted this change as a post-war bowdlerization, but it now seems more likely that FUBAR was itself a [[derivative]] of 'foo' perhaps influenced by German furchtbar (terrible) — 'foobar' may actually have been the original form.


Here we somewhat [[arbitrarily]] arrange for the first user to follow users 3 through 51, and then have users 4 through 41 follow that user back.


[from Usenet, but may [[predate]] it; common]

произойти до какого-л. числа; датировать более ранним числом

(Here User.count is 1 because of the user created in Section 6.3.4, though it may differ if you've added or deleted any users in the [[interim]].)


In the present case, the master branch didn't change while we were working on the about-page branch, but Git excels even when the original branch has changed in the [[interim]].


For more on the power of text, see the [[insightful]] post "always bet on text". ↑

проницательный, обладающий проницательностью

Section 14.1 placed some rather heavy demands on our data modeling skills, and it's fine if it takes a while to [[soak in]]. In fact, one of the best ways to understand the associations is to use them in the web interface.

пропитываться; впитываться; впитаться

(In versions of Rails before 5, params was implicit, and only the user hash would be passed. This practice was [[deprecated]] in Rails 5.0, and now the recommended method is to include the full params hash explicitly.)


Another source of [[robustness]] against error is using branches, as described in Section 3.3.


It encompasses anything I make; the podcast, art, making a better self, making a safe home, making [[lasting]] relationships, making better choices, etc. 2.


Here we see both foo and bar making an appearance in the man page for man itself—an unambiguous [[testament]] to their ubiquity in computing.

проявление; свидетельство

The image size validations in Section 13.4.2 are a good start, but they still allow the uploading of images large enough to break our site's layout, sometimes with [[frightening]] results (Figure 13.21). Thus, while it's convenient to allow users to select fairly large images from their local disk, it's also a good idea to resize the images before displaying them.

пугающий; ужасный

In mathematics and logic, a [[vacuous]] truth is a statement that asserts that all members of the empty set have a certain property.

пустой, бессодержательный

Learn technical sophistication with Learn Enough to Be Dangerous, and [[unleash]] your technical genius!

развязать, высвободить, дать волю

With all the work making templates for user microposts in Section 13.2.1, the ending was rather [[anticlimactic]]. We can rectify this sad situation by adding microposts to the seed data from Section 10.3.2.


A: In 1970 the Coordinated Universal Time system was [[devised]] by an international advisory group of technical experts within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).


As with the original User model test (Listing 6.5), the first test in Listing 13.4 is just a [[sanity]] check, but the second is a test of the presence of the user id, for which we'll add the presence validation shown in Listing 13.5.

разумность, здравый смысл; здравомыслие, благоразумие

Extended to humans to convey that the subject has no idea or no clue -- [[sapience]] not found.

разумность, рассудительность, мудрость

As users of the system, we don't care if ekill is written in Bash or Ruby or C, so calling it unnecessarily [[exposes]] the implementation language to the end-user.

раскрывать; разоблачать

This is motivating, but once you've learned the top 1000 words and realize how little you understand, you get jaded and realize that it's those 20% of [[rarer]] words that carry the most meaning.


Although you can usually Undo your way to safety if you accidentally delete something important, putting the content into the buffer with Cut gives you an additional layer of [[redundancy]].

резервирование; избыточность

We can see from Listing 3 that the [[synopsis]] of man looks something like this:

резюме; конспект; краткий обзор; синопсис

Both also retain much popular support, although my guess is that, with the popularity of Vim, vi has taken a [[decisive lead]] in recent years.

решающее лидерство

Now, most of us don't have the [[luxury]] of doing this for more than a couple of weeks at most. But would a 2-week study abroad trip be worthwhile?


an inessential, desirable item that is expensive or difficult to obtain


As noted in the Jargon File entry, one of the [[longest-raging]] holy wars is fought between proponents of vi and its arch-rival Emacs (sometimes written "EMACS"), both of which have played important roles in the Unix computing tradition.

самый длинный яростный

Rails would see "followeds" and use the singular "followed", [[assembling]] a collection using the followed_id in the relationships table.

сборка; установка, монтаж, (to as.) созывать; собирать

Nowadays, applications like Word do sometimes offer built-in version tracking, but such features are tightly [[coupled]] to the underlying application and aren't useful for any other document types.

связанный; соединённый

These last steps of typing pwd to double-check the directory, and especially running ls to inspect the directory contents, are a matter of habit for many a [[grizzled]] command-line veteran.

