Relative Pronouns: Qui, Que, Dont, Où
What relative pronoun do you use when you want to show possession?
What is the format of the sentence when dont is used to show possession?
When do you use dont?
if an element in the first phrase is the object of the preposition de in the second phrase
When do you use où?
if an element of the first phrase is a place or period of time
When do you use que?
if an element of the first phrase is the direct object of the second
When do you use qui?
if an element of the first phrase is the subject of the second phrase
What does dont mean?
of which, of whom
What do relative pronouns do?
relative pronouns link two phrases together into a longer, more complex sentence
What does que mean?
that, which
What does où mean?
What does qui mean?
who, that, which
What does que always come before?
What does qui always come before?