Religion test 4

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The feast of Lots (Purim)

Celebrated on the 14th of Adar (February-March) as a remembrance of Jewish victory over gentile foes and this also NOT associated with Exodus.

New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Celebrated on the 1st and 2nd days of the month of Tishre (September-October). Tradition says that these days were the first days of creation

What is Kiddush

Ceremonial family blessing and meal Friday night to welcome the Sabbath. The benediction over wine and bread , and the blessing of Sabbath candles by the women of the house

The feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Comes 5 days after Yom Kippur, on the 15th of Tishre. Originally was a celebration of the autumn harvest. Like many holidays, Sukkot became attached to the Exodus experience and is now kept as a remembrance of the times when Israelites wandered in the Sinai wilderness and lived in makeshift tabernacles (sukkot) this festival is a joyous one

The Ten Words/Commandments:

I. Don't have other gods before me. II. Don't make graven images III.Don't make the name of Yahweh worthless. IV. Don't forget the Sabbath day (remember it). V. Don't forget your parents (honor them). VI. Don't murder. VII. Don't steal. VIII. Don't commit adultery. IX. Don't give false testimony X. Don't covet.


"study," "knowledge" - the vast depository of the oral Torah, based on the Mishnah with extensive rabbinic commentary on each chapter; there are two versions, the Palestinian (completed about AD 450) and the Babylonian (completed about AD 600).

Credo: Shema'

(Deut. 6:5-6) "Hear, O Israel, the lord, our God, is one (god), and you should love the lord, your God, with all your heart, and all your might, and all your substance (soul)."


(Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation


A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Apodictic (unconditional)

Absolutely certain, necessarily true, proved or demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt

The cycle of retribution:

Apostasy, punishment, repentance, deliverance

Jews of Poland:

Ashkenazim (Yiddish: 70% of Jews today)

When does the Sabbath begin and end?

Begins on Friday at sundown and continues until sundown on Saturday.


Between a lord and vassals

Halakah (structure)

Talmudic literature that deals with law and with the interpretation of the laws on the Hebrew Scriptures

'Am HaAretz

The "people of the earth"

3 books that almost did not make it into scripture:

The Greatest Song, Esther, and Koheleth


The Jewish rite of circumcision performed on a male child on the eighth day of his life.


The belief and worship of one god while accepting the possible existence of other deities

Story of Purim

The book of Esther says that Esther, who had become the Queen of Persia, was made aware of a plot to destroy her people. By boldly approaching the king and revealing this plot to him, Esther was able to save her people from a massacre and see her chief enemy hanged upon the gibbet he had prepared for Mordecai, the Jew he chiefly hated. She was able to initiate a strategy which allowed the Jews to protect themselves. Since "lots" were cast to determine the day when the Jews were to be destroyed, the festival is known as Purim (lots). On this day the scroll of Esther is read, gifts are exchanged, and a special meal is eaten. Generally it is a day of great joy and merrymaking.

What is Seder?

The ceremonial dinner on the first two nights of Passover. Where lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs are eaten as the family engages in rituals that recall Exodus


The most important and distinctive of all Jewish holidays. Gave the world the six-day workweek, with the seventh day reserved for worship and rest.


These are the councilors and teachers of the elite and the royalty. Problem: they can be rather cosmopolitan


These are the messengers of god and the defenders of the elite and the guarantors of the covenant. Problem: Sometimes their messages conflicted


They oversee the temple worship. problem: They begin to see themselves as privileged rather then servants of god

How is Yom Kippur celebrated

This day is traditionally celebrated an abstinence from work, food, and drink. The day is spent to in the synagogue, where prayers are offered for forgiveness of sins and the possibility of reconciliation and also the occasion for charity

The day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

This is the holiest of all jewish holidays. It is celebrated on the 10th of Tishre and at the end of the period of Penitence, begun at Rosh Hashanah.

How is Rosh Hashanah (New Year) celebrated

This season begins a period of penitence that cumulates in the next holiday, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). It is celebrated by special prayers and by eating sweets, in the hope of a good year to come


advocate wider liberty in doctrine and "creative adjustment" to the conditions of modern life." (Noss and Noss). Grew out of the experience of a rabbi who saw that his daughters could love Torah and like the reform group; sees Judaism as changing and growing.

Saadiah (father of medieval jewish philosophy) position on the torah:

agreed that Torah or Scripture was important but showed how Talmud flowed from Scripture.


between equals

Karaite position on the torah:

claimed Hebrew Bible, not the Talmud, was authoritative.

Prophet Ezekiel:

condemnation of syncretism (cabod leaves temple), hope (dry bones, heart of flesh), and plans for return. Father of Judaism

Prophet Jeremiah:

conquest (temple sermon) and hope (covenant on the heart not on stone), difficulty of being a prophet.