седой, с проседью

Note the named routes for the followed user and followers pages, which we'll put to use [[shortly]].

скоро, вскоре

I've had my moments of success, focus, and productivity, yet those moments were mostly [[fleeting]].


This validates the attribute with the given regular expression (or regex), which is a powerful (and often [[cryptic]]) language for matching patterns in strings.


That scintillating neural loop is one memory [[trace]], which is connected of course to many other related memory traces.


There is a developmental shift in our awareness. An ability to handle [[complexity]], nuance, and ambiguity evolves.


A joke used by those who are [[savvy]] in mathematics.


It was around this time that I first started paying attention to girls. Hand in hand with that awareness comes the heartache and [[turmoil]] that often comes when teenagers examine their emotions.


For the most part, word processors also save their results in [[proprietary]] formats that sometimes go bad (as many who've tried opening old Word files have learned to their chagrin).

собственнический; частный

I had set in to motion some self destructive patterns some time ago and have been [[regretting]] them lately.


As noted in the Jargon File entry, one of the longest-raging holy wars is fought between [[proponents]] of vi and its arch-rival Emacs (sometimes written "EMACS"), both of which have played important roles in the Unix computing tradition.


Our validations for the name attribute enforce only minimal constraints—any non-blank name under 51 characters will do—but of course the email attribute must satisfy the more [[stringent]] requirement of being a valid email address.


At the time, I was a first-year [[undergraduate]] at Harvard University, working in a research group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

студент; новичок, начинающий

So to follow that thought, I try to be 100% present wherever I am: a meeting; project; family; [[spouse]]; children;


At LinguaLift, we're strong believers in language learning being enjoyable, that you're better off learning at a relaxed but steady [[pace]], instead of overworking for awhile before giving up completely.


Although all the editors we'll discuss do run under Windows, using a non-Unix OS introduces [[friction]] into the process, so Windows users are strongly encouraged to run a free Linux virtual machine (as described in Box 2) in order to get the most out of this tutorial.

трения; разногласия

You too can go to Japan next year, meet new friends, and strike up a conversation in Japanese -without spending a fortune on language classes and hours of [[slogging]] through boring textbooks.

тяжёлой работы

Of course, this is just the sort of statement that serves to [[perpetuate]] a holy war—likely prompting Emacs partisans to, say, make claims about the superior power and customizability of their favorite editor.

увековечивать, сохранять навсегда

is designed to display all the users instead of just one. Along the way, we'll learn how to seed the database with sample users and how to paginate the user output so that the index page can [[scale up]] to display a potentially large number of users. A mockup of the result—users, pagination links, and a "Users" navigation link—appears in Figure 10.8.7 In Section 10.4, we'll add an administrative interface to the users index so

увеличить масштаб

My wife and I have a third child joining the family, I'm tripling my efforts at work to make a positive impact on what I have influence over, and at the same time I am also [[doubling down]] on my maker efforts outside of work.


Either way, learning the material in Learn Enough Git to Be Dangerous prepares you for the other Learn Enough tutorials while enabling an [[astonishing]] variety of applications—including a special surprise bonus at the end (Box 1).

удивительный, изумительный

Instead, it performs the calculation directly in the database, asking the database to count the microposts with the given user_id (an operation for which all databases are highly optimized). (In the unlikely event that finding the count is still a [[bottleneck]] in your application, you can make it even faster using a counter cache.)

узкое место; препятствие, помеха

So they don't like being opened and something come out. So when you have to shell out money, you literally have to take money and give it out, and you don't want to; you want to protect it and keep it inside.


Tortoise, shrimp has a soft shell, clams and mussels all have shells, but they protect because they want to keep whatever's inside. A mussel, or a clam, or a shrimp, or a tortoise, or a [[snail]] - they all want to keep themselves safe inside.


When things get tough, work through it, have grit, and [[persevere]].

упорно продолжать

As you can see by typing ekill by itself at the command line, the current behavior is confusing if we [[neglect]] to include a process id:

упускать, забывать; не выполнять

To make ekill friendlier in this case, we'll arrange to print a usage message to the screen if the user [[neglect]](-s) to include a process id.

упускать, забывать; не выполнять

So how do we best manage busy-ness, such that, we are successful with our [[endeavours]] and focus?


