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what temperature is necessary to liquefy O2 at 1 atm pressure?

-183.0 C

what is absolute zero?

0 K

normal lung compliance is approximately which of the following?

0.20 L/cm H2O

low flow nasal cannula oxygen systems deliver what FiO2 range?


what is the minimum amount of the that blood must take for pulmonary capillary transit for equilibration of O2 to occur across the alveolar-capillary membrane?

0.25 seconds

What cylinder factor is used to compute the duration of flow for a 22 cu/ft O2 or air E cylinder?


Normal Raw is approximately which of the following?

0.5 to 2.5 cm H2O/L/sec

under normal physiologic circumstances, how many milliliters of O2 are capable of combining with 1 g of Hb?

1.340 ml

what flow rates are used with the transtracheal catheter?

1/4-4 L/min

unheated bubble humidifiers are of limited effectiveness at flows above which of the following?

10 L/min

large hospital air compressor systems must be capable of maintaining 50 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) at what flows?

100 L/min

which of the following inspired conditions should be maintained when delivering medical gases directly into the trachea through an endotracheal tube or a tracheotomy tube?

100% RH at 32 to 35 degrees C

what does 1 atmospheric pressure absolute (ATA) equal?

101 kPa, 760 mm Hg

what amount of ipratropium bromide (atrovent) is delivered by metered dose inhaler?

17 mcg/puff

when did the designation "respiratory therapist" become standard?


what is the pin index hole position for O2?

2 and 5

the temperature of gas delivered to a patients airway by a servo-controlled heated humidifier should not vary by more than how much?

2 degrees C

under ideal conditions, electrochemical oxygen (O2) analyzers have approximately what degree of accuracy?


one kilogram equals ______ pounds.


one inch equals ______ centimeters


helium must always be combined with atleast how much O2?


what is the total water output of unheated large volume jet nebulizers?

26 to 35 mg H2O/L

If tolerated, a specified postural drainage position should be maintained for at least how long?

3 to 15 min

what cylinder factor is used to compute the duration of flow for a 244 cu/ft (H/K) O2 or air cylinder?


what is a normal K+ blood level?

3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L

In general, chest physical therapy can be expected to improve airway clearance when a patient's sputum production exceeds what volume?

30 ml/day

what duration of time and pressure is recommended when using MIE device to clear airways secretions in adults?

30 to 50 cm H2O at 1 to 3 second

what is the average duration of action of the short acting noncatecholamine agents

4 to 6 hours

what is the average duration of action of the short acting noncatecholamine agents?

4 to 6 hours

a heated humidifier should trigger both auditory and visual alarms and interrupt power to the heater when the delivered temperature exceeds which of the following?

40 degrees C

what is the absolute humidity (water vapor content) of saturated gas at normal body temperature (37 degrees C)?

43.8 mg/L

a humidifier should be used in conjunction with a low flow nasal cannula when the input flow exceeds


what is the approximate normal ateriovenous difference in a healthy adult at rest?

5 ml/dl

for patients receiving incentive spirometry, what is the minimum number of sustained maximal inspirations (SMIs) per hour that you wold recommend?

5 to 10

In performing the sustained maximal inspiration maneuver during incentive spirometry, the patient should be instructed to sustain the breath for at least how long?

5 to 10 seconds

department of transportation (DOT) regulations require compressed gas cylinders to be hydrostatically tested for leaks and expansion every how often?

5 to 10 years

normal minute ventilation is:

5-10 L/min

what is the normal range of PAO2-PaO2 for healthy young adults breathing room air?

5-10 mm HG

the pressure of O2 or air in a bulk supply system is reduced to what standard working pressure?

50 psig

cannula reservoir systems can reduce oxygen use as much as

50 to 75%

which of the following inspired conditions should be maintained when delivering medical gases to the nose or mouth?

