RUSVM DI Midterm 1

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GSD GD Irish Setter

Breeds predisposed to PRAA

Usually a sign of disorder elsewhere Always important! REQUIRES WORKUP!

Clinical significance of pleural effusion?

Enlarged LN, Thymus, Esophagus On midline or in a reflection Displace another mediastinal organ

Common causes of mediastinal masses

Aspiration pneumonia

Complication that can be seen with any type of ME?

Abdominal viscera protrude through the diaphragm. Due to trauma (acquired)

Describe a diaphragmatic hernia Whats most common cause (and what type is it)

A = Extrapleural -grows in from outside lung -has rounded (curved) attachment B = Intrapulmonary -grows from inside lung -has sharp (angular) attachment to thoracic wall

Describe the 2 types of thoracic wall lesions A? B?

Caudal Rib mass on left side!

Don't forget to check entire thoracic cage! What can you see in this image?

Border effacement of diaphragm Abdominal viscera in pleural space Displacement of abd. structures

Helpful radiographic signs of traumatic DH

Lung opacity, no heart shift = disease Lung opacity, heart shift = atelectasis

How can a mediastinal shift help differentiate lung disease vs ateletasis

Mediastinal structures become more conspicuous (see things you don't normally see)

How can you tell if pneumomediastinum present?

Cranioventral Caudoventral Caval; can't see

What are the 3 mediastinal reflections? Which one cant be seen?

Normal deviation at thoracic inlet Normal deviation over dorsum of trachea

What are the normal deviations detected in this image?

Diaphragm not complete ventrally

What can be seen easily on this CT scan about the PPDH?

Pneumothorax No only pneumomediastinum → pneumothorax NOT other way around! Lateral view

What can pneumomediastinum progress to? Vice versa? Which view is best?

Mild pleural effusion interlobar fissures

What do red arrows indicate?

mediastinal lymph nodes Red = tracheobronchial Blue = cranial mediastinal Green = sternal

What do the red ovals indicate? Blue oval? Green oval?

Mammary glands Peritoneum Peritoneal dz may cause sternal lymphaenopathy

What do the sternal LN drain?


What do the tracheobronchial LN drain?

Pleural air (pneumothorax)

What does NOT accumulate in fissures?

Caudal Vena Cava Right Crus Left Crus Gas in fundus of stomach (right to) Left lateral

What is Red arrow pointing to? What is Green arrow pointing to? What is Blue arrow pointing to? What is Yellow circle indicating? What lateral view is this?

Caudal Vena Cava Right Crus Left Crus (left to) Right lateral

What is Red arrow pointing to? What is Green arrow pointing to? What is Blue arrow pointing to? What lateral view is this?

T13 has characteristics of L1 or vice versa

What is T-L transitional anomaly?

Portion of fundus herniated through esophageal hiatus 2 types = sliding & paraesophageal Sliding

What is a hiatal hernia? How many types are there? Which type more common in animals?

Endoscopy exam

What is better diagnostic test for esophagitis?

Border between accessory lobe (R lung) & left caudal lobe (L lung) The left aspect of accessory lobe crosses midline pushing mediastinal pleura to left

What is caudoventral mediastinal reflection? How is it formed?

Prevents id of mediastinal mass Drain fluid & reimage or ultrasound!

What is confounding effect of pleural fluid? What is best method to confirm?

Not sternal LN! too far caudal & touching heart ddx: ectopic thyroid tissue, thymic mass, mediastinal cyst Turns out u/s revealed it was mediastinal cyst!

What is detected in these images?

Sternal LN enlargement

What is detected in these images?

bowlegged cowboy sign tracheobroncheal LN megaly

What is detected in this image

Gas and fluid in esophagus

What is detected in this image?


What is detected in this image?

Megaesophagus Funnel sign

What is detected in this image?

Moderate tracheobronchial lymphomegaly

What is detected in this image?


What is detected in this image?

Pneumomediastinum with air in retroperitoneal space and in neck

What is detected in this image?

Segmental ME due to PRAA

What is detected in this image?

Tracheoesophageal stripe sign

What is detected in this image?

fluid/ingesta in esophagus

What is detected in this image?

mild pneumomediastinum

What is detected in this image?

Normal feline esophagram smooth muscle is causing striations in caudal esophagus

What is detected in this image? What is causing pattern

Normal canine esophagram cricopharyngeal sphincter

What is detected in this image? What is the area without barium visible

Mild pleural effusion interlobar fissure (on lat view seen as straight line)

What is indcated by red arrow?

mediastinal space

What is indicated by #2

100 mL

What is minimum amount of fluid needed for detection of wide interlobar fissures?

Space between lung lobes & body wall -individual lung lobes Normally a potential space -contains some fluid that lubricates lung & thoracic wall

What is pleural space? What is it normally?

Acute rib fractures Healing rib fractures Healed rib fractures

What is seen in these radiographs from left to right?

T-L transitional anomaly

What is seen in this radiograph?

Pylorus displaced to left and cranially

What is seen in this view of a HBC cat

Border effacement of diaphragm Normal axis of stomach Cranially displaced stomach (pylorus in thoracic cavity)

What is seen within blue circle? What does orange triangle represent? What does yellow line represent?

Everything between R & L pleural sacs Bounded by mediastinal pleura Extends from thoracic inlet to diaphragm

What is the Mediastinum?

Border between R cranial lung lobe & cranial part of left cranial lobe Cranially the left lung extends to right Caudally the right lung extends to left

What is the cranioventral mediastinal reflection? How is it formed?