As it presently stands, the sample application forms a solid foundation for any website requiring users with authentication and authorization. In Chapter 11 and Chapter 12, we'll add two additional [[refinements]]: an account activation link for newly registered users (verifying a valid email address in the process) and password resets to help users who forget their passwords.

усовершенствования; тонкости

The paginated users index is now complete, but there's one improvement I can't [[resist]] including: Rails has some incredibly slick tools for making compact views, and in this section we'll refactor the index page to use them.


Although Shakespeare's sonnets are undated, most of them were probably composed during the [[reign]] of Queen Elizabeth, whose royal house adopted a rose (Figure 18) as its heraldic emblem.

царствование, власть, господство

11. Have [[integrity]] - This one is simple, say what you say you are going to do. Be on time, finish what you said you would do. Do it all without excuses and even when you don't feel like it because the more you practice it


the better you get at it. [[integrity]] attracts the best people.


So they don't like being opened and something come out. So when you have to shell out money, you literally have to take money and give it out, and you don't want to; you want to protect it and keep it inside.


[[tortoise]], shrimp has a soft shell, clams and mussels all have shells, but they protect because they want to keep whatever's inside. A mussel, or a clam, or a shrimp, or a tortoise, or a snail - they all want to keep themselves safe inside.


In this chapter, we'll rely on the User model validations from Chapter 6 to increase the [[odds]] of new users having valid email addresses.


We've gone ahead and added some styling to the table to make it a bit easier to read. It's your job to add the finishing [[touches]]!


The final piece of the puzzle is to verify that a given remember token matches the user's remember digest, and in this context there are a couple of [[equivalent]] ways to use bcrypt to verify a match. If you look at the secure password source code, you'll find a comparison like this:9


Thanks for the head's-up. It's amazing that the studios block videos like that, as it's basically free advertising for them. [[Penny-wise and pound-foolish]].

экономный в мелочах и расточительный в крупном

This section includes only MVV (Minimum Viable [[Vim]])—just enough to use Vim to do things like edit small configuration files or Git commits.

энергия, сила; напор, настойчивость

The [[trade-off]] is that Atom is considerably slower.

a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise

[1]The exercises are simple and effective, you can perform them anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Just make sure to have a [[steady]] pull-up bar.

[1]not shaking or moving; [2]regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity

[1]Nice work! Your page is still looking a bit [[spare]], though. Better add an image or two to spruce things up a bit.

[1]with no excess fat; thin; [2]make free or available

[2]If you have the time to [[spare]], by all means skip this...

[1]with no excess fat; thin; [2]make free or available

Whoa. Whoa now. Back up, Mr. Taco McSparkles, because you've just made a [[grave]] mistake.

[adj] giving cause for alarm; serious

[v]We [[prize]] our abilities to do chess and math, but it takes years of practice to acquire these skills. And digital computers are much better at it than we are.

[v]value extremely highly

Including headaches, depression, heart [[disease]], diabetes, and just plain dying earlier.

a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury

You won't need to know them all out of the [[gate]], but there are some that you will need to be familiar with before getting started.

a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge

When you do that, you need something much more [[capable]] than a simple revision history of a single file for a single person.

able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent

Small tech startups value the ability to build and ship code above all else, so sometimes they're a tough place to step in with a junior skillset but it's certainly a [[trial]] by fire.

a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something

You would never plan to compete in a weight lifting competition by waiting until the [[very]] day before a meet and then spending that entire day working out like a fiend.

actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of a particular person or thing)

Next, we'll add validations for the micropost's content attribute (following the example from Section 2.3.2). As with the user_id, the content attribute must be present, and it is [[further]] constrained to be no longer than 140 characters (which is what puts the micro in micropost).

additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for

In this book, by using SQLite for development and PostgreSQL (via Heroku) for deployment, we have developed this theme even further, to the point where we [[barely]] ever have to think about how Rails stores data, even for production applications.

almost not

So when you [[check-in]] it's when you are saying yes, you are definitely coming on the flight... you can do this two different you can either check-in online about a day before, when you are online and you go to the website and you pick your seat,,,they give you that piece of paper at the end that tells you where you are going to sit. to go to the check-in desk Where is the check-in?

arrive and register at a hotel or airport

How do you [[bridge]] the gap to a real job?

be or make a bridge over (something).