50% relative humidity (RH) at 20 to 22 degrees C

Normally, when using a 50-psi flowmeter to drive a small-volume jet nebulizer, to what should you set the flow

6 to 10 L/min

high flow oxygen systems must provide at least _____ L/min total flow.


during hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 3 ATA, plasma contains about how much dissolved O2?

7 ml/dl

what is the normal arterial blood pH range?

7.35 to 7.45

how often should a nasal catheter be replaced?

8 hours

in premature infants, a PaO2 greater than ___ mm Hg may contribute to retinopathy of prematurity


to minimize the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). the American academy of pediatrics recommends keeping the PaO2 below what level?

80 mm Hg

pulse oximeter readings are generally unreliable at saturations below what level?


Aerosolized delivery of corticosteroids usually does not manifest in adrenal suppression compared to systemic use as long as the daily dose in adults is kept below what level?

800 mcg

one liter of liquid O2 is the equivalent to approximately how many liter os gaseous O2?


for continuous monitoring of adults and children you should set a pulse oximeter's low alarm in what range?

88% to 92%

what is the U.S. food and drug administration (FDA) purity standard for O2?


what is the indexed safety system for threaded high-pressure connections between large compressed gas cylinders and their attachments?

American standard safety system (ASSS)

The majority of respiratory care education programs in the United States offer what degree?

Associates degree

where does the sternal angle lie?

At the join between the manubrium and sternal body

which of the following abbreviations means two a day?


what federal agency oversees the medicare program?


the three types of reservoir masks include all of the following except:

CPAP masks

what system is designed to prevent accidental interchanging among low pressure (<200 psig) connectors such as those found on flowmeters and ventilators?


Bland aerosols are best classified as


what is the primary buffer system for fixed acids?


which of the following nebulizers is used to nebulize iloprost?


what cation is the most prominent in the intracellular compartment?


when stimulated, which of the following receptors causes bronchoconstriction?


according to the U.S. department of commerce, a gas cylinder that is color coded blue should contain which of the following?


which of the following gases is used to treat conditions causing hypoxic respiratory failure?


respiratory muscles consume _____ to perform work


which of the following medical gases support combustion?

O2, N2O, compressed air

according to the national institute of standards and technology of the U.S. department of commerce, a gas cylinder that is color-coded brown and green should contain which of the following?

O2-He mixture

which of the following abbreviations means four times a day?


in most professions, specific guidance in resolving ethical dilemmas is provided by which of the following?

a code of ethics

which of the following situations is a contraindication for incentive spirometry?

a patient whose vital capacity is less than 10 ml/kg, a patient who cannot cooperate or follow instructions, an unconscious patient

common problems with low flow O2 delivery systems include all of the following except:

acid reflux

The AARC code of ethics holds professionals to which of the following principles?

actively maintaining and improving one competence, following sound scientific procedures and ethical principles in research, promoting disease prevention and wellness, and respecting and protecting the rights of patients they treat

Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) is indicated in which of the following diseases?

acute tracheobronchtitis, brochiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

which of the following terms is used to describe a drug that stimulates a receptor responding to norepinephrine?


which of the following comprises the largest single group of drugs among aerosolized agents used for inhalation?

adrenergic bronchodilators

what is the primary hazard of aerosol drug therapy?

adverse drug reactions?

at high gas flow rates, what do some bubble humidifiers produce?

aerosol particles

during adrenergic drainage, when should patient be encouraged to cough?

after phase 3 only

what is the process by which aerosol suspension changes over time?


