Salesforce Admin201 Study Guide

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3. PUBLIC READ/WRITE - Users can view, edit, delete other users records. NOTE only Admins, Record Owners, and users higher in the Role Hierarchy can delete records without permis.


<>Describe the capabilities of public calendars and resources:

-Public calendars are used to manage events for groups of users (such as company-wide meetings, team vacation schedule, etc.). -Resources are used to coordinate usage of a shared resource (such as a project or conference room).

3. Record Security There are 3 tiers of record-level permissions: Read Only Read/Write Full Access "Read Only" and "Read/Write" access can be granted through a variety of means (org-wide defaults, sharing rules, etc.). Users with the object-level permission "View All" are granted "Read Only" record-level permissions to all records of that object. (Flip)

"Full Access" is granted to: -The record owner. -Users higher in the role hierarchy than the record owner (when "Grant Access Using Hierarchies" is enabled). -Users with "Modify All" object-level permission (this includes system administrators). -Members of a queue to all records owned by the queue. **It is not possible to share "Full Access" via sharing rules or other mechanisms at this time.

Grant Access Using Hierarchies "Grant Access Using Hierarchies" is a CHECK BOX setting for configuring organization-wide defaults (Setup -> Security Controls -> Sharing Settings). For most standard objects, the option is always enabled. For custom objects, it is enabled by default but can be disabled. Users are granted full access via ROLES (create, read, edit, delete) record-level permissions to the records meeting both criteria: 1. The record is owned by a user in a subordinate role. 2. The object has "Grant Access Using Hierarchies" enabled. (flip)

***Notice that Grant Access Using Hierarchies is checked for all standard objects, but can only be unchecked (disabled) for custom objects.***

<>Note: Once the feature is enabled, every user will get a prompt screen after logging in that asks them to register for mobile verification. The User can take one of the following actions: 1-Enter a mobile phone number and then have it verified with a text message. 2-Skip entering a mobile number now, but get asked again at your next login. 3-Completely opt-out of mobile verification. (FLIP)

**Admins can add the mobile number under the User Detail page and the mobile number is automatically considered verified.**

-If the OWD is set to PUBLIC READ/WRITE then the ROLE HIERARCHY is NOT necessary because eveyone has access to those records and ROLES cannot take away access already granted. **When you set an OWD to PRIVATE or PUBLIC READ ONLY then that will add another option when setting up roles for the company and users in order to be able to grant these users more access that has been restricted via OWD only. (flip)

**Remember, ROLES just like OWD DO NOT override the permission sets CRED set for that user**

4. Login URL's:


SIDEBAR SEARCH Chatter Disabled Menu in Sidebar Static Results Fewer Results Returned


Describe a session, and what settings influence sessions:

-A session is established when a user successfully logs in, and ends when a user logs out. -You can modify session security settings to specify session connection type, timeout settings, and IP address ranges to protect against malicious attacks and more. -You can set up for sessions to force users out after time out period expires.

***NOTE*** -When one validation rule fails, Salesforce continues to check other validation rules on that field or other fields n the page and displays all error messages at once. -If validation rules exist for activities and you create an activity during lead conversion, the lead converts but a task isn't created. -Validation rules are only enforced during lead conversion if validation and triggers for lead conversion are enabled in your organization. (flip)

-Campaign hierarchies ignore validation rules. -Salesforce runs validation rules before it creates records submitted via Web-to-Lead and Web-to-Case and then creates records that have valid values. -Validation rules continue to run on individual records if the owner is changed. If the Mass Transfer tool is used to change the ownership of multiple records, however, validation rules don't run on those records.

<>Explain the significant of the case close page layout:

-Cases have several page layout types: 1. Case Page Layouts (default layout - used except when closing cases) 2. Case Closed Page Layouts (used when closing cases) 3. Case Feed Layouts (only used when case feed is enabled; described elsewhere in this section) By default, the user must click the close case button (which then invokes the case closed layout) in order to select a closed case status. This allows the administrator to make certain fields required only when closing a case. Changing case settings can remove the need for case closed layouts.

12. Lookup Relationship

-Creates a relationship between two records so you can associate them with each other. For example, opportunities have a lookup relationship with cases that lets you associate a particular case with an opportunity. -On a standard or custom object, a lookup relationship creates a field that allows users to click a lookup icon and select another record from a popup window. -On an external object, the lookup relationship field references 18-character Salesforce IDs that are stored in an external data source. Those IDs are matched against the parent object to determine which records are related to each other. -On the parent record, you can display a related list to show all of the records that are linked to it. -You can create lookup relationship fields that link to users, standard objects, or custom objects. If a lookup field references a record that has been deleted, Salesforce clears the value of the lookup field by default. Alternatively, you can choose to prevent records from being deleted if they're in a lookup relationship. -Lookup relationship fields are not available in Personal Edition. -Lookup relationship fields to campaign members are not available; however, lookup relationship fields from campaign members to standard or custom objects are available.

<>Describe the capabilities of field history tracking:

-Enables your organization to track changes to fields on the custom object records. For example, it tracks who changed the field value and when, what the value was before the edit, and what it was changed to. History data is available for reporting, so users can easily create audit trail reports when this feature is enabled.

4. FIELD ACCESS: Field Level Security -SETUP = CUSTOMIZE = (Choose object) = FIELDS = Click SET FIELD SECURITY BUTTON (FLIP)

-Field Level Security allows you to control the visibility of data at the field level. (i.e. Hiding, or making read only a field containing COMMISSION data)

Things to know about Field Update Processing action: -Field updates occur before email alerts, tasks, and outbound messages. -Field updates occur after case assignment, lead assignment, and auto-response rules. -Field updates function independently of field-level security. Therefore, a workflow rule can update fields even though they are hidden on the user's page layout. (flip)

-Field updates may affect the information in a related list.

<>If NO IP RANGES are specified at the PROFILE level, then those users will be able to log in from anywhere, they will just be sent an activation code. -If you DONT want this then set the IP RANGE to the company IP ADDRESSES so they can only log in from the office. (flip)

-For COMPANY level IP RANGE: Setup = security controls = network access = enter new IP range. -For PROFILE level IP RANGE: Setup = manage users = Profiles = click on profile to add IP Range

**NOTE** Formula fields are read-only (the same is true for roll-up summary fields) for all users. (FLIP)

-For this reason, formula fields will not be displayed when editing records. The value of the formula is only calculated after the record is saved. This applies to cross-object formulas as well. For instance, you can easily display the account's phone number on the opportunity, but you cannot edit the phone number without returning to edit the account record.

<> The Role Hierarchy only grants more access than what the OWD is restricting, it DOES NOT take away. For example: -If OWD is set to PRIVATE, then the options available for ROLES would be NO ACCESS, VIEW, VIEW+EDIT because EVEN if you select no access for roles you are still NOT taking away access to that user's record access because OWD was already taking that away by been set to PRIVATE. (flip)

-If OWD is set to PUBLIC READ ONLY then the Role Hierarchy would have options to VIEW, and VIEW+EDIT. It will not offer the NO ACCESS option because ROLES DO NOT take away access it only grants more. So you can open it up by giving the user the VIEW+EDIT option to grant the edit and delete ability.

Delegated administrators can: -Create and edit users in specified roles and all subordinate roles. User editing tasks include resetting passwords, setting quotas, creating default opportunity teams, and creating personal groups for those users. -Unlock users. -Assign users to specified profiles. -Assign or remove permission sets for users in their delegated groups. -Create public groups and manage membership in specified public groups. (flip)

-Log in as a user who has granted login access to the administrator. -Manage custom objects and customize nearly every aspect of a custom object. However, a delegated admin can't create or modify relationships on the object or set org-wide sharing defaults. -Administer users across all delegated groups to which the delegated admin is assigned. For example, Sam Smith is specified as a delegated administrator in two delegated groups, Group A and Group B. Sam can assign a permission set or public group from Group A to users in Group B.

Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Adoption Manager.

-Salesforce Adoption Manager (Setup --> Manage Users --> Adoption Manager) is a feature introduced in Spring '15 that sends customized notifications to users based on how they use Salesforce in order to drive more robust user adoption.

<>Standard Components of the HOME PAGE: -Side Bar -Right Pane

-Side Bar: 1. Create New Menu 2. Recent Items 3. Message + Alerts 4. Custom Links 5. Customer Portal Welcome

Here are a few guidelines that can greatly increase data quality in your org: -Make sure your import files are clean (removed of duplicates, properly formatted, etc.) prior to importing data. -Use the leads object to store lower quality or unverified data. Only leads that are qualified and of high data quality should be converted to accounts and contacts. -Train users to search for existing leads/contacts prior to creating a new lead/contact. -Train users to search for duplicate records prior to working with unverified data (e.g. web-to-lead submissions). (flip)

-Use Duplicate Management or third party tools to prevent duplicate records from being created. -Use required fields (either via field configuration or page layout), validation rules (look at the REGEX function for complex formatting requirements, such as phone numbers), filtered lookups, and other tools and features to ensure data is entered completely and formatted properly. -Use Clean, another third party tool, or manually cleanse existing dirty data.

<>Explain how manual sharing can be used to extend record access:

-Users can manually share access to records that they own with other users, roles, and groups.

<>Explain when the use of record types is appropriate:

-When you need to display different values based on another field (controlling/dependent picklists) -When you need to display different values based on Profile/Processes -When you need multiple page layouts assigned PER profile.

<>Record Access via Sharing Rules -Sharing rules open up access when the OWD is set more restrictive like PUBLIC READ ONLY or PRIVATE. (flip)

-While ROLE HIERARCHY open up access vertically, SHARING RULES help open up access laterally (both horizontal or vertically). -Sharing rules can be found in the same page as OWD, just scroll down. SETUP = SECURITY CONTROL = SHARING SETTINGS = then scroll down to sharing.

3. Record Access - Set at the ROLE HIERARCHY (i.e. A district sales manager only needs access to records in the north east region) -Go to MANAGE USERS = ROLES = Then add the roles to the hierarchy.


NOTE: Salesforce processes rules in the following order: 1- Validation rules 2- Assignment rules 3- Auto-response rules 4- Workflow rules (with immediate actions) 5- Escalation rules


<>Describe the relationship between dashboard data and report data: Dashboards provide a representation of report data at a point in time, as viewed by the running user. A dashboard is only current as of its last refresh date, while reports are current whenever run.


***A Many-to-Many relationship consists of having two one-to-many relationships***


***As a best practice, don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail relationship.***


***Business Processes determines which picklists are selectable for certain fields, namely LEAD STATUS, OPPORTUNITY STAGE, and CASE in SOLUTION STATUS.***


***By default, records can't be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can, however, allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to different parent records by selecting the Allow reparenting option in the master-detail relationship definition.***


***Check 'Allow Reports' (this will allow users with the appropriate permissions to report on records within the object).***


***Converting Relationships*** You can convert a master-detail relationship to a lookup relationship as long as no roll-up summary fields exist on the master object. You can convert a lookup relationship to a master-detail relationship, but only if the lookup field in all records contains a value.


***Create as many response rules as you like based on any attribute of the incoming lead or case. ***


***Custom junction objects can't have detail objects. That is, a custom junction object can't become the master object in a multilevel master-detail relationship.***


***Detail Page Links and Detail Page Buttons perform the same function, except that standard Detail Page Buttons can be overridden. Buttons are generally used for more commonly used functionality (e.g. Edit), while custom links are generally used for less prominent functions (such as performing a web search with account information).***


***Detail and subdetail records inherit security settings and permissions from the master record. You can't set permissions on the detail record independently.***


***Each custom object can have up to two master-detail relationships and up to 25 total relationships.***


***FORMULAS in SF let you define calculations for custom fields, validation rules, and workflow logic, based on values specific to your organization.***


***If the notification occurs at a different point in time than the rule executes (7 days after case closure), this requires a time trigger.***


***If the parent record in a lookup relationship is deleted, the field history tracking for the child record does not record the deletion. For example, if a parent account is deleted, the Account History related list for the child account does not show the deletion.***


***If you go back to the old folder sharing model, existing report and dashboard folders go back to the state they were in before.***


***If you have "View All Data," you can choose any user in your organization to be a running user of the dashboard. If you have "View My Team's Dashboards," you can choose any user below you in the role hierarchy.***


***If you're not ready to share a report or dashboard, keep it in a personal folder that only you can access. The My Personal Custom Reports folder and the My Personal Dashboards folder are already set up for you. Create more folders if you need them. When you create a folder, it is accessible only to you and to users with administrative permissions, until you share it.***


***Important note: Creating a Chatter post with a #topic inline on a record (#1 above) does not associate that record to the topic. You must specifically specify the topic on the record itself. For example, topics is enabled on the lead object. I create a Chatter post on the lead record stating "This lead is #hot!". The Chatter post is tagged with the topic #hot - not the lead itself. Therefore the lead would not appear within a list view for the topic #hot (unless I specifically added the topic to the lead).


***In a chain of lookup relationships, these behaviors work independently on each target field at each level. Say, for example, field A is the target lookup of field B, which in turn is the target lookup of field C. You can have a delete restriction on A and none on B, which means that A can't be deleted but B can. Once B is deleted, the relationship between A and B no longer exists and C will hold an empty value for the lookup.***


***In a many-to-many relationship, a user can't delete a parent record if there are more than 200 junction object records associated with it and if the junction object has a roll-up summary field that rolls up to the other parent. To delete this object, manually delete junction object records until the count is fewer than 200.***


***In cases where the above would be a limitation (e.g. transferring 20,000 records), the Data Loader would be appropriate. However, the process is a bit more involved as you would need to export the accounts, update the export file with the new owner id, and then run the update using the Data Loader once more.***


***In order for a user to create and modify all public reports. The user needs the "Create and Customize Reports" and the "Manage Public Reports" permissions on his profile.***


***In order to enable communities in your org for the first time, you must have at least one of the following licenses purchased in your org: Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, Partner Community, Employee Apps Starter or Employee Apps Plus.***


***In short, campaign influence will allow you to display and report on an opportunity's relationship with multiple campaigns, but the opportunity is only attributed to a single campaign for rollup summary and ROI calculations.***


***Junction object records are deleted when either associated master record is deleted and placed in the Recycle Bin. If both associated master records are deleted, the junction object record is deleted permanently and can't be restored.***


***Junction objects do not need a tab.***


***Keep in mind that you can activate only one rule for leads and one for cases at a time. ***


***Mass transfer wizards are designed to quickly facilitate transferring records. The account transfer wizard also provides the option to transfer opportunities and cases related to accounts. Mass transfer wizards within can only transfer a limited number of records at one time (250), however they can be easily invoked multiple times.***


***Master-Detail Relationships*** -To create multilevel master-detail relationships, you need the "Customize Application" user permission. -When you define a master-detail relationship, the custom object on which you are working is the "detail" side. Its data can appear as a custom related list on page layouts for the other object (master). -By default, records can't be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can, however, allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to different parent records by selecting the "Allow reparenting" option in the master-detail relationship definition.


***NOTE*** A quote must be associated with an opportunity. Both opportunities and quotes can be coupled with products and price books.


***NOTE*** Campaign influence can be used to link an opportunity to more than one campaign, however campaign ROI is calculated ONLY on the opportunity's primary campaign. Standard ROI reporting can be leveraged and extended (e.g. compiled into a dashboard).


***NOTE*** Changing the report format affects filters and groupings.


***NOTE*** Chatter and Global Search When Chatter is enabled, global search and feed search are enabled, but sidebar search and advanced search are disabled. Your organization's administrator must have Chatter enabled to use global search. Search options aren't available to Chatter Free users.


***NOTE*** Creating a content distribution will generate a publicly accessible URL, which can be distributed to the prospect.


***NOTE*** Custom summary formulas are available for summary, matrix, and joined reports. They can't be shared across multiple reports.


***NOTE*** Each report can have up to 3 cross filters.


***NOTE*** How Total Value of Won Opportunities is Calculated Opportunities are only included in campaign ROI calculations if both of following are true: 1. The campaign is listed as the opportunity's primary campaign source. 2. The opportunity's stage type is closed/won


***NOTE*** In order to share access to a record, the user must first have "Full Access" to the record.


***NOTE*** Limit to Items I Own When the check box option to filter "Limit to items I own" is selected, the search results don't return asset, idea, invoice, order, question, quote, reply, and user records because these records don't have owners.


***NOTE*** Note that many standard objects are not supported by several of the wizards. For instance, you cannot mass transfer opportunities (although the account transfer wizard will allow you transfer opportunities related to an account).


***NOTE*** The Lightning Experience uses Global Search even with Chatter disabled.


1. PRIVATE - The most restrictive setting. Users will not be able to see objects they do not own, unless they are shared (transfered) with. Only users higher in the ROLE HIERARCHY can see them.




***NOTE*** The import wizards can load files with up to 50,000 records per job. Transfer wizards can transfer up to 250 records at a time. The Data Loader, however, can process up to 5 million records per job. Therefore, if you need to process large volumes of data (e.g. create 250k accounts or transfer 10k accounts), use the Data Loader.


***NOTE*** The search engine only returns results you have permission to view.


***NOTE*** To map a custom field for lead conversion, the field must be created on both objects and then mapped accordingly within the lead conversion mapping settings. Picklist values of custom fields are maintained independently for each object.


***NOTE*** Users inherit the same level of access as users below them in the role hierarchy. You can't grant a more restrictive access than your organization-wide defaults. If a user gains access to a record by more than one way (for example, organization-wide defaults and sharing rules), the higher level of access is maintained.


***NOTE*** When first time Salesforce for Outlook users log in to Salesforce from the Salesforce for Outlook setup wizard, these settings take effect immediately. Any changes you make to active Outlook configurations take effect the next time sales reps open Outlook.


***NOTE*** You can generate backup files manually once every 7 days (for weekly export) or 29 days (for monthly export).


***NOTE*** If you disable "Contacts & Multiple Accounts" all indirect account-contact relationships are deleted. The DIRECT relationship remains.


***Note*** 1. Searches are constructed as OR statements. Therefore, Closed/Won opportunities need to match only one criteria to be considered similar. For best search results, include multiple search terms. 2. When deciding which opportunity fields to display on the Similar Opportunities related list, be aware that users will see all fields that are displayed, regardless of sharing rules and user permissions.


***Note*** Entitlements and service contracts don't support quick actions.


***Note*** Only active users can run export jobs. If an inactive user schedules an export, error emails are generated and the export doesn't run.


***Note*** Users who have the "Sync Files" permission don't see the All Files, MY FILES, or FILES IN MY GROUPS filters. Users who don't have the "Sync Files" permission don't see the Synced filter.


***Note*** Users with Salesforce Platform User Licenses can't subscribe to reports.


***Page Layout Assignment is determine by: -Record Type -Profile


***Page layout determine how users interact with data***


***Picklist Values are determine by: -Record Type -Controlling Fields


***QUOTES must be enabled before use***


***Record Types influences Picklist Values and Page Layouts. So when a user chooses which record type to enter, it will determine what choices of fields show in Picklist and which page layout is displayed.*** Standard fields cannot be dependent fields


***Remember to note, that Field Level Security overrides both the "Modify all Data" and "View all Data" user permissions that are part of the System Administrator Profile***


***Sales and service reps can find the email responses in the Activity History related list of the lead or contact and in the Email related list on cases.***


***Select "Let authorized users change running user" to enable those with permission to change the running user on the dashboard view page.


***Select a running user to specify which data to display in a dashboard.*** ***Each dashboard has a running user, whose security settings determine which data to display in a dashboard.***


***Self Relationships*** You can create a relationship from an object to itself, but it must be a lookup relationship, and a single record can't be linked to itself. However, a record can indirectly relate to itself. For example, the Holiday Promotion campaign can have the Direct Mail campaign selected in the lookup relationship, and the Direct Mail campaign can have the Holiday Promotion campaign selected in the lookup relationship. You can't create a many-to-many self relationship, that is, the two master-detail relationships on the junction object can't have the same master object.


***Standard objects can't be on the detail side of a custom object in a master-detail relationship.***


***Tasks appear within activity history if the related task status is "Closed" (configured when the task status is created).


***The master object can be a standard object, such as Account or Opportunity, or a custom object.***


***The only 2 Home Page Components you can customize are: 1. Message Alerts 2. Custom Links


***Things to Remember*** 1. Edit record type assignments in MANAGE USERS/PROFILES. 2. Any records created before record types, must have a record type assigned retroactively by the proper record type ID. 3. You can use Data Loader to Extract your cases.


***Use Field Level Security to control access to your organization's data as it is always ENFORCED. Page Layouts only impact a user's interaction with Salesforce data when they are using the page layout.***


***Users can only have ONE PROFILE but can have MULTIPLE permission sets. So you can grant more access w/o changing profiles.***


***Users with a Salesforce Platform or Salesforce Platform One user license can only view a dashboard if the dashboard running user also has the same license type. Users with user licenses that don't have full dashboard access can only see dashboards with running users of the same license type. Consider creating separate dashboards for users with different license types.***


***Warning*** Choosing "Delete this record also" can result in a cascade-delete. A cascade-delete bypasses security and sharing settings, which means users can delete records when the target lookup record is deleted even if they don't have access to the records. To prevent records from being accidentally deleted, cascade-delete is disabled by default. Contact Salesforce to get the cascade-delete option enabled for your organization. Cascade-delete and its related options are not available for lookup relationships to business hours, community, lead, price book, product, or user objects.


***Web to lead in Salesforce creates the HTML code you need to create your WEB to LEAD form to attach to your company website. A webmaster or if the admin knows code, can use the generated code and apply it. Then when customer go to the company website and show interest in the products, they submit the form and it goes to salesforce as a newly generated lead.*** You can create an Auto response to be sent to the customer immediately when they submit the form.


***When creating a permission set, the permission set USER LICENSE MUST match the user license of the users who will get this permission set*** SETUP = MANAGE USERS = PERMISSION SETS


***When posted to a record, Chatter post visibility is tied to record visibility. This means that users can only view Chatter posts on records that they have read access to. If record access changes, Chatter post visibility is reflected accordingly. This means that if u transferred the opportunity record to another user, which in turn removed Mary's ability to view the record, then Mary would not be able to see the Chatter posts on that opportunity. You cannot mark a Chatter post as private. You can restrict visibility to Chatter posts by submitting to a private group. However, if you are posting on a record (e.g. opportunity) to a group, then the members of the group would also need access to the opportunity to view the post.


