REL 250 EXAM 3

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Who knows when the Son of Man will come and how should the disciples prepare? (Matthew 24:36, 42-51)

Nobody knows ( only God the Father knows) , they need to watch and be ready for him

Of what does Jesus accuse the Jerusalem leadership (broadly referred to as "scribes and Pharisees")? What does Jesus promote instead? (Matthew 23:4-7, 12)

Of being lazy, and only seeking to do good for themselves and that they only do work to gain praise in the sight of others. He promotes humility in this passage.

Before Jesus' ascension in the Gospel of Matthew, what did Jesus claim was given to him? (Matthew 28:16-20) How does this relate to the powers and authorities given to the Son of Man in the vision of Daniel? (Daniel 7:13-14)

" All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." It says the son of man was given dominion over all things in Daniel.

How bad will the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple be in A.D. 70? (Matthew 24:21)

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

According to the synoptic gospels, who returned to the tomb on Sunday morning and why were they there? What did they see and hear according to Mark (16:1-8)? What did they see and hear according to Matthew (28:1-8)? What did they see and hear according to Luke (24:1-12)?

(Marks account)Mary Magdalene and another Mary and Solome, to bring spices to anoint Jesus' body. They come to the seplecure at the rising of the sun. They wonder who is going to role away the stone, then they see that the stone is already rolled away. They enter the tomb chamber and see an angel figure clothed in a long white robe and they were afraid, and he told them not to be afraid but go tell the disciples that Jesus would be in Gallilee....then the three women run out and don't say anything to anyone bc they were afraid. ( this is the original short ending of mark ...will be on exam) (Matthews account( bold only in Matthew)) - there is no Salone...only the 2 Mary's...there was a great earthquake and then an angel came down rolled away the stone and sits on the stone and two guards pass out. He tells them that you seek Jesus but he is risen and he is not here. He then says go quickly and tell the disciples that Christ is risen from the dead. Then they go to tell the disciples...Jesus appears to the women near the women are the first to see the resurrected Lord and Christ tells them to go tell his brothers to go to Galilee and bc he will be there.....There is a priestly conspiracy that the disciples came and stole the body. The disciples go to galilee and talk to Jesus. He tells them to go teach all nations and baptize them and stufthe account of Luke ) - the longest account. First thing of the week, early in the morning they came to the sepulchre to bring spices and found the stone roled away and went in and found two men or angels, and then they tell them not to fear and that Christ has risen, and then they return and tell the disciples. Mary, mary, Johanna, and other women ( more than mark and matthew) and they tell the disciples but some of the disciples do not believe them and they dismiss what the women are saying. Peter gets up and runs down to the sepulchre and finds the tomb empty and he is wondering what is going on....then there is the story of the two disciples on the road to Emaus.(the story of Christ telling them have you ever thought that Jesus had to die to fulfill what he needed to do and then their eyes start to be open and they invite him to dinner and while they are eating they realized it was Christ and then Christ disappears...and then they go to tell the disciples what happened and then they say peter saw Jesus and they start comparing accounts....and then Christ appears and all the disciples have dinner with Christ. ( they see Jesus in Jerusalem not galilee ) this is the fullest resurrection account. . Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, and other women return to the tomb with spices 2. Stone was already rolled away 3. Two men in shining garments standing: "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is risen" 4. Women told disciples in Jerusalem ("idle tales") 5. Peter runs to see empty tomb 6. Jesus appears to disciples on the road to Emmaus 7. Jesus appeared to Simon (Peter) 8. Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem: Feeling hands and feet, sharing a mean; fish and honeycomb

What will ultimately happen to the earthly kingdom of the Jerusalem priests? (Matthew 23:34-39)

- All of the righteous blood shed on the earth will fall upon their heads and that they will be left desolate until they can confess Jesus Christ as the living Son of God.

What offer did Pilate give to the Jerusalem leadership (the "multitude"), and what was their reaction? Of the three synoptic gospels, which one is the most condemning of the Jerusalem leadership and how? (Mark 15:6-14; cf. Matthew 27:15-26 and Luke 23:17-25)

-He offered to release Jesus, but the multitude shouted to crucify Him. I think Mark is the most condemning in showing how Pilate had doubt before doing this.

According to Jesus, what types of things will precede the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in A.D. 70? (Matthew 24:5-5-8, 11, 23-26)

-There will be false Christs( 24:5), wars, famines, and earthquakes( 24:7), false prophets(24:11), abomination of desolation( 24:15), a flight of believers from judea( 24:16)

What types of divine signs preceded the destruction of the temple? (Josephus, War 6.288-300)

A divine star appeared above the city and there were wars and rumors of wars starting.

