Religion 121 Quiz Questions

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The first portion of the book of Genesis primarily describes God's work of....


Obadiah proclaimed God's deliverance for His people and His judgment against the neighboring nation of


The judge whom God used to defeat the Midianites with an army of 300, trumpts and torches was


Through Haggai, God promised that when the temple was done

God would fill it with greater glory than the former temple

a key author of Proverbs is

King Solomon

The boy God called to be the priest-leader of Israel after Eli died was


According to Proverbs an excellent wife is all but

She keeps her mouth closed and learns in silence (does include working with eager hands, getting up while still night and provides food, opens arms to poor)

Many of the proverbs are attributed to David's son, King


The son of David who followed him as king was


The prophet Zephaniah warned God's people that ____ was coming

The Day of the Lord

A key theme of Ecclesiastes is that apart from God everything is

Vanity or meaningless

When Joshua calls the people to obey, their response is

We obeyed in the past and we will also obey you.

The Hebrew name for God is


Both Jonah and the people of Ninevah received from God the gift of

a second chance

the prophetic oracle that described the punishment God was sending the

judgment oracle

In a well known psalm, David wrote, The Lord is my


The author of Ecclesiastes is commonly called

the preacher

God answered Job by speaking out of a


to demonstrate his superiority over the false gods of Egypt, God afflicted the nation with ______ plagues


Through the prophet Jeremiah God told his people that they would be in Babylonian exile for

70 years

the Miraculous budding of a staff was God's confirmation that His choice for high priest was Moses' brother


God asked _____ to travel from his home in Ur to Canaan. God established His "covenant" with him.


the first human beings that God created were

Adam and Eve

The primary anchor for the absolute chronology of the Old Testament world is the date of a solar eclipse recorded in a list of honored officials from


The prophet Nahum foretold the destruction of the _________ Empire


There was constant temptation for the Israelites to mix their worship of Yahweh with worship of


the books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe the return of exiles to Judah from

Babylon or Persia?

After David became king, he committed adultery with _______ and had her husband killed in battle.


The prophet Micah proclaimed that God's promised coming ruler would be born in


A common view of the book is that it is actually describing

Christ and the church

The Persian king who allowed exiles from Judah to return to their homeland was


Already in Psalms 1-5, a key author of some of the psalms is identified as


An Israelite "empire that stretched from the elbow of the Euphrates in the north to the borders of Egypt in the south" was inherited by King Solomon from his father, King


The future king who killed the giant Goliath in battle was


When the first king was disobedient, the young shepherd boy God selected to be the next king was


A key element of 1-2 Chronicles is holding up as ideal the reigns of Kings

David and Solomon

The book of Zephaniah focuses on the coming

Day of the Lord

The prophet Joel used a locust plague as an analogy to describe the coming

Day of the Lord

When the ______ were found in the late 1940's they provided manuscripts of the OT that were a thousand years older than any previously available

Dead Sea Scrolls

The son who was sold into slavery was later used by God to rule over ______ as Pharaoh's assistant.


The young man who rebuked both Job and his friends was


Through Malachi, God told the people that before the great and awesome day of the God will send his prophet


the prophet who called down fire from God in a battle with the false prophets on Mt. Carmel was


The Jewish girl who was chosen to be queen of Persia and later saved her people from destruction was


The expert in the law of Moses who went from Babylon to Judah to teach the people was


the focus of the OT historical literature is

God and his covenant

Isaiah tells the people of Judah that

God does not want their sacrifices as long as their hands are full of blood

The prophet Malachi's prophecy begins with a resounding statement of

God's love for his people

Song of Songs expresses the goodness of human sexual love within the particular context of

God-ordained marriage

Before this young boy became the king, he led Israel in a great battle by killing the giant named:


the king who prayed for God to protect Judah from Sennacherib and the Assyrians and God answered his prayer was


Zechariah prophesied that on the Day of the Lord stuff that belongs to God will be marked

Holy to the Lord

God miraculously enabled this man to have a son in his old age who was named


Through the prophet Obadiah, God promised both the destruction of Edom and the restoration of


the nation of Israel eventually divides into the kingdoms of

Israel and Judah

Abraham's grandson who had four wives and twelve sons was


The book of Lamentations is believed to have been written by


The city whose walls fell down after the Israelites marched around it was


In Lamentations, Jeremiah lamented the destruction of the city of


The prophet Ezekiel calls the people of Judah to repentance in light of the coming destruction of


The ultimate goal of the OT is


The blameless and upright man from Uz whom God allowed Satan to test was


The three friends who came to "comfort" Job believed he was suffering because

Job had sinned

One of the twelve sons of Jacob whose older brothers sold him into slavery was


God's choice to lead the Hebrew's after Moses was


The man God appointed to lead the Israelites after the death of Moses was:


One of the primary authors of the Psalms was

King David

the historical figure traditionally believed to be this author was

King Solomon

Zechariah is one of the most important OT books in describing the coming


At the beginning of Joshua, the man Joshua has been appointed by God to lead God's people filling the role previously held by


