real estate principles

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A personal authorization, which authorizes a person to act on someone else's behalf is known as...? A Power of Attorney B Agency C Estate D Power to Represent

A Power of Attorney

This is a contract whereby, for a consideration, usually termed rent, one who is entitled to the possession of real property transfers such rights to another for life, for a term of years, or at will...? ALease BDeed CEstate for Years DEstate at Sufferance


The right of a property owner whose land borders on a body of water, such as a lake, ocean or sea, to reasonable use and enjoyment of the shore and water the property borders on is known as...? ALittoral rights BLand rights CZoning rights DRiparian rights

ALittoral rights

California offers reciprocity with every other State in the country...? A T (True) B F (False)

B F (False)

The rules of a profession created by a professional association are known as...? A. Laws B. Code of conduct C. Ethics D. Standards

C. Ethics

The refusal to lend money within a specific area is known as...? ATesting BSteering CRedlining DBlockbusting


1 mile is equal to how many linear feet...? A2580 B3280 C5220 D5280


The potential right of ownership to land which is produced, then added or united to the owner's land is known as...? AEscheat BErosion CAccretion DAccession


The bundle of rights includes which of the following...? AThe right to possess BThe right to encumber CThe right to quiet enjoyment DAll of the above

DAll of the above

A real estate salesperson must work under who...? A A Broker B An Attorney C Another Salesperson D A Corporation

A A Broker

Prior to January 1, 2013, the California Bureau of Real Estate was known as the...? A California Department of State B California Department of Real Estate C California Real Estate Association D California Attorney General

B California Department of Real Estate

The law regulating the behavior of civilians among and between each other is known as...? A Criminal law B Civil law C Executive law D Judicial law

B Civil law

Who is liable for the actions of a real estate salesperson...? A The salesperson's client B The salesperson's attorney C The sponsoring broker D Nobody is responsible

C The sponsoring broker

Something which is outside property itself but belongs to the land and adds to its greater enjoyment, such as a right-of-way, is known as...? AReal Property BChattel CAppurtenances DBundle of Rights


What does metes and bounds measure...? AArea BSize and Distance CDistance and Direction DNone of the above

CDistance and Direction

Who is responsible for paying the income taxes of a real estate salesperson...? A The real estate salesperson's accountant B The employer of the real estate salesperson C The real estate salesperson's sponsoring broker D The real estate salesperson themselves

D The real estate salesperson themselves

Which of the following is a legal description of land...? ALot and Block BU.S. Government Survey System CMetes and Bounds DAll of the above

DAll of the above

All that one owns is known as their...? A Probate B Assets C Estate D Property

C Estate

1 acre is equal to how many square feet...? A5280 B32580 C43560 D45560


When is a real estate license NOT required...? A When you have at least 10 years of experience B When you work under a broker C When you represent another individual D When you represent yourself

D When you represent yourself

In order to get your real estate salesperson license in California, you must be at least what age...? A 18 B 19 C 20 D 21

A 18

Which of the following is exempt from Federal anti-discrimination laws...? AThe principal of an owner-occupied 1-4 unit residence BThe principal of an owner-occupied 5+ unit residence CThe principal of a commercial building DAny principal owner

AThe principal of an owner-occupied 1-4 unit residence

The authorization to improve or develop a particular property in a manner not authorized by zoning is known as...? AVariance BSpecial Permit CDirected Development DReconsideration


How many years of experience as a real estate salesperson do you need in order to be eligible to obtain your broker's license in California...? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

B 2

How many mandatory courses must an individual complete in order to obtain their California broker's license...? A 6 B 8 C 10 D 14

B 8

One who rents property to another under a lease is referred to as the...? ATenant BLessor CLessee DCustomer

B Lessor

A person who has died leaving a will is known as...? A. Intestate B. Testate C. Agent D. Guardian

B. Testate

What percentage of questions must you answer correctly on the California real estate salesperson exam...? A 60 (% Percent) B 65 (% Percent) C 70 (% Percent) D 75 (% Percent)

