Relativity 9.1 - RCA Study Materials

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A matter name can have ___ to ___ characters.


A record within a Relativity workspace


A record within a Relativity workspace.

Data Focus

A display option that removes the workspace name and whitespace from the main header.


The default for the Start Line in the RDC import, which will load the entire file.


The default highlight color.

Fixed-Length Text

The email subject should be a _____ field type.

Run Interval

The interval, in seconds, at which the agent checks the database for available jobs is determined by the _____ field.


The list of folders is always in _____ order.


The location within Relativity you are when you log in.


True/False: By default, the Has Redaction choice is set only for newly produced documents. It is not set for previously produced documents.


True/False: Coding fields are created differently than metadata fields.


True/False: Copy Instances on Workspace Creation: An instance of an object type can be copied if its parent object contains a File field.


True/False: Copy Instances on Workspace Creation: An instance of an object type can't be copied if its parent object is set to "No."


True/False: Copy Instances on Workspace Creation: Instances can't be copied if the template workspace contains an object that is associated with a document object.


True/False: Creating a sublevel folder for your import is a best practice and allows you do delete a group of incorrectly loaded items at once.


True/False: Depending on your Relativity version, certain scripts may not be available to you.


True/False: During off-hours, the Cache Manager agent deletes outdated, temporary native, image, and production files from the server.


True/False: Field configuration can dramatically impact the performance of the database.


True/False: Field names in the load file and in the workspace do not need to be the same. As long as they are paired up correctly in the middle columns, the field name odes not matter.


True/False: For non-US date formats, dates in the format MM/DD/YY would be considered "clean" data.


True/False: For system-created views associated with Relational Fields, the object is Document by default and can't be changed.


True/False: Group information can be edited at any time.


True/False: If errors have occurred during import, a message box displays and asks if you want to export the error(s).


True/False: If you export a production with document level numbering as single-page TIFF and it does not include page numbering, Relativity automatically adds page numbers to identify each page uniquely.


True/False: If you set OCR to preprocess images, OCR accuracy is improved, but the job completion is significantly slowed down.


True/False: It is a best practice to add an opt out choice for required fields, so that users can indicate that they don't know how to answer.


True/False: It is faster to copy files to a server and point to them with Relativity than it is to load through the RDC loading process.


True/False: Keyword searching is not security-aware.


True/False: Newly created groups are automatically associated with a workspace.


True/False: Objects that are connected through associations cannot each have their own security settings.


True/False: Only newly converted documents are stored in cache.


True/False: Relativity accepts many date formats, including SQL-accepted formats that match your SQL server's regional settings.


True/False: Relativity be configured to allow only a certain number of incorrect login attempts before a user is locked out?


True/False: Relativity does not audit workspace logins.


True/False: Relativity propagates native file types to imaging profiles only when the profile is created.


True/False: Relativity requires a certain field order within the data load file.


True/False: System Administrators can install applications from the Application Library.


True/False: The RDC workspace filter bar automatically includes wildcards at the beginning and the end of the term upon which you are filtering, so you can type any part of the workspace name.


True/False: The Relativity viewer requires a fresh install after each upgrade.


True/False: The amount of data in the template workspace has a direct impact on the speed at which your workspace is created.


True/False: The extracted text field within a load file can contain either the actual extracted text/OCR or it can contain a path to the text files.


True/False: The order in which you match fields on the Field Map tab in the RDC does not matter.


True/False: There is a limit to the number of jobs you can submit for processing at one time.


True/False: To create an OCR set, you can copy an existing OCR set.


True/False: When an OCR set is copied, only some of the settings are copied over.


True/False: When importing into Relativity, you need to map all of the load file's fields to your workspace fields.


True/False: When performing an overlay, you can use the workspace identifier or select another field as the identifier.


True/False: When processing transcripts, you do not have the option of adding or removing header and footer content to and from transcripts.


True/False: When the system checks for errors, only 1,000 items are covered.


True/False: When you choose the "Production" option when setting up an OCR set, only documents within that production that have redactions are OCRed.


True/False: When you delete an entry from the password bank, Relativity no longer uses that password to try and unprotect documents.


True/False: You can add a user directly to a workspace.


True/False: You can also use fields and layouts to create connections between object types.


True/False: You can apply any template with a tab arrangement that best suits your document review needs.


True/False: You can define indented lists based on any related items field.


True/False: You can edit an existing production set, but your new settings do not update any already produced documents.


True/False: You can edit the display values in the Yes/No display values section.


True/False: You can reuse the Begin Bates, End Bates, Begin attachment, and end attachment fields in production sets; however, Relativity overwrites the values in them each time you rerun a production.


True/False: You can select more than one font size per text box redaction.


True/False: You can use an Allow HTML enabled field on a layout to search through the active document for all occurrences of a specific phrase.

Group Details, User Details

Two places to add a user to a group.

Group or User Details Forms

Two ways to add users to groups.

Path, Text in load file

Two ways to load text to the database with a load file.

Mass Delete Markup Options

Types: -Non-Full Page -Full Page -Highlights Page Ranges: -This Page -Pages -All Pages

System Administrators, Groups, Users

Upon creation, the new workspace is initially only accessible to _____ unless the template workspace you used contained _____ with _____ in it.

Options for User Password

Use Default Manually Set Auto-Generate Use Current

Repetitive Content

Use separate objects to store _____ when possible.

Imaging On-the-Fly

Use this button to convert a single document to a TIFF image. Appropriate permissions should be applied by your administrator.

OCR Statuses

Waiting Processing - Building Tables Processing - Inserting Records Processing - OCRing Processing - Compiling Results Completed (if no errors occurred)


Web-based coding forms that allow users to view and edit document fields.

Summary Report, Pivot, STRs, Export to File

What are the different ways to report on information in Relativity?


What are the following foreign language characters converted to in a dtSearch index? þ, ß, Ø convert to (respectively): a) oe, ss, th b) th, oe, ss c) th, ss, oe d) dtSearch doesn't convert these characters


What are the minimum and maximum years you can use in a date() search? a) 0, 10000 b) 1000, 2900 c) 1900, The current year d) There are no min/max limitations


What does the regex string "##[m-t]+" match? a) Any string containing *1 or more* letters between m and t b) That's a valid search query? c) Any word starting with the letters between m and t d) Any string that contains *more than 1* letter between m and t

Related Items Pane

When you open a document in the core reviewer interface, the related items for that particular document appear in the bottom right corner. This is called the _____.

Production Set

When you want to produce documents in a case workspace, you can create a _____ that defines the markup set for redactions, the document numbering, the appearance of the numbering, and other settings that Relativity uses when you run the production.

SQL Server

Where the Help feature can be enabled or disabled environment-wide from here.


Where workspace information can be edited.

User Status

Where you can view all logged in users for a workspace.

Textbox Search: Underscore (_)

Wilcard for a missing character. Not recognized as a space, by default. Don't use to check if a field is set to a value -- it is slower and more resource-intensive than using the percent sign (%).


Working with _____ in Relativity allows you to use three unique features including: creating word indexes of terms in a transcript, linking to related documents in a workspace from within a transcript, and inline tagging to add identifiable reference terms to specific content in a transcript.

Quick Nav Results Order

Workspace tabs (note that this category only appears when you are in a workspace) Admin tabs Workspaces

Yes, No, Null

Yes/No fields have these three potential values when searching.

Has Inline Tags

Yes/No system field that indicates whether a document has a right-click tag markup.

Has Images

Yes/No system field that indicates whether a document has images.

Has Natives

Yes/No system field that indicates whether a document has natives.


You are in the saved searches browser, but can't see the "new search" button. How can this be? Select all a) Lack of permissions b) You've reached the search limit assigned to your user c) You are currently selecting a saved search (instead of the root folder) d) This is never the case, the button is always there

Fields, Layouts, Views

You can add information to Dynamic Objects in the same way you add information to documents: by adding _____ to Dynamic Objects and placing those fields on _____ and _____.

Object Type tab, documents

You can build your own RDOs from the _____ and then connect these objects to _____.


You can load multi-page TIFFs and/or PDFs, but only as _____.

Imaging, Processing

You can locate the Password Bank tab under both the _____ and the _____ applications, if both are installed.

Queue Management

You can manage various jobs in your workspace from the _____ tab.

Start Line

You can select the line number in the load file where you want the import process to begin by entering a value in the _____ box.

Item Level

You can set security for individual fields at this level.


You can use _____ filters to search on specific terms, numbers, and dates. You can enter one or more terms in the ____ and connect multiple terms with any of the following operators: AND OR BETWEEN = (Equal) >= (Greater than or equal to) <= (Less than or equal to)

imaging, processing

You can use the Processing Queue tab to management both _____ and _____ jobs.

Allow HTML

You can use the _____ field to configure Relativity to throw a text alert of your choice.

Application Console

You can use the _____ in the Applications tab to export, upgrade, and lock/unlock applications in individual workspaces.

highlights, redactions

You can't print _____ and _____ on a native transcript in the HTML viewer. In order to do this, you must revert to the ActiveX viewer.


Defines different cases, disputes, or consulting instances that a firm may encounter with a client. Associated with one client. Can be linked to multiple workspaces.

Production Set

Defines the markup set, document numbering, appearance of numbering, and other settings.

Object Security: None

Denies group members access to the object.


Dependent on the web server setup. Often the same as the Relativity browser address, but ending in relativitywebapi.

Selected Fields

Determines the columns (or fields) that will be displayed in a view.

Advanced Search Public By Default

Determines the user's default search owner value. Selecting "yes," the user will automatically create public saved searches.

Alphabet File

Determines which characters are treated as text, which cause word breaks, and which are ignored.

Blank page

Empty long text fields are available in the viewer; when an empty field id selected, the viewer displays a _____.

Preview Security

Ensure you are giving your groups the correct permissions by using this feature in the Group Management tab.

Reply icon

Envelope with left-pointing purple arrow Reply: Original File name begins with RE

Forward icon

Envelope with right-pointing blue arrow Forward: original file name begins with FW

Default Group Settings

Everyone - All users are members of this group. System Administrators - These users have rights to see every item within a Relativity environment. Administrators have access to tabs that allow them to create and edit new: -Clients -Matters -Users -Groups -Views -Etc.

Default System Groups

Everyone and System Administrators

Multiple Object

Field type that creates a many-to-many relationship.

Type Field

Field used for reference or billing purposes only and has no impact on system views or permissions.

Workspace Objects

Field, Document, Custom Object, Choice, View, and Layout

Workspace errors

Fields created incorrectly in the workspace. Importing data into an incorrect field type. Importing data into a field with the incorrect number of characters for a fixed-length field.


