Revel Human Comm (8-14)

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How can you most effectively communicate that you're interested in someone else's culture and affirm their sense of identity?

apply stereotyping and prejudices refrain from discussing your own culture's history, background, and values remember the benefits gained by intercultural communication acquire knowledge about its history, background, and values acquire knowledge about its history, background, and values

Aggression by men in media in the United States is typically portrayed

as normal and acceptable. as unusual and abnormal. as ethically wrong. as occurring infrequently. as normal and acceptable.

Which of these words best describes homogeneity in a relationship?

attraction similarity complexity difference similarity

The tendency to develop relationships with people who are approximately as attractive as we are is known as the

attractiveness theory. uncertainty reduction theory. matching hypothesis. predicted outcome theory matching hypothesis

After spending several months dating, Ari and Ellen no longer go on any dates or weekend excursions together. In fact, they both work late shifts so they have an excuse for why they aren't available to spend time together. According to Knapp's stage model, Ari and Ellen's relationship development is at what stage?

avoiding stagnating differentiating circumscribing avoiding

Which of the following may use flattery or assertive behavior to control a conversation?

blocker special-interest pleader dominator joker dominator

You are concerned that the person you are dating likes to talk about a lot of topics, but doesn't share personal information or private thoughts with you. You are concerned about which dimension of social penetration theory?

breadth depth vividness frequency depth

The number of different topics two individuals willingly discuss refers to what element of self-disclosure?

breadth social cues frequency depth breadth

Border dwellers who embrace and thrive in their surroundings, both recognizing its challenges and realizing its potential, are known as what?

constructive marginal people reformed ethnocentrists encapsulated marginal people potential intercultural communicators constructive marginal people

Parul and her husband fled to America after their village was taken over by a hostile government. Even though they have lived in California for three years, she has trouble embracing the American culture while trying to maintain her own heritage, and she feels sad because she can never return home. Parul can be described as what kind of a marginalized person?

contingent encapsulated enlightened constructive encapsulated

Passive-aggressive communication tends to be

critical. authentic. indirect. unintentional. indirect

Kyra is from Wisconsin,and when she attended school at the University of Georgia, she was surprised that the female students often wore dresses to the football games. This is an example of

demographics. culture shock. a preferred personality. a diaspora. culture shock

Doug spends three weeks each year in Haiti as a missionary for his church. He is an example of a border dweller through what?

dialogue participation travel socialization travel

Kabi has chosen to attend college in California instead of his home country because of opportunities he sees there. He has come to enjoy the more informal lifestyle in the U.S. Kabi can be identified as a border dweller through what?

displacement travel socialization relationships travel

When you deny your partner the right to speak on a topic because you perceive yourself to be more expert, you are doing what to the person?

disqualifying authenticating enabling stereotyping disqualifying

Diverse is another word for what?

dynamic intercultural heterogeneous homogeneous heterogeneous

Which of the following is a sign of passive-aggressive communication?

emailing a teacher to ask for time to meet about an assignment confronting a partner directly about their behavior making repeated excuses for why a task hasn't been completed saying you can't help out a friend because you have work making repeated excuses for why a task hasn't been completed

Communication scholar Benjamin Broome's facilitation of interethnic relations on the island of Cyprus is an example of

enhanced self-awareness. peacebuilding. religious pluralism. mediated communication. peacebuilding

Couples who both have an individualistic orientation preferr

equality of power. autonomy and independence. interdependence and reliance on others. the possession of a universal truth. autonomy and independence

A person from a collectivist culture would most value which of the following?

group harmony independence power financial success group harmony

The shared expectations group members have regarding each individual's communication behavior are known as what?

group purposes leadership behaviors group roles individual behaviors group roles

The distaste and aversion that people feel toward working in groups is known as what?

grouphate groupthink communication anxiety group cohesion grouphate

One way to have meaningful conversations with people from other cultures is to

have conversations in groups rather than individually. suspend beliefs you have about other cultures. assume other cultures are similar to your own. explain how your culture prefers to communicate. suspend beliefs you have about other cultures.

