Rel A 275

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When Joseph Smith first began translating the Book of Mormon from the gold plates, what language did he likely believe they were written in?

Reformed Egyptian

According to Dr. Blumell, what is the prerequisite to baptism?


What are the two "grand pillars of the Atonement?"

Resurrection and redemption

Who prophesied of the signs of the birth of the Savior?


In the context of prayer, what was one of Jesus Christ's major purposes in coming to Earth?

Show us by His example the steps of Prayer.

What critical thing does God confirm in Genesis 22?

The Abrahamic covenant.

In 1 Nephi 9:5, Nephi states why he began making the small plates. Which of the following statements is correct?

The Lord commanded Nephi to make the small plates for a wise purpose, but Nephi did not know the purpose.

According to 3 Nephi 1:16-22, how did most of the people respond to the signs of Christ being manifest?

The believed and were converted unto the Lord.

Select the best reason for why God's justice was carried out on the Nephites before Jesus's visit (Hint: This is something the Lord repeated stated about destruction).

The blood of the prophets and the saints would no longer come unto God.

The Brass Plates contained all of the following except?

The book of Abraham (did contain genealogy of Lehi's fathers, prophecies of the holy prophets, the five books of Moses)

According to President Russell M. Nelson, what doctrine do we need to understand before we can comprehend the Fall of Adam?

The creation

Which of the following is not an ontological argument that Korihor teaches?

The existence of Christ (there is no fall, no need for Christ, man is a creature, "every man conquered according to his strength")

What are the two blessings promised by God to those who accept baptism and its attendant covenant?

The gift of the Holy Ghost and eternal life.

According to your reading about the Abrahamic covenant in the Bible Dictionary, what must happen in the last days for the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant?

The gospel must be restored. The Holy Ghost must be poured out upon the Gentiles. Israel must be gathered. The priesthood must be conferred again upon man.

In the sermon Jacob gave to the Nephites from the temple , he outlined consequences that the Nephites would experience if they continue to violate the law of chastity. Identify those consequences below (three):

The land they lived on would be cursed. The righteous would be led away from the wicked Nephites. Lamanites would be allowed to scourge the Nephites to descruction (?).

Which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between the new and everlasting covenant and the Abrahamic covenant?

The new and everlasting covenant is a renewal of the blessings and promises of Christ's Atonement as promised and promises of Christ's Atonement as promised in the Abrahamic covenant.

Why was Jacob inspired to give a sermon to the Nephites?

The people of Nephi began to grow hard in their hearts.

How/why did the Nephites' timekeeping shift in 3 Nephi

The time elapsed since the signs of Jesus's birth.

Why does Jacob say the Lamanites will be spared while the Nephites will not be?

Their husbands love their wives, and their wives, love their husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children. They keep the commandment about family given be the Lord.

What was the state of humankind before the Fall?

There was no sin There was no death There were no children

Why is it significant that Samuel and Jacob both condemn certain elements of Nephite patriarchy in a prophetic voice?

They exist as prophetic presentations of a link between misogyny and apocalyptic cultural disaster. It cannot simply be said that the Book of Mormon is an uncritically patriarchal book because it contains an internal critique of that history.

Which of the following best describes how narrative scholars explore a setting?

They explore how settings establish the mood of the narrative; provide the occasion for plot conflicts; develop a character's mental, emotional or spiritual state; act as a symbol of choices made; or evoke associations with larger ideals.

What did the Nephite leaders and people do to counteract the growing strength and influence of the Gadianton robbers?

They gathered everyone into one place.

Why did Laman and Lemuel murmur against their father, Lehi, when he asked them to flee Jerusalem and the impending destruction?

They knew not the dealings of that God who had created them. The did not believe that Jerusalem could be destroyed according to the words of the prophets.

According to Samuel the Lamanite, what will happen to those who don't meet the conditions of repentance?

They will suffer a second spiritual death

According to Lehi's teachigns in 2 Nephi 2, what would have happened if Adam and Eve had not partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil?

They would have remained in a state of innocence. They would not have experienced sin, misery, or joy. They would not have had children.

According to King Benjamin, the Lord's Atonement covers all of the following except

Those who have committed sin but who did enough good in the world to counteract it.

What is the literal meaning of the English word atonement?

To bring two different things together in unity.

What might have been one of King Benjamin's sociopolitical purposes for his discourse, as discussed by Professor Belnap?

To soften divisions between the Mulekites and Nephites by giving them the name of Christ.

According to Spencer and Berkey, the Book of Mormon may be read as a deliberate and intentional history of one culture's misconstrue of domesticity, a chronicle of the specific abuses of a people said from the beginning to be driven by a certain violent tendency toward women, related in order to stage a critique of such abuses.


