Religion- Chapter 6

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What is the feast of the Epiphany?

The Epiphany recalls the visit of the Magi {wise men}. It celebrates Jesus manifestation {showing} as the Messiah.

What id the Flight into Egypt?

The Holy Family {Jesus, Mary, & Joseph} traveled to Egypt in order to avoid King Herod from killing Jesus.

Who are the Holy Innocents?

The children killed by King Herod

What is the Kingdom of God? How did Jesus proclaim it?

The kingdom of God is the reconciliation and renewal of all things by God through Jesus Christ. God's will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The kingdom of God begins with Jesus and will be perfectly completed at the end of time. Jesus proclaimed the kingdom by his very own life and example.

The Gospel of Matthew refers to Jesus as the Son of David and the New Moses? Why?

When Matthew calls Jesus the Son of David, the link between Jesus as a descendent of David and the promised Messiah. When Matthew refers Jesus as the New Moses, it declares he is the new law giver and the one who will establish the new covenant.

what is the Nativity?

birth of Jesus

What does the gospel mean?

good news

What does disciple mean?


Name the 3 synoptic gospels?

1. Mark 2. Matthew 3. Luke

What took place at the Transfiguration?

Jesus appeared in divine glory with Moses and Elijah. Peter, James, and John witnessed it.

How does Jesus' relationship with his disciples differ from the rabbi-disciple relationships of his day?

Jesus chose his apostles and he taught on his own authority.

What is the central theme of Mark's Gospel?

Jesus is both human and divine

What does Jesus' Presentation in the Temple signify?

Obedience to the law

In the Gospel of Matthew, what are 5 ways Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophecies?

1. Born in Bethlehem 2. Flight into Egypt 3. Leading by Serving 4. Teaching in Parables 5. Judas Betrays Jesus

Explain these titles applied to Jesus? 1. Christ 2. Son of Man 3. Suffering Servant

1. Christ means that Jesus is the Anointed One or the Messiah (one who saves) 2. Son of Man means from the Old Testament Book of Daniel, this title refers to the Messiah who will come in Glory. 3. Suffering Servant means that is refers to the suffering the Messiah must endure for the sake of his people.

The Gospel of Mark emphasizes that the son of God took on human nature. Give 2 or 3 examples of this.

1. Jesus displayed emotions 2. Jesus embraced children

Nam the audience for the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke?

1. Mark= persecuted Gentile Christians 2. Matthew= Jewish Christians familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures. 3. L= poor, disenfranchised Gentile Christians

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke offer the story of Jesus' birth. There are differences between the stories, but both infancy narratives include 6 key ideas.

1. Mary as the Virgin Mother of God and Spiritual Mother of all. 2. Mary conceived the Holy Spirit. 3. Kind Herod & Bethlehem are mentioned. 4. The name Jesus is given. It means "God saves" 5. Jesus is a descendent of King David 6. Nazareth is Jesus' hometown

Who were the 12 apostles?

1. Peter 2. Andrew 3. James 4. John 5. Phillip 6. Bartholomew 7. Matthew 8. Thomas 9. James the Lesser 10. Simon the Zealot 11. Judas 12. Judas Iscariot

Name 3 major sources for the New Testament Writings?

1. Q= stands for the quelle (source) writings that probably offered a collection of Jesus' sayings. 2. M= source material unique to Matthew 3. L= source material unique to Luke

Name the three distinct but interrelated ways that the term gospel is used?

1. The LIFE OF JESUS Christ is the good news. 2. PREACHING ABOUT JESUS is the good news. 3. the FOUR WRITTEN VERSIONS of the gospels are the good news.

Jesus went to the desert for 40 days/nights during which he was tempted 3 times. What were they?

1. To eat the bread: possessions- instant bread 2. To worship Satan: power- instant authority 3. To test God by jumping off the Temple roof: prestige-instant glory

In the synoptic Gospels, when does the public ministry of Jesus begin?

At his baptism

What does Emmanuel mean? Why is it an appropriate title for Jesus?

Emmanuel means "God with us." The title explains his fulfillment of the Emmanuel prophecies and clearly states he will be with us always.

The synoptic Gospels present the Mysteries of Christ's life. To what do these mysteries refer?

God is Mystery. The mysteries indicated in the synoptic Gospels refer to God's saving plan that unfolded in Jesus Christ.

Why was Jesus baptized?

It shows his humility and the acceptance of the ministry. It also highlighted the Three persons of the Holy Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Spirit}

Jesus most clearly proclaimed the Gospel through the living of?

Paschal Mystery {suffering, death, resurrection and ascension}

What are the Hidden Years?

They refer to the life of Jesus before his public ministry.

What was the purpose of Jesus' miracles?

They were a sign of the Messianic age. They showed his power over sin.

What does Jesus circumcision illustrate?

obedience to the law

What does synoptic mean?


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