Religion - Chapter 1 - Article 8

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two parts - the Old Testament and the New Testament

How many parts is the Bible divided into? What are they called?

biblical inerrancy

The doctrine that the books of Sacred Scripture are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through Scripture for the sake of our salvation.

the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity

The ideas for the Bible were inspired to the writers of the Bible by _______ ______ ______, ________ ______ _____ ___ ___ _______.

To properly grasp what the human authors were trying to communicate, we must take into account the conditions of their time and culture, the literary genres in use at the time, and the modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating that were then current.

What must we take into account in order to properly grasp what the human authors were trying to communicate in the Bible?

divine inspiration

the divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the human authors of the books of the Bible so these authors could communicate through human words the divine message of salvation God wishes to reveal.


to blow or breathe into indicating that the thought seems to have come into us from something outside ourselves.


true or false - Accurately understanding what the human authors were trying to say in the Bible, allows us to better recognize God's message to us.


true or false - Because God loves us, he communicates with us in ways that we can understand.


true or false - Because the Bible's human authors were writing two thousand or more years ago, we have to take in to account the situations those authors were in.


true or false - Being Jewish, Jesus often quoted from the writings of the Old Testament and found inspiration and comfort from them as well.

false - Old Testament

true or false - For Christians, the New Testament prepares us for God's full revelation in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


true or false - God is never wrong.


true or false - God is the primary author of the Bible.

false - Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written.

true or false - It's not necessary for Sacred Scripture to be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written.


true or false - Jesus was Jewish.


true or false - Like Jesus, the Bible has both a human and a divine aspect to it.


true or false - The Bible is the sacred text for Christians.

false - God's truth was expressed using the human author's skills and creativity

true or false - The Holy Spirit dictated the Bible word for word to the human authors of it.


true or false - The books of the Bible teach the truths of faith accurately and without mistake.


true or false - Through the Bible, God speaks incomprehensible truths in ways that we can comprehend.

false - the guidance of the Holy Spirit

true or false - We can look for God's truths expressed in the Bible by remaining open to the guidance of Moses.


true or false - We must also look for God's truths expressed in the Bible.

false - we sometimes have to work to comprehend the words of the Bible's human authors

true or false - We never have to work to comprehend the words of the Bible's human authors.


true or false - accurately understanding what the human authors of the Bible were communicating helps us to better recognize God's message because it gives us a clearer picture of how God created the world.


true or false - accurately understanding what the human authors of the Bible were communicating helps us to spread God's message around the world.


true or false - accurately understanding what the human authors of the Bible were communicating shows us the importance of how Sacred Scripture must be passed down in the same way that it was written.

false - grasping the author's intentions in the Bible is not enough because God may have communicated truths that were not apparent to the author.

true or false - grasping the author's intentions in the Bible is enough.

false - because it is God's word being conveyed, God is the true author of Sacred Scripture.

true or false - humans are the true authors of Sacred Scripture.


true or false - reading and interpreting Sacred Scripture in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written is the work of biblical interpretation.


true or false - the Bible is a collaboration of God's message combined with human expression.


true or false - the Bible is both human and divine


true or false - the Bible's human authors had an understanding of the world that was unique to their time and place.


true or false - the Holy Spirit was alive within the human authors of the Bible, assisting them as they wrote.


true or false - the New Testament also tells us how Jesus' first followers, the early Church, overcame many obstacles to continue Jesus' saving mission.

false - Old Testament

true or false - the New Testament contains writings that remain sacred to the Jewish people also.

false - the New Testament

true or false - the Old Testament recounts much of the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


true or false - the human authors of Sacred Scripture were inspired by the Holy Spirit to communicate the truths God wanted us to know for our salvation.


true or false - the human authors of the Bible opened themselves up to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them.


true or false - the same spirit that guided the human authors of the Bible also guides us in understanding their words.


true or false - the saving truths expressed in the Bible are truly divine, but the means of expression are truly human.


true or false - the saving truths expressed within Sacred Scripture are inerrant (without error).


true or false - with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the human authors of the Bible were able to teach, "solidly, faithfully, and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation."

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