Proventil and ventolin are brand names for which of the following beta-adrenergic bronchodilators?


why is a buffer system such as phosphate considered a closed system?

all the components remain in the system

what are the free wandering phagocytic cells that ingest foreign material in the respiratory zone of the lungs?

alveolar macrophages

the amount fresh gas reaching alveoli per minute:

alveolar ventilation

the most common sites for transcutaneous electrode placement include all of the following except:


which of the following are considered intentional torts?

assault and battery, defamation of character, invasion of privacy

adrenergic bronchodilators improve flow rates for which of the following diseases?

asthma, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis

which of the following devices are therapeutic aerosols generated?

atomizers, nebulizers, soft mist tents

in which of the following conditions will erythrocyte concentration of 2,3-DPG be decreased?

banked blood

which of the following are contraindications of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy?

barotrauma, gastric distention

the largest percentage of carbon dioxide transported in the blood occurs as which of the following?


what is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the pressure exerted on a the liquid by the surrounding atmosphere?

boiling point

what is the major source of respiratory tract secretions in the normal lung?

bronchial glands

a solution that resists large changes in pH upon addition of an acid or a base best describes which of the following?

buffer solution

what is the phenomenon whereby a liquid in a small tube tends to move upward against the force of gravity?

capillary action

mixtures of carbon dioxide and oxygen in blends of 5%: 95% or 7%: 93% which are occasionally used to prevent complete washout of carbon dioxide during cardiopulmonary bypass or treat hiccoughs is known as which of the following?


which of the following therapies is used for hiccoughs?

carbogen therapy

which of the following is a volatile acid of physiologic significance?


to avoid thermal injury with transcutaneous blood gas monitor sensors, what should you do?

carefully monitor the sensor temperature, regularly rotate the sensor site

during calibration of a clark polarographic O2 analyzer, you cannot get the sensor to read 100% when exposed to 100% O2, even after adjusting its calibration control. the unit has new batteries. which of the following actions would be correct?

change the sensor or electrode

how is the vast majority of O2 carried in the blood?

chemically combined with Hb

who introduced the first laryngoscope, in 1913?

chevalier Jackson

which of the following inhaled corticosteroids is a prodrug?


where do most aerosol particles in the 5-to 10 Um range deposit?

ciropharynx and hypopharynx

what branch of law is concerned with the recognition and enforcement of the rights and duties of private individuals and organizations?


the quality assurance coordinator evaluates the efficiencies of which of the following?

clinical staff, value associated with the practice of respiratory care, quality of care

what physical principle underlies most fluidic circuitry

coanda effect

for what should sputum collected by aerosol therapy induction be inspected?

color volume odor consistency

respiratory care education programs are reviewed and accredited by which committee to ensure quality?

committee on accreditation for respiratory care

today, respiratory care educational programs in the United States are accredited by what organization?

committee on accreditation for respiratory care

which of the following devices would you select if the goal was to accurately meter the flow through a device that creates high resistance?

compensated Thorpe tube

what is the normal response of the body to a failure in one component of the acid-base regulatory mechanism?


why should you not heat the reservoirs of a bubble humidifier used with an oronasal O2 delivery system?

condensate will obstruct the delivery tubing

the opposite of evaporation is _____.


what term is used for the transfer of energy by the direct contact between hot and cold molecules?


what is the only complete circular cartilage of the larynx?


what are some potential problems with manually refilled heated humidifier reservoirs?

cross contamination and infection, variable compliance or delivered volume, delivery of dry an/or hot gases

what is the gas that is wasted during normal ventilation called?

dead space ventilation

specific clinical objectives of oxygen (O2) therapy include which of the following?

decrease the symptoms caused by chronic hypoxemia, decrease the workload hypoxemia imposes on the heart and lungs, correct documented acute hypoxemia

a patient breathing 100% O2 for 24 hr or longer would most likely exhibit which of the following?

decreased DLCO, decreased Cl, increased PAO2- PaO2

which of the following effects are seen in hyperemic acute lung injury?

decreased cardiac output, decreased perfusion to the heart

what is the term for the temperature at which the water vapor in a gas begins to condense back into a liquid?

dew point

which of the following are mucoactive agents currently approved for inhalation in the united states?

dornase alfa, hyperosmoair saline, mucomyst

which of the following are advantages for the treatment of the respiratory tract with inhaled aerosols?

doses are usually smaller, onset of drug action is rapid, systemic side effects are often fewer and less severe

which of the following was one of the first positive pressure ventilators developed?