Favorites displays the last ____ pages of your browsing history.


Importing transcripts into Relativity is the same process as importing any other type of _____ file.

History tab

Imports and exports are audited and logged in the _____. This audit includes the logging of load file settings and transfer rates.


In Relativity 9, the version of the legacy ActiveX viewer is _____.

Black text

In Relativity compare, this indicates language that exists in both the compare and the with documents.

Red text

In Relativity compare, this indicates language that exists in the first document, but not in the second.

Blue text

In Relativity compare, this indicates language that exists in the second document, but not in the first.

Workspaces, Groups

In Relativity, matters can be used in multiple _____, while workspaces can hold multiple _____ for security.

Default Layout on New

Object Rule; Rule Type: _____ determines which layout displays when a user creates a new custom object. When you select this option, the Add New Rule form displays with the Rule Type, Name, and Action options. use the Action option to select the layout to display for new custom objects.

Default Layout

Object Rule; Rule Type: _____ determines which layout that reviewers see by default, or if the reviewers see any layout at all. It is based on a set field value.

Five Categories of Workspace Permissions

Object Security Tab Visibility Browsers Mass Operations Admin Operations

Edit Permissions

Object Type Details: When you click _____, you modify only the security for the current object type. The object type is secured with the workspace-level rights by default, unless it inherits permissions from a parent object.

Event Handlers

Object Type Details: _____ add special functionality or conditions to your layouts; also known as syncs.

Object Rules

Object Type Details: _____ allow you to control the layouts that users see based on set event conditions, and the visibility of object operations, such as the New button.

Mass Operations

Object Type Details: _____ provide the ability to add functionality for mass operations using mass operation handlers or custom pages.


Object _____ apply to everyone, regardless of the security group.

Pre-Workspace Objects

Objects that are built before importing documents into Relativity.

Matter Group User Workspace

Objects to which a Client is Related

View, edit

On the default OCR Set list, notice that the image Completion field contains no values for any of the sets, even if those sets are processing or completed. The Image Completion value only appears when clicking the OCR set and entering its _____ or _____ page.

Database Location

Once a workspace is created, this field cannot be edited.

Four Numbering Types

Page Level Document Level Original Image Existing Production

Columns in the Markup Navigation Pane

Page Number Markup Type Markup SubType Markup Text Full Page Markup Set


Parent Object Type: This indicates that the new object type is a child of another Relativity object. This type of child object does not have workspace tabs, and it inherits permissions from the parent object.


Parent Object Type: This indicates that the new object type will be a child of the workspace. Relativity creates a tab for the object tin the workspace, and assigns it workspace-level security. These objects can also be associated with other object types.

dtSearch: Operator Precedence

Parentheses OR AND

Rotate Labels

Pivot Chart: This option rotates the group by labels 45 degrees

Stagger Labels

Pivot Chart: This option varies the horizontal position of the labels to improve readability.

Other icon

Plain envelope with no arrow Original file name does not begin with either RE or FW

Unknown icon

Plain piece of paper File type cannot be found

Any of These

Popup picker operator

Blank, Images Only, Natives Only, or Images and Natives

Possible values of the <Production Name> field, indicating how the document was added to a production.


New Object Type: This determines if sampling functionality is enabled on the object you are creating or editing.


New Object Type: This determines if the user has the ability to save a list of object's items as a persistent list. By default, this is set to _____ for a new object.

Copy Instances on Workspace Creation

New Object Type: This determines whether instances of the object type are copied during workspace creation.


New Object Type: This indicates whether you can extend an object by adding fields, views, and other items. This read-only field is set to "Yes" for document and Dynamic Objects. It is set to "No" for system-created objects, excluding document objects.


New Object Type: This is the designation used to identify the object.

Enable Snapshot Auditing On Delete

New Object Type: This is used to capture audit information about the values stored in object fields. Choosing "Yes" (the default setting) results in Relativity capturing a snapshot of the current field values for the object. By capturing this data, the size of the delete audit record will be increased, but the field values will be available when querying the workspace history. Choosing "No" indicates that Relativity will delete the object without capturing its field values.

Pivot, enabled, disabled

New Object Type: This is used to enable or disable Pivot functionality on the object. The default value is "_____," resulting in the display of Pivot icon on the object tab. Pivot runs on only the object fields when it is enabled. Select "_____" to remove the icon from the object tab.


Predetermined value that is applied to single and multiple choice fields.


Predetermined values that are applied to Single and Multi-Choice List fields

QC Review

Prevents users from viewing images in an imaging set until a QC reviewer has reviewed the images.

Client, matter, users, group, workspace, fields

Prior to importing documents into your workspace, it's a good idea to have these things set up - six of them.


Production Set Field that is the name of the production.

Burn redactions

Production set field that indicates that redactions are applied to the documents, when set to "yes." Set this field to "no" if you do not want them applied.

Parent Object Type

New Object Type: This is used to select another object type. The object that you are creating will be a child of the selected object type.

Relativity Applications

New Object Types: This is used for associating the object type with an application created on the _____ tab.

Keyword Search: *

Not supported at the beginning of keyword searches. Can use at the end of a word to represent one or more characters.

Relativity, image

OCR: Choosing a data source only OCRs the original image and not redactions unless there are redactions on the image itself. The OCR engine only processes files that have been imaged in _____ or uploaded as _____ files.

Run, Staging

OCR: It is recommended that you only copy OCR sets that have not yet been _____ and that have a status of _____ to avoid potential issues with copied-over results from original OCR sets.


OCR: Languages: True/False: You can select more than one language from the list of languages; however, accuracy is decreased.

Curved book pages

OCR: Preprocessing images allows for text line straightening, which removes the distortion that occurs when capturing _____.

Pixel Density

OCR: Preprocessing images improves visibility, resolution enhancement increases _____ to 1.5 to 2 times that of the original image.

Parallax distortion, six

OCR: Preprocessing images: Removing _____ assists in situation in which the camera is not perpendicular to the page and the image is flawed as a result; for best results, the image should contain at least _____ lines of justified text.


OCR: Setting Preprocess Images to Yes: _____ corrects documents that became slanted during scanning.

Preprocess Images

OCR: ____ enhances the images to get rid of distortions before OCRing.

Retry Errors

OCR: _____ attempts to re-run a job with errors. Selecting this for a job with a status of Error-Job Failed runs the job from the point at which it failed. Selecting this for a job with a status of Completed with Errors attempts to run those images in the OCR set that previously resulted in errors.

On Partial Error

OCR: _____ determines the behavior when the OCR engine encounters an error on an image.

Auto-Rotate Images

OCR: _____ makes the OCR engine detect page positioning and then reposition the page accordingly. Note that this can potentially impact the accuracy of OCR results.


OCR; Errors: True/False: All documents are processed when the system tries to resolve errors.


OCR; Image Timeout (Seconds): This determines the maximum number of seconds per image before the OCR engine times out. If the job doesn't complete in this amount of time, it errors on that image. The default is _____ seconds.

Write Partial Results

OCR; On Partial Error: _____ records all successful OCRed text while excluding text from errored images. This allows you to see potentially relevant text that would not be visible if you chose to leave the results of documents containing errored images empty.

Leave Empty

OCR; On Partial Error: _____ records no results if an error is encountered in a document; even images without errors are excluded from being written.


OCR; True/False: Only existing images are OCRed.


OCR; True/False: When you choose to OCR images within a production, the engine OCRs all burned-in redactions, branding, headers and footers, and text.

Document ID, Control Number, Page number, Message

OCR; show errors - these fields are displayed in the list.

User can select another layout

Object Rule: _____ determines the layouts that reviewers can see if the rule condition is met. If the box is checked, reviewers see the layout selected in the Action field by default. They are also able to move to another layout. If the box is not checked, reviewers are locked into using only the layout selection in the Action field.

Rule Type

Object Rule: _____ determines the type or content of the layout that is displayed.


Object Rule: _____ is the Relativity field containing the value that drives rule behavior.


Object Rule: _____ is the designation used to identify the rule.


Object Rule: _____ is the field value that drives rule behavior.


Object Rule: _____ is the layout that displays based on the rule.


Object Rule; Rule Type: True/False: System single object fields and custom single object fields of Document object type will display the Add link.

Custom Single Object Add Link Visibility

Object Rule; Rule Type: _____ controls availability of the "Add" link button to add object instances to existing custom single objects from a layout. When you apply the _____ object rule to an object, clearing the "Show Add Link" checkbox means that the Add link won't be displayed for a custom single object field pointing to that object, and you won't be able to add object instances from a layout.

Warning/Error alert flag

Production set field that indicates whether any errors or warnings occurred during a production. Select the Production Error field.

Markup Set

Production set field that indicates which markup set is used to apply redactions to the production images.

Date produced

Production set field that is the date that the documents were produced. Since Relativity does not automatically set this value, you can select any date in this field.

Branding font point size

Production set field that is the font size for branding added to a page. The font type is Arial.

Scale branding font for viewer

Production set field that scales up the branding text size to be consistent with Relativity 7.5 behavior for optimal viewing of images in the Viewer when set to "yes." Set this field to "no" to use the default font scaling when printing images. This field is read-only after you run a production set.

Add image placeholder

Production set field used for image and native productions. When documents with no image are encountered in an image and native production, a placeholder (slip-sheet) is included. The placeholder is branded based on the production settings, and the image includes a message indicating that there was no record for the document.

Email notification recipients

Production set field used to send email notifications when a production fails or completes. To send the email messages to multiple recipients, enter their email addresses separated by a semicolon.

Merge with existing set

Productions: If you want to reapply the Bates numbering strategy of the production set you're creating, set this to Yes. Doing this renumbers the existing set. By default, this is set to "no."

Document level numbering

Productions: Select _____ to generate a new document number for each document, which is branded on the images in your production.

Begin Bates, End Bates

Productions: The _____ field and the _____ field are fixed-length text fields that must be large enough to accommodate the characters in the prefix, suffix, and Bares number digits.

10, 7

Productions: The maximum number of digits a Bates number can have is _____. By default, the number of digits to be used in the Bates number is _____.

6, 4

Productions: The maximum number of digits a page number can have is _____. By default, the number of digits to be used for each page is _____.

Include page numbers

Productions: This adds a unique page number after the document number on each page in a document, when it is set to "yes." By default, it is set to "no."

Number of digits for document numbering

Productions: This determines how many digits the Bates number contains. The range of available values is between 1 and 10. By default, this option is set to 7 characters.

Number of digits for page numbering

Productions: This determines how many digits the page number contains. the range of available values is between 1 and 6. By default, this option is set to 4 characters.

