Retail Exam

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What are not considered forms of direct marketing?

direct selling or conventional vending machines.

What is a flat organization?

has many workers reporting to one manager. It enhances communication, results in quicker handling of problems, and allows for better employee identification with the job. The major problem is too many employees reporting to one manager

What is a tall organization?

has several management levels. It leads to close supervision and fewer employees reporting to each manager. The problems are long communication channels, impersonal impressions to employees, and inflexible rules

What is a neighborhod shopping center?

is a planned shopping facility with the largest store being a supermarket or a drugstore

What is a string?

is an unplanned shopping area comprising a group of retail stores, often with similar or compatible product lines, located along a street or highway (ex susquehanna shoppes)

What is Huff's Law of Shopper Attraction?

it delineates trading areas on the basis of the product assortment (of items desired) carried at various shopping locations, travel times from the shopper's home to alternative locations, and the sensitivity of the kind of shopping to travel time (which entails the trip's purpose and the type of good/service sought)

What is a secondary business district (SBD)?

it is an unplanned shopping area in a city or town that is usually bounded by the intersection of two major streets

What is a neighborhood business district? (NBD)

it is an unplanned shopping area that appeals to the convenience shopping and service needs of a single residential area

Since direct marketers initiate contact with customers, what must they do?

it is imperative that they develop and maintain a comprehensive customer data base.

What is a central business district (CBD)?

it is the hub of retailing in a city, and is also known as downtown

What is Saturated?

just enough facilities to satisfy customers and to enable retailers to prosper

What are the 3 parts of a trading area?

primary (50 to 80 percent of customers), secondary (15 to 25 percent of customers), and fringe (all remaining customers)

There are three types of planned shopping centers?

regional shopping center, community shopping center, and neighborhood shopping center

What jobs are retail tasks grouped into?

sales personnel, cashier(s), inventory personnel, display personnel, credit personnel, customer service personnel, janitorial personnel, and management personnel.

What are trading area size and shape influenced by?

store type, store size, the location of competitors, housing patterns, travel time and traffic barriers (e.g., toll bridges), and media availability.

How do you compute overall net sale increase?

the total revised sales of the existing store + total sales of the new store - total previous sales of the existing store.

What are job descriptions?

they outline the job titles, objectives, duties, and responsibilities for every position. They are used in hiring, supervision, and evaluation

What is Understored?

too few stores selling a specific good or service category to satisfy the needs of its population

What is Overstored?

too many stores for each retailer to earn an adequate profit

What are the top 3 advantages of a planned center?

well-rounded assortment, strong suburban population, and one-stop shopping

When does a retail balance occur?

when stores satisfy market needs, there is one-stop shopping, there is an adequate assortment within any category, and there is a proper mix of store types.

Does A diverse economic base (a large number of nonrelated industries) provide the most stability for retailers


If affinity is strong,will the sales of each store be greater than if the if the stores are apart?


True/False A good location can still make it difficult for even the best retailer to overcome it

False; A poor location can make it difficult for even the best retailer to overcome it

True/False Huffs Law: All the variables are very easy to calculate

False; It is very hard to calculate

True/ False Huffs Law: Even though consumers buy different items on different shopping trips, the trading area remains the same by each trip

False; Since consumers buy different items on different shopping trips, the trading area varies by trip

True/False Huffs Law: If new retail facilities in a product category are added to a locale, the percentage of people living at every travel time from that location would decrease

False; the percentage would increase.

What does Mary Kay do in correlation with direct selling and marketing?

Mary Kay hires community residents as salespeople and has a party atmosphere rather than a strict door-to-door approach

What is Multi-channel retailing?

Multi-channel retaining occurs when a retailer sells to consumers through multiple retail formats. It enables a firm to reach different customer groups, share costs among various formats, and diversify its supplier base

What are the top four advantages of an isolated store?

No competition, Low rental costs, Flexibility of Operations, and Possibility of one-stop shopping

What do shopping networks do?

On a shopping network, the programming focuses on merchandise presentations and their sales

How should prospective trading areas be evaluated?

Prospective trading areas for a new store must normally be evaluated in terms of opportunities rather than current patronage and traffic patterns

What is the point of indifference?

The point of indifference is the geographic breaking point between two cities (communities), based on distance and population

Where is the primary trading area of a store?

