Religion final: CH 4,5,6 and Tests

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T or F: Matthew used the term "Kingdom of Heaven" in order to distinguish his Gospel from Luke's Gospel.

False: Matthew used the term "Kingdom of heaven" because he was writing to the Jews whom did not recognize the kingdom as the kingdom of God because they refrained from saying "God" because it was too holy

T or F: The parable of the wheat and the weeds tells us that saints and sinners will exist together beyond death.

False: The parable of the wheat and the weeds tells us that God will separate the good from the bad. He will reward the faithful and punish the evildoers in the Kingdom.

T or F: Any person who witnessed one of Jesus' miracles became a believer.

False: not everyone who witnessed one of Jesus' miracles became a believer because they said the power came from Satan

T OR F: Jesus thought that giving money to the poor was more important than anointing his body for burial


T OR F: the outwardly religious have a better chance of entering the kingdom of God than the poor or sinners


Compare the Passover to the passion

GarJesus is the "lamb of God" Passover -lamb is sacrificed -blood on wooden doorposts -salvation from literal slavery Passion -Jesus is sacrificed -Blood on wood of the cross -salvation from slavery to sin

-Jesus is arrested

Garden of Gethsemane

-Jesus prays for another way

Garden of Gethsemane

-Judas kisses Jesus in greeting as a way to let the soldiers know who he is

Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus prayed in agony in the Garden of ___________________


what is the theme of the prodigal son?

God will forgive you if you are sorry

the beatitudes call us to go beyond the _________________

Golden Rule

Jesus was crucified at __________________


what story(s) occurs only in Matthew?

Guards report to the authorities Jesus' appears to the eleven before his ascension- giving the great commision

why did Constantine In 324, choose a new capital for his empire?

He defeated the Eastern Emperor & became the sole ruler of Rome. The West was falling apart & he wanted a "New Rome"

what did Constantine do as a result of the victory in the battle of the melvian bridge?

He now supported Christianity and made it legal in 313 with the Edict of Milan.

offered sacrifices and took care of other cultic/ritual concerns in the temple

High priest, chief priests, priests and Levites

What motivated Judas to betray Jesus? Why did the priests and elders involve judas in the betrayal ?

His motive of grief fits John's description of Judas as the one who kept and stole from the money purse of the apostles. Judas was tempted by satan and he may have been disappointed in the type of Messiah Jesus was and maybe by arresting him, he'd be motivated to start his revolution. Judas may not have realized Jesus would be put to death. The leaders involved Judas because they needed an insider to deliver up Jesus.

the high priest was the only person allowed to enter the ____________________

Holy of Holies

the translation for the Hebrew word for God, Yahweh

I am

a latin abbreviation for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"


this was the charge against Jesus that the Sanhedrin brought to Pilate


God's plan of Salvation through the death of a suffering servant was foretold by this prophet


In Luke's gospel, why does Jerusalem play a central role for Jesus' ministry?

Jerusalem becomes Jesus' destination for it is impossible that a prophet should die outside of Jerusalem. It was Jesus' destination because as a prophet, he knew he needed to go there to die

.... God greatly exalted him... that at the name of __________ Every knee should bend...


describe the story in John when Jesus appears to the twelve apostles

Jesus appears on the room where the apostles were hiding from authorities. Jesus shows them his wounds and tells them to continue his work. Jesus gives the disciples the gift of the holy spirit and the authority to forgive sings in his name through baptism and penanse and to announce God's salvation through the forgivenees​s of sins

what two things did Jesus ask people to do when he announced the coming of the kingdom of God?

Jesus asked people to prepare for God's rule by turning from their sins- repenting and believing in the good news

why did Jesus stay, and not escape, when he knew he was in danger?

Jesus did not escape because he had full humanity, full trust in God. He knew this was God's will for him and that his death would lead to life of other people, for their sins would be forgiven. Since Jesus was the new Adam, he wasn't blocked by sin so he had free will to choose God's will for him.

what does the voice say at the Transfiguration?

"This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him." This recalls the baptism event.

what was Simon Peter's response to Jesus' question?

"You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God"

what was constantine's vision? what did it mean?

"in this sign you will conquer" Before the decisive battle, he had a vision promising him that he would conquer through a special sign. Soldiers were instructed to put this on their banners & shields.

what did Jesus ask of his disciples at the Transfiguration?

"who do people say that the son of man is?"

List three things from the Sermon on the Plain that the Lord requires of his followers.

- to live by the golden rule -imitate God by being kind to ungrateful and wicked people -listen to the words of Jesus, making them alive in our lives

why did Christianity grow despite persecution?

-Christian God was unconditionally loving & dependable, unlike the Roman gods -not vengeful -All were equal in the Church -Martyrdoms inspired more Romans to join

How does Isaiah 53 foretell/ connect to Jesus' passion?

-Jesus had no special qualities that would draw us to him just like the servant -the lamb would be sacrificed and he himself, the lamb of God, was sacrificed -the servant would be punctured, Jesus was punctured at his side at his crucifixion -the servant would take on suffering, Jesus took on suffering for our sins

what is the story and meaning of Jesus driving out the money changers and vendors outside the temple of Jerusalem?

Jesus entered the temple area and drove out money changers, he had flipped tables and was outraged. This is unusual because the business conducted at the temple was religious in nature. Jesus' charge that the temple had become a den of thieves showed he had authority over the religious practices of Israel, a fact that enrages the religious leaders.

-Jesus is on a donkey as he rides through the city

Jesus enters Jerusalem

-palm branches are laid at Jesus' feet

Jesus enters Jerusalem

-the people welcome Jesus

Jesus enters Jerusalem

what are the scenes that appear in the longer ending of Mark's gospel?

-Mary Magdalene- she told the apostles she had seen Jesus and they did not appear to her -Two disciples on the road- Jesus appears to two on a road and they report what they saw to others but are not believed -Jesus appears to the eleven- At a meal Jesus rebukes them for not believing those who saw him and instructs them to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel, perform exorcisms, speak in tongues, handle deadly serpents and drink poisons witout harm and heal the sick -the ascension of Jesus- apostles preach the gospel everywhere and the Lord worked through them by confirming​ their preaching with signs

what are the primary messages of the Parables?

-Salvation is here -the Kingdom of God is a pure gift -God loves sinners -The Good News about the Kingdom of God requires an urgent response -The Good News of God's Kingdom demands repentance -following Jesus may bring suffering

what are the graces or effects of receiving holy communion?

-a more intimate union with Jesus Christ -separation from sin by wiping away venial sin and strength to combat mortal sin -greater unity with other members of Christ's body, the church -better ability to see Christ in the poor whom we must serve -a commitment to work for unity among all christians

who was Joseph of Arimathea?

-a secret disciple, a member of the Sanhedrin who sought permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Jesus down from the cross and bury him in a new grave which he owned and was near the sight of Jesus' crucifixion

Why was Jesus targeted by the Jewish authorities?

-he often seemed to cause tension and conflict -society's outcasts became the cornerstone of his message -claimed a position of authority for himself

Why was Jesus targeted by the Jewish authorities?

-he often seemed to cause tension and conflict -society's outcasts became the cornerstone of his message -claimed a position of authority for himself

what is the importance/significance of the Passion?