***When you convert qualified leads, Salesforce moves any campaign members to the new contacts. The leads become read-only records, unless your administrator gives you permission to edit them. If existing accounts and contacts share the names specified on the leads, you can choose to update the existing accounts and contacts. Salesforce adds information from the lead into empty fields; Salesforce does not overwrite existing account and contact data.***


***When you need to give a user more access than their profile allows, instead of creating a new profile you would create a permission set that will grant that user those additional functions. Like to Delete or Transfer Leads.***


***While detail buttons and links will reference data from a single record, list buttons can perform actions on multiple records at once. One thing to note is that list buttons are defined on the target object. For instance, if you want to add a list button to the account page layout to merge contacts, the merge contacts button would be defined on the contact object, even though the button is added on the account page layout.***


***With Chatter Questions, users can ask questions in their Chatter feed, in groups, and in records by selecting Question in the action drop-down menu of the Chatter Publisher or clicking the Question tab in the Chatter publisher. After a question is asked, moderators and the person who asked the question can select a best answer. The best answer is prominently displayed in the feed, allowing other users to quickly and easily find the information they need.***


***Workflow cannot delete records. If that were a requirement, a trigger would be necessary.***


***Workflow rules can reassign record ownership, but cannot do so based on working hours. Business hours and holidays must be configured to establish working hours. Case escalation rules are then used to facilitate case reassignment.***


***You can have up to three custom detail levels.***


***You can perform different types of calculations with a roll-up summary field. You can count the number of detail records related to a master record. Or, you can calculate the sum, minimum value, or maximum value of a field in the detail records.***


***You can use multilevel master-detail relationships in custom report types. The Allow Reports checkbox must be checked when you create the custom object.***


***You can't create a master-detail relationship if the custom object already contains data. You can, however, create the relationship as a lookup and then convert it to master-detail if the lookup field in all records contains a value.***


***You can't delete an object or record in a lookup relationship if the combined number of records between the two linked objects is more than 100,000. To delete an object or record in a lookup relationship, first delete an appropriate number of its child records.***


***Your PROFILE determines your HOME PAGE LAYOUT and your home page layout determines which COMPONENTS are displayed and in what order.***


**If the USER Object OWD is set to PRIVATE or READ ONLY then you can open up visibility via USER SHARING RULES** -For more granual control you can use manual sharing via the SHARING button if that permission has been granted for that user


**Manual Sharing lets you share with an individual or an entire community**


**NOTE** An opportunity can ONLY draw from ONE active pricebook assigned to it. An opportunity CANNOT have multiple price books assigned to it.


**Note** To use cases effectively, set the organization-wide default for Account, Contact, Contract, and Asset to Public Read/Write.


**Relationship Limits** Each custom object can have up to two master-detail relationships and many lookup relationships. Each relationship is included in the maximum number of custom fields allowed.


SECTION 4: Standard and Custom Objects




---NOTE--- The Create New... menu does not automatically select a default record type. If multiple record types are enabled for a profile, the user can set their personal record type selection to bypass record type selection by choosing the default record type. However, this setting is select by the user, not set on the role or profile.


--Email Marketing and Marketing Automation within Salesforce: To add email marketing or marketing automation functionality to Salesforce, you will need the Marketing Cloud or a 3rd party vendor. Salesforce (without Marketing Cloud) provides very basic mass email functionality (use the mass email wizards on the Leads or Contacts tab), but it is a) limited to 1,000 emails or less per day and b) not CAN-SPAM compliant.


--How to add a lead or contact to a campaign, and update the status of existing campaign members: There are a number of different tools that you can use to manipulate campaign membership: 1. Add or edit a single record from the campaign related list on a lead or contact record (the campaign related list must be added to the corresponding page layout). 2. Use one of the wizards on the campaign record to add new members or update existing members. 3. Run a lead or contact report (or list view) and click the "Add to Campaign" button. 4. Configure web-to-lead submissions to join a campaign when the lead is created. 5. Use the data loader to create/update campaign member records.


--REMEMBER-- 1. A junction object is an object that connects two (or more) other objects. The purpose is to allow you to create linkages between those objects. E.g. without "Campaign Member" there would be no way to add a lead to campaign (Campaign < <- Campaign Member ->> Lead) 2. Relationships are created on the detail side of the relationships (campaign member has a relationship field to campaign, and to lead)


--To set up a parent-child relationship for cases: To establish a parent-child relationship for Cases you need to change Case Page Layouts and Field Level Security for the 'Parent Case' field.


-Assign Tasks to Multiple People in Salesforce Classic Assign up to 100 coworkers an independent copy of the same task. For example, you can create a task "Submit your expense reports" with the appropriate due date and assign it to a team of account executives.


-Business Processess can be set for: 1. Cases - Support Processess 2. Leads - Lead Processess 3. Opportunities - Sales Processess 4. Solutions - Solutions Processess


-Contract Line Items: Adds extra details to the products covered by service agreements.


-Contract Manager: Can create, edit, activate, and approve contracts. This profile can also delete contracts as long as they are not activated. Can edit personal quota and override forecasts.


-Create and Manage a Public Calendar or a Resource Calendar in Salesforce Classic: Use a public calendar to manage group activities. For example, track a group's events, such as marketing events, product releases, or training classes, or schedule a common activity, such as a team vacation. Use a resource calendar to schedule the use of a shared resource, such as a conference room or an overhead projector.


-Email-to-Case: Business case: Keep email traffic inside your network's firewall and accept emails larger than 25 MB Set up: Requires you to download and install the Email-to-Case agent on your local machine to turn emails into cases Maximum number of emails converted to cases each day: 2,500 Email size limit, including header, message, and attachments: Over 25 MB


-Ensure that you understand the most common Salesforce license standard profiles: Contract Manager Marketing User Read Only Solution Manager Standard User System Administrator


-Entitlements define your customers' eligibility for support based on their specific assets, accounts, or service cotracts.


-Field Level Security DOES NOT grant more access than its PERMISSION SETS for C.R.E.D., it can only TAKE AWAY. So if a user has all permission sets CRED on the commission field, if you set the field to READ ONLY then that user will NOT be able to Edit or Delete the commission field. Therefore, if a User has C.R. for permissions and you grant VIEW EDIT + DELETE access to that field, that User would STILL NOT be able to edit or delete that field because F.L.S. doesn't grant more access than what it is set on the permissions.


-If you need to manage different types of EXTERNAL users you may need to manage the visibility of your PORTALS or COMMUNITIES differently from the default setting by adjusting the USER VISIBILITY SETTINGS. UVS allow you to override the OWD for user records specifically for external users in your portal or community. Unchecking the boxes will prevent those users from seeing each other and internal users.


-Lets say if: One applicant can have many job postings, and one job posting can have many applicants. This is a many to many relationship, which requires a 3rd join object (junction). In order to create the relationship, the master-detail fields would need to be created on the junction object (Job Application). Because the Junction object is in the middle and is linked to the Applicant object on the top and Job Postings on the bottom.


-Lets say if: One feature request can be associated to many cases, therefore the relationship field must be created on the case object. The relationship must be a lookup relationship because case is a standard object, therefore a master-detail relationship is not possible. Additionally, the relationship is not tightly coupled: one department primarily uses the case object, another department primarily uses the feature request object. This "loose" relationship is ideally suited to a lookup relationship.


-Manual sharing grants additional access to user records, but on an individual basis. For example, you can use manual sharing in these examples: • You want to share your user record on a one-time basis. • You want to extend access to your user record to an individual user below you in the role hierarchy. • You're extending access to external users such as high-volume portal or guest users so that internal users may see them.


1. Stage Type = (Open, Closed, Won, Lost) Stage type is referenced in opportunity reporting: For instance, running a report with opportunity status "Open" would include only opportunities with a stage type "Open": Note: Stage Name and Stage Type are not always correlated.


-Many to Many relationship: This is when one object can have many of another object and vice versa. Example: You can have many campaigns launched to many contacts, and those contacts can receive many campaigns. Like having many campaigns like Direct Mail, Webinars sent to many contacts, and those many contacts can receive many campaigns. Like both Direct mail and Webinars.


-Marketing User: Can manage campaigns, create letterheads, create HTML email templates, manage public documents, and add campaign members and update their statuses with the Data Import Wizard. Also has access to the same functionality as the Standard User.


-Milestones: Lets you define required steps that your support reps must follow as they assist customers. (i.e. calling a customer for feedback or sending a follow up email).


-On-Demand Email-to-Case: Business case: Keep email traffic outside your network's firewall and refuse emails larger than 25 MB Set up: Requires you to set up Salesforce Apex email services to turn emails into cases Maximum number of emails converted to cases each day: Number of user licenses multiplied by 1,000, up to a daily maximum of 1,000,000 Email size limit, including header, message, and attachments: Under 25 MB


-One to Many Relationship: 1 object to many objects. Example: 1 account to many contacts. An account can have many contacts but those contacts will always reference that 1 account.


-Permission sets contain many of the settings found in profiles, like objects and field permissions, tab settings, app settings, and user permissions.


-Permissions: You'll need the "Manage Sharing" permission to create sharing rules.


-Profiles give users access to objects, tabs, fields, and many other functions. Typically they provide access for the general functions that a type of user performs. -Permissions and settings specify what users can do within an organization.


-Read Only: Can view the org's setup, run and export reports, and view, but not edit, other records.


-Record Types control 3 things: 1. Business Processess - Special picklists fields that capture the lifecycle of opportunities, cases, solutions, or leads. 2. Page Layouts - Let you select and organize groups of fields related to an object. 3. Picklists Values - The lists of choices that you define when you create a picklist field. You can define a master list, with all possible choices, and use Record Types to display a subset, depending on the situation.


-Right Pane: 1. Dashboard Snapshot- A clipping of the top row of a dashboard components. 2. Items to Approve 3. Calendar 4. Tasks


-Sales Objects—includes accounts, contacts, opportunities, leads, campaigns, and other related objects -Support Objects—includes cases and solutions and their related objects -User, Sharing, and Permission Objects—includes users, profiles, and roles


-Self Relationship: This is also a one-to-many relationship where the object references itself. Example: A parent account can have many child accounts (subsidaries) but each child account will have the same one parent account.


-Service Contracts: Lets you create service agreements, such as warranties or subscriptions. You can access service agreements by clicking RECORD TYPES.


-Solution Manager: Can review and publish solutions. Also has access to the same functionality as the Standard User.


-Standard User: Can create and edit most major types of records, run reports, and view the org's setup. Can view, but not manage, campaigns. Can create, but not review, solutions. Can edit personal quota and override forecasts.


-System Administrator: Can configure and customize the application. Has access to all functionality that does not require an additional license. For example, administrators cannot manage campaigns unless they also have a Marketing User license. Can manage price books and products. Can edit any quota, override forecasts, and view any forecast.


-Task and Event Objects—includes tasks and events and their related objects -Profile and Permission Objects—includes users, profiles, permission sets, and related permission objects -Product and Schedule Objects—includes opportunities, products, and schedules


-Use Custom Templates to streamline your customers' terms of support. With templates you can define what kind of support is offered to customers (i.e. Web or phone support)


-User Permissions: User permissions specify what tasks users can perform and what features users can access. For example, users with the "View Setup and Configuration" permission can view Setup pages, and users with the "API Enabled" permission can access any Salesforce API.


-User Sharing allows an administrator to set the user object org-wide default (OWD) to private. And then have the control and flexibility to manage who can see who. -You can set up a USER SHARING RULE by 2 rule types: 1. Based on Group Membership (Most used) 2. Based on Criteria


-User permissions and access settings specify what users can do within an organization: *Permissions determine a user's ability to edit an object record, view the Setup menu, empty the organizational Recycle Bin, or reset a user's password. *Access settings determine other functions, such as access to Apex classes, app visibility, and the hours when users can log in.


-Users who DO NOT have access to other users will not be able to @mention those users in chatter unless: 1. They were in a chatter group together. 2. They were in the same conversation brought in by someone else's @mention.


15 Digit Record ID To find the record ID within the user interface, simply navigate to the record. The ID will be shown as part of your URL, and is 15 digits in length.


-Users with "View My Team's Dashboards" can view the dashboard as any user below them in the role hierarchy. -Users with "View All Data" can edit the dashboard and view it as any user in their organization. -Users with "Enable Other User's Dashboard" can edit the dashboard if they have access to it, even if they aren't the running user and don't have "View All Data."


-What is a permission set? Permission sets are optionally assigned to a user to grant them privileges in addition to their profile.


-When is the use of permission sets appropriate? Use the profile to set the foundation for a user's privileges. Then use permission sets to grant additional privileges for one-off cases, or instances where the same set of privileges must be granted for users that are assigned to different profiles (e.g. providing access to a 3rd party application shared by several departments).


-When you enable User Sharing, users can see other users in search, list views, and so on only if they have Read access on those users. -Permissions: You can share your own record to another user for whom you have Read access, or you can share any record if you have the "Manage Users" permission.


-Why is this important? Use the "Case Closed Page Layout" to ensure that all required information is captured before a case is closed. Since the case closed layout is separate, you can make fields required when closing a case that are not required when creating a case.


-Why use permission sets? Using permission sets effectively can help you reduce the number of profiles needed in your Salesforce org, which can dramatically reduce administrative overhead in some scenarios.


-With User Sharing, you can: • Assign the "View All Users" permission to users who need to see or interact with all users. This permission is automatically enabled for users who have the "Manage Users" permission. • Set the organization-wide default for user records to Private or Public Read Only. • Create user sharing rules based on group membership or other criteria, such as username and whether a user is active. • Create manual shares to grant access to individual users or groups. • Control the visibility of external users in customer or partner portals and communities.


-You can assign the following access levels to users. 1-Private: All users have read access to their own user record and those below them in the role hierarchy. 2-Public Read Only: All users have read access on one another. You can see all users' detail pages. You can also see all users in lookups, list views, ownership changes, user operations, and search.


-You can enable user permissions in permission sets and custom profiles. In permission sets and the enhanced profile user interface, these permissions—as well as their descriptions—are listed in the App Permissions or System Permissions pages. In the original profile user interface, user permissions are listed under Administrative Permissions and General User Permissions. -To view permissions and their descriptions, from Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets, then select or create a permission set. Then from the Permission Set Overview page, click App Permissions or System Permissions.


-You can grant each team via SHARING RULES access to READ ONLY or READ/WRITE. -A user can also apply sharing rules by MANUAL SHARING by using the sharing button on the record if that permission has been granted.


-You can manually add a record to a queue by changing the record's owner to the queue. Or -An assignment rule can add cases or leads to a queue based on specific record criteria. Records remain in a queue until they're assigned an owner. Any queue members or users higher in a role hierarchy can take ownership of records in a queue.


-You can use organization-wide defaults to set the default level of record access for the following objects. Accounts and their associated contracts Activities Calendars Campaigns Cases Contacts Custom objects Leads Opportunities Orders Price books Service contracts Users


-Your administrator can set up communication channels to gather cases from customers' preferred forms of contact. Channels include Communities for online forums, Email-to-Case for emails, Web-to-Case for websites, Salesforce Call Center for phone calls, and more. From the Cases home page, you can create, locate, and edit cases and also sort and filter cases and queues using standard and custom list views.


1-Public: Anyone can see and add posts, comments, and files. Anyone can join a public group. 2-Private: Only group members can see and add posts, comments, and files. People must ask the group's owner or managers to join the group. Users with the "Modify All Data" and "View All Data" permission can see group posts, updates, and files across the organization. Users with the "Manage All Data" permission can also join private groups directly and change group settings.


1. Documents (Standard Tab) This is the original way to store files in Salesforce. Many of the original features of Salesforce (email templates, application logos, etc.) will only reference files in the documents tab. No sharing mechanism, but files can be exposed for public consumption. Allows for replacement of a document, but no version control. Access is controlled by folders.


1. Organization Access - Admin creates this by creating and activating users. And setting up the IP RANGES and LOGIN HOURS defined by the org in the NETWORK ACCESS section of setup.


1. Organization Security Org-level permissions determines under what conditions a user can login to Salesforce, and is explored in depth in User Setup & Login Process - Free. A few key settings are: When users can login (Login Hours) Where users can login from (Login IP Ranges) How users can login (API, UI, etc.)


18 Digit Record ID The API (e.g. Data Loader) will accept 15 or 18 character IDs, but will return 18 character IDs by default. The 18 character ID is a combination of the 15 character ID with 3 characters added to ensure that it is unique on a case insensitive basis (this is to support legacy applications).


2-Private: Only the record owner, and users above that role in the hierarchy, can view, edit, and report on those records. For example, if Tom is the owner of an account, and he is assigned to the role of Western Sales, reporting to Carol (who is in the role of VP of Western Region Sales), then Carol can also view, edit, and report on Tom's accounts.


2. Mass Delete Records - Deletes records. Available for Leads, Accounts, Activities, Contacts, Cases, Solutions, Products, and Reports.


2. Notes & Attachments (Related List on Page Layout) This is the original way to attach a file to a record in Salesforce. Cannot be configured, no version control, or sharing mechanisms. Access to attachments is granted if the user has access to the record. As of the Winter '16 Release, files uploaded to Notes & Attachments can be managed using Salesforce Files.


2. Object Access - This is done at the PROFILE level (i.e. Your sales people need access to the Account, Contacts, and Opportunity objects, while call center reps need access to Account, Contact, and Case objects). -You can clone any PROFILE and give it a specific name to then assign those cloned settings to a user's profile (i.e. Taking the "Standard Profile" and cloning it and naming it "Sales Rep". This way you know to apply this profile with its settings to all sales reps users.


2. Object Security Object-level permissions determines what actions (Create, Read, Edit, Delete) a user can perform on records of each object. In order to create a record of that object type, the user only needs the "Create" object-level permission. In order to perform an action on an existing record, the user needs the corresponding object-level permissions and record-level permissions


2. PUBLIC READ ONLY - Users can ONLY view other users records.


2. Probability Probability represents the likelihood that an opportunity will be sold, and is used to calculate expected revenue. Expected Revenue = Amount x Probability Amount = $145,000 Probability = %45 Then Expected Revenue = $108,750


2. Standard report types do not include field(s) that you would like on the report. For example, I want to run an opportunity report that includes the account owner's manager as one of the fields. The standard opportunity report type will not allow me to add this field.


2. Validation: The web-to-lead form generated by Salesforce does not restrict data entered into the form. Any validation (such as requiring fields, or a valid email address) must be added to the generated HTML code; this validation cannot be configured within Salesforce.


3-Public Read Only: All users can view and report on records but not edit them. Only the owner, and users above that role in the hierarchy, can edit those records. For example, Sara is the owner of ABC Corp. Sara is also in the role Western Sales, reporting to Carol, who is in the role of VP of Western Region Sales. Sara and Carol have full read/write access to ABC Corp. Tom (another Western Sales Rep) can also view and report on ABC Corp, but cannot edit it.


3-Unlisted: Only group members and users with the "Manage Unlisted Groups" permission can see and add posts, comments, and files. People can't ask to join the group. The group's owner or managers must invite the group members. Unlisted groups offer more privacy and nonmembers can't see or access unlisted groups in list views, feeds, and in search results.


3. Content Content was once a paid add-on, but is now included free of charge. Users must have the "Salesforce CRM Content User" checkbox enabled on their user record in order to access the Content tab. Content provides mechanisms to share documents, version control, and granular access controls.


3. Daily Limits: By default, you can capture up to 500 web-to-lead submissions per day. If your organization wants to capture more than 500/day, you can contact Salesforce to have the limit increased. Or, use another method to capture leads.


3. Forecast Category The forecast category is used to populate a user's forecast data.


3. Integrate your data Most organizations have data in more than one system. Whenever there's duplicated data in several systems, it's easy for information to get out of synch. One way to avoid this problem is to integrate your systems so that updates in one system automatically update the others. 4.Augment your data To make your CRM system even more valuable, augment your data with information that will give your salespeople and managers an edge. For example, a number of third-party organizations such as Dun & Bradstreet and Hoover's provide valuable information your reps can use to prepare for sales calls.


3. Mass Transfer Approval Requests - Transfers pending approvals from one user to another (e.g. someone leaves the company, transfer all pending approvals to their supervisor).


4-Groups with Customers: Private and unlisted groups can allow customers. You can identify groups with customers by the ORANGE upper left corner of the group photo. 5-Archived: Some groups can be archived. When a group is archived, people can no longer create posts but group data is retained for reference.


4-Public Read/Write: All users can view, edit, and report on all records. For example, if Tom is the owner of Trident Inc., all other users can view, edit, and report on the Trident account. However, only Tom can alter the sharing settings or delete the Trident account.


4. Field Access - There may be individual fields that contain sensitive information that is not for everyone to see (i.e. a field containing commission pay). This is control through FIELD LEVEL SECURITY. Go to SECURITY CONTROLS = FIELD ACCESSIBILITY = CHOOSE OBJECT TO HAVE FIELDS CONTROLLED (standard or custom objects) = Then choose the view you want: View by Field, View by Profile, View by Record. This will give you the fields, profiles, and records attached and available to the object chosen.


4. Field-Level Security Field-level permissions determines which fields a user can view and edit on records of an object. Field-level permissions have 2 settings: Read Access Edit Access A user must be able to view the record in order to view any fields on the record. Likewise, if a user cannot edit a record, they will not be able to edit any fields. Note: Page layouts also influence which fields a user can update within the User Interface, which is discussed in the future.


4. Mass Reassign Account Teams - Add, remove, or replace members within an account team. Available for Account Teams 5. Mass Reassign Opportunity Teams - Add, remove, or replace members within an opportunity team. Available for Opportunity Teams


4. PUBLIC READ/WRITE/TRANSFER - Users can view, edit, delete, and share other users records.


4. Salesforce Files Files can be attached to posts in Chatter. This allows for users to quickly share a file, but information can also get easily lost in a feed. Access to the shared file is determined by access to the post itself. See Chatter section in this guide for additional details.


5-Public Read/Write/Transfer: All users can view, edit, transfer, and report on all records. Only available for cases or leads. For example, if Alice is the owner of ACME case number 100, all other users can view, edit, transfer ownership, and report on that case. But only Alice can delete or change the sharing on case 100.


5. Folder Security Folders are used to secure a variety of data within Salesforce, including but not limited to: Reports Dashboards Email Templates Documents


5. Monitor your data Achieving high-quality data isn't a one-shot effort, but requires ongoing vigilance. Establishing policies, processes, and tools for monitoring data is crucial to maintaining data quality.


5. The Chatter feed of the lead record is not transferred during conversion. AppExchange workaround available here. 6. Once a lead is converted, it cannot be reverted to an unconverted state. 7. Some related information to the lead is converted


6-Public Full Access: All users can view, edit, transfer, delete, and report on all records. Only available for campaigns. For example, if Ben is the owner of a campaign, all other users can view, edit, transfer, or delete that campaign.


6. Assign ownership, train users & commit to a data-quality process. Users need to know the importance of data integrity and how to do their part in any data-quality initiative. In training users, show them how data quality directly affects their work.


6. Mass Update Addresses - Used to standardize variances in the country and state fields (e.g. transform all instances of "Ohio" to "OH"). Available for Address fields on accounts, contacts, contracts, leads.