drager pulmotor

which two names are linked to the development of the iron lung, which was extensively used to treat the polio epidemic in the 1950's?

drinker and Emerson

which of the following phases constitute the course of drug action from dose to effect?

drug administration, pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic

which of the following are considered a drug aerosol delivery system?

dry powder inhalers (DPI), small volume jet nebulizers, metered dose inhalers (MDI)

what is the only major factor limiting the use of pressure compensated Thorpe tube flowmeters?

effect of position (gravity)

which of the following describes the mass of drug leaving the mouthpiece of a nebulizer as aerosol?

emitted dose

What is the leaf-shaped cartilage that extends from the base of the tongue and is attached by ligaments to the thyroid cartilage?


if the blood PCO2 is high, the kidneys will do which of the following?

excrete more H+ and reabsorb more HCO3-

which of the following would be correct instructions for a patient being taught proper use of a dry powder inhaler?

exhale slowly to FRC, repeat until dose is used up

ventilation is cyclic and involves inspiration and


which of the following occurs during the compression phase of a cough?

expiration muscle contraction

what external landmark can be used to show the highest point of the dome of the right hemidiaphragm reaches in a healthy individual?

fifth rib anteriorly

In theory, how does positive expiratory pressure (PEP) help to move secretions into the larger airways?

filling underaerated segments through collateral ventilation, preventing airway collapse during expiration

when used to control the flow of medical gases to a patient how is a bourdon gauge classified?

fixed-orifice variable pressure flowmeter device

in traditional physical terms, how is work defined?

force X distance

conditions that can affect airway patency and cause abnormal clearance of secretions include which of the following?

foreign bodies, tumors, inflammation, bronchospasm

by what means is O2 for medical use in a hospital most commonly produced?

fractional distillation

what is the most common and least expensive method for commercial production of O2?

fractional distillation of air

what is the opposite of melting?


what is the space that separates the true vocal cords?


when a Hb molecule accumulates excessive amounts for the HCO3-, it is expelled from the cell in exchange for Cl-. what is this called?

hamburger phenomenon

absolute contraindications for postural drainage include which of the following?

head and neck injury (until stabilized), active hemorrhage with hemodynamic instability

which of the following are the hazards and complications of HFNC?

headache, drying of mouth, impaction of secretions

which type of humidifier "traps" the patients body heat and expire water vapor to raise the humidity of inspired gas?

heat and moisture exchanger

which of the following types of humidifiers are used in a clinical practice?

heat and moisture exchanger, passover humidifier, bubble humidifier

what are some problems common to mist tents?

heat retention, CO2 build up

which of the following are goals of airway clearance therapy?

help mobilize retained secretion, improve pulmonary gas exchange, reduce the work of breathing

which of the following are contraindications for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy?

hemodynamic instability, hypoventilation, facial trauma

which of the following are potential contraindications for intermittent positive pressure breathing?

hemodynamic instability, recent esophageal surgery, tension pneumothorax

of the non bicarbonate buffer systems, which one is the most important?


which of the following are components of the body's nonbicarbonate buffer system?

hemoglobin, plasma proteins, organic phosphates, inorganic phosphates

Most nebulizers used in respiratory care produce which type of aerosol suspension?


where are the majority of respiratory therapists employed?

hospital and acute care

what simple question does ethics attempt to answer?

how should we act?

what device adds molecular water to gas?


physiologic effects of _____ therapy include bubble reduction and vasoconstriction

hyperbaric oxygen

which of the following therapies is used to treat decompression sickness?

hyperbaric oxygen therapy

what are some potential adverse effects with use of adrenergic bronchodilators?

hypokalemia, dizziness, worsening ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q)

retention of secretions can result in full or partial airway obstruction. mucus plugging can result in which of the following?

hypoxemia, atelectasis, shunting

what term is used to note the difference between inflation and deflation curves?


which of the following are potential desirable outcomes of intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) therapy?