-it is the central event of the bible -everything leads up to this moment -God fulfills his promise in the ultimate paradox: Death leads to life

Explain how the chief priests and other Jewish leaders had economic and religious interest in the temple.

-it was powerful and they were representatives whom were in charge. Tax money economically led them to becoming wealthy. They were in charge of religious practices and rituals.

what are two connections between the Jewish passover and the Last Supper?

-the israelites passing over from slavery to freedom, and christians passing over from slavery of sin to freedom of sin -the sacrificial lamb (at Passover) and the Lamb of God (Jesus) both shed blood/ are sacrificed so others may live -passover meal with unleavened bread and the Last Supper, Jesus gives us his body in the form of Bread

what are the similarities in the gospel accounts?

-the resurrection took place in the morning on the first day of the week -women were present and Mary M was in each -empty tomb -messengers at the tomb- women were instructed to tell disciples -Jesus appeared to his disciples

what are the three main reasons why Jesus' parables are important?

-they convey the heart of his message -they show that Jesus was an outstanding teacher -they give us a good idea of how Jesus was able to defend himself against opponents

what was crucifixion like?

-worst form of execution- for slaves and revolutionaries -carried the crossbeam -nailed to beam by his wrists -beam attached to an upright beam= being upright assured longer life therefore longer suffering

what events take place during the Passion?

Jesus had entered Jerusalem on a colt and was welcomed by the people for they were common people who liked him since he performed miracles and forgave sins. Then Jesus has his last supper, a Passover seder meal, with his apostles and established the new covenant by breaking bread and drinking from the cup. Later on Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane with some of his apostles and he prays as Judas is negotiating with Roman authorities to betray him by selling him. Judas goes to the Garden and betrays him with a kiss, notifying the guards that that man was the one they wanted. Jesus was arrested and put to trial by and Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate. He followed the way to the cross, carrying his own cross and was then crucified.

How did Jesus institute the Eucharist? Why did he do so?

Jesus left his disciples a pledge of his love so that he would never depart from his own and to make them sharers in his passover. He instituted the Eucharist as a memorial of his death and resurrection. He gave his disciples his body and blood in the form of Bread and wine. By dong this Jesus gave the Jewish Passover its definite meaning.

what is the symbolism of the appearance by sea?

Jesus making breakfast on the charcoal fire is similar to the fire burning in the courtyard when Peter denied Jesus. In the story, the large catch of fish symbolizes the apostles with peter as the rock, will be fishers of the people bringing the whole world to christ.

Pilate had Jesus' charge posted on the Cross. The abbreviation of the charge is INRI, which stands for__________________________________

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews

what does INRI mean?

Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews

what happened at the Transfiguration?

Jesus revealed his glory to Peter, James, and John on the mountain

why does Jesus enter Jerusalem on a colt?

Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a colt, fulfilling a prophecy of Zechariah 9:9

why did Pontius Pilate crucify Jesus?

Jesus was a threat to Roman authority. Pilate was cruel. Jews persuaded Pilate, especially by the large crowd of the Sanhedrin

why did Christianity start off as a movement within Judaism?

Jesus was believed to be the Jewish Messiah. All the first Christians were Jews.

which of the following conditions does NOT indicate that Jesus was poor? Jesus lacked food and drink at times Jesus was from Nazareth Jesus had no possessions Jesus had no hoe

Jesus was from Nazareth

why did Jesus' body not decay in the tomb

Jesus' corpse was preserved from curruption because his himan​ soul and body were still linked to the divine person of the son

What are some examples of ways Jesus' glorified body had certain qualities that transcend ordinary life?

Jesus' glorified body would never again die. His resurrected body is both immortal and eternal, posessing supernatural qualities.

what is shown through physical healing?

Jesus' power over sin and his divinity and his compassion for our suffering

-sought permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Jesus down from the cross and bury him in a new grave

Jesus' secret disciple, Joseph of arimathea

anti- semitism is unfounded prejudice against the ____________people


why did the Sanhedrin hand Jesus over to the Romans?

Jewish authorities are not allowed to put prisoners to death under Roman Law. They need to bring Jesus to Pontius Pilate (the procurator/ governor)

the "beloved disciple" or "the disciple whom Jesus loved" is traditionally considered to be


When Jesus told his disciples that Elijah had already come, to whom does Jesus seem to be referring?

John the Baptist

what was the disciples response to Jesus asking them "who do people say that the son of man is?" at the Transfiguration?

John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets

Describe the story of when the Lord appears to Thomas in John

John wasn't present when Jesus appeared to the others so he didnt believe. A week later, the lord appears and invites thomas to put his hands through his wounds to believe. Thomas proclaims Jesus is the Lord and Jesus is God

_______________ of Arimathea wrapped Jesus in clean linen and had him placed in a tomb


who buried Jesus? why was there a guard posted at his tomb?

Joseph of Arimethea, a wealthy disciple of Jesus, buried Jesus. A guard was at his tomb so no one would steal Jesus' body and claimed he rose from the dead. Nicodemus helped also.

-Jewish leaders offer money in exchange for information on Jesus' whereabouts

Judas betrays Jesus

-the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord


the _________________ is the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord


What was the Roman charge against Jesus?

King of the Jews(Messiah)- treason and inciting riots/ sedition

He was declared a "martyr of Charity" by Pope John Paul II


Did Jesus Know any tax collectors?

Levi and Zacchaeus

how do the parables of the mustard seed and yeast stress both the present and future dimensions of the kingdom of God?

Like the seed, the kingdom begins small, but it will bring out great results. The small mustard seed will grow into a large bush and cause the dough to rise. The Kingdom is present now but will flourish in the future. We take part in the Kingdom of God by choosing kindness. The Kingdom is here and we will help it grow but it is not fully present.

-this gospel ends where it began: the temple in Jerusalem


which gospel has an abrupt ending?


This word means "Witness". The word applies to a person who bears witness to the truth of his or her faith even unto death. Jesus and St. Stephan are recognized as this.


describe the story in Mark of the women at the tomb

Mary Magalene, Mary the mother of james, and salome go to the tomb to annoint Jesus' body. The women were concerned at who would roll back the stone but when they get there it is rolled back and the tomb is open. An angel clothes in white greets them and the women are amazed. He tells them that Jesus had been raised and the women were to tell peter and the disciples to go meet Jesus in Galilee

describe the story of the women at the empty tomb in Matthew

Mary Magdalene and her companion go to Jesus' tomb but meet an angel who tells them not to be afraid because Jesus rose from the dead. The angel tells them to report to the disciples that Jesus had risen and that the disciples should go to Galilee to meet him

describe the story of Jesus appearing to the women in Matthew

Mary Magdalene and her companion report to the disciples that jesus had risen but on the way Jesus appears to them, they embrace his feet and pay him homage. Jesus tells them to instruct the Apostles to leave Jerusalem and go to Galilee to meet him

describe the story of the empty tomb in John

Mary Magdalene goes and reports the empty tomb to Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved. She thought someone took Jesus' body. Peter and the beloved disciple run to the tomb to see for themselves and the beloved disciple arrives first and sees only garments. Peter enters the tomb to see the clothes and the beloved disciple believes.

who was Jesus actually seen by?

