Religion Chapter 1- Baptism

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What is the form of Baptism in the Latin Rite?

"(Name)" I Baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HS."

What words did Jesus use to institute the Sacrament of Baptism?

"I Baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

What are the major sections of the Baptismal liturgy?

-Sign of the Cross - Reading the Word and a Homily - Litany of Saints - anointing with the oil of catechumens - Renewal of baptismal promises - The Baptism proper - Anointing with Holy Chrism - Clothing the Child in a white garment and giving the child a lighted candle - The Lord's Prayer - Blessings for the father, mother, and everyone present.

Why can a non-Christian not be a godparent?

A Godparent promises to help raise the child in the faith. One cannot be expected to give what one does not possess

Who is the ordinary minister of Baptism?

A bishop, priest, or deacon

What is the first, or Original Sin?

Adam and Eve's disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit

How is the Sacrament of Baptism prefigured in the Old Testament?

Baptism is prefigured in the Old Testament in types such as the Flood, crossing of the Red Sea, crossing thr Jordan River into the Promised Land, and Jewish rites of purification using blood or water.

Why is it not unreasonable to require baptism for those who have heard the gospel and understand that it is necessary for salvation?

Baptism is the means Christ established and the church in obedience cannot teach differently.

What should be done in a situation where there is no hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic faith?

Baptism should be delayed

Why can Baptism be received only once?

Because it leaves a permanent mark on our souls that cannot be removed.

How does infant baptism contribute to the spiritual growth of the family?

Because of The responsibilities Christian parents undertake, they are more motivated to live a profound Christian life.

If we can only be baptized once, what do we do if we sin after Baptism?

Christ instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation of those sins committed after Baptism.

What were the two daily practices of the Essenes?

Daily washings for purification and wearing of a white garment.

What is ex opere operato and how does it apply to Baptism?

Ex opere operato means by the very fact of doing something. Baptism imprints The soul with a permanent mark or character designating one as a follower of Christ by the very fact of receiving the Sacrament.

Is Baptism necessary for salvation?

For the most part yes, with the exception of Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire

What does it mean to say God is not held down by the sacraments?

God can give grace outside the sacraments (exceptions)

How does the story of Noah and the ark prefigure Baptism?

God used the Flood to purge the earth of moral evil, just as Baptism washes away Original and personal sin.

What is good about the reemergence of of the practice of Baptism by immersion in the Western church?

Going under the water symbolizes our burial into Christ's death. Emerging from it symbolizes our rising into new life.

What does it mean to be born into a fallen state?

Having lost the grace of original holiness (and justice) and friendship with God. It means we need saving grace.

What did St. John the Baptist have in common with the Essenes?

He lived an ascetic(disciplined) life in the wilderness and administered a baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

How did St. John the Baptist describe the difference between his baptism and the Baptism of Christ?

He said that his own baptism was with water for repentance to sins while the Baptism instituted by Christ would be with the Holy Spirit and fire.

What are the two basic forms of applying the matter (in this case water) of the Sacrament of Baptism?

Immersion- complete submersion of candidate Affusion - pouring over the head of a person

St. John the Baptist's baptism did not, in itself, forgive sins , but _________________________ that the person baptized wanted to be forgiven. And purified.

It was a testimony

Who can administer Baptism in case of emergency?

Legit anyone

What did Original Sin introduce into the world?

Loss of Paradise Concupiscence Suffering and death

What is the difference between mortal and venial sin?

Mortal- breaks our friendship with God Venial- only damages it.

Is infant baptism, an imposition on the child's freedom?

No, the child will decide whether or not to live the faith when they get older

How is Noah's ark a "type" or prefigure of the Church?

Noah and his family were kept safe within the ark, just as Christians are kept safe within the Church.

What are 3 Old Testament events that prefigure Baptism?

Noah and the Flood, crossing of the Red Sea, and the crossing of the River Jordan into the Promised Land.

Why is Baptism a Sacrament of faith?