C 70 (% Percent)

How many multiple choice questions are on the California real estate salesperson exam...? A 75 B 100 C 120 D 150

D 150

The minimum standards of human behavior are known as...? A. Law B. Ethics C. Code of Conduct D. Civil Code

A. Law

The process of gradual growth or increase over a period of time from naturally occurring events, resulting in additional layers of matter is known as...? AAccretion BAccession CErosion DEscheat


An estate for years is NOT automatically renewed...? AT (True) BF (False)

AT (True)

An executor or administrator must have a real estate license to dispose of a deceased person's real estate assets...? A T (True) B F (False)

B F (False)

A person to whom property is rented under a lease is referred to as the...? ALessor BLandlord CCustomer DLessee

D Lessee

An individual appointed by the court to dispose of a deceased person's property is known as...? A Administrator B Power of Attorney C Guardian D Executor

A Administrator

An individual acting as Power of Attorney is exempt from needing a license...? A T (True) B F (False)

A T (True)

It is possible for an agent to follow the law and still violate an ethical rule...? A T (True) B F (False)

A T (True)

Lots that touch at any point are known as...? AContiguous BSegregated CSub-divided DLinear


A person who has died without leaving a valid will is known as...? A Guardian B Intestate C Estoppel D Testate

B Intestate

Who is responsible for overseeing the California Bureau of Real Estate...? A Attorney General for the State of California B Real Estate Commissioner for the State of California C California Real Estate Committee D California State Governor

B Real Estate Commissioner for the State of California

An advertisement that remains anonymous as to who is advertising is known as...? ANet Listing BBlind Advertisement CBanner Advertisement DGhost Listing

BBlind Advertisement

The rights of a landowner and/or land occupier to use adjacent bodies of water in a reasonable fashion are known as...? AThe right of lateral support BWater rights CAccession DAccretion

BWater rights

Steering is the opposite of this illegal discriminatory act, which encourages individuals to sell...? ATesting BSelective Buying CBlockbusting DRedlining


This Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination on the basis of race only...? ACivil Rights Act of 1964 BAmericans with Disabilities Act CCivil Rights Act of 1866 DFair Housing Act of 1988

CCivil Rights Act of 1866

A term used in describing the boundary lines of land, seeing forth all the boundary lines together with their terminal points and angles is known as...? ALot and Block BContiguous CMetes and Bounds DSurvey

CMetes and Bounds

The education requirement for new real estate salespersons includes which of the following courses...? A One Elective Course B Real Estate Practice C Real Estate Principles D All of the above

D All of the above

An individual named in a will who is given the legal responsibility to dispose of a deceased person's property is known as...? A Guardian B Administrator C Power of Attorney D Executor

D Executor

Which of the following is a California counterpart to the Federal anti-discrimination laws...? AThe Unruh Civil Rights Act BThe Rumford Act CThe Holden Act DAll of the above

DAll of the above

Which of the following is an element used to determine if something is a fixture or real property...? AThe method of attachment BThe relationship of the parties to the object CThe intention of the parties DAll of the above

DAll of the above

For tax purposes, a real estate salesperson is considered what...? A Independent Contractor B Entity C Employer D Employee

A Independent Contractor

The right of any political body to enact laws and enforce them, for the order, safety, health, morals and general welfare of the public is known as...? A Police Power B Condemnation C Escheat D Eminent Domain

A Police Power

An attorney in the State of California is NOT required to get a real estate license...? A T (True) B F (False)

A T (True)

The degree, quantity, nature, and extent of interest that a person has in real and personal property is known as...? AEstate BLife Estate CEstate at Will DEstate at Sufferance


The HUD Fair Housing Equal Opportunity poster is required to be posted in a prominent position in any business that is related to housing...? AT (True) BF (False)

AT (True)

Which of the following is a California counterpart to the Federal anti-discrimination laws with regards to redlining...? AThe Holden Act BThe Rumford Act CThe Unruh Civil Rights Act DAll of the above

