Religion Chapter 12
What are some ways that we, the Body of Christ, can continue Christ's work of salvation?
- Bringing Jesus' healing and forgiveness to others - Living a life of prayer, holiness, and good works - Leading others to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior of the world - Reaching out to the poor, sick, lonely, oppressed, and rejected
Jesus' return, in all his glory, to his Father in heaven forty days after his Resurrection is known as the _______________________________________________.
(Baptism/paschal mystery/resurrection) gives each member of the Christian community the responsibility to participate in the mission of Jesus.
The Church united together in Christ is called the _____________________.
Body of Christ
The Eucharist, which at that time was known as _________________________________, was at the center of the life of the early Church.
Breaking of the bread
Jesus Christ's suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension, through which he accomplished his work of salvation, are known as the ____________________________.
Paschal Mystery
The (apostles/angels/ascension) established many communities of Christians who all met regularly to celebrate the Eucharist.
As disciples of Jesus we wait in joyful hope for Jesus' return in his (first/second/third) coming at the end of time.
On the (first/second/third) day after Jesus' death on the cross, some of Jesus' disciples went to his tomb and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.