Retail 350 Exam 1

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True or false: A goal of selling is to create an experience that is exclusively in the best interest of a buyer.


True or False: in marketing exchanges, emotional intelligence (EI) is adversely related to performance and retaining customers

False (it is positively related)

The act passed in 1863 during the civil war to encourage citizens to press claims against vendors that fraudulently sold to the US government is called the...

False Claims Act

in the context of international and legal issues in selling, the ___________ prohibits companies form paying bribes to officials in other countries

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


It involves giving large amounts of money to high-ranking officials to make them do illegal activities or to ignore and illegal act.

In the context of business-to-business distribution channels, salespeople who work for a firm and promote the firm's products to other firms are know as...

Missionary salespeople

in the context of nonverbal communication, identify a customer who gives a positive sign al to a salesperson using hand gestures

Natalie, who keep her palm open upward

a reseller

OtoSpeed Inc. buys car accessories from other companies to sell it to its customers

In the given equation use to calculate a buyers profit, know as the Personal Value Equation, identify the value represented by "A" = A-(B+C)

PVE=benefits received- (selling price+Time and effort to purchase)

The phenomenon of human-driven interaction between and within individuals or organizations in order to bring about economic exchange within a value-creation context is known as?

Personal selling

In the context of the sales job continuum, which of the following salespeople require a higher level of creativity than the others?

Ryan, who deals with a field customer

An effort to gain insights into customers by utilizing sophisticated data mining and analytic methods is known as...

Selling Analytics

in the context of organizational buying decisions, ___________ __________ _____________ (SLAs) are standards for minimum service delivery for specific objective measures of how a vendor will perform services and are written into a contract.

Service level agreements

Acts such as unwelcome sexual advances; request for sexual favors, jokes, or graffiti; posting sexually explicit material on bulletin boards or cubicle walls'; and physical conduct are referred to as

Sexual Harassment

What is the goal of selling?

To generate economic exchange

True or False: usually, senior executives involve more in important buying decisions that have a larger effect the performance of their firm


true or false: in the context of personal codes of ethics, short-term compromises made by salespeople when selling make long-term customer relationship difficult to build.


The legal guide to commercial practice in the United States is the

Uniform Commercial Code

Selling is completely related to _________________, which is the total benefit that a sellers products and services provide to a buyer.


an economic ingfluencer

a person concerned about the financial aspects of the buying decision

a coach

a person in a buying firm who directs a salesperson, in maneuvering through the buying process in an effective fashion, leading to a sale

a technical influencer

a person who ensures that technical requirements are met

Sales through Distributors

a producer assigns salespeople to sell to distributors

face to face communication

a seller can send the highest quantity of information

voice mail communication

a seller can send the lowest quantity of information

Jacob is a salesperson who deals with international selling. in this scenario, while communicating with an international customer in English, Jacob should utilize

action-specific verbs instead of using action-general verbs

in the context of the levels of listening, salespeople who project themselves into the mind of a speaker and attempt to feel the way the speaker feels practice

active listening

in the context of a modified rebuy situation, salespeople with out-suppliers need customers to

actively consider changing suppliers

Melissa, a salesperson, plans to change a customers perception of her products value. According to the multi attribute model of a product evaluation and choice, she should

add a new dimension to the product

in the context of voice characteristics, in order to avoid monotony, salespeople should learn to

alter the loudness of their speech

if a product is proprietary, which is available from only on supplier, a buyer might demand that the supplier develop a second source for the component. This strategy is known as...

always a share

while communicating sales messages and stories with customers, salespeople often try to draw a parallel between one thing and another called a


in the context of the parties to a buying decision, a typical characteristic of users is that they...