[[To show off]].

boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments

Physics is a lovely subject, but I had to [[admit]] that it isn't the most valuable skill for most people.

confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance

But, there's still one side of Ruby we haven't settled: building your own methods! Ahem! Let's [[get it over with]], then.

do or undergo something unpleasant or difficult, so as to be rid of it

This lesson is devoted solely to helping you install what you need to install so we can [[get it over with]] and move on to the good stuff.

do or undergo something unpleasant or difficult, so as to be rid of it

Under its [[fancy]] skin, a social networking profile is just a list of text, images, and links. And you know all about those!

elaborate in structure or decoration

[[go nuts]] with your lists within lists!

go crazy

Use the command curl -I to [[fetch]] the HTTP header for the Learn Enough website.

go for and then bring back (someone or something)

If your approach is right and the problem is a [[tough]] one, it's a good time to pause and take a breather.

involving considerable difficulty or hardship; requiring great determination or effort

When things get [[tough]], work through it, have grit, and persevere.

involving considerable difficulty or hardship; requiring great determination or effort

In Book Two, you'll build a working web application so you'll gain [[Hands-on]] experience.

involving or offering active participation rather than theory

You can start with Book Two before finishing this book if you're eager to get started building your first application. In fact, I recommend it, because the [[Hands-on]] learning in Book Two reinforces the concepts you learn in this book.

involving or offering active participation rather than theory

[[Hands-on]] learning with actual Rails applications is the key to absorbing and retaining knowledge.

involving or offering active participation rather than theory

In Canada, we have winter, and when we have ice on our windows, we scrape the ice to get [[rid]] of it. It's a lot of work, it's not lots of fun.

make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing)

Chunks are pieces of information, neuroscientifically speaking, through [[bound]] together through meaning or use.

past and past participle of bind

Answer: There it is, [[folks]]. The most popular question I've been asked.

people in general

LinguaLift is for the [[folks]] who are super serious about learning a new language and want to leap forward in the quest. I have the utmost respect for anyone who continues investing in their own education.

people in general

The asterisk indicates the "any file" part. Ruby then [[hands]] us every file that matches our request.

pick (something) up and give to (someone)

And, for the most part, these introductory tools do a great job of guiding you like a child in a crosswalk [[past]] the big scary variables and conditional statements and through the early phases of programming syntax.

so as to pass from one side of something to the other

[[On the other hand]], learning how to implement the "remember me" feature is both highly instructive by itself and lays an essential foundation for account activation and password reset.

used to present factors that are opposed or that support opposing opinions.

We left Section 12.1 with a [[nearly]] working create action in the Password Resets controller. The only thing missing is the method to deliver valid password reset emails.

very close to; | almost, but not quite or not completely

To perform such magic, computer witches and wizards rely not only on words, but also on wands, potions, and an [[ancient]] tome or two.

древний; старинный

The resulting technical sophistication will make us software magicians—able to [[cast]] computer spells, and get the machine to do our bidding.


If Alice sends Bob a note before she heads off to her tea party, Bob will know to do a git pull to pull in Alice's [[changes]]:...


If your code is killing you and the joy is gone, POODR has the [[cure]].


Figure 59: Bob's [[reward]] for a job well-done.


What is the task that will [[free up]] the most mental energy.


Technical sophistication gives you the ability to collaborate with millions of developers around the world, to build and sell both static websites and dynamic web applications, to start a career as a software developer, and even to [[found]] companies worth millions of dollars.

основывать, учреждать; создавать

Once you've got a little more experience under your [[belt]], I recommend seeking out resources specific to your editor of choice.

ремень, пояс

(Although the authenticated? method in Listing 9.6 is [[tied]] specifically to the remember digest, it will turn out to be useful in other contexts as well, and we'll generalize it in Chapter 11.)


As noted in the Jargon File entry, one of the longest-raging holy wars is [[fought]] between proponents of vi and its arch-rival Emacs (sometimes written "EMACS"), both of which have played important roles in the Unix computing tradition.


[[thus]], "Markdown" is two things: (1) a plain text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool, written in Perl, that converts the plain text formatting to HTML.

таким образом

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Avoir and Etre Expressions Review

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Lesson 24 - Minor Surgical Procedures

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Penny Chapter 29 - The Fetal Genitourinary System

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Life Chapter 1 - Basic Insurance Concepts

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CISSP, Secure Network Architecture and Components

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Unit 2, Concept 2.2 Influencing Inheritance Study Guide

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Chapter 2: Causes of Abnormal Behavior

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EMSU: Quiz 15, EMT Chapter 15 Respiratory Emergencies

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