Religion Ch 2 / 2nd Sem

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Christians believe that Jesus is both God & Man

Why are Christians Christians?

They collaborated with the Romans and imposed cruel taxes. They pockets some of the money and were considered traitors

Why did the Jews generally despise tax collectors?


Jesus performed these to back up his words and to prove that he was the promised Messiah. These were also signs of God's Kingdom and these wonderful events invited all to believe in him.

"There I am in the midst of them"

Jesus said, Where two or three are gathered in my name,___________________________________________________________


Jesus warned that we shall be judged on how we have treated those who are outcast and marginalized.

Fully God and Fully Man

Jesus was

40 days

Jesus went to the desert for how long and then began his ministry.


Jesus' _____________ supported the claim that he made that God's kingdom had broken into human history.


Jesus' __________________ won salvation for us.


John preached baptism of _____________________ for forgiveness of sins


John's gospel combats this?


Joseph doesn't have a single line in the bible.

King David

Joseph is a descendant of who?


Joseph is the patron saint of ___________


Joseph took his family here when King Herod order the killing of all male infants in Bethlehem?

March 19

Joseph's feast day is on ______________

Physical healing, exorcisms, nature miracles and raising people from the dead

List the 4 types of miracles

Scripture, Sacraments, prayer, The church

List the 4 ways to meet Jesus

Challenging Jesus to satisfy his hunger by turning rocks into bread; Using his powers to throw himself off of the temple & let the angels catch him and Worldly power

List the three temptations of Christ.

Yes; Freely

Mary said ___________ to Gabriel and ______________entered into God's plan


Mary's husband, Jesus' foster father or legal father


Miracles ______________________ Jesus' great victory he w as to win through his death and resurrection.

1. Word became Flesh to reconcile us with God. 2. God's son clearly showed God's love to us 3. God made man, Jesus became the perfect model of holiness 4. By becoming human the Word of God made it possible to share in God's nature

Name the 4 blessings for all human beings that result from the Incarnation.


Simeon and Anna predicted Jesus' death on the __________

Sword of Sorrow

Simeon and Anna warned Mary that this will pierce her heart


Some Jewish authorities tried and found Jesus guilty of this because he claimed to be the Son of God.

Prophet; Crazy

Some thought Jesus was a ___________________ because of the way he preached and acted; some others, even some of his relatives thought he was _________________________

False - Jerusalem

T/F 3 times Jesus announced that his Passion and Resurrection would take place in the Holy City of Nazareth.


T/F Jesus experienced all that humans do?


T/F Jesus was born into poverty


T/F Mary's pregnancy was difficult for Joseph to handle. He planned on divorcing her quietly.


The Word became _____________


The announcement by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that God wanted her to be the Mother of the Savior, Jesus


The birth of Jesus, the Son of God


The celebration of the manifestation of God in human form; the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles or Non Jews

Egypt; Innocents

The flight to _______________ and the Slaughter of the ___________ reveal the forces of evil were at war with Jesus from the very beginning.

Holy Spirit

The gospels were written by the inspiration of ___________________

Sinners; Repent

The kingdom of God is open for _______________ but they too must _______________________

All People

The manifestation of Jesus to non Jews reveals that he came as the savior for whom?

The Word of God (Jesus)

The most important word ever spoken is this

Presentation in the Temple

The presentation of baby Jesus by Mary & Joseph in the temple took place 40 days after his birth.

True Identity

The resurrection and glorification of Jesus reveal his _______________ as God's son.


The rising of Jesus from the dead on the 3rd day after his Death on the cross. He was able to conquer death because he is God.


The teaching that God became flesh through the birth of Jesus, the Son of God and the child of Mary.


The truth about God that is always beyond human understanding

4 Gospels

These record many of the important deeds that Jesus performed and many teachings that guide us toward loving service for others

Public Life

This began when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist whose mission was to prepare the way for Jesus


This gives a description of the Incarnation

Hidden Life of Jesus

This refers to Jesus' life as a child, adolescent and young adult in Nazareth


Throughout the ordeal of his arrest, Jesus did not resist.