are important in new-task and modified rebuy situations

Due to the unusual freedom and flexibility offered by sales jobs, typical salespeople

are similar to independent entrepreneurs

customers tend to engage in long-term relationships only with salepeople who

are trustworthy and dependable

a type of just in time inventory control system where a vendor manages inventory level for a customer is known as

automatic replenishment

in the context of the e-mail communication between salespeople and buyers, the salespeople should

avoid delivering bad new via e-mail

Gerald is a salesperson. he presents a sales talk to his customers. In the context of the usage of gestures, in order to positively impact the customers. Gerald should

avoid showing too many gestures

identify the forms of nonverbal communication

body language, appearance, space

when a salesperson makes unfair or untrue statements to customers about a competitor, its products, or its salespeople ___________ __________ occurs

business defamation

an informal, cross department group of people involved in a purchase decision is known as the

buying center

in the context of just in time inventory control systems, how do efficient consumer response systems use automatic replenishment technology?

by using electronic data interchange (EDI)

In the context of business-to-business distribution channels, a feature of a missionary salesperson is that he or she

calls on people who have an impact on a buying decision

decreasing the rating for a competitive product

can be a dangerous strategy as customers encourage salespeople who say good things about their product, not bad things about competitive products

with the arrival of the industrial revolution, what did the companies do after sending salespeople across the country to sell?

canned sales pitches were distributed by them to all salespeople

capital equipment salespeople should understand that

capital equipment buying usually concentrates on lifetime operating cost rather than the initial purchase

capital equipment salespeople are required to work with a number of people included in a purchase decision because...

capital equipment purchases ideally demand major financial commitments

in the context of a salesperson-company relationship, professional salespeople should

consider their companies interest more valuable than their self interest

customers who purchase products and services for use by themselves or by their families are called


the seller

contract terms of a sale mention free on board destination

A sale is said to have formed when a

contract to sell is completed

the buyer

contracts terms of a sale mention free on board factory

in the context of the ways to decrease uncertainty and risk in a buying process, what can be considered lost for good for out-suppliers of an organization

converting purchasing decision into straight rebuys

as part of the third step in the organizational buying process, potential suppliers use the specifications of a product to...

create proposals

Salespeople should have the trait of having imagination and inventiveness and using them to come up with new solutions and ideas, known as


when a customer becomes increasingly bound to a particular course of action while going through the steps In the buying process, it is known as...

creeping commitment

selling firms determine which go-to-market strategy to use for each customer based on certain factors. one such factor that pertains to the estimated value of a customer over the lifetime of the customers relationship with a seller is called?

customer lifetime value (CLV)

Salespeople report information about expenses, sales forecasts, competitor activities, calls make, future calls schedules, business conditions, and unsatisfied customer need to their firms. Most of this information is included in a

customer relationship management (CRM) system

a responsibility of a salesperson as a client relationship manager is to assist customers identify problems, offering information about potential solutions, and providing after-sale service to make sure they they have long-term satisfaction. The phrase often used to describe this is


Field selling

deals more with problem solving with customers than the other type of selling

Inside selling

deals more with reacting to customer-initiated requests

withholding information or lying to a customer is known as ___________ which is clearly manipulative and is unethical


in the context of the people involved in a purchase decision, people who make the final choice of a buying process are known as


in the context of the communication process, interpreting the meaning of a received message is referred to as...


Under the Clayton Act of 1914, tying agreements typically are illegal because they

decrease competition among firms

_____ ______ means that purchases made by original equipment manufacturers and resellers ultimately rely on the demand for their products, either other organizations or consumers

derived demand

in the context of active listening skills, the technique of verifying information by repeating that has been said by a customer

diminishes the change of misunderstandings

salespeople working with in-suppliers

discourage customers from considering new sources, even on a trial basis

generally a buying process initiates due to the...

dissatisfaction of users with a product used by a firm

A group of people and firms accountable for the flow of products and services from a producer to an ultimate user is known as...

distribution channel

according to the principles for a salesperson wanting to dress for success proposed by Vicki west, salespeople should

dress based on the humidity, temperature, and weather patterns of a region

a strategy stating that customers are more interested in early involvement by possible vendors in situations involving purchasing components as part of a new product development than when buying other types of products is known as...