Mary Magdelene who embraced Jesus' feet Doubting Thomas who saw Jesus' wounds and proclaimed the apostles in the upper room two disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus and recognized him in the breaking of the bread

describe the story of the lord appearing to Mary Magdalene in John

Mary stays at the tomb after Peter and the beloved disciple depart and she is weeping but then sees two angels in the tomb who ask why she is weeping. Jesus stands behind her and she mistakes him for a gardener. She recognizes him when he addresses her by name and she calls him Rabbouni. She tries to cling to him but Jesus tells her not to cling to him because he hasnt ​ascended. He instructs her to go and tell what she had seen

who was with Jesus as the foot of the cross?

Mary the mother of God, John the apostle

were done by Jesus to give glimpses of what the Kingdom of God would be like


Who appeared and spoke with Jesus?

Moses and Elijah

Jesus presented the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the _________________ in Matthew and Sermon on the ________________in Luke

Mount, Plain

parables of the ____________ seed and the ____________ in the dough represent the present and future dimensions of the kingdom of God

Mustard and Yeast

-Jesus demonstrates his power over the forces of nature

Nature miracles

compare the passover to the passion

PASSOVER: -lamb is sacrificed -blood on wooden doorposts -salvation from literal slavery PASSION: -jesus is sacrificed -blood on wood of the cross -salvation from slavery to sin

Jesus used these stories as metaphors to teach a lesson about God and God's kingdom


-in jewish history, the Paschal Lamb was what the israelite​s were commanded to eat as part of the Passover celebration. Jesus is the new Paschal lamb because he shed his blood for the Redemption of the world.

Pascal lamb

Jesus celebrated ______________ with the Apostles at the Last Supper


luke sets the account of the Last Supper in the context of ______________


what special role did Jesus give to Peter?

Peter is the rock and upon the rock Jesus would build his church and Peter was also given the keys to heaven= Jesus is giving Peter the leadership role of the church- Pope

what did peter confess about Jesus' identity?

Peter says Jesus is the Messiah of God

why did Jesus call Peter "Satan"?

Peter was thinking as a human being, he was thinking that Jesus would become an earthly king

who did Jesus take with him to the mountain?

Peter, James, and John

They called for strict observance of the sabbath rest, purity rituals, tithing, and food restrictions based on the Hebrew Scriptures and on later traditions


a strict Jewish sect that tried to perfectly follow the requirement of the Mosaic law


they believed in a resurrection of the dead


Summarize the main points of the Kerygma preached in the early Church

1. God's promises were fulfilled 2. God exalted his son 3. the holy spirit is present to show Christ's present power and glory 4. Christ will fulfill the promise and come again 5. we should repend, be baptized, and receive the holy spirit

The ________________ were long time political/ religious rivals of the Pharisees, yet their influence lay with wealthy ruling elites


this group followed the Torah- that is, the Pentateuch alone. In reality, they outright rejected newer texts and traditions


who claims to have seen the risen Jesus, now ascended to Heaven on the road to damascus

Saint Paul

why is Christ's death and resurrection called a mystery?

Salvation won by Jesus Christ is a visible sign of the invisible action that God accomplished on our behalf

Many members of the Jewish religious leaders called the __________________ were sadducees


The Jewish court of Justice that consisted of 71 men and by the High priest


The seventy- one member supreme legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people


the Jewish court of Justice that consisted of 71 men and was led by the high priest


the seventy-one member supreme legislature and judicial body of the Jewish people. Many of its members were Sadducees


Jesus' messages and actions threatened both the religious authority of the ____________ and the authority of ______________

Sanhedrin and rome

Most of their duties involved writing, e.g. producing legal documents, recording deeds, copying scriptures, teaching people, etc.


most of their duties involved writing, e.g producing legal documents, recording deeds, copying scriptures, teaching people, etc.


___________________ of Cyrene was pressed into the service of carrying the cross for Jesus


a passerby who is pressed into carrying Jesus' crossbeam


what are some common opinions of who Jesus was that were held by some of his contemporaries?

Some thought he was John The Baptist come back to life, others thought he was Elijah, still others believed him to be a great prophet. None of the people believed he was the Messiah, even though they thought highly of Jesus and considered him a mouthpiece for God

what was the method of capital punishment used by the Jews during Jesus' time?


T OR F: Jesus sent out his 11 disciples to all nations of the world, not just the jews, to make them disciples


T OR F: Jesus' heavenly father has given him supreme power in heaven and on Earth. All authority on earth and in heaven is his.


T OR F: The implication of the kerygma of the early Church was that people should repent of their sins, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit


T OR F: because of jesus' death, death no longer has the last word


T or F: Our souls will survive physical death and our bodies will rise again at the last judgement


T or F: Though he is in heaven, Jesus promised to be with us forever


Many jews today still read the ___________, a collection of rabbinical teachings collected after the destruction of the temple in AD 70


how were all three persons of the Blessed Trinity present at the Transfiguration?

The Father- the voice the son- Jesus The Holy Spirit- in the shining cloud

the common people, people of the land

Am Ha-eretz

the common people, the people of the land

Am Ha-eretz

The body of Jesus was released to Joseph of _______________ who wraps it and places it in a new tomb


this sacrament initiates us into the Paschal Mystery


a criminal who was released by Pilate


Jesus used these short sayings, found in the Sermon on the Plain, to teach lessons about how to live as a Christian


means "supreme happiness". These were preached by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and speak to our natural desire for happiness


what was Pilate's reaction to Jewish officials' charge agains Jesus?

Blasphemy was not a threat to Rome- he must break a roman law

who witnessed Jesus' burial?

Blessed mother, nicodemus, Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea

Why did Jesus associate with tax collectors?

By Jesus' association with sinners and his care for their welfare, Jesus showed forth God's mercy, a sign of the coming of the kingdom

Joseph __________________ was the high priest at the time of Jesus' crucifixion


what is the Paschal mystery?

Christ's death and resurrection

what are the consequences of the different view of the Jews and Christians?

Christians got kicked out of synagogues (local Jewish houses of worship) When the Christians didn't join the Jewish rebellion against Rome in 66C.E., the split from Judaism was complete

terms of the edict of Milan

Christians were free to worship Clergy was exempt from taxes Churches were built & paid for by the Empire

why was christianity targeted by the roman empire?

Christians were often seen as ridiculous to the Romans- Their way of life: Sharing with the poor; equality of all How they worshipped: Calling bread & wine someone's body & blood What they believed: An executed criminal is God Belief that allowing Christianity to continue angered the Roman gods. Misfortunes on the Empire were blamed on the Christians. Break with Judaism: Christianity no longer a part of Judaism Lost its exemption from Roman sacrifice and worship

what are the consequences of the legalization of christianity?

Church & State combine. Constantine saw religion as a way of unifying the Empire. He began to interfere in church matters. Bishops could have high public positions & even become judges. The church was given land that could earn income.

what did constantine say was the reason for his victory?

Constantine honored Christ as the reason for his victory.

what was the result of after the regin of emperor diocletian and several contenders vied for the imperial throne?

Constantine was chosen to be emperor by the Roman troops in Britain, but he faced a rival when he entered Rome in 312.

In 324, what did Constantine chose as a new capital for his empire


what must we carry on?


when did the most important event in Salvation History take place?

Easter Sunday

when did the apostles receive the gift of the holy spirit according to Johns gospel?