A high degree of similarity is also known as what?

homogeneity proximity heterogeneity ethnocentrism Homegeneity

Which value orientation expresses whether it is more important to "do" or to "be"?

human nature preferred personality power distance restraint preferred personality

Which value dimension reflects a society's attitudes toward virtue or truth?

human-nature relationship short-term versus long-term orientation power distance indulgence versus restraint short-term versus long-term orientation

During her year-long study with the Denmark government, Brita discovered that leaders there emphasized equality and that their interaction with subordinates was less formal than in the United States. Which cultural value did she experience?

human-nature value short-term versus long-term orientation power distance preferred personality power distance

One way to avoid passive-aggressive communication is to

identify when you are most likely to use it. find indirect ways to communicate criticism. gaslight those who use it. create social norms against it identify when you are most likely to use it.

What communication strategy is suggested for individuals in intercultural intimate relationships?

ignore and downplay the differences between them cut off communication with those who disapprove of intimate intercultural relationships embrace the culture of the individual from the majority culture adopt open communication about the differences between them adopt open communication about the differences between them

Researchers found that high-quality social relationships were associated with

increased longevity. decreased intercultural contact. decreased wealth. increased power. increased longevity.

After two members of the group kept arguing for some time, Dharma said, "You both make good points, but why don't we hear from somebody else now?" In this instance, Dharma is acting in which type of group role?

individual observer task relational

Thomas takes notes for a study group. Thomas is performing what kind of role?

individual task relational disruptive task

In a small group, which type of roles often involve seeking, processing, and evaluating information?

individual roles social roles relational roles task roles

A cultural group that focuses on a strong work ethic and minimizes the importance of personal relationships and enjoying life is considered high in what?

indulgence short-term orientation restraint long-term orientation restraint

Flirting is a behavior that signals you are interested in a potential romantic relationship with another person, making it what type of behavior?

initiating justifying maintaining ending initiating

Which step in Knapp's stage model occurs when both people seek to increase intimacy and connectedness?

integrating intensifying differentiating circumscribing intensifying

In societies that value large power distances, what would we expect about interactions between a supervisor at work and his or her subordinates?

interactions would be strictly informal interactions would not take place interactions would be unclear interactions would be more formal interaction would be more formal

Close relationships are especially distinguished from other relationships by the intensity, diversity, and what of contact?

interchangeability superficiality frequency formality frequency

When he broke up with his partner, Nicholas said it was for the best because now they could both devote more time to their studies. Which disengagement strategy did Nicholas use?

justification negative identity behavioral ghosting justification

Taylor doesn't know why he has to take a communication class in college—he knows how to talk to other people. Taylor appears to be lacking in what important component of improving intercultural communication?

knowledge of self motivation striving for empathy avoidance of stereotypes motivation

What is cited as a primary cause for international business failures?

lack of attention to cultural factors racial and gender diversity increasingly diverse populations use of virtual communication technologies lack of attention to cultural factors

If you stereotype people and treat them in a prejudiced or negative manner, they may react in ways that reinforce your stereotype. This means that stereotypes can be

lawful. self-fulfilling. motivating. unyielding. self-fulfilling

When you use openness to end a relationship, you do which of the following?

make the other person jealous so they want to break up make up a false story to avoid hurting the other person's feelings straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending avoid contacting the other person straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending

Which of the following is directly related to group productivity and increased team performance?

making sure the group has a common purpose having the fewest number of people possible for a small group ensuring that the group has multiple goals utilizing a virtual meeting setting making sure the group has a common purpose

In order to maintain authentic and ethical communication, it is vital to

manipulate emotions. confront issues. downplay dissimilarities. hide from conflict. confront issues

Steve's parents frequently advise him on what he should do to be successful in his undergraduate program. Because they have never been to college, he is dismissive of what they have to say. Which type of inauthentic communication does this example demonstrate?