<> PERMISSION SETS - Can extend a user's permission for an object that may have not been granted in the user profile.


<> Permissions (C.R.E.D.) determine the baseline level of access a user has to all records, OWD can further restrict those permissions to records a user DOES NOT OWN. **ORG-WIDE DEFAULTS (OWD) CAN NEVER GRANT A USER MORE ACCESS THAN THEY HAVE THROUGH THEIR OBJECT PERMISSIONS**


<> RECORD TYPES - A versatile tool that lets you manage and organize data about an object.


<>Creating the many-to-many relationship consists of: 1. Creating the junction object. 2. Creating the two master-detail relationships. 3. Customizing the related lists on the page layouts of the two master objects. 4. Customizing reports to maximize the effectiveness of the many-to-many relationship.


<>Define strategies to promote and retain good data quality within Salesforce: 1. Profile your data Data profiling is all about understanding your data. You should know where your data comes from: spreadsheets, backend systems, or sticky notes all over reps' desks. 2. Control your data Data control is about achieving data accuracy and ensuring the right users have access to the right information, which also means blocking access, as needed. To control your data, you first need to "clean" it by removing duplicates and errors, and then set up processes and use technologies to keep it clean.


<>Describe common reasons that customers install AppExchange packages: Common use cases include: -Marketing automation (Marketo, Silverpop, etc.) -Data quality (duplicate prevention, address verification, etc.) -Connectors (to variety of external systems) -Expense management (Concur, etc.)


<>Describe how to report on historical approval requests: In order to report on historical approval requests, you must create a custom report type for the approval request objects. Once you've created the custom report type, you can report on historical approval request data.


<>Describe how to use filters to limit report results: All filters are used to exclude records from report results. The report type determines which records are included in the report when all filters are removed.


<>Describe methods to store files and attachments in Salesforce:


<>Describe profiles and their influence on security. Each user is assigned one profile, which is instrumental in determining a user's functional access (apps, tabs, object-level permissions), how information is displayed to the user (page layouts, record types, field-level security), and a wide range of other permissions.


<>Describe the AppExchange: The AppExchange is a marketplace to buy, build, sell, and install applications for


<>Describe the Salesforce data model: Data Model The entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for standard Salesforce objects in this section illustrate important relationships between objects. ERD's are used to visually represent object relationships.


<>Describe the capabilities and limitations of time-dependent workflow actions: Time-dependent workflow actions are scheduled to execute at a specified time after the workflow rule itself has executed.


<>Describe the capabilities of Chatter:


<>Describe the capabilities of Content Management:


<>Describe the capabilities of can be used to find new prospects, clean data associated with existing leads and contacts, and prevent the creation of duplicate records.


<>Describe the capabilities of reports and dashboards: A report allows you to quickly summarize and chart record data. A dashboard can present summary data from multiple reports on a single page.


<>Describe the capabilities of workflow and approvals: Workflow rules are used to automatically take action when a record meets specific criteria. For example, you could create a workflow rule to notify the strategic accounts team public group when an opportunity is greater than $1,000,000 USD.


<>Describe the concept of a "native" AppExchange package: A native application is developed entirely on the Salesforce platform - its functionality does not rely on an external system(s).


<>Describe the criteria used to determine workflow execution: Workflow Execution Workflow rules execute when the EVALUATION and rule CRITERIA are both met.


<>Describe the high-level capabilities of Salesforce Wave: Salesforce Wave (part of Salesforce Analytics Cloud) is business intelligence (BI) software built on the platform. Wave is licensed separately from for an additional fee.


<>Describe the object relationships used in Salesforce: 1. One to many 2. Many to many 3. Self relationship (one to many within the same object - e.g. parent account)


<>Describe the relationship between Chatter and record security: A user must be able to view a record to see Chatter posts related to that record.


<>Describe the sending email capabilities of The default behavior is for Salesforce to deliver outbound email. This can be a problem for auditing purposes; additionally, mail sent from Salesforce will not appear in a user's "sent items" folder within their email.


<>Describe when to use each type of automation tool:


<>Describe where to monitor and delete pending time-based workflow actions: Navigate to Setup --> Monitoring --> Time-Based Workflow.


<>Explain how to create a custom object:


<>Explain how to monitor case escalation: Simply navigate to Setup --> Monitoring --> Case Escalation.


<>Explain when to create a custom profile: As customization of standard profiles is limited, create custom profiles prior to assigning users to profiles.


<>Explain when to use a lookup or master-detail relationship:


<>List and describe the standard profiles: System Administrator Standard Platform User Standard Platform One App User Standard User Customer Community User Customer Community Plus User Partner Community User Customer Portal User High Volume Customer Portal Customer Portal Manager Partner User Solution Manager Marketing User Contract Manager Read Only Chatter Only User Chatter Free User Chatter External User Chatter Moderator User Only User


<>List and describe the various custom field types:


<>Queues: Prioritize, distribute, and assign records to teams who share workloads. Access queues from list views. Queue members can jump in to take ownership of any record in a queue. They're available for cases, leads, orders, custom objects, service contracts, and knowledge article versions. C L O C K S


<>Two Global User Interface settings that impact the way that the sidebar works throughout Salesforce: 1. Enable Collapsible Sidebar 2. Show custom components on all pages


<>Two other special profiles: 1-READ ONLY - Only view records they can access, limits permission to READ ONLY 2. System Admin - Ultimate access to 'view all data' and 'modify all data'. Can override all sharing rules and settings.


<>Use Permission Sets to grant a user permissions their profiles prohibits like: 1. Ability to DELETE a specific object (opportunities) 2. Ability to TRANSFER leads or cases 3. Ability to ACCESS custom apps, custom tabs, visualforce, or Apex class, etc.


<>What is Visualforce? Visualforce is a framework that allows developers to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces that can be hosted natively on the platform. The Visualforce framework includes a tag-based markup language, similar to HTML, and a set of server-side "standard controllers" that make basic database operations, such as queries and saves, very simple to perform.


<>When do I need to use user sharing rules or manual shares? User sharing rules grant additional access beyond the organization-wide defaults, based on group membership (role, groups, or territories) or other criteria. User sharing rules based on membership enable user records belonging to members of one group to be shared to members of another group.


A common lead flow is as follows: 1. Lead generated through web-to-lead. 2. Lead assigned to inside sales queue via auto-assignment rule. 3. Inside sales rep manually takes ownership of lead from queue. 4. Inside sales rep calls and qualifies lead. 5. Lead is converted and transferred to outside sales rep.






Access Levels for Report and Dashboard Folders Each user, group, or role can have its own level of access to a report and dashboard folder. Viewers can see the data. Editors can determine what data is shown. Managers can control access.


Account & Opportunity Teams What are Account Teams? Account teams provide a method to document the roles of multiple users in the management of a single account.


Account Contact Roles: Adding the contact roles related list to the account will allow users to establish relationships between a single contact and multiple accounts. For instance, contact "Lauren Boyle" is a member of the "United Oil & Gas Corp." account, but also has a role on the "Farmers Coop. of Florida" account.


Add a Report Chart to a Page Layout To embed a report chart on object pages, edit the object's page layout with the enhanced page layout editor, then add the chart.


Approvals It's likely that you're familiar with process automation in the form of workflow rules. Approvals take automation one step further, letting you specify a sequence of steps that are required to approve a record. An approval process automates how records are approved in Salesforce. An approval process specifies each step of approval, including from whom to request approval and what to do at each point of the process.


Assigning Multiple Users to Tasks When you create a task, you can assign the task to multiple users. *Note that this actually creates a duplicate task record for each user; it does not assign a single task to multiple users. The resulting tasks are not linked in any way.


Associating Activities to Custom Objects Activities can be associated to most standard objects. In order to link an activity to a custom object, you must ensure that the "Allow Activities" checkbox is enabled within the object properties.


Attach a File to a Post or Comment You can attach all file types, including Microsoft® PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets, to Adobe® PDFs, image files, audio files, and video files.


Automatic actions available for Workflow Rules: Email Alert Field Update Flow Trigger Outbound Message Task


Before users can use a newly created record type, first: -The record type must be activated -And it must be added to the users profile.


Before you add a chart, check that: -Its source report is in a folder that's shared with users who need access. Reports in personal report folders are unavailable to add to a page. -The source report format is summary or matrix. -The source report has a chart.


Before you set up Web-to-Case: 1. Create custom case fields, if needed. 2. Create a default email template for the automated notification that will be sent to your customers when they submit a case. 3. Create case queues if you wish to assign incoming cases to queues as well as to individual users. 4. Customize Support settings to select the default owner of cases that don't meet the criteria in your assignment rule. 5. Create an active case assignment rule to determine how web-generated cases are assigned to users or put into queues. If you do not set an active assignment rule, all web-generated cases are assigned to the DEFAULT owner you specify in the Support Settings.


Build a Custom Summary Formula: Create custom summary formulas for SUMMARY and MATRIX reports to calculate additional totals based on the numeric fields available in the report.


Business Hours, Holidays, and Case Escalation: -The combination of business hours and holidays determine when escalation actions occur. -Each org must have one default business hours configuration. -The default business hours is populated into the case field "Business Hours" when a case is created.




Case Feed Overview Case Feed gives support agents a more streamlined way of creating, managing, and viewing cases. It includes actions and a Chatter feed. The actions let agents create case notes, log calls, change the status of cases, and communicate with customers. The feed displays important case events in chronological order, so it's easy to see the progress of each case.


Case Page Layouts Cases have two page layout types: 1. Case Page Layout This layout is used except when closing a case (this includes viewing and editing previously closed cases): 2. Case Closed Page Layout This layout is only used when closing a case (via the "Close Case" button)


Case Status Each case status can be declared a "Closed" status: By default, closed case statuses can only be selected from the "Case Closed Page Layout".


Case escalation rule entries can reference business hours in one of the following ways: 1. Ignore business hours (e.g. for business critical 24×7 support cases) 2. Use business hours specified on case (this will typically be your org's default business hours) 3. Set business hours (Set your own. Could be used if the case is escalated to a team in another time zone)


Chatter External This license is for users who are outside of your company's email domain. These external users, also called customers, can be invited to Chatter groups that allow customers.


Chatter Free The Chatter Free license is for users who don't have Salesforce licenses but need access to Chatter. These users can access standard Chatter items such as people, profiles, groups, and files, but they can't access any Salesforce objects or data.


Chatter Groups Collaborate with specific people. For example, if you're working on a team project, you can create a group for your team to share project-related files and information. You can join up to 300 groups, and your company can have a total of 30,000 groups. Chatter groups can be public, private, unlisted, and archived.


Chatter Questions can be used in a variety of ways, most commonly: Internally, as a digital Q&A referendum for employees. Internally and externally, as a method for customers and employees to interact together.


Chatter User Licenses All standard Salesforce licenses allow free Chatter access for everyone in your organization. Salesforce also offers Chatter-specific licenses: Chatter External, Chatter Free, and Chatter Only (also known as Chatter Plus).


Closing cases When closing cases, users can submit new solutions for review.


Communities User Licenses We have three Communities licenses for external users: Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, and Partner Community. We also have Employee Apps Starter and Employee Apps Plus licenses for Employee Communities.


Community Structure You can create multiple communities; each has its own members, login page, branding, etc. A typical example would be to have a partner community and a customer community.


Compare Access Levels for Report and Dashboard Folders: The 3 access levels are Viewer, Editor, and Manager and their access enables what users can do with report and dashboard folders. -Viewer, can only view -Editor can view and only save a report/dashboard in a folder -Manager can do all the above plus, rename, delete, share, and change folders and settings.


Considerations 1. Validation rules will impact API usage, web-to-lead, and web-to-case submissions. Make sure to structure your validation rules so that they will not unintentionally interfere with these operations (such as rejecting a web-to-lead submission). 2. Too many validation rules can be frustrating from a user interface perspective, as the error is not presented until after the user attempts to save the record. 3. Some formula arguments (such as VLOOKUP) can only be used in validation rules.


Content enables users to: -Upload files and create links. -Search content, including within supported file types. -Attach content to Salesforce records. -Distribute content via URL to non-Salesforce users. -Optionally password protect URL distribution. -Monitor URL distribution usage statistics. -Create content packs to easily distribute multiple pieces.


Content features: -Version control. -Voting and rating system to identify popular content. -Reporting capabilities. -Live previews of support file types.


Controlling Fields influence one or more Dependent fields. Dependent Fields are influenced by ONLY ONE controlling field. Example: The picklist that shows when you are selecting a car. First you select the MAKE (Controlling Field) then that determines what MODEL (Dependent Field) populates for that field.


Create Libraries Store, share, and manage your files in content libraries so you can decide who has access to files in each library and what permissions they have. Each org can have up to 2,000 libraries.


Create Salesforce for Outlook Configurations Outlook configurations define Salesforce for Outlook settings for reps, like which features reps have access to, and how reps' records sync between Outlook and Salesforce. If you'd like to define unique settings for a subset of your sales team, create multiple Outlook configurations, and assign reps accordingly.


Create a Custom Report Type for Approval History Before you can run reports on executed and in-progress approval processes and their steps, you need to create a custom report type for approval process instances.


Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard When your approval process is more complex and you want to define specific steps, use the standard wizard.


Create auto-response rules for leads captured through a Web-to-Lead form and for cases submitted through a: -Self-Service portal -Customer Portal -Web-to-Case form -Email-to-Case message -On-Demand Email-to-Case message


Escalation Rule The escalation rule is the container for all rule entries and rule actions. Only one can be active at a time, and most organizations will only need to use one rule.


Create roll-up summary fields on: 1. Any custom object that is on the master side of a master-detail relationship. 2. Any standard object that is on the master side of a master-detail relationship with a custom object. 3. Opportunities using the values of opportunity products related to the opportunity. 4. Accounts using the values of related opportunities. 5. Campaigns using campaign member status or the values of campaign member custom fields.


Creating validation rules Validation rules can be created on most standard and custom objects, and use the same syntax as formulas.


Custom Report Type Object Selection When creating a custom report type, pay very close attention to the two options when selecting relationships (Each "A" record [must / may or may not] have at least one "B" record). The objects and relationships selected determine which records will be included when reports of this type are run.


Customize Big Deal Alerts: Your organization can use alerts that automatically send an email notification for opportunities with large amounts. Customize this alert to send an email when an opportunity reaches a threshold. Your threshold consists of an opportunity amount and probability. For example, you can send an email to your team when an opportunity of $500,000 has reached a probability of 90%.


Customize Contracts Customize Salesforce to handle your internal contract management process.


Customize Support Settings: Turn on or set various support processes to automate case management. Choose email templates, default case owner, case notifications, and more.




Data Loader The data loader is purely a data manipulation tool. It gives the administrator a great deal of flexibility (almost all objects and data can be accessed) but provides little to no guidance in how to achieve a specific task (e.g. using the Import Accounts & Contacts wizard will automatically establish the relationship between an imported contact and an account; this relationship needs to be established within the data via a Salesforce ID or an External ID when using the data loader).


Data Loader Operations -Insert: Creates new records. -Update: Updates existing records. The Salesforce ID of each record must be defined within the source file. -Upsert: Updates an existing record if present; if record not present, creates a new record. Matching can be based on Salesforce ID or external IDs. -Delete: Deletes records. The Salesforce ID must be defined within the source file. -Hard Delete: Permanently deletes; records are not moved to the recycle bin. The Salesforce ID must be defined within the source file. -Export: Extracts records from Salesforce; excludes records in your recycle bin. -Export All: Extracts records from Salesforce; includes records in your recycle bin.


Data Manipulation Wizards The following wizards are available through the user interface: 1. Mass Transfer Records - Changes record ownership (e.g. transfer 100 leads from one user to another user). Available for Leads, Accounts, Service Contracts, Custom Objects


Define "Data Quality" Data quality refers to the usability and accuracy of data (technical definition here). Dirty data is poor quality. Completely de-duplicated, properly formatted, populated accurate data is considered clean, and of high quality.


Defining opportunity stages: When you define an opportunity stage, several other variables must be defined in addition to stage name:


Do I need to configure lead auto-response rules? Will all web-to-lead submissions receive the same email template in response to their submission? If yes, you do not need an auto-response rule. However, you will need to configure the default response template. If no, you will need an auto-response rule.


Don't like this behavior? You don't have to use the case closed page layout. Simply check "Show Closed Statuses in Case Status Field" under support settings (Setup -> Customize -> Cases -> Support Settings). Then remove the "Close Case" button from the case page layout.


EVENTS -Appointments (e.g. Outlook Calendar Entry) -Specified Start & End Time -Activity History when Start Time has Passed


EXAMPLE: My company sells both products and services. We use a custom field 'Type' on lead to indicate which the customer has expressed interest in. If the lead is interested in products, then the product team will follow up. If the lead is interested in services, then the services team will follow up.


EXAMPLE: -Create a lead queue with members who are salespeople assigned to a specific sales territory. -Create a case queue with members who are support agents assigned to different service levels. -Create a knowledge article version queue members who are users that can translate new versions of articles into a specific language. -Prioritize, distribute, and assign records to teams who share workloads. There's no limit to the number of queues you can create, and you can choose when queue members receive email notifications.


Email Templates The solutions attached to the case can be referenced via email templates and sent to the customer: This allows your support agents to quickly and effectively communicate potential solutions to the case submitter.


Email-to-Case Automatically turn emails from your customers into cases in Salesforce to track and resolve customer cases quickly. There are two versions of Email-to-Case: 1. Email-to-Case, which uses an agent on your machine 2. On-Demand Email-to-Case, which uses Salesforce Apex email services Each version supports a different business case.


Enable and Configure Similar Opportunities: Allow users to find Closed/Won opportunities that match the attributes of an opportunity they're currently working on, so they can quickly access information that might help them close their open deals.


Escalation Actions Each escalation rule can have many associated actions. (i.e. Rule #2 has one associated action, which will notify and reassign the case 6 hours after creation if it is not closed) I could add addition escalation actions as well. For example, I may want to escalate this case again if not resolved within 48 hours.


Escalation Rule Entry When a case is created or modified, it will look to the list of rule entries for the first match. That rule entry will determine the case escalation actions. If no rule is matched, case escalation will not occur.


Event Completion Events are moved from "Open Activities" to "Activity History" when the start time of the event is in the past. For instance, if an event starts at 1:00PM and ends at 1:30PM, then it will appear under open activities until 1:00PM, and will appear in activity history after 1:00PM.


Events Events are used to represent scheduled meetings, similar to appointments in your Outlook calendar. Events have a scheduled start and end time.


Example 1 -I've defined a custom profile "Inside Sales Rep" which does not have the ability to delete leads. -However, I would like to grant one inside sales user "Jane Doe" the ability to delete leads. -Instead of creating a custom profile just for Jane, I've created a permission set called "Delete Leads" -I add that permission set to Jane Doe's user record. -Jane now has the ability to delete leads, while other inside sales team members will not. And I've accomplished this without creating another profile to maintain.


Example 2 Your organization has recently built an application in Salesforce to track job applicants. Each department will have several users that will be provided access to manage their department's career postings. Using just profiles, you would need to create a new profile for each user that needed access to the application (cloning the existing assigned profile and then adding the required privileges). Instead, you could create a single permission set that grants the appropriate privileges and grant that permission set to each user as needed.


Example: Lets say the custom Sales Rep Profile only allows users to create, read, and edit leads. But some users need the ability to delete leads. You cant add the DELETE function to the Sales Rep Profile because then all users on that profile will get the ability to delete leads. So instead, you will create a permission set to be able to DELETE leads and then add that PERMISSION SET to the users who need it.


Example: The duplicate rule can block users from saving records that have been identified as possible duplicates or allow them to save them anyway. Both the Block and Allow options include an alert, which tells users why they can't save the record and what they need to do. The Allow option includes the ability to report on the duplicate records.




File Sync in Salesforce: Salesforce Files:


For example, create a FLOW to: -Use complex branching logic (if certain conditions are true, evaluate for further conditions) Example: First, check whether a case is escalated. If the case is escalated, check the account's region and route the case accordingly. -Sort through, iterate over, and operate on several records Example: After an opportunity is closed and won, calculate the opportunity's discount. Then apply that discount to all the related opportunity products.


GLOBAL SEARCH Chatter Enabled Menu Above Tabs Personalized Results More Results Returned


Get Ready to Capture Cases with Web-to-Case Gather customer support requests directly from your company's website and automatically generate up to 5,000 new cases a day with Web-to-Case. This can help your organization respond to customers faster, improving your support team's productivity.


Getting Information from Users or Customers and Then Doing Something with It: If you need to build a wizard to collect information, Visual Workflow is the tool for you. Create a flow that displays information to and requests information from a user. Then take the information that they enter and perform actions in Salesforce with it.


Global Search Global Search is automatically enabled when Chatter is enabled. It cannot be enabled otherwise. As you can see, the position of the search bar is above the tabs. Global Search returns personalized results, based on which records a user views most (opportunities are placed at the top if the user views opportunity most frequently). Global Search will return more search results than sidebar search, as it indexes most custom fields and additional data (including articles, documents, products, and more).


How a Record Gets Approved Example: When an employee requests time off, that time has to be approved by the employee's manager. You need to ensure that when a time-off request is submitted for approval, the right person (the employee's manager) receives the request. To automate your organization's processes for approving records, create Approval Processes.


How are escalation rules structured? Escalation Rule -> Escalation Rule Entry -> Escalation Action


How are forecasts implemented in Salesforce? There are 2 different versions of forecasting in Salesforce: 1. Collaborative Forecasts 2. Customizable Forecasts (by feature request)


How are price books selected? If only a single price book is active, or the user only has "Use" permissions to a single price book, then that price book is automatically selected. If the user has "Use" access to more than one active price book, then they must manually select the price book prior to adding products to an opportunity or a quote.


How can I calculate the ROI for my campaigns? The Campaign ROI Analysis Report is located on the Reports tab in the Campaign Reports folder. It calculates your campaigns' performance by return on investment (ROI) and average cost.


How can I restrict visibility/use to certain price books? 1. Set the org-wide default for price book to "View Only" or "No Access". 2. Share each individual price book with the appropriate role, group, and users.


How can you determine which price books are assigned to a user? By default, the org-wide default setting for price book is "Use". This means that any user with read access to both the "Product" and "Price Book" object will be able to select any active price book.


NOTE *Users can create their own list views but they CANNOT be shared with other users*


How is Campaign ROI measured? ROI is the percentage a campaign has returned above its cost. Formula: (Total Value Won Opportunities - Actual Cost) / Actual Cost Example: For instance, the total value won by this campaign is $20,000. The actual cost was $11,400. Therefore its ROI is 75% (rounded).


How many different lead assignment rules can I create? You can create more than one set of many lead assignment rules, but only one can be active at a time. The active lead assignment rule is automatically selected in several scenarios, including web-to-lead submissions, as discussed below. You may want to use multiple lead assignment rules to correspond to different processes (for instance, leads uploaded from marketing are treated differently than those created via website submission).