Cranialventral mediastinal reflection

What is the reflection seen here in both views?


What is this?

Peritoneopericardial DH

What is this?

Pleural effusion Caudal ribs Iceberg effect

What is usually present with rib tumors? Which ribs usually affected? What effect is seen?


What may cause a dorsal mediastinal mass?

Mediastinal LN Thymus Sternal LN Cyst

What may cause cranioventral mediastinal masses

Tracheobronchial LN L Atrium Heart base tumor (HSA)

What may cause hilar mediastinal masses

Heart Trachea Thymus (young animals) Caudal Vena Cava Esophagus (sometimes L Lat) Aorta

What organs are normally seen in the mediastinum?

Normal thymus in young dogs (not always visible) gone by 1 yr of age Not usually seen in cats

What resides in the cranial mediastinum and has a characteristic "sail sign"? When does it disappear Is it usually seen in cats?

Rotate pt 45 ° to either side to move cardiac silhouette out of way

What technique can help to visualize esophagus on VD view

Congenital Sometimes associated w/ fewer than normal sternebrae (8) Usually an incidental finding

What type of hernia is a Peritoneopericardial DH (PPDH)? What is it sometimes associated with? What kind of finding is it usually?


What type of mass is this?


What type of mass is this?


What type of mass is this?

Cranioventral Hilar Dorsal

Where are the 3 areas mediastinal masses are seen?

Extrapleural lytic sternebra

Where is this lesion? What is the bonus seen?


Which recumbency was this dog in when radiographed?


Which thoracic view is this?


Which thoracic view is this?

Most common to see in L lateral view but NOT in R lateral or VD Due to position of stomach axis.

Which view is it most common to see a hiatal hernia in? Why?

Left is DV Right is VD Heart disappears on DV *note fissure lines

Which view is which? Why?

Stomach displaced ventral to heart

In this ultrasound image what is in red circle

L lateral

In which image can you occasionally see sm. amt. of gas or fluid in esophagus?

No -thin & doesn't absorb enough xrays to be detected

Is normal pleura visible?

Yes! Retraction of lung (scalloping) Fissure lines Disappearing heart in DV

Is pleural effusion detected or not? What radiographic signs can be seen in these views

No, it communicates with neck & retroperitoneal space

Is the mediastinum a closed cavity?

Yes, to left side Pt laying in L lateral Pt was rolled to dorsal or sternal giving left a chance to reinflate & reimaged

Is there a mediastinal shift in the left picture? If yes to which side? Possible cause? Why is right different?


Most common cause of mediastinal shift?

RCHF Malignancy Trauma Chylothorax

Most common causes of pleural effusion

Commonly mineralize Can be confused w/ tumors, infection or lung nodules

What are some common issues with costal cartilages?


Pleural dx is usually....?

Thoracic inlet Hilar region esophageal foramen

Preferred locations for esophageal foreign bodies?

Round, enlarged cardiac silhouette Heterogeneous opacity if gas or lg. amt. of fat present confluent silhouette between heart & diaphragm

Radiographic signs of PPDH

Tubular structure in lateral view, dorsal to trachea & CVC -usually gas filled but may contain fluid/ingesta Trachea displaced ventrally Converging "funnel" opacity in caudal thorax on VD

Radiographic signs of generalized megaesophagus

Widened interlobar fissures (soft tissue opacity) - VD Retraction of pleural surface of lung away from thoracic wall w/ interposed soft tissue opacity - VD ↑ soft tissue opacity w/ scalloping - Lateral ↓ cardiac silhouette visualization - DV Obscured diaphragmatic outline - all views

Radiographic signs of pleural effusion - which view seen?

Volume of fluid Pt. positioning Free fluid or trapped Free fluid

Radiographic signs of pleural effusion depends on...? Which type of fluid most common?

Thin pleural lines can be noted between lobes -soft tissue opacity No clinical significance

Regarding pleura, what may be detected? Clinical significance?

Acquired Congenital

What are the 2 types of diaphragmatic hernias

Can appear as lung nodules Can apply contrast medium to area & reimage Need more than ONE VIEW!

The problem with skin nodules.... How to solve?

Amount of fat present in mediastinum

The thickness of mediastinal reflection depends on what?

Congenital (young) -Idiopathic Acquired (adult) -Idiopathic -Anesthesia -Myasthenia Gravis -Gastroesophageal obstruction -Endocrinopathy --Hypothyroidism --Addison's

What are 2 forms of generalized megaesoophagus and common causes

Congenital -Vascular ring anomaly (uncommon) --PRAA Acquired -FB -Stricture (rare)

What are 2 types of segmental megaesophagus and common causes?

Pleural effusion -fluid in pleura space Pneumothorax -gas in pleural space -enters from outside, mediastinum or lung

What are 2 very common categories of pleural dz?

Shift Mass Gas

What are 3 common mediastinal abnormalities?

Regurgitation Dysphagia Survey radiographic findings

What are indications for esophagram

The divisiona between lobes Pleural fluid (pleural effusion) "Fissure lines"

What are interlobar fissures If present, what can accumulate here and is visible? What is they called?

Focal mass effect or gas accumulation Trachea usually displaced ventrally if abnorm. cranial to heart base. Midline opacity on VD

What are radiographic signs of Segmental M.E.?

Because it is fenestrated

Why does or doesn't the mediastinum contain unilateral dz?

Can't tell what's going on -Remove fluid & reimage -Ultrasound

With massive fluid in thorax what can you see? What to do?

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