Research Final

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which statement is true?

CAQDAS is used to organize and retrieve qualitative data

who developed the constructivist grounded theory approach?


The best-known early research utilization (RU) project sought to bridge the gap between research and nursing practice. Which is the name of that well-known project?

Conduct and Utilization of Research in Nursing (CURN) Project

Which statement best describes clinical practice guidelines?

They offer a set of recommendations for a specific area of practice, based on a distillation of available evidence.

In several countries, research has come to play an important role for the nursing profession with respect to:

credentialing and improving nurses' status.

which criterion is considered analogous to internal validity in the Lincoln and Guba's framework?


a nurse researcher developed a new scale to measure stress in adolescents and calculates a Pearson's r between scale scores and gold standard, wake-up salivary free cortisol levels. what type of validity is being assessed?

criterion validity

which is an effect size index?


a nurse researcher conducted a qualitative study on contraceptive decision making among Latina youth. she interviewed youth in adolescent health clinics in four different communities. which quality-enhancement strategy is described in this example?

data triangulation

a nurse researcher studied family response to adolescent suicide, and interviewed parents and siblings independently. which form of triangulation was used in this study?

data triangulation

which adjective best captures a careful reader's mindset in scrutinizing the evidence in a research report?


Which is the dependent variable in the question, "Are depressive symptoms among patients with cancer affected by their degree of physical mobility and their pain levels?"

depressive symptoms

what is the first major step that a nurse researcher must undertake in a qualitative analysis?

developing a system for organizing and indexing the data

which is not an activity involved in qualitative content analysis?

devising metaphors

A nurse researcher has developed and tested a method to evaluate pain in nonverbal palliative care patients. In terms of purposes linked to EBP, this study had which purpose?


Which is a primary source for answering clinical questions for evidence-based nursing?

disciplined research

in the Noblit and Hare approach to integrating qualitative findings, one phase involves:

doing a reciprocal translation analysis

which is a viable approach to dealing with primary study quality in a meta-analysis?

doing sensitivity analyses to see if effects change when low-quality studies are excluded

in an ethnographic analysis, what term is used for units of cultural knowledge?


the use of inferential statistics permits researchers to:

draw conclusions about a population based on data from a sample

which is a widely-used as an index of clinical significance at the group level?

effect size indexes

in the Glaserian approach to grounded theory analysis, constant comparison involves, in part, a scrutiny of other other work similar topics. which term refers to the evolution of substantive theories involving other work?

emergent fit

which are the options for prioritization in a mixed methods study?

equal and dominant

which statement about sampling in ethnographic studies is true?

ethnographers sample not only people but also events, records, artifacts, and other features of a culture

Which qualitative research tradition focuses on understanding phenomena within a cultural context?


which statement is true?

evaluating the credibility of a study typically involves a careful assessment of methodologic decisions

which statement about evaluation research is true?

evaluation studies often use mixed methods designs

systematic reviews are the cornerstone of

evidence-based practice

Which research tradition is not used by qualitative nurse researchers?


a nurse researcher studied HIV risk factors and protective behaviors among bisexual men using a QUAN qual design. data were initially collected from 80 men using a structured questionnaire. in-depth follow-up interviews were then conducted with a subsample of 20 men to facilitate interpretation. using the Creswell design terminology, which specific design did the researcher use?

explanatory design

a nurse researcher studied how men cope with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. the researcher concluded that early adjustment to the diagnosis involved a process provisionally described as "reframing." the researcher then deliberately tried to sample people for whom reframing was not apparent. which sampling method was used toward the end of this study?

extreme case sampling

Several resources support evidence-based practice, including metasyntheses. What is a metasynthesis?

A systematic integration and interpretation of qualitative research findings

what is a paradigm

A worldview, a general perspective

a researcher wants to compare male and female oncology patients in terms of scores on a depression scale, controlling for age, and severity of illness. the analysis would likely involve which test?


a researcher compared the mean anxiety levels of patients who had been randomly assigned to a soothing music group, a massage group, or control group. which statistical test was likely used to test group differences in anxiety scores?


The Iowa Model identifies problem-focused triggers for implementing an EBP project. Which is a problem-focused trigger in the Iowa Model?

An observed increase in patient falls among patients on a neurologic unit

Which research questions would be considered cause-probing?

Are students who use e-cigarettes at higher risk of respiratory infections than students who do not?

In qualitative research, theory most often plays which role?

As a product of the research

Which activity is part of an organizational—but not an individual—EBP endeavor?