meaning denial topic avoidance disqualification withdrawal disqualification

Carmen and Raoul have been in a relationship for two years. Raoul thought everything was fine, but one day, Carmen told him it was over—without giving him any prior warning. This relationship ending is an example of what?

misunderstanding passing away unexplained rivalry sudden death

According to your text, people with even a few close relationships experience which of the following compared to those who do not?

more stress a greater sense of well-being more communication anxiety a greater degree of job success a greater sense of well-being

During her semester in Ecuador, Elizabeth realized how privileged she was to be able to study abroad and to travel to different countries in South America during her school vacation. Which aspect of Elizabeth's learning does this reflect?

mutual demographics diaspora peacebuilding increased self-awareness increased self-awareness

What is the predominant value in the United States regarding the human-nature relationship?

nature cannot coexist with humans nature does not influence humans humans rule over nature humans and nature live in harmony humans rule over nature

Threatening to reveal your partner's secrets to convince them to stay in a relationship with you is an example of what?

negative identity psychological aggression deception justification psychological aggression

Using a third party to convey dissatisfaction about a relationship is known as

openness. interpersonal aggression. Machiavellian tactics. withdrawal. Machiavellian tactics.

Each member of a successful work group should feel a sense of what in order for the group to function as it should?

personal closeness independence domination interdependence

People from different cultures may have a lack of interest in interacting more effectively. This is an example of a lack of what?

power knowledge influence motivation motivation

When group participation leads to too much closeness and agreement among team members, what disadvantage can result?

premature decision-making satisfaction is lowered decisions are made more slowly group members dominate or withdraw premature decision-making

Lai's mother is from Thailand and her father is from Korea. Lai is a border dweller through what?

relationships assimilation travel socialization socialization

The communication that occurs between individuals in casual relationships tends to

reliant upon participants' knowledge of each other. highly qualitative but not quantitative. highly personal and superficial. influenced more by social norms. influenced more by social norms.

Which of the following is a way business organizations create rules that attempt to control and influence employees' communication practices?

requiring that employees wear headphones if listening to music making employees track their expenses banning fraternization in an office instituting anti-nepotism policies banning fraternization in an office

Which of these characteristics is associated with a long-term orientation?

safety complacency perseverance individualism perseverance

Paula learns more about her own culture when she compares it to the culture of others. This is known as

self-reliance. self-awareness. otherization. intrapersonal reflection. Self-awareness

A cultural group in which the majority strongly believe that one's primary responsibility is to one's self is identified as what?

short-term oriented individualistic collectivistic long-term oriented Individualistic

Jody and Erin are first-year accounting majors who come from similar family backgrounds. Their friends know they are both avid tennis players, so they arrange for them to meet. This is an example of what force that draws people together?

similarity attractiveness romance proximity similarity

Which theory attempts to explain how the reduction of uncertainty can lead to either attraction or repulsion?

similarity social exchange predicted outcome equity predicted outcome

Keith noticed Carla at a party and thought she was pretty. He went over to talk to her and soon found out they were both interested in distance running. They have now been dating for six weeks. Which theory best explains what drew Keith and Carla together?

social exchange theory attraction theory predicted outcome theory the matching hypothesis attraction theory

Although Charlotte and Amy were good friends before they decided to get an apartment together, lately Charlotte is unhappy with Amy. Amy never seems to take her turn cleaning up or doing the grocery shopping, which are tasks they agreed to share. Charlotte's feelings of being taken advantage of can best be explained by which theory?

social exchange theory equity theory matching theory predicted outcome theory equity theory

Many faiths have long prescribed whom their members should marry, how many spouses they could have, and even if they should date prior to marriage. This is an example of how what can impact our communication and relationships?

statutes institutions social classes cohorts institutions

Research indicates that one strategic advantage of groups is that they

strongly encourage divergent opinions. make faster decisions than those working alone. typically make higher-quality decisions than those working alone. bring out the best qualities in all participants. typically make higher-quality decisions than those working alone.