improved oxygenation, increased cough and secretion clearance, improved breath sounds

where should you place the thermistor probe for a servo-controlled heated humidifier being used on a patient receiving mechanical ventilation?

in the inspiratory limb of the circuit, as close to the Y adaptor as possible

what is the primary chemical event in respiratory acidosis

increase in blood CO2 levels

compensation for respiratory acidosis occurs through which of the following?

increase in blood HCO3- levels

what is the primary chemical event in metabolic alkalosis?

increase in blood HCO3- levels

how do modes of lung expansion therapy aid lung expansion?

increasing the transpulmonary pressure gradient

Inhaled zanamivir is indicated for which of the following treatment of uncomplicated respiratory illness?


what was the name of the first professional organization for the field of respiratory care?

inhalation therapy association

contraindications for positive airway pressure therapies include which of the following?

intracranial pressure exceeding 20 mm Hg, recent facial, oral, surgery or trauma, preexisting pulmonary barotrauma (e.g., pneumothorax)

a normal cough reflex includes which of the following phases?

irritation, inspiration, compression, expulsion

what is the point of respiratory track where inspired gas reaches body temperature, ambient pressure, saturated (BTPS) conditions?

isothermic saturation boundary

of what use is the Henderson-Hasselbach equation for a clinician?

it allows validation of the reported values on a blood gas transport

which of the following statements about CO2 are true?

it does not support animal life, it is odorless and colorless, it is heavier than air.

which of the following statements about He are true?

it is an inert gas, it is odorless, it is nonflammable

what does the national labor relations act (NLRA) do for each individual health care worker?

it provides sections to hospital workers whether they are organized into a union or not.

why is the bicarbonate buffer system considered an open buffer system?

its acid (carbonic acid) is converted to CO2 and removed

which organ system actually excretes H+ from the body?


which organ system maintains the normal level of HCO3- at 24 mEq/L


which of the following organ systems assist in acid excretion?

kidneys and lungs

zileuton belongs to which of the following categories?

leukotriene modifiers

temperature is measured in all of the following systems except:


what key property of He makes it useful as a therapeutic gas?

low density

pulmonary surfactant reduces which of the following?

lung surface tension

what is the primary goal of humidity therapy?

maintain normal physiologic conditions

to what structures do the parietal pleural membranes adhere?


who is professionally responsible along with the department director for the quality of clinical care that is delivered?

medical director

the temperature at which there is a changeover from the solid to the liquid state is ______.

melting point

what is the preferred method to delivering bronchodilators to spontaneously breathing and intubated, ventilated patients?

metered dose inhaler

which of the following devices are most commonly used to deliver aerosols by the inhalation route?

metered dose inhaler, small volume nebulizer, soft mist inhaler

the total volume moved in and out per minute equals

minute ventilation

In international system (SI) units, what is any quantity of matter that contains 6.023 ' 10^23 atoms, molecules, or ions?

mole (mol)

what is the name given to the action produced by the forward stroking of millions of cilia?

mucociliary escalator

the subdivisions of the pharynx include which of the following?

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

safety standards for the bulk O2 systems that are used in hospitals to distribute gases are established by whom?

national fire protection association (NFPA)

when determining a need for O2 therapy, the respiratory therapist should assess which of the following?

neurologic status, respiratory status, cardiovascular status

which of the following therapies has been shown to reduce shunting?

nitric oxide therapy

what is the fire risk classification of both N and CO2?


the three basic designs of oxygen systems include all of the following except:

noninvasive systems

which of the following is the usual neurotransmitter in the sympathetic system?


in order to eliminate leaks in an alert patient receiving intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy, which of the following adjuncts would you first try?

nose clips

what should the monitoring of patients using incentive spirometry include?

number of breaths per session, volume and flow goals achieved, maintenance of breath hold, patient effort and motivation

the mass of aerosol particles produced by a nebulizer in a given unit time best describes which quality of the aerosol?


acute myocardial infarction is an indication for which of the following therapies?