Assessing implementation potential

in a sample of patients with peripheral neuropathy, a researcher found that the correlation between pain scores and age was .02. what does this mean?

older patients had pain scores similar to younger patients

which statement about quality issues in qualitative research is true?

one debate among qualitative researchers is whether there should be a generic set of quality standards or different standards for different traditions

in a study on patient's fear of falling, a nurse researcher administered a questionnaire and asked about the participants' educational attainment. what is the level of measurement of the variable educational attainment?


which type of research is designed to document and appraise health care and nursing services?

outcomes research

which barrier do qualitative researchers face in demonstrating the trustworthiness of their studies to readers?

page limitations imposed by journals

which statement about unstructured observation is true?

participant observation involves prolonged periods of social interaction between researchers and participants

which statement about participant observation is true?

participants observers typically use a combination of strategies for positioning themselves during observations

Most definitions of evidence-based practice (EBP) call for the integration of best research evidence with:

patient preferences and values.

a researcher tested the hypothesis that weight gain during pregnancy was associated with infant's birth weight. which stat test would be appropriate?

pearson's r

clinical trials to test a new intervention often adhere to a sequence of phases. which phase of a clinical trial focuses on generalizability?

phase I

clinical trials to test new interventions often adhere to a sequence of phases. which phase of a clinical trial is a full test of the intervention, typically involving the use of a true experimental design?

phase III

In which qualitative research tradition would the following question be rooted? "What is it like to experience a heart transplantation?"


A qualitative researcher is studying the experience of living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In this study, the experience of living with IPF would most likely be called the:

phenomenon of interest.

nine women participated in a nurse researcher's study of the experience of alcohol-related intimate partner abuse. this is most likely to be the sample for which type of study?

phenomenonlogical study

group level significance is sometimes called:

practical significance

what paradigm has most often been associated with mixed methods research?


A nurse researcher is studying the consequences of having a sex-mismatched heart, compared to having a sex-matched heart, among heart transplant recipients. In terms of purposes linked to EBP, this study has which purpose?


a nurse researcher is studying how members of an immigrant community manage chronic health problems. the researcher spends 15 months in the field conducting interviews and making observations in the community. which quality-enhancement strategy is described in this study?

prolonged engagement

qual sampling may begin with volunteer participants, but many studies eventually evolve to a broad sampling strategy focused on the study's information needs. what is the name of that broad strategy?

purposive sampling

Which is the dependent variable in the research question, "Is the quality of life of nursing home residents affected by their functional ability or hearing acuity?"

quality of life

which is true of the mixed methods research?

quantitative and qualitative methods are complementary and can help researchers avoid the limitations of a single approach

Consumers of research take which action?

read research

which is a significant challenge in qualitative analysis?

reducing data for reporting purposes

A persistent criticism of the scientific method by those who espouse the constructivist paradigm is that it is:


a nurse researcher is planning to conduct a study about the experience of having a family member diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. she asks an expert in Alzheimer's disease to interview her about her prior assumptions and her own experiences with family members with this disease. which quality-enhancement strategy did the researcher use?


a researcher compared an experimental and control group on a quality of life scale.... the researcher would:

reject the null hypothesis

dependability in the Lincoln and Guba's framework for qualitative research is considered the analog of which criterion in quantitative research?


a researcher tested the effects of prenatal yoga on the mean stress levels of 100 pregnant women at three points in time. which stat procedure did the researcher likely use?

repeated measures ANOVA

what is an important concept that links the credibility of research results to efforts at corroboration?


a nurse researcher studied lapses in meidcation compliance among schizophrenia patients living in the community. in his journal article, the researcher reported that he had worked in psychiatric nursing for 15 years and had a nephew who was schizphrenic. which quality-enhancing strategy is the researcher using?

researcher credibility

which statement about interpretation is true?

researchers use proxies to "stand in for" the constructs in which they are interested

which statement is true?

researchers whose results are opposite to what was hypothesized should scrutinize alternative theories, their own methods, and findings from earlier research

under which condition would a meta-analysis not be appropriate?

results among studies are highly conflicting

which describes a capability of qualitative data analysis software?

retrieving portions of text corresponding to specified codes

the tendency of sample values (statistics) to fluctuate from one sample to another reflects:

sampling error

what is data saturation?

sampling to the point at which redundancy of info is achieved

the development and testing of a complex intervention involves several phases. which phase involves an assessment of such issues as recruitment and retention?

the pilot testing phase

The scientific method is associated with which paradigm?

the positivist paradigm

mixed methods research offers several advantages. which is one of those advantages?

the potential for enhanced validity

researchers must assess primary studies for eligibility in a meta-analysis. which is a plausible inclusion criterion?

the primary study reports must be written in english

several situations lend themselves particularly well to mixed methods (MM) research. which situation is not one of them?

the qualitative results are puzzling, and quantitative results will help explain them

for those interpreting statistical results, confidence intervals (CIs) provide which data?

the range of probable values within which the population value lies

a meta-analyst sought to estimate the effect of interventions designed to improve mental health outcomes for family members with a relative in palliative care.

the relative risk (RR) index

the statistical significance of a study finding indicates that:

the results were unlikely to be due to chance

what is at risk when the grey literature is excluded from a meta-analysis?

the risk is that studies with nonsignificant results will be underrepresented

if a power analysis indicated that for agiven sample size the power was .50, which would be true?

the risk of a type 2 error would be 50%

the standard error of the mean (SEM) gets smaller as which occurs

the sample size gets larger

which is an index of variability that takes into account all score values?