According to Josephus, how did the destruction of the Jerusalem temple begin? (Josephus, War 6.252-253)

A man in a hurry with a torch accidentally lit a window on the temple on fire and thus started the destruction.

In at least one instance, what shocking action was provoked by the famine? (Josephus, War 6.204-213) *How does this fulfill the curses promised in Deuteronomy 28:45-53/Jeremiah 19:9?

A woman killed her baby son and ate him for food. It fulfills the curses of cannibalism and eating one another.

Describe the post-resurrection appearances reported in the Gospel of Matthew. To whom did he appear, where were they, and what did he say on these occasions? (Matthew 28:9-10, 16-20)

Both Marys went to tell the disciples but Jesus met them and they worshipped him and he said don't be afraid and tell my brothers to go to Galilee. The disciples went to Galilee to the mountain..Christ told them to go to all nations to baptize and teaching to obey everything "I commanded you"

According to 1 Maccabees 13:49-51 (LS), after the Hasmonean King/High Priest Simon conquered Gezer (at the end of the first generation of the Maccabean Revolt) how was he welcomed into Jerusalem as a military conqueror?

Carrying palms, the sound of harps, symbols and Zithers, chanting hymns and canticles etc..,

Describe the post-resurrection appearances reported in the Gospel of Luke. To whom did he appear, in what form, where were they, and what did he say on these occasions? (Luke 24:10-53)

Christ appeared to Peter, and the women. On the way to Emmaus he appeared to two men, one who's name was Cleopas, but they didn't recognize them. He

What is the only explicit passage dealing with the resurrection in the Old Testament, and what does it say? In what ways does Second Temple period Jewish literature expand upon the concept of the resurrection, and what were the different views regarding it at the time of Jesus? (pp. 521-522)

Daniel 12: says people who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, others to shame... Apocalyptic literature that emphasizes God's final intervention, the vindication of the righteous, and the judgement of the wicked, expands Daniel's resurrection theory. Other people under hellenisitic influence spoke of an immortal soul but it didnt have a clear connection to the body. Pharisees believed in the final resurrection when God would raise the dead, reward the righteous etc...

What will daily life be like when the Son of Man comes to the earth in power? (Matthew 24:36-39)

Eating and drinking and marrying

How do the synoptic gospels describe Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem? How was he received by the crowds (presumably other Galilean pilgrims) and how did the Jerusalem authorities view this episode? (Mark 11:1-10; Matthew 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-40)

He rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt that had never been ridden before and the crowds through down their clothes or threw down branches from their trees and cried Hosanna as He passed. The Pharisees asked him to rebuke his disciples but He told them that if He did they would be upset and riot.

In what way did Jesus transform the meaning of the Passover bread and wine at his last supper? What would each represent going forward? When would Jesus partake of the bread and wine with the disciples again? (Mark 14:22-25; cf. Matthew 26:26-29 and Luke 22:15-20)

He blessed the bread and told them to let it symbolize His body, and he blessed the wine to represent His blood. Christ transformed the Passover to represent His renewing. He said He would drink and eat with them the next time in His Father's kingdom. It was a sacrament.

Following the revelation to the three disciples that Jesus is the Son of Man from Daniel 7, what did he tell them and what title did he use for himself? (Matthew 17:9-13, 22-23)

He calls himself the Son of Man and tells them not to tell that vision to any man until He is risen again from the dead.

When Jesus confronted the Chief Priests in the temple courtyards, how did Jesus compare them to wicked husbandmen( tenants) ? What will the Lord do to the Jerusalem priests (husbandmen) who were supposed to watch over the field and why? Who will receive the kingdom in their place? (Mark 12:1-12; Matthew 21:33-46; Luke 20:9-19)

He compares them to wicked husbandmen who kill the servants and the Son of their Master. Because of this, the Lord will come and destroy the husbandmen and will give the vineyard to others.

*Read the synopsis handout of Matthew 24 and JS-Matthew (LS) and note the key differences. What three types of changes did Joseph Smith make in his translation of Matthew 24?

He emphasizes that all of His words will be fulfilled before destruction comes, that the gospel will be preached to all the world, and that He is telling us all this for the sake of His elect.