How many records can I import? The Data Import Wizard lets you import up to 50,000 records at a time.


How to configure campaign hierarchy: 1. Configure field-level security. Campaign hierarchy fields may be set to hidden field-level security by default. Ensure that the proper profiles have access by changing the visibility to each field (if required). 2. Add fields to the appropriate campaign page layout(s). Now that the campaign hierarchy fields are visible, add them to appropriate page layout(s). 3. Populate the parent campaign field on child campaign records. I've populated several campaign records, and can now view the campaign hierarchy statistics on the parent campaign


How to create a campaign record: Creating a campaign is just like creating any other record in Salesforce, with the exception that the user must have the "Marketing User" feature license selected in addition to corresponding object-level security. If this feature is not selected, the user CANNOT creat campaigns.


Ideas Ideas provides a mechanism to capture feedback. Users submit ideas, and vote on ideas submitted by other users. Each vote translates into additional points for the idea; the most popular ideas gains the most points. This allows moderators to prioritize the most popular ideas.


Ideas & Answers Chatter Questions Chatter Questions allows internal users, partners, and customers to collective ask and answer each others' questions. Chatter Questions replaces Chatter Answers and Answers moving forward.


Ideas can be used in a variety of ways, most commonly: To capture feedback on how to improve your organization internally. To capture customer feedback for ways to improve your product or services (e.g. Salesforce IdeaExchange, My Starbucks Ideas).


Important Note: The products object does not use the standard record sharing model. Access to manipulate products is controlled by object-level security (profile & permission sets).


Important Notes 1. Permission sets can only grant (not revoke) privileges. 2. Permission sets are optional, and a user can be assigned more than 1 permission set (a user is assigned zero to many permission sets). 3. The profile controls some elements (e.g. page layout assignment) that a permission set cannot influence.


Important Notes: 1- List views do not impact security. If a user cannot view a record, it will never appear within a list view. The result is that two users can have different results appear within a list view (the same holds true for reports). 2- Read the article Literal Date Values for Filter Criteria to learn about the various dynamic elements that can be used in list views. 3- List view and reports - what's the difference? Generally speaking: A list view is used to quickly segment, and then take action on records. A report is used to summarize record data for analysis.


Is there a size limit for attachments using Email-to-Case? Email attachments using On-Demand may be up to 25 MB. There is no attachment size limit when using the Email-to-Case agent.


Joined Joined reports let you create multiple report blocks that provide different views of your data. Each block acts like a "sub-report," with its own fields, columns, sorting, and filtering. A joined report can even contain data from different report types.


Junction Object A custom object with two master-detail relationships. Using a custom junction object, you can model a "many-to-many" relationship between two objects. For example, you create a custom object called "Bug" that relates to the standard "case" object such that a bug could be related to multiple cases and a case could also be related to multiple bugs.


Library Permissions Each library member has specified permissions that determine what actions they can perform within the library. New library permissions can be added, and the default permissions can be modified as well.


Lightning Process Builder Many of the tasks you assign, the emails you send, and other record updates are vital parts of your standard processes. Instead of doing this repetitive work manually, you can configure processes to do it automatically. Process Builder helps you automate your business processes and gives you a graphical representation as you build it.


Limitations and considerations: -Modifying an active time-based workflow rule can be tricky. Deactivating the workflow rule does not remove pending time-based actions that the workflow rule previously scheduled for future execution. -Likewise, adding workflow actions to an active time-based workflow rule will not retroactively schedule the new actions on records where existing actions are pending. -Time triggers cannot be added to an active time-based workflow rule.


Limitations and other considerations for Web-to-Lead: 1. Relationships: You cannot capture lookup relationship fields with web-to-lead, with the exception of the Campaign field. When the campaign field is included with a web-to-lead submission, the lead will be automatically joined to the specified campaign.


Limitations of Campaign Hierarchies: You can have up to 5 levels in your campaign hierarchy. There is no limit to the number of campaigns within the hierarchy itself, however.


Limitations of Contact Roles: 1. You cannot add new fields to contact roles, nor can you customize the related lists. You can add and change the roles (e.g. change "Influencer" to "Stakeholder"). 2. You cannot display the account roles related list on the contact. For instance, when I view the contact "Lauren Boyle", no record of the relationship to the account "Farmers Coop. of Florida" is displayed.


Limitations of Formula Fields There are considerations to be aware of when building formula fields. Notably: 1. Formula fields cannot reference several field types, including (but not limited to): Text Area (Long), Text Area (Rich), Picklist (Multi-Select). 2. Some formula fields cannot be referenced by roll-up summary fields. 3. There are several restrictions on formula size (character, save, compile). You can hit these on long/complex formulas with many arguments.


Logical Functions AND--Returns a TRUE response if all values are true; returns a FALSE response if one or more values are false. CASE--Checks a given expression against a series of values. If the expression is equal to a value, returns the corresponding result. If it is not equal to any values, it returns the else_result. IF--Determines if expressions are true or false. Returns a given value if true and another value if false. OR--Determines if expressions are true or false. Returns TRUE if any expression is true. Returns FALSE if all expressions are false.


Logical Operators = and == (Equal)--Evaluates if two values are equivalent. The = and == operator are interchangeable. <> and != (Not Equal)--Evaluates if two values are not equivalent. < (Less Than) -- Evaluates if a value is less than the value that follows this symbol. > (Greater Than) -- Evaluates if a value is greater than the value that follows this symbol. <= (Less Than or Equal)--Evaluates if a value is less than or equal to the value that follows this symbol. >= (Greater Than or Equal)--Evaluates if a value is greater than or equal to the value that follows this symbol. && (AND)--Evaluates if two values or expressions are both true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function AND. || (OR)-- Evaluates if at least one of multiple values or expressions is true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function OR.


Lookup Relationships If the lookup field is optional, you can specify one of three behaviors to occur if the lookup record is deleted: -Clear the value of this field: This is the default. Clearing the field is a good choice when the field does not have to contain a value from the associated lookup record. -Don't allow deletion of the lookup record that's part of a lookup relationship: This option restricts the lookup record from being deleted if you have any dependencies, such as a workflow rule, built on the relationship. -Delete this record also: Available only if a custom object contains the lookup relationship, not if it's contained by a standard object. However, the lookup object can be either standard or custom. Choose when the lookup field and its associated record are tightly coupled and you want to completely delete related data.


MANY-TO-MANY RELATIONSHIP You can use master-detail relationships to model many-to-many relationships between any two objects. A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple records from another object and vice versa. For example, you create a custom object called "Bug" that relates to the standard case object such that a bug could be related to multiple cases and a case could also be related to multiple bugs. When modeling a many-to-many relationship, you use a junction object to connect the two objects you want to relate to each other.


Manual Record Sharing & Auditing Manual Record Sharing As a general rule, if org-wide defaults for an object are set to either Private or Public Read Only, then the sharing button will be displayed if added to the page layout. Some objects (such as account) may have the sharing button exposed depending on the sharing settings of related objects (e.g. sharing on the account can be used to share related opportunities and cases). By clicking "Sharing", a user can then manually share access to this record with other groups, roles, and users:


Matching Rules Matching rules are used to identify duplicate records within Salesforce. A matching rule is made up of individual fields that are assembled into an equation. Each field contains matching criteria that tell the rule how to compare the fields and what conditions need to be met for the specific field to be considered a match.


Math Operators + (Add) -- Calculates the sum of two values. - (Subtract) -- Calculates the difference of two values. * (Multiply) -- Multiplies its values. / (Divide) -- Divides its values. ^ (Exponentiation) -- Raises a number to a power of a specified number. () (Open Parenthesis and Close Parenthesis)--Specifies that the expressions within the open parenthesis and close parenthesis are evaluated first. All other expressions are evaluated using standard operator precedence.


Matrix Matrix reports are similar to summary reports but allow you to group and summarize data by both rows and columns. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for comparing related totals, especially if you have large amounts of data to summarize and you need to compare values in several different fields, or you want to look at data by date and by product, person, or geography. Matrix reports without at least one row and one column grouping show as summary reports on the report run page.


Methods to associate campaigns to leads and contacts: 1. Manual - Related list button "add to campaign" 2. View - Lead + contacts 3. Reports - Lead + Contacts 4. Manage members 5. API Data Loader


Monitor Pending Workflow Actions: When a workflow rule that has time-dependent actions is triggered, use the WORKFLOW QUEUE to view pending actions and cancel them if necessary.


NOTE ***Many-to Many relationships are established using a Junction Object (Join Object). A Junction Object links each object of the many-to-many relationship. Junction Objects do not get Tabs and are needed in order to create a many-to-many relationship***


NOTE ***To create reports on custom objects, choose the Other Reports report type category, unless the custom object has a relationship with a standard object. When the custom object has a master-detail relationship with a standard object or is a lookup object on a standard object, select the standard object for the report type category instead.***


NOTE ***When a custom object is created, non-administrative profiles will not have any access to the object. You cannot update custom object permissions on standard profiles, therefore we will create a custom profile.***


NOTE ***You can't change the data type of any custom field that is mapped for lead conversion.***


NOTE ***You cannot change the field type of standard fields; creating a new field would be required.***


Object Relationships Overview Create relationships to link objects with each other, so that when your users view records, they can also see related data. For example, link a custom object called "Bugs" to cases to track product defects that are associated with customer cases.


Opportunity Competitors You can add the competitors related list to the opportunity. Customization is extremely limited, and the competitor information must be entered for each opportunity.


Opportunity Contact Roles: Use the contact roles related list on the opportunity to specify the contacts involved in a deal. Contacts do not necessarily have to be related to the same account as the opportunity. Contact roles can also impact campaign influence


Orders cont... For example, within a parts manufacturer, a sales rep creates an opportunity representing the sale of 200,000 units. The customer agrees to purchase 200,000 units at a specified price over the period of one year; this agreement is captured within a contract record. The customer draws down this commitment by placing orders for parts over the period stipulated in the agreement. In the above scenario, the order indicates which parts were purchased, price, ship date, and other logistical information.


Organize Records with Tags and Topics Topics are words or phrases that you can associate with Salesforce records to organize them around common themes. Use topics to group records by a common theme, and then use those topics to filter list views. Tags are words or short phrases that you can associate with most Salesforce records to describe and organize their data in a personalized way.


Perform Automated Actions An automated action is a reusable component that performs some sort of action behind the scenes—like updating a field or sending an email. Once you create an automated action, add it to a process, milestone, or other automated process.


Personal Library Each user can upload content to their personal content library, which is not shared with other users. Shared Libraries Users with the "Manage Salesforce CRM Content" permission (profile or permission set) can create shared libraries. Access to shared libraries is specified by named user or public group membership.


Predefined Case Teams The administrator can create predefined case teams that will allow users to quickly add members to a case. First, define the teams (Setup -> Customize -> Cases -> Case Teams -> Predefined Case Teams)


Products and price books -A product can have a different list price in different price books -The standard and list price for a product can be listed in multiple currencies


Profiles What is a profile? A profile is a collection of permissions and settings that is instrumental in determining a user's functional access (apps, tabs, object-level permissions), how information is displayed to the user (page layouts, record types, field-level security), and a wide range of other permissions. Each user must be assigned one profile.


REMEMBER: Every user is assigned only one profile, but can also have multiple permission sets. When determining access for your users, use profiles to assign the minimum permissions and access settings for specific groups of users. Then use permission sets to grant more permissions as needed.


Record IDs Every Record, regardless of entity type, has a globally unique identification value in its ID field which is generated at the time of record creation. That Record ID value will never change, even if the record is deleted and then undeleted. The URL of a record viewed within Salesforce via web browser contains the Salesforce instance and the Record ID. For example: Record ID: = 5003000000D8cuI Instance: = na1


Relative Date Filter Reference Relative date filters let you filter on date fields using easy-to-understand, human-speech-inspired syntax. For example, instead of filtering on Close Date greater than Jan 1, 2017, filter using a relative date: Close Date equals this year.


Report on Historical Data with Reporting Snapshots A reporting snapshot lets you report on historical data. Authorized users can save tabular or summary report results to fields on a custom object, then map those fields to corresponding fields on a target object. They can then schedule when to run the report to load the custom object's fields with the report's data. Reporting snapshots enable you to work with report data similarly to how you work with other records in Salesforce.


Revoking Permissions and Access **You can use profiles and permission sets to grant access, but not to deny access. Any permission granted from either a profile or permission set is honored. For example, if "Transfer Record" isn't enabled in Jane Smith's profile, but is enabled in two of her permission sets, she can transfer records regardless of whether she owns them. To revoke a permission, you must remove all instances of the permission from the user.** You can do this with the following actions—each has possible consequences:


Roles What is the significance of the role hierarchy? The role hierarchy provides a framework to structure access to records and folders in your organization. Various settings (sharing rules, groups, folder sharing criteria, etc.) rely heavily on roles to structure access to content. Grant access using hierarchies has a profound impact on record security.


Roll-Up Summary Field A roll-up summary field calculates values from related records, such as those in a related list. You can create a roll-up summary field to display a value in a master record based on the values of fields in a detail record. The detail record must be related to the master through a master-detail relationship. For example, you want to display the sum of invoice amounts for all related invoice custom object records in an account's Invoices related list. You can display this total in a custom account field called Total Invoice Amount.


Row Limit For tabular reports, select the maximum number of rows to display, then choose a field to sort by and the sort order. You can use a tabular report as the source report for a dashboard table or chart component, if you limit the number of rows it returns.


Rule Criteria The rule criteria can either be determined by specified field values or via formula evaluation




Salesforce Authenticator -Secure your account by using your mobile device for two-factor authentication. Verify your identity or block unrecognized activity with a one-tap response to a push notification. If you enable location services for the app, you can set trusted locations, such as your home or office.


Salesforce processes rules in the following order: 1. Validation rules 2. Assignment rules 3. Auto-response rules 4. Workflow rules (with immediate actions) 5. Escalation rules

... PARENTGROUPVAL Report Formula


Salesforce1 -Access and update Salesforce data from an interface that's optimized for navigating and working on your touchscreen mobile device. -You can view, edit, and create records, manage your activities, view your dashboards and reports, and use Chatter.


SalesforceA -Manage users and view information for Salesforce organizations from your smartphone. -Deactivate or freeze users, reset passwords, unlock users, edit user details, and assign permission sets. -This app is restricted to users with the "Manage Users" permission.


Search for Files Files home lists the files you own and have access to, including files posted to feeds. The 25 most recently viewed files are listed by default. You can see and search a certain group of files by clicking a specific filter on the sidebar. The search results are filtered based on the terms entered.


Set Up Auto-Response Rules: Send automatic email responses to lead or case submissions based on the record's attributes. Set up auto-response rules to send quick replies to customers to let them know someone at your company received their inquiry or details about their issue.


Sidebar Search When Chatter is disabled, sidebar search is present. Sidebar search does not return personalized results. It also returns fewer search results than Global Search, as it indexes only select fields (name, address, phone, email, custom fields that are either unique or an external id).


Solution Permissions Solutions do not use sharing rules. Instead, object-level security (as determined by the user's profile and permission sets) and the check box for "Manage Published Solutions" privilege determine what access the user has to solutions. Each solution status can be optionally marked as "Reviewed". To edit/delete solutions in a "Reviewed" status, the user must have the "Manage Published Solutions" privilege.


Standard Filter Standard filters are applied by default to most objects. Different objects have different standard filters, but most objects include the standard filters Show and Date Field. Show filters the object around common groupings (like "My accounts" or "All accounts"). Date Field filters by a field (such as Created Date or Last Activity) and a date range (such as "All Time" or "Last Month"). (Basic Filter at the top of the report wizard)


Standard and Custom Report Types Standard report types are automatically included with standard objects and custom objects where "Allow Reports" is checked. Standard report types cannot be customized, and automatically include standard and custom fields for each object within the report type. Custom report types are added by an administrator. Within a custom report type, you can specify which objects and fields are included in the report.


Subscribe to Get Report Notifications in Salesforce Classic: In Salesforce Classic, subscribe to a report to receive report notifications periodically when the metrics you care about most meet certain conditions. Set the conditions that trigger notification, and specify if you want to be notified via Salesforce1 notifications, Chatter, or email.


Summary Summary reports are similar to tabular reports, but also allow users to group rows of data, view subtotals, and create charts. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for a report to show subtotals based on the value of a particular field or when you want to create a hierarchical list, such as all opportunities for your team, subtotaled by Stage and Owner. Summary reports with no groupings show as tabular reports on the report run page.


TASKS -To-do Items (Phone Calls, Emails, etc.) -Due Date w/ Reminder -Activity History when Status "Closed"


TIP Whenever possible, automate your if/then statements with Process Builder instead of workflow rules.


Task Completion Tasks are moved from "Open Activities" to "Activity History" when the task status is "Closed"


Tasks Tasks are used to represent to-do items or actions such as phone calls, emails, physical mailings, and so on. Tasks have a scheduled due date, with an optional reminder at a specified time.


Text Functions TEXT--Converts a percent, number, date, date/time, or currency type field into text anywhere formulas are used. Also, converts picklist values to text in approval rules, approval step rules, workflow rules, escalation rules, assignment rules, auto-response rules, validation rules, formula fields, field updates, and custom buttons and links. ISPICKVAL--Determines if the value of a picklist field is equal to a text literal you specify.


Text Operators & (Concatenate) -- Connects two or more strings.


The Lightning for Outlook layout can be assigned to: 1.Profile 2.User


The combination of settings are as follows (it is not possible to have Edit Access without Read Access): RESULT ---------------READ ACCESS ------EDIT ACCESS Field Editable-----------Checked--------------Checked Field Read-Only--------Checked-------------Unchecked Field Hidden-----------Unchecked-----------Unchecked


The following items aren't supported in joined reports, and aren't converted: -Bucket fields -Cross filters -The Rows to Display filter


The maximum file size is 2 GB. When you attach a file, consider the following: -When a file is posted to a feed, everyone in your company can see it even if the file started out as private. -Only files posted in a private group stay private within that group. -Attaching a file from a group or library creates a reference to the file. If you update a file in Salesforce CRM Content, the updates are also reflected in the feed. -In Lightning Experience, you can attach up to ten files to a feed post. -You can post a file from an external data source.


There are a tremendous number of applications available through the AppExchange. In fact, it can be hard to find an area of functionality where an AppExchange package is NOT available. Integration packages are commonly used to connect to another system (e.g. Quickbooks), data quality packages can be used to prevent duplicate record creation and cleanse data, marketing automation can be used to create and nurture leads and contacts in Salesforce, and E-Signature is another common use case as Salesforce does not natively have that capability.


There are now two import wizards in Salesforce: -Import Accounts & Contacts This wizard is specifically designed to accept pre-formatted data from common contact data sources (Outlook, Gmail, LinkedIn, etc.). Up to 50,000 records can be imported each session. -Data Import Wizard This is a general-use wizard and can import records into the following objects: Accounts Contacts Leads Solutions Custom Objects


Time-based workflow actions are structured as follows: Workflow rule -> Time Trigger -> Workflow Action When the workflow rule executes, the workflow actions within the specified time trigger will fire accordingly.


To access content, users will need the following: Their profile must have the "Content" and/or "Libraries" tabs set to either "Default On" or "Default Off". The user record must have "Salesforce CRM Content User" enabled, if is not checked they cant access Content.


To resolve the consequence in either case, consider all possible options. For example, you can clone the assigned profile or any assigned permission sets where the permission or access setting is enabled. Then, disable the permission or access setting, and assign the cloned profile or permission sets to the user. Another option is to create a base profile with the least number of permissions and settings that represents the largest number of users possible. Then create permission sets that layer more access.


Truth about record types -Record types can be used to define picklist values available for a given field -The ability to create records of a specific record type is determined by the profile


Turn On Enhanced Sharing for Reports and Dashboards When you enable analytics sharing, Salesforce converts your users' existing folder access levels to use new, more detailed access levels.


Two common reasons to create custom report types: 1. Standard report types do not return the desired set of records. 2. The fields you wish to include within the report data are not available on a standard report type.


Two types of opportunity slips percentages: 1. Standard - Direct contribution in the sale (sales reps, teams). 2. Overlay - Indirect contribution in the sale (Engineer, Product Manager) Standard and Overlay total does not have to equal 100 percent. However, standard total does.


Use assets to store specific information about the products your customers have. You can view assets on the Assets tab. Depending on your page layouts, you also can view asset related lists on your account, contact, and product page layouts. You can introduce hierarchy to assets in your org to represent more complex products. An asset hierarchy can contain up to 10,000 assets. Define relationships between assets using the Parent Asset field on assets.


Using Time-Dependent Workflow with Leads -You can't convert a lead that has pending actions. -If Validation and Triggers from Lead Convert is enabled, existing time-based workflow actions on leads aren't triggered during lead conversion. -If a campaign member based on a lead is converted before the completion of the time-based workflow actions associated with it, Salesforce still performs the time-based workflow actions.


Validation Rule Considerations: Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in one or more fields and returns a value of "True" or "False". Validation rules also include an error message to display to the user when the rule returns a value of "True" due to an invalid value.


Visual Workflow Visual Workflow lets you automate business processes by building flows and distributing them to the right users or systems. A flow is an application that can execute logic, interact with the Salesforce database, call Apex classes, and collect data from users. You can build flows by using the Cloud Flow Designer.




What Are Assets? While products represent the items that your company sells, assets represent the specific products your customers have purchased. Assets have a serial number, date of purchase, and other information related to an individual sale. Depending on how your organization uses assets, they can represent a competitor product that your customer has or versions of your products.


What actions can workflow rules and approval processes perform? Workflow rules and approval processes reference the same bank of actions, and can perform the following: -Create a task record -Send an email -Update a field -Send an outbound message (used for integrations)


What are Case Teams? Likewise, case teams work much like account and sales teams. Case teams provide a clear way to document the roles of multiple users in the management of a single case. They also extend record access to team members (which can include portal users).


What are Contact Roles? Contact roles on cases function much like contact roles on accounts and opportunities. They allow users to declare the role of multiple contacts in relationship to a case. Simply add the contact roles related list to the case page layout:


What are case escalation rules? Case escalation rules are used to reassign and optionally notify individuals when a case is not closed within a specified time period.


What are forecasts? Forecasts can be used to predict future sales within an organization. Forecast data is aggregated from each user's opportunity records, and the related forecast category of each opportunity's stage. For example, the stage "Closed/Won" is given forecast category "Closed"


What are lead assignment rules? Lead assignment rules will change the owner of a newly created or reassigned LEAD based on a set of rules defined by the system administrator.


What are quotas? Quotas are used to set target sales goals for forecast users. This can allow organizations to establish greater accountability for meeting sales expectations.


