REL 205 Final

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64. Who was the "court prophet" who supported Solomon becoming king (against his rival half-brother Adonijah)?


202. Which major part of the Rabbinic Jewish canon was (probably) canonized second?


134. According to many historical-critical scholars (including Brettler and Gilders), is the whole book of Isaiah from the eighth century BCE Isaiah of Jerusalem?


159. According to (most) historical-critical scholars, is the book of Daniel factually (historically) correct in its claim that Belshazzar (the son of Nebuchadnezzar) was overthrown by Darius the Mede, who conquered the Babylonian Empire?


174. Does the book of Job affirm/agree with "Traditional Wisdom" and its usual view of causality (the relationship between act and consequence)?


26. Is there a book of Elijah in the "Prophets" section of the Bible?


40. Does archaeological evidence appear to support the claim in the book of Joshua that the Israelites destroyed the city of Ai?


68. Are all archaeologists in agreement that the Kingdom of David and Solomon was large, wealthy, and powerful?


179. Did the author of the book of Ruth agree with the authors of Nehemiah 13 and Deuteronomy 23:3-6 about the status of Moabites?

No, It is Pro-Moabite when they are anti-Moabite

61. Does the Tel Dan Inscription definitely prove that King David existed?

No, because that could reference just the house of David, not David specifically

208. Do all Christians believe that the Bible must be seen as inerrant to be identified as inspired by God and authoritative?

No, but most do.

83. According to the Deuteronomistic History, did Elijah die? (What did happen to him?)

No, he was brought into heaven on a fiery chariot

195. Does the Hebrew Bible express a coherent/consistent view on how Israelites should relate to Moabites? Can you explain your answer?

No, it claims they are from incest and then the are cool

171. In the book of Job, is Satan used as a proper name?

No, it is a title

22b. Are "Minor Prophets" less important or authoritative than "Major Prophets"?

No, they just have less material

189. Does the book of Esther encourage Jews to be non-violent when faced with enemies who are determined to kill them?

No. Not at all, it's extremely violent

58a. Is the Hebrew Bible clear and consistent about who conquered Jerusalem and when that happened?

No. There are five separate Jerusalem conquest traditions

180. Does the book of Ruth advocate the overthrow of male domination in society ("patriarchy")?

No? Yes? Idk

75. Of which of the two historical types of Israelite prophecy are Elijah and Elisha examples?

Nonclassical. These are often King makers and King breakers

71. Approximately when were the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles written?

Notes: During the Persian Period approximately 4th century

86. In biblical scholarship, what is the technical term for a revelation from a supernatural being conveyed by a human messenger (also used to refer to a specific unit of prophetic speech)?


115. Which psalm in the book of Psalm may be the oldest in the collection—in fact, it might originally have been a Canaanite psalm to Baal Haddu, making it the oldest text in the entire Bible?

PSlam 29

72. How does Chronicles disagree with Kings about King Manasseh?

Paints him as a pious reformed man who swore off false Gods, unlike the negative view of him before.

146. What period in biblical and Jewish history began with Cyrus's conquest of Babylon?

Persian Conquest

172. In general terms, how is Job described/characterized at the beginning of the book of Job?

Pious and a good man

12. What is the name of the fourth major section of Christian versions of the Old Testament?


196. What is the name of the Jewish festival for which the book of Esther functions as an etiology (a story of origins)?


1. Into how many major sections is the Rabbinic Jewish canon of the Bible divided?

Rabbinic Jewish Cannon is divided into THREE major sections

140. What is the designation for scholarly study of how Jewish and Christian (and other) readers have interpreted and made use of the Hebrew Bible?


38. Who was the Canaanite woman who gave hospitality and protection to the Israelite spies in Joshua 2?

Rehab the prostate

56. Who first anointed David to be the replacement for Saul as king of Israel?


49. Who was the very first king of ancient Israel?


137. What is the name of the part of the book of Isaiah that opens with the following words? - "Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem...."

Second Isiah?

148. What era of Jewish history began when the Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt by the Judahites ("Jews") who returned from Babylonia?

Second Temple Era

152. What is the name of the Greek translation of the Jewish Bible (especially of the first five books, the Torah/Pentateuch)?