Easter sunday

Begins Roman Persecution of Christians in 65-70 C.E

Emperor Nero

-He made Christianity the official religion of the Empire in 380.

Emperor Theodosius

T OR F: The paschal mystery allows us to return to the world as reincarnated beings


T or F: when Jesus asks peter to feed his sheep in John 21, he wants Peter to abandon his fishing career and begin again as a shepherd


T or F: All of the Gospels agree that there were two angels in Jesus' empty tomb


T or F: God the Father sent his son to die on the Cross out of anger for human sin


T or F: Jesus appears to Thomas only in the Gospel of Luke


T or F: Jesus did not choose to die


T or F: Jesus was sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin


T or F: Jesus' appearance to the two men on the road to Emmaus is depicted in the Gospel of John


T or F: Kerygma means the service we are called to render to others


T or F: The Apostles' Creed professes that after Christ dies, he immediately went to heaven


T or F: The passion narratives included relatively few references to Old testament prophecies


T or F: no verifiable evidence exists that indicates the resurrection was a real, historical event


T or F: the death of Jesus was not part of God's salvific plan


T or F: the women visited Jesus' tomb on a monday


T OR F: All three synoptic authors use the term Kingdom of God

False- Matthew doesn't because he was a jew

T OR F: According to the synoptic gospels, Pontius Pilate decided not to release a prisoner at Passover for fear that the crowds would ask for Jesus.

False- he let Barabbas go- offered Jesus or Barabbas to the crowd

T or F: After arriving on his last visit to Jerusalem, Jesus did business with those who were selling things in the temple

False: After arriving on his last visit to Jerusalem, Jesus did not do business with those who were selling things in the temple. Instead, he wept at what he saw- them selling things in the temple- because he was so upset at the awful state

T or F: God does not ask us to imitate him since that would be an unreasonable request.

False: God asks us to imitate him, he wants us to be kind to all people even the wisked as he would

T or F: Jesus refused to deal with tax collectors

False: Jesus was friends with tax collectors like Levi and Zacchaeus

what is the Sanhedrin?

The Jewish court of Law

According to the parable of the Sower, name two situations that keep people from entering the kingdom of God.

The Kingdom doesn't take root in some people because of their lack of the understanding and being tempted by the devil. Others are superficial, easily giving up on Jesus' word when temped by trials or persecutions. Others don't let the word take root in them because of worldly concerns and the lure of wealth.

what is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and weeds?

The coming of the kingdom also indicates God will separate the good from the bad and reward the faithful and punish evildoers.

how is the eucharist connected to Jesus' death on the cross?

The eucharist is Christ, forgiving our sins, he died for us out of love. He becomes a part of us, his body and blood, so we can live like him. We aren't just united with him but with each other because we are alike one another

describe the story in Matthew of the report of the guards

The guards were bribed to say that Jesus' disciples stole his body from the tomb. They circulated the story that Jesus' disciples came by night and stole him when they were sleeping.

Describe the Story of the Appearance by sea in John

The men had been out all night and caught nothing. The next day Jesus instructed them to cast their net out the right side of the boat. They obeyed him and their catch was great. Jesus cooks breakfast and supplies them with fish adn bread on a charcoal fire

describe the story in Luke of the appearance to the women at the tomb

The women: Mary Magalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James go to the tomb on Sunday and find it empty and meet two men- angels who help the women remember Jesus had prophesied his resurrection. The women tell others what happened at the tomb but the apostles do not believe them. Peter runs to the tomb to see for himself and it is empty, he only found the burial clothes. He went home amazed

what did the christians that were first jews do?

They followed the Sabbath. Then added a Sunday ritual in honor of the Resurrection.

in this event, Jesus was transformed and his divinity was shone to Peter


the mystery from Christ's life in which God's glory shone through and transformed Jesus' physical appearance while he was in the company of the Old Testament Prohpets Moses and Elijah. Peter, James, and John witnessed this event.


T OR F: Jesus chose to be crucified in order to prove beyond doubt his immense love for us


T OR F: The passion narratives of the Synoptic Gospels follow a general literary and thematic plan. The passion narrative of John's gospel provides an independent version


T or F: All but one of Jesus' disciples standing by him at the cross were women


T or F: All the first Christians were Jews


T or F: Both Pilate and the Jewish leaders who opposed Jesus regarded him as a threat to their authority


T or F: Catholics recognize that the holy Eucharist is the very center of the Church's life in Christ


T or F: In crucifixion, the victim usually died due to suffocation


T or F: In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son's wish for his inheritance was like wishing that his father was dead.


T or F: Jesus chose to die to identify with us and to conquer sin and death on our behalf


T or F: Jesus driving out the moneychangers from the Temple demonstrated his authority over Israel's religious practices and challenged the entire sacrificial system


T or F: Jesus expects his followers to live in such a way that they will attract others.


T or F: Jesus wants us to approach him and to ask him directly for what we need


T or F: Jesus' anointing at Bethany was a sign that the woman who annointed him recognized him as the Christ


T or F: Mary was the first and most faithful disciple of her son, Jesus


T or F: Maximilian Kolbe voluntarily sacrificed his life so that another might live


T or F: Maximilian Kolbe was a priest


T or F: Miracles go beyond the hand of nature and point to God as their cause


T or F: Miracles invite people to believe in Jesus


T or F: Paul gives us the earliest account for the Paschal mystery


T or F: Pilate was a cruel and ruthless roman governor


T or F: Satan tempted Judas the Apostle to hand Jesus over in exchange for money


T or F: Some people though that Jesus was John the Baptist come back to life.


T or F: The original ending of the Gospel of Mark is MK 16:8


T or F: The tearing of the temple veil symbolizes the end of the Old Covenant


T or F: the disciples at Emmaus recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread


T or F:In Jesus' time, eating with sinners meant that you approved of them


what happens when we participate in Christ's paschal mystery?

We die to sin's power over us, and the influence of Satan. We also receive the grace in this life and eternal life with the Blessed Trinity in heaven. Our souls will survive physical death and our bodies will rise again at the last judgement

Jesus was criticized for associating with tax collectors like __________________ and __________________

Zacchaeus Levi

this movement of Jesus' day were probably not organized- at least at first. As such, when hostilities with Rome increased, individuals in this group adopted a religious- political belief system that called for the overthrow of Roman governance


What happened after Peter spoke?

a bright cloud cast a shadow over them, then from the cloud came a voice

what does the word 'happy' imply when the Lord says "Happy or Blessed"?

a deep, stable, serene, and confident joy that comes to the human person that has met the Lord. Not external but deep in your heart.

what is a passover seder meal?

a meal eaten by Jews to celebrate the night of the Passover in Egypt

what did christianity start as?

a movement within judaism

what was the last supper most likely?

a passover seder meal

describe the story in Luke of Jesus Appearing to the disciples in Jerusalem

after the disciples from emmaus report to the others, Jesus appears in their midst and greets them. The disciples are starteled and think they see a ghost but Jesus assures them he is not a ghost by showing him is wounds, inviting them to touch him, and eating fish

what happened after the reign of the emperor diocletian?

