Religion: Church Fathers Quiz

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How did Tertullian feel about martyrdom?

Tertullian felt that the Christians destiny was to become a marty, and one shouldn't run away from persecution and martyrdom, but rather face it and accept their fate

Like, OMG, Tertullian was the first-known writer in Latin to use the word ! #ChurchDaddySwag

He is the first-known writer in Latin to use the word "Trinity"

What five-volume work did Irenaeus write?

"Against Heresies", written largely to combat Gnosticism

In general, it will help if you're able to see a Tertullian quote and recognize meow that is his.

"Nothing, however, in Pontus, is so barbarous and sad as the fact that Marcion was born there!" "What Pontic mouse ever had such gnawing powers as he who has gnawed the Gospels to pieces?!" "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Or the Academy to do with the Church?" "Zealously go on, you will stand higher with the people if you sacrifice Christians at their wish, kill us, torture us, condemn us, grind us to dust; your injustice us the proof that we are innocent!... Nor does your cruelty, however exquisite, avail you; it is rather a temptation to us. The oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow —- for the blood of Christians is the seed [of the Church]."

Eventually, as Tertullian's morality became more rigid and extreme like A.B., C.C., J.C., M.C., and J.R.'s X-C skills, what did he end up doing, bro? (By the way, this is why he isn't regarded as a saint — but the fact that his writings were still so influential and he's still so highly regarded shows you just how boss he was as a Church Daddy.)

As Tertullian's morality became more rigid and extreme, he opposed any laxity or complacency and believed that Christians must do what is right and not back down regardless what others think, even if they'll be persecuted for their actions. He wanted the church to be pure and good, free of corruption, which led to him teaching that Christians shouldnt attend Roman theatres or amphitheaters, since they were a source of mich that was immodest or immoral, even cruel. This rigid morality had some negative views, teaching that women should always be veiled and blamed them for original sin in some anti-women texts. He eventually joined a heretical, schismatic sect known as Montanism, which shared his rigorist views.

What do the ideas of a "new Adam" and "recapitulation" have to do with Irenaeus's theology?

Christ, the Word made flesh, is the very center and keystone of all creation, the "new Adam", who renews creation and "recapitulates" all things in Himself. This relates to the future Incarnate Word which was the model that God followed in making humans in the divine image.

What do the Church Fathers have to do with the development of doctrine?

Church Fathers contributed to the development of doctrine through their writings in response to the heresies.

How does Clement feel about philosophy?

Clement feels that philosophy has been given to the Greeks just as the Mosaic Law has been given to the Jews. Both have purpose of leading to the ultimate truth, now revealed in Christ.

What is St. Clement's personality like and where does the future of humanity lie for him?

Clement has a gentle, serene, open-minded, optimistic, sage-like personality and for him, the future of humanity lies in spiritual refinement by divine education, not judgement and hellfire.

What is Clement known for?

Clement is known for trying to cast orthodox Christianity in terms more appealing to Gnostics.

How is Clement different from Irenaeus?

Clement was a thinker and a searcher rather than a pastor.

Defenses of the faith are called , and their authors are called ?

Defenses of faith are called apologies and their authors are called apologetics.

What did Gnosticism believe about human souls?

Gnostics believed that human souls were like "sparks" from the higher divine realm that got trapped within material bodies.

What did Gnosticism believe about the material world?

Gnostics believed that the material world was evil, created by a lesser, inferior god.

How does Clement speak on the enlightened Christian advancing from simple faith toward knowledge?

He says that they can advance from simple faith toward knowledge, the deeper understanding and imitation of the Word (Son) by a daily obedience to the divine command. Clement sees spiritual perfection in intellectual terms attainable by an elite group but unlike the Gnostics, he also stresses the need for the authority structures of the "visible Church"

Why is Origen known as a giant of biblical scholarship?

He was a giant of biblical scholarship because among his most incredible accomplishments is the Hexapla, an immense edition of the Old Testament which he spent over twenty years copying out.

Tertullian wrote five books against which heresy? (Note: if you see some of the funny insults by which Tertullian lays the smack-down on this heretic, and you can recognize that Tertullian is the author, that will help you.)

He writes his five books against Marcionism

What is heresy, and what is orthodoxy?

Heresy is an idea, belief or teaching that is contrary to official Church doctrine/teaching — often "heresy" means especially an idea that's been specifically rejected by the Church. Orthodoxy is the opposite of a heresy and it is the beliefs or ideas that are in agreement with Church teaching.

What is Clements' goal?

His goal was not so much to expound the traditional faith of the Church as to help those in quest of deeper truth, and to convince pagan intellectuals that Christianity was not the absurd superstition that some claimed it to be. Clement sought to show that "faith is not opposed to reason".

What is Tertullian's personality like, and what's he like in his writings?