AThe Holden Act

A leasehold estate for any specific period of time is known as...? APeriodic Tenancy BEstate for Years CEstate at Will DEstate at Sufferance

BEstate for Years

A principal of an owner-occupied 4 family residence is exempt from Federal anti-discrimination laws if they use a licensed broker to help find a new tenant...? AT (True) BF (False)

BF (False)

The linear distance along which a building faces a lot line or a roadway is known as...? ARear Yard BFrontage CSide Yard DSetback


Any fact that would influence the decision of a reasonably prudent person is known as a/an...? AMisrepresentation BMaterial Fact CDeceit DFraud

BMaterial Fact

Which of the following is a California counterpart to the Federal anti-discrimination laws with regards to discrimination in commercial and business establishments...? AThe Holden Act BThe Rumford Act CThe Unruh Civil Rights Act DAll of the above

CThe Unruh Civil Rights Act

The rights, or interests, that an individual has in a particular piece of property is known as...? APersonal Property BReal Interest CChattel DBundle of Rights

DBundle of Rights

This consumer protection statute helped eliminate kickbacks and referral fees that unnecessarily increased the costs of certain settlement services...? ATruth in Lending Act BFederal Fair Credit Reporting Act CRegulation Z DRESPA


Land, things affixed to land, and appurtenances that are immovable are considered...? AChattel BPersonal Property CBundle of Rights DReal Property

DReal Property

This Civil Rights Act expanded the protected classes beyond race to include color, religion, sex, and national origin...? ACivil Rights Act of 1964 BCivil Rights Act of 1866 CAmericans with Disabilities Act DFair Housing Act of 1988

ACivil Rights Act of 1964

In the State of California, race is NOT a material fact...? AT (True) BF (False)

AT (True)

Periodic tenancy is also referred to as an estate from year to year...? AT (True) BF (False)

AT (True)

Any right to, or interest, in the land interfering with its use or transfer, or subjecting it to an obligation is known as...? ABundle of Rights BEncumbrance CReversion DAlienate


If the HUD Fair Housing Equal Opportunity poster is NOT prominently displayed in a place of business relating to housing, the burden of proof for any discriminatory act falls on who...? AThe Accuser BThe Accuser's Attorney CThe place of business DNone of the above

CThe place of business

Removable personal property that a tenant attached to leased land for business purposes is known as a...? AFixture BEmblement CTrade Fixture DAttachment

CTrade Fixture

Sellers and agents should use this form to disclose any known defects with the property...? AProperty Disclosure Form BRealtor Disclosure Form CTransfer Disclosure Statement DHUD-1 Form

CTransfer Disclosure Statement

Funds held by a real estate broker, in trust, for clients and/or customers are known as...? AInterest Funds BPrivate Equity Funds CTrust Funds DHedge Funds

CTrust Funds

The reversion of the State of property in event the owner thereof abandons it or dies, without leaving a will and has no distributees to whom the property may pass by lawful descent is known as...? APolice Power BEminent Domain CCondemnation DEscheat


A leasehold estate that may be terminated at the desire of either party is known as...? AEstate for Years BEstate at Sufferance CPeriodic Tenancy DEstate at Will

DEstate at Will

The rights of a landowner or land occupier to use flowing water (such as a river) that is adjacent to the land are known as...? ARiparian rights BZoning rights CLand rights DLittoral rights

ARiparian rights

Which of the following is an example of misrepresentation...? APuffing BDisclosure CConfidentiality DAll of the above


Any disturbance of the tenant's possession of the leased premises by the landlord whereby the premises are rendered unfit or unsuitable for the purpose for which they were leased is known as...? AConstructive Eviction BNotice CEminent Domain DCondemnation

AConstructive Eviction

All federal fair housing complaints should be filed with who...? AHUD BThe Attorney General CThe State Governor DThe Local Police Department


This is defined as the soil, earth, and ground, which is the result of nature or man-made, as well as an indefinite extent upward into the air, and downward in a direct line from the surface to the center of the earth...? ALand BReal Estate CReal Property DPersonal Property