According to the Williams article you read, if you are to engage meaningfully with the BOM of any scriptural text, we should seeks to learn the writers' and compilers' worldviews and avoid interpretations that distort the ancient writer's understanding or intentions.


Mormon sees love as something you pray for and receive.


Nephi described the God of Abraham as the Messiah who would come to earth to accomplish the Atonement.


Pride caused the downfall of the Zion-like society that was present in ancient America following the coming of Christ.


A careful look at the text makes it clear that Mormon wrote an intricately interwoven carefully composed and edited work.


Joseph Smith taught that "we ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object."


Speaking of the five sets of plates, which one of the following statements is false?

True: The plates of Ether contain a history of the Jaredites True: The lost 116 pages were called the book of Lehi True: Moroni engraved the vision of the borther of Jared on the plates of Mormon and sealed up that portion of the plates. False: Mormon abridged the small plates of Nephi and recorded the abridgment on his own record.

What does it mean to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ?

We are commanded to do all things in the name of Jesus.

How are we different from God?

We are mortal We all sin

According to the Book of Mormon, what is required for us to overcome our own fallen nature and incorrect choices?

We must be reconciled to God by relying on Jesus's mercy and grace, which enable us to live His gospel.

Which of the following are examples of exegetical questions?

Who is the author? What is the nature of the text you are reading?

According to Jacob, Nephite pride was causing which detrimental behavior?


All of the following books in our current Book of Mormon came from the small plates of Nephi execpt?

Words of Mormon (2 Nephi, Jarom, Jacob, 1 Nephi, Enos, Omni)

According to Joseph Fielding Smith, is it appropriate to open and close a church dance or party with a prayer?


Who was the leader of Mulek's descendants when they are found by the Nephites?


What does Moroni say is the prerequisite for baptism?

a broken heart and contrite spirit.

According to President Boyd K. Packer, what best improves attitudes and behaviors?

a study of doctrines.

According to the course materials, King Benjamin's discourse seems to rely on

a temple setting

Elder Bednar's Framework

applications, doctrines, and principles. doesn't primarily focus on one above the other.

How do we think of hope?

as a relation to the future

According to class discussion, why is eisegesis an important tool for interpreting scriptural texts?

because it allows scriptural texts to continue to be relevant from generation to generation.

All of the following tenets of Nehorism except

belief in God (Redemption, Repentance, the Fall)

The term "Urim and Thummim" refers to

both the brown seer stone and the Nephite interpreters

What chapter of Isaiah serves as the first extended focus of Christ's teachings in 3 Nephi (one he quotes in bits and pieces and rearranges rather than quotes in one solid block.

chapter 52.

Jacob highlights that living by human wisdom leads to

death and captivity

Jacob connects the wisdom of God with

divine mercy and grace

How can one lay hold upon every good thing?

have FAITH

The Lord has declared that Zion is a people of one ____ and one _____.

heart, mind

What three distinct impulses characterize Mormon's narrative style?

historian, writer, moralist.

Although Moroni tells us that his father's sermon in Moroni 7 is about faith, hope, and charity, what is the most consistent theme of the sermon (highlighted at the outset, the heart of the sermon, and again at the end)?


Mormon highlights which of the following as the turning point for the Nephite Zion society?

lifted up in pride and the acquisition of wealth.

Throughout the standard works, what is Jesus Christ's most consistent teaching?


Wisdom literature is concerned with

right living and ethical behavior

The three components of the baptismal covenant are

serving God, keeping his commandments, and witnessing of Him.

According to the lesson, it is useful to view the five basic principles of the gospel (faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and endurance to the end) as

some one-time events (baptism) and other repetitive events

What does epistemology mean?

study of knowledge

In 1 Corinthians 3:1-17, Paul says, Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dewelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." From an exegetical perspective, what is the "temple" that Paul refers to?

the Church and its members

What sign does Jesus Christ say he'll give the people for when the gathering of Israel will take place?

the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

According to Job, _______ is wisdom.

the fear of the Lord.

What does ontology mean?

the study of being

The idea that Joseph translated the Book of Mormon with little to none of his own input is called

tight control

The literal meaning of translation is

to carry across

The English word endure comes from the Latin indurare, meaning what?

to make hard.

What is faith according to the discussion given by Professor Spencer?

trusting the angelic, prophetic, divine message about Christ.

Elder Christofferson refers to the three requirements for Zion. They are

unity, holiness, caring for the poor.

What editorial phrase does Mormon use to point readers to his exegetical purpose for including the story of Korihor?