The primary trading area is the area closest to the store and possesses the highest density of customers

What does the Nature of Competition and the Level of Saturation say about assessing an area?

The retailing opportunity of an area cannot be properly assessed until competition is studied.

When is a trading area considered large?

Trading area size is large when a retailer offers a better assortment, promotes more, and/or creates a strong image.

What does trend analysis rely on?

Trend analysis (projecting the future based on the past) relies on government and other data concerning predictions for population, automobiles, housing, mass transit, highways, zoning, etc

True/False A good location may let a retailer succeed even if its strategy mix is mediocre


True/False Huffs Law: Huff's law considers the overall trading area for Location 1, the same type of computations would be made for consumers living 10, 15, 20 minutes and so on away.


True/False Huffs Law: The probability of people shopping at a location depends on the effect of travel time for the product category.


In which ways can a trading area's saturation be designated?

Understored, Overstored, and Saturated

What are two types of nontraditional retailing

Video kiosks and airport retailing

What are the four steps retailers should preform when choosing the location of a store?

1. Evaluate alternate geographic (trading) areas in terms of the characteristics of residents and existing retailers. 2. Determine whether to locate as an isolated store, in an unplanned business district, or in a planned shopping center within the geographic area. 3. Select the general isolated store, unplanned business district, or planned shopping center location. 4. Analyze alternate sites contained in the specified retail location type

What are the four classifications jobs are broadly categorized in?

1. Functional (e.g., sales promotion). 2. Product (e.g., clothing department). 3. Geographic (e.g., branch store). 4. Combination (e.g., sales promotion manager for clothing in branch stores).

What are the four kinds of unplanned business districts?

A central business districts, A secondary business district, and a neighborhood business district

A store with a large trading area is known as what?

A destination store

What is a gravity model?

A gravity model is based on the premise that people are drawn to stores that are closer and more attractive than competitors' stores

What is a parasite store?

A parasite store (e.g., a magazine stand in a hotel lobby) does not create its own traffic and has no real trading area of its own. It relies on customers who are drawn into the area for other reasons.

What is a regression model?

A regression model uses a series of mathematical equations showing the association between potential sales and independent variables at each location under consideration

What benefits are there in the analization of trading areas?

A retailer learns whether the location of a proposed branch store will service new customers or take away business from its existing stores in a chain or franchise

What is a trading area?

A trading area is a geographic area containing the customers of a particular firm or group of firms for specific goods and services.

What is an analog model?

An analog model is the simplest one. Potential sales are estimated on the basis of existing store revenues in similar areas, the competition at a prospective location, the new store's expected market share at that location, and the size and density of the location's primary trading area.

What are the three types of computerized trading-analysis models?

Analog model, regression model, and a gravity model

What does Avon do in correlation with direct selling and marketing?

Avon places greater emphasis on workplace sales, offers free training to sales personnel, rewards the best workers with better territories, pursues more global sales, and places cosmetic kiosks in shopping centers.

What type of business assemble in a string?

Car dealers, antique stores, and apparel retailers

What are the benefits of consumer surveys?

Consumer surveys can measure the time and distance people are willing to travel to retail locations, the features desired of a retail location, the addresses of those most apt to visit a new store, etc

What is data-based retailing?

Data-base retailing is a way to collect, store, and use relevant information about customers

What are the top four disadvatages of an isolated store?

Difficult to attract initial customers, Consumers unwilling to travel to one store, No variety of shopping, High advertised costs

What is direct marketing in regards to retailing?

Direct marketing is a form of retailing in which a customer is first exposed to a good or service through a non-personal medium and then orders by mail, phone, or fax—and increasingly by computer

What is another definition of direct marketing?

Direct marketing is an interactive system of retailing that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location, with this activity stored on a data base.

How do direct retails keep in touch with customers?

Direct selling includes both personal contact with consumers in their homes (and other nonstore locations) and phone solicitations initiated by a retailer

What is a narrow economic base most affected by?

Environmental factors

What are the two main categories direct marketing is divided into?

General and Specialty

What is general direct marketing?

General direct marketing firms (e.g., J.C. Penney and QVC) offer a full line of products

What is does GIS stand for?

Geographic Information Systems in Trading-Area Delineation and Analysis

What does GIS do?