after the reign of emperor diocletian, several contenders vied for the imperial throne

which of the following statements about FR. Maximilian Kolbe are true? -Kolbe was in death camp at Auschwitz -Kolbe volunteered to die for a man with a family -Kolbe starved for two weeks before receiving a lethal injection

all of the above

-a story involving a sustained comparison in which people, things, and events symbolically represent something else


a story involving a sustained comparison in which people, things, and events symbolically represent something else


unfounded prejudice against the jewish people

anti- semitism

to blame the jews today for Jesus' death is called____________________


-Jesus' passage from humanity into divine glory in God's heavenly domain forty days after his resurrection. It is from this domain that Jesus will come again


the _______________ of Jesus refers to the time when his glorified body took its rightful place in heaven


-the church dogma that teaches that the blessed mother, because of her unique role in her son's resurrection, was taken directly to heaven when her earthly life was over. the feast of the assumption is on August 15 and is a holy day of obligation


the _______________ of the blessed virgin refers to the time when Mary's body and soul were taken up into heavenly glory


how can we meet Christ in each of the sacraments?

baptism- the lord comes to us and forms us into the church confirmation holy spirit strenghte​n​s us with spiritual gifts to​ live like christ​ penance- lords forgiveneess annointing of the sick- healing touch of the lord holy orders and matrimony- christ comes to help us live loving lives of service and help build up the people of God Eucharist- praise and thanks to God

The ______________ are proclamations of God's grace


why, while in his grave, was Jesus' corpse perserved from corruption?

because his human soul and body were still linked to the Divine Person of the Son

-the fourth gospel refers in several places to the "disciple whom Jesus loved." Church Father St. Irenaeus attributed the Gospel of John to the Beloved Disciple. Church tradition identified this John as one of the apostles.

beloved disciple

Any thought, word, or act that expresses hatred or contempt


Jesus is accused of _______________- insulting God


When Jesus told the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven, some scribes and pharisees accused him of ________________ showing off his power blasphemy trying to be better than they were saying that he was king


what crime does the Sanhedrin accuse Jesus of committing?


what was Jesus charged with under Jewish law? why?

blasphemy- he made himself equal to God by saying "I AM"

what does the foundation of christian life, of working for God's kingdom require?

both listening and action, hearing Jesus and obeying him

At the Last Supper Jesus identified himself with the _______________ and _______________

bread and wine

the chief priest and a member of the Sanhedrin


"anointed one"


what does it mean to say that Jesus sits at the right hand of the father?

christ now glorifies the father as the incarnate son of God, that he continually intercedes for us with the father, prays for us, and prepares a place for us with him in heaven

why were there close ties between Judaism and early christianity?

christianity started as a movement within Judaism

Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a _______________


The word "parable" derives from a Greek term meaning_____________


Luke emphasizes Jesus' ______________ throughout his passion narrative


-the resurrection, following christ's sacrifice on the cross accomplished our salvation


- we become brothers and sisters to christ


-the resurrection gives new life, justifies us in God's grace, and adopts us into the divine family


psalm 22, which Jesus quotes ​from the cross, ends with joyful ___________ that God will rescue the petitioner


-proves Jesus' claim to be God's son


-the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings


what has Christ's resurrection accomplished for us?

confirms, completes, confers, and creates

the passion narrative in John's gospel describes Jesus in _______________ of events


the veil that splits in two in the temple's sanctuary symbolized that the days of the old _________ have ended


-gives us a new future


-through the power of the HS christians participate in the life suffering death and resurrection of Jesus


-through the power of the holy spirit, christians participate in the life, suffering and death and resurrection of Jesus


St Rose of Lima tells us, "Apart from the ____________ there is no ladder by which we may get to heaven"


Like Jesus, Peter was also _______________ in an inverted position under one of Nero's persecutions


what was the method of capital punishment used by the romans?


the jewish method of capital punishment


Jesus commends the woman in Bethany who anoints him because it foreshadows the anointing of his body after his ___________


the word____________comes from the latin word that means "learner" and was used often to describe Jesus' followers


-the life of following Jesus Christ. The word disciple comes from a Latin word that means "learner"


why did the Pharisees and Chief priests post guards at Jesus' tomb?

due to their fear that Jesus' body would be stolen

The Dead Sea scrolls discovered in this region of the Judean desert in 1947, were composed by this odd, sectarian group


The dead sea scrolls discovered in this region the Judarian desert in 1947 were composed by this odd, sectarian group


some scholars believe John the Baptist was associated with this group


The events of our salvation are part of God's plan


-means thanksgiving


at the last supper Jesus instituted the ______________ a celebration of his passover from death to new life


Catholics meet the risen lord during Sunday liturgies in the _________________

eucharist, readings, sacred scripture

what does "the blood of the martyrs became the seed of christianity" mean?

even though christians were being persecuted, their persecution motivated others to be christians because of the faith of those being persecuted

in this type of miracle, Jesus showed his power over sin and evil


-removing evil spirits from a person who was possessed


T OR F: the apostles, after they had figured out they were safe would have probably gone out and spread the word about Jesus even without the resurrection


T OR F: All the Gospels portray Pontius Pilate as fair and open minded


T OR F: Peter keeps his promise to Jesus that he will not deny him


T or F: Christ was Jesus' last name


T or F: Peter was the first person to witness the empty tomb according to all the gospels


T or F: the disciple whom Jesus loved is only mentioned in the gospel of mark


T or F: the gospel writers went to great pains to harmonize their resurrection appearance accounts


T or F: when mary Magdalene recognized Jesus in the Garden she called him "Master"


at his hearing before the Sanhedrin the Jewish leaders try to obtain _______________ evidence and they bring _____________ witnesses against him (same word in both blanks)


T OR F: all the 12 apostles were present at the transfiguration

false only james john and peter

T OR F: the parable of the prodigal son is about a winner and a loser

false, father and two sons

T OR F: before the transfiguration, Peter confessed that he thought Jesus was Elijah

false- he confessed he thought jesus was the messiah

T OR F: Moses and Abraham appeared with Jesus at his Transfiguration

false- moses and elijah

T OR F: Parables are events that the laws of nature cannot explain

false- stories

T or F: The crucifixion was the traditional form of Jewish captial punishment

false: stoning

T or F: The sermon on the plain contains a collection of parables

false: the sermon on the plain contains the beatitudes

T or F: The four gospels agree that the last supper was a Passover meal

false: three gospels agree that the last supper was a passover meal while John's gospel says that the Last supper was the night before Passover

why did Pilate permit some of Jesus' opponents to post guards at Jesus' tomb?

for the fear that his disciples would steal his body

when is there a time of human fear?why?

garden of Gethsemane. there was a growing hostility against him

-do to others as you would have them do to you

golden rule

the place where Jesus is crucified


-a free and unearned favor from God, infused into our souls at Baptism, that adopts us into God's family and helps us to live as his children


-abode of the dead in greek


what does Jesus do through exorcisms?

he confronts the power of evil in its most direct form and conquers it

why did Jesus choose not to escape the Garden of Gethsemane?

he had full humanity, full trust in God. He was the new Adam with no sin to block God

Why did Jesus choose not to escape from the Garden of Gethsemane before we would be taken away?

he had full humanity- full trust in God. He is the new Adam- no sin to block God

what does Jesus show through raising people from the dead?

he has the power over life and death

What does Pilate do when Jesus is charged?