One must explicitly or implicitly have faith to be baptized

Who makes the profession of faith for the babies in Baptism?

Parent/ Godparent in the child's name

Why does infant Baptism accord with reason?

Parents have the right and obligation to make all kinds of decisions for their children's future. The best thing they can do for their children is to have them baptized and raised in catholic faith

Why is the Christian home, a domestic Church?

The parents have the primary role of teaching, governing, and sanctifying their children.

What does it mean to say that water's use in ritualistic practice allows the symbolic physical action to transcend into metaphysical reality?

The water is used to physically cleanse our bodies, Christ chose water as a symbol of spiritual cleansing. In using the symbolic action of cleansing by water to actually purify a person spiritually, the symbolic action has become a metaphysical or beyond physical action.

What is justification?

Undeserved gift from God whereby a person is made right with God.

What does it mean to prefigure something?

It means to show or represent beforehand by a figure or type.

How were the blood and water that flowed from the side of Christ on the Cross, types of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Baptism?

All of the sacraments gain their powers through the sacrificial Death of Christ on the Cross. When His side was pierced, Blood and water flowed from the wound. This Blood was literally the Eucharist Blood that we receive in an un-bloody manner at mass(under the appearance of wine). The water which flowed from Christ was like the water of Baptism that saves us from spiritual death.

Who can be baptized?

Anoyone who believe and requests the Sacrament

What is sin?

Any chosen action by which a person effectively places his or her own will before the will of God.

What vocation does each Christian share?

Baptism calls each person to live out the priestly, prophetic and royal mission of Christ.

How do we receive the benefit of the forgiveness of Sins (Original and actual), which Christ won on the Cross?

In the Sacrament of Baptism

What is the connection between Baptizein and the Hebrew word Tabal?

In the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, the Greek Baptizein was used to translate the Hebrew word tabal, which was often used to describe various religious rites and actions in which water and blood was sprinkled to purify of uncleanness or deliver from evil.

Is infant baptism licit?

Infant baptism is in accord with reason and Church history

How does the crossing of the Red Sea prefigure Baptism?

Israel escaped slavery and was saved by passing through the waters of the Red Sea while Pharaoh's wicked forces were destroyed in it. In Baptism we are freed from the slavery of sin and our former lives and habits are washed away.

What does the Church mean when it teaches that baptism is necessary to be saved?

It means those who heard the gospel and had the opportunity to ask for it must be baptized in order to be saved.

What is the catechumenate?

Period of prayer, reflection, and instruction in which an adult candidate prepares for baptism

How old is the practice of infant baptism?

Probably goes back to the beginning of the Church when the Apostles baptized whole households. Church fathers speak of baptism as early as the 2nd century.

What is required for a child whose parents make the profession of faith for him or her?

Several years of post-baptismal experience

What was the purpose of St. John's Baptism?

St. John the Baptist preached a baptism that signified a repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus Himself underwent this Baptism in order to indent Himself with all mean.

What is the origin of the word Baptize?

The Greek verb Baptizein-> to plunge, emerge, dip

How does the Chosen People's crossing the Jordan River also prefigure Baptism?

The Hebrews, who wandered in the desert for forty years, crossed the Jordan river and enter into the Promised Land. In the waters of Baptism, the individual passes into the promised land of the Kingdom of God.

What is concupiscence?

The attraction to sin that remains even after Baptism

What is the role of the godparents or sponsors?

They help the child learn to live a Christian life

Why is Baptism the basis and foundation of the Christian life?

Through baptism the individual receives supernatural life, membership into the family of God, and access to the other sacraments, especially Confirmation and Eucharist.

What responsibilities do the parents of the baptized infant freely accept?

To agree to train the child in the practice of the Faith and teach the child to keep the commandments.

Why are the baptized given a saints name?

To help inspire them in the Christian life

What does it mea that the Church is bound to the sacraments but God is not?

While and individual should seek God's grace in the way and manner Christ instructed, God can chose any means He wishes to convey His grace in accordance with His divine wisdom

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