What can an administrator assign to both Ideas and Answers? -Categories


What can be modified on standard object fields? Label Help text Picklist values


What happens to lead data during conversion? The data within standard lead fields is automatically transferred to the contact, account, and/or opportunity. Standard relationships (campaign membership, related activities) are transferred from the lead to the newly created records (e.g. calls on the lead are transferred to the contact/account/opportunity). In order for data within custom lead fields to transfer to the contact/account/opportunity during lead conversion, the administrator must map the custom lead fields.


What happens when I convert a lead? 1. A contact, account, and opportunity are created and populated with the lead's data (unless otherwise specified during conversion). 2. The lead field "Converted" is changed from False to True. The lead record can be selected but the details can no longer be seen. The lead record and its data are still present, however, and can be reported on.


What if the account/contact/opportunity already exists (Classic)? When you convert a lead, you will have the option to not create a new opportunity. Simply check the box "DO NOT CREATE A NEW OPPORTUNITY UPON CONVERSION". There is no way to convert a lead to an existing opportunity. Salesforce will attempt to find accounts with the same name as the field "Company" on the lead record. If an account name contains the company's name, then you will have the option to use the existing account record.


What is Team Selling? Also known as opportunity teams, team selling applies the same concepts as account teams to the opportunity object. However, there are a few differences: 1. Opportunity teams influence record-level security on the opportunity. Account teams influence record-level security on the account, related opportunities, and related cases. 2. Custom fields can be added to the opportunity team object; custom fields cannot be added to the account team object.


What is Web-to-Lead? Web-to-lead generates a contact form that can be integrated within an existing website. Each form submission creates a lead record in Salesforce. Web to Lead is generated by default. The default lead creator will be shown as the lead creator for web-to-lead submissions.


What is a Report Type? A report type has two key functions: 1. The report type determines which records are included in a report. Report filters then determine which records are excluded from the report. For example, an "Opportunities" report type will include all opportunity records. 2. The report type determines which fields can be added to the report.


What is a Sales Process? A sales process is used to determine which opportunity stages are selectable when record types are enabled. A sales process is not required if record types are not enabled.


What is a cross-object formula? A Cross Object Formula is one that references data in a related record. For instance, I could create a formula field on opportunity to display the account's phone number. When the account's phone number gets updated, the field on opportunity automatically reflects the change.


What is a solution? A solution is a detailed description of a customer issue coupled with repeatable steps to resolve the issue.


What is a validation rule? A validation rule will conditionally prevent records from being saved.


What is campaign influence? Campaign influence allows you to associate one opportunity to multiple campaigns: However: An opportunity can only have one primary campaign. Only the primary campaign influences campaign rollup summary fields on the related campaign.


What is entitlement management? Entitlement management helps you provide the correct service level to your customers. It includes a variety of features that let you model and enforce service level agreements.


What is the significance of a user's role? Each user is assigned one role, which sets the foundation for their access to records and folders. While a user's profile and permission sets determine if a user can run reports, their role will influence which report folders they can access.


What to Do When a Record Has Certain Values Three of our tools can address this use case: Workflow, Process Builder, and Visual Workflow. Respectively, these tools create workflow rules, processes, and flows. We recommend starting with Process Builder, especially for business processes that can be simplified to if/then statements. For example: if a case is escalated, then notify the account owner.


1. Auto Number

Automatically assigns a unique number to each record. The maximum length of any auto-number field is 30 characters, 20 of which are reserved for prefix or suffix text. Not available for external objects.

When analytics sharing is in effect, all users in the organization get Viewer access by default to report and dashboard folders that are shared with them. Users might have more access if they are Managers or Editors on a given folder, or if they have more administrative user permissions. Each user's access to folders under the new capability is based on the combination of folder access and user permissions they had before enhanced folder sharing was enabled.


When are lead assignment rules triggered? Lead assignment rules can be referenced in several different ways: 1. Web-to-lead submissions. Leads created using a web-to-lead form will automatically use the active lead assignment rule. 2. Optionally, when a user edits a lead. A user can check "Assign using active assignment rule', and this will trigger lead reassignment using the active lead assignment rule. 3. Optionally, using the data import wizard. 4. Optionally, using the data loader to manipulate lead data.


When are leads converted? Typically, leads are converted when they have been identified as qualified sales prospects.


When can a validation rule be used to prevent invalid data? -When records are imported -When records are edited by a user -When records are submitted using web-to-lead


When importing records, the best way to avoid duplicating records is? By using the Import Wizard


When is it appropriate to use Web-to-Lead? Essentially, any time your organization wants to capture leads from a website, web-to-lead is the easiest way to do so. For example, use web-to-lead to add a "Contact Us for Pricing" form on your existing website that creates a lead record in Salesforce for every form submission.


When is the Report Type Selected? -As the first step of report creation You cannot change the report type after the report is created (you would need to create a new report).


When to use a campaign hierarchy: Use campaign hierarchy if you want to track statistics about a group of campaigns.


Where can conditional highlighting be used? Matrix Reports Summary Reports


Where can the multilingual solution search feature be enabled? -Self-service portal -Public Knowledge Base


Which Automation Tool Do I Use? Salesforce provides multiple tools to automate your organization's repetitive business processes: Approvals, Process Builder, Workflow, and Visual Workflow.


Which action can a delegated administrator take? -Log in as a user who has granted administrator login access -Manage users in specified roles and subordinate roles


Which component can be included in a custom home page layout? -Messages and alerts -Dashboard components -Pending approvals list


Which schedule type can be defined for a product? Revenue Quantity


Who can add and manage Account Team members? Full record access to the account is needed to manage its account teams. In application, this is generally the a) the account owner, b) a user higher in the role hierarchy than the account owner, or c) a system administrator


Who can cases be assigned to when case assignment rules are being set up? -Queue -User


Why use case escalation rules? Common use cases include: -Ensuring cases do not go unresolved by support agents (e.g. escalate any unresolved cases to management after 80 working hours). -Prioritizing support of important customers (e.g. standard customer cases are escalated after 80 working hours; gold customers are escalated after 16 working hours). -Ensuring the customer support team is meeting customer service-level agreements


Why use field history tracking? Use field history tracking to create an audit trail of modifications to your company's critical data. This can be particularly helpful in identifying instances where data was updated incorrectly and by whom.


Why use lead assignment rules? Use lead assignment rules to ensure that lead records are assigned (or re-assigned) to the correct user or queue for action.


Why use public groups? Use public groups to streamline the process of sharing access to records and folders with a collection of users. Basically if you create groups of people who you always have to share reports with, rather than manually share the report with each one individually, you can create group with a specific name that contains those individuals. Then when you go to share that report, just select that group and it will be shared with all of them at once.


Why use solutions? Solutions can streamline the communication of common case resolutions, improving support agent productivity and response time to customers.


Wizards vs. Data Loader The Data Loader is a desktop tool that uses the API to interact with Salesforce data. Your computer is requesting and making the changes to Salesforce data, whereas when using the import wizards you upload a file and it is then processed server-side by Salesforce.


Work with Cases A case is a customer's question or feedback. Support agents can review cases to see how they can deliver better service. Sales reps can use cases to see how they affect the sales process. Responding to cases keeps your customers happy and enhances your brand.


Workflow Workflow lets you automate standard internal procedures and processes to save time across your org. A workflow rule is the main container for a set of workflow instructions. These instructions can always be summed up in an if/then statement. For example: If it's raining, then bring an umbrella.


Workflow Task: -A task CAN be tracked in the activity history -A single task CANNOT be assigned to multiple users -A task CAN be reused in multiple workflow rules -A task CANNOT be assigned to a Chatter Free user


Working with files in Salesforce means: -Posting files to Chatter feeds to collaborate with coworkers. -Adding files directly to records, such as Accounts, Cases, Leads, and more, to keep information right where you need it. -Sharing files with customers in the secure Salesforce cloud. -Connecting to external file systems with Files Connect. Syncing files between your local drive and Salesforce Classic. -Running standard and custom file reports to understand how people work with files.


You can't add or remove time triggers if: -The workflow rule is active. -The workflow rule is deactivated, but has pending actions in the queue. -The workflow rule evaluation criteria is set to "Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and every time it's edited" -The workflow rule is included in a package.


• Salesforce CRM Content—A user who can create libraries can see users they don't have access to when adding library members. • Standard Report Types—Some reports based on standard report types expose data of users to whom a user doesn't have access.


-You can assign the following access levels to accounts, campaigns, cases, contacts, contracts, leads, opportunities, orders, users, and custom objects:

1-Controlled by Parent: A user can perform an action (such as view, edit, or delete) on a contact or order based on whether he or she can perform that same action on the record associated with it. For example, if a contact is associated with the Acme account, then a user can only edit that contact if he or she can also edit the Acme account.

Groups What is a group? A group is comprised of users, roles, and other groups. There are two types of groups: Public groups and personal groups. (flip)

1-Public Groups Public groups are created and maintained by administrators, and can be referenced in org-wide configuration (such as sharing rules). 2-Personal Groups Personal groups are created and maintained by users, and can only be referenced in select configuration (such as Outlook contact synchronization).

Example: A workflow rule has been created to email the case contact 7 days after case closure. The rule evaluation criteria is "created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria" and the rule criteria is "Case Status Equals Closed". (flip)

1. CSR sets Status of case 00001022 to "Closed" on 10/1/2013. 2. CSR sets Status of case 00001022 to "Working" on 10/3/2013. 3. CSR sets Status of case 00001022 to "Closed" on 10/5/2013.

-The "View All Users" profile permission set overrides the OWD and all sharing settings for the USER object ONLY. However, the visibility granted by the ROLE HIERARCHY remains UNCHANGED. For example: (Flip)

1. If an Org doesnt want partners to see internal user records, then set the OWD for Default External Access for that object to PRIVATE. 2. If some groups of employees need to collaborate with each other, then create a USER SHARING RULE between the Sales and Marketing users so they can see each other. 3. If certain employees should be able to collaborate with the Partners, then use manual sharing to share those users with them.

Add Automated Actions to Your Workflow Rule Once you've set the criteria for your workflow rule, identify what to do when that criteria are met.

1. Immediate Action to Your Workflow Rule: Immediate actions, like their name suggests, are executed as soon as the workflow rule finishes evaluating the record. 2. Time-Dependent Action to Your Workflow Rule: Time-dependent actions are executed at a specific time, such as 10 days before a record's close date. When that specific time passes, the workflow rule re-evaluates the record to make sure that it still meets the rule criteria. If the record does, the workflow rule executes those actions.

<>Describe how access to data and functionality is structured within Salesforce. (Flip)

1. Organization Security: When (Login Hours), where (Login IP Ranges), and how (UI/API/etc.) a user can login. 2. Object Security: What actions a user can take on the records of a particular object (in conjunction with record security). 3. Record Security: What actions a user can take on an existing record (in conjunction with object security). 4. Field-Level Security: Determines which fields a user can view and update for each object. 5. Folder Security: Determines access to a variety of information including reports, dashboards, email templates, and more.

3-User sharing rules: General sharing rule considerations apply to user sharing rules. User sharing rules are based on membership to a public group, role, or territory. Each sharing rule shares members of a source group with those of the target group. You must create the appropriate public groups, roles, or territories before creating your sharing rules. Users inherit the same access as users below them in the role hierarchy. (FLIP)

4-Manual sharing for user records: Manual sharing can grant read or edit access on an individual user, but only if the access is reater than the default access for the target user. Users inherit the same access as users below them in the role hierarchy. Apex managed sharing is not supported.

<>Review these considerations before you implement user sharing: 1-"View All Users" permission: This permission can be assigned to users who need Read access to all users, regardless of the sharing settings. If you already have the "Manage Users" permission, you are automatically granted the "View All Users" permission. (fLIP)

2-Organization-wide defaults for user records: This setting defaults to Private for external users and Public Read Only for internal users. When the default access is set to Private, users can only read and edit their own user record. Users with subordinates in the role hierarchy maintain read access to the user records of those subordinates

Report type's object relationship: 1. Primary object with related object—Records returned are only those where the primary object has at least one related object record. In our example of Opportunities with Products, the only records that would be displayed on the report would be opportunities that have at least one related product record. (FLIP)

2. Primary object with or without related object—Records returned are those where the primary object may or may not have a related object record. If we were to create a custom report type, Opportunities with or without Products, then opportunities would be displayed whether or not they have a related product record.

Choose a running user setting: 1. Run as specified user - The dashboard runs using the security settings of that single, specific user. All users with access to the dashboard see the same data, regardless of their own personal security settings. This approach is perfect for sharing the big picture across a hierarchy or motivating team members by showing peer performance within a team. If you don't have "View All Data," you can only choose yourself. If you have "View My Team's Dashboards," you can choose any user below you in the role hierarchy. (flip)

2. Run as logged-in user - A dynamic dashboard runs using the security settings of the user viewing the dashboard. Each user sees the dashboard according to his or her own access level. This approach helps administrators share one common set of dashboard components to users with different levels of access.

EXAMPLE: 1-A workflow rule has been created that emails the VP of Sales when an opportunity is Closed/Lost; the rule is set to execute every time a record is "created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria". 2-Bill is a sales rep working a deal. After a long negotiation with a prospect, Bill ultimately loses the deal. He marks the deal as Closed/Lost, and the workflow rule sends an email to the VP of sales. The VP requests that Bill add additional information to the opportunity about why they lost the deal. (FLIP)

3-Bill updates the opportunity (which is already closed/lost); this subsequent update does not trigger another email to the VP of sales. However, if the workflow rule were set to "created, and every time it's edited", this update would trigger another email alert.

Evaluation Criteria: One of 3 evaluation criteria can be selected: 1. Created - The workflow rule will only fire if it meets the rule criteria when the record is created. 2. Created, and every time it's edited - The workflow rule will fire any time a record is saved and meets the rule criteria regardless of the type of edit. * Cannot be used in conjunction with time-based workflow actions. (FLIp)

3. Created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria(default) - When this option is selected, the workflow rule will only fire the first time that the record meets the specified criteria. On subsequent edits, if the record continues to meet the criteria, it will not trigger the rule again. However, if the record is modified to no longer meet the rule criteria, then edited once again and does meet the rule criteria, it will fire again. For an updated record, run the rule only if the record is changed from not meeting the rule criteria to meeting the rule criteria.

Approval Process Structure Each approval process is comprised of the following: 1-Entry Criteria - the record must meet this criteria in order to be submitted for approval. 2-Initial Submissions Actions - these actions are taken once any record is submitted for approval. 3-Approval Steps - each approval step has its own entry criteria, approval actions, and rejection actions. (FLIP)

4-Final Approval Actions - these actions are taken once all users (within all approval steps) have granted approval. 5-Final Rejection Actions - these actions are taken once any user rejects the approval. 6-Recall Actions - these actions are taken when the approval is recalled (assuming that approval process allows approval recall).

Component Types and When to use it: 1. Chart Icon - Use a chart when you want to show data graphically. You can choose from a variety of chart types. 2. Table icon - Use a table to show a set of report data in column form. 3. Metric icon - Use a metric when you have one key value to display. -Enter metric labels directly on components by clicking the empty text field next to the grand total. -Metric components placed directly above and below each other in a dashboard column are displayed together as a single component. (flip)

4. Gauge icon - Use a gauge when you have a single value that you want to show within a range of custom values. 5. Visualforce Page - Use a Visualforce page when you want to create a custom component or show information not available in another component type.

4-The prospect calls Bill and asks him to resubmit his proposal as their other vendor fell through. Bill updates the opportunity stage to "Contract Negotiation". Ultimately, Bill once again loses the deal. 5-He once again updates the stage to "Closed/Lost" - this update does trigger a second workflow notification to the VP of sales.

6-The reason that this update triggers an email notification is that it did not meet the workflow criteria prior to the update (as the stage was "Contract Negotiation"). Thus "any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria" effectively means "any time it's edited and did not previously meet workflow criteria".

5-User sharing for external users: Users with the "Manage External Users" permission have access to external user records for Partner Relationship Management, Customer Service, and Customer Self-Service portal users, regardless of sharing rules or organization-wide default settings for User records. The "Manage External Users" permission does not grant access to guest or Chatter External users. (FLIP)

6-User Sharing Compatibility: When the OWD for the user object is set to Private, User Sharing does not fully support these features. • Chatter Messenger is not available for external users. It is available for internal users only when the OWD for the user object is set to Public Read Only. • Customizable Forecasts—Users with the "View All Forecast" permission can see users to whom they don't have access.

2. Object Access - PROFILES determine the objects a user can access and the permissions a USER has on an object record. -Profiles also control which tabs and apps are available. -Profiles also determine object access and which permissions a user has: CREATE, READ, EDIT, DELETE (C.R.E.D.) ***STANDARD PROFILES CANNOT be edited but they can be cloned and then edited to a custom profile to fit the users needs (i.e. Sales Rep, or Support Tech) (flip)

<>The most basic profile is the STANDARD USER PROFILE. Most access to C.R.E.D. on records they can access, mostly all standard objects. VIDEO:

<>Describe the different actions that workflow rules and approval processes can perform:

Approval processes and workflow rules share the same bank of actions; these include: -Tasks - Create a task record -Email Alerts - Send an email -Field Updates - Update the value in a field -Outbound Messages - Send an outbound message (used for integrations)

<>Describe the capabilities of the contract object in Salesforce:

A contract typically represents a legal agreement between two or more parties. The contract object in Salesforce is a fairly lightweight solution that can be used to capture these agreements. Note that the Contract object and the Service Contract object are separate objects and serve different purposes. For more full-featured contract management solutions, look towards third party solutions, such as Apttus Contract Lifecylce Management.

<>Describe the capabilities of controlling and dependent picklist fields:

A controlling picklist can limit the options displayed within a dependent picklist. For instance, when "Subaru" is selected within controlling field "Make__c", only Subaru models are displayed on the picklist field "Model__c". Standard fields cannot be dependent; multi-select picklists cannot be controlling.

<>Describe the capabilities of custom summary formulas: Custom summary formulas give you the ability to perform calculations against summarized data within a report. For instance, let's say that I want to calculate the percent that each sales rep has contributed to the sales pipeline. (FLIP)

A custom summary formula is different than a custom formula field. In the above scenario, a custom formula field cannot calculate the sum value of all won opportunity records, and thus could not be used to calculate a percentage of that sum. Instead, a custom summary formula can perform this calculation.


A feature license entitles a user to access an additional feature that is not included with his user license, such as Marketing or Users can be assigned any number of feature licenses. Depending on the features that are enabled for your organization.

<>Describe the implications of configuring sales processes and opportunity stages:

A sales process determines which stages can be selected on an opportunity when record types are enabled. The opportunity stage characteristics (type, probability, forecast category) influence a variety of characteristics within Salesforce, including: opportunity expected revenue (standard field), opportunity inclusion in forecasting, and opportunity reporting.

<>Describe the basic capabilities of solution management:

A solution is a detailed description of a customer issue coupled with repeatable steps to resolve the issue. Solutions can streamline the communication of common case resolutions, improving support agent productivity and response time to customers.

<>Describe roles and their influence on security:

A user's role sets the foundation for what records and folders they can access. Users are granted full access to records owned by users in subordinate roles on objects where "Grant Access Using Hierarchies" is enabled.

<>Describe the capabilities of account and opportunity teams, and use cases for each:

Account teams provide a clear way to document the roles of multiple users in the management of a single account. Opportunity teams (AKA team selling) does the same for opportunities. Both account and opportunity teams extend record-level privileges to team members.

Filter Logic: When you are using more than one field filter, the default matching behavior is AND. If you want to change this behavior to OR, then you need to use filter logic. For example, let's say that I want to report all opportunities owned by "James Smith" OR opportunities created by "James Smith". If I add both field filters, it will only report opportunities owned and created by "James Smith". Using filter logic allows me to change this "AND" to an "OR" clause (i.e. Filter Logic: 1 OR 2; 1. Created by JM, or 2. Owned by JM) (FLIP)

Add Boolean conditions to control how field filters are evaluated. You must add at least 1 field filter before applying filter logic.

10. API Usage Application Programming Interface

Allows external programs to interact with SF data. (i.e. Data Loader). API usage is limited while website usage is not. API is limited in 24hrs and the limit is available to which edition you are using and how many licenses you have.

8. Formula

Allows users to automatically calculate values based on other values or fields such as merge fields. Not available for external objects.

2. Checkbox

Allows users to check a box, indicating a true or false attribute of a record. When using a checkbox field for a report or list view filter, use "True" for checked values and "False" for unchecked values. The Data Import Wizard and the weekly export tool use "1" for checked values and "0" for unchecked values.

3. Currency

Allows users to enter a currency amount. The system automatically formats the field as a currency amount. This can be useful if you export data to a spreadsheet application. Not available for external objects.

5. Date/Time

Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a popup calendar and enter a time of day. They can also add the current date and time by clicking the date and time link next to the field. The time of day includes AM or PM notation. In reports, you can limit the data by specific dates and times using any custom date field.

4. Date

Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a popup calendar. In reports, you can limit the data by specific dates using any custom date field.

15. Percent

Allows users to enter a percentage number as a decimal—for example, 0.10. The system automatically converts the decimal to a percentage—for example, 10%.

6. Email

Allows users to enter an email address of up to 80 characters, which is validated to ensure proper format. If this field is specified for contacts or leads, users can choose the address when clicking Send an Email. Note that you can't use custom email addresses for mass emails.

21. Text (Encrypted)

Allows users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols that are stored in encrypted form. You can set a maximum length of up to 175 characters. Encrypted fields are encrypted with 128-bit master keys and use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. You can archive, delete, and import your master encryption key. To enable master encryption key management, contact Salesforce. Not available for external objects.

20. Text

Allows users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. You can set a maximum length, up to 255 characters.

14. Number

Allows users to enter any number. This is treated as a real number and any leading zeros are removed.

16. Phone

Allows users to enter any phone number. Character limit is 40. Salesforce automatically formats it as a phone number. If you are using Salesforce CRM Call Center, custom phone fields are displayed with the Click-to-dial button, allowing click-to-dial functionality. Consequently, Salesforce recommends that you do not use a custom phone field for fax numbers.

23. Text Area (Long)

Allows users to enter up to 131,072 characters that display on separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from 256 to 131,072 characters is allowed. The default is 32,768 characters. Note that every time you press Enter within a long text area field, a line break and a return character are added to the text. These two characters count toward the 131,072 character limit. This data type is not available for activities or products on opportunities. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area are displayed in a report.

25. URL

Allows users to enter up to 255 characters of any valid website address. When users click on the field, the URL will open in a separate browser window. Note that only the first 50 characters are displayed on the record detail pages.

22. Text Area

Allows users to enter up to 255 characters that display on separate lines similar to a Description field.

18. Picklist (Multi-select)

Allows users to select more than one picklist value from a list that you define. These fields display each value separated by a semicolon. Available for external objects only with the cross-org adapter for Salesforce Connect.