Relativity Image Count

The number of non-production images associated with a document.


The number of results the Dictionary Search will return. A message will be displayed if there are more results.


The only exceptions to what can be done online in Relativity.

Native File Path

The path to any native files you'd like to load. Both relative and absolute paths are supported.

Textual Near Duplicate Similarity

The percent value of similarity between the near duplicate documents in a given group and their principal document.

Agent Type

The run interval is set to a default value based on the _____.

8060 bytes

The sum of all fixed-length text field for any individual object should be no larger than ____ .

2 GB

The technical limitation of a long text field.

Merge Values, Replace Values, Use Field Settings

The three multi-select field overlay behavior options in the import dialog are these.


T/F Both W/N and NOT W/N are symmetrical operations


T/F Links are available in the related items pane


T/F The AndAny operator behaves like the AND operator but only the left hand operand is actually required for a document to be returned


T/F When you copy a markup set, you only copy it's settings, not the redactions and highlights it contains


T/F You can't "save as search" from the documents tab if you have used both filters and the related-items drop down


T/F: "Save as PDF"ing an unproduced document with markups will *always* leave the text under the redactions visible


T/F: @today can be a perfectly acceptable search condition criteria in place of an actual date.


T/F: A Saved Search will copy over in a workspace template only if it references the Keyword Index


T/F: A dtSearch index on extracted text is automatically created during the initial Workspace build


T/F: Auto-recognition will not significantly affect indexing or searching performance


T/F: Cancelling an incremental dtSearch index build leaves the index in an unstable state


T/F: Creditcard() can return results that are not valid credit card numbers


T/F: Emailing a link to a private saved search is a quick and easy way to send a search to someone without the permission to see it within Relativity


T/F: Family docs will only return in a saved search if they also match the search conditions


T/F: If a user has view access or greater to the History Tab, but doesn't have permission to View All Audits, the user can't view the History Tab.


T/F: If you don't select the "Transcripts Present" checkbox in the RDC, any transcripts present in your load file will be skipped. (No errors displayed)


T/F: It is possible to mass copy a markup set without copying the redactions of the old


T/F: It's possible to mass edit the font size of multiple text redactions simultaneously


T/F: It's possible to prevent a saved search from running automatically every time it's selected in the Saved Searches Browser


T/F: Multiple transcripts can be selected when using the "Process Transcript" mass action.


T/F: Overriding a connector word (and, or, not, to, contains) by adding the stemming operator (~) may return a different set of documents than overriding the connector word using double quotes ("")


T/F: Refreshing the Relativity webpage with a query running cancels the query


T/F: Relativity supports both the PRE and POST operations


T/F: Relativity will provide a warning when a search query is ambiguous


T/F: The "Sort by Rank" column means nothing on a dtSearch. All documents return with 100%


T/F: The dtSearch engine supports stemming in English, Spanish and German


T/F: The first and last 'words' of a file can be denoted with firstword and lastword.


T/F: The raw SQL text of a saved search Query is inaccessible, this is necessary to ensure security


T/F: The search term r%un~ will check fuzziness only on the root word "run"


T/F: Use caution when combining saved searches, because Relativity does not prevent circular dependencies when nesting Saved Searches


T/F: When processing transcripts, you have the option to add or remove header and footer content to and from your transcripts


T/F: When running a proximity search with Boolean operators, noise words are not included in the proximity count

Basic, Native

There are two main options for creating an imaging profile. They are the _____ and _____ Imaging Engine Options


These are a type of document you can load into Relativity and review just like any other type of document.


These are added to Relativity workspaces where their permissions are set on a case-by-case basis.


These are associated with workspaces and clients, and within Relativity, a single one of these can be associated with one or more workspaces.

Agent servers, file repositories, SQL servers

These are included in Resource Pools.


These are individuals who have access to the Relativity environment.


T/F: When you swap indexes, an incremental update is automatically run to ensure the index is up to date with the previous one


T/F: You can append HH:MM in a date field, e.g. "11:36"


T/F: You can designate as many groups per workspace as necessary as a workspace admin group.


T/F: You can enhance the performance of 'is like' by creating a separate index that indexes the table column the query references


T/F: You can run a search against a dtSearch index even if you cancelled the initial full build halfway through.


T/F: You edit a saved search and 'save and search', but decide to cancel the query. The changes you made to the search are not saved.


T/F: You must add all the terms you would like to appear in a text redaction to your markup set prior to redacting documents


T/F: You must process a transcript before links can be added to it


T/F: You must select the appropriate markup set from the drop down in order to see the markups from that set in the markup set navigator


T/F: dtSearch has a maximum word length that it indexes (a word being a string of characters separated by a space), and truncates any words longer than this to that length.

Installation Rights

These are required on the local machine before the RDC can be installed.

Dynamic Objects

These are securable, non-document objects within your workspace.


These are typically document repositories used to store, display, search, organize, and categorize documents related to a specific client.


True/False: When you create a password entry and submit any job that syncs with the processing engine (imaging or processing), an entry is created in the engine for that password and that workspace.

Move previous

This icon brings you backward to the first document of the previous page of the searchable set

Move next

This icon brings you forward to the first document of next page of the searchable set

Move first

This icon brings you to the first document in the searchable set.

Move last

This icon brings you to the last document in the searchable set.


This indicates if the field is the workspace's unique identifier with a value of Yes or No. by default, this drop-down menu is grayed out and you cannot edit it.


This indicates the length of a fixed-length text field.

Export List

To export a summary report, use the _____ function.

Inline Tagging

Tags a section of text within a transcript that can be referenced through hyperlinks.

Optical Character Recognition

Translates images of text, like scanned and redacted documents, into actual text characters.

Workspace Admin Group

A system admin can assign any group in Relativity full admin rights in a workspace by selecting the group in the _____ field.

<Markup Set Name>

A system field created when a user creates a markup set. It's blank when the document has no highlighting or redactions for the markup set.

System Created By

A system field identifying the user who created the document.

System Last Modified By

A system field identifying the user who last modified the document.

System Created On

A system field indicating the date and time at which the document was created.

System Last Modified On

A system field indicating the date and time at which the document was last modified.

Relativity Native Type

A system field that lists the type of native file loaded into the system. The system assigns this value.


True/False: A copied OCR set includes the status the original set is currently in, as well as all items in the Documents (OCR Results) list.


True/False: A user can reset their password after they have been locked out.


True/False: A user who is associated with an inactive client cannot access Relativity.


True/False: A workspace can be assigned to more than one resource pool.


True/False: After you have logged into the RDC, you can see all workspaces, regardless of permissions.


True/False: All fields provided have to be loaded into the database.


True/False: All links on the transcript appear in the related items pane.


True/False: By default all Relativity scripts are not secured and are available for editing.

Long Text Field Type

A text field that allows for more than 4,999 characters.


A user can be a member of many different ____.

Mass Replace

Action that replaces an existing field's text with new content.

Associative Object

Add Associative Object List form: This field displays available associative object types. Your selection determines that type of objects that appear in the list.


Add Associative Object List form: This field displays views available for the selected associative object.

Search Condition

Allows you to build complex queries by selecting fields, operators, and values.


Allows you to perform proximity searches, stemming, and other advanced searching operations.

Group Management: Preview

Allows you to preview currently applied security settings for a group.

Other Settings

Allows you to set Browsers, Mass Operations, and Admin Operations permissions.

Instance Details Tab

Allows you to view your Relativity license information and set a message of the day.

Imaging Queue, Processing Queue

The ___ tab displays all current imaging jobs running in your environment. If you have processing installed, you will see a _____ tab instead.

15, 2

The decimal field type allows for a maximum of _____ digits before the decimal and _____ digits after the decimal.


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Choice associated with Document Single Choice Field


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Currency


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Date


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Decimal


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? File


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Fixed Length Text


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Long Text


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Multiple Choice


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Multiple Object


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Single Choice


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Single Object


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? User


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Whole Number


Can field type dramatically impact database performance?


Can help to enhance your document view workflow, as it saves time spent coding related documents. It is used to automatically force a coding value to a specified group of related items. There is NO warning message when this feature has been turned on. It does have limits though. For example if a tag is applied to an entire family of documents, all duplicates will not have the tag applied as well. Redactions, highlights, and imaging are NOT included in this functionality.

dtSearch: NOT operator

Can use at the beginning of a search expression to negate its meaning and exclude docs from a result set. At the beginning as stand alone returns documents that don't contain the word for phrase. As a connector - have to use AND or OR when using this between two search criteria.

Space Character

Causes a word break.

Custom only

Change fixed length field types to _____ as the filter type and filter for "is not like <blank>" to find documents that have no value for that specific field.

" () * ? % & ~ # @ : =

Characters that cannot be made searchable.


Characters used to separate columns and rows used by your load file.


Child and associative objects frequently refer to _____ objects in Relativity. these Dynamic Objects are securable, non-document objects added to a workspace. They can be linked to documents and to other object types to create powerful custom applications within your workspace.


Choice name cannot exceed this many characters.


Choosing yes for this option means that a user must make a selection on that field before they can save any changes or updates to the document.

With document

Chosen document within the compare window to compare with the initial document.

Clear All

Clears all of the filter settings, but leaves the filters available.

Inverse Redaction

Creates a black redaction across the full page except on the locations where you draw boxes.


Creates a sample set based on a specific percentage of items from the entire data set.

Single Object

Defines a one-to-many relationship between two objects. Add a single object field on the selected object under the object type option. Then, create a one-to-many relationship with the selected object using the associative object type option.


You can't print highlights and redactions on a native transcript in the HTML viewer. In order to do this, you must revert to the _____ viewer.

System Admin

You must be a _____ to view the personal items of workspace users.

Relativity Application Layout

You will add components to an application on the _____ form.


Your location upon logging into Relativity, from which you can navigate to any workspace you have permission to access.


Zoom out and in on the current document with a 10 percent to 500 percent range using this tool.

Pivot Chart Types

Bar Pie Line

Long text examples

Email to Full text


System field: An icon representing the document's Relativity native File Type.

Whole Number Field Max


Relativity password requirements.

8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 symbol

Has Highlights

<Markup Set Name> value when the document has highlights for the markup set.

Has Redactions

<Markup Set Name> value when the document has redactions for the markup set.

Family Field

A batch set setting that ensures family documents are not split across multiple batches.

Native Timezone Offset

A numeric field that offsets how header dates and times appear in the viewer for email messages. Daylight savings is not automatically considered (need a script) Does NOT modify metadata. Controls viewer and redacted/highlighted images. HTML Viewer - changes to value in field require re-conversion.