A lease that automatically renews for successive periods unless terminated by either party is also known as...? APeriodic Tenancy BEstate for Years CEstate at Will DEstate at Sufferance

APeriodic Tenancy

All property that is NOT considered real property is considered...? APersonal Property BBundle of Rights CReal Estate DLand

APersonal Property

Window curtains are considered what...? APersonal Property BTrade Fixture CReal Estate DLand

APersonal Property

This states that the stricter law (Federal vs. State) will prevail and take precedent...? ADominant Rule BStrictest Standard Rule CPrevailing Law Rule DHarsher Standard Rule

BStrictest Standard Rule

The 'Strictest Standard Rule' applies when dealing with what...? ALegal Cases that Affect the Public BCivil Cases that Affect the Public CFair Housing Issues DHealth, Safety, and Welfare of the Public

DHealth, Safety, and Welfare of the Public

Generally speaking, which law prevails over State law...? AFederal Law BCity Law CCounty Law DLocal Law

AFederal Law

Lenders must perform what when determining if an individual qualifies for a loan, which is based on objective measures...? ATesting BCredit Based Lending CBlockbusting DRedlining

BCredit Based Lending

A right of the government to acquire property for necessary public use by condemnation is known as...? AEncumbrance BEminent Domain CEscheat DPolice Power

BEminent Domain

The division of an area into zones, as to restrict the number and types of buildings and their uses is known as...? AEscheat BSub-divide CZoning DPlanning


This Federal law requires that private entities, including business establishments, are accessible to individuals who are disabled, and that those business establishments that are accessible to the public make reasonable accommodations...? AThe Unruh Civil Rights Act BThe Holden Act CThe Fair Housing Act of 1964 DAmericans with Disabilities Act

DAmericans with Disabilities Act

The use of prejudice to instill fear or panic in order to motivate individuals in a particular area or neighborhood to sell or dispose of their property because of the entrance, or potential entry, of a protected class is known as...? ATesting BSteering CRedlining DBlockbusting


To mingle or mix, for example, a client's funds in the broker's personal or general account is known as...? AKickback BLoan CBorrow DCommingling


The eating away of a coastline or land by the action of water, ice, and/or wind, or wearing away of a surface by corrosion or traffic is known as...? AEscheat BErosion CAccretion DAccession


Continuing to occupy property after lawful authorization has expired is known as...? AEstate for Years BEstate at Sufferance CPeriodic Tenancy DEstate at Will

BEstate at Sufferance

This is defined as land, and generally whatever is erected upon or affixed thereto, including but not limited to buildings, structures, landscaping, and fences...? ALand BReal Estate CReal Property DPersonal Property

BReal Estate

Which of the following is a California counterpart to the Federal anti-discrimination laws with regards to blockbusting...? AThe Holden Act BThe Rumford Act CThe Unruh Civil Rights Act DAll of the above Correct Answer:BYour Answer:B

BThe Rumford Act

An item of personal property after being attached to real property is known as a...? AFixture BEmblement CTrade Fixture DReal Estate


Absolute ownership of real property is also known as...? AFee Simple Estate BLeasehold Estate CLife Estate DFee Simple Determinable

AFee Simple Estate

Using racial, ethnic, or religious criteria in suggesting, recommending, and/or influencing individuals regarding locations for the purchase or rental of a single family residence or rental dwelling is known as...? ATesting BSteering CBlockbusting DRedlining


If the HUD Fair Housing Equal Opportunity poster is prominently displayed in a place of business relating to housing, the burden of proof for any discriminatory act falls on who...? AThe Broker BThe Accuser CThe place of business DNone of the above

BThe Accuser

This court case determined that sellers, and their agents, must disclose all facts that they knew, or should have reasonably known...? AEaston vs. Strassburger BRoe vs. Wade CBrown vs. Board of Education DMarbury vs. Madison

AEaston vs. Strassburger

Which of the following are already licensed and do not require their employees to get individual real estate licenses...? A Banks B Insurance companies C Escrow companies D All of the above

D All of the above

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