early procurement involvement

Samantha is a salesperson who works for a clothing manufacturer. she sells a product that has no test results concerning its performance. in order to avoid legal and ethical problems with misrepresentation of the product, she should...

educate customers about the products specific performance as much as possible

in a consumer product distribution channel, the just in time inventory control systems in which retailers and distributors work closely with their vendors to reduce inventory investments and still satisfy customer's needs are called

efficient consumer response (ECR) systems

Sophia is the general manager of a furniture manufacturing factory. she notices that the factory is not running efficiently because of the old assembly equipment used for production. After learning about this issue, Ethan, a salesperson, shows Sophia how efficiency can be improved by buying some automated assembly equipment. identify the step of an organizational buying process illustrated in this scenario.

elaborating the product type required

Emma, a salesperson, notices that a customer uses broader and more vigorous arm movements than before during a sales presentation. In the context of nonverbal communications, Emma should recognize that the customers arm movements indicate that the customer is

empathetic about the ideas he or she communicates verbally

in the context of the communication process, the translation of thoughts into words is known as


salespeople working with out-suppliers

encourage customers to place a small trial order so the firm can demonstrate a products qualities

adding a new dimension to the product

encourages a customer to consider a new attribute, one on which the product has superior performance

Stella, a salesperson, plans to gift the customers who buy products worth $500 and more. In this scenario, in the context of ethical standards, Stella should

ensure that it does not violate the policies of the customers

a guideline salespeople with regard to email communication with buyers is that they should

ensure that the first few lines of the email are important

in order to perform the strategy of supplier relationship management (SRM), as the first step, organizational buyers should

estimate the annual spend, which is the amount that is spent with each vendor and for what products

the principles governing the behavior of a person or a group are known as


new tasks

executive and engineers

in the context of various communication media used by salespeople to interact with customers, when asked, the customers suggested that

face to face communication develops high trust

which of the following is the core principle at work in considering ethics in professional selling?


True or False: The complexity of organizational selling is reducing ad more customers become global business


true or false: in the context of voice characteristics, customers tend to appreciate the expertise of salespeople who talk much faster than the normal rate of 140 words per minute


based on the evolution of selling, identify a consequence of the industrial revolution in the 1800's

firms began to manufacture more goods more cheaply

based the evolution of selling, identify a consequence of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800's

firms began to manufacture more goods more cheaply

Unpaid methods

firms have less control over these methods in comparison with other methods

Paid methods

firms have more control over these meth methods in comparison with other methods

in the context of the complexity of the organizational buying process, the average time needed to complete a typical organizational purchase is

five months

increasing or decreasing an importance weight

focuses on increasing the importance a customer places on attribute on which a product excels

based on the evolution of selling, the orientation of selling toward marketing has_________________

formed a customer-focused perspective

A seller has titel to goods until the goods are received at the destination if the contract terms of the sale specify _________________ destination

free on board

in the context of the people involved in a purchase decision, people who monitor the flow of information and may limit the alternatives considered in a buying process are known as


the biggest customers for goods and services in the United States are ___________ which purchase goods and services valued at more than $1 trillion annually

government agencies

some firms require salespeople to sign an agreement that contains a noncompete clause. Through such a clause, essentially a firm wants to

guard against its salespeople taking customers with them when they move to a new company

in terms of physical contact with customers, generally, salespeople should restrict physical contact to a


In the context of salespeople being account team managers in their firms, it has been found that salespeople who try to sell a product alone

have greater turnover intentions

According to the UCC, a feature of authorized agents of a company is that they

have the power to legally obligate their company in a business transaction

Identify a characteristic of a typical salesperson

he/she communicates to many people daily

Hailey works for an automobile-manufacturing factory. she notices that one of the auto parts manufacturing machines has stopped working. identify the step of an organizational buying process illustrated in this scenario.