In the synoptic gospels, what did Jesus experience in Gethsemane? According to these accounts, why was he sorrowful and how did he reconcile his will with the will of the Father? (Mark 14:32-42; cf. Matthew 26:36-46 and Luke 22:39-46) What details of this episode are only recounted in the gospel of Luke (Luke 22:43-44)?

He experiences all the heavy sorrows of the entire world, taking upon Himself every sin. He was sorrowful because of the burden of it, and though He did not want to suffer these things, He told Heavenly Father that it was not his own will, but the will of His Father. In Luke, it tells about an angel that came down to give Christ strength and it says how He prayed more earnestly as His sweat came down like great drops of blood.

What three parables does Jesus give to illustrate the need for constant preparation for the coming of the Son of Man in glory? (Matthew 25)

He gives the parable of the ten virgins, the talents, and the sheep and the goats.

According to the synoptic gospels, what hints did Jesus give during his ministry regarding his own coming death? (pg. 503)

He gives three passion predictions of the Son of man dying and rising again. It is likely that He could see His upcoming death and at least knew it was imminent.

What did Jesus predict to his disciples the night of his last supper, and what sign did he give to identify the perpetrator? (Mark 14:18-21; cf. Matthew 26:21-25 and Luke 22:21-23)

He said that one of them would betray Him, and He said it would be the same person who dipped his hand with Jesus' in the dish.

In the LDS Book of Moses (found in the Pearl of Great Price), how does Enoch-the same ancient patriarch associated with the apocryphal book of 1 Enoch-describe the messiah? What title does Enoch use for him, and how does Enoch describe his mission? What will be the fate of the righteous and the wicked at that day? (Moses 7:51-66)

He says he is the king of Zion, the rock of Heaven. Enoch calls him the Son of Man and the Lord. Enoch says he will come and redeem the earth and burn the wicked while raising up the righteous.

When Jesus confronted the Chief Priests in the temple courtyards, how did Jesus compare the kingdom of God to a wedding feast( banquet)? After being rejected by the original guests (the Jerusalem priests), who will ultimately be invited into the "marriage feast" of the kingdom? What happened to the original guests? (Matthew 22:1-14)

He says that at this wedding feast, the king sends forth his servants to call all those invited to the wedding but they wouldn't come, treated the feast lightly, or killed the servants. After they reject the marriage feast, the servants go and gather everyone they can find: those on the street, both bad and good, the poor and the lowly. The original guests are bound and cast into outer darkness. Christ is mad bc of all of the market that is going on in the temple. Priests getting a ton of money taking advantage of the poorer people. They have to exchange money to buy animals and the priestly families are making a bunch of money off the exchange rates and then they are charging a surcharge for the animals and making more money off the poor pilgrims and Jesus is like what the heck are you doing. This is not what the gospel is all about.....Christ quotes Jeramiah chapter 7 v 11 when he is flipping tables and stuff.....christ is sending the priests' a message....the temple is going to be destroyed if you do not stop what you are doing......then 40 years later, it is destroyed by the Romans.

Following the transfiguration, Jesus frequently referred to himself as the "Son of Man" from Daniel 7. How does Jesus describe the final judgment in Matthew 19:27-30? When will that event occur, what will be the role of the Son of Man, and what will be the role of the twelve disciples?

He says that the disciples will sit with him ( the Son of man) on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. It will occur after the Second Coming.

When Jesus confronted the Chief Priests in the temple courtyards, how did he compare them to two sons? ( know the three parables( 2 are below)) Who will ultimately enter the kingdom before the Jerusalem priests and why? (Matthew 21:28-32)

He says that there are two sons and their father asks them to go and work. The first son says no, but then repents and goes to do the work. The second son says he will go and work, but then does not. The first son is the one who is blessed. He says the Jerusalem priests did not believe in the gospel when it was presented to them, and because of this sinners would enter into the kingdom of God before them because these sinners repented so that they would believe.

*Based on the above passages (1 Kings 1, 1 Maccabees 13, and Zechariah 9), what statement did Jesus seem to be making in his triumphal entry and how would Jerusalem's priestly aristocracy have viewed Jesus' "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem?

He seems to be making the statement that He wants to fulfill these Old Testament passages describing Jesus' triumphant entry that portrays Him as our Savior and the Son of God. Jerusalem's priests would probably have viewed it as an act of mockery to the scriptures and blasphemy.

In his vision of the salvation of Israel in the end-times, how does the Old Testament prophet Zechariah describe the future entry of God's savior-king into Jerusalem? (Zechariah 9:9-17)

He states that He will come in riding on an ass and that the people will rejoice and that He will bring peace with Him and that He will defend the righteous.

