Religion-Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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What Christian believe is expressed in the doctrine of the Incarnation?

The Christian belief that is expressed in the doctrine of the Incarnation is that Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Son of God; He is truly God and truly a man, Jesus was both from a divine nature and human nature.

What was the intimate message from God that Jesus received at his Baptism?

The intimate message from God that Jesus received at his Baptism was "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.".

What happened to Jesus during his 40 days in the desert wilderness? How did this prepare him for his coming ministry?

The thing that happened to Jesus during his 40 days in the desert wilderness was that Jesus was tempted by the devil three times to give up his complete dependence on God and accept the easy and attractive forms of power offered by the devil. This prepared him for his coming ministry by preparing him for whatever was to come (more hard challenges).

What two different insights about Jesus are given to us in the Nativity stories in Luke's and Matthew's Gospels?

The two different insights about Jesus that are given to us in the Nativity stories and Luke's and Matthews Gospels are that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and that poor shepherds came to the stable to worship the newborn baby as Jesus' coming being a source for poor people and people that are on the fringes of society (which was from Luke's Gospel) and Jesus was born in Bethlehem and that wise men/magi travel long distances, with the help of following a brilliant star, to see and offer homage to the child as Jesus' coming being a light to the nations (which was from Matthew's Gospel).

How did Peter answer Jesus' question, "'Who do you say that I am?'"

Peter answered Jesus' question "'Who do you say that I am?'" by saying "'You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.'".

Give the quotes from the Gospel of John and from Paul's Letter to the Philippians that express the mystery of God becoming human in Jesus.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but may have eternal life." "Who, so he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death-even death on the cross."


-the announcement of the Incarnation of Jesus by the Angel Gabriel to Mary -it is also known as "Mary's Fiat"


1st Council: -it was held in 15 A.D. in Jerusalem -it was also called the "Council of Jerusalem" -it was about admitting non-Jews (into being a Catholic-Christian) without circumcision

According to the account in the Gospel of Luke, how was Jesus conceived?

According to the account in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; God used to Holy Spirit and chose and put the baby in Mary (who is an engaged virgin girl)'s womb.


God becoming a human being Jesus is the incarnation

Using the images from the parable of Juan, tell why God became human in Jesus.

Using the images from the parable of Juan, God became human in Jesus because God wanted to reach people intimately by becoming one with them; meaning, God was like Juan, he created the world (in Juan's case, he created a bowl), he was lonely so he creative people (while Juan bought a fish), people sinned (the fish wouldn't listen to Juan's commands), Juan's mother said that the fish didn't listen to him because they don't "speak the same language", God created Jesus so that we could "speak the same language" and that he could show us the way (while Juan dreamt of being a fish so that he can show the fish what to do).


a false teaching about God


a heresy that denies the full humanity and full divinity of Jesus


a heresy that denies the full humanity of Jesus

Nicene Creed

a written statement that defines the beliefs of the (Catholic-)Christian Church it was written and made in 381 A.D. in Constantinople

Council of Nicaea

it was a council that was held in Nicaea it rejected Arianism took place in 325 A.D.


the story of Jesus' birth Story: Mary was a 14 year-old virgin who was engaged to a man named Joseph (who was a carpenter), an Angel named Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she would give birth to a Savior (Angel Gabriel told her that "The Holy Spirit will come upon you for you have been highly favored by God." and Mary replied "Yes. Let it be done to me according to your will."),and Jesus was eventually born in a manger (bed).


the study of Jesus Christ it is aimed at the study of understanding who/what Jesus is/was

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