9. What is the original source or basis of the common Christian division of the Old Testament into sections?


43. What was the name of the important town (which had a significant cult place) where Joshua delivered a farewell speech and led the Israelites in a covenant renewal ceremony?


53. According to 1 Samuel, which town was the main Israelite religious center during the time of Samuel?


108. What does the German expression Sitz im Leben mean—and how is it employed by historical-critical biblical scholars?

Sitz im Leben means "place in life" and it is the social setting in which the literature was written to better define it

89. In basic terms, what were the traditional Israelite values that the prophets understood themselves to be defending?

Small scale agriculture and social reform

62. Who was David's son, who succeeded him as king?


67. Who was Rehoboam?

Son of Solomon, King of Judag

97. In which kingdom did Isaiah live and work as a prophet?

Southern Kingdom (Judah)

129. What theologically frightening possibility is raised at the very end of the book of Lamentations (Lamentations 5:22)?

That God is so angry with them, he will never let them return to glory

207. What does the book of Haggai assert about Zerubbabel—and why is this assertion problematic?

That he was descended from a Davidic king

203. How do many historical-critical scholars respond to religious claims that the Bible is completely free of inconsistencies and errors—and how do they support/justify this response?

That the thing is full of inconsistencies

14. Why does the book of Joshua have this title?

The Book of Joshua is named so because of the miltary conquests of Joshua, the appritence and successor of Moses

199. What is the major and most significant difference between (most) "Protestant" versions of the Old Testament and Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic versions?

The Deutero-cannonical texts

34. According to Amnon Ben-Tor, who "should be considered guilty of the destruction of Hazor until proven innocent"?

The Hebrews/ Ancient Israelites / Joshua and his army

197. What is the Vulgate?

The Latin Translations of the Bible by Jerome

24. What is another designation for the "Minor Prophets" collection?

The Twelve

114. In which major section of Christian versions of the Old Testament is the book of Psalms located?

Wisdom and Poetics

167. In which major section of Christian versions of the Old Testament are the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes found?

Wisdom and Poetics

11. What is the name of the third major section of Christian versions of the Old Testament?

Wisdom/ Poetics

166. In which major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible are the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes found?


192. In which major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible is the book of Ruth found?


193. In which major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible is the book of Esther found?


13. What is the name (in English translation) of the third major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible?

Writings (Ketuvim)

54a. How is God designated in 1 Samuel 4:4, which is (apparently) God's full title?

Yahweh of hosts, or Yahweh of armies

29. Is Yahweh ever referred to as "Baal" in the Hebrew Bible?


82. According to the Deuteronomistic History, does God sometimes send evil spirits to cause harm to people?


157. In what year, after three years of fighting against the Seleucids (and their Judahite supporters), did Judah Maccabee and his army conquer Jerusalem?

Yes, 164 BCE

210. Is Brady Beard the best TA you have ever had in a class at Emory?6


149. Which two prophets, who have books in the "Lesser Prophets" ("Book of the Twelve") sub-section of the Jewish Bible, were active at the beginning of the above- named time period?

Zechariah and Haggai

164. Which book in the Hebrew Bible (in addition to Daniel) contains apocalyptic material?


200. What does it mean when a book is identified or characterized as "canonical"?

a fixed standard (or collection of writings) that defines the faith and identity of a particular religious community

98. What is a "prophetic sign-act" (also referred to as a "prophetic symbolic action")?

a non-verbal communication, where, in a more dramatic way, the prophet acts out the message of God. Most commonly used by Ezekiel

107. What is Brettler's definition of what a "psalm" is?

a poetic prayer composition, not nessicarly in the Book of Pslams

104. What is the basic genre of the psalms?

either complainants, laments, songs, or petitions idk man

6. Why is the "Deuteronomistic History" known by this name?

first hypothesized by Martin Noth, the collection has the same norms as raw Book of Deuteronomy, which is a "prologue" to the collection

142. What historical period (broadly speaking) is dealt with in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah?

from 420-538 BCE so during the Babylonian exile

123. According to a number of historical-critical scholars (including Gilders), when and where was Psalm 137 composed?

immediately after the destruction of the temple in 586 BCE

169. What is an inclusio and what is its literary function?

is literary device based on a concentric principle, also known as bracketing or an envelope structure, which consists of creating a frame by placing similar material at the beginning and end of a section