Shortly after this prediction, who accompanied Jesus up the "high mountain," and what did they see? In what ways was Jesus transformed before them? (Matthew 17:1-8; cf. Mark 9:2-10 and Luke 9:28-36) In what ways does the description of Jesus' transformation resemble the description of the Son of Man in Daniel 7 and 1 Enoch?

He takes Peter, James, and John up with Him and He was transfigured so that they saw Christ in all His glory, he is transformed. They also saw Moses and Elias talking with Christ. It talks about his white raiment and shining light. The bright cloud overshadows Jesus and quotes Psalm 2 and the disciples receive an epiphany bc all this is saying Jesus is the king and stuff, then they get super scared and fall down...then Christ is back to normal and tells them to not tell anyone until the Son of man is resurrected. Christ is transformed into the son of man from daniel 7 and for the first time his disciples see this.

How does Jesus describe his Second Coming when talking to his disciples, and how is that similar to the vision recorded in Daniel 7? (Matthew 24:29-31)

He talks about there being darkness for a few days, and that after the sign of Christ will appear in the heaven and then him and his angels will come down and gather the elect from every corner of the earth. It talks about overcoming the dark beast. Apocalyptic discourse.

As a symbol of the Jerusalem leadership, what does Jesus do to the barren fig tree? (Mark 11:12-14, 20-26; Matthew 21:18-22)

He tells the barren fig tree that no man will ever eat the fruit hereafter. He condemns it to always be barren.

In what ways was Jesus derided on the cross and how do the synoptic gospels describe his feeling of abandonment? How do these stories recall the song of the despised sufferer in Psalm ( 22?( on the exam) What supernatural events occurred at the death of Jesus, and how did the centurion respond? (Mark 15:27-39; cf. Matthew 27:38-54 and Luke 23:35-48)

He was alone in the sense that He was the sole one nailed to the cross by His hands and feet and wrists. It goes along with the song in the sense that the man in the song says he is hated and low above all others. The skies went dark and Jesus cried to God, and the centurion waited for Him to give up the ghost.

According to the gospels of Mark and Matthew, in what village and in what house was Jesus when he was anointed? Who performed the anointing and why? What did this person understand that the disciples did not? What story did Jesus command the disciples to tell when they preach the gospel of the kingdom? (Mark 14:3-9; cf. Matthew 26:6-13)

He was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper. A woman(Mary)-(not named in the synoptic gospels but named in John) performed the anointing because she was worshipping Him. She poured the oil on his head. She understood that Jesus would not always be there for them, and so she wanted to worship Him while she could. He told the disciples to tell her story and commend her for her good. He commanded that we always tell the story of the unnamed women in the house of a leper anointed his head in Bethany.

During what pilgrimage festival did Jesus visit Jerusalem during his final week? Who conspired to arrest and execute Jesus on that occasion, and what was their main concern? (Mark 14:-12; cf. Matthew 26:1-5 and Luke 22:1-1)

He went to the Passover, and while He was there, the chief priests and scribes and elders got together and went to the high priest to talk to him about killing Jesus subtly. Passover ritual dinner Lamb Bitter Unleavened bread Wine As modern latter day saints we take bread everyweek so we are reinacting the pass over meal. We naturally have thoughts turned to Christ.

Upon entering Jerusalem, where did Jesus go, what did he do, and what did he say? What was the reaction of the Jerusalem leadership? (Mark 11:11-19; Matthew 21:12-17; Luke 19:45-48) *How could these actions foreshadow the ultimate destruction of the Jerusalem temple?

He went to the temple and then went out into Bethany. After He went to Bethany, he was hungry so they went to a fig tree they saw and found nothing but leaves on the tree. He told the tree that no man would eat fruit off of it ever, then they go back to Jerusalem and into the temple and He casts people out and tells them that His house is a house of prayer, not a house for trade and thieves. The Jerusalem leaders heard Him and wanted to destroy Him because they were scared of Him and He astonished all of their people.

According to Jesus, what will he (the Son of Man) bring at his second coming? What will be the fate of the righteous and wicked at that day, and what will make the difference? (Matthew 25:31-46)

Him and his angels will come and He will sit on his throne and bring in all the nations and judge them according to their works on the earth. The righteous will be exalted and the wicked will be thrust down to hell. What will make the difference is if they served others.

After describing these earthly kingdoms, how does Daniel describe God (the "ancient of days") and his throne room? What was the "ancient of days" about to do to the fourth beast?