Geographic information system (GIS) software combines digitized mapping with key locational data to graphically depict trading-area characteristics such as population demographics; data on customer purchases; and listings of current, proposed, and competitor locations

What advantages does Web-based retailing have?

It is less costly to have a Web site than a store. The marketplace is huge and dispersed, yet easy to reach The sites have multimedia capabilities. People can visit Web sites at any time

What can be said about a good location of a store?

It is the least flexible element of a strategy. Once a location is utilized, it is usually hard to break a lease, convert facilities, find an acceptable buyer, or easily move to a new site

What could result from moving the location of a store?

Lost customers and employees Dissimilar traits of the store or location Lost costs in investments and renovation at the old site

What are the top 3 disadvantages of a planned center?

Reduced retailer flexibility, rent high than an isolated store, and goods/services restrictions

What is Reilly's law of retail gravitation?

Reilly's law of retail gravitation is the traditional means of trading-area delineation

When do retailers engage in non-store retailing?

Retailers engage in non-store retailing when they use strategy mixes that are not store-based to reach consumers and complete transactions

What is single-channel retailing?

Single-channel retailing occurs when a retailer sells to consumers through one retail format. That format may be store- or nonstore-based

What is specialty direct marketing?

Specialty firms (e.g., L.L. Bean, Publishers Clearinghouse, and Franklin Mint) focus on more narrow product lines.

What are the different types of leases?

Straight lease, Percentage lease, Graduated lease, and Net lease

What is the 30-day rule?

The 30-day rule is a U.S. regulation that affects marketers, requires firms to ship orders within 30 days of their receipt or notify customers of delays

What percentage of sales is all Web-based?

The Web accounts for only 3 to 4 percent of U.S. retail sales. It will be another choice for shoppers, like other forms of direct marketing

What is the location and site evaluation?

The assessment of general locations and the specific sites contained within them requires extensive analysis

What is the fastest-growing form of direct marketing?

The fastest-growing form of direct marketing involves electronic (Web-based) retailing

Where is the fringe trading area of a store?

The fringe area has the most dispersed customers.

What is the hierarchy of authority?

The hierarchy of authority outlines the job interactions within a company by describing the reporting relationships among employees. It provides coordination and control.

Where is the secondary trading area of a store?

The secondary trading area is located outside the primary area, and customers are more widely dispersed

What is a net lease?

This calls for all maintenance costs to be paid by the retailer.

What is a graduated lease?

This calls for precise rent increases over a stated period of time

What is an Isolated Store?

This is a freestanding retail outlet located on either a highway or a street. There are no adjacent retailers with which this type of store shares traffic

What is an unplanned business district?

This is a type of retail location where two or more stores situate together (or in close proximity) in such a way that the mix of stores is not due to prior long-range planning

What is a straight lease?

This is the simplest arrangement, whereby a retailer pays a fixed dollar amount per month over the life of the lease.

What does the Reilly's law do?

This law establishes a geographic point of indifference between two cities or communities, so the trading area of each can be determined

What is a percentage lease?

This stipulates that rent is related to sales or profits. This format can specify minimum or maximum rent or set a sliding scale based on the amount of sales.

What do companies do to reduce advertising costs?

To help defray costs, some companies accept ads from noncompeting firms that are compatible with their own images

What do economic based characteristics reflect?

a community's commercial and industrial infrastructure and residents' sources of income

What is a community shopping center?

a moderate-sized, planned shopping facility with a branch department store and/or a category killer store, as well as several smaller stores (similar to those in a neighborhood center).

What is Affinity?

a store's attraction to an area because of its ability to complement, blend in with, and cooperate with the other stores in the area.

What four functional areas of retail activities does the Mazur plan divide into?

a. Merchandising b. Publicity c. Store management d. Accounting and control

What are forms of direct marketing?

any catalog; any mail, TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, phone directory, fax, or other ad; any computer-based transaction; or any other non-personal contact.

What is a regional shopping center?

center is a large, planned shopping facility appealing to a geographically dispersed market

What is retail balance?

the mix of stores within a district or shopping center

What does store composition include?

the number and size of stores

What is the one-hundred percent location?

the optimum site for a particular store in any location; the location differs by kinds of store

What is balanced tendency?

the stores in a planned shopping center complement each other as to the quality and variety of their product offerings, and the kind and number of stores are linked to overall population needs. Balance is maintained through strict requirements by center management

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