The process in which a relationship simply declines over time and the partners are aware that problems remain unresolved is known as what?

sudden death passing away justification ghosting passing away

making repeated excuses for why a task hasn't been completed

the best friend you text daily the person you say hello to in your communication class the person who serves you coffee each morning he cashier who checks out your groceries the best friend you text daily

In the next several decades, the United States will become a "plurality nation," which means that

the current majority will double in size. most people will be identified as multi-racial. no single ethnic group will be the majority. ethnicity will no longer be an important concept no single ethnic group will be the majority.

Stacey says, "He's so attractive. I bet his romantic partner is very good looking too." This assumption reflects the ideas of what?

uncertainty reduction theory the matching hypothesis social exchange theory predicted outcome theory the matching hypothesis

A religious group that emphasizes punishment over rehabilitation likely believes humans are fundamentally evil. This is an example of the religious group's

understanding of power distance. preferred personality. view of human nature. preference for indulgence over restraint. view of human nature

In U.S. culture, parents are encouraged to understand that what group will turn toward their friends and away from their families?

very young children the elderly adolescents young married couples adolescents

A defining element of the process referred to as diaspora is

voluntary immigration. traveling for pleasure. displacement. acculturation. Displacement

Anyone who wishes to communicate more ethically across cultures should keep in mind that

we all communicate through a cultural lens. it's acceptable to view others against the standards of your own group. you should always remain true to your view of the world. other cultures must be valued equally. we all communicate through a cultural lens.

Jacques sees his small community as just about perfect. Overall, he feels no other community ever measures up because the values and traditions he has absorbed seem to clearly be the best. Most people would view Jacques as what?

Ethnocentric Egocentric Multicultural multilingual ethnocentric

Which of the following is an example of using a positive tone strategy to end a relationship?

Grayson told Pat he didn't want to maintain a friendship because he found Pat boring. Grayson told Pat they couldn't be friends because Grayson needed to focus on his career. Grayson stopped responding to Pat's texts, so they stopped hanging out as well. Grayson asked a friend to ask Pat to stop calling him to meet for coffee. Grayson told Pat they couldn't be friends because Grayson needed to focus on his career.

Which of these situations is an example of diaspora?

Juan got a new job and will move from Portland to Washington, D.C. Immigrants who settled in San Francisco continue to carry on the traditions and language of China. Many high schools introduce students to a foreign language to help them understand there are many types of communities. Kylie is fluent in English and Spanish. Immigrants who settled in San Francisco continue to carry on the traditions and language of China.

Authentic communication is connected to which of the following?

Manipulation casual relationships intimacy social roles intimacy

Which of the following is the best example of a border dweller?

Sandra invents a new language to use with her friends. Jan writes a paper for school comparing various religions. Marco enrolls in classes with his friends so they can study together. Kamal speaks a different language at school than at home. Kamal speaks a different language at school than at home.

Seventy to eighty percent of both Black and White Americans report that all or most of their close friends are of the same race. This finding best supports which of the following statements?

Students in a multicultural campus assume that they have intercultural relationships. Americans remain fairly racially segregated in their schools and neighborhoods. Historical forces influence contemporary intercultural interaction. Integrated religious and educational institutions provide opportunities for intercultural friendships. Americans remain fairly racially segregated in their schools and neighborhoods.

Which of the following is an example of using Machiavellian tactics?

Telling your roommate that you don't want to live with him because you don't want to hurt your friendship. Telling your roommate directly that you don't want to live with him because he is too messy. Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is messy. Telling your roommate a white lie—that you don't want to live with him because you need to live alone so you can study more. Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is messy.

According to researcher Mark Orbe, what is one negative effect that can occur when women try to fully assimilate into a male-dominated organization?

They can be shamed into taking less pay and benefits. They can be criticized for being too masculine. They can be harassed for being too professional. They can be ignored for being "above their place." They can be criticized for being too masculine.