identifying a need or an issue

according to research, a positive ethical environment in a firm helps

increase salespeople commitment to the firm

an effect of a customer focused perspective of selling is that it

increases the importance of ethics

side to side movements

indicates doubt and insecurity

Nathan, who keeps his legs uncrossed in an open position

indicates, cooperation, confidence, and friendly interest

in the context of voice characteristics, the pitch or tone of speech is known as


in the context of a modified rebuy situation, to be successful, sales rep from out-supplier must

influence all the individuals participating in a purchasing decision

Nicholas, a salesperson, works for an electronics company. During a sales talk, he confronts a customer, Hannah, who makes lewd sexual comments and gestures toward him. In this scenario, in the context of the guidelines to deal with sexual harassment from customers, Nicholas should

inform Hannah in person that her behavior is not acceptable

Joseph is a salesperson at an electronics outlet. His manager asks him to sell a product without mentioning to the customer that it is a used product. In the context of ethical standards, Joseph should

inform the manager that he is not ready to compromise his principles

in the context of the people involved in a purchase decision, the person who begins the buying process is known as a


Communication programs that coordinate the use of various vehicles to maximize the total impact of the programs on customers are known as

integrated marketing communications

identify the words that are advisable for salespeople to use the communicating with their customers

intervened, accelerated, crystal clear

in the context of the distance zones people use when interacting in business and social situations, the zone that is used primarily for a persons closest relationships is known as the

intimate zone

Logan, a salesperson, delivers a sales presentation to customers. during the presentation, his hand gestures are at a chest level. I note context of the impact of the location of salespeople's hands during gestures on customers. he will be perceived as a person who

is really passionate about a topic

In the context of sales puffery, identify a true statement about the False Claims Act of 1863

it allowed a person bringing a claim of fraud to share in the proceeds if the contractor was proved guilty and damages are evaluated


it consists of employment agencies, consultants, transportation, and internet and telephone connections.

capital equipment items

it consists of major purchases, such as mainframe computers and machine tools, that a producer uses for a number of years

overhaul (MRO) supplies

it consists of paper towels and replacement parts for machinery


it indicates a customers coldness, anger, or dislike toward a salesperson

a gaze to the right

it indicates that a customer is thinking about the logic and facts in a sales presentation


it involves small amounts of money or fights, ideally given to low-ranking managers or government officials, in countries where these payments are legal

ethical imperialism

it is a perspective that ethical standards in one's home country should be applied to one's behavior across the world

Cultural relativism

it is a perspective that no cultures ethics are superior

A conspiracy

it is an agreement between competitors before contacting customers

an invitation to negotiate

it is usually made when a salesperson gives a sales presentation

an offer

it is usually made when a salesperson quotes specific terms, such as what the seller promises to deliver and what it expects from the buyer

in the context of creeping commitment shown buy buyers, identify a true statement about early procurement involvement

it leads to potential suppliers to take part in the actual design process for a new product

eyes focused straight ahead

it means that a customer is passively hearing information provided by a salesperson

in the context of illegal business practices, identify a true statement about the U.S. CAN-SPAM law

it prescribes a fine up to $40,000 for each deceptive commercial e-mail sent

A collusion

it refers to competitors working together while a customer is making a buying decision

in the context of illegal business practices, identify a true statement about the federal Do-Not-Call Registry

it restricts the conditions under which any person on the registry may be telephones at home or on a cell phone

gazing to the left

it signals a customers intense concentration on the sales presentation based on an emotional consideration

intense eye contact for more than three seconds

it signals customer displeasure

in the context of international ethical and legal issues in selling, identify a true statement about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)`

it was amended to allow U.S. companies to pay small lubrication payments to foreign officials when they are customary in a culture

a logistics supply chain management system used by a manufacture to minimize its inventory by providing frequent deliveries, sometimes daily, immediately before assembly into the final product is known as the ...