the standard dev

a researcher tested the hypothesis that a person's decision to have a colonoscopy was related to his or her perceived risk for colorectal cancer. which alpha = .05, the hypothesis was not supported. what might be a cause of this result?

the test had inadequate power

in reporting the results of a stat test in a research article, which would not be reported?

the theoretical value of the test statistic

which statement about the MIC is true?

the traditional approach to establishing the MIC to use a consensus panel of experts

which statement about sampling in qualitative research is true?

the type of sampling approach can change and evolve over the course of data collection

which statement about qualitative analysis is true?

themes may develop within categories of the coding scheme or may cut across categories

in Glaserian grounded theory, theoretical codes help. to weave pieces of data back together. Glaser devised "families" of theoretical codes. which is not one of these families?

themes: holisitc, selective, detailed

which statement about qualitative analysis is true?

there are no universally adopted rules for analyzing qualitative data

which statement about quality criteria in qualitative research is true?

there is no common vocabulary for quality criteria in qualitative inquiry

which is a criterion for undertaking a meta-analysis?

there needs to be a sufficiently large number of relevant primary studies

many strategies for operationalizing clinical significance at the individual level have been developed. what feature do they share in common?

they all involve establishing a benchmark score value that would be considered clinically important

which best characterizes metasyntheses?

they involve interpretation as well as integration of previous findings

which is true about researchers conducting metasyntheses?

they sample primary studies until saturation is achieved

which is a major limitation of internet surveys?

they tend to have low response rates

several strategies can be used to enhance transferability in qualitative studies. which is one of those strategies?

thick description

which is used to support the transferability of qualitative research findings?

thick description

in a process analysis, which would most likely be the researcher's goal?

to describe how a program was implemented

which is the main purpose of a CONSORT diagram?

to document the flow of people into and out of a study sample

why do researchers search for and incorporate disconfirming evidence in qualitative analysis?

to refine a hypothesis or theory

why do qualitative researchers use theoretical sampling?

to select participants who will help to develop the emerging conceptualization

in an economic analysis, which would most likely be the researcher's goal?

to weigh a program's benefits against its monetary costs

which statement about topic guides is true?

topic guides are often used to guide discussions in focus group interviews

which term in the Lincoln and Guba's framework is the analog of external validity in quantitative studies?


A nurse researcher is studying the effect of a health promotion intervention for inner city adolescents on daily amount of physical activity. In terms of purposes linked to EBP, this study has which purpose?


the integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches in a single study constitutes a form of:


a nurse researcher studied nursing students' experiences of bullying in clinical placements, using a case study design with multiple cases. the researcher selected cases that involved persistent, severe bullying. which sampling method was used?

extreme case sampling

a nurse researcher administered a 30-item scale to assess the severity of caregiver burden. what is the level of measurement of the scores on the scale?


there are four levels of measurement. variables measured at which two levels are often called continuous variables?

interval and ratio

which statement relating to outcomes research is true?

nursing sensitive outcomes are patient outcomes that are affected by the quality and quantity of nursing care

which is not a quality criterion in Lincoln and Guba's framework?


which activity is not normally undertaken as part of doing a metasynthesis?

obtaining the original data set from primary study researchers

Which group is best served by the development of a rigorous base of evidence for nursing practice?

nurses' clients

Which is an example of a clinical nursing research question?

What factors contribute to clients' risk of falling during a hospitalization?

when a researcher reports that a result is statistically significant, what does this mean?

the obtained result likely was not the result of chance

which statement about grounded theory is true?

the outcome of the Corbin and Strauss approach to grounded theory is a full conceptual description

which statement about focus groups is true?

the person guiding a focus group interview is called a moderator

which is a key criterion for being included in a sample for a phenomenological study?

the person must have experienced the phenomenon being studied

one approach to systematically integrating qualitative findings is called meta-ethnography. which scholars are associated with this approach?

Noblit and Hare

Which is a fundamental assumption of the positivist paradigm?

Reality is "out there" to be objectively studied, known, and understood.

In the following clinical question, what is the Comparison (C component)? "Does chronic stress affect inflammatory responses in older men with atherosclerotic disease?"

No "C" component is stated.

Which is a fundamental assumption in the constructivist paradigm?

Reality is multiply constructed and multiply interpreted by humans.

Which can be used to critically appraise clinical practice guidelines?

The AGREE II instrument

Which could be a datum from a qualitative research study on the labor and delivery experiences of women over age 40 years?

"It was much more painful than I ever imagined."

Which statement is true?

The Cochrane Collaboration, with centers around the world, is involved in preparing and disseminating systematic reviews.

which research question is appropriately phrased for a meta-analysis, within the PICO framework?

"what is the effect of music on agitation levels in patients with dementia?"

a nurse researcher conducted a mixed method study about elders who delayed responding to symptoms of heart failure. one research question was "among elderly patients with heart failure, what are the most frequently reported symptoms?" which would be a particularly likely second research question in this mixed methods study?