Which of the following descriptions provides the best understanding of culture?

a group of individuals sharing a country or region of origin a non-changing and repeating pattern of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by all people learned patterns of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people individuals with similar characteristics of skin tone, eye shape, body type, and hair color learned patterns of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people

Which of the following best meets the text's description of a small group?

a group of people standing in line at the bank three coworkers who are developing a sales presentation the spectators at a golf tournament two friends who are talking about their vacation plans three coworkers who are developing a sales presentation

Using the "zoo approach" to view and admire other cultures is considered

acceptable. unethical. supportive. inclusive. unethical

Compared to a support group, a social group's general purpose is to do what?

achieve goals meet romantic partners enjoy each other's company solve problems enjoy each others company

Passive-aggressive communication often is a way to hide what kind of messages?

affectionate negative constructive generous negative

After dating for several months, Sarah and Mark find themselves getting into arguments over even minor issues. To avoid getting into another argument, they have begun engaging only in small talk. According to Knapp's step model, Sarah and Mark's relationship development is at which step?

circumscribing stagnating avoiding initiating circumscribing

Hundreds of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska native tribes in the United States embrace their own culture, language, and history and choose not to share values found in the dominant U.S. culture. These tribes are examples of what?

cocultural groups diasporas indirect relationships cultural racism cocultral group

When Maya moved into her new neighborhood, she found that no one comes from her cultural background, celebrates the same holidays that she does, or even shops where she likes to shop. Maya decides that she will just socialize with her existing friends and family, keeping to her comfort zone. Maya's approach to encountering a different culture appears to be

culture shock. assimilation. accommodation. remaining separate remaining separate

Nonstrategic, routine behaviors that couples perform, such as using humor or joking, self-disclosure, and positivity, are examples of

de-escalation behaviors. relational maintenance behaviors. terminating behaviors. initiating behaviors. relational maintenance behaviors

What is a cocultural group?

the dominant group within a diverse culture that is made up of many smaller minority groups that share group values and communication patterns the dominant group within a diverse culture that is willing to change its group values and communication patterns to accommodate others a significant minority group within a dominant majority that shares dominant group values and communication patterns a significant minority group within a dominant majority that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns a significant minority group within a dominant majority that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns

The historical legacy of slavery in the United States can still be seen today in

the election of Kamala Harris as vice president. the debates held in the U.S. Senate. the cultural racism instilled in some White Americans. the ongoing exclusion of African Americans from some labor unions. the cultural racism instilled in some White Americans.

Grace's perceptions of the South and her new roommate from Atlanta are based somewhat on many viewings of the 1939 movie Gone With the Wind. Grace soon learns that her roommate is multilingual and sophisticated, but also has a bit of an Southern accent and loves traditional southern food. What dialectic should Grace reconsider in her approach to Southern culture?

the static-dynamic dialectic the cultural-individual dialectic the personal-contextual dialectic the differences-similarities dialectic the static-dynamic dialectic

As referenced in the text, organizations tend to hire and promote those who have proven

they tend to become a dominator. they prefer serving in individual roles in group work. they can work well with others. .they never need assistance from others. they can work well with others

Most experts agree that the minimum number of people needed to be considered a small group is how many?


Albert is putting together a virtual work group and is afraid that the programs he is used to working on are unfamiliar to his teammates. Albert is most likely worrying ab

time management choices. technology use choices. technology access. time zone choices. technology use choices

When Lou is angry, he makes sarcastic remarks to his wife about her appearance, but insists he is "just kidding." Which pitfall of inauthentic communication does this represent?

topic avoidance emotional blackmail disqualification meaning denial

A professor cautioned their study-abroad students against dehumanizing the people and things they would see when they visited Nairobi. The teacher emphasized that while the people and culture might seem different from the U.S. and its citizens, the people were humans with important experiences, just like the students. Communication scholar Bradford Hall termed this tendency the

zoo approach. preferred personality. diaspora effect. Big Five. zoo approach

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