168. What is the basic meaning of the term "wisdom" (chokhmah hmfk;x)f —especially in the book of Proverbs?

knowledge of the proper cosimic order, proper regard/ fear for God is a requisite for true wisdom

109b. What do scholars such as Brettler, Gilders, and Clifford claim about the superscriptions of the psalms?

may mean a "form in the style of David" rather than actual authorship

173. According to the book of Job, did Job deserve his suffering?


206. According to the decree issued by the Roman Catholic Council of Trent in 1546, what teaching about the Old Testament canon must a person accept in order to not be "anathema" (excommunicated as a heretic)?

that the Bible is sacred and canonical in their entirety and in all parts

16. What is "genocide"?

the deliberate killing of a people of a certain ethnicity or nationality

51. What is the most significant tension in the book of 1 Samuel (reflecting the presence of differing sources)?

the different relationship and viewpoints of Kings, and the very negative against the neutral/postive view of Saul

205. According to the Westminster Confession (1646), why should the books of the Apocrypha be excluded from the Bible?

they are "not being of divine inspiration"

204. According to the Westminster Confession (1646), what is the major criterion for identifying a book as canonical?

they are given by the inspiration go God to be the rule of faith and life

37. How did the spiritual, "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho," function as "reception" of the story of the destruction of Jericho—during the time of slavery in the 19th century and in the periods of segregation, "Jim Crow" laws, and the Civil Rights movement?

they thought God would save them from destruction just as he had saved Joshua and Jericho

73. What was the main or primary function of a "prophet," from the Bible's standpoint?

transmission of divine messages by a human intermediary to a third party

176a. What is the basic meaning of the term theodicy?

"God's justice"

106. What is the basic meaning (definition) of the Greek word psalmos and the Hebrew word mizmor?

"a song that is sung to the accompaniment of a stringed instrument"

117. What is the "Combat Myth"?

"storm God defeats the sea and creates the universe, erects a temple to his victory"

84. What is the basic definition of "prophecy" as a phenomenon in the ancient world (according to Brettler)?

"transmission of allegedly divine messages by a human intermediary to a third party"

153. What is the basic, literal meaning of the term apocalypse (Greek, apocalypsis a0poka/luyij)?

"uncovering" or "revealing"

190a. Where is the book of Ruth located in Christian versions of the Old Testament (following the Septuagint arrangement)?

After Judges and before Samuel

187. To which national group/ethnicity did the above-named person (apparently) belong?


150. Who conquered the Persian province of Yehud in 333/332 BCE?5

Alexander the Great

90. In which prophetic book (in the King James Version translation) do the following words appear? - "Prepare to meet thy God!"

Amos 4:12

91. In which prophetic book do the following words appear? - "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

Amos 5:24

93. Was Amos originally from the Northern Kingdom (Israel) or the Southern Kingdom (Judah)?

Amos was from the Southern Kingdom but preached in the Northern Kingdom

209. What is the technical term that designates the Hebrew Bible as a collection of collections of books written at different times in different places for a variety of purposes?


163. What is the adjective used to label a worldview characterized by, for example, eschatological expectations for the cosmos, preoccupation with time and history, expectation of ultimate judgment and the elimination of evil, and strong affirmation of God's sovereign control over the world?


99. Which major Mesopotamian "super-power" was active and expanding during the time of Isaiah of Jerusalem?


27. What is the name (in two forms) of the Canaanite storm-god, who is often referred to by his title, "Baal"?

Baal means Master. but his actual name is Haddu/Haddad

101. Which major Mesopotamian "super-power" was active and expanding during the time of Jeremiah?


121. What significant event had happened prior to Ezekiel's being commissioned to serve as a prophet?

Babylonian conquest/ exile?

63. Who was the above-named king's mother?


190b. Why is the book of Ruth located where it is in the Septuagint and in Christian versions of the Old Testament?

Because it is arranged chronologically

191b. Why is the book of Esther located where it is in the Septuagint and in Christian versions of the Old Testament?

Because it was chronologically arranged and follows the narrative

22a. Why are the "Major Prophets" and the "Minor Prophets" referred to with these labels?