"why do elderly patients delay in responding to heart failure symptoms?"

below is a correlation matrix for four variables. which value in the matrix indicates the strongest relationship?


for which level of significance is the probability of making a type 1 error lowest?


a 95% confidence interval is associated with how many standard deviation units?


Which could be a datum from a quantitative study of the labor and delivery experiences of women over age 40 years?

107 ounces

a researcher found a multiple correlation of .40 (R=.40) between candy intake, age, income on the one hand and dental caries on the other. how much variability in dental caries, the dependent variable, can be accounted by the three predictor variables?


in analyzing scores on an anxiety scale, a nurse researcher found the scores were distributed from 62 to 98 in the research sample. what is the range?


a group of 500 elders completed a test of cognitive functioning. the mean score was 85, the stand dev was 5, and scores were normally distributed. appx what percentage of the 500 scores fell between 80 and 90?


for each primary study in a meta-analysis, a forest plot portrays information about:

95% CIs around an effect size

what is a characteristic of a normal distribution?

95% of the values are within 2 stand dev above and below the mean

Which is an example of a systematic review?

A meta-analysis available in the Cochrane database

The Iowa Model identifies several knowledge-focused triggers for implementing an EBP project. Which source would be considered a knowledge-focused trigger?

A report in the New England Journal of Medicine regarding the transmission of the Zika virus

Which statement is true?

Body temperature is an example of a variable on a continuum.

Although the positivist and constructivist paradigms differ in many ways, the two paradigms have which feature in common?

Both rely on the cooperation of human beings to participate in a study.

Which activity occurs in a journal club?

Discussion of a research article regarding its merits and relevance to practice

What is a final step in both quantitative and qualitative research?

Disseminating research results

In which clinical question is fatigue the "I" component?

Does fatigue affect agitation in cognitively impaired elders?

Which is a question about a causal relationship?

Does rigorous daily exercise reduce the risk of obesity?

Which argument is used by advocates of EBP?

EBP offers a good framework for self-directed lifelong learning.

Which is a likely trend for the future of nursing research?

Enhancing the focus on the clinical significance of research findings

Which is an especially important goal for the nursing profession?

Establishing a solid base of evidence for practice through disciplined research

what is empirical evidence?

Evidence rooted in the real world, gathered through the human senses

What are the two broad classes of quantitative research?

Experimental and nonexperimental research

in an analysis of variance (ANOVA), what is the test statistic?

F ratio

For individual-level efforts for putting research into practice, nurses follow five major steps. What is the first step in the process?

Framing a clinical question that can be answered with research evidence

who is not a leading scholar within the Duquesne School of Phenomenonology?


according to the viewpoint of one phenomenologist, it is inappropriate to go back to study participants to validate a preliminary thematic analysis. which phenomenologist had this view?


Which decision is made in connection with the research design for a quantitative study?

How frequently data will be collected

Which is a question that would be asked in appraising research evidence in an individual EBP effort?

How rigorous and reliable is the evidence?

In terms of the PICO framework for asking well-worded questions in an evidence search, an independent variable in a study corresponds to which combination of components?

I and C

In the following clinical question, what is the Intervention (I component)? "In hospitalized children aged 8 to 12 years undergoing surgery, does imagery-induced relaxation reduce postoperative pain?"

Imagery-induced relaxation

which statement is true?

In the early 1900s, most nursing research focused on education, not nursing practice.

which is true about qualitative research

It involves the gathering of narrative, subjective materials.

who developed an alternative to Spradley's approach to ethnographic analysis?


Which research topic would most likely be the focus in a qualitative study?

Mental health experiences of military veterans living with chronic illness

Which is a systematic review that integrates quantitative research findings?


In the United States, which is a major source of funding for nursing research?


In terms of the PICO framework for asking well-worded questions in an evidence search, a dependent variable in a study corresponds to which component?


which is a statistic associated with logistic regression?


Which statement expresses a relationship between variables?

Older people sleep less than younger people.

In the following clinical question, what is the Population (P component)? "What is it like for mothers, compared to fathers, to become the parent of a medically fragile preterm infant?"

Parents of medically fragile preterm infants

In the following clinical question, what is the Population (P component)? "Do stress and depression affect dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?"

Patients with COPD

a nurse researcher wants to describe the relationship between patients' age and their scores on a 20-item social support scale. which would the researcher use in this descriptive analysis?

Pearson's r

Which is a potential limitation of qualitative research?

Qualitative research typically involves a small number of people, so the generalizability of findings can be problematic.

Which statement is true?

Quality improvement is a necessary activity for health care institutions.

a nurse researcher is using a distribution approach to defining the MIC threshold. what is the most commonly used value for the MIC threshold using this approach?

SD = .05

one approach to systematically integrating qualitative findings distinguished qualitative reports that are "summaries" and ones that are "syntheses"; the researchers argued for including only syntheses as the primary studies in a metasynthesis. which scholars are associated with this approach?