Password Bank

A password repository used to decrypt certain password-protected files during file discovery and native imaging.

Relativity Access

A property that ensures users are considered for billing under your Relativity license. This field (under user information) must be enabled for the user to log into the system.


A saved search operator that can be used on fixed-length, long text, or extracted text fields to find an entered term. No leading wildcard characters are permitted.

Overwrite Inherited

A security option that overrides the workspace level security settings.

Resource Pool

A set of servers and file repositories that can be associated with a workspace. Assign dedicated workers to a team.

Script Permissions

A workspace admin group has full control of all objects within the workspace, but group members do not have the _____ available only to system admins.

Supported by Viewer

A yes/no system field indicating whether the viewer supports the native document.

Production Alerts

A yes/no system field that warns of any production execution problems.

Filtering Textbox Options

AND OR BETWEEN = (equal to) >= (greater than or equal to) <= (less than or equal to) % (to filter for NOT null)

License Tab

Accessed from your Admin Workspace Configuration tab. Details Include: -Application Name -Instance Name -ExpirationDate -Number of Seats -Type There are also buttons for "Requesting" and "Applying"

Links Point to Popup

Add Associative Object List: This field creates a hyperlink that allows you to display object details in a popup. Select "yes" to create the link or "no" if you do not want the link available.


Adds new records and overlays data on existing records.

Relativity Applications

Admin Operations: Manage Relativity Applications allows group members to associate objects with applications by making the _____ field available on create and edit pages for Field, Layout, View, Script, object Types, and all other objects compatible with applications. Users with this and Edit permissions for applications are allowed to lock and unlock an application from editing.

Manage Object Types

Admin Operations: _____ gives group members permissions to add a new tab for a new object type when adding the new object type.

View Image Thumbnails

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to access the thumbnail viewer while in Image mode in the Core Reviewer Interface.

Delete Object Dependencies

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to force the deletion of an object, which includes unlinking associative objects and deleting child objects. The group members must also have permissions to delete any dependent child and/or modify associative objects.

Use Sampling

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to the sampling menu on any object that has the Sampling field set to Enabled.

View Images Hidden for QC Review

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to view all images in an imaging set with a QC status set to hide images.

View Batch Pane

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to view the batches associated with a document in the related items pane.

View All Audits

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permission to view the history of a document in the Viewer through the Document History icon, as well as workspace objects, such as markup sets, Dynamic Objects, fields, etc., through the View Audit option on those objects' layouts.

Assign Batches

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permissions to check out batches to other reviewers.

Override Production Restrictions

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permissions to override the setting in the Production Restrictions option on the Workspace Details page. The group members will be able to produce documents that contain conflicts based on these restrictions.

Use Pivot/Chart

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members permissions to use the Pivot grid and chart functions.

Use Quick Nav

Admin Operations: _____ grants group members the ability to search tabs in a workspace using the quick nav feature.

Check for field usage

Administration Object Type tab Select Document object Look at the _____ value in the Control Panel section

Original Column Position

After changing the RDC to reflect the correct delimiters and encoding, the File Column Headers text will appear in a numbered list. These numbers represent the _____ of the field within the load file, with (1) being the left most column and the higher numbers being the columns to the right.


After you _____ an application, you also have the ability to uninstall it.

Agent Server

Agents are installed to your _____ during the Relativity installation process.

System fields

All Relativity workspaces contain these.


All users are members of this group.

Object Security: Add

Allows group members to add new instances of the object.

Object Security: Edit

Allows group members to edit and view.

Object Security: Edit Security

Allows group members to edit the security for instances of the object.

Object Security: Delete

Allows group members to edit, view, and delete.

Object Security: View

Allows group members to view and is the default, most basic level of permissions.

Modify System Keyboard Shortcuts

Allows modification of the key combinations for system keyboard shortcuts.

Conditional Searching

Allows tailoring of the search to include multiple fields, additional operators, and other criteria. Displays up to five (5) rows, with each row representing a separate criterion. Use to "Toggle Conditions On/Off" icon to open a section above the document list.

My Settings

Allows the user to edit their name, email address, skip default preference, default filter visibility, item list page length, default selected file type, advanced search public by default, native viewer cache ahead, and data focus options.

Quick Nav

Allows the user to quickly search for and navigate to any workspace or tab in Relativity. Any tab or workspace that contains the character string within the name appears in the list of results

Group Management

Allows you to add/remove groups, view users, edit and copy permissions, and preview security.


Although this provides you with the ability to search for various date formats, e-mail addresses, and credit card numbers; it can dramatically affect indexing and searching performance. It must be activated before it can be used in a workspace.

OCR Profile

An _____ is a saved, reusable set of parameters that you use when creating an OCR set. To run an OCR job, you must first create an _____.


An application will automatically become locked when it is _____.

Golden Environment

An environment that you use to build your application and where you make any changes to it. Once upgraded, remember to keep a GE for each version of your application.

Associative Object Type

An object that the single object or multiple object field type uses to create a relationship. the objects selected in the Object Type and Field Type options determine the available _____ .

Copy from Previous

An optional function on layouts to enhance review by providing the ability to copy coding values from one document to another.

Transform Set

Analyzes data in specific fields and then extracts that information and writes the results to a destination field.

Scripts and Applications

Applications can be managed across workspaces from Home, in the _____ tab.

Import from File

Applications: This installs XML or RAP application in your workspace.

Select from Application Library

Applications: This installs an application from the Application Library in your workspace.

Create new Application

Applications: use this to create a new application without any components in your workspace. You can then add new components to it as necessary.

Persistent Highlight Set

Applying a background color to import terms in the case. Helps with the review process. Reusable and transferable highlight parameters controlled by your admin to find specified terms within your document set. There might be more than one of these sets in your workspace. If edited while review is happening, the reviewer will receive a message. Keyword and dtSearch terms will automatically be highltied on resulting documents.

Folders, field tree, advanced/saved searches, clusters

Available Relativity Browsers

Preview Folders and Choices

Be mindful of loading data into single-choice and multi-choice fields. If you have mapped the wrong field, it could potentially created hundreds of thousands of choices. Use the _____ option to ensure correct matching.

Field Tree

Be selective when choosing the fields you would like to set to Available in this browser. The Relativity browser is meant to be clean and intuitive; do not allow users to see fields they will not use.

30, 7

Before a Relativity license expires, you'll receive an alert regarding the expiration _____ days prior, and you will have a _____ day grace period.

OCR Profile

Before you create an OCR set, you have to first create an _____.


Boolean operators.

Folder Info

Builds the folder browser structure for the documents.

Imaging job, mass image, image on the fly

By creating a password bank, you can have Relativity run passwords against each encrypted document until it finds a match. Likewise, when you run an _____, _____, or use _____, the list of passwords specified in the bank accompanies that job so that encrypted files are imaged in that job.

System Admins

By default, newly created tabs are visible only to _____. This applies even if the creating user's group has access to see all other tabs. Edit workspace permissions to assign rights to the new tab.


By default, relativity doesn't check object security when executing a search, only _____ security.

Client Status Field

Can be used to drive which items appear on client lists elsewhere in the application. Does NOT impact user permissions.


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Boolean


Can define keyboard shortcut (yes/no)? Choice associated with Document Multiple Choice Field

View personal items of workspace users

Click the Administration > Workspace Details tab Click the view another user's personal items Select the users Click Save

Version Information

Click the circle-I icon in the image viewer to see this.

Version being used

Clicking the Help link from the User drop-down menu opens the online document for which version of Relativity?

Email Link to Document

Clicking this icon allows users to quickly send an email with a link to a specific document in Relativity.

Relativity Framework

Client Matter Group User Workspace Field Document Custom Object Choice View Layout


Clients in Relativity may also be associated with on or more of these (mirroring the billing structure of most laws firms).


Coding fields are _____ decisions made by reviewers.


Companies or organizations that are linked with users, groups, matters, and workspaces.

Browser Permissions

Controls the browser options that are visible. Groups without browser permissions only see their views with the document list spanning the screen.

Mass Operations Permissions

Controls the types of mass actions group members can perform.

Admin Operations Permissions

Controls the various administrative functions group members can perform.

Object Security

Controls what group members can do.

Tab Visibility

Controls what group members can see in Relativity. Parent tab permissions are required to view child tabs. Don't forget about child or nested tabs.

Two types of transform sets

Conversation Parsing Domain Parsing

Home Tab

Create new workspaces here.

Statistical Sample

Creates a sample set based on statistical sample calculations, which determines how many items reviewers need to address in order to get results that reflect the entire data set as precisely as needed. It's recommended that this only be used on sets that are large enough to return a reliable set. If a data set contains fewer than 300 items, you may want to consider using a different sampling type.


Customizable list of items within Relativity.


Customizable lists of items within Relativity. Any time you see a list of items, it's one of these.


Data repository used to store, display, search, organize, and categorize documents or information related to a specific client. Create from the Home tab. Can hold multiple groups for security.

Drop-down menu

Deciding to display a Yes/No field as a _____ can make searching easier as a review process.


Default Date format for UK dates


Default Date format for US dates

Resource pool

Different agents exist for each type of job, and to run a job, you must have the agent for that job type installed in the _____ for your workspace.

Pivot Chart

Displays Pivot results in chart form. Displays results using the Group By field as the vertical axis and the Pivot On field as the horizontal axis. To further drill down, it can be displayed as a bar, pie, or line charge in a Pivot profile.

Group Management: View Users

Displays a list of users in a group.

Rank Column

Displays bars indicating that a given document matches search criteria.

Related Items Pane

Displays groups of related documents in your workspace.

Thumbnails Viewer

Displays images or produced version of documents in the viewer that you can scan through.

Pivot Menu

Displays options to run reports on Pivot-enabled items listed in a view or saved search. To display this, click on the Toggle Pivot on/off icon in the to-right corner of any view.

Pivot List

Displays pivot result documents in list format.

Pivot Grid

Displays pivot results in grid form. Displays results using the Group By field as the vertical axis and the Pivot On field as the horizontal axis.

Keyword Search: NOT

Do not start keyword searches with this connector/operator. Do not use this operator with OR

Download the RDC

Do this from the "Workspace Details" tab in the "Relativity Utilities" console.

Native, extracted text, images, productions

Documents can be displayed as one of these in the Relativity viewer.


Does the user type affect a user's database activities?

Transform Set Types

Domain Parsing - Relativity-defined handler that extracts email do0mains from email addresses in a document set. Conversation Index Parsing - Relativity-defined handler that parses the MS Exchange field conversation index to group all replies and forwards in an email conversation.