9. Geolocation

Allows users to specify a location by its latitude and longitude. Geolocation is a compound field that counts toward your org's limits as three custom fields: one for latitude, one for longitude, and one for internal use. Not available for external objects.

6. My Domain

Allows you to create a new login page customized to reflect you company (i.e.

<>Given a scenario, identify the appropriate configuration required for lead conversion.

An administrator must map custom lead fields in order for the data to be transferred during conversion. The field must exist on both the lead and the target object (e.g. Lead Company becomes Account Name). Standard field mappings cannot be changed.

<>Explain the relationship between applications and tabs:

An application includes a list of tabs. Those tabs are conditionally displayed to the user when the application is selected. The tab is displayed according to the combination of the user's profile and any application customization performed by the user (each user can customize which tabs they would like displayed within an application). Tab visibility is controlled by the profile. Each tab is set to one of the following: Default On: Displayed (unless user removes by customizing tabs) along the navigational bar IF included in the application. Default Off: Not displayed (unless user adds by using customizing tabs) even if included in the application, and can be selected by viewing all tabs. Hidden: Tab will never be shown to the user and cannot be added by customization or selected by viewing all tabs.

<>Describe how an approval process is structured and possible outcomes of a record that is submitted for approval: Every approval process will contain the following elements: 1. Entry Criteria 2. Initial Submissions Actions 3. Approval Steps 4. Final Approval Actions 5. Final Rejection Actions 6. Recall Actions (flip)

An approval submission can have one of 3 outcomes: 1. Approval 2. Rejection 3. Recall

7. External Lookup Relationship

An external lookup relationship links a child standard, custom, or external object to a parent external object. When you create an external lookup relationship field, the standard External ID field on the parent external object is matched against the values of the child's external lookup relationship field. External object field values come from an external data source.

11. Indirect Lookup Relationship

An indirect lookup relationship links a child external object to a parent standard or custom object. When you create an indirect lookup relationship field on an external object, you specify the parent object field and the child object field to match and associate records in the relationship. Specifically, you select a custom unique, external ID field on the parent object to match against the child's indirect lookup relationship field, whose values come from an external data source.

<>Explain the difference between an object and a tab:

An object stores the field definitions and records. An object tab is used to expose an object's records within the user interface.

19. Roll-Up Summary

Automatically displays the record count of related records or calculates the sum, minimum, or maximum value of related records. The records must be directly related to the selected record and on the detail side of a custom master-detail relationship with the object that contains the roll-up summary field. For example, a custom field called "Total Number of Guests" displays the number of guest custom object records in the Guests related list. Not available for external objects.

3 Types of Bucket lists: -Numeric -Text -Picklist

Available for Tabular, Summary, or Matrix Reports

<>Describe the capabilities of big deal alerts:

Big deal alerts can be used to create notifications based opportunity amount or probability. There is overlap between this feature and traditional notification methods (workflow, process builder, etc.); Big Deal Alerts is comparatively simple in functionality and more often used in Salesforce editions without workflow capabilities.

<>Describe the capabilities of bucketing in reports: Bucketing allows you to group like values (within a single field) into labels (buckets) within a report.

Bucketing lets you quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field. For example, create a bucket field named Size based on the # Employees field. Then, create buckets that group records into "Large," "Medium," or "Small" ranges that you define. Bucket fields can be used like any other field to sort, filter, and group your report..

<>Describe the impact of business hours and holidays on case escalation rules:

Business hours and holidays are used in conjunction to determine when case escalation actions occur. For instance, the support team works M-F 8AM-5PM EST, but does not work on July 4th. A case is submitted Wednesday, July 3rd at 3PM, and should be escalated if not resolved within 4 working hours. The case escalation action would trigger at 10AM Friday, July 5th. Note that case escalation actions do not have to reference the default business hours configuration (e.g. for VIP customers the case could be escalated after 4 hours 24x7x365).

<>List the mathematical operations that can be used to summarize field data within a report (excluding custom summary formulas):

By clicking the down arrow next to the field when customizing the report, you can perform several calculations: -Sum -Average -Max -Min

<>Describe how campaign ROI is calculated:

Campaign ROI is the percentage a campaign has returned above its cost. A campaign that cost $20,000 and returned $20,000 would have an ROI of 0%. Campaign ROI calculations only include opportunities where the campaign is listed as its primary campaign.

<>Describe the capabilities and limitations of campaign influence:

Campaign influence allows an opportunity to be associated to more than one campaign. Only an opportunity's primary campaign contributes to campaign rollup summary calculations. When a contact role is added to an opportunity, automatic campaign association will add that contact's campaigns to the campaign influence related list on the opportunity.

<>Describe the capabilities of case auto-response rules:

Case auto-response rules work much the same as lead auto-response rules. However, case settings will ONLY trigger an email response to manually created cases. Therefore, you MUST create an auto-response rule in order to generate an email response to submissions via portals, web-to-case, and email-to-case.

<>Describe the capabilities of case contact roles:

Case contact roles are used to display the relationship of multiple contacts to a single case.

<>Describe the capabilities and common use cases of case escalation rules:

Case escalation rules are used to reassign case ownership and optionally send email notifications when a case has not been closed within a specified time period.

<>Describe the capabilities of Case Feed:

Case feed provides an alternative way to view and modify case records, which is more activity-oriented than the traditional view.

<>Describe common use cases for case hierarchies:

Case hierarchies can be constructed using the parent case standard field. This can be useful in scenarios where one case is the direct result of another. For instance, let's say you use cases to manage facility maintenance. Someone calls to report that one of the buildings has lost power. This power outage is created as a case. Then, someone calls to report that the lights in their room do not work. With some probing you discover they are in the building without power; this gets logged as a child case. Child cases are not automatically closed when parents cases are. Check out package Auto Close Child Cases if you would like this functionality.

<>Describe the various support settings that an administrator controls:

Case settings are used to configure a variety of settings including: -Which email template is sent to a contact when a case is manually created. -Which email template is sent to contacts on case closure. -Which email template is sent to users when they are assigned a case. -Automatic emailing of case comments to contacts and case owners. -Selection of closed case statuses.

<>Describe the capabilities of case teams:

Case teams provide a clear way to document the roles of multiple users in the management of a single case. They also extend record access to team members (which can include portal users).

<>Describe cases:

Cases generally represent a customer problem, question, or related feedback.

<>Describe the implications of changing a picklist value:

Changing a picklist value will update existing records with that value. For instance, if you update the value "Technology" on the field "Industry" on lead to "Information Technology", all leads that previous displayed the industry "Technology" will be changed to "Information Technology".

<>Describe the implications of changing field types:

Changing field types (e.g. Date/Time to Date) can cause data loss. Only convert custom fields for which no data exists or you risk losing your data. Changing the data type of an existing custom field can cause data loss.

<>Describe the capabilities of Chatter Publisher Actions:

Chatter Publisher Actions allow an administrator to define actions (create a record, or invoke a VisualForce page) that a user can take quickly and directly from within their Chatter feed.

<>Describe the capabilities of Chatter Questions:

Chatter Questions can be used to ask and answer questions directly within Chatter, indicate the best answer, and can be used within Communities.

<>Describe how to deploy Chatter via profiles and permission sets (rather than org-wide):

Chatter can be deployed to specific users via profiles or permission sets. To deploy Chatter in this fashion, you must raise a case with

<>Describe Chatter feed tracking:

Chatter feed tracking can be used to automatically generate a Chatter post when data within a record changes.

EXAMPLE: For Baseline Access (permissions) and Records You DO NOT own (OWD) 1. CRED + Private = Users can only view records they own and not other users (Private). They can create, view, edit, delete their own records. 2. C.R. + Private = Users can only view records they own and can only create and view them. No access to other user's records. 3. CRED + Public Read Only = Users can CRED their own records and ONLY view other users records. If they try to edit or delete another user's records they will get an Insufficient Privilege Msg. (Flip)

Cont... 4. BLANK no Permissions + Public Read Only = User will not be able to view, edit, delete any records, theirs or other users even though OWD is set to Public Read Only because OWD DOES NOT override the permissions a user has set for that object. 5. CRED + Public Read/Write = User can CRED their own records as well as other user's records because OWD is set to READ/WRITE.

<>Describe the usage of contact roles on accounts and opportunities:

Contact roles on opportunities are enabled by default and are used in automatic campaign influence. Adding contact roles to accounts allows you to establish a relationship between an account and contacts that belong to other accounts (it establishes a many to many relationship between contact and account). This is essentially a cosmetic relationship however, as a contact can only have one primary account.

<>Describe the capabilities of the Sales Cloud:

Components of the Sales Cloud include: -Web-to-Lead -Lead Assignment Rules & Auto-Response Rules -Lead Conversion -Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities -Account & Sales Teams -Account & Opportunity Contact Roles -Forecasting & Quotas -Products, Price Books, Quotes, Opportunity Products -Campaigns: Management, Hierarchy, ROI

Action Disable a permission or remove an access setting in the profile and any permission sets that are assigned to the user. flip

Consequence The permission or access setting is disabled for all other users assigned to the profile or permission sets.

Action If a permission or access setting is enabled in the user's profile, assign a different profile to the user. AND If the permission or access setting is enabled in any permission sets that are assigned to the user, remove the permission set assignments from the user. (flip)

Consequence The user may lose other permissions or access settings associated with the profile or permission sets.

Process Builder vs. Workflow Use the more powerful and flexible Process Builder to perform the same actions as Workflow. With Process Builder, you can: -Create a record of any object type -Update any related record—not just the record or its parent -Use a quick action to create a record, update a record, or log a call (flip)

Cont... -Invoke a process from another process -Launch a flow—you can't schedule this action with workflow -Send an email -Post to Chatter -Submit a record for approval

Example ABC Software Company sells an application for Windows and Mac computers. Version 5.11 for PC was released last month. A bug was discovered in this release, where the file menu occasionally does not display correctly. The support staff are aware of the bug, and the development team have since released Version 5.12 which fixes the bug. However, the customer service team regularly responds to customer inquiries about the file menu. (flip)

Cont... To streamline the communication process to customers experiencing this issue, a solution has been created outlining the steps for resolution. When a customer service rep works a case, they can find and attach relevant solutions to the case.

<>Describe the methods available to associate a contact to more than one account:

Contacts to Multiple Accounts provides a way for a contact to have a relationship with more than one account. Each contact will have one primary account; the secondary relationships are stored in the "Account Contact Relationship" object, which is similar to Contact Roles. Contact roles is the legacy method to associate a contact to multiple accounts.

<>Describe the lead conversion process:

Converting a lead creates a contact, account, and opportunity (unless otherwise specified during conversion). The lead is then flagged as converted which removes the record from search results, and the lead can no longer be viewed. Data within converted lead records can still be referenced within reports.

10. Hierarchical Relationship

Creates a hierarchical lookup relationship between users. Allows users to use a lookup field to associate one user with another that does not directly or indirectly refer to itself. For example, you can create a custom hierarchical relationship field to store each user's direct manager.

13. Master-Detail Relationship

Creates a relationship between records where the master record controls certain behaviors of the detail record such as record deletion and security. Not available for standard objects or external objects, although you can create a master-detail relationship field on a custom object that links to a standard object. Master-detail relationships cannot be used with campaign members.

<>Explain how to create a many to many relationship in Salesforce:

Creating a many to many relationship requires creating a junction object, and forming two one to many relationships from the junction object to each target object of the many to many relationship.

<>Describe the capabilities of cross-object workflow field updates:

Cross-object field updates allow the child record (within a master-detail relationship) to update a field on the parent record.

Describe the translation capabilities of Salesforce:

Custom elements (such as custom fields, custom objects, and picklist values) must be translated using the translation workbench.

<>Describe the capabilities of customizable campaign influence:

Customizable campaign influence allows you attribute revenue from an opportunity to multiple campaigns (e.g. credit 45% of Opportunity A to Campaign B and 55% of Opportunity A to Campaign C).

<>Describe the capabilities of the data export feature:

Data export allows an organization to export their entire Salesforce database (all records and attachments) into a single archive file. This export can be run once every 7 days manually, or scheduled to run automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.

<>Explain how the recycle bin can be used to recover deleted records:

Deleted records are stored in your organization's recycle bin for 15 days before they are permanently erased. The number of records your recycle bin can store is limited to 25 times your storage limit in MB (e.g. if you have 1000 MB of data storage, the maximum number of records your recycle bin will hold is 25,000). If this limit is exceeded, then Salesforce automatically purges the oldest records in the recycle bin if they have been in the recycle bin for at least two hours. Users can restore records they have deleted. System administrators can restore records deleted by any user.

What are lead auto-response rules? Auto-response rules are used to specify which email template is sent in reply to a web-to-lead submission. (FLIP)

EXAMPLE: -When the submitter expresses interest in a product, send the "Product Inquiry" response template. -When the submitter expresses interest in a service, send the "Service Inquiry" response template.

-When is a single price book appropriate? At least one price book must be configured and active in order to add products to either an opportunity or a quote. -When are multiple price books appropriate? The use of multiple price books will allow organizations to price products independently for different groups of customers.

EXAMPLE: My organization sells a number of different products to individual consumers, enterprise, and SMB customers. The standard sale price of each product for individuals is MSRP, while Enterprise and SMB customers are offered lower pricing on some products. For instance, the product "Generator X90" has an MSRP of $90,000. However, Enterprise customers are expected to pay $60,000, while SMB customers pay $80,000. Another product "Generator Accessory A" has an MSRP of $5,000. Enterprise customers pay $4,800, while SMB customers pay the MSRP of $5,000. Generator X90 MSRP: $90,000. Enterprise Price: $60,000. Discount from MSRP: 33% SMB Pricing: $80,000. Discount from MSRP: 11% Generator Accessory A MSRP: $5,000. Enterprise Price: $4,800. Discount from MSRP: 4% SMB Price: $5,000. Discount from MSRP: 0% In this scenario I would create 3 price books: MSRP (using default prices) Enterprise SMB

Process Builder supports three types of processes for your automation needs. The type determines what triggers the process: -A record change process starts when a record is created or updated. -An event process starts when a platform event occurs. -An invocable process starts when something else, like another process, invokes it. (flip)

Each process consists of: -Criteria that determine when to execute an action group. -Action groups, which consist of immediate or scheduled actions. Only record change processes support scheduled actions.

<>Explain the significance of record IDs:

Each record in Salesforce is assigned a unique ID (its primary key within Salesforce), which is commonly referenced when manipulating data. There are two versions of the ID: 1. The 15 character ID (case sensitive), which is displayed in the user interface. 2. The 18 character ID, which is returned via the API by default. The 18 character ID is a combination of the 15 character ID with 3 characters added to ensure that it is unique on a case insensitive basis (this is to support legacy applications). The CASESAFEID function can be used to derive the 18 digit ID within a formula field.

<>Describe the capabilities of email-to-case:

Email-to-Case comes in two flavors: Email-to-Case: Requires running an agent behind your firewall, accepts file sizes greater than 25MB. On-Demand Email-to-Case: Entails creating an internal forwarding address that simply sends the email to Salesforce for processing. File size limited to 25MB for attachments.

<>Describe the capabilities of embedded analytics:

Embedded analytics allows an administrator to add report charts directly to a page layout. The chart can be configured to show data relevant to the currently viewed record (e.g. when viewing an account, display a chart showing opportunities only associated with that account).

<>Describe the basic capabilities of the service contracts, entitlements, and milestones:

Entitlements, milestones, and service contracts can be used in conjunction to validate what level of support a customer should receive (phone, email, etc.), enforce service-level agreements (SLAs), and variety of other functions.

Chatter Security Users can view each other's Chatter feeds and profiles. However, when a user posts to a record, other users must be able to view the record in order to see the post. (FLIP)

Example I've created a new lead, and created a Chatter post on that lead record. James does not have access to view the lead record I created. When James views my Chatter profile, he will not see posts related to the lead record.

Feed Tracking When feed tracking is enabled for an object, each time one or more tracked fields is updated, a Chatter post is automatically generated. (FLIP)

Example Two fields on the account have been selected with Chatter feed tracking: Account Name and Account Owner. Whenever an account owner or name is changed, a Chatter post is generated on the corresponding account record: Feed tracking is enabled by default for some standard objects. It can be enabled on most standard objects, as well as custom objects.

What is an approval process? An approval process takes action on a record based on user feedback. Whereas a workflow rule automatically takes action based on record criteria, an approval process is manually initiated by the user. The administrator configures the approval process, determining conditions that the record must meet in order to be submitted for approval, who must approve the record, and what actions take place as a result of approval, recall, or rejection.

Example: All opportunities with a discount greater than 10% must be approved by the account executive's manager prior to shipping. All opportunities with a discount greater than 15% must be approved by the VP of Sales prior to quote approval.

-Modifying related records used in case escalation rule criteria will NOT invoke rule re-evaluation of related cases.

Example: Changing an account's SLA from "Gold" to "Platinum" will not cause re-evaluation of escalation rules of the cases associated to the account. However, if the case is modified after the account is updated, rules are re-evaluated taking into consideration the updated account data.

Time-Dependent Workflow Actions Time-dependent workflow actions are scheduled to execute at a specified time after the workflow rule itself has triggered. (FLIP)

Example: I want to send a notification to the opportunity owner to follow up with the client 30 days after an opportunity is marked Closed/Won. The criteria for workflow execution is the condition "Won = TRUE" - however - the execution of the action (sending the email) must take place 30 days after that condition is met.

Cross-Object Field Updates For all custom objects and some standard objects, you can create actions where a change to a detail record updates a field on the related master record. Cross-object field updates work for custom-to-custom master-detail relationships, custom-to-standard master-detail relationships, and a few standard-to-standard master-detail relationships. (flip)

Example: In a custom recruiting application, create a workflow rule that sets the status of an application (the master object) to "Closed" when a candidate (the detail object) accepts the job. Or, for standard objects, create a rule to change the status of a case from "Awaiting Customer Response" to "In Progress" when a customer adds a case comment.

Why use validation rules? Use validation rules to ensure that users enter valid data when creating or updating records. (flip)

Example: When an opportunity stage field is "Closed/Lost", the rep must enter a value in the field "Reason Lost". Note, "Reason Lost" is NOT required when the opportunity stage is any other value. Therefore, making "Reason Lost" required on the page layout would not be appropriate. The key benefit of validation rules is that they conditionally prevent records from being saved.

What is a workflow rule? A workflow rule will automatically take action when a record meets specified criteria. (FLIP)

Example: You could create a workflow rule to email the strategic accounts team public group when an opportunity is greater than 100,000 USD.

-Sharing rules are available for standard and custom objects. -You can apply sharing rules in 2 types: 1. By record owner - Select whose records to be shared. 2. By criteria - Set a rule that must be met to share those specific records. (flip)

Example: -Lets assume that Opportunities OWD is set to PRIVATE. This means that users can only see the records they own. However, lets assume that managers from different regions need to see each other's opportunities, but the PRIVATE OWD is preventing that. This is where you would apply SHARING RULES to give each team's manager access to each other's opportunities records.

<>Explain the difference between Global Search and Sidebar Search in Salesforce Classic:

Global Search is enabled with Chatter, returns personalized results, and searches more information. Sidebar search is present when Chatter is disabled, returns static results, and searches less information.

4. Custom relationships to the lead object do not transfer during conversion. Lookup fields on the lead object can be mapped the same way as any other custom field. However, relationships to the lead object will remain in place, and will not be transferred during conversion. An apex trigger or custom VisualForce lead conversion page is required for this logic. (FLIP)

Example: I have created a custom object "Product Interest" with a lookup relationship to the lead object. Each product that a lead has expressed interest in is created as an associated record to the lead. When I convert the lead, those "Product Interest" records will remain associated with the lead, and will not be transferred to the contact/account/opportunity.

Important Considerations: 1. Converted leads cannot be modified (even via the API) without the "View and Edit Converted Leads" permission (which is NOT assigned to the System Administrator profile) [updated 'Spring 17]. 2. Custom fields on each object are maintained separately. If you have custom picklist fields on lead and a target object, you must maintain the values for each field separately (if you update one, remember to update the other - OR, use a global picklist). Some standard fields (such as lead source) do this automatically. (FLIP)

Example: I want to add the value "Printer" to the custom field "Product Interest" on lead. This field is mapped to opportunity. I must also add the value "Printer" to the custom field "Product Interest" on opportunity.

3. The default record type of the user performing lead conversion is selected automatically for records created in the conversion process. (FLIP)

Example: My organization sells both product and services. Record types are enabled on lead and opportunity. Two record types are present on both objects: one for products, a second for services. The default record type for all users is the products record type for both objects. When a user converts a services record type lead, a product record type opportunity will be created (as this is the user's default record type). There are workarounds for these scenarios (workflow rules), however, this should be planned for accordingly.

*Enable the ENHANCED USER PROFILE INTERFACE to see profiles lists better. *When creating a custom profile. First, clone one of the STANDARD profiles and give it a unique name (i.e. Inside Sales Rep) and then adjust what restrictions this profile will have based on its job needs from the 2 sections; APP and SYSTEM SETTINGS. From the APP section you can select the apps, objects, CRED ability and more that the user will have, and from the SYSTEM you can set the LOGIN HOURS, IP RANGE, etc. (FLip)

Example: You can set a profile to have no access to the Call Center App for a sales rep, or block ability to delete closed opportunities to a sales rep profile.) Here you can grant or take away access to everything in the SF org.

Important Notes -Case escalation rule entries are evaluated every time the case is modified. When changed to a rule that would have previously triggered escalation, the case is escalated as soon as possible. (Flip)

Example: Two escalation rule entries exist: 1. Escalate 3 hours after creation date if Priority is "High" 2. Escalate 6 hours after creation date if Priority is "Medium" A user creates a case with priority "Medium". After 5 hours, they change the priority to "High". This case will be escalated shortly, as it now matches the criteria specified for priority "High" and is 2 hours "overdue" for escalation.

Field Filters: Allows you to exclude data from a report based on fields within the record. For example, I want to only report opportunities owned by "James Smith". Also note that you can use relative date values if the default date ranges do not exactly meet your needs (i.e. Create Date equals "last 3 months"). (FLIP)

Field filters are available for reports, list views, workflow rules, and other areas of the application. For each filter, set the field, operator, and value. With tabular, summary, and matrix reports, you can drag a field from the Fields pane to the Filters pane to add a report filter.

<>Explain the relationship between page layouts and field-level security:

Field-level security will always influence a user's behavior, regardless of how the user initiates the action (API, reporting, page layout, etc.). The page layout only influences a user's behavior for that specific layout. When accessing data via a page layout, the user will have the lowest common privileges provided by both field-level security and the page layout (e.g. a field hidden by field-level security will not be shown to the user on the page layout).