His throne was fire and his hair was white. Billions served him. He killed the beast and took power away from the other beats...God sends a figure on the clouds which is the "Son of man" save the people from the fourth beast.

In what ways does Restoration scripture theologically expand upon and enhance the significance of Jesus' suffering in Gethsemane? What aspects of the New Testament account are confirmed by Restoration scripture, and what details does Restoration scripture add to it? (D&C 19:1-24; Mosiah 3:7-10; Alma 7:10-13)

In Restoration scripture, it goes into greater detail of what Jesus suffered in Gethsemane and the kind of pains He had to endure. It also adds great detail about how He will overcome the devil and rise again the third day. Restoration scripture takes what is written in the New Testament, and adds more details of His suffering and more details of His Coming.

How is Jesus' resurrection viewed throughout the writings of the New Testament? (pg. 512)

It is viewed as the vindication of the message and mission of Jesus. If God raised Jesus from the dead, then his claims are true and the salvation he announced has been achieved

In Jesus' trial before the High Priest, what claim of Jesus ultimately led to his conviction of blasphemy? (Matthew 26:57-68; cf. Mark 14:53-65)

It was Christ saying that they will see the Son of Man coming out of the heavens. The high priest says that this is blaspheme because he is the son of man from Daniel 7...this is the final charge that the priests get to crucify is blaspheme.

Where was the location of Jesus' first trial immediately after his agony in Gethsemane, and who interrogated him? Where was Peter during this episode? (Mark 14:53-54; cf. Matthew 26:57-58 and Luke 22:54-55)

It was at the palace of the high priest, and the high priest, chief priests, elders, and scribes interrogated Him. Peter came with to the palace and hung out with the servants while Jesus was interrogated.

Jesus as the "Son of Man" in the Synoptic Gospels In the Gospel of Matthew, what does Jesus teach prior to his transfiguration about the coming of Daniel's "Son of Man"? What will the Son of Man bring with him, and what will some of the disciples standing there see before they die? (Matthew 16:27-28; cf. Mark 8:38-9:1 and Luke 9:26-27)

Jesus says that the Son of Man will come with his angels and give every man his reward according to his works. Some won't taste of death until they see the Son of man coming into His kingdom.

Briefly summarize the historical claims for the resurrection that can be known with reasonable certainty. In particular, what we know about its impact on the disciples? (pp. 518-521)

Jesus was crucified by the Romans around AD 30, Jesus was buried in the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea The Tomb was discovered empty on the 3rd day many credible witnesses saw Jesus alive The transformed lives of the disciples

Who took charge of Jesus' body after the crucifixion and what do we know about this individual from the synoptic accounts? Where was Jesus unexpectedly buried, and what necessitated this unusual arrangement? Who witnessed Jesus' burial? (Mark 15:42-47; cf. Matthew 27:57-61 and Luke 23:50-56)

Joseph of Arimathaea took charge of the body of Jesus. We know he was an honorable counselor and man who waited for the kingdom of God (righteous). He was buried in a sepulchre hewn out of a rock with a big stone for the door. Mary Magdalene and his mother Mary saw where He was buried. Bc Jesus was crucified on a friday so they needed to get the bodies off the crosses, they did not have time to dig a new grave, so for the sake of jewish law and the torah Joseph said that they should put Christ in a his own tomb so they do not break the sabbah.

According to the synoptic tradition, what arrangements did Judas make to betray Jesus? (Mark 14:10-11; cf. Matthew 26:14-16 and Luke 22:3-6)

Judas went to the chief priest and said that he would betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

*Because the earliest and best surviving manuscripts of the Gospel of Mark end with Mark 16:8, most scholars believe that Mark 16:9-20 is an addition to the story by much later Christian scribes. If that is the case, how did the original Gospel of Mark end, and why might later scribes have wanted to add more to the story? In what ways did the later scribes draw from the material in Matthew 28:9-20 and Luke 24:10-53 to fill out the resurrection account in Mark? What unique material did the scribes add to Mark?

Last question on the exam is the similarities Christ was crucified by the Romans Jesus was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea Women discovered the tomb empty on the third day( Sunday) Witnesses saw Jesus alive after his burial The lives of the disciples were transformed as a result of their experiences.

What story does Luke tell much earlier in his narrative that resembles the anointing story in Mark and Matthew? What are some of the similarities and differences between the stories in Luke and Mark/Matthew? (Luke 7:36-50) *When we artificially harmonize these accounts, what might we inadvertently do to the identity of the woman who anointed Jesus at Bethany in Mark/Matthew?