Sandelowski and Barroso

Which statement about undertaking literature reviews is true?

Some qualitative researchers postpone doing a thorough literature review until after they have collected their data.

Which is the aggregate of individuals or objects to which a researcher wishes to generalize study results?

Study subjects

Which is a major barrier to evidence-based practice in nursing?

The absence of necessary skills, among many nurses, for locating and critically evaluating nursing studies

Which issue is of particular importance in determining the implementation potential of the EBP project for the organization?

The cost-benefit ratio of introducing the innovation

Which statement about qualitative research design is true?

The design for many qualitative studies emerges and evolves during the course of data collection.

What limits the capacity of the scientific method to answer questions about human experiences and health outcomes?

The difficulty of accurately measuring complex human characteristics

Which statement about qualitative studies is true?

The inductive analysis of qualitative data typically yields themes and categories.

In the following clinical question, which PICO component is the health promotion program? "Does a nurse-led health promotion program improve the eating habits of community-dwelling elders?"

The intervention or influence (I)

In the following clinical question, which PICO component is missing? "Relative to sterile water, what is the effect of sucrose on pain during intravenous cannulation?"

The population (P)

In qualitative research, what does saturation indicate?

Themes and categories in the data are becoming redundant.

in Glaserian grounded theory, researchers seek to identify a pattern of behavior that is relevant or problematic for participants. this pattern is referred to as a:

core category

What is the purpose of an evidence hierarchy?

To rank order evidence according to the strength of evidence provided

What is the purpose of an operational definition?

To specify how a variable will be measured

Which is the independent variable in the question, "Do baccalaureate degree-prepared nurses practice more rehabilitative nursing procedures on a client in an ICU than associate degree-prepared nurses?"

Type of educational background of nurse

Which activity occurs during the conceptual phase of a quantitative research project?

Undertaking a literature review

After a product for an institutional EBP project has been developed (e.g., a formal guideline or protocol for an innovation), what is typically the next step?

Undertaking a pilot test

a leading phenomenologist held the view that qualitative researchers should glean experiential information about a phenomenon from artistic sources. which phenomenologist had this view?

Van Manen

what is an important research precept?

correlation does not prove causation

Which is a descriptive question that a qualitative researcher might ask?

What is the nature of grief among parents of a dying child?

Which research question is an example of a descriptive question for a quantitative study?

What is the prevalence of elevated salivary cortisol in adolescents?

a researcher tested the hypothesis that patients in the ICU who were administered a silicone border foam dressing would be less likely than those without the dressing to experience incontinence-associated dermatitis. which statistical test would the researcher likely use?

a chi-squared test

which statement about standard errors of the mean (SEM) and sampling distribution is true?

a component in the formula for calculating SEMs is the SD for the sample

a nurse researcher wants to describe the relationship between marital status and having a diagnosis of postpartum depression. which would the researcher use in the analysis?

a crosstabs table

a researcher sends out three rounds of questionnaires to 15 experts to elicit their opinions about nurses' role in addressing the needs of patients with Parkinson's disease. what type of study would this be called?

a delphi survey

Research utilization is a process that begins with which event?

a finding from existing research

which is a visual method of identifying heterogeneity among primary studies in a meta-analysis?

a forest plot

a nurse researcher is studying parents' experiences of having a child diagnosed with leukemia. the researcher began the interview by asking "can you tell me what it was like when you first learned that your child had leukemia?" this is an example of which type of question?

a grand tour question

in interpretive schools on phenomenology, some researchers believe that an analytic process that is essential to reaching understanding is a continual movement between the parts and the whole of the text being analyzed. what is the term used to signify this process?

a hermeneutic circle

there are four levels of measurement. what is ordinal measurement?

a level in which an attribute is rank ordered on a scale with unequal distances between points on the scale

a nurse researcher reported that, for scores on a scale of empathy, =43. what does the symbol represent?

a mean

a researcher tested whether a reminder postcard was more effective than a reminder e-mail in encouraging study participants to return to the study site for follow-up data collection. what type of study would this be called?

a methodologic study

which statement about nonsignificant results is true?

a nonsignificant result is inconclusive

Benner's approach, which is sometimes used in hermeneutic analysis, involves a search for "strong instances of concerns or ways of being in the world." which term is associated with these "strong instances"?

a paradigm case

an ethnographer is studying the culture of a refugee community in toronto. the interviews take place in the participants' homes, and the interviewer asks participants to talk about family pictures and souvenirs that are on display. what type of interview is this?

a photo elicitation interview

which is the unit of analysis in a meta-analysis?

a primary quantitative study

which is the unit of analysis in computing a manifest effect size, using the Sandelowski-Barroso to integrating qualitative studies?

a qualitative finding or theme

a researcher used the Plan-Do-Study-Act model to develop and assess a perioperative hand-off tool and standardized process for improving communication. what type of inquiry was this?

a quality improvement study

A researcher is investigating the effect of bed angle of hospitalized patients (15°, 30°, 45°) on the patients' heart rate. This is an example of what type of study?