The Hebrew baby who was placed in the river in a basket and later raised by the Pharaoh's daughter was


The one author hypothesis considers ____ to be the author or compiler of the Pentateuch.


the cup-bearer to King Artaxerxes who led the people of Judah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was


A prominent theme in the book of Jeremiah is the

New Covenant

NT is another way of saying

New Covenant

Jonah initially disobeyed God's command to preach in the Assyrian city of


God judged the world with a flood that covered the earth, but spared ____ and his family in an ark


the first five books of the OT are together known as the


The residents of the land of Palestine from whom it takes its name were the


The prostitute who hid the Hebrew spies was


The Moabite widow who believed in the true God, followed her mother-in-law Naomi back to Judah and became an ancestor of the Messiah was


the judge whose long hair was a symbol of the great strength God had given him was


When Hannah prayed for a son, God gave her ______, who grew up to be a great leader of Israel.


When the Israelites demanded that God give them a human king, the first one was


to call Moses to lead the Hebrews out of slavery, God spoke to him from

a burning bush

The book of Genesis begins with

a description of God's creation of the universe in general and the earth in particular

King David was guilty of

a lot of things, but both adultery and murder

As an illustration of the wickedness of God's people, he commanded the prophet Hosea to marry Gomer who was

a prostitute

Zechariah prophesied that in the coming day of the Lord, the Lord will be king over

all of the earth

God's plan from the beginning was to create a people

among whom he could dwell and with whom He could be in a relationship

Several of the Proverbs illustrate the attraction of wickedness by the symbol of

an adulterous woman

The prophet Amos spoke God's words of judgment against Israel, two years before _________ occurred

an earthquake

the physical world of the Old Testament, today called the middle East was the

ancient near East

To recover the material culture of the people of antiquity and, so doing, attempt to reconstruct their history and lifestyles is the purpose of ....


Isaiah conveys God's desire to His people that "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be...

as white as snow"

Isaiah prophesied that salvation would come through a servant of God who would

be wounded and suffer in payment for our sins

In song of Solomon the man finds the woman to be


One of their sins which Malachi told the people displeased God was bringing him offerings of

blemished lambs

Esther also demonstrates the truth that God's plan for his people

cannot be thwarted by the schemes of the wicked.

The word that originally meant reed or stalk of a plant and now refers to the measure of what is included in the Holy scriptures is


A key lesson from the OT is that God does not


One way God gave signs through the prophet Isaiah was by names the prophet gave to his


Another term for the Hebrews is God's

chosen people

God's stipulations for how he expected his people to live -- recorded first in Exodus and repeated in Deuteronomy are known as the ten


The book of Jonah illustrates the truth that God has the sovereign right to show His _______ whenever and to whomever he chooses .


One important even in Numbers is the _______ of the Hebrew people


As an act of His grace, God chose Abram and established a ______ with him


Old Testament often appears to be the history of the ______ more than a history of Israel


a sequence of actions repeated again and again in the same order is called a


The prophet Nahum proclaimed that God would _______ Ninevah this time


Major themes of the book of Proverbs include everything except

divine humor (does include fear of Lord, human speech, human sexuality)

The book also states that God hates


God gave hope that he will restore his people through a vision to the prophet Ezekiel in which a valley of ________ came to life

dry bones

Amos dates the beginning of his prophetic record to a time two years before the


In Daniel, the kingdoms of mean are contrasted with the kingdom of God which is


Among other problems, the prophet Zechariah rebukes the returned exiles for repeating the _________ of their ancestors

evil deeds

The departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt is known as the


One contrast drawn in Ecclesiastes is between

experience and revelation

God protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from execution in the

fiery furnace

Internally, the OT book of Psalms is divided into

five smaller books

Zechariah also saw a vision of God's curse, symbolized by a

flying scroll

The northern kingdom fell into idolatry King Jeroboam reintroduced the worship of

golden calves.

After Jonah was thrown into the sea, God saved him from drowning by having a __________ swallow him

great fish

God appointed Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations when Jeremiah

had not yet been born

the Psalmist testifies that he can sleep in peace because

he trusts in the Lord

All of the following are ways that God worked in the life of Daniel except

healing the crown prince of leprosy (did interpret dreams, protected in den of lions, interpreted handwriting on the wall)

As a result of Satan's attacks, Job lost all of the following except

his faith in God

The primary theme of the book of Leviticus is


Isaiah received his call from God in a vision in which he saw God

in the temple

The sin for which Ezra led the people of Judah in a prayer of repentance was

intermarrying with pagans

The book of Esther demonstrates that God is still at work even when he

is working behind the scenes

The book of Proverbs teaches that

it is better to be ruled by the righteous

When attempting to distinguish between Hebrew prose and poetry

it is difficult but possible to tell them apart

In the first chapter of Genesis,

it is stated that God created light on the first day and the sun on the fourth day.