"And thus we see..."

Which of the following scriptual passages is an example of Nephi using eisegesis?

"I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning."

All of the following are listed as characterizations of Mormon's style as a historian except

(geology, geneology, and chronology) he is concerned about Captain Moroni; he makes sure we see him as an ideal example.

All of the following are editions of the Book of Mormon that were published after 1830 except:

1844 (1920, 1840, 1837)

What chapters of Isaiah does Christ quote in chapters 20 and 21 of 3 Nephi?

52 and 54

When speaking of the scattering and gathering of Israel, "Israel" could refer to a variety of things. Which of the following answers is directly related to the term Israel as it is used in the scriptures?

A defined geographical area with borders. All those who are covenant keepers and followers of Jehovah/Christ regardless of lineage or location. Literal descendants of ancient Israelites.

What is a precept?

A moral rule of action

What is the spiritual parallel to the promise of land in the Abrahamic covenant?

A place in the celestial kingdom.

According to President Russell M. Nelson, what is one of the most important concepts of revealed religion?

A sacred covenant.

According to Lehi's teachings in 2 Nephi 2, what would have been the consequences if Adam and Eve had NOT partaken of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil?

Adam and Eve would have remained innocent Adam and Eve would have remained in the garden. Adam and Eve would have had no children. All creation would have remained in the same state as it was in Eden.

Who wants to become king and begins a civil war among the Nephites?


What is the sign of hope that ends 4 Nephi?

Ammaron hides up the plates unto the Lord.

According to Dallin H. Oaks, what is a transgression?

An act that may not be a sin, but is still prohibited.

In the discussion of the chiastic overview of Kind Benjamin's discourse, the central verse of the entire discourse taught that

Christ is the only name and means whereby salvation can come to humankind

Which of the following Israelite holy days may have connected with the angel's discourse in Mosiah 3, including the repetition of Christ's name?

Day of Atonement

When did the first mass scattering of Israel occur?

During the time of the Assyrians.

What did Elder Neal A. Maxwell say the Father stressed in the scriptures?


Which biblical prophets lived about the same time as (within fifty years of) Lehi and his family?

Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah. (not Isaiah, not Micah)

By Mosiah 1, the Nephites and Mulekites had basically merged and become united under the strong leadership.


On the second day, Jesus Christ largely repeats the material from the first day in order to reinforce its importance.


Our faith and our righteous works will redeem us.


The Lord commanded the Nephites to practice plural marriage


We will get nearer to God by studying the Book of Mormon than by any other book


Because the Book of Mormon doesn't record any example of it actually happening, Jacob probably exaggerated about the Laminites' positive treatment of their wives and children.

False (there is an example)

"Wisdom" deals strictly with spiritual affairs and growth and rarely, if ever, extends into technical or practical affairs.


According to 2 Nephi 31, baptism by immersion washes away our sins.


All of the following describe narrative theology except

False: narrative theology teaches that we must understand the elements of Hebrew poetry so that we can better understand what the Bible authors are trying to teach. True: narrative theology teaches that the Bible is seen as the story of God's interaction with His people. True: narrative theology teaches that the Bible's stories are there to teach us truth; we are supposed to learn from those truths and apply those lessons to our lives. True: Narrative theology teaches that we should interpret and apply Bible stories according to the original intentions of the authors.

The impact of one of there "alternate" theologies can be seen in a letter written by which leader of the Gadianton robbers and preserved in 3 Nephi 3?


How did the Lord answer Enos's prayers?

He spoke to Enos's mind.

What does Samuel the Lamanite teach about the Lord's motivation for chastising us?

It helps brings a change a heart.

What makes Samuel the Lamanite's speech so unique in the Book of Mormon?

It is the only time we hear a Lamanite preaching the gospel.

What does President Ezra Taft Benson say concerning the record of the Nephite history just prior to the Savior's visit?

It reveals many parallels to our own day.

Who among the following appears to have had the greatest influence on the Gadianton robbers?


As indicated by the text, which group of people seems to consistently function better in their domestic units


Who was a Lamanite who became converted because of Ammon's missionary efforts?

Lamoni (king and his people)

What was happening in the land of Nephi while Alma was teaching in the Nephite territories?

Missionary labors of the sons of Mosiah

Who abridged the plates of Ether?


Who held the records after Mormon


Which Book of Mormon passage best describes "perfecting grace?"

Moroni 10:32-33

Who delivered keys in this dispensation for the "gathering" of the tribes of Israel?


The belief that everyone would be saved at the judgement because God created and redeemed all humanity was taught by


Based on the lesson, which word best summarizes Nephi's view of endurance?


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