a quantitative study

what info is kept in an observational log?

a record of what the observer did in the field each day

for outcomes for which an MIC threshold has been established, what type of analysis is possible for identifying differences in individual change?

a responder analysis

as a strategy for refining a research question for a systematic review, researchers may undertake:

a scoping review

a researcher used data from the 2014 US national health interview study to test hypotheses about the correlation between smoking and depression. what type of study would this be called?

a secondary analysis

in the standard notation for mixed methods designs, what does the following notation signify? QUAN qual

a sequential design with the quantitative strand dominant

a nurse researcher gathered data from a national sample of nurses regarding fatigue and burnout by means of mailed questionnaire. this is an example of:

a survey

a nurse researcher is studying nurses' experiences with ethically difficult situations and has a list of question areas that need to be covered in each interview. what is that list called?

a topic guide

which statement about type 1 and 2 errors is true?

a type 2 error occurs when a researcher concludes that there is no relationship between variables when there is one

in a randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation program with 75 experimental group members and 75 control group members, which index would be a measure of the proportion of individuals in the control group who presumably would have stopped smoking had they been exposed to the program?

absolute risk reduction

which is the final phase of the data analysis process in the ethnonursing approach?

abstracting major themes and present findings

a 95% CI in parameter estimation corresponds to which alpha value in a hypothesis testing framework?

an alpha of .05

in the standard notation for mixed methods designs, what does the following notation signify? QUAL + QUAN

an equal priority concurrent design

a nurse researcher wanted to assess the effectiveness of a program for encouraging adolescent mothers to avoid a second pregnancy. what type of research would this be considered?

an evaluation

In which type of study would deductive reasoning most likely be used?

an experimental study

in a sample of 300 adults, a researcher tests the hypothesis that men and women differ in the amount of time (hours) they spend exercising weekly. which statistical test would the researcher likely use?

an independent groups t-test

In the following clinical question, what is the Intervention/influence/exposure (I component)? "Does taking antidepressants affect the risk of suicide in cognitively impaired adolescents?"

antidepressant use

which question would researchers most likely ask peers to address in a peer debriefing?

are there possible errors of interpreting the data?

which type of coding is unique to the Strauss and Corbin approach to grounded theory


it is important that researchers design rigorous study methods to eliminate:


in a sample of 250 patients with cancer, the scores on a scale that measured resilience ranged 10-70. there were two peaks in the distribution, at the scores of 25 and 55. what would this distribution be called?


which is true regarding both quantitative and qualitative research?

both involve the development of eligibility criteria before recruiting study participants

which is not one of the steps involved in hypothesis testing?

calculating the theoretical distribution for the test statistic

in Glaserian grounded theory, substantive coding involves open coding. what are open codes?

codes that capture what is going on in the data

which statement about coding qualitative data is true?

coding schemes typically have major thematic categories and subcategories

what does the process of constant comparison involve?

comparing elements present in one data source with those in another for similarity

Which term is used by both quantitative and qualitative researchers to refer to the abstractions under study?


before the advent of computer software for qualitative analysis, the main procedure for managing qualitative data was the development of:

conceptual files

the quality criterion of credibility in the Lincoln and Guba's framework for qualitative research refers to:

confidence in the truth value of the data

what is a useful tool for understanding the precision of results?

confidence intervals

which is the criterion in the Lincoln and Guba's framework that refers to neutrality or objectivity in qualitative inquiry?


analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) removes the effect of what type of variable before testing whether mean group differences on the outcome are statistically significant?


during the development of an intervention, which type of validity is especially salient?

construct validity

which is not one of the levels of data analysis in Spradley's ethnographic method?

content analysis

a nurse researcher develops a scale to measure preparedness for caregiving among family members of palliative care patients. a panel of experts is recruited to assess the relevance of the items, and the results indicated a CVI of .91. what type of validity is being assessed?

content validity

which statement about sampling is true?

convenience sampling is used by both quant and qual researchers

which is a potential drawback of convenience sampling in qualitative research?

convenience sampling may not yield the most info-rich sources

a nurse researcher used a QUAL + QUAN design to explore anxiety and depression among adults who had an older parent in hospice care in a distant location. using the creswell design terminology, which specific design did the researcher use?

convergent design

in qualitative research, investigator triangulation is comparable to which quantitative research concept?

interrater reliability

which is a central issue during the pilot phase of an intervention project?


which can facilitate researchers' search for themes relating to dynamic processes?

flow charts

a metasynthesist calculated manifest effect sizes in a meta-summary of qualitative studies on adolescent mothers' experiences of being homeless...

frequency effect size

In the following clinical question, what is the Outcome (O component)? "What is the effect of relaxation therapy versus biofeedback on the functional ability of patients with rheumatoid arthritis?"

functional ability

Gaining entrée in a qualitative project usually requires negotiations with whom?


which qualitative research tradition relies on theoretical sampling?

grounded theory

a nurse researcher tested the effectiveness of a foot massage on geriatric patients' pain levels. One study participant, Mr. Smerud, has a pain score of 80 before the massage and a pain score of 65 at follow up. what would a score of 15 be called?

his change score

confidence intervals (CIs) address a key question relating to the appraisal of evidence for EBP. which question do CIs address?

how precise is the estimate?

which is a key design decision in mixed methods studies?

how the quantitative and qualitative strands should be sequenced?

