Revolutionary war

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Frenchman who assisted the Continental army at Valley Forge. Also present at Yorktown

Marquis de Lafayette

Baron von Steuben

was a prussian officer who helped train the continental army

Advantages of Britsh during the Revolutionary War

-Britain had the better army-well paid, fed, equipped, and trained -They had most of the Indian tribes on their side

Disadvantages of Britsh during the Revolutionary War

-British had to fight the war far from home, so it took a while to send over, troops, supplies, and military orders -British had a difficult objective: trying to keep their empire together

Why did the British decide to change strategy in 1778 and why did this eventually fail?

-Burgoyne was defeated at Saratoga and the British felt they could win the southern states easily with loyalist help, then move north. -The Americans wore down Cornwallis' army and also effectively utilized their knowledge of the land. -Used hit & run tactics. -Battles of Guilford Courthouse and Cowpens

Guerrilla Warfare

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military

This battle was a pyrrhic victory for the British and led to Yorktown

Guilford Courthouse

Common Sense

Helped to convince many colonists that they should break away and declare independence from Britain


Hessians /ˈhɛʃən/ is the term given to the 18th century German auxiliaries contracted for military service by the British government, which found it easier to borrow money to pay for their service than to recruit its own soldiers.

Battle of Yorktown

In the fall of 1781, a combined American force of Colonial and French troops laid seige to the British Army at Yorktown, Virginia. Led by George Washington and French General Comte de Rochambeau, they began their final attack on October 14th, capturing two British defenses and leading to the surrender, just days later, of British General Lord Corwallis and nearly 9,000 troops. Yorktown proved to be the final battle of the American Revolution, and the British began peace negotiations shortly after the American victory.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness -What was the source of inspiration behind these words?

John Locke

Battle that signaled the start of the Revolutionary War

Lexington & Concord

Primary British general in the south

Lord Cornwallis

The Independence of the United States was recognized in this

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Advantage received by the Americans during the Revolutionary War

foreign aid

Knowledge of this was an advantage for the Americans


Put in command of the Continental Army

george washington

Pyrrhic victory for the British resulted in Cornwallis' decision to march to Yorktown to get more men and supplies

guilford courthouse

Left unguarded by the Americans at the Battle of Long Island and allowed the British to attack from behind, crushing the Americans

jamaica pass

Frenchman who help train and fund Washington's army. Led a French army and joined Washington at Yorktown


In the Southern states, as well as in NYC, there tended to be more _________, an advantage for the British


This decreased as a result of the Battle of Long Island and increased as a result of the Battle of Trenton


The Treaty of Paris, 1783 ended the __________ ___

revolutionary war

Following the Battle of Saratoga the British shifted the focus of the war to the _____


George Washington

-George Washington was appointed the commander-in-chief and he served throughout the war without pay, requesting only that his expenses be paid. -Washington was immediately confronted by the lack of discipline and training in his troops - He devoted the entire war to building a fighting force from inexperienced and generally short-term soldiers. -Through all of this, Washington discovered an important lesson: The political nature of war was just as important as the military one. -Washington began to understand that military victories were not as important as keeping the resistance alive. -Americans began to believe that they could meet their objective of independence without defeating the British army

What kind of tactics helped the Americans win the Revolutionary War

-Guerrilla warfare -hit & run -avoiding large scale encounters on the open battlefield

American advantages during the Revolutionary War

-Knowledge of land -Fighting for a greater cause-independence

Battle Bunker Hill

-On June 17, 1775, early in the Revolutionary War (1775-83), the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts. -Despite their loss, the inexperienced colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided them with an important confidence boost.

General William Howe

-On the other hand, British General Howe clung to the strategy of capturing colonial cities in hopes of smothering the rebellion. -He didn't realize that capturing cities like Philadelphia and New York would not unseat colonial power. The Congress would just pack up and meet elsewhere.

3 advantages of the British during the war

-Strong Navy -Well trained professional army -Stronger economy -Loyalist support

Advantages of Americans during the Revolutionary War

-The Americans has the help of the French and the Spanish -The Americans had an advantage because they knew the area better, more places to hide

Battle of Saratoga

-The BATTLE OF SARATOGA was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. -The scope of the victory is made clear by a few key facts: On October 17, 1777, 5,895 British and Hessian troops surrendered their arms. General John Burgoyne had lost 86 percent of his expeditionary force that had triumphantly marched into New York from Canada in the early summer of 1777 -HERO: BENEDICT ARNOLD

Battle of Lexington & Concord

-The Battles of Lexington and Concord fought on April 19, 1775 -On the night of April 18, 1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache. Paul Revere and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militiamen began mobilizing to intercept the Redcoat column. -A confrontation on the Lexington town green started off the fighting, and soon the British were hastily retreating under intense fire.

Second Continental Congress

-The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in the spring of 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -The second Congress managed the colonial war effort, and moved incrementally towards independence, adopting the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Disadvantages of Americans during the Revolutionary War

-Their political leaders and their military leaders were inexperienced. -20% of the colonists were for Britain

why did Burgoyne's plan fail?

-There was poor communication between Burgoyne and Howe, Howe did not know when to go up the Hudson and instead moved to take Philadelphia. Burgoyne took women, children, and unnecessary supplies with his army which slowed his army. Americans slowed down and wore his army down by cutting down trees and destroying bridges. Americans also surprised Burgoyne at the start of the Battle of Saratoga.