Luke tells the story of an anointing done by a woman in a Pharisee's home much earlier on. Some differences to this story is that the woman washed his feet with her tears and wiped his feet with her hair and kissed his feet while anointing them with ointment. In both stories, the woman is reprimanded because she is poor or a sinner. In Luke, Jesus tells a story about a creditor who had two debtors and how the creditor loves the one who forgave the most. Both show that Jesus loves those who love Him and does not reprimand them for their sins, but rather forgives them.

Who witnesses Jesus' death on the cross in Mark (15:40-41)? In Matthew (27:55-56)? In Luke (23:49)?

Mark: Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, Salome, and many other women. Matthew: many women, Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, and the mother of Zebedee's children. Luke: all of his acquaintances and the women of Galilee.

According to the synoptic gospels, what images and teachings did Jesus give during his ministry regarding the significance of his upcoming death? (pp. 504-507)

Most important sources for understanding this is found in the Last Supper and the ransom saying in Mark 10:45. In the Last Supper, He creates a sort of sacrament giving symbolism to the bread and wine as His body and blood, emphasizing that He will rise again and what the significance of what He is doing for the entire human race. In the ransom saying, He refers to Himself as the redemptive mean to pay the price to free someone.

What site and comment inspired Jesus' apocalyptic discourse? (Matthew 24:1-3)

Mount of Olives, Jesus makes a comment that there comes a day when the temples will not be left standing. Christ is like not one stone will be left of this temple and then walks away from his apostles...he then goes to the mount of olives where is apostles ask him questions.

According to Josephus, what types of characters filled Jerusalem on the eve of the Jewish Revolt? What did some, such as the Egyptian, persuade many people to do? What was their fate? (Josephus, Antiquities 20.167-172)

People would come and pretend to be prophets and would lead the people away with them. They persuaded people to go into the wilderness, and then an army would come and slay many of them and stir up war among the people.

What does the Jerusalem leadership do with precision and what does it omit? (Matthew 23:23)

Precise in paying tithing, but they omit more important things such as judgment, mercy, and faith.

What are Jesus' followers to do when they see the Jerusalem temple defiled (cf. Daniel's "abomination of desolation" from Antiochus IV) during the Jewish Revolt? (Matthew 24:15-20)

Runaway into the mountains or lock themselves into their houses

The three things that Christ calls out Priestly leadership for

Synagogue seating Tithing and Widow's houses Whited Tombs/ sepulchers

What are is the Jerusalem leadership doing to the widows? (Matthew 23:14)

Taking their houses.

Parable preparation

Ten virgins Talents Sheep and the Goats

How did many Jews treat the rebel Simon during the Jewish infighting and Roman siege of Jerusalem? (Josephus, War 4.573-578)

The Jews go to Simon for protection, and instead he comes in with his army and rules over all the Jews.

What natural disaster struck Jerusalem during the Roman siege and how did it affect Jews within the city? (Josephus, War 6.193-198)

The Jews go to Simon for protection, and instead he comes in with his army and rules over all the Jews.

From the writings of Josephus, what do we know about the typical reactions of Roman prefects and procurators when threatened by acts of Judean sedition?

The Roman prefects and procurators were very harsh when it came to acts of Judean sedition. The people didn't always agree with the punishments, but they felt it was best to show the people what would happen to them if they made the same mistakes of sedition.

Summarize the main points of the resurrection's significance in the writings of the New Testament. (pp. 522-523)

The beginning of the last days and the final resurrection: The arrival of God's kingdom meant the last days had begun and that God was about to intervene to judge the righteous and the wicked. The defeat of Satan, sin, and death :Resurrection of Jesus confirms relates to more than just temporal enemies but also evil spiritual forces.

What royal imagery (meant by the Romans as a mockery) accompanied the abuse and crucifixion of Jesus? (Mark 15:15-26; cf. Matthew 27:24-37 and Luke 23:26-34)

The crown of thorns which proclaimed Him as King of the Jews.

According to JS-M, what will be the most tragic period in the history of Judaism? (JS-M 1:18)

The days before Christ comes

According to the synoptic tradition, what arrangements were made for Jesus' last supper with his disciples, and what Jewish holy day would this meal commemorate? (Mark 14:12-17; cf. Matthew 26:17-20 and Luke 22:7-14) What was this Jewish holy day meant to symbolize? (Exodus 12)

The disciples went and talked with a man, telling him that Jesus' time was at hand and asked that they could keep the Passover at his house with all of Christ's disciples. This meal of unleavened bread was commemorating the start of the Passover. It symbolized the renewing of the world.