<>Describe what elements of a page layout can be customized:

Fields: Add, remove, make read-only, make required. Buttons & Links: Add, remove. Page Sections: Display on view, display on edit, tab order. Related Lists: Add, remove, customize fields, customize buttons.

Cross Filters: Cross filters allow you to exclude data from your report based on records related to the primary report data. For example, let's say that I want to run a report to identify accounts without opportunities. You could use a cross filter from an account report to identify accounts without opportunities. In the above example, a field filter would not allow you to report on the number of opportunities associated with each account (unless you added a custom rollup summary field to count this number; prior to cross filters this would be have been required to get this data from a report). (flip)

Filter a report by the child object using WITH or WITHOUT conditions. Add subfilters to further filter by fields on the child object. For example, if you have a cross filter of Accounts with Opportunities, click Add Opportunity Filter and create the Opportunity Name equals ACME subfilter to only include those opportunities. Joined Reports do not support Cross Filters

Dashboard Filters Dashboard filters make it easy to provide different combinations of data from a single dashboard. You don't need separate dashboards for different sets of users — just give each group a filter that makes sense for them. (flip)

For example, on a sales dashboard, you might gather several stages of Opportunities into a group called "Early." This lets users quickly filter the dashboard to show only data relevant to deals that are in the early stages of development.

<>Describe the capabilities the Visual Workflow engine (used to build a Salesforce "Flow"): Salesforce Visual Workflow is a configuration-based tool that allows you to build "flows" that guide users through a series of screens for collecting or updating data. One common use case for a Flow is to provide dynamic call scripts to customer service reps. (flip)

Flows do not reference page layouts; screens within Flows are configured within the Visual Workflow engine (but can reference VisualForce pages). Any wizard-based application is likely a good candidate for using a Flow, ideally avoiding the need for Visualforce or other code-based solutions.

<>Describe the basic capabilities of assets and work orders: Assets are used to track what products or services a customer has previously purchased, and are referenced in other areas of the Service Cloud such as entitlements and work orders. Work Orders are used to represent action(s) that are performed on product or asset.

For Example: A customer service rep (CSR) at ABC Refrigeration receives a phone call that the customer's refrigerator (asset) does not work. The CSR creates a case to track the customer's problem. After troubleshooting with the customer using Knowledge Articles, the CSR acknowledges that a service technician will need to be dispatched to repair the refrigerator. A Work Order is issued to track the repair.

When to Create Custom Report Type: Unless you need a custom report type, there is no reason to create one. Standard report types usually meet the majority of an organization's needs. That said, here a few common reasons why organizations create custom report types: 1. Standard report types do not return the required set of records. (Flip)

For example, I want to run an "Opportunities with Products" report that includes all opportunities (with or without products). The standard report type will only include opportunities if they have an associated product. However, I could create a custom report type that used an optional object relationship to meet this need.

After you set up a reporting snapshot, users can: 1. Create and run custom reports from the target object. 2. Create dashboards from the source report. 3. Define list views on the target object, if it's included on a custom object tab. (flip)

For example, a customer support manager could set up a reporting snapshot that reports on the open cases assigned to his or her team everyday at 5:00 PM, and store that data in a custom object to build a history on open cases from which he or she could spot trends via reports. Then the customer support manager could report on point-in-time or trend data stored in the custom object and use the report as a source for a dashboard component.

APPROVAL PROCESS An approval process is manually initiated by the user. The administrator configures the approval process which determines the conditions that must be met in order to submit a record for approval, who must approve the record, and what actions take place as a result of approval or rejection. (FLIP)

For example, all opportunities with a discount greater than 10% must be approved by the account executive's manager prior to shipping. All opportunities with a discount greater than 15% must be approved by the VP of Sales prior to quote approval.

<>Describe the capabilities of lookup filters: Lookup filters can be used to require that the target record of a relationship meet specified criteria. A lookup filter limits which records can be associated within an object relationship. (flip)

For example, you can: Restrict the Account Name field on opportunities to allow only accounts with a record type of Customer, filtering out Partner and Competitor.

The data collected from the source report and displayed within each dashboard component is determined by the dashboard running user. Therefore, it is possible for a user to drill into a report from dashboard and see different results than dashboard itself. (flip)

For example: Mary is a sales operations user and can view all opportunities. She is also the running user on the Sales Ops dashboard. Mark is a sales user, and can only view opportunities that he owns. When Mark views the Sales Ops dashboard, he see 534 opportunities for the 2013 pipeline. However, when he views the source report for that component, only 34 opportunity records are returned. Mark cannot view the other 500 opportunity records; Mary can. Because Mary is the running user of the dashboard, her security permissions are used to determine which results are displayed in the dashboard.

<>Describe the capabilities of report notifications: Report notifications allow the user to be notified when a report meets specific criteria (for example more than 5 case escalations within a week). The report notifications feature is enabled by default, but can be disabled by the administrator. (flip)

For example: You could subscribe to an open-issue report and get notified every morning if there are over 20 open issues. You can subscribe to notifications for up to five reports.

What is a formula field? Data within a formula field is automatically updated by Salesforce based on the formula's logic. (FLIP)

For instance, the sales team speaks with clients in terms of a monthly and yearly cost. However, the monthly cost is simply the yearly cost divided by 12. Instead of making the reps do the math, we can do it for them. Enter a yearly cost of $120.00, the monthly cost a formula will display $10.00. Change the yearly cost to $240.00, monthly cost is automatically updated to $20.00.

<>A USER LICENSE plus FEATURE LICENSE with Permissions determines what actions a user can perform. (Flip for example)

For instance, to create a new CAMPAIGN the USER must have the SALESFORCE USER LICENSE. and the MARKETING FEATURE LICENSE which is the piece of license that allows a user to create a campaign and the PERMISSION SET to be able to create a campaign.

<>Describe the capabilities of forecasts and quotas:

Forecasts can be used to predict future sales within an organization. Data within opportunity records is aggregated into forecast categories and summarized on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. Forecast summaries can be overridden without changing source opportunity data. Quotas are used to set target sales goals for forecast users.

Explain the difference between deactivating and freezing a user account.

Freezing a user account will temporarily prevent a user from logging in (e.g. during a maintenance window, or if configuration prevents user deactivation), while deactivation of a user completely revokes access. User records CANNOT be deleted.

<>Explain the capabilities of Global Picklist Value Sets: When you create a global picklist. If you need to go back and change something, you do it once and the update will occur automatically for all the records that use that same picklist. When u do it independently if you need to make a change to the picklist you would have to go to each object one by one that uses the same picklist and make the change. (flip)

Global picklist value sets allow you to maintain the picklist values for multiple picklist fields in a single location. For example, let's say you want to capture "Manufacturer" on Leads and Opportunities. With traditional picklists, you would need to maintain the list of manufacturers on two fields. With global picklists, you can create a single Global Picklist Value Set with the list of manufacturers, and maintain this list centrally. Each picklist field will then reference the Global Picklist Value Set.

<>Describe the capabilities of Global Picklists:

Global picklists allow you to reuse the same set of selectable values across multiple fields. The net benefit is that you can easily update a set of picklist values in one location ("Picklist Values Sets" in setup) and this change will impact all referencing fields simultaneously.

<>Describe global variables:

Global variables start with "$", and are evaluated based on current conditions when the formula is referenced. For instance, a formula with syntax $User.FirstName will display the first name of the user currently logged in.

<>Describe the capabilities of historical trending: Historical trend reporting uses a special custom report type designed to highlight changes between five snapshot dates, such as five business days or five business weeks. You can visually represent the data changes in charts and on dashboards.(flip)

Historical trending allows an organization to report on changes to field values over time. For example, compare opportunity amounts today with amounts 3 months prior. While track field history will create an audit trail of this information, it cannot be reported on easily for comparison. Analytic snapshots provides similar features, but is cumbersome to configure, maintain, and report on for this use case.

<>Explain the concept of the "Master" record type:

If record types are added to an object, then records without an assigned record type are treated as the "master" record type. The "master" record type includes all picklist values and has its own page layout assignment.

<>Describe how report and dashboard folders are secured within Salesforce: If access levels for sharing report and dashboard folders is enabled (Setup --> Customize --> Reports & Dashboards --> Folder Sharing), then permissions to report and dashboard folders is determined by access level (viewer, editor, manager). (FLIP)

If the above feature is not enabled, then report and dashboard sharing works similarly to other folders in Salesforce (e.g. documents, list views). This simple sharing model is less flexible, as you can only set the access level for all users to the folder (Read Only or Read/Write).

Process Builder includes almost all the functionality that's available in workflow rules, and more. In fact, a single process can do what it would normally take multiple workflow rules to do. The only thing you can do with workflow that you can't do with processes is send outbound messages without code. However, you can work around this limitation by calling Apex code from a process. (flip)

If the process is too complicated for the Process Builder or requires more advanced functionality, create a flow by using the Cloud Flow Designer.

<>Explain the term "dirty" data: Dirty data is inaccurate, incomplete or erroneous.

In Salesforce dirty data can manifest in a number of different ways, including: -Duplicate records (e.g. two leads with the same information, a contact and a lead with the same information, etc.) -Incomplete records (e.g. a lead without an email address or phone number) -Inaccurate records (e.g. an opportunity with an inaccurate close date)

<>Describe the capabilities of Custom Permissions: Use custom permissions to give users access to custom processes or apps.

In Salesforce, many features require access checks that specify which users can access certain functions. Permission set and profiles settings include built-in access settings for many entities, like objects, fields, tabs, and Visualforce pages. However, permission sets and profiles don't include access for some custom processes and apps. For example, for a time-off manager app, all users might need to be able to submit time-off requests but only a smaller set of users need to approve time-off requests. You can use custom permissions for these types of controls.

<>Explain how access to Content is structured:

In order to access any content, the user must have the checkbox "Salesforce CRM Content User" enabled on their user record. Users can then upload content into their personal library (which cannot be shared) or into a shared library. Access to shared libraries is granted by library permissions (e.g. Author, Viewer, Library Administrator), which are assigned to named users or group. Library permissions can be added and customized (including the standard permissions).

Workflow rules can be broken into two main components: 1-Criteria: the "if" part of the "if/then" statement. In other words, what must be true of the record for the workflow rule to execute the associated actions. 2-Actions: the "then" part of the "if/then" statement. In other words, what to do when the record meets the criteria. (FLIP)

In the raining example, the criteria is "it's raining" and the action is "bring an umbrella". If the criteria isn't met (it isn't raining), then the action isn't executed (you don't bring an umbrella). When a record meets all the criteria for a workflow rule, that rule's actions are executed.

9. Locale

It controls the display and format of these fields appear: 1. Name - controls the order in which names and last names appear. 2. Numbers - Determines how number separators ( period or a comma) are used. 3. Date Formats - How the order of the components of a date appear Month/Day/Year or Day/Month/Year. 4. Default Language - the org wide default language 5. Timezone - Default timezone of the user.

<>Describe the capabilities of products and price books:

Products can be used to represent a good or service that your organization sells. Price books can be used to establish tiered pricing (e.g. a "Gold" customer pays a different price than a "Silver" customer for the same product). At least one price book must be active in order to add products to an opportunity or quote. Products can optionally have quantity or revenue schedules.

<>List and describe the various properties of a field:

Key Attributes: Label: How the field appears to users. Name: How the field is referenced programmatically and via the API. Unique: Indicates that only one record within the object can have the specified value. External ID: Used for data operations (upsert) referencing the primary key of an external system. Default Value: Sets the default value for records created. Required: Ensures the field must have a value in order for a record to be saved. By default, each object can have up to 7 unique or external ID fields.

<>List and describe the various properties of an object:

Key properties: -Label & Plural Label: How the object is displayed to the user within the user interface. -Name: How the object is referenced programmatically and via the API. -Record Name Label & Format: How record within the object are named (either text or auto-number). The name field is what is displayed when the object is referenced in a lookup or master-detail relationship. -Allow Reports: Allows reporting on the object (enables default report types). -Allow Activities: Allow activities to be associated to records of the object type. Deployment Status: Either "Deployed" or "In Development". Objects "In Development" can only be viewed by users with the "Customize Application" permission.

<>Describe the basic capabilities of knowledge management:

Knowledge can be used to catalog a variety information, including resolutions to cases. The Knowledge base can then be referenced by customer support agents, and published to the web and customer portals.

<>Given a scenario, determine the appropriate configuration of lead assignment rules:

Lead assignment rules provide a method to assign lead ownership based on data within the lead record, and can be applied via many different methods.

<>Given a scenario, determine the appropriate configuration of lead auto-response rules:

Lead auto-response rules determine which email template is sent in reply to a web-to-lead form submission (assuming the standard email field is captured). If all web-to-lead submissions are sent the same email response template, this can be configured with web-to-lead default settings, THEN no auto-response rule is required.

17. Picklist

Lets users select a single value from a list that you define. Available for external objects only with the cross-org adapter for Salesforce Connect.

<>Describe list views and common use cases for their usage:

List views are used to quickly segment and action records, and can dramatically improve productivity within Salesforce. For example, I could create a series of list views to help the inside sales team identify and call new leads. E.g. -New Leads -Leads Created Today -Leads Created This Week -Leads Created Last 90 Days -Leads Assigned to Inside Sales Queue -Leads w/no Activity This Week The application of list views depends entirely on your organization's needs. While reports are designed to summarize record data, list views are designed to action records.

<>Describe the basic capabilities of Live Agent:

Live Agent allows your Salesforce users to chat with your prospects and customers. Its usage requires the purchase of additional licenses.

LOOKUP RELATIONSHIP -Relationship between objects is optional no parent required. -No impact on record level security -No roll-up summary fields allowed. Can be done but needs feature activation. (flip)

Lookup Links two objects together. Lookup relationships are similar to master-detail relationships, except they do not support sharing or roll-up summary fields. With a lookup relationship, you can: Link two different objects. Link an object with itself (with the exception of the user object; see Hierarchical). For example, you might want to link a custom object called "Bug" with itself to show how two different bugs are related to the same problem.

<>Guidelines for choosing between a LOOKUP and a MASTER-DETAIL relationship:

Lookup Relationship: -If the MANY side of relationship is a standard object. (detail) -If Relationship is optional. Master-Detail Relationship: -If you want to create Roll-up summary fields. -If Cascading record-level security and deletion.

<>Describe the capabilities of lookup filters:

Lookup filters can be applied to custom relationship fields to ensure that related data meets certain criteria (e.g. campaigns can only be associated with "Approved" venues).

<>Describe the differences between managed and unmanaged packages: Unmanaged Package: -Cannot be upgraded -Counts against org-wide limits (e.g. max # of objects and fields) -Can be completely customized (source code can be changed, fields removed, etc.) (FLIP)

Managed Package: -Can be upgraded -Does not count against org-wide limits -Can be partially customized (source code is not visible, fields cannot be deleted, but picklist values can be changed)

<>Describe manager groups and their influence on security:

Manager Groups are used to share access to records based on the user's manager (specified via the manager field on user record). Manager Groups is disabled by default, but can be easily enabled by the system administrator.

MASTER-DETAIL RELATIONSHIP -Child record (detail) must always have a Parent (master) record. -Child record inherits the record level security from the parent record, but still need read access. -Child records are automatically deleted when parent is deleted. -You can establish ROLL UP Summary fields which allow you to summarize data from related child records. -The detail side of the master detail relationship CANNOT be a Standard Object. (flip)

Master-detail Closely links objects together such that the master record controls certain behaviors of the detail and subdetail record. For example, you can define a two-object master-detail relationship, such as Account—Expense Report, that extends the relationship to subdetail records, such as Account—Expense Report—Expense Line Item. You can then perform operations across the master—detail—subdetail relationship.

<>Explain the limitations of master-detail relationships:

Master-detail relationships can be established up to 3 objects in depth (e.g. child object --> parent object --> grandparent object). One object can have up to two master-detail relationship fields (e.g. as shown when creating a junction object in Many to Many Relationships).

<>Describe which field types are validated and how:

Most field types are validated by Salesforce (e.g. you cannot enter an invalid email address into an email field, period). There are a few exceptions: picklist fields are not validated via the API, and phone fields are not validated at all.

How are lead assignment rules executed? Lead assignment rules are executed sequentially. The first rule where the record matches the rule criteria will determine the record owner. (FLIP)

My company would like to route all leads within the state of Ohio directly to the user James Smith, regardless of type. For this to work correctly, the Ohio rule entry must appear before the others. If the "State = OH" rule were 3rd in the list, then only the leads without type "Product" or "Service" and State= "OH" or "Ohio" would be routed to James Smith. Rules entries are executed sequentially - the first one that matches issues assignment.

Cont... 6. C.R. + Public Read/Write = User can ONLY create and view their own records and others. They CANNOT edit or delete other user's records even though OWD is set to READ/WRITE because OWD DOES NOT override the permissions set for that user on that records. OWD does not grant additional access that is not already granted by permissions. (Flip)

OWD can be found: Setup = Security Control = Sharing Settings

<>Describe the opportunity competitors feature:

Opportunity competitors is a lightweight feature that provides an easy way to list competitors on an opportunity record.

<>Describe the capabilities of opportunity splits:

Opportunity splits allow an organization to attribute opportunity revenue to multiple users (e.g. split accreditation for a closed/won opportunity to multiple members of the sales team - not just the opportunity owner).

<>Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Orders:

Orders are used to capture a commitment between your organization and a customer to fulfill declared goods or services. Opportunities are often used to represent the lifetime value of a sale. A contract is typically used to represent a legally binding agreement. The orders object is intended to be integrated with ERP systems (e.g. SAP, Oracle).

<>Describe how Organization-Wide Defaults (OWDs) influence security.

Organization-wide default settings determine the default record-level permissions granted to all users for all records within each object. For instance, setting the Account object to "Public Read/Write" will ensure that all users have "Read/Write" record-level permissions to all account records. The most commonly used settings are: Private: No record access granted Public Read Only: Read only record access granted Public Read/Write: Read/Write record access granted Public Read/Write/Transfer (Cases, Leads): Full record access granted Controlled by Parents only for (Contacts, Order, Activities, Assets): Parent record controls acces

<>Describe the options for configuring search layouts:

Search layouts determines which fields are displayed and in what order for various search results. Note: Search layouts are configured for each object, and are configured org-wide.

<>Describe use cases for creating multiple page layouts on a single object:

Page layouts are assigned based on the user's profile and record type. If two groups of users want information displayed in a different order (or different information altogether), then page layouts can be used to drive that experience. For instance, the support team may want cases displayed as the first related list on their account page layout, while the sales team may want opportunities displayed as the first related list on their account page layout. A separate page layout assigned to each profile could easily meet this need.

<>Describe the capabilities of person accounts:

Person accounts provide a way to represent an individual as both a contact and an account in Salesforce, and are frequently used to facilitate business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships. Person accounts is enabled via feature request (raising a case with Salesforce). When a person account is created (when enabled, a person account is represented by one or more account record types), a contact and account record are created. Those two records are fused together behind the scenes - this allows the person account record to provide the functionality of both a contact (e.g. send emails) and an account (e.g. associate an opportunity).

<>Describe the basic capabilities of communities and portals:

Portals grant external users (partners, customers) the ability to login to This feature has been replaced by Communities, which provides similar functionality but adds Chatter and a modern UI. Communities is the new way to connect external users (partners, customers) within your org. Ideas and Chatter Answers (previously Answers) are commonly implemented within Communities.

<>Describe the advantages to posting a file attachment using Chatter:

Posting a file attachment using Chatter uses Salesforce Files to manage the file; this is discussed in greater detail in the Content section. When you use the Chatter feed to post a file to a record in Salesforce, two things happen: 1. All users with view access to the record are granted the ability to view the Chatter file. 2. Chatter will post a link to the file in the Notes and Attachments related list listed with type "Feed Attachment".

<>Describe the capabilities of Lightning Process Builder:

Process Builder is a configuration-based tool that greatly extends the capabilities of workflow rules. Use cases for Process Builder include: 1. Consolidating many workflow rules into a single process, which is far simpler to maintain. In complex orgs, this can also be required when the maximum number of workflow rules is reached. 2. Extending the capabilities of workflow (process builder can submit for approval, initiate a Flow, post to Chatter, and perform other actions that workflow cannot).

<>Describe the capabilities of reusable processes:

Processes can be nested within other processes, which allows for administrators to interchange processes with complex logic that would normally need to be recreated in multiple processes.

<> Describe public groups and their influence on security:

Public groups are used to streamline the process of sharing access to records and folders. A group is comprised of users, roles, and other groups.

<>Explain the difference between public and private list views.

Public list views are maintained by an administrator, and can be viewed by multiple users (as determined by each list view's sharing settings, which are controlled by the administrator). Private list views are created by users and cannot be viewed or shared by other users.

<>Describe common use cases for queues in the Sales Cloud:

Queues can be used in many scenarios where it is not appropriate to assign records to an individual user. For example, I could route all leads created via website submission to an inside sales queue. Members of the inside sales queue can then take ownership of the leads owned by the queue as their availability dictates.


Record Types allow admins to configure different page layouts, business processes, and picklist values based on a user's PROFILE.

<>Explain how record types are assigned:

Record types are assigned on the user's profile, or via permission set. Note: the ability to assign record types via permission set was added after this video was created.

<>Explain the effect of record types on record-level security:

Record types do not influence record-level security by default. So if you can view or edit the record you will be able to view or edit the record regardless of what record type it is and regardless of what record types you are assigned on your profile. So, if you want it to influence security, use a Criteria Based Sharing Rule.

<>Describe the effect of using records types:

Record types influence which page layout is assigned when a user views or edits a record, as well as which picklist values can be selected.

<>Describe the capabilities of reporting snapshots:

Reporting snapshots (previously called "Analytic Snapshots") can be used to create trend reporting (e.g. progression of opportunity pipeline over time).

<>Describe the capabilities of roll-up summary fields:

Roll-up summary fields can only be used within a master-detail relationship to summarize data contained within related lists made up of child records and show a summary of your data within the main record at the top. A maximum of 25 roll-up summary fields per object can be created.

<>Describe use cases for case queues:

Route web-to-case submissions to a Tier 1 Support queue. The support team (queue members) take ownership of cases from the queue as they have availability and work the case.

Tabular Tabular reports are the simplest and fastest way to look at data. Similar to a spreadsheet, they consist simply of an ordered set of fields in columns, with each matching record listed in a row. Tabular reports are best for creating lists of records or a list with a single grand total. They can't be used to create groups of data or charts, and can't be used in dashboards unless rows are limited. Examples include contact mailing lists and activity reports. (FLIP)

Row Limit: For tabular reports, select the maximum number of rows to display, then choose a field to sort by and the sort order. You can use a tabular report as the source report for a dashboard table or chart component, if you limit the number of rows it returns.