Continental Army

American army that fought in the revolutionary war

Battle of Cowpens

At the Battle of Cowpens in South Carolina on January 17, 1781, during the Revolutionary War (1775-83), American troops under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan (1736-1802) routed British forces under Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton (1754-1833). The Americans inflicted heavy casualties on the British, and the battle was a turning point in the war's Southern campaign.

Prussian officer who helped to train the Continental army

Baron Von Steuben

Battle of Trenton

Battle fought on Christmas day 1776. The victory kept Washington's army together

Disastrous defeat for Washington and the Continental army during the summer of 1776

Battle of Long Island

The battle fought on Christmas day 1776. The victory kept Washington's army together

Battle of Trenton

Battle that effectively ended the Revolutionary War

Battle of Yorktown

Hero of the Battle of Saratoga

Benedict Arnold

Burgoyne's Plan

Burgoyne's plan was to cut off the New England states from the rest of the United States by taking Albany as well as control of the Hudson River. Burgoyne would march his army from Canada while Howe would move from NYC up the Hudson and meet Burgoyne at Albany.

What was Burgoyne's plan

Burgoyne's plan was to cut off the New England states from the rest of the United States by taking Albany as well as control of the Hudson River. Burgoyne would march his army from Canada while Howe would move from NYC up the Hudson and meet Burgoyne at Albany.

Lord Cornwallis

Charles Cornwallis led several successful early campaigns during the American Revolution, securing British victories at New York, Brandywine and Camden

When the Revolutionary War shifted to the South, what major city did the British capture along with 5500 continental soldiers


Helped to convince many colonists that they should break away and declare independence from Britain

Common Sense- Thomas Paine

This American general's plan led to victory at the Battle of Cowpens

Daniel Morgan

Battle of Long Island

Disastrous defeat for Washington and the Continental army during the summer of 1776

Thomas Paine

England-born political philosopher and writer Thomas Paine (1737-1809) helped shape many of the ideas that marked the Age of Revolution. Published in 1776, his highly popular "Common Sense" was the first pamphlet to advocate American independence.

Why were the French important at the Battle of Yorktown

French navy blockaded Cornwallis by sea. A French army linked up with Washington's army to blockaded the British by land


Frenchman who assisted the Continental army at Valley Forge. Also present at Yorktown

Daniel Morgan

General Daniel Morgan was a general in the Revolutionary War, a talented battlefield tactician, and a politician. He took part in two of the most important turning points in the revolution.

General John Burgoyne

General John Burgoyne was a British army officer, politician and dramatist. He first saw action during the Seven Years' War when he participated in several battles, most notably during the Portugal Campaign of 1762

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government

People have a right to revolution when a government becomes destructive and violates their rights

This battle was THE turning point of the Revolutionary War


Battle of Camden

The Battle of Camden in South Carolina was a lopsided victory for the British during the American Revolutionary War. Despite the proliferation of dysentery among his men, Continental General Horatio Gates chose to engage British General Charles Cornwallis's force on the morning of August 16, 1780. The illness depleted the Patriot advantage in troop numbers, and the British pressed forward aggressively as the sole side in possession of bayonets. With the encounter resulting in nearly 2,000 Patriots killed or taken prisoner and heavy losses of artillery, Gates was removed from command and replaced by Nathanael Greene.

Battle of Guilford Courthouse

The Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina, on March 15, 1781, proved pivotal to the American victory in the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). Although British troops under Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) scored a tactical victory at Guilford Courthouse over American forces under Major General Nathanael Greene (1742-86), the British suffered significant troop losses during the battle. Afterward, Cornwallis abandoned his campaign for the Carolinas and instead took his army into Virginia, where in October of that year he surrendered to General George Washington (1732-99) following the Battle of Yorktown, the last major land battle of the war.

HE has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislature.

The British kept an army in the colonies after the French & Indian War without the permission of the colonists

Treaty of alliance with France

The Treaty of Alliance with France or Franco-American Treaty was a defensive alliance between France and the United States of America, formed in the midst of the American Revolutionary War, which promised mutual military support in case fighting should break out between French and British forces, as the result signing the previously concluded Treaty of Amity and Commerce.

Treaty of Paris, 1783

The Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence.

That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed

The government is supposed to protect people's rights. Further, the government gets it's power from the people.

Valley Forge

Valley Forge was the military camp 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia where the American Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-78 during the American Revolutionary War. Starvation, disease, malnutrition and exposure killed more than 2,500 American soldiers by the end of February 1778.

Despite losing several battles during the Revolutionary War, why was Washington an effective commander and how did this contribute to the eventual victory over Britain

Washington kept his army together and prolonged the conflict. Over time this wore the British down and made the war too costly for the British to fight

Roughly 1/5 of northern regiments of the Continental Army were _______ _________

african americans

Hero of the Battle of Saratoga

benedict arnold

British general who captured Charleston in 1780 and also defeated the Americans at Camden and Guilford Courthouse

charles cornwallis

Washington attacked the Hessians on _________ ___

christmas day

Written by Thomas Paine, convinced many Americans to support the idea of independence

common sense

The second meeting of this created the Continental Army

continental congress

American commander at the Battle of Cowpens

daniel morgan

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