What does JS-M highlight as the distinct subjects of the first and second parts of the sermon? (JS-M 1:4)

The first part of the sermon is the warnings for the wicked and the last half is advice for the righteous. It talks about when and what signs.

What types of things experienced in the Jewish Revolt will happen again at the coming of the Son of Man at the end of the world? (JS-M 1:30-32)

The hearts of man will wax cold and hard, but the gospel will be sent out to all the world.

What figure would the "ancient of days" send to execute this judgment, and how is that figure described? What was given to this figure? (Daniel 7:13-14)

The son of man, coming out of heaven. He reigned over the earth over all the nations. He had authority and glory and sovereign well as kingship...this is when the Holy ones are saved and the beasts are destroyed etc.

Briefly describe some of the major "rationalistic" theories of the resurrection that have been offered over the centuries. (pp. 512-517)

The swoon theory says that Jesus never really died on the cross. The Wrong tomb theory says that on easter morning, the women got confused and accidentally went to the wrong tomb which was empty. The theft theory says that the disciples stole the body. The legendary development theory claims that apostles had visions years after the crucifixion that Jesus was alive, at first it was spiritual interpretation, but then turned into a literal and bodily resurrection.

What ritual actions accompanied the coronation of King Solomon? (1 Kings 1:32-40) How is that episode similar to the actions at the coronation of Israel's King Jehu? (2 Kings 9:12-13) How are these actions similar to the triumphal entry of Jesus?

They made King Solomon ride on the back of David's mule and they sounded trumpets as he went past the people and they rejoiced him with great joy. For Jehu, they rent their clothing and laid it at the top of the stairs and blew trumpets for him to say that he was king. When Jesus entered, people rent their clothes , and lay it in front of Him as He rode in on a mule and they rejoiced and cried Hosanna. Christ rode in on a donkey

According to Daniel's angelic guide, what did the four beasts of his vision represent? How would God bring an end to their dominion, and what would be the fate of the righteous?

They represent the four kingdoms of the earth and a power god is sending to over throw them.

How did the chief priests treat Jesus after this accusation? As they were accusing him of being a false prophet, which of Jesus' prophecies was coming true at that very moment? (Mark 14:65-72; cf. Matthew 26:67-75 and Luke 22:54-71)

They spat on Him and beat Him and asked Him to prophesy for them. As this was happening, Peter denied that He knew Jesus three times before the cock crowed, just as Jesus told Peter it would happen.

What type of prophecy prompted the Jews to revolt against Rome? (Josephus, War 6.312)

There was a prophecy that one among them would rule as "governor of the earth". Their own pride and selfishness caused them to revolt against Rome.

What types of things will happen when the Son of Man does come in power/judgment? (Matthew 24:27-31)

There will be shining light and eagles, followed by the darkening of the sun and the coming of Christ with His angels and the sounds of trumpets.

Briefly summarize how 1 Enoch envisions the role of the Elect One/Son of Man in the final judgment. What will be the state of the righteous as a result of his judgment? (1 Enoch 61 [LS]) What will be the fate of the wicked at the appearance of the Elect One/Son of Man? What will the righteous be able to enjoy at that day?

They are lifting up the righteous with holy ropes. He destroys the wicked and the righteous can enjoy exaltation.

What title does the apocryphal book of 1 Enoch-a text likely written during the Second Temple period and was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls-use to describe the end-times messiah? According to this vision of "Enoch," when did the Son of Man receive his name? What will he accomplish for the righteous, the weary, and the oppressed?

They call him the Son of Man. He was given this title in the premortal life. He will provide freedom for them.

What were false prophets saying up until the very day the temple was destroyed? (Josephus, War 6.285-287)

They claimed that God told them to get on top of the temple and receive miracles.

What seems to have been the political justification for the Romans to execute Jesus? What would have made Jesus different from other political insurrectionists of his day? When, then, might have motivated Pilate to order Jesus' crucifixion? (pp. 494-496)

They debate who was in charge of Jesus' arrest and crucifixion. Normally it has been placed on the Jews in Jerusalem, which has caused anti-Semitism and violence against Jews. More recently, blame has been placed on the Romans though. The most common position among modern scholars is that both Jews and Romans played some role in His death.