Another object, Field, Saved Search

Domain parsing requires creation of _____ and ____ to hold the output. It also requires a _____ that contains the documents from which to extract the domains.


Don't forget to link your users to a _____.


Draws attention to issues that need to be addressed in an environment.

Relativity, SQL, XML

Due to the complexity and impact a script can have, only _____ (three types) expert users should create and run them.


Each entry between backslashes in the Folder Info field is a _____ in the Relativity folder browser

Fixed-length examples

Email from Email subject

Sampling Types

Fixed Size Statistical Percentage


Fixed-length field max for Unicode characters


Fixed-length field max for non-Unicode characters

Backslash (\)

Folder Info is delimited by this symbol

Admin Workspace Configuration

For Admin Workspace: Views Choices Tabs License


For Mac users, keyboard shortcuts marked with Ctrl will map over to the _____ key.

Allow Import, Admin Operations

For a user to import a load file through the RDC, they must be granted the _____ permission under _____.

Instance Name

For first-time installations, the installer requires an _____ . This information is included in the request key when you request a Relativity license.

Text Extraction Manager Agent

For the file field type's text field to be populated, this must be running in the Relativity environment.


For which field types is the "CustomOnly" filter type available (select all that apply): A) Fixed Length B) Long Text C) Decimal D) Whole Number E) Date F) Currency G) Multiple Choice H) Single Choice


From where can you export an application? A. Relativity Desktop Client B. Applications Console C. Workspace Details D. Instance Details


Functionality that can be enabled for any object to obtain a subset of documents using a fixed sample size, percentage, or statistical sample.


Fuzzy and stemming are useful here Provides a way to determine the total occurrences of a term in a dtSearch index and the number of documents containing that term.

Allow Export

Grants group members the ability to export files using the Relativity Desktop Client (RDC).

Copied from Template Workspaces

Groups (and permissions complete to item-level) Summary Reports Markup Sets Fields Choices Layouts Views Custom Tabs Scripts User Objects Saved searches using keyword, dtSearch, or analytics indexes Imaging Profiles Pivot Profiles OCR Profiles

Items Copied with Template

Groups (and permissions complete to item-level) Summary reports Markup sets Fields Choices Layouts Views Custom tabs Scripts User objects Saved searches using keyword, dtSearch, or analytics indexes Imaging profiles OCR profiles Pivot profiles

System Admin

Has rights to everything within the system. Tabs specific to this will be available (e.g., users/groups).


Header that visually divides the layout into different sections.


Helps structure a large-scale review by giving you the ability to assign documents to multiple reviewers in an organized fashion. Also, organize documents into groups based on certain criteria for review: Custodian, email thread, or issues are example. Will typically include entire document families to help streamline the review (i.e., email messages and their attachments will be grouped together).

Review Batches Tab

Holds all of the batches you have permission to see.


How do you add a link to a transcript document? a) Select the link tool from the markup toolbar, highlight the text you would like to link b) Highlight text, right-click, choose the radio button of the document from the pop-up picker c) Highlight text, mass action "Process Script" and follow the prompt for your highlighted text d) On the document object, add the transcript associative object list to the coding layout. With doc skip enabled, make an inverse redaction over the text you would like to link. Highlight the text within the inverse redaction. This will add it to the associative list, where you can provide the alt text that will be displayed when hovering over the link.


How do you add new terms to a markup set? a) With the "link" button on the markup set layout b) With the "add" button on the markup set layout c) In the terms field on the markup set layout d) New terms are added as you redact documents


How do you view the confirmation window with the 'Mass Delete Markups' title? a) Select the trashcan icon in the markup toolbar b) Using the delete mass operation c) You cannot mass delete markups d) Using the delete key on the keyboard


How is the query "can't" treated? a) As the single word "can't", duh b) As two words: "can" and "not" c) As two words: "can" and "t" d) You can't search "can't"


How is the search criteria """one two three""" interpreted? a) ""one two three"" b) one two three c) "one two three" d) "one" "two" "three"


How many attempts will a dtSearch agent makes upon encountering a network-related error?


How many reviewers can redact a document at the same time? a) 1 b) 2 c) The same as the number of markup sets available d) No limit

Paperclip icon

Icon indicating that email contains attachments. File is an e-mail containing attachments, which are sometimes also indented.

Textual Near Duplicate Principle

Identifies the principal document with a "yes" value. This is the largest document (as measured by amount of text) in the duplicate group. It acts as an anchor document to which all other documents in the new duplicate group are compared.

Root folder

If Folder Info is not an included field in your load file, this is where the documents are loaded.

Replace Values

If Overlay Behavior is set to _____ on this field, you will be prompted with a warning message on import that the current values for this field will be deleted and replaced with the value included in the load file.

Force Folder Preview

If _____ is selected (it is selected by default), you will be warned about the number of folders being created in the workspace. this warning is meant to eliminate accidental creation of extra folders by selecting the incorrect field.

32 characters

If a field contains a string longer than _____ and it doesn't contain a space character, then dtSearch truncates the string. In such cases, dtSearch indexes on the first _____ of the string.

Document Identifier

If a hash field for a record is not set, the _____ is set to populate the hash field in the case. This effectively creates a "group" of one document.

Locked, unlocked

If a script is _____, it displays as read only and can't be edited. If a script is _____ it is available for editing.

View Workspace Details

If a user has view access or greater to the Workspace Details tab, but doesn't have permission to _____, the user cannot view the Workspace Details tab.

Lowest Ordered Tab

If a user is not a member of a group with permission to view the tab set as the default home tab, where does Relativity direct the user?

OCR Error Statuses

If errors occur or the job is canceled for any reason, the following _____ are possible: Error - Job Failed Completed with Errors Stopping Stopped by User

Single tab

If the document viewer is undocked, shortcuts that move the cursor focus to a text box only execute if the browser has a _____ open.

Pop-up notification

If the overwrite action encounters and error, the RDC displays a _____.

Yes, No

If the template workspace contains an object with Copy Instances on Workspace Creation set to _____, but one of its associative objects has this same field set to _____, the instances will be unlinked from the object. The object will be copied to the new workspace, but none of its instances will be copied.

Blank or Zero

If the value in the native timezone offset field is one of these for a document, the date and time appears as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A whole number (+ or -) can be entered in this field to offset the time from UTC to local time.

Byte Order Mark

If this is not present in a load file, the RDC cannot determine the encoding of a file. Types of this include: -Unicode (UTF16) -Big-Endian Unicode -UTF8

Noise/Stop Words

If used in a search, these words and characters are omitted/ignored. Proof of purchase is treated as a search for "proof" and "purchase" separated by a word.

Web Service URL, Paths, Use of HTTP or HTTPS

If you cannot see your workspace in the RDC workspace list, check these things.

Reset Column Sizes

If you have adjusted your columns, you can use this icon to restore the columns to their original settings.


If you selected non-Western European languages in your OCR Profile, the destination field should be _____.


If you set preprocess images to yes, preprocessing occurs _____ the OCR engine attempts to recognize characters.

Process Transcripts

If you want to add inline tagging to a transcript, you must first process the transcripts using the _____ mass action.

Long text field

If your data exceeds 400 characters, use a _____ instead of a fixed-length field.

Keyword Search: @

Ignored in a keyword search when used at the beginning of a query.

Native Imaging Profile

Imaging: If the worker manager server is installed on your machine, the default layout for creating a profile is the _____ layout.

Basic Imaging Profile

Imaging: If the worker manager server isn't installed on your machine, the default for creating a profile is the _____ layout.

Basic Imaging Engine Options

Imaging: This provides a select number of simple settings for creating the profile. The imaging method must be set to Basic only if the resource pool isn't set up to perform native imaging.

Native Imaging Engine Options

Imaging: This provides an expanded range of settings for creating a profile with Relativity's worker manager server. You must have the worker manager server installed in order to use this.

Preview File

In the RDC, select Import and _____ to check your document import before actually importing. You can sort by clicking a column header.

Check Connectivity

In the RDC, under Options, this option assists in troubleshooting any network and system configuration errors.


In the _____ section, you control which browsers are visible to a group.

Agents Tab

In the _____, you can manually add an agent type to a server to enable and/or improve the performance of a number of features. You can also disable agents that aren't being used or restart them if you begin using a certain feature.

Bates Number

Incremental number generated by page-level numbering in a production set.

Indentation Definition Field

Indented Lists: Be sure to sort the documents in this view based on the _____ so that the family items are together.


Indented Lists: The object type must be _____ in order to have the option of selecting Indented List for the Visualization Type.

Indentation Method

Indented Lists: This allows you to set the method by which you will indent your list. This drop-down contains three options: -Conversation Index -Equivio -Numeric


Indented Lists: This indentation method indicates that the Definition Field that you will select contains a simple count of indentations. You should use this method if you wish to implement custom logic to show levels of hierarchy.


Indented Lists: This indentation method indicates that the Definition Field that you will select contains the Equivio-generated EquiThread value.

Conversation Index

Indented Lists: This indentation method indicates that the Definition Field that you will select contains the Microsoft Outlook Conversation Index. You should select this method if your imported data contains these values.

Indentation Definition Field

Indented Lists: This is the field that drives the indentation logic. All non-system document object fields of fixed length or long text type, as well as non-system whole number fields are available in this drop-down menu.

Group Definition

Indented Lists: This is the field that is identical across the email group. This is the related items field.

Auto-Recognize Date Formats

January 15, 2006 15 Jan 06 2006/01/15 1/15/06 1-15-06 The fifteenth of January, two thousand six

Display field

Indented Lists: This is the field that will reflect the indentations defined by the Indentation Definition Field. All document object fields with the exception of multi-choice, multi-object, and file icon fields are available in this drop-down menu.


Indented Lists: True/False: Changing the sort while filtering removes all indentation and sort based on the selected field.


Indented Lists; Indentation Definition Field: If Equivio is set as the method, you should select the _____ field as the definition.

number of indentations

Indented Lists; Indentation Definition Field: If Numeric is set as the method, you should select a field that has been populated with the desired ______ for the document. A value of "0" or null will result in no indentation. A value of "1" will result in one level of indentation. A value of "2" will result in two levels of indentation, etc.

Conversation Index

Indented Lists; Indentation Definition Field: If _____ is set as the method, you should select the Conversation Index field as the definition.


Indented items are aligned with _____ indicating levels between the initial record and subsequent records.

document item list, related items pane

Indented lists are available in the _____ and in the _____ in the Viewer.

Number in the bubble

Indicate each email message's indentation level within the thread. Helps quickly identify missing email messages in a thread.

Compare document

Initial document populated when clicking the compare icon.

System Field

Installed as part of Relativity, this exists in all workspaces.