just-in-time inventory control system

during a sales talk in front of a group of customers, Rhea, a salesperson, drops her hands down by her sides and keeps them there. in the context of the impact of the location of salespeople's hands during gestures on customers, she will be perceived as a person who

lacks enthusiasm

Statutory laws

laws based on legislation passed either by state legislatures or by congress

administrative laws

laws established by local, state, or federal regulatory agencies

negative nonverbal signals

leaning backward, shaking head, little change in expression

Samson is a salesperson. in roder to effectively communicate with his customers using voice mail, he should

leave a brief and clear message containing a suggested time for a return call

Sarah, a salesperson, decides to leave her job. in this scenario, she should

leave the job after providing adequate notice

in terms of the principles for a salesperson wanting to dress for success proposed by Vicki West, salespeople need to

let their industry norms decide the general parameters for appearance choices

as part of the economic criteria of businesses, they use a technique for deciding the price of equipment or supplies over their useful lives. this technique is known as _____ also called the total cost of ownership.

life cycle costing

in the context of active listening, an 80-20 listening rule states that salespeople should

listen 80 percent of the time and should not talk more than 20 percent of the time

Peter a salesperson, creates a twitter account to effectively connect with buyers. in this scenario, to accomplish his intention, he should

make a link to things that may be interesting to the buyers

in the context of straight rebuy situations, to maintain strong relationships with customers and to ensure that they do not consider other suppliers, salespeople must

make sure that their products continue to receive favorable assessments

To avoid problems created by backdoor selling, salespeople should

make the purchasing agent understand the benefits to be gained by direct contact with other people in a customers firm

in the context of body language patterns, salespeople should practice _____________ which is where a person copies the nonverbal of another person


advertising, the internet, and sales literature

mostly used in the early steps of the buying process

Selling to buyers in the headquarters of a buying firm is referred to as a headquarters selling. A feature of headquarters selling is that it

needs a high level of creativity and skill

Sophia is a salesperson. In the context of the sales job continuum, she requires a higher level of creativity when she...

needs to secure customer commitment

in the context of the types of buying decisions a ______ _______ situation occurs when a buyer purchases a product or service for the first time.

new task

in the context of the communication process, sounds that are not related to messages being exchanged by a salesperson and a customer, such as ringing telephones or other conversations nearby, are known as


a salesperson may be required to sign a contract that details the information owned by a customer and how or if that information can be shared with others. This contract is known as

nondisclosure agreement

During a sales call, Deborah, a salesperson, talks about the negative attributes of a competitors product. In the context of the relationship between salespeople and their competitors, Deborah's act is...

not advisable as it makes customers assume that she is biased toward her firm and its products


not unethical

as part of the third step in the organizational buying process, buyers use the specifications of a product to

objectively assess suppliers proposals

while actively listening to a speaker, salespeople should

obtain as much information as possible from the speaker

rational needs

organizational needs such as profit gains

an original equipment manufacturer

otospeed inc. buys engines from Tella Engines for manufacturing cars

an end user

otospeed inc. buys materials handling equipment from IronRod Machines Inc. for its warehouse

According to the UCC, typically, written agreements between a salesperson and a customer are required for sales

over $500

a person with high stress levels

over 50 or 70 blinks per minute


payments made to customers based on the amount of orders placed


payments made to customers to influence their purchase decisions

what happens during the final step of an organizational buying process?

people involved in the buying process evaluate a products performance either formally or informally

non contact people

perceive the other group as overly friendly and obtrusive

contact people

perceive the other groups as cold and unfriendly

emotional needs

personal needs of the members of a buying center

the process by which a salesperson attempts to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue while understanding that the other person is free to accept or reject the idea is known as


Sophia is a salesperson for a moving company. In the context of a buyer-seller relationship, the dealing with an existing customer, Sophia must...

place emphasis primarily on developing a buyer-seller relationship and serving the customer

An unethical method of stealing potential customers from other salespeople is known as...


In the context of consumer distribution channels, a difference between manufacturers agents and distributors and retailers is that the manufacturer's agents do not

possess the ownership of products

According to the court decisions related to the Robinson Patman Act, the practice of giving unjustified special prices, discounts, or services to some customers and not to others by a seller is known as

price discrimination

laws that limit the amount of information that a firm can obtain about a consumer and specify how that information can be used or shared are known as _______________ laws


modified rebuys

productions and purchasing managers

straight rebuys

purchasing agents

In order to build strong long-term relationships with customers, salespeople must...

react positively and quickly to a customer's needs.