Because the minor prophets do not have their own books often, or they are small in reference to the others

185. From which Israelite tribe did Esther's cousin and guardian come?


47. In Judges 19 - 21, the men of Gibeah, who tried to assault a Levite and who violated his concubine, belonged to which Israelite tribe?


50. From which Israelite tribe did the above-named king come?


54b. In this title, what role is assigned to the cherubim?

Cherubim represents the proscenia of Yahweh. They are his thrones/ he rides on their backs

46. What was the viewpoint of the author of Judges 19 - 21 about the institution of the monarchy (kingship)?

Claims the judges were not enough and there were times of terror

21. In the Rabbinic Jewish Bible, into how many major sub-sections is the "Latter Prophets" section of the "Prophets" sub-divided—and what are the names of those sub- sections?

Classical and non classical prophecy

76. Of which of the two historical types of Israelite prophecy are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Amos examples?

Classical prophecy

77. Where do you find each type of prophecy in the Rabbinic Jewish Bible?

Classical prophecy is found later while nonclassical is found in the DtH

74. What are the two (2) historical types of Israelite prophecy (as distinguished by Brettler)?

Classical/ nonclassical

88. From a historical-critical perspective, are the biblical prophets most accurately characterized as "liberals" or as "conservatives"? Can you explain your answer?

Conservatives who wanted to defend traditional views of small scale agriculture

132. What is significant about the number of books found in the Megillot sub-section?

Copies that of the Torah

138. Who is referred to by name and designated as God's "anointed" in Deutero-Isaiah?


139. Who conquered the Babylonian Empire in 539 BCE and issued a decree in 538 BCE that allowed the Judahite exiles in Mesopotamia to return home?


162. What is the only book in the Hebrew Bible that is a full-fledged apocalypse?


78. Which book is counted among the "prophets" in Christian Bibles, but not in the Rabbinic Jewish canon?


178. According to the book of Ruth, Ruth was whose great-grandmother?


136. What is the name given to the major layer of material added to Isaiah?


7. What does the abbreviation "DtrH" stand for?

Deuteronomistic History

103. The editors who worked over the book of Jeremiah (probably) came from which "school" (meaning, an organized group)?

Deuteronomistic School

127. In Christian versions of the Old Testament, where is the book of Lamentations located?

Directly after the Book of Jeremiah

92. The above-quoted words played a major role in the preaching and message of which influential American religious and political leader?

Doctor Martin Luther King Jr

110. What is the technical term for the declarations of praise to God that come at the ends of the major sections of the book of Psalms?

Doxology (a formulaic praise of God)

181. What is the historical setting for the story in the book of Ruth?

During the time of Judges, approx 1200-1025 BCE

79. Who is the prophet whose name means "My God is Yahweh"?


66. From what Israelite tribe did Jeroboam come?


59. In the "Davidic Royal Ideology," what human relationship is presented as a particular model and metaphor for the relationship between Yahweh and the Davidic king?

Father and Son

65. Who was Jeroboam?

First king of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) when the two kingdoms spilt

105. Into how many major sections is the book of Psalms divided—and why is this significant?

Five, mentions the Torah therefore it was to be studied and an instruction of prayer

131. How many books are found in the Megillot sub-section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible?

Five: Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentation, Ecclesiastes, Ester

8. Into how many major sections are (most) Christian versions of the Old Testament divided?


161. Which two angels are referred to by name in the book of Daniel?

Gabriel and Michael

87. What is the main difference between a "grant covenant" and a "suzerain-vassal covenant"?

Grant covenant requires no conditions

42. According to Brettler and other historical-critical scholars, were the biblical writers primarily interested in offering an accurate record of real historical events?


183. What was Esther's "Hebrew name"?


186. Who was the enemy of Esther's cousin and guardian?


151. What period in Jewish history began with the above-noted conquest?

Hellenistic Era

10. What is the name of the second major section of Christian versions of the Old Testament?


58b. Can you explain your answer to the above question (in basic terms)?

I think I did

85. What information typically appears in the superscription to a prophetic book (such as Isaiah or Amos)?

Identifies the prophets whose words are recorded in the Bible

176b. What is the basic question that is referred to by the term theodicy?

If God is just, why do the innocents suffer?

135. According to many historical-critical scholars (including Brettler and Gilders), when was a major layer of material added to the book of Isaiah?