he hesitates and lets the people decide. He sends Jesus to King Herod Antipas. He has Jesus beaten up as a punishment- still not enough for Jewish leaders. Let the crowd decide.

why is Jesus able to perform nature miracles?

he is the source of all creation

what happens when Jesus enters Jerusalem?

he is welcomed by the people

why was Jesus seen as a threat to many Jewish leaders?

he often caused conflict by associating with society's outcasts like prostitutes and tax collectors. The outcasts of society were the cornerstone of his teaching which angered authority. Jesus also angered authority by giving himself a position of authority. He was accused of blasphemy since he considered himself son of man and forgave sins

what is the theme of Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane?

he prays that the cup of impending death, which also involved his battle with satan, he taken from him. He prays a perfect prayer than not his will, but his father's be done. His prayer shows he is obedient.

why does Mark's gospel end abruptly?

he wants us to do what the women failed to do. He challenges us to spread the good news without fear or confusion- that Jesus of Nazareth is risen from the dead.

what role did Pilate have in Jesus' death?

he was the agent of capital punishment. without his say, it wouldn't have happened

in this type of miracle, Jesus demonstrated his power to restore us to the fullness of health, the way were created to be


-abode of the dead in english


in Jewish history, the person in charge of the Temple Worship. This person shared in the general duties of his profession, however, he was the only one allowed to enter the holy of holies, and only then on the day of Atonement. He was a descendant of Aaron

high priest

the only one allowed to enter the holy of holies

high priest

offered sacrifices and took care of other cultic/ritual concerns in the temple

high priest, chief priests, priests and Levites

name three factors that led some Jewish opponents of Jesus to conspire against him

his association with sinners exorcisms his teachings on dietary and ritual and purity laws his heating with unique authority his claims to be the messiah forgiving of sins claim to be the lord of the Sabbath

Why did Matthew use "Kingdom of heaven" instead of "Kingdom of God"?

his audience were Jews and the Jews refrained from using the word God

at the sermon on the plain who was Jesus speaking to?

his disciples not just the 12

at the sermon on the plain, what does Jesus speaking to all of his disciples and not just the 12 reveal?

his teaching was not for the super spiritual but for every follower of Jesus

describe the two qualities of Jesus' resurrected body.

his wounds and he ate

the paschal mystery is commemorated in a special way liturgically during ___________________

holy week

where and when did Jesus begin his public ministry?

in galilee after the arrest of John the Baptist

explain why mark 16:8 may be the place where the evangelist concluded his gospel

in order to stress the astonishment at Jesus' resurrection as well as to challenge his readers to step into the story and do what the freightened women could not, mainly to spread the good news that jesus has risen

how can we experience the living lord?

in sacred scripture, his holy word, and in the seven sacraments, especially the Eucharist

when was there a time of human fear? why?

in the garden of gethsemane, Jesus had a growing hostility against him

where can many elements of the kerygma be found?

in the sermons of St. Peter and the Acts of the Apostles

what do the beatitudes do?

instruct his followers on how to live to be able to enter the kingdom of God

Why is the eucharist the center of the Church's life?

it both celebrates and creates the church, allowing Jesus Christ to live in and transform us

how is the resurrection of Jesus a transcendent event?

it is one that goes beyond history and our own understanding of space and time. No gospel account reports anyone seeing how it physically happened. No one saw how Jesus' body transformed into a risen one.

what is the importance/ significance of the Passion?

it is the central event of the bible everything leads up to this moment God fulfills his promise in the ultimate paradox: death leads to life

what type of victory was the resurrection?

it was a victory for humanity- victory over Satan, victory over sin, and victory over death

What happened to Jesus' human body?

it was gloriously transfigured, filled with the holy Spririt into an incorrupt, gloruous immortal body seated at the right hand of the father

what is the significance of the empty tomb?

it was strong evidence that Jesus rose from the dead- his body which had laid there and guarded by Jesu' foes was no longer to be found. the empty tomb proves his body wasnt there

Jesus knew that as a prophet he had to die in _________________


Matthew 25 Makes it clear that if we exclude anyone from God's kingdom we are in fact excluding _____________


list two things that only happen in the gospel of John

jesus appears to thomas and the disciples jesus appears to his discciples at the sea of tiberias

what were examples of the close ties between Judaism and early Christianity?

jesus was believed to be the jewish Messiah the first christians were jews

which gospel (s) mention the disciple whom jesus loved?


he betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver


the last _____________ is the last day when Christ will come again to fully establish God's kingdom


-means proclamation, announcement, preaching


Define Kerygma.

kerygma is the core teaching about Jesus Christ as savior and Lord. It comes from the Greek meaning "proclamation, announcement, preaching". The kerygma contains the basic message of christianity about Jesus. The heart of the kerygma is the resurrection of Jesus

the roman charge against Jesus is that he claimed to be the ________________________

king of the Jews

ironically, Judas betrays Jesus with a ___________ under cover of dark


Paschal _____________ was what the Israelites were commanded to eat as a part of the Passover celebration


-Jesus Christ's judgement of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to fully establish God's kingdom

last judgement

God the father permitted the suffering and death of Jesus because of his immense ______________ for us


What did Jesus send the 11 disciples out to do?

make disciples of all nations, preach the gospel, teach Jesus' commandments, and baptize in the name of the father, son and holy spirit

which gospel(s) have the story on the road to emmaus?

mark and luke

Maximilian Kolbe is considered a _____________ because his death bore witness to the truth of his faith


a person who bears witness to the truth of faith even unto death


our lady, the Queen of heaven and earth, ever virgin, blessed mother


the following people were present at Jesus' transfiguration except for __________ moses mary james elijah


what is a passover seder meal?

meal eaten by jews to celebrate the night of the passover in egypt

God's __________ and ___________ for sinners extends to all people and opens the gates of heaven for all the good and just people who lived before the Son of God came to earth

mercy and love

the Sanhedrin felt that Jesus' claim to be the _________________ was blasphemous


________________ are powerful signs of God's presence and action on our behalf


who appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration?

moses and elijah appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration and the Spirit of God

mary's spiritual ________________ extends to all of us


the four separate accounts of the Passion of Christ are called the Passion ______________


In this type of miracle, Jesus showed his power over all creation and the laws of science


where is Jesus' final appearance to his disciples?

near Bethany where the Lord raises his hands, blesses them and is taken up to heaven

did any of Jesus' friends or enemies claim to find Jesus' body?


is raising people fro the dead the same as resurrection?


was it proven that Jesus' body was stolen?


was what the christians believed about Jesus acceptable to the Jews?why?

no they called "son of God" blasphemy

Do the 4 Gospels agree about the Last Supper being a passover meal?

no they do not all agree, john's is different- it says it takes place the night before and others say it was on passover

were the disciples expecting Jesus' resurrection?

no they were not

what was Jesus' mission?

not to abolish all human suffering but to free us from the worst slavery of sin

what instruction did Jesus give his disciples as they descended the Mountain?

not to tell the vision to anyone until the son of man has been raised from the dead

what does the ascension of Jesus remind us?

our rightful home is heaven and we live in hope that one day we may follow him there

what would have happened if Jesus had not been raised from the dead?