A characteristic of successful salespeople is that they

realize their mistakes are learning opportunities

in the context of illegal business practices, a peculiar relationship in which two companies agree to purchase products from each other is referred to as


In order to improve emotional intelligence, salespeople should

recognize and realize their own emotions as they arise

in the context of the approaches taken by salespeople to change perceived value of a product, identify the simplest strategy to implement that is typically used by firms as a last resort

reducing the price of the product

Melissa, a salesperson, attempts to make a cold telephone call to set up an appointment with her customer. her cal goes to voicemail as the customer fails to pick up. in this scenario, she should

refrain from leaving a message

in the context of supply chain management, the ultimate objective of the Just in time inventory control system is to

remove all inventory except products in production and transit

the practice of introducing a minimum price below which distributers or retailers cannot resell their products is known as _________________ which is legal in some situations

resale price maintenance

customers who purchase finished products or services with the intention to resell them to businesses and consumers are known as


Benjamin, a salesperson, meets his customer before starting the sales talk. in the context of the guidelines for salespeople to shake hands with customers, when the customer offers his hand, he's should

respond with a firm handshake along with good eye contact

in the context of the communication between salespeople and customers, the time between sending a message and receiving a reply is known as

response time

mia, a salesperson, engages in international selling. in this scenario while communicating with a customer in English, Mia should utilize

rules of grammar more strictly than she would in everyday speech

organizations whose go-to-market strategies rely heavily on salespeople are called...

sales force-intensive organizations

glowing descriptions such as "our service cannot be beat" are referred to as _________________ _________________ which cannot be reasonably relied by customers

sales puffery

Identify the bases of the financial rewards of selling

salespeople must have a certain level of skill and must be sophisticated to sell.

Direct sales to a business customer

salespeople working for a producer call directly on their producers

according to the principles for salesperson wanting to dress for success proposed by Vicki West, while making wardrobe choices, it is advisable for sales people to

select clothes based on the range of choices acceptable to their industry

Natalie, a salesperson, works for a microprocessor company in order to target buyers for original equipment manufacturers, she should

show that the microprocessors help the buyers manufacture products that will offer superior value

Samantha a salesperson, delivers a sales talk to a group of customers in the context of the usage of gestures, in order to positively impact the customers, Samantha should

show the palm of her hand

Jennifer, who keeps her legs crossed away from a salesperson

signals that the sales call is not going well

word of mouth information from friends and colleagues

significant in the proposal evaluation and supplier selection steps of the buying process

in the context of voice characteristics, a speaker can use articulation at its best when the

speaker opens his or her mouth correctly

salespeople who want to effectively sell products or services to government agencies should

study their procurement procedures and rules

back and forth motions

suggest a positive outlook

vendor evaluation processes

supplier relationship management systems

Jake, a customer, buys a new car from Trumotors Inc., with features that will be added by a third-party vendor. Sean the sales person, coordinates the efforts of the vendor with Trumotors Inc. In this scenario, Sean, as a salesperson, is playing the role of

supply chain logistics and channel manager

a system that begins as a set of programs undertaken to increase the efficiency of the distribution channel that transfers products from a producers facilities to the end user is known as the...

supply chain management (SCM)

in canada all claims and statements made in advertisements and sales presentations about comparison with competitive products must pass

the credulous person standard

logistics systems

the just-in-time inventory control system

In the context of a seller-buyer relationship...

the sender encodes the message -the receiver decodes the sellers message - the sender encodes a reply message to the selling- the receiver then decodes the buyers message

What should salespeople do to satisfy (customer) quality needs?

they have to analyze what organizational buyers are looking for.

which of the following is a guideline that helps salespeople determine the right thing to do when selling?

they should depend on their own codes of ethics and/or their firms and industries codes of ethics

what should salespeople do to break in to a straight rebuy situation

they should give customers concrete information to make them treat the purchase as a modified rebuy

identify a guideline for salespeople to communicate with customers through telephone

they should practice alone before making any calls to perfect their phone style

Field salespeople

they spend considerable time in a customers place of business, communication with the customer face to face.