To whom did the chief priests deliver Jesus the next morning? What was the main question Pilate had for Jesus? Of the three synoptic gospels, which one attempts to exonerate Pilate and how? (Mark 15:1-5; cf. Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14 and Luke 23:1-16)

They delivered him to Pilate. Pilate wanted to know if Jesus claimed to be King of the Jews. Luke is the only gospel that attempts to exonerate Pilate by showing His consultation with Herod and his High priests and the doubt he had in continuing forward. This is another example of Jesus and kingship. There will be a multiple answer question regarding all the aspects of kingshipsassss

What do we know from ancient historical sources regarding the methods of crucifixion in the first century? (pg. 497)

They executed Him for sedition (rebellion against the Roman government). He was different because He taught that we should love our enemies and show kindness to those that persecute us. Pilate most likely ordered Jesus' crucifixion because it placated the Jewish leaders, it eliminated any threat Jesus would be if the people did want to make Him king, and it was a warning for future would-be prophets and messiahs

According to the synoptic gospels, what were the charges brought against Jesus at the trial before the chief priests? How did Jesus respond, and what did they finally see as the justification to execute him? (Mark 14:55-64; cf. Matthew 26:59-66 and Luke 22:54-71)

They found many charges of false doctrine being taught, but none of the witnesses actually made sense with each other so they didn't have any proof of it happening. Jesus responded by claiming He truly was the Messiah of the scriptures, and so they charged Him with sedition and rebellion against the government and blasphemy Official charge is blasphemy claiming that Jesus is the Son of Man ( is on test) They put a blind fold on his face and then they start beating him and telling Christ to prophesy who is hitting him. The moment Christ is being accused of being a false prophet, his prophecies are coming true in that moment in Peter denying him.

How did they conclude the meal, and where did they go next? What did Jesus predict about the disciples along the way? How did Peter respond, and what was Jesus' prediction about Peter in particular? (Mark 14:26-31; cf. Matthew 26:30-35 and Luke 22:31-34)

They sung a hymn and then went to the mount of Olives. He says that all of His disciples will be offended by Him tonight, and when Peter says he would never take offense to his Savior, Christ tells Peter that before the cock crows, Peter will have denied Christ three times.

In Daniel's first apocalyptic vision (Daniel 7), how does he describe each of the four earthly kingdoms between the Babylonian exile and the suffering of the righteous? What was particularly frightening about the fourth beast?

They were all giant monsters that came out of the the sea and starts eating Gods people. The fourth one had a giant horn with eyes on it and is eating Gods people. He grows an eleventh horn that has an eye on it....Daniel cries out and asks God how long he will let his people get eaten by this beast....then Daniel sees a vision with God on a throne...see next question

Before the destruction of Jerusalem/the temple in 586 B.C., what were the people trusting would save them in spite of their wickedness? How did Jeremiah describe the temple in that period? (Jeremiah 7:1-14) *When Jesus quoted Jeremiah's condemnation of the temple (a few years before it was destroyed), how would Jerusalem's priestly aristocracy have felt about his actions?

They were trusting in doing good works for all men to see, and that if they put on a good outwardly appearance they would be saved. He describes the temple currently as a den of robbers. They would have felt like he was copying words from the old scriptures and again was being either blasphemous or they would worry he was bringing destruction of the wicked

How did the Jerusalem priests react to Jesus the son of Ananus when he publicly announced God's coming destruction of the temple? (Josephus, War 6.300-309)

They whipped him until his skin fell off of his bones and they beat him every time he preached to the people.

Jesus in Jerusalem As Jesus journeyed on a Passover pilgrimage from Galilee to Jerusalem, who did he encounter in Jericho? What did he declare Jesus to be prior to his ascent to Jerusalem? (Mark 10:46-52; cf. Matthew 20:29-34 and Luke 18:35-43)

Two blind men proclaim Jesus to be "Son of David" and then Christ heals them.

What two questions did the disciples ask Jesus on the Mount of Olives? (Matthew 24:3)

When will the temple be destroyed like you said it would be??? What will be the signs of the coming of the Son of Man or the second coming??

How does the Jerusalem leadership appear on the outside, and what are they like on the inside? (Matthew 23:27-28)

they appear as beautiful sepulchers, but are inside filled with dead men's bones. He says outwardly they appear righteous to man, but that they are hypocrites full of iniquity.

In the years before the Jewish Revolt, how did the false prophet Theudas promise deliverance and what was his fate? (Josephus, Antiquities 20.97-99)

told the people to meet him at the river for he was a prophet and he would divide the river so that they could safely cross. But when they all got there, an army attacked them and killed all of them, including Theudas.

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