oxygen therapy

what is the name of the thin serous membrane that covers the inner layer of the thoracic wall?

parietal pleura

the pressure exerted by a single gas in a mixture is its

partial pressure

air for medical use in a hospital should be which of the following?

particle-free, oil-free, dry

which of the following is consistent with the radiographic appearance after prolonged exposure to O2?

patchy infiltrates

which of the following are considered an aerosolized antiinfective agent?

pentamidine, ribavirin, tobramycin

what does The False Claims act do for each individual health care worker?

permits an employee with knowledge of fraud or false billing to file a lawsuit against the company or organization engaging in fraud

which phase describes the time course and disposition of a drug in the body based on its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination?


which of the following root words means "air"


pentamidine is indicated for the treatment of which of the following diseases?

pneumocystis jiroveci

clinical indications for delivering cool humidified gas include which of the following?

postextubation edema, upper airway inflammation, croup (laryngotracheal bronchitis), epiglottis

The application of gravity to achieve specific clinical objectives in respiratory care best describes which of the following?

postural drainage therapy

what is the energy of position- the energy of an object balanced of a shelf?

potential energy

the three P's of selecting an oxygen delivery approach include all of the following except:


ideal, when should high risk surgical patients be oriented to incentive spirometry?

preoperatively, before undergoing the surgical procedure

what are the best documented preventative units of airway clearance therapy?

prevent retained secretions in the acutely ill, maintain lung function in cystic fibrosis

which of the following is not a common element in a professional act?

professional code of ethics

which of the following is not a common element in a professional practice act?

professional code of ethics

which of the following is an expected role of respiratory therapist?

promoting lung health and wellness, providing patient education, and assessing the patients cardiopulmonary health status

Ipratropium Bromide should be used with precaution in which of the following diseases/ conditions?

prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention, glaucoma

HIPPA is primarily referred to as the privacy rule and is concerned with PHI. what do the letters PHI stand for?

protected health information

what was the primary duty of the first inhalation therapists?

provide 02 therapy

all mist tents prevent CO2 build up by what process?

providing high gas flows

which of the following are potential hazards or complications of incentive spirometry?

pulmonary barotrauma, respiratory alkalosis, fatigue

to clean a cylinder valve outlet of foreign material, what should you do?

quickly open and then close the valve.

which of the following is heat transfer that occurs without direct physical contact?


what is the usual method of monitoring the remaining contents in a gas-filled cylinder?

read the pressure gauge.

which device is used to reduce both the pressure and control the flow of a compressed medical gas?


which of the following sanctions can apply when one breaks a law

reparations or fines, incarceration, and licensure suspension

while checking a polarographic (clark) electrode, you determine that the device fails to read 100% when exposed to pure O2. which of the following actions would be the proper first step?

replace the analyzers batteries.

what is the most common complication associated with intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB)?

respiratory alkalosis

what legal doctrine holds superior responsible for the actions of their workers?

respondent superior

benefits of properly applied O2 therapy in patients with chronic hypoxemia include which of the following?

reversal of pulmonary vasoconstriction , relief of pulmonary hypertension, decreased right ventricular workload

compressed gas cylinders are manufactured from which of the following?

seamless steel

what is the primary mechanism for central airway deposition of particles in the 1-to 5- Um range?


the aerosol output (in mg/L) of an ultrasonic nebulizer depends mainly on which of the following?

signal amplitude

which of the following are types of heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs)?

simple condenser, hygroscopic condenser, hydrophobic condenser

on what does the movement of gases between the lungs and the body tissues mainly depend?

simple diffusion

what are some types of passover humidifiers?

simple reservoir, membrane, wick

what is the ideal patient position for directed coughing?

sitting with one shoulder rotated inward, the head and spine slightly flexed

a physician has ordered the antiviral agent ribavirin (virazole) to be administered by aerosol to an infant with brochiolitis, which of the following devices would you recommend in this situation?