Inside salespeople

they work at their employers locations and typically communicate with customers by telephone or computer.

Why should salespeople have a clear sense of right and wrong?

to have good, long-term relationships with their customers and companies

salespeople's objectives

to increase compensation and to maintain their own codes of ethics

companies objectives

to increase profits and to decrease sales cost

why do buyers for original equipment manufacturers buy goods?

to utilize the goods in making their products

_____________ are defined as information owned by a company through which the company obtains a competitive advantage

trade secrets

True or False: Effective salespeople should know the ways in which businesses make purchase decision and individuals evaluate product alternatives.


in the context of illegal business practices, a buyer needs to buy one product in order to get another product in a

tying agreement

positive nonverbal signals

uncrossed arms and legs, animated excited reaction, contemplative posture

while communicating with customers through e-mails, salespeople should

understand the customers preferences for e-mail



Jennifer is a salesperson at a cellphone company. When selling a cellphone to a new customer Jennifer conceals the fact that the particular cellphone has a defect. In terms of ethical selling, concealing the information about the product is ethically

unfair as it reduces the customers profits the the cellphone performs poorly

an example of a program in which suppliers and customers work together to decrease costs and still provide the required level of performance of a product is

value analysis

in the context of active listening skill, the primary objective of restarting or rephrasing a customer's comment by a salesperson is to

verify the customers intention

An affirmation by a seller that the products will perform as a represented is known as a


Identify the instances where the legal principles controlling buying and selling are ideally straightforward

when the transaction is uncomplicated and when the purchase occurs only once

Headquarters selling involves selling to buyers in the headquarters of a buying firm. A feature of salespeople involved in headquarters selling is that they

work with buyers to create new systems and strategies

when communicating with customers, salespeople should use words such as...

"crystal clear" and "crisp copies" to provide charm and grace

which of the following are ways In which salespeople can add value in a selling situation?

- by creating meaning out of conditions that arise and conversations that occur -by providing interface between the buying and selling firms

according to general research on buyers, which of the following behaviors of salespeople are considered unethical or inappropriate?

- exaggerating the advantages of a product - answering queries without knowing the correct answer

identify the features of the multiattribute model of product evaluation and choice

- it helps understand the factors individual members of a buying center consider in a assessing and selecting products -it is usually used in complex buying decisions that involve several vendors

in the context of active listening skills of salespeople, identify the uses of summarizing a conversation with a customer.

- it lets both salesperson and customer concentrate on the issues that have been discussed -it gives both salesperson and customer a quick overview of what has taken place

in the context of body language patterns, identify the indications showing that a customers smile is real

- lifting down of skin above the eyes, presence of contracted muscles around the eyes

identify the typical straight rebuy situations

- reorders of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) product components -purchase of overhaul MRO supplies and services

in the context of a salesperson-company relationship, which of the following salespeople can be considered engaging in an unethical activity?

- stefan, who reports a brief introduction of a product as a demonstration -nell, who reports a sales call after failing to get an appointment with a customer

identify the components of quality criteria businesses

- the amount of time a machine works before needing service - the number of defect found per thousand products

arrange the process involved in the seventh step of the organizational buying process involving a buying firm and a selected supplier in the correct order of occurrence

- the buying firm places a purchase order with the supplier -the supplier ships the product ordered by the buying firm -the buying firm examines the goods received from the supplier -the buying firm pays the supplier for the product ordered

identify the factors that are focused in the description of sales jobs.

- the significance of a customer's purchase decision - the level of buyer-seller relationship

Identify the reasons salespeople who play the role of client relationship managers need to work with other company employees..

- to make sure deliveries are made on time, questions or complaints are resolved quickly, operators are trained to use equipment, and the ensure proper installment of the equipment.