Viewer Installation Kit

Installs components of the viewer.

Load file errors

Invalid number of cells in a row. Full text file specified in file does not exist.

Extracted Text

It is very important to check this with Preview File prior to importing to make sure that it's not a path.

Generic Groups

It's best to create these without users when using templates, since groups from templates will automatically have access to newly created workspaces.

Not triggered

Keyboard shortcuts are _____ when: Keyboard shortcuts are disabled Focus is not in the Core Reviewer Interface The standalone viewer is launched The viewer is undocked or in standalone mode and the browser has more than one tab open Viewing a document in native mode


Keyboard shortcuts are _____ when: Keyboard shortcuts are enabled Focus is in the Core Reviewer Interface The viewer is either docked or undocked while the browser only has one tab open If the shortcut overlaps with a Windows shortcut, both shortcuts are triggered


Keyboard shortcuts only execute in the Viewer Modes listed in the _____.

Core Reviewer

Keyboard shortcuts only execute in the _____ interface.


Keyword Search: Order of Operator Precedence


Limit to the number of columns that can be displayed in a view.

Trusted IPs

Limit where a user can log in (e.g., from the work server only), use this address filter.


Linked text appears _____ in the transcript.


Links are restricted: a) To any document type, and can link only to other document types b) To only transcripts, but can link to any document type c) To only transcripts, and can link to any object type d) Any object type can link to any other object (they aren't restricted)

Word Index

List of all non-noise/stop words in a transcript, includes page number and line location of all occurrences of a term.


Loading documents into a "staging" production will mark the production set as _____.

Overlay Only

Loads updates to existing records only. This requires you to include the workspace identifier.

Navigation Bar

Located in the upper-right corner of the Core Reviewer Interface, reviewers can easily move through documents loaded into the viewer by using this.


Lotus Notes Password Bank Type; True/False: You can enter a password in the Password(s) field, but it is not required.


Lotus Notes: When you select this type of password entry, you must upload a file with an extension of _____ in the Upload file field.

Relativity's Supported Browsers

MS Internet Explorer Google Chrome Safari Firefox

Process Transcript

Mass operation that reads the ASCII text file, identifies page breaks, and parses out content into a hyperlinked word index.


Maximum password length in Relativity is _____ characters.

Download Test

Measures the time it takes for a local system to receive data from a remote system. Allows you to specify a payload size from 1 MB to 100 MB and reports the download speed for the specified payload size.

Latency Test

Measures time elapsed for a single byte to reach its destination. Reports the time in milliseconds it takes for a byte of data to reach its destination on the network.

Pivot Areas

Menu Grid Chart List

Quick Nav

Menu that allows you to go to any workspace or tab that you have permission to access by typing its name.


Menu that contains all of your bookmarks and the last 10 pages of your browsing history.


Metadata fields are _____ definitions of the document.

ActiveX Viewer

Most _____ issues can be resolved by performing one of three tasks: -Manually uninstalling and reinstalling the viewer -Adding Relativity as a trusted site -Clearing your Internet browser cache


Multi-tenancy requires a Relativity v_____ environment.

Search Bar

Navigate the Object Security and Tab Visibility tabs quickly and efficiently using this.

When a workspace is visible to the user

Once the user is associated with a group and the group is associated with a workspace. (The level of permissions a group has to a workspace is defined within the workspace.)

Conceptual Analytics

One of Relativity's more advanced and powerful set of features comes from this. Can ascertain what a document is talking about without concerning itself with specific word choices and order. Instead, it relies on how certain terms occur with other terms in the overall document set.

Stagger, Rotate

One of the two options that could be used to view a long field name in a pivot chart.

Text index

Only include fields in the _____ when it's truly necessary to do so.


Open transcripts from the _____ tab.

Group Management: Copy

Opens a list of groups whose permission settings you can transfer to the group.

Group Management: Add/Remove Groups

Opens the Add/Remove Groups dialog on which you can search for and add or remove groups.

Group Management: Edit Permissions

Opens the Object Security tab for you to begin editing the workspace permissions for a group.

Mass Convert

Operation that allows you to pre-convert a large set of documents.

dtSearch: xlastword

Operator that marks the end of a file.

Wildcard: *

Operator that matches any numbers or characters. Slows searching when used near the beginning of a work.

dtSearch: ?

Operator that matches any single character.

dtSearch: ~

Operator that returns documents contain grammatical variations of a root word. English only. Root word only ... no irregular variations (e.g. run~ will not return ran)

Is Like

Operator that slows system performance. Automatically includes leading and trailing wildcards.

dtSearch: %

Operator used for fuzzy searching. Characters to the left of this operator remain static, while characters to the right of this operator are subjected to fuzziness.

Textbox Filter: %

Operator used to check if a field is set to a value.

Textbox Search: %

Operator used to check if a field is set to a value.

dtSearch: PRE/n

Operator used to search for a word that appears within a certain number of words before another word.


Operators that connect criterion in each search condition.

File Encoding

Options for this in the RDC include: Western European (Windows) Unicode Unicode (Big-Endian) Unicode (UTF-7) Unicode (UTF-8) Other options, based on the SQL server

Separator between document and page number

Productions: This is displayed when you select the include page number option. The following are available: _ (underscore, selected by default) - (hyphen) . (period)


Productions: This is the characters added to the beginning of each Bates number.

Start number

Productions: This is the first number used in a sequence of Bates numbers.


Productions: This is the optional characters applied to the end of each Bates number. It is a static, non-incremental text string.

Attachment relational field

Productions: This selects a relational field indicating a family group such as group identifier. You can optionally update the attachment beginning and ending Bates number during a production.

Begin Bates field

Productions: This stores the Bates number assigned to the first page of a document during a production run.

Begin attachment field

Productions: This stores the beginning attachment Bates number for the production.

End attachment field

Productions: this stores the ending attachment Bates number for the production.

Index Status

Progress bar used to track a dtSearch Index's build in real-time.

Indented Lists

Provides additional information to users about email messages by displaying levels within a relationship, such as an email conversation thread.

Summary Report

Provides aggregate tallies of field values.

Bandwidth Tester

Provides feedback on the network connection.

Relativity Desktop Client

Provides functionality for importing a document's load, image, and production files, as well as exporting production sets, saved searches, and folders.

Relativity Desktop Client (RDC)

Provides functionality for importing a document's load, image, and production files, as well as exporting production sets, saved searches, and folders. Version MUST match Relativity version currently running on system.


Provides information on the current version you are running.

Change priority

Queue Management: You can change the priority of a job with the _____ button at the bottom of the view.


Queue management: _____ numbers result in higher priority.


Quick nav keyboard shortcut

Production Set, Saved Search, Folder, Folder and Subfolders

RDC Export Options

Image Load File, Document Load File, Production Load File

RDC Import Options

Administration / Workspace Details Tab

RDC Installation files link is located here. So is the Viewer Installation Kit link.


RDC: This is the only required field for each load.

Relativity Dynamic Objects


dtSearch: ##

Regular expression

Find Similar Documents

Relativity Analytics feature *NOT based on word count/order *Typically no relational field for this feature (and no icon) *Administrator must grant access *From the Core reviewer Interface" -Right-click on the viewer of the current document -Click "Find Similar" on the menu -Results are displayed in the Search Results pane in the lower-right of the screen


Relativity Applications: Add an existing object by clicking the _____ button to display the Select Items dialog.

Create a new object

Relativity Applications: To do this, click the "New" button to display the New Object Type form and create an object on-the-fly. Relativity automatically links this object to your application.


Relativity Desktop Client

System admins

Relativity _____ have permissions to preview, edit, and create scripts.


Relativity admins assign groups to these.


Relativity automatically creates _____ field(s) when you define Multiple Object field type.


Relativity copies objects from the template workspace regardless of this field's value. The Copy Instances on Workspace Creation field only controls whether or not it copies object _____ to the new workspace.

Relativity Script Library

Relativity houses a _____ of commonly-used scripts that you can run at any time.

Outside In

Relativity leverages an Oracle program called _____ to display rendered version of native files within the viewer.


Relativity only accepts single-page group IV TIFFs or single-page JPG images, loaded using an _____ file.

Single-page group IV TIFFs or single-page JPGs

Relativity only accepts these image formats.

8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 symbol

Relativity password requirements.

RestrictedNativeFileTypes or ApplicationRestrictedFileTypes

Relativity prohibits users from uploading certain file types to file files. The _____ configuration table value defines the prohibited file types. Includes .exe; .com; .pif; .bat; .scr

Profile is created

Relativity propagates native file types to imaging profiles only when the _____.


Relativity users are organized by this.

50 MB

Relativity usually defaults to streaming only files smaller than ___.

Application deployment system

Relativity's _____ allows you to create, install, and delete applications directly in the web interface.


Relativity's audit system that logs a user's actions in a workspace.

Artifact ID

Relativity's unique identifier for all database objects. This can change, so avoid/don't use this for applications. Use the GUID instead.

Document Skip

Removes any document from the queue after the one at hand that doesn't meet the view or search criteria during review. Allows the more efficient coding of documents during review. When enabled, a menu appears at the bottom-right of the layout when editing documents. This feature tracks coding decisions that were already applied to documents that you have not yet reviewed. There is NO WARNING when this functionality is activated.

Reset Zoom

Rest the zoom function to 100 percent.

Textbox Search: Equal Sign (=)

Returns an exact phrase.

Keyword Search

SQL index search that automatically populates. Relativity's default search engine. Fields vary by workspace. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) Use quotes for exact phrases. Use Asterisks to search for one or more characters.

Term Report

STRs: The _____ will show a graphical breakdown of your search terms. You can print or save this report.

Fixed Size

Sampling option that creates a sample set based on a specific number of items from the entire data set.

Unique Script Key

Scripts: When upgrading your environment, the _____ is referenced to determine if an update is required. If so, this is performed automatically.

Markup Set

Searchable set of redactions.

Custom Object

Searchable, custom, non-document object within your workspace.


Searches for values in the fields displayed on the active view.

Page level numbering

Select _____ to generate a new incremental number (also known as a Bates number) on every page across your document set. This number is branded on the images in your production.

Append Only

Select this to load only new documents to the Workspace.

Sort On

Selects how you want the chart information to be sorted: by Grand Total or by the "Group By" field

Workspaces Tab

Set as the default tab, unless an admin has changed it. Provides a list of workspaces you have permission to view.

Minimum size, 400

Set fixed-length fields to the _____ needed and to no more than _____ characters.


Set up fields as _____ in advance because the system will have to re-index a field if the change is made following data load.

