rhetorical devices

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Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss

Allegory Definition- The device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning. A story with both a literal and symbolic meaning. Effect- This is an example because the story talks about a turtle who yearns for too much power is actually an allegory about Adolf Hitler and the evils of totalitarianism.

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Alliteration Definition- The repetition of an initial consonant sound Effect- This is an example of alliteration because it creates a rhythm that is difficult and fast, carrying the test forward.

"Don't act like a Romeo in front of her."

Allusion Definition- A brief, usually indirect reference to a person, place, or event--real or fictional. Effect- Allusion is used by referring to him to not act like Romeo, who has a deeply passionate love for Juliet, in "Romeo and Juliet".

Martin Luther King's Speech "I Have a Dream" says, "So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania..."

Anaphora Definition- the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses. Effect- by repeating and emphasizing the word 'freedom' it makes the speech more persuasive and motivational. It also adds more rhythm to the speech.

"I was an owl last year- it was a real hoot!"

Anecdote Definition- A short narrative detailing the particulars of an interesting episode or event. The term most frequently refers to an incident in the life of a person and is often proposed to support or demonstrate some point. Effect- In this example the anecdote is told just to bring laughter

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing" (Goethe)

Anthesis Definition- literal meaning opposite, is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. Effect- Goethe used the opposites ideal for love and marriage for a real thing to highlight/emphasize the difference between love and marriage.

I wish there was a way to make her state similar feelings to those of my soul.

Assonance Definition- The identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words. Effect- This is an example of assonance because it is used to provide a poem with musicality and softness which mirrors the romantic

"After seeing all the evidence, I agree. They disagree.

Asyndeton Definition- a deliberate omission of conjunctions in a series of related clauses. Effect- by not putting a but before "they disagree", it dramatizes the difference of opinion.

"Live simply so others might simply live." (Gandhi)

Chiasmus Definition- a sentence strategy in which the arrangement of ideas in the second clause is a reversal of the first. Effect- by using chiasmus in text it helps draw the reader/listener to the moral point. He wants you to realize that you should not be to focused on materialistic things amd instead focus more on helping those in need and dedicate it to them.

"Let a man acknowledge his obligations to himself, his family, his country, and his god."

Climax Definition- mounting by degrees through words or sentences of increasing weight and in parallel construction within an emphasis on the high point or culmination of a series of events Effect- climax is used to ass suspense to the list in the sentence and to build anticipation in the reader/listener. This is created because the clauses increase importance as the sentence goes on.

Do bananas, or go nuts

Colloquial Definition- Characteristic of writing that seeks the effect of informal spoken language as distinct from formal or literary English Effect- This is an example of colloquial because the text actually means go insane or be very angry. This is an example of informal language that has the meaning of something formal.

"There's no place like home."

Connotation Definition- The emotional implications and associations a word may carry; the implied or suggested meaning of a word. Effect- Even though a home is considered to be an actual building, connotatively, it refers to familiarity, family, love, and comfort.

She ate seven sandwiches on a sunny Sunday last year.

Consonance Definition- Typically used to refer to the repetition of ending sounds that are consonant sounds within the word as well. Often, consonance is used to create a rhyme or cadence. Effect- Consonance has an effect on the sentence because repeating the S gives the sentence a rhyming effect. This device helps draw attention/appeal to readers to the sentence.

The blueberry is very blue

Denotation Definition- The direct or dictionary meaning of a word, in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings. Effect- The direct or dictionary meaning of a word, in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings.

"Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat:'we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know i'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be,'said the Cat,'or you wouldn't have come here."

Dialogue Definition- the conversation between two or more speakers/characters in a text. Effect- this dialogue was used to contribute to the plot of the story and to express an idea/argument of the characters/people talking.

"So they established the rule that all poor people should have the alternative (for they would compel nobody, but they) of being starved by a gradual process in the house, or by a quick one out of it. With this view, they contracted with the water works to lay on an unlimited supply of water, and with a corn-factor to supply periodically small quantities of oatmeal, and issued three meals of thin gruel a day, with a onion twice a week and half a roll on sundays." (Oliver Twist)

Didactic Definition- Intended or inclined to teach or instruct, often excessively. Effect- This story by Charles Dickens wanted to dramatize the difficulties that poor people had in society, thereby making the reading public more sympathetic. He used didacticism to change popular opinion and encourage a more moral viewpoint on the part of citizens of Dickens day.

"In the baseball game, our team scored four homeruns, the other team, only two..."

Ellipsis Definition- three dots (...) that indicate words have been left out of a quote or intentionally breaking a sentence to create suspense. Effect- they used the ellipsis to let you know there was more to the sentence that was not as important, which the author most likely left out the words "home runs".