In his writings, he is bold, tough, forceful, in-your-face, and confrontational. He was born a rebel and his personality is shown through his writings.

In the context of the Church Fathers, what is an "apology", and what is an "apologist"?

In the context of the Church Fathers, an apology is also "defenses of faith" and an apologist is any of the writers who attempt to give a defense of their faith, towards Christianity.

Irenaeus sees the Word (Son) and the Holy Spirit as God's two what?

Irenaeus sees the Word and the Holy Spirit as the "two hands" of God.

What was Irenaeus's attitude to philosophy?

Irenaeus's attitude towards philosophy is that he was not particularly interested in philosophical speculations but rather in leading his flock in Christian life and faith. In his writings he does not seek to rise in great speculative flights, but simply refute heresy and instruct believers.

What is Marcionism?

Marcionism is a Gnostic-like heresy that rejected the Old Testament, saying it was from a different God than the true, loving God of Jesus.

Is Clement still a saint? Why or why not?

No Clement is not a saint anymore, Pope Sixtus V removed his name from the list of saints because he felt that some of Clements writings weren't quite orthodox — speaking of Christ as if He weren't quite fully human, and didn't share the full range of human emotions, passions and feelings.

Was Catholic/Christian orthodoxy completely figured out at the very start of the Church? Explain.

No, Catholic and Christian orthodoxy was not completely figured out at the very start of the Church. Orthodoxy developed over time and it continues to do so, there are things that the Church continues to believe without any change and has always believed some of these ideas that have been believed for centuries is just beginning to be spelled out because of debate, discussion and prayer constantly.

According to legend, how did Origen's mother stop him from offering himself as a martyr?

Origen wanted to offer himself as a martyr as well, but his mother prevented him by hiding all his clothes so he couldn't leave home.

Rumor has it that Origen took Matthew 19:12 literally, and did what?

Origen was very zealous in his faith, and it is said that out of a desire to avoid sexual sin and castrated himself.

What happened to Origen's father?

Origens father was beheaded as a martyr during one of the waves of Roman persecutions, which affected Origen deeply.

What is Origen's idea of apocatastasis about?

Origens idea of apocatastasis is also held by some other Church Fathers after him until it was rejected by the Church as heretical. This idea says that, those in hell can still repent and eventually they will, so hell is only temporary and in the end, all created spirits, even Satan and his devils, will turn back to God and be saved.

What is distinctive about Origen's way of interpreting the Bible?

Origens way of interpreting the Bible is very specific and down to every word. He has an allegorical, spiritual method of interpreting the Bible and he sees a deeper, symbolic meaning hidden in everything.

Yo, what was Tertullian's life like before his conversion to Christianity?

Tertullian practiced law and was trained in rhetoric before his conversion to Christianity. He was married and was also ordained a priest, he led a wayward, immoral, and lustful life and he also committed adultery frequently.

Dude, how does Tertullian feel about Greek philosophy?

Tertullian thinks that Greek philosophy is dangerous and foolish and that Jesus Christ is the only true philosopher. He also thinks that whatever value that may be found in the writings of th pagan Greeks has been

Hey man, how did Tertullian feel about war?

Tertullian was a pacifist, meaning that he is against war, as were many Christian Fathers.

In Origen's speculative theology, what is the "pre-existence of souls" idea about?

The "pre-existence of souls" idea is that we existed as souls in a spiritual realm prior to descending into our bodies at birth. These spirits were meant to contemplate the Word and grow in loving union with Him — however, all of them fell away by choosing not to advance in union with Him.

What does the term "Church Father" refer to? I.e., what is a church father?

The Church Fathers are early figures whose teachings and writings are foundational for Christianity. The Church Fathers were usually bishops and their writings include letters, sermons, speeches, defenses of faith, commentary on Scripture, philosophical works, etc., addressing all sorts of topics.

What are some kinds of things the Church Fathers wrote?

The Church Fathers wrote letters, sermons, speeches, defenses of faith, commentary on Scripture, and philosophical works.

What is unique about Irenaeus's view of the Incarnation in relation to original sin? I.e., for Irenaeus, what is the main purpose of Christ becoming human?

The Incarnation would still have occurred even if there were no original sin, because its main purpose is not to redeem us from sin, but to unite us with God

In his writing, Irenaeus especially stresses whose authority?

The authority of bishops as successors to Jesus's apostles.

What does the development of doctrine have to do with heresy and orthodoxy?

The development of doctrine and orthodoxy comes from the controversy referring to heresy.

How does the development of doctrine often happen?

The development of doctrine often comes about when Christians have different ideas, and discussion and controversy ensues with the Church as a whole eventually defining what is orthodoxy and what is heresy.

What heresy did St. Irenaeus try to combat?

The heresy of Gnosticism

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