In 539/ 538 BCE

128. In the Rabbinic Jewish canon of the Bible, where is the book of Lamentations found?

In the writings, not the prophets

2. What is the name (in English translation) of the second major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible?

Instruction, Prophets, and Writings

198. What is the major difference between the Hebrew version of Esther and the Greek version (besides, obviously, language)?

It has extra chapters

158. What does the term "inerrant" mean with reference to the Bible? (What do people assert when they argue that the Bible is "inerrant"?)

It has no false information or fallacies

160. How would many historical-critical scholars respond to assertions that the book of Daniel is "inerrant"?

It inflates and confusing people in history

112. How is the book of Psalms associated with Torah/torah?

It is divided into five parts, therefore it is meant to be studied with the Torah and be an instruction for prayer

182. What is the historical setting for the story in the book of Esther?

It is set during the Persian conquest, however, it was composed during the Hellenstic time period

122. In the book of Ezekiel, what does the prophet see happen to the "glory" (or "Presence," Hebrew, kābôd dwObk@f) of Yahweh?

It leaves the temple so the Babylonians could destroy it

60. What is the significance of the Tel Dan Inscription?

It mentions the name David so it provides converging lines of evidence

120. What is significant about where Ezekiel was active as a prophet?

It was in Babylon near the city of Nuppur, not Israel

35. How did his colleague, Sharon Zuckerman, disagree with this interpretation of the destruction evidence at Hazor?

It was inner-rebellion or a fire, not a conquest

118. In Psalm 89, what role or task is assigned to the Davidic king that was also performed by Yahweh? What does this indicate about the status or identity of the Davidic king?

It's all about the royal davidic ideology but idk what answer you're looking for here That he is seen as a son to God?

17. What does the book of Joshua have to say about genocide?

It's chill if God commands it

102. Which prophetic book particularly displays "topical organization"?


126. According to Jewish and Christian tradition, who was the author of Lamentations?


36. What was the name of the city that the Israelites marched around blowing trumpets and shouting, so that its walls collapsed?


39. According to the New Testament gospel of Matthew, what significant person was a descendant of the above-named woman?


141. How do the Rabbinic Jewish Bible and Christian versions of the Old Testament differ in their placement of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah?

Jewish place it with the writings, Christians place it with the prophets

81a. What was the name of the above-named Israelite king's Phoenician wife?


18a. In which biblical book does this statement appear? - "...but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."


18b. Who made the above-quoted statement?


44. In which two books of the Former Prophets (Deuteronomistic History) do you find a major focus on two themes: conquest and settlement of the Land.

Joshua and Judges

45. What is the main difference between Joshua and Judges with regard to the conquest and settlement?

Joshua speaks of a quick and speedy conquest when Judges makes it seem more drawn out and long

4. What are the names of the four (or six, depending on how they are combined/divided) books of the "Former Prophets"?

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings

5. What are the names of the four (or six, depending on how they are combined/divided) books of the "Deuteronomistic History" (not counting Deuteronomy, which is a "prologue")?

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings

57. To which Israelite tribe did David (and his Davidide successors) belong?


155. Who led the Jewish resistance movement against Antiochus IV Epiphanes?

Judah Maccabee

52. What two roles did Samuel play (according to 1 Samuel)?

Judge and Prophet

19. In which biblical book does this statement appear? - "In those days there was no king in Israel...."


20. In which biblical book are you most likely to find this statement? - "Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the LORD...."


48a. The so-called "Cycle of Sin" is especially characteristic of which book of the Bible?


125. According to the final verse of Psalm 137, performing what act will make a person "happy" (that is, blessed or enriched)?

Killing Babylonian children

80. Who was the Israelite king with whom Elijah had major confrontations?

King Ahab

15. What part of the two-part covenant pledge found in the Pentateuch (Torah) is fulfilled in the book of Joshua?

Land, of the land and linage promise

156. What is the designation scholars give to the Jewish revolt against Antiochus IV Epiphanes (derived from the name of its leader)?

Maccabean Revolt

165. What gender (not "genre"!) is personified Wisdom?


41. Who was the German biblical scholar who developed the identification of the "Deuteronomistic History"?

Martin Noth

28. What does the title "Baal" mean (in English translation)?


111. What particular version of the above designation is given to Psalm 150, to highlight its special significance?


194. In which sub-section of the above-named major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible are both Ruth and Esther found?