"It occurred to me then, that perhaps the reason for my growth was that I was intended for larger things. After all, a giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life."

Epiphany Definition- The moment when there is a sudden realization that leads to a new perspective that clarifies a problem or situation. Effect- In the example it shows his epiphany by saying, . "... a giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life" because he suddenly realized that he was meant to do greater things in life.

"Last week, he was just fine. Yesterday, he was just fine. And today, he was just fine."

Epistrophe Definition- a type of parallel structure that involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of several clauses. Effect- by repeating the words "he was just fine" it highlights that this person has not changed over this time period

"As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results."

Ethos Definition- A persuasive appeal based on the credibility or character of the speaker or narrator Effect- Using his credibility as a doctor he is using ethos to persuade the audience to get treatment through this course.

"Kick the bucket" is a euphemism for "die."

Euphemism Definition- The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit. Effect- This is an example of a euphemism because it makes the statement sound less harsh by saying "Kick the bucket" instead of "die".

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

Extended Metaphor Definition- A comparison between two, unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem. Effect- This is an example of an extended metaphor because Shakespeare compared "earth" to a "stage".

A man is about to give a speech to a large audience on biology. Suddenly, he remembers playing with frogs and toads in his backyard as a curious child. He smiles at the memory, and then begins to speak to the audience about a new, groundbreaking finding about frogs.

Flashback Definition- A shift in a narrative to an earlier event that interrupts the normal chronological development of a story Effect- This is an example of a flashback because the man is able to go into his past/childhood and reveal his passion for animals, which is now linked to his discovery in this field of science.

The suitcase weighed a ton

Hyperbole Definition- A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; an extravagant statement Effect- This is an example of hyperbole because the suitcase does not actually weigh a ton but it is exaggerated since it weighs a lot.

It costs an arm and a leg

Idiom Definition- A figure of speech whose meaning is culturally defined and cannot be directly translated, e.g. "piece of cake" Effect- This is an example of an idiom because it does not actually cost an arm and a leg instead it is implying that it is expensive.

The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterwards.

Imagery Definition- Vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses Effect- Imagery is used through sound to help the reader visually realize how loud the concert was.

Telling a quiet group, "don't everybody speak all at once."

Irony Definition- The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. A statement or situation where the meaning is directly contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. The three types are situational irony, dramatic irony, and verbal irony. Effect- Verbal irony is used in this example because not everyone will speak at once since it is a quiet group.

Football - facemask

Jargon Definition- The specialized language of a professional, occupational, or other groups, often meaningless to outside Effect- This is an example of jargon because it is a penalty of gripping an opponent's protective mask over his mouth, which is worth 15 yards.

"A butler spends his days in a beautiful mansion dressed in a tuxedo, but returns home to a closet-sized apartment in a rundown part of town."

Juxtaposition Definition- the placement of two or more things side by side Effect- it is used to emphasize and bring out the differences in the subjects.

"You won't find any deer along this road. In 25 years of driving the same route, I haven't seen a single one."

Logos Definition- Employs logical reasoning, combining a clear idea (or multiple ideas) with well-‐thought-‐out and appropriate examples and details. These supports are logically presented and rationally reach the writer's conclusion in order to persuade the intended audience. Effect- By saying that over the course of 25 years he has never seen a deer on this road, uses logos because he uses logic to back his claim that he's never seen a deer on the route.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Metaphor Definition- A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two, unlike things that actually have something important in common. Effect- This metaphor is used to imply that one should not put all your effort into one place, since one could lose everything.


Metonymy Definition- A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as "crown" for "royalty"). Effect- This is an example of metonymy because Hollywood represents associations with the movie industry.

"The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on." (Charles Dickens)

Mood Definition- The prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a work. Setting, tone, and events can affect the mood. Effect- In the novel, Pickwick Papers, uses this rhetorical device in the text to create a calm and peaceful mood.

The buzzing bee flew away.

Onomatopoeia Definition- The formation or use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Effect- This is an example of onomatopoeia because it describes the action/sound taken place by the bee.

I think the professor stated his unbiased opinion regarding the student response.

Oxymoron Definition- A figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side. Effect- The oxymoron is used by putting unbiased and opinions side by side, which are the opposites/contradict each other. This helps make the pace of the story slow down, and it helps the reader think deeper into the concept of what the writer is trying to convey.

Every morning, we make our bed, eat breakfast, and feed the dog

Parallelism (parallel structure) Definition- refers to a grammatical or structural similarity between sentences or parts of a sentence. It involves an arrangement of words or sentences or paragraphs so that elements of equal importance are equally developed and similarly phrased. Effect- It is used to help organize ideas and to make the text easier to understand. For example, if you were to put eating instead of eat it would not be correct because it does not have flow/have a rhythm.