View Bar Sections

Show current path Views Scope menu Include related documents

Toggle Options in the Core Reviewer Interface

Show/Hide Documents List Swap Panes Show/Hide Tab Strip Keyboard Shortcuts Legend Enable/Disable Keyboard Shortcuts Dock/Undock Document Viewer Stand Alone Viewer

Image Viewer: Layout Modes

Single - View one image at a time Continuous - Scroll through and see pages lined up Facing Continuous - Several pages, side-by-side (# of pages depends on zoom)

Related Items

Special groups of documents within a workspace that are connected via a special type of field called a relation field.


Specialized features or workflows in Relativity that are built using custom objects.

Highlight text, right-click, select radio button, set

Steps to link from a transcript to a document.

Extracted Text Field

Stores any FullText or OCR text you load into Relativity.


Stores document metadata or coding within Relativity.

Switch Series

Switches the Group by and Pivot fields' positions in the Pivot chart.

<Production Name>

System field created when a user creates a production. This field stores how the document was added to a production.

Relativity Compare

System field that compares the extracted text of two specified documents, displaying the key differences. Useful when working with groups of near duplicates or conceptually similar documents. Can be included in any view.

Folder Name

System field that contains the name of the folder where the document resides. This is specific to relativity and is not the full folder path.

Extracted Text

System field that stores full text or OCR text loaded into Relativity. It is available for searching and as a radio button in the viewer.

Control Number

System field. The workspace identifier. This field can be renamed.

Types of Redactions

Text Cross Black White Full Page Inverse

Contextual Help

Text added to a layout to guide users interacting with fields in a specific category.

Unchanged Text

Text appears in both the "compare" and the "with" documents.

Deleted Text

Text appears in the "compare" document, but doesn't appear in the "with" document.

Inserted Text

Text appears in the "with" document, but doesn't appear in the "compare" document.

Fixed-Length Text Field Type

Text field with a limited length.

Discovery, native

The Password Bank is a password repository used to decrypt certain password-protected files during file _____ and _____ imaging.

Encoding for Undetectable Files.

The RDC detects the format of each individual text file during the load process. If the system is unable to determine file format, it uses the format selected in the _____ field.

Custom Only

The _____ filter allows you to set filtering criteria using a combination of advanced and Boolean operators. To use this type of filter, click the drop-down menu arrows and select (Advanced...) to display a popup with filtering options. The field type determines the operators available in the popup.

Dynamic field

The _____ indicates whether you can extend an object by adding fields, views, and other items. It is a read-only field set to "yes" for document and dynamic objects.

Field map

The _____ is saved in WinEDDS native load file (*.kwe) format.

Workspace Upgrade Queue

The _____ tab allows you to monitor upgrades to applications currently installed in workspaces. It also allows you to view detailed error messages when a script or application upgrade fails.

OCR sets, field

The _____ tab allows you to submit groups of documents defined by a saved search or production to be OCRed based on the settings defined by the OCR profile. Relativity writes the results to the destination _____ that you specify.

OCR Queue

The _____ tab allows you to view all submitted OCR jobs in the environment to check their status, priority, and the workspace to which they belong.

Production Queue

The _____ tab displays all current production jobs running in your environment and any jobs in error status. A job remains in this queue until branding and other processing have been completed.

Branding Queue

The _____ tab displays production job currently undergoing branding of redactions, header, footer, or other modifications. A job is displayed in this queue only while it has a status of branding, but it remains in the production queue until all processing is complete.


The amount of errors displayed in the RDC error log.


The application of redactions, headers, footers, and other modifications to a document in a production job.

Unique Hits

The count of documents in the searchable set returned by only that particular term.


The currency field type allows for a maximum of ______ digits.

Save as PDF

This icon allows the user (with permissions) to save the current document as a PDF. To save the current native document as PDF, ensure you are in view mode. To save an image as a PDF, including any redactions or highlights, ensure the viewer is in image mode.

Save as Search

This icon allows you to convert your combined filters and conditions into a saved search and provide a meaningful name for the search.

Resource Pools

These determine the server for certain agent processes within the case. These are set up in the Server & Agent management tab. If none are created, all agent servers, file repositories, and SQL servers are added to the default upon installation.

Batch, Batch::Assigned to, Batch::Batch Set, Batch::Status

These four system fields contain information related to document batches.


These identify different workspaces, disputes, or consulting instances that a firm may encounter with a client.


These things within the workspace provide you with easy access to different Relativity features, including: Documents, search term reports, views, and other default functionality.

Hidden, Very Hidden

These types of Excel worksheets cannot be seen in the "viewer" and may cause unexpected results when the document is converted to TIFF.

System Administrators

These users have rights to see every item within a Relativity environment. They have access to tabs that allow them to create and edit new clients, matters, users, groups, and views, among other permissions.

Non-System Admins

These users may be given administrative rights to an individual workspace, but will still need a system administrator to manage pre-workspace objects.

Set extracted text size

This Relativity script stores a document's extracted text data length (in kilobytes) in a decimal field; used for documents in case where the field's value is empty.

Include in Text Index

This adds the field values to the workspace's SQL text index.


This allows the user to highlight additional terms in their search result, but not actually search for those words.

Blue bubble

This color bubble indicates that the email message is inclusive and is not a duplicate spare.

Gray bubble

This color bubble indicates that the email message is non-inclusive or is a duplicate spare.

Object Type

This determine which object Relativity uses to classify the field.

Field Type

This determines the field's functionality and presentation.

Field Tree View

This determines the values and the order in which they are displayed in the field tree. It also determines the views displayed in the pickers when you set conditions for searches and views. To select a view, the field must be single object or multiple object.

Client Details View

This displays hyper-linked lists of users, matters, and groups associated with the client. Access by clicking on a client's name.

Available in Viewer

This displays the field in the viewer, allowing the user to check text against the original document or image. This setting is only editable for long text fields with a Document object type. If set to Yes, the field is available in a drop-down menu on the Extracted Text setting in the viewer. This field isn't available if the users doesn't have permission to access it.

SQL Full Text Index Language

This does not specify which characters will be indexed; rather, it indexes all characters in all languages. Your selection is the language that SQL will use to optimize its index. Each language has its own rules for stemming and word-breaking, and SQL an account for these differences. If you are using multiple languages, choose the one with the most complex stemming and word-breaking rules (i.e., Chinese over English, when Chinese is the dominant language).

Email Duplicate Spare

This email contains the exact same content as another message.

Inclusive Email

This email contains the prior message content.

Document Skip

This feature is enabled for new users by default and allows users to be able to skip family, duplicates, and other documents that no longer meet the view or search criteria while coding documents during review.

Yes/No Field Type

This field type accepts one of two values.

File Field Type

This field type allows you to upload files for a non-document object.

User Field Type

This field type contains users with rights to the current workspace. Depending on the function of the field, you can filter the list of users to display only members of certain groups.

Multiple Object Field Type

This field type defines a many-to-many relationship between two objects.

Single Object Field Type

This field type defines a one-to-many relationship between two objects.

Multiple Choice Field Type

This field type provides a predetermined set of values called choices. More than one choice is possible and the choices can be nested.

Single Choice Field Type

This field type provides a predetermined set of values called choices. Only one choice can be made.

Whole Number Field Type

This field type stores any natural numbers or their negatives.

Currency Field Type

This field type stores numeric values in a currency format.

Decimal Field Type

This field type stores numeric values that may include decimals.

Date Field Type

This field type stores the date or date and time.

Bandwidth Tester

This helps network administrators troubleshoot issues related to network connectivity. In certain circumstances, this helps detect and eliminate problems causing reduced performance on a particular machine.

Show/Hide Filters

This icon activates the filters for an item list, displaying filtering options at the top of each column. Click again to hide the filtering options.

Number of Items Displayed

This is the number of documents that you can currently see in your view without navigating to the next page in the view. The default is usually 25, but the default can be changed by an administrator or by the user, if the appropriate permissions are applied. The user can also change how many items display by using the drop-down menu and selecting a different number.

Number of Documents in Set

This is the total number of documents in your view.

MD5 Hash

This is used to identify the "duplicates." The code in this field is a 32-digit number generated by the processing software for each file using the characteristics of the file.

Maximum Password Age

This limits the amount of time a user can keep a password. Measured in days.

Document set information bar

This part of the interface gives you further control over how you work with your searchable set of documents. It contains the returned set selector, number of documents in set, and number of items displayed.

Available in Field Tree

This places the field and its choices in the Field Tree browser. Defaults to NO Editable for Document object type fields when the field type is single choice, multiple choice, single object, or multiple object. Editable for non-Document type fields when the field type is single choice or multiple choice.

Returned Set Selector

This section of the UI indicates how many documents are currently available in your searchable set. The default size is usually 1,000 documents, but may be 500 or any other size that your administrator deems useful.

Overlay Behavior

This setting must be set to Merge Values in order to merge the values from the load file with the field's current values.

Document Display Count

This shows how many documents you are currently viewing and how many documents are available.

End Bates field

This stores the Bates number assigned to the last page of a document during a production run.

Field Map Tab

This tab in the RDC tells Relativity what to do with the configured load file. The fields listed in the File Column Headers pane on the Load File tab will match up with the Load File Fields on this tab.

Change Markup Visibility

This tool allows you to alter the visibility mode of the markups between full visibility, transparent, and hidden. Visibility status will be displayed in the lower-left corner of the viewer.

Find Previous and Next

This tool searches for terms in the current document and navigates through the hits. The left and right arrows can be used to find the previous instance of the term and the next instance of a term.

Creating word indexes, linking to related documents, inline tagging

Three unique features that working with transcripts in Relativity allows you to use.

Batch Edit

To check out batches, you must have this permission.

Footer to Add

Transcripts: This is where you can add text to the footer of each page. Added footers only shows in viewer preview mode and on printed versions of a transcript.


To help you track redactions in a production, Relativity automatically creates a multi-choice field with the same name as the production set. This field includes a choice called "Has Redactions" which is set to _____ for images with redactions.

Native files, images

To import documents, Relativity requires a load file with links to the _____ or _____.

Relativity Library scripts

To improve system performance, architecture improvements are often applied to Relativity's SQL tables for new versions. When upgrading, your personally created existing scripts must be tested and revalidated before you run them. The only exception to this is _____, which are automatically updated with any changes affecting the new version.


To run a _____, you must have at least one Branding Manager agent and one Production Manager agent.

Continue from Previous

To select a previous production and continue with its numbering sequence, click _____. Relativity automatically populates the Start number field with the value displayed for the Next doc number.

Manage Relativity Applications

To use the Relativity Applications option from the New Object Types form, you must have _____ permissions in the Admin Operations section of the Security page.