Visible signs of invisible grace the Risen Lord left his Church

1. He spoke with unique authority & didn't quote other Jewish leaders. 2. He also associated with prostitutes and tax collectors. 3. He claimed to speak for God.

What did Jesus do to threaten and anger authorities?

They symbolized that in the law given to Israelites through Moses and the prophets who announced the sufferings of the Messiah

What did the presence of Moses and Elijah signify?

Jesus was a historical person who taught in a specific place and time

What does Matthew's attention to geographical detail emphasize?

"This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel."

What is the essential message of Mark?


What is the feast day when we celebrate the Nativity?

To reconcile us with God by paying humanity's debt with God

What is the purpose of the incarnation?


What sets humans apart from other creatures?

Repentence, the coming of God's Kingdom and the need to put one's faith in the Gospel

What was Jesus Message in Mark 1:15?

We too must be willing to give up everything to gain the Kingdom

What was Jesus message in the parables about the man who discovered a treasure and the very special pearl?

"Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand."

What was Jesus' essential message according to Matthew?


When Mary & Joseph found Jesus when he was separated from him he was in the _______________________


When the Apostles were transformed from frightened cowards into people who boldly proclaimed the Good News.


Where in John's Gospel does he provide a beautiful theological description for the Incarnation?

4th commandment - Honor Your Father and Mother

Which commandment does Jesus model for us in his childhood?


Who did Jesus appoint as the head of the Apostles and to safeguard the faith from false teachings?


1st century heresy that taught Jesus only seemed to be human


A truth about God and his saving plan that will always be beyond human understanding.


A word that means YHWH is Salvation or Savior

By his death, Christ liberates himself from death; by his resurrection he opens for us the way to a new life

According to the CCC, what are the 2 aspects of the Paschal mystery?

False - Jesus possessed perfect freedom to always choose good.

Although Jesus was tempted, he could not have made choices that contradicted his Father's will


Who is the link between God and his saving plan


Who is the new Adam? The sinless Adam before the fall. He remained faithful unlike the Chosen People who often turned their back on God during their 40 years in the desert.

John the Baptist

Around 28 AD Jesus was baptized by this person.

12 years old

At what age was Jesus separated from his parents while on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Man; dignity

Because God became ____________ in Jesus, all of humanity has tremendous dignity.


Belief in this is a fundamental belief for every Christian.


Who or what is the greatest gift of all?

Simeon & Anna

Who recognized Jesus as the long awaited Messiah in the temple?


Who said, "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done according to your word."


Who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion because it was alleged that he claimed to be thee King of the Jews?


Who told Joseph that it was part of God's plan for Mary to bear the son of God?

"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

During Jesus' baptism what did a voice from heaven proclaim?


Who visited Jesus who were not Jews?


From where have we learned about Jesus?


God's greatness and his eternal _____________________ are beyond our grasp.


He learned to be this from his foster father Joseph?


How many men did Jesus chose to be his followers and eventually share his authority?

Initiated into the Church, When we receive the Holy Eucharist, when we are sick and our sins need forgiving and when we commit ourselves to a lifetime of sharing

In the sacraments Jesus comes to us in these very special moments in our lives.

Matthew and Luke

In what 2 Gospels to we know the background of the Annunciation

He lived his life for us, he is our model, he teaches us to be humble, how to pray, how to serve others, how to endure suffering and how to love

In what ways was Jesus the perfect man?




Jesus built this on the Apostles.


Jesus had a strong and charismatic personality


Jesus is a perfect example of this because even though he was all powerful, he humbled himself by becoming man and serving and dying for us.

Human & Divine

Jesus is both ________________ & ___________________


Jesus is what part of the Body of Christ


Jesus lived most of his life here.

The Church

Jesus lives in the Body of Christ which is this.

Elijah and Moses

Who were at the Transfiguration?

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