Identify the acts that ban unfair business practices that can diminish competition

-The Clayton act of 1914 -The Robinson-Patman Act of 1934 -The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 -The Federal Trade Commissions Act of 1914

in the context of a salesperson delivery words while communicating with customers, identify the voice characteristics

-articulation, rate of speech, inflection, loudness

identify the responsibilities of salespeople who work with resellers

-assist the resellers in selecting which products to sell -help set up point purchase displays and promotions -educate the resellers on how to sell and service products

new tasks

-developing detailed product specifications -identifying a need or problem -defining the product type needed

straight rebuy

-evaluating proposals and selecting a supplier -acquiring and analyzing proposals from qualified suppliers -placing an order and receiving the require product

in the context of body language patterns, identify the salespeople's eye positions that can have a negative effect on customers

-glancing from face to face quickly - staring at a wall

identify the intentions of a salesperson in dressing for business

-making customers trust the salesperson -making customers notice the salesperson in a positive way

Which of the following typically are part of sales jobs?

-negotiating price and delivery terms with customers -demonstrating products to customers and writing orders -prospecting for new customers and increasing sales to existing customers

what are the types of building situations that involve buyers working for manufacturers

-purchasing products that will be included in the products in a firm is making -purchasing products and services to support a firm's manufacturing operation

in the context of nonverbal communication, identify the facial cues from a customer that signal a salesperson that something is wrong

-reddening of face - a tightness around the cheeks

identify the suggestions for salespeople to develop active listening skills

-repeat information received from a speaker -focus on the ideas being communicated by a speaker

Identify the ethical alternatives for a salesperson who cannot live within the company compensation plan and expense policies

-search for another job - convince the firm to alter its compensation plan or expense policy

identify the guidelines for salespeople to use social networking sites like linked-in and facebook

-they should put their facebook/linkedin URL as part of their e-mail signature -they should share articles and links to presentations that can help prospects

Identify the situations in which a tying agreement is considered legal

-when a seller proves that the products mentioned in the agreement must be used together -when a firms reputation relies on the proper function of equipment

identify the typical situations in which a modified rebuy situation occurs

-when customers buying needs change -when a new product becomes accessible

six factors of sales jobs

1) The stage of the buyer-seller relationship 2) The salesperson's role 3) The importance of the customers purchase decision 4) The location of salesperson-customer contact 5) The nature of the offering sold by the salesperson 6) The salesperson's role in securing customer commitment

Arrange the steps involved in a selling process in the correct order of occurrence

1. Prospecting for the sale 2. planning the sales call 3. making the sales call 4. strengthening the presentation 5. responding to objections 6. obtaining commitment 7. building partnering relationships after the sale.

In the context of the characteristic of sales people, identify the aspects of emotional intelligence

1. identifying customers emotions 2. realizing one's own feelings as they arise 3. utilizing one's emotions to interact constructively with customers

Arrange the steps in organizational buying processing the correct order of occurence

1. recognize a need, and define the product type required 2. create detailed specifications of the product type, and look for qualified suppliers 3. obtain and analyze proposals from suppliers 4. evaluate suppliers proposals and choose a supplier 5. place and receive the purchase order from a supplier 6. asses the product performance

arrange the steps that help salespeople choose right postures and body movements in the correct order of occurrence

1. stand before a mirror 2. shift the weight until tension in the back and neck gets minimum 3. slowly pull the shoulders up and back and raise the head 4. walk by taking a few steps and maintain the pace deliberate without halting

in the context of nonverbal communication involving facial reactions, arrange the steps to achieve a right smile in the correct order of occurence

1. stand in front of a mirror or a video camera. 2. try different smiling positions until a natural and comfortable position is found 3. keep practicing the smile until it becomes almost second nature

relaxed person

10-20 blinks per minute

speaking rate of an individual

120-160 words per minute

a person during normal conversation

25 blinks per minute

listening rate of an individual

800 words per minute

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