Road Signs

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Right Curve

Slow your speed and keep well to the left. The road will curve to the right.


You cannot make a complete turn to go in the opposite direction where this sign is displayed. No U-turn.

Yield Ahead

This sign warns of a yield sign ahead. Slow down and be prepared to stop at yield sign or adjust speed to traffic.

Traffic Signal Ahead

This sign warns of traffic signals at the intersection ahead. Slow down; poor visibility is likely.

Bicycle Crossing

This sign warns you in advance that a bikeway crosses the roadway ahead.

Restricted Lane Ahead

A diamond-shaped marking shows that a lane is reserved for certain purposes or certain vehicles. The lanes are usually reserved for buses or car-pool vehicles during rush hour traffic.

Cross buck Sign

Cross buck signs are found at highway-tail intersections. They are yield signs. You are legally required to yield the right of way to trains. Slow down, look and listen for a train, and stop if a train approaches. Railroad cross buck signs are found at most crossings. If there is more than one track, the sign below the cross buck will show the number of tracks at the crossing.

Low Clearance

Do not enter if your vehicle is taller than the height listed on the sign.

Flashing Arrow Panels

Flashing arrow panels are used both during the day and at nights to give advance warning and directional information to drivers, where it is necessary to move to the right or to the left into another lane. A horizontal flashing bar indicated a warning.

Green Guide Signs

Green and white signs give information about directions and distances. Guide signs on expressways show you which lanes to use to get where you want to go. Routes that run generally East-West have even numbers and those running North-South have odd numbers.


Slow down and be ready to shift to lower gear to control speed and save breaks.

Reduction Of Lanes

There will be fewer lanes ahead. Traffic must merge left. Drivers in the left lane should allow others to merge smoothly. Right lane ends.

Speeding Fines Doubled

This is a Florida standard sign that applies to both active school and work zones.

Slower Traffic Keep Right

This sign is used on multiple lane highways to advise slower driving traffic to stay in the right hand lane and also to do so when approached from behind by other traffic even if you are doing the speed limit.

Left Lane Must Turn Left

Traffic in left lane must turn left at the intersection ahead.

Slow Moving Vehicle

Vehicles going less than 25 MPH (farm equipment) must display this sign on the rear when using public highways.

Roundabout Circle

Warning sign that provides an advance notice of a roundabout.

Pedestrian Crossing

Watch for people crossing the street. Slow down or stop if necessary.

Truck Crossing

Watch for trucks entering or crossing the highway.


Slow down and give vehicles crossing your path the right-of-way. If the way is clear, you may move forward slowly without stopping.

School Crossing

Slow down and watch for children crossing the road. Stop if necessary. Obey signals from any crossing guards.

Center Lane Only

The center lane is shared for left turns in both directions of travel.

Left lane must turn left and traffic in adjoining lane

At the intersection ahead traffic in left lane must turn left and traffic in adjoining lane may turn left or continue straight ahead.

Blue and White Service Signs

Blue and white service signs direct you to services such as gas, food, motels and hospitals.

No Parking On Pavement

If you park, you must always park off the pavement of the highway.

Slippery When Wet

In wet weather, drive slowly. Do not speed up or brake quickly. Make sharp turns at a very slow speed.

Parking By Disabled Permit Only

Parking in this space is only for vehicles displaying an official permit and transporting a disabled person.

Emergency Stopping Only

Stopping permitted only for emergencies.

No Turn On Red

You may not turn right or left during the red light. You must wait for the signal to turn green.

One Way

You may travel only in the direction of the arrow.


You must not turn either to the right or to the left at this intersection.

Speed Limit Sign

50 miles per hour is the highest speed you can safely travel in this area.

Divided Highway Ahead

A divided highway is ahead. Stay on the right side of the divider.

Cross Road

A road crosses the main highway ahead. Look to the left and right for other traffic.

Side Road

Another road enters the highway from the direction shown. Watch for traffic from that direction.

Cross buck Sign, Flashing Red Light Signals

At many highway-rail crossings, the cross buck sign has flashing red lights and bells. When the lights begin to flash, stop! A train is approaching. DO NOT STOP ON THE TRACKS OR WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE CROSSING.

Brown and White Signs

Brown and white sign point out scenic areas and parks,

Narrow Bridge

The bridge is wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic, but with very little clearance.

Divided Highway Ends

The divided highway on which you are traveling ends 350 to 500 feet ahead. You will then be on a roadway with two-way traffic. Keep to the right.

Advisory Speed Sign

The highest safe speed you should travel around the curve ahead is 25 miles per hour. Advisory speed signs may be used with any diamond-shaped warning sign.

Divided Highway Ahead

The highway ahead is divided into two one-way roadways. Keep to the right.

Two-Way Traffic Ahead

The one-way street or roadway ahead ends. You will then be facing oncoming traffic.

Pavement Ends

The road surface ahead changes from a hard-surfaced pavement to a low-type surface or earth road.

Double Curve

The road will curve to the right, then to the left. Slow your speed, keep to the right, and do not pass.

Sharp Right Turn

The road will make a sharp turn to the right. Slow your speed, keep to the right, and do not pass other vehicles.

Winding Road

There are several curves ahead. Drive slowly and carefully.


There is a low place in the road. Go slowly and be ready to stop if the dip is filled with water.

Begin Right Turn Lane, Yield To Bikes

When entering a right turn lane motorists may conflict with bicyclists traveling straight. Always Yield.

Stop Sign Ahead

When you come to this sign, slow down to be ready to stop at the stop sign.

Pass With Care

When you have passed this sign, you are again permitted to pass other vehicles with care.

Merging Traffic

You are coming to a point where another traffic lane joins the one you are on. Watch for other traffic and be ready to yield the right-of-way when necessary.

No Passing

You are entering a no passing zone. This sign is placed on the left side of the road, facing the driver.

Wrong Way

You are going the wrong way on an expressway exit ramp. Do not drive past this sign. Turn around immediately.

You cannot go straight ahead

You cannot go straight ahead. You must turn either to the right or left.

Stop Sign

You must bring your vehicle to a complete halt at the marked stop line.

No Right Turn

You must not make a right turn at this intersection.

Advance Warning Sign

The advance warning sign is usually the first sign you see when approaching a highway-rail intersection. The advance warning sign advises you to slow down, look and listen for a train, and be prepared to stop if a train is approaching.

Animal Crossing

The animal pictured on the sign is common in this area: watch for this species crossing the road particularly during twilight and night-time hours.

One Lane Bridge

The bridge is wide enough for only one vehicle at a time. Make sure the bridge is clear of oncoming traffic before you cross.

Soft Shoulder

The dirt on the side of the road is soft. Don't leave the pavement except in an emergency.

4-Way Stop Sign

There are four stop signs at this intersection. Traffic from all four directions must stop. The first vehicle to reach the intersection should move forward first. If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right.

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