out faith itself would have been dead

-an allegory where one reality is compared to something that is better known


A favorite teaching device of Jesus in which he told a short story with a striking, memorable comparison that taught a religious message, usually about some aspect of God's kingdom


the name for the four separate accounts of the passion of christ. This story in the Synoptic Gospels follow a general literary and thematic plan. This story in John's gospel provides an independent version

passion narratives

what typical greeting did the risen Lord give to his disciples when he appeared to them?

peace be with you

-the day when the holy spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction the message that Jesus is risen and the lord of the universe


Jesus predicts that this apostle will deny him three times


they believed in the resurrection of the dead


-Jesus restores us to the fullness of life, the way God created/ intended us to be

physical healing

what are the four types of miracles?

physical healing, exorcisms, nature, raising people from the dead

although he knew that Jesus was innocent, he fails to follow his conscience


which of the following is NOT one of the conditions Jesus sets for entrance into the kingdom of God? praying three times a day feeding the hungry clothing the naked visiting the imprisoned

praying three times a day

Many people have _____________ or unsubstantiated or pre-formed judgements about individuals or groups based on race, gender, etc.


an unsustainable or preformed judgement about an individual or group


who was Pontius Pilate?

procurator/ governor of Judea

when Jesus enters Jerusalem during the week before Passover the crowd greets him as a ______________


The presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated species of bread and wine

real presence

Jesus' charge that the temple had become a den of thieves showed he had authority over the __________________ practices of Israel


Jesus' said that entrance into the kingdom requires ____________ and ____________ in the good news

repentance, belief

christ took our sins to the cross, and like a new Adam, ________________ us to the father


what is the symbolism of the last supper?

represents freedom (slavery/sin)

what is the symbolism of the last supper (a passover seder meal)?

represents freedom of slavery/ sin

in this type of miracle, Jesus shows his power over life and death

restoration of life

a smaller more elite group


this group followed the torah- that is, the pentateuch alone. In reality, they outright rejected newer texts and traditions


the parable of the Good _______________ teaches us that we should love our neighbor, even our enemies


Jesus' rule was not one of political or military power but one humble ____________


-abode of the dead in hebrew


the real authors and instruments of Jesus' crucifixion


according to the original ending why did John write his Gospel?

so we may come to believe jesus is the messiah and through his beliefe we may have life in his name

what happens in all four gospels?

some women find Jesus' tomb empty

-the innermost or spiritual part of a person. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. Body and soul together form one human nature. The soul does not die with the body. It is eternal and will be reunited with the body in the final resurrection.


the __________ is the innermost or spiritual part of a person and lives on eternally


Matthew reports that certain priests and Pharisees were concerned that Jesus' disciples would ___________ his body and claim he rose from the dead


When teaching his disciples, what did Jesus say would happen to him in Jerusalem?

suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes and be killed and on the third day be raised

what was the cause of death for most crucifixion victims?


T or F: instead of being a ghost, Jesus had a glorified body after the resurrection


Describe the dialogue between the risen lord and peter in John

tJesus asks Peter if he loves him 3 times. Peter's yes to Jesus reverses his bettrayal in the courtyard and Jesus establishes Peter as the leader of the church by telling him to feed his sheep. Peter asks the lord what would happen to the beloved disciple.

what is the shorter ending of Mark?

tells how the women reported to Per and other apostles. It gives Jesus' commission to preach the good news of salvation from east to west

A tipping point in the judgement of Jesus came when he predicted that the _________ would be destroyed and rebuilt in three days


what did the Apostle's creed profess about the dead christ?

that he went to the abode of the dead and there proclaimed the good news of salvation to the just who were waiting the redeemer

what does Jesus promise to his disciples?

that he will remain with the church until the final coming of God's Kingdom

what does the ascension of jesus remind us of?

that our rightful home is in heaven dn we live in the hope that we may one day follow him there

what do the beatitudes teach?

that wealth can blind us to the truth that God is the source of all gifts which we should share with others

-allows Jesus to live in us

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

-we become, through the gift of God's grace and love, brothers and sisters to Jesus

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

-we share in Jesus' life

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

What is the Passion?

the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus

what is the passion?

the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus

what does the kerygma contain?

the basic message of christianity about Jesus

who is the first to recognize Jesus in the Appearance by sea

the beloved disciple

who is a model of faith in the Resurrection narratives in John's gospel?

the beloved disciple john is a model of faith

who is our model?

the blessed mother

which of the following events prior to Jesus' crucifixion is NOT shared by the four evangelists? -carrying of the cross by Simon -the arrest -questioning by the high priest -trials before the Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate

the carrying of the cross by Simon

what was the sign at the top of Jesus' cross?

the charge against Jesus; INRI

what does the parable of the wheat and the weeds tell us?

the coming go the kingdom indicates God will separate the good from the bad and reward the faithful and punish the evildoers.

what does it mean to say that Jesus "descended into hell"?

the dead christ went to the abode of the dead and there proclaimed the good news of salvation to the just who were awaiting the redeemer. he was bringing the good news to the people

what other story only appears in John's gospel?

the dialogue between peter and jesus

cite evidence that Jesus' resurrection is a historical event.

the empty tomb- a sign he rose because no one found his body he was seen by various people walked on the road with others

-contains the pascal sacrifice

the eucharist

what would have happened if the Resurrection had not occured?

the gospels would not have been written

what does the resurrection of Jesus form?

the heart of the kerygma

how were peter and the apostles changed on pentecost?

the holy spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the courage to preach with conviction the good news that Jesus rose from the dead and is the lord of the universe. Peter became a bold and corageous witness for Jesus and inspired by the holy spirit. he preached to the jewish people who had come to Jerusalem for the pentecost feast

-Jesus asks his apostles to do this in memory of him

the last supper

-Jesus breaks bread with his disciples

the last supper

-the blood shed represents a new covenant with God

the last supper

what was the result of the christians beliefs being unacceptable to the Jews?

the message began to spread outside the faith to the gentiles with angered the jews more

what was the Jewish reaction to Christianity?

the message was rejected

what was the transfiguration of Jesus?

the mystery from Christ's life in which God's glory shone through and transformed Jesus' physical appearance while he was in the company of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah. Peter, James, and John witnessed this event. An epiphany event in which the Glory of God appeared through the son.

what does the abrupt conclusion in Mark cause some to believe?

the original ending may have been lost

what does paschal refer to?

the passover, Christ's passing through death to new life

explain why the parables give us a good idea of why Jesus was able to defend himself against opponents

the point of the parables is that the gospel is new and revolutionary. The Kingdom of God is an entirely new way of believing and living

-Jesus uses "I AM"

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-fulfills the old testament promises and those of Jesus himself made during his earthly life

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-proves Jesus' claims to be God's son

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-the resurrection offers proof for the divinity of Jesus

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

what does it mean to say that the resurrection is also a transcendent event?

the resurrection is an event that goes beyond history and our own understanding of space and time. the resurrection can be described as transcendent because no gospel account reports anyone seeing how it physically happened.

what is the fundamental fact of our faith?

the resurrection of Jesus

-Jesus is victorious over sin and opens the gates of heaven for us and won our redemption

the resurrection, following Christ's sacrifice on the cross, accomplished our Salvation

-by vanquishing death Jesus conquered the most evil effect of pain

the resurrection, following Christ's sacrifice on the cross, accomplished our Salvation

where were the beatitudes preached?