96. In which century was Isaiah of Jerusalem active as a prophet?

Mid to late 8th Century

25. Is Amos a "Major Prophet" or a "Minor Prophet"?


177. From what national group/ethnicity did Ruth come?


184. Who was Esther's cousin and guardian?


23. How many "Minor Prophets" are there?


70a. How many bull calf statues did Jeroboam set up—and where did he set them up?

Two, one in Bethel and one in Dan

3. Into how many major sub-sections is the above-named section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible divided?

Two. The section of Prophets is divided into former prophets and latter prophets

124. According to Psalm 137, what significant theological question did some Judahites ask after 586 BCE?

Was it possible to worship Yaweh outside of Israel

94. In basic terms, what are the five main "points" of classical prophecy?

1) God of Israel us a universal deity 2) Both Israel and Judah are accountable to this deity 3) covenant involves both ethical and religious obligations 4) "Day of the Lord" is the "Day of Punishment" 5) Even when Israel is pushed, it is never destroyed

116. How many psalms are there in the book of Psalms (in the Rabbinic Jewish canon and in most Christian versions)?


154. In what year did Antiochus IV Epiphanes intervene in an internal Judahite conflict over assimilation to Greek ways ("Hellenism") and launch a violent campaign against Judaism?

167 BCE

113. In which major part of the Rabbinic Jewish canon of the Bible is the book of Psalms located?

3rd Part, the Nevi'um or Prophets

147. In what year did Cyrus issue a decree allowing the Judahites ("Jews") in Babylonia to return to their homeland?

538 BCE

145. In what year did Cyrus conquer Babylon?

539 BCE

144. In what year did the second Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem take place—when the city and its Temple were destroyed?

586 BCE

143. In what year did the first Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem take place (when Ezekiel went into exile to Mesopotamia)?

597 BCE, quelled a rebellion and returned Jews to Babylon

31. In what year did King Josiah die?

609 BCE

30. In what year did Josiah become king of Judah?

640 BCE

100. In which centuries was Jeremiah active as a prophet?

6th and 7th centuries BCE

119. In which century was Ezekiel active as a prophet?

6th century

32. In which century did King Josiah rule over Judah?

7th century BCE

95. In which century was Amos active as a prophet?

8th century

81b. What did the above-named woman's Phoenician name actually mean (when spelled correctly), and what does the version of it given in the Bible mean (as a polemical distortion)?

:"Where is Glory" which was turned into "Where is excrement"

33. Who is Amnon Ben-Tor?

A professor in charge of the excavation of the Ruins of Hazor

48b. What are the four elements (remembered alliteratively) of the "Cycle of Sin" as a narrative pattern in the above-named book?

Abandon Yaweh, Anger, Aid, Again

170. What is the literal English meaning of the Hebrew designation satan?


191a. Where is the book of Esther located in Christian versions of the Old Testament (following the Septuagint)?

After Ezera-Nehemiah

69. What was the major difference between the kings who ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah and those that ruled the Northern Kingdom of Israel?

The ones from the Southern Kingdom were said to have descended from David himself

130. Within which major section of the Rabbinic Jewish Bible is the sub-section called Megillot ("Short Scrolls") found?

The writings

175. What does God assert about the things Job's friends have said to him (in comparison with the things Job has said)?

They are incorrect

109a. According to historical-critical scholars (such as Brettler, Gilders, and Clifford), are the superscriptions found at the beginnings of many of the psalms (such as Psalm 51) clear historical indications about when and by whom they were composed?

They are not CLEAR but the superscriptions can help with discovering the time of the authorship

133. What do all of the books in the Megillot have in common (which explains why they are grouped together in a sub-section)?

They explain the origins of the various Jewish holidays

70b. How do many historical-critical scholars (including Dr. Gilders) interpret/explain the meaning and function of the bull calf statues set up by Jeroboam?

They were meant to be the things God stood on in his representation so God had one foot on one end of the Kingdom and another foot at the end and all was under God

55. How many times, in total, was David anointed to be king—and by whom?

Three, by Samuel, the people of Judah/israel and then by the elders to make him the King of Israel

201. Which major part of the Rabbinic Jewish canon was (probably) canonized first?


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