Roaring 20s Test

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During his administration, President Harding appointed Andrew Mellon to be Secretary of State. These are some of the actions by Mellon. (Lowered income taxes to pre-World World I levels, Balanced the federal budget, Raised tariff rates, Reduced the role of agencies such as the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Reserve Board.) What do these actions reveal about the economic policy of the 1920s?

After World War I, the government reverted to a more laissez-faire approach to economic regulation

(Developments of new products such as cars, radios, and washing machines, New advertising techniques using psychological research, Availability of easy credit and use of installment payment plans - Consumer Revolution) Which statement describes the impact of the consumer revolution on life in the 1920s?

America's economic problems were masked by perceived affluence

(Scopes Trial, Flappers, Resistance to Prohibition) Which title best completes this chart?

Challenges to Traditional Values

"This was the height of the age of... media generated national crazes, as well as controversies over changing mores, jazz, new dances, styles of dress of women, and suggestive Hollywood movies. Proponents of the new, more lenient culture were already deeply antagonistic toward defenders of the old-style Victorian mores, and so made the most of a drama in which science could be pitted against religion, city against rural, and North against South." What event was Marsden referencing in this excerpt?

Harlem Renaissance

How did the automobile industry help stimulate the United States economy in the 1920s?

It increased demand for products such as steel, rubber, and gasoline

How did the 1930 election impact America's foreign policy?

It prompted a return to pre-war isolationism

("We feel and believe that this great exodus is God's hand and plan. Ina mysterious way God is moving up the hearts of our people to go where He has created and prepared for them.") This statement supports what belief held by many participants in the Great Migration?

Life in the North would be ideal with little discrimination and plenty of job opportunities.

Which event represents the optimism about new technology during the 1920s?

Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic

"Science is magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals... In war, science has proved itself an evil genius; it has made war more terrible than it ever was before." "Let the children have their minds kept open. Close no door to their knowledge. Shut not door from them. Make the distinction between theology and science. Let them have both. Let them be taught both. Let them both live." What question are these two quotes addressing?

Should the theory of evolution be taught in public schools?

(ratification of the 19th amendment, rise in the popularity of the "flapper" image, founding of the American Birth Control League, Rise in the number of women in the workplace) Which statement evaluates the impact of these changes on the the culture of the United States?

Social norms for women changes during the 1920s

Why could investors buy stock so easily during the 1920s?

Stock prices were very low

"As a result of the diligent investigation of the Senate committee and the persistence of special prosecutors, the rich oil fields (in Wyoming) and in California were recovered and returned to the U.S. Navy... The Harding administration has remained a symbol of corruption. The (event) illustrates the dangers that money and corporate power can pose to a democratic government. Even the appearance of corrupt influences can erode people's faith in democracy." What 1920s event is the subject of this essay?

Teapot Dome Scandal

Which statement best describes the economy of the United States during the 1920s?

The economy grew because more consumer goods were available for people to purchase

How did the radio transform American society?

The introduction of new forms of mass media contributed to the standardization of the culture

(Tennessee passed a law banning the teaching of evolution in public school. John Scopes was arrested and put on trial for violating the law. ____________________________) What statement completes this chart?

The trial increased tensions between modern and traditional values.

(automobiles, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines) How did these new innovations affect America in the 1920s?

They allowed Americans to have more time to enjoy leisure activities.

(low prices on agricultural products, availability of easy credit, purchase of stock through speculation) How did these conditions impact the 1930s?

They created a false sense of economic prosperity and contributed to the start of the Great Depression.

"Supposedly "nice" girls were smoking cigarettes--openly and defiantly, if often rather awkwardly and self-consciously. they were drinking--somewhat less openly but often all too efficaciously. There were stories of daughters of the most exemplary parents getting drunk--"blotto", as their companions cheerfully put it--on the contents of the hip-flasks of the new prohibition regime, and going out joyriding with men at four in the morning." This excerpt references what characteristic of the 1920s?

a clash between traditional social norms and changing viewpoints about the role of women

Which best describes the economic policy of the presidents of the 1920s?

a decrease in government regulation and support of pro-business policies

Which best describes the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s?

an outpouring of Black artistic and literary creativity

What technological advancement contributed most to the growth of towns and cities in the 1920s and 1930s?


What group was excluded from the economic prosperity of the 1920s?


Which is the primary reason for the rise of the Klu Klux Klan to its highest membership in the early 1920s?

increased nativist sentiments after world war I

What foreign policy term is most associated with the 1920s and 30s?


Which idea is best represented by the National Origins Act of 1924?


(red scare, palmer raids, sacco and Vanzetti trials) The events in this list resulted in what action by the federal government?

places quotas and restrictions on immigration

Which is the correct cause-and-effect pairing about the 1920s?

prohibition--->increase in organized crime

As a result of the Red Scare what new groups were added to the Klu Klux Klan's list of targets?

radicals, immigrants, and Catholics

Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association are most closely related to what idea?

the "back to africa" movement

"It shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the universities, normals (K-12 schools), and all other public schools of the state which are supported in whole or in part by the public funds of the state, to teach any theory that denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible..." In the 1920s, laws such as this one are evident of what trend?

the rise of fundamentalist religious beliefs

How did writers such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald influence literature in the 1920s?

their novels focused on themes of disillusionment and a search for meaning

(Growth of the Klu Klux Klan, The Scopes Trial, Passage of the National Origins Act, the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial, The prohibition of alcohol, The prevalence of the "flapper" lifestyle) Based on this list, what generalization could be drawn about the 1920s?

there was tension between old and new American ideals

"My people - The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people. The Stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people. Beautiful, also, is the sun, Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people." What impact did this poem and other artistic works with this theme have on Americans during the 1920s?

they chanted the way many Americans, both white and black, perceived African American culture

In the early 1920s, President Harding's administration raised tariffs, cute government spending, and lowered tariffs. How did these action support his "return to normalcy" pledge?

they support big business, increased investment, and promoted industrial growth.

What were the main goals of the Harlem renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s?

to celebrate the unique culture of African Americans, to promote the work of African America artists and musicians, and the bring attention to the issue of discrimination and injustice.

What was the main goals of Marcus Garvey's movement?

to increase pride in the African-American race

What was the major goals of the immigration policies adopted during the 1920s?

to limit immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe

Why was the Republican Party in favor. of high tariffs during the 1920s and 1930s?

to prevent the importation of inexpensive foreign goods

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