Transcripts are consumable by Relativity in which of the following file formats. Select all a) .txt b) .doc c) .rtf d) .ascii

Header to Add

Transcripts: This is where you can add text to the header of each page. Added headers only shows in viewer preview mode an on printed versions of a transcript.

Footer to Remove

Transcripts: This is where you can remove any existing footers.

Header to Remove

Transcripts: This is where you can remove any existing headers.


Transcripts: You can only add _____ with transcripts, but you can link to any other document type.


Transcripts: _____ are references to other documents in our workspace.


View Image Thumbnails: This viewer allows users to run a quality control check on images by scanning and deleting blank thumbnails from a document. NOTE: The thumbnail viewer uses up significant environment resources. We recommend that no more than _____ users in an environment be granted this permission.

Relativity Compare

View the key differences between the extracted text of two documents. The appropriate field icon must be present on your view.

Copy Feature

Use this feature, located in the Group Management tab, by picking the group to which you want to apply permissions and then clicking the button to apply permissions from another group within your workspace.

Preview Errors

Use this option in the Relativity Desktop Client to ensure that your load file delimiters remain the same throughout the file.

Authentication Data

Use this to link a Relativity user with Microsoft Windows Active Directory user or an RSA two-factor authentication user. You can also bind Relativity with a secure client-side certificate.


Use this to quickly analyze your workspace data to identify trends or patterns. Use this to summarize data in tables or charts, simplifying the analysis process. Can be used whether you are looking at all records or a subset of records, such as search results.

Show Markup History

Use this to view the history of a redaction or annotation. Includes "Action," "User Name," and "Timestamp" information.

HTML Viewer

Used by default when reviewing documents in 9.1 environments.

Pivot On

Used to break down the totals displayed in each row. This field acts as the horizontal axis of the report. If a date field is chosen, you can also select month, year, or year/month to further drill down into the results.

New Field Form

Used to create and customize workspace fields by choosing from different criteria.


Used to create and execute SQL-based queries to customize and augment functionality.

Group By

Used to define the vertical axis of the Pivot grid. Can be run on its own. A list from which you select the field you want to act as your Group By value in your pivot profile. Only fields that are Pivot-enabled on the field page are available in this list. If a date field is chosen, you can also select month, year, or year/month to further drill down into the results.

Relational Field

Used to identify a group of related documents, such as families, duplicates, or near duplicates.

Markup Navigation Pane

Used to locate all of the markups throughout a document. *****Displays a list of all***** --redactions and highlights reviewers created in the document --References to their page numbers --References to parent markup sets

Conversation Parsing

Used to populate a relational field to group all replies and forwards in an email conversation. if the conversation family field is not populated in your workspace, you will us this transform to bring the MS Exchange info into the Conversation Family field.

Domain Parsing

Used to retrieve and save domains from email addresses in a field.

Core Reviewer Interface

Used to review and interact with your documents. Four main panels: persistent highlight sets pane, the Relativity viewer, layouts (coding forms), and the related items pane.

Keyword Expansion

Used to see how different language is used to express the same or similar concepts. Can also be used on a word (or longer passage of text) to identify other conceptually related terms and words in your index that you didn't expect. Can be run from the Documents Tab or from the Viewer (highlight words, right-click) Analytics REQUIRED


Used to store document metadata or coding within Relativity

Last and First Names

User tables and audit fields are referenced by these.

Higher Level

Users can be members of multiple groups. If multiple groups with the same user are assigned to one workspace, the _____ permissions on an object (including Object Security, Tab Visibility, and Admin Operations) are applied.

Tabs tab

Users with admin rights also have access to create new tabs via the _____ from Home.


Using _____ filters, you can select multiple conditions from a drop-down menu and connect them with the OR or AND operator. These filters are frequently associated with fields used for coding documents, and their conditions vary by the type and purpose of the field.

Popup picker

Using the _____ filter, you can select values for multiple/single choice fields or multiple/single object fields.

Go to Next/Previous Highlight

Using these arrows, you can easily navigate between the next and previous highlighted terms within your document. May also be used to navigate persistent highlight set term hits.

Pivot Profiles

Using these, you can create, save, and edit custom Pivot settings to use at any time. Once saved, these are accessible via a drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the item list. These include configured settings for the Group By, Pivot On, and Date fields, as well as chart formats.

Document View Selector

Using this, users can select how the document is displayed in the Core Reviewer Interface. Once a document is open in the viewer, use this to toggle the loaded formats of the file, such as native, image, long text, or production.

Control Number, Extracted Text, Group Identifier (default 3) or Any field with "Include in text index" set to "Yes"

What fields are included in the <all documents in workspace> searchable set option?


What is required to use a Relativity Application within a saved search? a) The document object must be linked with the application on the applications details layout b) There is no requirement c) It must be an system application tailored to integrate with a Saved Search d) The application must have a field that is in the index being used by the Saved Search


What is the boolean operator preference for dtSearch and Keyword search? a) dtsearch: OR then AND, Keyword: AND then OR b) Keyword: OR then AND, dtSearch: AND then OR c) This question hurts my brain d) dtsearch: AND then OR, Keyword: AND then OR


What is the file extension for a saved field map?


What is the order of precedence when processing? A) All are the same B) TIFF-on-the-fly takes precedence over all C) Native imaging takes precedence over all D) Processing and native imaging have the same priority


What is the result of deleting a folder (with sub-folders and searches) in the saved search browser? a) The folder is deleted, subfolders are given the parent of the deleted folder b) The folder and subfolders are deleted, but the searches are passed to the parent of the deleted folder c) The folder, subfolders, and searches are all deleted d) You cannot delete the folder until you deal with its contents manually

Unique Email Address

What must each user have to differentiate them from each other within Relativity?


When creating an application, if a(n) _____ exists in its setup, Relativity disables Export, Push to Library, and Show Application Breakdown options.

Field, Data

When creating or choosing fields, make sure the _____ type matches the ____ type to be loaded. (e.g., correctly formatted dates are load into a date type field)


When editing a markup (or group of markups) you can click and drag. You can also use the arrow keys. When using the arrow keys, the markups move ___ pixels per keypress: a) 5 b) 15 c) 25 d) 10


When mass deleting markups, which options do you have for page range? Select all a) The current page b) A page range c) All pages in current document d) All pages in the current folder


When previewing the load file, the first _____ items are displayed.

Header, footer

When processing transcripts, you also have the option to add or remove _____ and _____ content to and from your transcripts.

Main, keypad

When the numbers 0-9 are used as shortcuts, they only fire when you press these digits in the _____ section of the keyboard. The shortcut doesn't fire if you press those digits found in the _____.


When utilizing Dictionary Search, which columns are returned? (select all) a) Keyword b) Fuzziness Level c) Total Documents d) Number of Occurrences

File size, file icon, text fields

When you add a file field, Relativity automatically creates these items for the object.

Object Type

When you add a new _____ a tab is automatically created.


Which key allows for finer grain control when using the arrow keys to move markups? a) Shift b) Ctrl c) Alt d) Tab


Which of the following characters can be made searchable in a dtSearch index? a) ( b) ? c) @ d) - (hyphen)


Which of the following does the Password Bank NOT support (Select all that apply): A) Password-protected Encase files B) Microsoft OneNote files C) Individual password-protected files within a RAR D) RAR archive files E) Slip-sheet in place of a file if you don't have a password


Which of the following is invalid? a) NOT pear b) apple OR NOT pear c) banana NOT W/5 kiwi d) These are all valid Matt, nice try


Which of the following is not a special character to be used by a dtSearch? a) date() b) ## c) " " d) _


Which of the following permissions are required for a user to have access to the search conditions pane? Select as few as possible. a) Access to the Saved Searches Browser b) Edit permission for Search c) Add permission for Search d) Either b *or* c


Which of the following sets of searches will Relativity not interpret as a stop word? a) M b) M. c) 9 d) :


Which of the following statistics are available under 'Show Detailed Status' of a dtSearch index? (Select All) a) Doc Count b) Index Size c) Created Date d) Updated Date e) Last Build Duration f) Last Modified By


Which of the following would be returned by the keyword query "Step-brothers"? Select all. a) stepbrothers b) Step brothers c) step.brothers d) Step--brothers

Field Type

While most field information can be edited, a field's _____ is static and cannot be changed. At all. Ever.

Image Completion

_____ allows you to view the count of images completed in the OCR set, the number of images with errors, and the number of images left to be OCRed. Any errors appear in red.

Last Run Error

_____ allows you to view the last job error that occurred in the running of the OCR set.


_____ are Relativity artifacts. This means they have the same features as standard Relativity objects, allowing them to be secured and audited.

Boolean filters

_____ are available only on Yes/No field types. To use a _____, click the drop-down menu arrow and select Yes, No, or Blank from the list.


_____ are process managers and workers that run in the background of Relativity to complete jobs that you or another user scheduled in your environment.

System admins

_____ are the only users capable of performing the following operations: Script Details -Edit Permissions -View Audit button -Preview Script option New Script page -Script Body Editor -Create New Workspace script -Relativity Applications select box link -Select from Script Library radio buttons Edit Script page -Script Body Editor New Library Application -Import from file radio button -Select from Library radio button Group management -Add/Remove groups button

Dynamic Objects

_____ can be used to make more efficient use of data entry and organization.


_____ filters are frequently associated with fields used for coding documents. The conditions displayed in the drop-down menu for this filter vary by the type and purpose of the associated field. Similar to Boolean filters, you only filter on one condition at a time.

Inline tagging

_____ is a feature that allows you to tag sections of text within a transcript that you can then reference through hyperlinks.

Indented lists

_____ provide additional information to users by displaying levels within a relationship, such as an email conversation thread.


_____ refer to the highlights and redactions you can add to a document using the Relativity image viewer.

Queue priority

_____ refers to the order in which jobs are processed.

Stop OCR

_____ terminates the running OCR job. Once you do this, you cannot resume the job from the point it stopped.

Conversion, processing, and imaging; 100

by default, when you install Relativity, each worker in your environment is designated to do all available work, which includes these *three* things. It is recommended that you change this default so that, for every _____ simultaneous users in your environment, you have one worker dedicated to conversion only and another worker dedicated to processing and/or imaging (but not conversion).

2900, 1000

dtSearch: Max and Min years that can be searched

Production Set

only OCR Production Documents Containing Redactions - you can OCR only produced documents with redactions. You can set this to "yes" only if you selected a _____ in the production field for the OCR document Set.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

5.3 Internet Access Technologies

View Set


View Set

french 2 exam (fill in the proper form of the listed verb)

View Set