Prophet Micah:

counterpoint to Isaiah on Jerusalem (holds up country traditions--Bethlehem), true religion.

Moses Maimonides (Rambam) position on Torah:

eloquently defended the Mishnah's place in Jewish life, courageously played the apologist for the Jewish faith.

What does Nehemiah do?

helps rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and assures a safe environment.

Prophet Deutero-Isaiah:

imminent return, monotheism


in favor of the reestablishment of Israel (pre-1948).


includes his clan/people; sign is circumcision.


interpreters of the law in the many communities. They were the only group to survive the Roman threat. Modern Judaism derives most directly from this group.


law (found in the Pentateuch), by 400 BCE.

Prophet Hosea:

married a "Ho," hesed or steadfast love.


most literal. Reaction which claims that the law is true for all time and is the distinctive of Jewish life and so they keep the law very strictly.


not as strict. Reaction to this that the Halakah (law) is important even though some adjustments must be made for modern life and Hebrew is retained

Casuistic (conditional or "If-then")

of or relating to the use of ethical principles to resolve moral problems


particular group who accepts covenant (Israel); sign is the Torah or Ark of the Covenant


prophets (both former and latter), by 200 BCE.

Prophet Amos:

reversals (holy war, punishment out of love, no sacrifices, plumbline).

What is Ezra called?

the father of Judaism because of his deep commitment to the law and Jewish holiness (separateness)

Prophet Isaiah:

trust in the sustaining care of God, Messiah.


very liberal. Most liberal (Germany) which sees Judaism as a progression of ways to pay homage to God. The law is important but is not the only guide for the people and modern culture is the medium.

The Babylonian Exile

witnessed the birth of the synagogue where the Jews gather to read Torah and pray and the speeding up of the collection of the "oral law." A lot of creative activity: histories, epics, polemics.


writings (varied mix) by or at 70 CE.

Jews of the Spain:

Sephardim (Mystical)

Torah: (Patriarchal religion)

1. Semi-nomadic. 2."God(s) of the father" (shield of Abraham, mighty one of Jacob, fear of Isaac). 3. Henotheistic. 4. Three promises: a. land b. offspring c. blessing (greatness) 5. Importance of Abraham, Hapiru in the Amarna letters.

Passover (Pesach)

A holiday which begins on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Nisan (March-April) and lasts for 8 days. It commemorates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

What is Exodus

A journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment

Mosaic religion

Experience of Moses crucial, Includes the Egyptian captivity, Exodus, travel to Sinai, and covenant (law), Covenant parts, and treaty types

Feast of Dedication (Hannukkah)

Falls on the 25th of the month of Kislev (November-December). The holiday is NOT associated with the Exodus.

The second part to the Talmud


The story of Hannukkah

In 165 BCE, Judas Maccabeus retook the Temple from the Syrian Greeks and rededicated it. Only one small container of oil was available for lighting the temple lamp which symbolized the eternal presence of God. It should have lasted only one day. However, a miracle happened and the oil lasted for eight days until a messenger bearing more oil returned. In remembrance of that event, Jews light a candle each day, for eight days. It is thus a festival of lights as well as a festival of dedication. Hannukkah has been a minor holiday in Judaism until fairly recent times.


Includes everyone; sign is the rainbow.


Is the representative of God. He is, according to certain psalms, considered to be the adopted son of god. Major problem: He begins to do what please him rather than what pleases god

Where and who was the North Kingdom

Israel, Jereboam

Haggadah (Sense)

Jewish term for interpretations of Tanak that are devotional, not legal in character. Often they supplement the scriptural narrative with stories about principal characters

define Diaspora

Jews living outside of Israel

Define Sephardim

Jews of Spanish or Portuguese decent

Where and who was the Southern Kingdom

Judah, Rehoboam


Messianic, always someone from the family of David on the throne.

The first part to the Talmud


People of the covenant

Noachin, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic

The Son/Daughter of the commandment (Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

Not an annual festival, but an important occasion in the life of the community. When a jewish male reaches his 13th birthday he is considered a man.

The feast of the weeks (Shavuot)

Occurs fifty days after Pesach (Passover), on the sixth and seventh days of Sivan (May-June). This holiday is called Pentecost in the New Testament. It started by celebrating the first grain harvest but later it was related to the Exodus event; the time when moses received the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. Jewish people decorate their homes and synagogues with plants and flowers


Priestly group

The original united monarchy (Kingship)

Saul, David, Solomon, and Rehoboam


Separatist, extremely rigorous group


Violent, militaristic group


a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

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