realtor chapter 8

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Texas does not use the rectangular survey system but may refer to land using the terms section and acres.

A section can be divided into halves and quarters. A half section is 320 acres and a quarter section are 160. The northeast quarter section would be abbreviated as NE¼, northwest quarter is abbreviated as NW¼, southeast quarter is abbreviated as SE¼ and the southwest quarter is abbreviated as SW¼. A typical rectangular survey system would be NW¼, of SE¼, of NE¼, of SW¼ of Section 12.

Permanence of investment or fixity

Permanence of investment or fixity refers to the fact that improvements to the land will take a long time to pay for them


WELL LOCATION SURVEYS are used to establish the point of entry of a well bore on the ground for the excavation of oil located under the earth's surface.

ways land can be changed and property lines aswell

. Accretion is the process by which land is increased in size because of the natural deposit of rock and soil. Water movement is usually the cause of the deposits. 2. Alluvion is the land that has been created by accretion. 3. Reliction is the dry land that results when water withdraws from the land. 4. Avulsion is the sudden removal of land by water. 5. Erosion is the gradual wearing away of land or rock by water.


ALTA/ASCM SURVEY is a land survey made for the title Company/lender which meets the specifications and standards of the American Land Title Association and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. ALTA surveys are based on a current title commitment and include the location of buildings, visible improvements, flood zones, easements, and other items.


Area preference is also called Situs. Situs refers to the preference people have for one location over another, even if the locations may appear to be similar


Beginning at these points, the surveyors established lines every 6 miles North, South, East and West of the crossing point. These squares are called townships. Townships are 6 miles by 6 miles and have an area of 36 square miles. Lines running East-West are called township lines. The lines running North-South are called range lines. Townships are further divided up into 1 square mile areas called sections. Thus, there are 36 sections in a township. Each section contains 640 acres. (See following illustration)


CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS are performed on a construction site to control positions, dimensions and configurations for all site improvements specified in the construction plans throughout the course of the project. This type of surveying would include utility staking, site grading, layout of structures or buildings, and layout of streets and curbs. Location surveys are boundary surveys with the additional location of all the interior improvements.

Metes and bounds

DESCRIPTION BY METES AND BOUNDS Metes refers to distance and bounds to direction. A critical feature is the Point of Beginning POB. Writing a metes and bounds description is a job for a land surveyor. A typical metes and bounds description is as follows: Beginning at a point (POB) on the North side of James Street 50 feet East from the corner formed by the intersection of the East boundary of Peter Road and the North boundary of James Street; thence East 90 degrees 200 feet; thence North 300 feet; thence West 200 feet; thence direct to the POB.


INFORMAL REFERENCE An informal reference is not a legal description. A street address is an example of an informal reference. The tax assessor often gives a number to each property on the tax rolls. This is also an informal reference and could not be used as a legal description.

surveyor are the only licensed to determine description

Legal descriptions are generally prepared by a licensed surveyor, who is trained and authorized to locate and determine the legal description of any property. Only a licensed surveyor should prepare property descriptions since inaccuracies can cause title problems later. The surveyor prepares two documents: a survey that gives the property's description and a survey sketch that shows the location and dimensions of the parcel. If the location, size, and shape of buildings on the lot are also given, then it is referred to as a spot survey.


METES AND BOUNDS The metes and bounds land description is the oldest land description used in the United States


MORTGAGE SURVEYS are simple surveys that determine land boundaries and building locations. Lenders and title companies usually require a survey when they provide financing to show that there are no structures encroaching on the property and that any structures on the property meet current zoning and building codes.

supply and demand of land

Many things can affect supply and demand. Construction cost and government controls can affect supply. Government controls could include interest rates, land-use controls, building codes, and zoning. Demand is often affected by population growth, wage levels, price of housing, unemployment, and credit scores.

Measurements used in modern legal descriptions include:

Mile 5,280 feet Square mile 640 acres Acre 43,560 square feet Section 640 acres Square foot 144 square inches Square yard 9 square feet Cubic yard 27 cubic feet This metes and bounds system uses distance and directions to define and describe the shape and boundaries of the property


NON-HOMOGENEITY means no two parcels of land are the same because they each occupy a different location on the earth.


RIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEYS are performed for the purpose of laying out an acceptable route for an easement or rightof-way for a road, pipeline, and utility or transmission line. This survey would include the establishment of all boundary line and road crossings by the line along its route.


SITE PLANNING SURVEYS uses a boundary and topographic survey as a base to design future improvements. It can be a design for a house, a residential subdivision, a store, a shopping center, a new street or highway, a playground, or anything else.


SUBDIVISION SURVEYS are for subdividing large tracts of land into smaller tracts or previously undeveloped areas of land into lots, blocks, streets, parks, etc., all in accordance with the laws and ordinances established by the local and state governing agencies.


TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS are land surveys that locate natural and man-made features (for example, buildings, improvements, fences, elevations, land contours, trees, and streams). These are then measured for their elevation on a particular piece of land and presented as contour lines on a plot.

A lot and block description describes the property by locating it within the public surveying system.

The correct answer is B. False. A metes and bounds description (most often used for non-subdivision property) describes the property by locating it within the public surveying system. The boundaries of the property are described by working around a parcel of real estate in sequence, starting with a point of beginning. Lot and block descriptions are most often associated with subdivisions.

lots and blocks

The most common method is lots and blocks, but it requires plat maps to be lodged with the county public records. A plat map is an engineer's map showing the land use for the land in question. Areas are subdivided up into Subdivisions. The subdivision may be then divided into blocks and lots.

types of surveys

The most common surveys are mortgage surveys for homes in residential neighborhoods/subdivisions and boundary surveys used on acreage properties. The list below contains many types of surveys that can be used for a variety of property types and situations.


The physical characteristics of land are immobility, indestructibility, and non-homogeneity.

government survey system

The rectangular survey system is used in states that do not use metes and bounds. It is also called the government survey system. This system uses latitude lines, longitude lines, standard parallels, and baselines to divide the earth into areas. These areas are called townships. Each township is numbered. Townships are 36 square miles, and each township is divided into 36 square-mile units called sections. Each section is also given a number. Each square mile section contains 640 acres, and each acre contains 43,560 square feet.


The rectangular system of surveying adopted by the United States in 1785 established a system of baselines and meridians to have permanent reference points (monuments) across the country. The surveyors placed monuments at all section corners as the work progressed. Thirty states, including Alaska, use the rectangular survey system. The baseline is a line running east and west from a given point on the principal meridian, approximately at right angles, and from which a survey of considerable area is made, and from which the townships either north or south are numbered.

4 types of legal descriptions

There are four types of legal descriptions used in the United States. They are metes and bounds, rectangular survey system 1785, recorded plats, and reference to documents other than maps. A legal description must describe the location of the parcel of land in such a way that it cannot be confused with any other parcel of land on the earth licensee cannot write a legal description. Only an attorney or a surveyor is allowed to write a legal description. A licensee may only copy an existing legal description. A tax assessor parcel number and an informal reference are used to describe the location of property, but are not legal descriptions.

rectangular land survey system using references

There are geographical locations all over the US that serve as a base reference. The principal meridians running NorthSouth and East-West intersect at these locations.


When land is divided into lots, a recorded plat is used. The plat shows a drawing of all the lots in the subdivision and gives the size of each lot. The legal description would refer to the number of the lot and the block in which the lot is located. The legal description would also refer to the subdivision, city, and state.

how to survey

Where the survey starts is called the point of beginning (POB) or point of commencement (POC), and the survey must always return to the POB to enclose the entire property. The surveyor refers to a permanent reference mark in relation to the monument. The two are said to be connected by a connection line. A benchmark is often used as the permanent reference mark. The benchmark can be an engraved brass disk set in concrete. It gives location as well as elevation. A datum is also used to mark elevation. A datum would be used to survey a bridge, a condo or anything that has elevation. Most major cities have a datum. In Austin, the datum is on the Post Office building.

economic characteristics of land

economic characteristics of land are scarcity, modification or improvements, permanence of investment, and area preference. Each of these will affect the value of the land

4 descriptions to real estate

• Metes and bounds • Government land survey • Lot and block numbers • Monuments

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