The Great Dictator

Parody Definition- A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. Effect- This is an example of parody because Charlie Chaplin impersonated Hitler in the film.

"Don't be the last person on the block to have their lawn treated- you don't want to be the laughing stock of your community!"

Pathos Definition- The means of persuasion that appeals to the audience's emotions. Effect- They use pathos by saying that you will be the "laughing stock of your community" if you don't get your lawn treated. This persuades the audience to just get their lawn

My alarm yelled at me this morning

Personification Definition- A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities. Effect- This is an example of personification because it gave the alarm a human-like quality, which is yelling. The clock did not actually yell, instead it is implying that it was very loud.

"I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace."

Point of View Definition- The perspective from which a speaker or writer tells a story or presents information. The most common forms are 1st and 3rd person. Effect- The point of view for the character of "...getting drowned with shame and disgrace" shows us how the character felt in this situation.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers."

Polysyndeton Definition- the deliberate use of many conjunctions for special emphasis Effect- by repeating the same conjunction it keeps bringing up a new thought, which is purposely used to intimidate/overwhelm the reader

"The Mets have a better pitching staff this year, but the Yankees are undefeated against the Mets, so they will still win the playoffs."

Refutation Definition- The part of an argument wherein a speaker or writer anticipates and counters opposing points of view. (Also referred to as a counterargument or counterclaim) Effect- Refutation is used because in the counterargument it stated that the Mets have a better pitching staff, but it refuted this evidence by saying that the Yankees have always beat them. This makes it clear that their position of the Yankees winning the playoffs is still valid.

"You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order."

Repetition Definition- An instance of using a word, phrase, or clause more than once in a short passage--dwelling on a point. Effect- By repeating "out of order" several times it brings attention/ emphasis to the statement.

"The big stairs led up to a big house with a big front door. Breathe, breathe, breathe. I told myself. I only have to stay for one second, be afraid for one second, not scream for one second. I can do it. I can win the bet. I can prove i'm brave.

Repetition Definition- a device in which words, sounds, and ideas are used more than once. Effect- the different use of repetition highlighted the characters anxiety by repeating what the character thinks and sees.

"This was the unkindest wound of them all, for when Brutus stabbed him, it was Brutus' ingratitude, more than the stabs of the traitor's arms which finished him off. It was then that his mighty heart burst; and there at the base of Pompey's statue—which all this time was streaming blood—the great Caesar fell. Oh what a demise that was, my countrymen! You and I and all of us were defeated along with him, while bloody treason has triumphed. Now you're weep, feeling the pity; these are gracious tears you shed. Kinds souls, what, are you weeping when you only see Caesar's bloody cloak. Look here! Here is Caesar himself, as you can see, wounded by traitors." (Julius Caesar) act 3 scene 2

Rhetoric Definition- The study and practice of effective persuasion in speaking or writing Effect- This example uses rhetoric because Marc Antony persuades the audience to revolt and go to war against the assassins

Can fish swim?

Rhetorical Question Definition- a question that requires no answer Effect- a author/speaker uses a rhetorical question to put their opinion across a topic. When the person asks "can fish swim?" we already know the answer.

Political cartoons

Satire Definition- A text or performance that uses irony, derision, or wit to expose or attack human vice, foolishness, or stupidity. Effect- This is an example because political cartoons satirize political events and politicians.

The child eats like a bird

Simile Definition- A figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced by "like" or "as." Effect- The simile shows us that the child eats quite slow when comparing the child to eating like a bird.

He gave a red rose to his wife on Valentines day

Symbol Definition- A person, place, action, or thing that (by association, resemblance, or convention) represents something other than itself. Effect- A red rose and valentine's day are connected because a red rose symbolizes love.

New wheels

Synecdoche Definition- A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole, the whole for a part, the specific for the general, the general for the specific, or the material for the thing made from it. Effect- This is an example of a Synecdoche because it refers to a new car.

are you kidding me

Tone Definition- a writer's attitude toward the subject and audience Effect- tone is primarily conveyed through diction, point of view, syntax, and level of formality

"I have to have this operation. It isn't very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain."

Understatement Definition- A figure of speech in which a writer deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Effect- Understatement is used in this example by downplaying the tumor, which is a very serious issue and an operation that could be deadly.

I'm lovin' it

diction definition- the various uses of language that depart from customary construction or order. The words were chosen by an arthur to express his or her message Effect- the word choice I'm and lovin' implies the text is intending to be informal and a colloquial form of communication.

the best coffee for the best you

syntax definition- the choice and use of words in speech or writing Effect- the choice to use a complete sentence instead of a phrase implies the text is sending a more sophisticated means of communication

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