Quantitative researchers formulate predictions about relationships among study variables. In the context of a study, what are these predictions called?


which statement about the design of a meta-analytic study is true?

if statistical heterogeneity is anticipated subgroup analyses to explore variation in effects are often planned

which statement about sample size in qualitative research is true?

if the quality of data being collected is exceptionally good, a smaller sample may suffice than when data are of mediocre quality

which statement about qualitative content analysis is true?

in a content analysis, a meaning unit is the smallest segment of a text that contains usable information

which statement about sampling in grounded theory studies is true?

in grounded theory study, sampling, data collection, data analysis, and theory construction occur concurrently and iteratively

which statement about validity is true?

inappropriate eligibiilty criteria could affect a study's construct validity

in terms of measurement levels for variables in a multiple regression analysis, which is true?

infant birth weight is measured at an acceptable level for use as either a predictor or a dependent variable in multiple regression

the maintenance of good, thorough documentation and a decision trail is especially critical during:

inquiry audits

for a distribution of scores on a quality of life scale, the stand dev was computed to be 4.0. what is the value of the range?

insufficient info to determine

which cannot be used as an effect size index for a meta-analysis?

intensity effect size

Donabedian created a widely framework for outcomes research. which was not a factor in the original Donabedian framework?


which measurement property of a multi-item scale is estimated with coefficient alpha?

internal consistency

which statement about qualitative research analysis is true?

interpretation and analysis of qualitative data typically occur simultaneously

a nurse researcher conducted an in-depth study of anxiety in mechanically ventilated hospital patients. the researcher coded data from interviews with 20 patients, and a coinvestigator independently coded 8 of the 20 interviews. the coding of the two researchers was then compared. which quality-enhancement strategy was the researcher using?

investigator triangulation

which is an advantage of meta-analysis, compared to narrative systematic reviews?

it integrates info in a more objective manner than a narrative systematic review

a researcher wanted to predict whether nursing home residents would or would not experience a fall within 3 months of admission based on four predictors. the analysis would involve which test?

logistic regression

a nurse researcher conducted an in-depth study of therapeutic relationships in day-surgery settings. the researcher systematically collected, documented, and maintained information about the progress of the study, including the raw data, reflexive and methodologic notes, coding decisions, and data analysis products. which quality-enhancement strategy was the researcher using?

maintaining an audit trail

a nurse researcher studied barriers to smoking cessation among pregnant women. the study involved in-depth interviews with 16 women who were selected to be different in terms of their parity, education, and length of time as a smoker. which sampling method was used?

maximum variation sampling

which measure of central tendency is the most stable?


A nurse researcher is studying what it is like for children to be fearful when they undergo routine immunizations and how they cope with their fears. In terms of purposes linked to EBP, this study has which purpose?

meaning and processes

a nurse researcher did an in-depth study of physical aggression among residents in nursing home settings. after interviewing 14 residents, the researcher analyzed the data for important themes. six study participants were asked to review the emergent themes. which quality-enhancement strategy was the researcher using?

member checking

which quality-enhancement strategy used primarily during data collection is somewhat controversial among qualitative researchers?

member checking

in qualitative data analysis, which analytic device involves a symbolic comparison?


a nurse researcher studied women's experience during the transition to menopause. data were collected by interviewing 20 women in their 50s. the participants were also asked to maintain a daily diary for a month. which form of triangulation was used in this study?

method triangulation

which is used as an index in evaluating clinical significance at the individual level?

minimal important change (MIC)

a nurse researcher undertakes participant observation in an intensive care unit. on consecutive days, the researcher shadows a different staff member and observes his or her behavior and actions. this is example of which type of positioning?

mobile positioning

what is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution called?


which statement about collecting self-report data in qualitative research is true?

most qualitative researchers audio-record their interviews for later transcription

a researcher administered a self-esteem scale to a sample of 200 children. the bulk of scores were at the upper end of the distribution. how would the frequency distribution for the scores be described?

negatively skewed

a nurse researcher studied HIV risk factors and protective behaviors among bisexual men using a QUAN qual design. data were initially collected from 80 men using a structured questionnaire. in-depth follow-up interviews were then conducted with a subsample of 20 men to facilitate interpretation. which sampling design did the researcher use?

nested sampling

Which is the independent variable in the research question, "What is the effect of noise levels on postoperative pain and blood pressure fluctuations in ICU patients?"

noise levels

in a study on patient compliance, a nurse researcher administered a questionnaire and asked about the participants' marital status. what is the level of measurement of the variable marital status?