the sermon on the mount for matthew, Sermon on the Plain for Luke

who are the first evangelists of the resurrection of Jesus in Luke's gospel?

the women: mary magdalene, joanna, and mary the mother of james

why are the gospel stories all different?

the writers made no attempt to mask the differences to argue that there were valid experiences behind the various accounts

the evangelists shaped the events of Christ's passion to emphasize certain _____________ points


explain why the parables show that Jesus was an outstanding teacher

they are easy to remember therefore easier to bring to mind important points in his teaching

which of the following is NOT a reason why the parables are important? they convey the heart of Jesus' message they show that Jesus was an outstanding teacher they give us a good idea of how Jesus was able to defend himself against opponsnts they are interesting to young children

they are interesting to young children

what does the crowd decide?

they choose to set barabbas free and sentence Jesus to crucifixion

how did the disciples react to the voice at the transfiguration?

they fell prostrate and were very afraid

why did the Sanhedrin meet?

they held court to determine what charge they could bring against Jesus

how do the discrepancies in the resurrection narratives actually argue for their historical value

they show different witnesses and what they saw. stories were handed down through oral tradition. The writers made no attempt to fix it to be smooth so prove they were true experiences

how were the disciples after the Jesus' death?

they were heartbroken and saddened and afraid

what did the disciples do after Jesus' crucifixion? why?

they were in hiding in Jerusalem, fearful that they too might be arrested and executed.

how did the disciples react when told the tomb was empty?

they were skeptical but even seeing it empty for themselves did not cause all of them to believe Jesus had risen.

Identify Levi and Zacchaeus

they were tax collectors, or public sinners in the eye of the Jews because of their alignment with the Romans

in luke what do the disciples do at the ascension?

they worship Jesus, return to Jerusalem joy-filled and go to the temple to praise God as they await Jesus' sending of the Holy Spirit.

what happened to Saint pul when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus?

this encounter changed Paul from a fierce persecutor of Christians into a great missionary who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide

what is the significance of the woman anointing Jesus at Bethany?

this woman of simple faith recognizes Jesus' true identity and mission when so many others do not. It foreshadows the anointing of his body for burial. It speaks to Jesus' being, the christ, the anointed one

who are those who 'mourn'? What does this type of weeping do to the person crying?

those who have seen the awful state of God's people, so many people don't know God, they are sad because of the state of the world. Those who mourn go out and try to teach people

when did Jesus rise from the dead?

three laters after his death, on easter Sunday

Where do Catholics meet the Risen Lord in the Sunday Liturgy?

through the eucharist, the body of christ. also when we read scripture we meet the risen lord in the sunday liturgy

what is the task of all believers?

to be bearers of the Gospel, to tell the world of the salvation won for us by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

what does the word comforted imply?

to comfort need to be strengthened, they start to preach and teach. They can reach people. To go out and motivate others and to reach people

explain why the parables convey the heart of his message

to learn from them is to learn about the major theme of the preaching of the kingdom of God

why did Mark write his gospel?

to show us the example of Jesus who endured all so that we may have eternal life

At the _________________, the glory of God incarnate in the Son was displayed


the transfiguration reveals the __________


the transfiguration reveals the ___________


T OR F: Blaming Jews for the death of Jesus is anti- Semitism and is contrary to the love of Christ


T OR F: Jesus is really present in the consecrated bread and wine at mass


T OR F: Jesus was accused of the crime of blasphemy


T OR F: The splitting of the veil in the Temple's sanctuary symbolizes that the days of the Old covenant have ended


T OR F: The transfiguration revealed that Jesus was the Son of God


T OR F: it is important to unite sufferings and disappointments in out lives to the sufferings of Jesus


T OR F: the gospel of John calls Jesus' miracles signs or works


T OR F: the parable of the tenants is an allegory


T OR F:Jesus' planning of the passover meal shows that he is in control of events and that he freely makes the sacrifice of the cross


T or F: All four gospels agree that women were the first to arrive at the tomb


T or F: All of the gospels mention that Mary Magdalene came to the empty tomb


T or F: In John's gospel, Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit on Easter Sunday


T or F: Jesus Entered Jerusalem for the final time on the back of a colt


T or F: Jesus died for our sins; therefore, we all bear responsibility for his death


T or F: Jesus performed exorcisms to establish his power over Satan and the demons who war against God's purposes and tempt humans to do evil


T or F: Jesus' body did not decay in the tomb like normal bodies


T or F: Jesus' real mission was to free humanity from the slavery of sin


T or F: Jesus' resurrected body could appear whenever he wished


T or F: No gospel account reports anyone seeing how the Resurrection happened


T or F: The Eucharist is a memorial of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross


T or F: The Kingdom of God may begin small but it will bring great results


T or F: The Risen Lord appeared to more than 500 people at one place


T or F: The Sanhedrin found Jesus guilty of blasphemy but brought him to pilate with a charge of sedition


T or F: The beloved disciple believed in the Resurrection after seeing the discarded burial clothes


T or F: The chief priest and other members of the Sanhedrin had an economic and religious interest in the temple


T or F: Thomas was told by Jesus to place his hand in Jesus' side and his fingers in the nail holes of Jesus' hands to prove he had risen


T or F: We can call Jesus' ascension a true homecoming


T or F: many elements of the kerygma can be found in the sermons of st peter


T or F: only Matthew's gospel tells us why guards were posted at Jesus' tomb


T or F: the Sadducees were jealous of Jesus and saw him as a threat to the civil order (the status quo) and to their authority as religious leaders


T or F: the account of Jesu appearing to his followers by the seaside was probably added to John's gospel by one of his disciples


T or F: the most special way we encounter Jesus alive today is in the Eucharist


describe the story in Luke of the Appearance on the road to Emmaus

two Disciples, one Cleopas, were going to the village of Emmaus and Jesus joins them and they do not recognize him. They tell their new companion about the recent events of Jerusalem. Jesus explains the prophecies from the scriptures to them about how the messiah had to suffer before he entered his glory. They arrive at the village and the two men invite Jesus to stay with them. With them, Jesus takes bread, says the blessing, and breaks it and gives it to them. The disciples recognize him as Jesus. Jesus vanishes and the disciples now understand what Jesus was saying to them on the road. They immediately return to Jerusalem to tell the 11 what they saw and learned that Jesus had already appeared to Peter

what was the outcome of the battle with Constantine's smaller army?


how are all people implicated in the death of Jesus?

we are all sinners, making us the real authors and instruments of Jesus' crucifixion, his death. We believers crucify Jesus every time we betray him though our sins. Jesus died for our sins so that we may be with him again.

the parable of the _______________ and weeds revealed that only God can decide who will be punished as evildoers and who will be rewarded in heaven


when do the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus?

when he breaks bread with them

how would you describe someone who is "Poor in Spirit?

who's treasure is in heaven, they are poor in this world but rich in heaven. A poverty poor in spirit is a poverty to this world but an openness and richness to the kingdom of God

who become the first evangelists?

women- Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of james

was Mark composed by someone other than Mark?


describe Jesus' death

yes he dies in 6 hours- shorter than normal -sabbath law required prisoners be removed -legs of others are broken- not Jesus -Jesus was pierced with a sword

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