The leaders God called to guide his people -- sometimes for a brief period and sometimes for several years were called


The first chapter of the book of Amos is primarily a proclamation of God's ______ upon Israel's neighbors.


The story told in Job describes the relationship among God's wisdom, sovereignty and


Yahweh is presented in Ezra/Nehemiah as a God who _____ his covenant.


the role of Boaz in the book of Ruth is an excellent illustration of the Hebrew character known as a

kinsman redeemer

The book of Leviticus contains all of the following, except

laws for prosperity offerings (there are guilt, peace, and sin offerings)

A key idea in Hosea is God's unchanging ______ for Israel


Contrary to what many Christians false believe, even in the OT God is a God of


The theme of Song of Songs is the proper context of


While the Hebrews were in the desert after leaving Egypt, God proveded them with a special bread called


An overall theme of Ecclesiastes is tat without God, life has no


The prophet Zechariah saw a vision of a man with a _______ in his hand

measuring line

the leaders and warriors who joined the army of David were known as his

mighty men

the belief in, and worship of only one God is


A key misunderstanding that the book of Job disproves is

only the wicked suffer

a key feature of Hebrew poetry


the meal eaten by the Hebrews on the night that they left Egypt is remembered by the feast called


the "fathers" of the Hebrew people are together known as


The final psalm calls everything that has breath to

praise the Lord

The ark of the covenant was the physical symbol of God's


Someone who speaks on behalf of someone else is a


Most of the literature from these five books is

prose narrative

The primary theme of both Ezra and Nehemiah is

renewing the covenant

On the seventh day of the creation week, God


The difficulties in "listening" to God "speaking through the Old Testament include

revelation was not in English Language or Western culture, everyone has assumptions, people have selective listening problems, Not God intends it to be mysterious

The prophet Micah proclaimed that the proper response to God's anger was not manipulating rituals, but

right prayer

God ordained that the seventh day be set aside as a holy


Leviticus also explained the system of ______ God had established.


Because Israel had only one God, that God could not be represented by idols and the rituals had to be performed in God's presence, there was only one ________ in Israel.


Some scholars believe that the transitions in the book of Psalms are explained by

seam psalms

God also promised through Haggai that he had chosen Zerubbabel and would make him like a

signet ring

Hebrew poetry and the poetry of other peoples in the Ancient Near East

similar in form and content

The first human couple disobeyed God in response to the serpent's temptation. This is the Bible's explanation for the origin of


The text of Genesis 1 describes God's creation of human beings on the ______ day


A major theme of Amos is that genuine obedience to God will also result in

social justice

A key attribute of God described in Daniel is his


The prophet Joel prophesied that one day God would pour out his _______ on all flesh


Haggai challenged the people to rebuild the


The ministry of Haggai stresses the importance of the ______ as a covenant symbol for Israel


Another important theme of 1-2 Chronicles is the importance of

temple worship

The science of manuscript comparison is also called

textual criticism

As the title for God, Isaiah used almost exclusively

the Holy one of Israel

The book of Song of Songs is often called

the Song of Solomon

A major portion of Joshua is devoted to

the conquest of Canaan and division of Canaan among the Hebrew tribes.

David also affirmed in the Psalms that God removes our transgressions from us as far as

the east is from the west

critical scholarship and criticism mean

the exercise of an expert sense of judgment about the text

According to Proverbs, the beginning of knowledge is found in

the fear of the Lord

Prophecies in the Ancient Near East were typically addressed to

the king

the Book of Numbers includes all of the following themes, except

the perfect obedience of the Hebrews (does include holiness of God, necessity of obedience to God, faithfulness of God to his covenant agreement)

The belief that the righteous prosper and the wicked suffer is called

the retribution principle

Solomon built a permanent place for God's people to worship him called

the temple

According to the author of Ecclesiastes there is a


We should understand a proverb to illustrate a general principle, not a


God gave a special sign through the prophet Isaiah that a _______ would conceive and bear a son


The book of Numbers describes events during the time when the Hebrews....

wandered in the wilderness

Because they disobeyed God, the Hebrews spent forty years

wandering in the wilderness

God appointed the prophet Ezekiel to be a ______ over the house of Israel


The key theme of Habakkuk is that even when we are confused about what God is doing

we must keep living by faith in God

The psalms within the book can be divided into all of the following except

wealth psalms (are praise, lament, wisdom psalms)

Many of the individual psalms draw a contrast between the way of the righteous and the way of the


The prophet of Habakkuk was amazed that God would punish his disobedient people by using hte Chaldeans who were

wickeder than God's people

Some of the proverb are written in the form of a father urging his son to seek


In the end God gave Job twice as much as he had before of everything except


Among other principles, Malachi taught what God expected in


a careful study of the OT is imperative if we are to understand


All of the following are included in the 10 Commandments God gave to the Hebrews, except

you shall not live in houses made of stone (does include no other gods before me, remember the sabbath day to keep it holy and you shall not commit adultery)

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