research methods (concepts I need more practice on)
if a test is designed to measure leadership skills, __________ validity ensures it isn't inadvertently measuring another trait, such as communication skills
A written exam tests whether individuals have enough theoretical knowledge to acquire a driver's license. The exam would have high ____________ validity if the questions asked cover every possible topic in the course related to traffic rules.
the scores of two tests, one measuring self-esteem and the other measuring extroversion, are likely to be correlated—individuals scoring high in self-esteem are more likely to score high in extroversion. These two tests would then have high ________________
convergent validity
psychologists administer intelligence tests to predict school performance. If a person scores low on an IQ test, then that person is less likely to succeed in academics as a high scoring peer. This demonstrates the concept of ______________ validity.
the scores of two tests measuring security and loneliness theoretically should not be correlated. In other words, individuals scoring high in security are not expected to score high in loneliness. If that proves true, these two tests would have high __________________________
discriminant validity
face validity
extent to which respondents can tell what the items are measuring
a survey that asks people about their job satisfaction might have high ______ validity if the questions appear to be directly related to job satisfaction and the words are easy to understand.
discriminant validity
scores on the measure are not related to other measures that are theoretically different
criterion validity
the extent to which a measure is related to an outcome
content validity
the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest
construct validity
the extent to which variables measure what they are supposed to measure
convergent validity
the measure should correlate more strongly with other measures of the same constructs