small particle aerosol generator (SPAG)

pharmacologic control of the airway is mediated by receptors found on which of the following structures?

smooth muscles, secretory cells, blood vessels

the nerves that innervate the diaphragm arise from which area?

spinal nerves C3 to C5

to minimize the risk of infection associated with aerosol drug therapy, what should you do?

sterilize nebulizers between patients, frequently replace in use units, rinse nebulizers with sterile water

the term used for the phase transition from a solid to a vapor without becoming a liquid in the intermediary form is _____.


which of the following typically occurs first when monitoring the earliest physiologic response to breathing 100% O2?

substernal chest pain

factors effecting a humidifiers performance include which of the following?

surface area, temperature, time of contact

Percussion should NOT be performed over which of the following areas?

surgery sites, bony prominences, fractured ribs (site of trauma)

which of the following best defines an aerosol?

suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gas

which of the following terms means fast breathing?


which of the following signs and symptoms are associated with the presence of severe hypoxia?

tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis

proper instructions for positive expiratory pressure include which of the following?

take in a breath that is larger than normal, but do not fill lungs completely, after 10 to 20 breaths, take two or three (huff) coughs, and rest as needed

what is the most important factor determining a humidifiers performance?


which of the following is false about the isothermic saturation boundary? (ISB)

the ISB is normally located just below the larynx (vocal cords).

what voluntary accrediting agency is the United States predominant standards-setting and accrediting body in healthcare?

the joint commission

which of the following statements describes a normal adult lung?

the right lung has three lobes and two fissures

advantages of passover humidifiers include which of the following?

they add minimal flow resistance to breathing circuits, they do not generate any bacteria spreading micro aerosol, they can maintain water vapor saturation at high flows

which of the following patient categories are at high risk for developing atelectasis?

those who are heavily sedated, those with abdominal or thoracic pain, those with neuromuscular disorders

what is the primary purpose of indexed connector systems?

to prevent inadvertent misconnections between equipment

why are zone valves incorporated into a hospitals central gas piping systems?

to terminate O2 delivery to an area in case of fire, to allow selective maintenance without shutting the system down

what is the term for a civil wrong committed against an individual or property, for which a court provides a remedy in the form of damages?


which of the following is a tracheal opening?


the need to continuously monitor the adequacy of arterial oxygenation or ventilation is an indication of which of the following monitoring systems?

transcutaneous monitoring

indications for warming inspired gases include which of the following?

treating patient whose airways are reactive to cold, providing humidification when the upper airway is bypassed, treating a patient with a low body temperature (hypothermia)

which of the following are indications for the use of acetylcysteine (mucomyst)?

treatment of acetaminophen overdose, treatment of excessive, viscous mucus secretions

which of the following is an indication for use of an adrenergic bronchodilator?

treatment of reversible airflow obstruction

in addition to nitric oxide, which of the following inhalation agents have been approved by the U.S. food and drug administration for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension?

treprostenil, iloprost

What type of alveolar cells cover over 90% of the surface area of the alveolar-capillary membrane?

type 1 cells

three-folds of tissue between the posterior base of the tongue and the epiglottis form a small space that is a key landmark in oral intubation. what is this called?


the process of moving gas (usually air) in and out of the lungs is?


properly applied O2 therapy can decrease which of the following?

ventilatory demand, work of breathing, cardiac output

wha is the force that opposes the flow of fluids (equivalent to friction between solid substances)?


which of the following parameters should be evaluated after intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy?

vital signs, sensorium, breath sounds

heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs) are mainly used to do what?

warm and humid gases delivered to the trachea via ventilator circuits

to accurately determine the remaining contents of a liquid-filled CO2 cylinder, what would you do?

weigh the contents of the cylinder

the pneumotaxic center control which of the following?

when inspiration switches off (the inspiratory time)

A design that increases surface area and enhances evaporation by incorporating an absorbent material partially submerged in a water reservoir that is surrounded by a heating element best describes what type of humidifier?


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