what is another name for a distribution that is described as a bell-shaped curve?


which is the most likely frequency distribution for the variable height in a population of adults?

normally distributed

"Male" is which variable?

not a variable

consider the following hypothesis: the amount of daily daylight is unrelated to levels of depression in older adults. what type of hypothesis is this?

null hypothesis

a researcher wants to know how many people would have to receive a fall prevention intervention to prevent one fall. what index would the researcher compute?

number needed to treat

which piece of information is not typically encoded for each primary study in a meta-analysis?

number of coders

which would be an example of a positively skewed attribute in general populations?

number of years of education

a researcher conducted a phenomenological study about the experience of losing one's eyesight to macular degeneration, and used one of Van Manen's analytic approaches. the researcher pulled out significant statements from interview transcripts that seemed essential to the participants' experience. which approach did the researcher use?


Which abstraction is most likely to be called a construct?


an instrument's ability to correct identify a case is its:


which best describes a typical sample in qualitative studies?

small and selected not at random

a qualitative researcher studied women's decision to delay childbearing until their late 30s. initial study participants referred friends who had made similar decisions. what type of sample is being used with such referrals?


which is not. a type of purposive sampling?

snowball sampling

when a statistical test has been performed, the computed p value is compared to the:

specified value of alpha

which is the SD of a sampling distribution of means?

standard error of the mean

the results section of a quantitative research articles summarizes results of the:

statistical analyses

Which model was explicitly developed with the idea that individual nurses could engage in research utilization?

stetler model

Which term would likely be used only by quantitative researchers, as opposed to qualitative researchers, to refer to people who participate in a study?


Knowledge translation is a term most often associated with:

system-wide efforts to apply new evidence in practice settings.

Which adjective best describes the scientific method?


Which attribute is a characteristic of the traditional scientific method?

systematic measurement of natural phenomena

Most evidence hierarchies put which evidence source at the pinnacle?

systematic reviews

which statement about systematic reviews is true?

systematic reviews follow similar "rules" as for primary studies

which statement about evaluating primary study quality is true?

the Cochrane Handbook recommends coding primary studies for the presence/absence of the key methodologic features

which title for a journal article might be misleading?

the Impact of Parenting Style on Adolescents' Sexual Risk-Taking Behaviors

which statement about SDs is true?

the SD represents the average amount of deviations of scores from the mean

which is a parameter?

the average age of an accessible population of 2,000 nursing home residents

In the following clinical question, which PICO component is the eye masks? "Do ear plugs, relative to eye masks, have a beneficial effect on perceived sleep quality among patients in intensive care?"

the comparison (C)

in the Glaserian approach to grounded theory analysis, selective coding begins when which occurs?

the core category has been identified

interpreting results involves several types of considerations. which consideration is at issue when researchers ask the question: "how rigorous is the evidence about whether the results are correct?"

the credibility and accuracy of the results

which typically occurs in nursing intervention research?

the development of an intervention theory

which represents a position that is often associated with mixed methods research?

the dictatorship of the research question

descriptive phenomenology most fundamentally involves a search for:

the essential nature of an experience

what is authenticity in Lincoln and Guba's framework of quality criteria?

the extent to which a range of different realities are faithfully depicted

some mixed methods designs are sequential. what is a sequential design?

the first strand occurs prior to the second strand

a researcher is doing a test-retest assessment of a 10-item scale to measure fear of hospitals. what would be the preferred reliability statistic for this situation?

the intraclass correlation coefficient

which statement about data collection in qual studies is true?

the main source. of data for qual studies is in in-depth interviews

a researcher reported the. age of onset of Alzheimer's disease in a sample of residents in a memory care facility. what index of central tendency is likely to best communicate the info?

the median

here are 5 score values: 5, 6, 9, 10, 10. which measure of central tendency for this distribution would have a value of 9?

the median

meta-analysts should avoid the "apples and oranges" problem. what does this mean?

the meta-analysis should be the same researchers as those who did the primary studies

in qualitative research, which term is most likely to be used to refer to issues focused on methodologic and interpretive quality?


there is no consensus on whether systematic reviews should include the grey literature. what is the grey literature?

unpublished reports

which measure exemplifies ratio-level measurement?

urine output in millimeters per hour

a meta-analyst addressed the question of whether mindfulness-based interventions were effective in reducing anxiety in patients with cancer and found high levels of statistical heterogeneity. what should the meta-analyst do?

use a random effects analytic model

which term is controversial among qualitative researchers?


a nurse researcher is interviewing particpaints who survived a major earthquake. what is the best example of a grand tour question for this study?

what was it like to live through an earthquake?

participant observers can gather a wide range of info about a group or setting under study. which question is least likely to be considered relevant from a substantive point of view in a participant observation study?

where will i be able to charge electronic devices needed for data collection?

what issue has been controversial among metasynthesists?

whether or not to integrate studies from different qualitative research traditions

in thinking about sampling for a qualitative study, a researcher might ask which question?

who would be a rich information source for my study?

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