<>Describe an administrator's ability to modify system fields:

The Audit Fields feature allows an administrator to populate the values in CreatedBy, CreatedDate, LastModifiedBy, and LastModifiedDate fields. Values in these fields typically cannot be specified (including by a system administrator). Therefore enabling Audit Fields is a vital part of many data migration strategies.

To FREEZE a user:

SETUP = USERS = CLICK USER NAME = CLICK FREEZE. -REMEMBER, if a user to be deleted falls under one of the 7 restrictions FREEZE FIRST, reassign those default restrictions and THEN deactivate them.

<>Describe the capabilities of Sales Paths:

Sales Paths are a way to streamline opportunity management by providing a chevron indicator to easily identify where the opportunity is in the sales process, as well as key fields and information at each stage.

<>Describe the basic differences between solutions and knowledge:

Salesforce Knowledge requires purchasing a license for every Knowledge user, while solutions is free. Solutions and Knowledge share a number of the same features. Knowledge builds on these shared features by adding much more. Generally an organization would use either Knowledge or solutions, not both. Expect to see most (or all) of new product features developed for Knowledge (as Solutions can now essentially be considered a legacy functional area of Salesforce).

<>Describe the capabilities of Salesforce for Outlook:

Salesforce for Outlook allows you to sync your Outlook contacts, calendar (events), and tasks to and/or from Salesforce, add emails sent from Outlook into Salesforce, and more. Salesforce administrators create Outlook configurations, which defines sync behavior, who can use the configuration (named users and profiles), and other capabilities

<>Describe how to enable state and country picklists:

Salesforce introduced the capability to use picklists for state and country fields instead of non-validated text fields. To configure this in your organization requires configuring settings, mapping the values of non-validated data to new picklist values, migrating the data, and then enabling the feature.

<>Describe the capabilities of Salesforce1:

Salesforce1 provides a way to access Salesforce from mobile touch-enabled devices. It can either be accessed via mobile web browser or from an installed application on the mobile device. The system administrator can configure a variety of settings to influence the Salesforce1 user experience. SalesforceA is a mobile application that allows for some Salesforce administrative functions to be performed from a mobile device.

Scenario: A user must be able to edit an account record owned by another user. Required permissions: "Edit" object-level permissions on Account. "Read/Write" (or higher) record-level permissions on the record. (Flip)

Scenario: A user must be able to delete an opportunity record owned by another user. Required permissions: "Delete" object-level permissions on Opportunity. "Full Access" record-level permissions on the record.

Examples: Scenario: A user must have the ability to create a lead records. Required permissions: "Create" object-level permission on Lead. (flip)

Scenario: A user must be able to view an opportunity record owned by another user. Required permissions: "Read" object-level permissions on Opportunity. "Read Only" (or higher) record-level permissions on the record.

How to Set Up a User

Setup-> manage user-> users-> new user Then enter all info needed. (i.e. Role, License, Profile) and then SAVE

How to deactivate a user

Setup-> manage users-> edit-> unclick "ACTIVE" and then SAVE. -Now users can no longer log in.

<>Describe sharing rules, and when their usage is appropriate:

Sharing rules are used to extend record access to users within specified roles or groups. Records can be shared either based on record owner (role, role + subs, public group, queues(on leads)) or record criteria (known as a criteria-based sharing rule; e.g. all accounts in state "OH"). Sharing rules can extend either Read Only or Read/Write access. If there are many records to share, then you might consider a sharing rule. Otherwise use Manual Sharing if allowed.

<>Describe the capabilities of similar opportunities:

Similar opportunities must be enabled (checkbox to enable the feature, then add the related list to the opportunity layout), and is designed to give sales reps the ability to quickly identify closed/won that have similar criteria to the opportunity they are currently viewing.

<>Supercharge Your Picklist Fields with Global Picklists

Simplify picklist management with global picklists. Now in beta, global picklists are available in every org. Global picklists let you efficiently reuse a single list of values for multiple custom picklist fields. Easily share picklists across objects by creating picklist fields that use a picklist value set from a global picklist. And because global picklists are always restricted, your picklist data stays clean because users can't add erroneous or redundant values through the API. This feature is available in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.

<>Describe the capabilities of Single Sign-On (SSO):

Single Sign-On provides the capability for a user to login to one system and have access to one more additional systems facilitated systematically as a result. For example, a user may authenticate to their network through Active Directory (Microsoft Windows) and thereby be granted access to without providing a username and password.

<>Describe the Smart Search feature (I have also heard this referred to as "Global Search" and "Chatter Search"):

Smart Search returns additional search results within a personalized search experience.

<>Explain when a button override is appropriate:

Standard buttons will typically invoke page layouts. When an organization wants to replace standard page layout functionality with a VisualForce page, the standard button (e.g. New, Edit, etc.) must be configured to invoke a VisualForce page. Likewise, a custom button can be added to reference a VisualForce page.

-What's the difference between standard and custom profiles?

Standard profiles are included with Salesforce. Object-level and user permissions cannot be changed on these profiles. Standard profiles cannot be deleted. Custom profiles are created by an administrator and can be fully customized. Custom profiles can be deleted.

<>List and describe the different report formats:

Tabular - Data can only be summarized across all records in the report (grand totals only). Summary - Data can be summarized only along the X axis (up to 3 levels). Matrix - Data can be summarized along the X and Y axes (up to 2 levels each). Joined - A mashup of two or more reports into a single report.

<>Explain the difference between tasks and event:

Tasks are actions such as phone calls and emails, while an event is a scheduled appointment with a defined start and end time.

<>Explain when activities are listed under activity history:

Tasks are displayed within activity history when the task's status is "Closed". Events are displayed within activity history when the start date of the event is in the past.

1. Company Profile

The Profile of the Company and where you can see all the other components of the company profile. Such as ORG ID, and what USER licenses, PERMISSION SET licenses, and FEATURE licenses are available.

<>Describe the capabilities of the Salesforce App Launcher:

The Salesforce App Launcher is a single sign-on portal, allowing users to launch both Salesforce and external applications (external apps via single sign-on).

<>Describe the basic capabilities of the Salesforce Console:

The Salesforce Console was previously branded "Service Cloud Console". The new Salesforce Console provides both SALES and SERVICE functionality.

<>Explain the differences between standard and custom applications, and use cases for creating custom applications:

The application influences the list of tabs displayed along the top of the screen, and determines the logo displayed on the top left of the screen. The name and logo of standard applications cannot be changed. Nor can standard applications be deleted (they can be unassigned from all profiles, however). Custom applications can be fully customized and deleted. Therefore it is common for organizations to exclusively use custom applications.

Explain how licensing influences what actions a user can perform

The combination of a user's licenses and permissions determines what functionality they can access and what actions they can perform within Salesforce. For instance, to create a campaign within Salesforce, the user must have the Salesforce user license, the Marketing User feature license, and the permission to create campaign records (via profile or permission set).

<>Describe how to customize a user's home page:

The home page layout determines which components are displayed on the sidebar and main frame of the home page. Custom components can be added. Home page layouts are assigned based on the user's profile.

<>Describe the capabilities of a custom report type, and when creating one is required:

The report type determines which records are included in a report (report filters are then used to remove records), and which fields can be added from the report data.

<>Describe the capabilities of the import wizards:

The standard import wizards can be used to import up to 50,000 leads, accounts, contacts, solutions, and custom object records per job.

When cases are updated by an email-triggered workflow rule, the updated case can trigger: -Workflow rules -Validation rules -Updates to roll-up summary fields -Escalation rules -Apex triggers -Entitlement processes (flip)

The updated case can't trigger: -Assignment rules -Auto-response rules

<>Explain the capabilities of Chatter Groups:

There are 3 types of Chatter Groups: Public, Private, and Unlisted. -Public groups can be seen and joined without permission by all users. -Private groups require permission to join but can be seen by all users. -Unlisted groups are not displayed to all users (only seen by administrative users and group members; users cannot request to join, they must be added by a group manager). Public and Private Groups are available by default, while Unlisted Groups must be enabled

<>Describe the different types of buttons and links, and use cases for custom buttons/links. Custom buttons and links help you integrate Salesforce data with external URLs, applications, your company's intranet, or other back-end office systems. (flip)

There are 3 types of buttons/links: 1. Detail Page Links: Displayed under custom links below the fields on a page layout. 2. Detail Page Buttons: Main buttons (e.g. New), displayed above and below fields on a page layout. 3. List Buttons: Displayed within a related list. Custom buttons and links allow you to create links to other sites and applications (for instance, create a custom link to your billing system that passes the Salesforce account name or account id).

<>Describe the different types of tabs an administrator can create:

There are 3 types of custom tabs: 1-Custom Object Tabs: Exposes data within a custom object to users. 2-Web Tabs: Displays a website within the Salesforce application. 3-Visualforce Tabs: Displays a VisualForce page within the Salesforce application.

<>Describe the capabilities of formula functions:

There are a wide variety of functions that can be referenced within a formula field. At a minimum, make sure to learn the following: Math Operators (+,-,*,/,^) Logical Operators (=,<>,<,>,<=,>=,&&,||) Text Operators (&) Logical Function (AND, CASE, IF, OR) Text Functions (TEXT, ISPICKVAL)

Chatter Only (Chatter Plus) The Chatter Only license is also known as the Chatter Plus license. It is for users that don't have Salesforce licenses but need access to some Salesforce objects in addition to Chatter.

They also can: -View Salesforce accounts and contacts -Use Salesforce CRM Content, Ideas, and Answers -Access dashboards and reports -Use and approve workflows -Use the calendar to create and track activities -View and modify up to ten custom objects -Add records to groups

The rule is scheduled to fire on 10/8/13 but because it was edited, it is now canceled. This exits the workflow rule criteria. The time-base action is unscheduled; no further actions are pending. Then since it was closed again on 10/5/13, the rule is now rescheduled to fire on 10/12/13. (flip)

This is because the "created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria" box was selected when creating the rule.

<>Describe how to create campaigns, and add/update campaign membership.

To create or update campaign records, the user must have the marketing user feature license enabled. Campaign membership can be managed in a variety of ways.

<>Explain who can delete records in Salesforce. Flip

To delete a record, the user must have the "Delete" object permission (profile or permission set) and "Full Access" to the record. "Full Access" is typically granted to the record owner, users higher in the role hierarchy than the record owner, and system administrators.

1. Organization Access - This is the first thing you want to do is grant your users access to the SF org. You modify the level of access by defining: -IP RANGES (Company or Profile level) -LOGIN HOURS (Profile Level) **By default Salesforce DOES NOT set up any IP RANGES or LOGIN HOURS, they must be created***

To grant security to the ORG, admins can set up: -IP RANGES (company level) - Users login in outside the range set are sent an ACTIVATION CODE. -IP RANGES (Profile level) - Users login in outside the range set are DENIED access and NO activation code is offered. -LOGIN HOURS (Profile level) - Users can only log on during hours set for business. Users logged on when the allowable hours end, they will be logged out of the session. If no login hours are set, then users will have 24/7 access.

Build Reusable Processes Now you can create a process that another process can invoke. With invocable processes, you can reuse sections of your processes. Build one invocable process, call it from multiple processes or from multiple action groups in the same process. This ability to reuse can save you precious time.

You can invoke processes with objects that share at least one unique ID. For example, in the Account and Case objects, the AccountId field is unique to Account and also used by Case. You can create an invocable process that updates a Case record. Then you can invoke it from: - A process that updates an Account record's owner -A process that adds an Account shipping address or updates it

<>Explain how to rename standard fields:

You can rename standard fields by goint to customize TABS NAMES and LABELS and then RENAME TABS AND LABELS.

<>Describe how to perform email marketing within

To perform email marketing within, a 3rd party vendor is required.

<>Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Topics:

Topics can be primarily used in two ways: 1. Inline in a chatter post by using a hashtag (e.g. #topic). 2. Once topics are enabled for an object, users can add topics to records of that object. Records associated with a topic can then be viewed from the Chatter topic. Topics can also be referenced in list views on objects where topics is enabled.

2. Fiscal Year This is an ORG Wide Setting.

Two Types 1. Standard (Gregorian) - Made up of 4 quarters, 3 months each. You can choose any start or end month. (i.e. Starts April 2017 and ends March 2018) 2. Custom - Once enabled cannot be reversed. Allows fiscal quarters to be determined by weeks instead of months. Should only be used when standard FY is not suitable. Common forms are the 4-4-5, or 13 week periods or trimesters. To go back to a standard FY you will have to define a standard FY as a custom.

<>Explain how to use the upsert function of the Data Loader in conjunction with an external ID field:

Upsert can be used in conjunction with external IDs to keep relationships from data within external systems intact when importing or manipulating data in Salesforce.

<>Explain the relationship between tab visibility and object-level security:

Use object-level security to secure access to data within Salesforce. Use tab visibility to control the user experience (which tabs can be selected within the user interface). To view an object tab, the user must have read permissions to the object (e.g. to view the leads tab the user must be able to read the leads object). Otherwise, there is no correlation between tab visibility and object-level security. For instance, the leads tab is hidden on the inside sales profile. However, the inside sales profile has CRED (create, read, edit, delete) privileges to the lead object, and has API access. Users assigned this profile could still access lead data via the API.

<>Use Record Types: When you need the ability to organize and gather data in different ways and at different times, around the same object. Example: (FLIP)

You may have one case object but have 2 variations: Internal and External. Where each gathers different information and need different picklist choices.

<>Describe the capabilities of quotes and quote synchronization:

Users can generate a quote with opportunity data, and keep the quote and opportunity data in sync. A PDF of the quote can be generated and sent to the potential customer. The quote object in Salesforce is a great solution for capturing and quoting standalone products without complex pricing requirements. If you need to configure product bundles, have product inter-dependencies, complex pricing requirements, or similar requirements, you may want to consider a third party solution such as Apttus Configure Price Quote.

<>Describe the options for inviting non-Salesforce users to participate in Chatter:

Users can optionally invite coworkers and/or customers to participate in Chatter. Chatter free licenses can be used to extend access to Chatter for no cost. Invitations can be enabled/disabled via configuration: Setup --> Customize --> Chatter --> Settings.

-There are several layers of access control that determine who sees what in your organization:

Users need access to: 1. Organization access (the salesforce platform) 2. Once in the org, users need specific Object Access 3. Then give users Record Access 4. Finally Field Level Security Think of it as an upside down pyramid. Access begins broader at the beginning and then it is trimmed down at the end.

<>Describe how to configure campaign hierarchy, and when its use is appropriate:

Using campaign hierarchy requires configuring access to the hierarchy fields, and then building a campaign structure using the Parent Campaign field. A campaign hierarchy will allow you to capture statistics about a group of campaigns at a glance. A campaign hierarchy can contain up to 5 levels of campaigns.

Section 3: Security & Access 15%, 9 Qs -Describe the core principles of the security model


3. RECORD ACCESS - Role Hierarchy -Access via the Role Hierarchy comes in 3 levels: 1. No Access to records they do not own. 2. View only records they do not own. 3. View + Edit records they do not own.


<>ORG-WIDE Defaults (Sharing Settings) - Determine what access and permissions (C.R.E.D.) users have to records they DO NOT OWN. In 4 settings: 1. Private 2. Public Read Only 3. Public Read/Write 4. Public Read/Write/Transfer **Permission to TRANSFER is only available on LEADS and CASES objects.**


<>Describe the capabilities of validation rules, and common use cases:

Validation rules are used to conditionally prevent a record from being saved, and are used to enforce data quality.

<> USER SHARING: User Sharing controls access to user records. You can use the "View All Users" permission to grant a user Read access to all user records, regardless of the sharing settings. System administrators and users with the "Manage Users" permission automatically get the "View All Users" permission with User Sharing. SETUP = SECURITY CTRLS = SHARING SETTINGS = scroll down to USER SHARING RULE Flip)


-When should I create custom profiles?

You'll want to create custom profiles prior to assigning users to profiles. As you have limited ability to change standard profiles, it is generally a best practice to assign all users (with the exception of the system administrator) to custom profiles. ***If users are assigned a standard profile and you later need to change their permissions (e.g. add read access to a custom object), you'd have to create a custom profile and then migrate all of those users to the custom profile.***

<>Describe the capabilities of web-to-case:

Web-to-case works much the same way web-to-lead does, except that it generates a case record instead of a lead, and the default limit is 5000 cases per day. Web-to-case uses several specifically designated fields to capture data: -Web Company -Web Email -Web Name -Web Phone If the email address of a web-to-case submission matches the email address of only one contact, then that contact is associated with the case.

<>Describe the capabilities of web-to-lead:

Web-to-lead generates a contact form that can be integrated with an existing website. Each form submission creates a lead record in Salesforce. Web-to-lead does have several limitations; so long as those limitations do not hinder its usage, web-to-lead is the easiest way to generate a lead capture form for Salesforce.

<>Describe delegated administration:

What is Delegated Administration? Delegated administration allows named users to manage other users within selected roles and profiles, as well as manage fields on selected custom objects. Why use Delegated Administration? If you assign user administration privileges using profiles or permission sets, that user will gain the ability to administer most or all users and objects in your org. Delegated administration allows you to specify which users (based on role/profile) and custom objects (standard objects excluded) a delegated administrator can manage.

<>Explain the difference between deleting and erasing a custom field:

When a field is deleted, it can be recovered. When a field is erased, it is permanently removed from Salesforce. Deleted fields are automatically erased after 15 days if not undeleted.

<>Describe the record type selection process:

When a user creates a new record, one of the following occurs: -If the user is assigned one record type, then that record type is automatically selected. -If the user is assigned more than one record type and default record type selection is not enabled, then the user is prompted for record type selection. -If the user is assigned more than one record type and default record type select is enabled, then the user's default record type is selected.

<>Describe a queue's influence on security:

When a user is a member of a queue and a record is owned by a queue, then the user will inherit "Full Access" to that record.

<>Describe the capabilities of Salesforce Files:

When an attachment is posted via Chatter, Salesforce Files is used to manage the attachment. See the Chatter section for additional details. Use Salesforce Files to share and collaborate on files, store files privately, manage version updates, and follow files that are important to you. Use Files Connect to connect to external file systems right from Salesforce.

<>Explain the capabilities of Salesforce to assign a task to multiple users:

When creating a task, you can assign the task to multiple users. This will create a duplicate task record for each user, not a single task that is assigned to multiple users. Example assigning a task to submit your expense report to multiple users, they all have to submit their expense report not just one of them.

<>Explain the difference between deleting and erasing a custom object:

When deleting a custom object some data loss may occur even if the object is undeleted later (associated workflow rules are lost, for instance). Otherwise, objects follow the same rules a fields (deleted objects are permanently erased automatically after 15 days).

<>Describe permission sets, and common use cases where they are appropriate.

Whereas the profile is used to set the foundation for a user's privileges, permission sets are optionally used to extend a user's privileges. Permission sets can drastically reduce the number of custom profiles required in an org. Two common use cases: 1. One-off cases where a user needs privileges not granted by their profile (e.g. extending the delete leads permission to one inside sales team, while the rest of the team cannot delete leads). 2. Extending privileges to users that are assigned different profiles (e.g. access to a 3rd party application).

24. Text Area (Rich)

With the use of a toolbar, users can format the field content and add images and hyperlinks. The toolbar allows the user to undo, redo, bold, italicize, underline, strike-out, add a hyperlink, upload or link to an image, modify alignment, add a numbered or non-numbered list, indent, and outdent. The maximum field size is 131,072 characters, inclusive of all the formatting and HTML tags. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area are displayed in a report. The maximum size for uploaded images is 1MB. Only gif, jpeg and png file types are supported. Not available for external objects. There are visual and formatting differences for rich text areas in Lightning Experience and Salesforce1, compared to Salesforce Classic.

Duplicate Rules Duplicate rules are used to control whether and when users can save duplicate records within Salesforce. Duplicate rules tell Salesforce what action to take when a user attempts to create a duplicate record. Each duplicate rule needs to include at least one matching rule to identify which existing records are possible duplicates. (flip)

You can configure your duplicate rule to perform an action when a new record is created and when an existing record is edited. However, the rule will only run for edited records if the fields being edited are included in the associated matching rule.

-Role Hierarchy is a way to extend access to records when ORG-WIDE Default sharing settings have been set anything more restrictive than PUBLIC READ/WRITE (usually the Private setting and Public Read Only). The role hierarchy grants and opens up more access it NEVER takes it away. (Flip)

cont... -The Role Hierarchy just like OWD, DO NOT grant the user more access than what their permission sets are for that object. So, if user only has C.R. for permission and OWD is set to PRIVATE, and you give the user the VIEW + EDIT option in ROLES, then they will still NOT be able to Edit or delete records because they only have C.R. permissions.

5. Storage Usage

Can be viewed from the company profile page. Two Types: 1. Data - Storage of records such as leads, accounts, opportunities, etc. 2. File - Storage of attachments such as chatter files, documents, content files.

7. Language settings

Changing default language changes the language for the entire org. Can enable 3 types: 1. End-User Language - Help & Setup are not translated. 2. Platform Only Language - No default translations. 3. Fully Supported Language - All standard fields, objects, and set up are translated.

4. Salesforce ORG ID

Every ORG has a unique salesforce ID REGARDLESS of edition, sandbox, or production. It's always different.

1. Login Methods:

a. Web Browser - most common, may required computer activation if login in from an untrusted network. b. API - Used for programmatic access such as the DATALOADER. No computer activation needed. c. Single Sign On (SSO) - Allows users to log in to the company network and then have access to SF w/o the need to log in again. d. OAuth - Allows external apps to ask user for permission to access SF data (i.e. chatter desktop). No need for security token but may required user interaction.

5. Trusted IP Ranges:

-Lists the IP addresses that "login restrictions" have been removed. (i.e. Computer activation not required, or Security Token not requested) This is configured ORG-WIDE.

<> Languages currently in use by the org CANNOT be deactivated or removed from the available language list and appear grayed out. SETUP-> COMPANY PROFILE-> LANGUAGE SETTINGS


QUEUES -Setup = Manage user = Queues = New

-Allow a group of users access a group of records. Can be used for almost all records. -Prioritize, distribute and assign records to teams who share workloads. -Access Q's from list views. -Queue members can jump in to take ownership of any record in a Q.

Explain the importance of Salesforce user records.

-An active user record is required to login to Salesforce. Records can only be assigned to an active user or a queue. -A User is required to be able to log in. -1 person = 1 user = 1 user license. -User Records CANNOT be deleted. That way you can still see the history.

<>A User License determines the baseline of features that the user can access. You assign user permissions for data access through a profile and optionally one or more permission sets. For example:

-Assign a user license to Employee A. The user license only supports standard objects permissions for ACCOUNTS and CONTACTS ONLY. So Employee A CANNOT access the standard CASES object. -Assign a SALESFORCE user license to Employee B. Then give "READ" access on CASES to employee B. This way they CANT edit/delete/create CASES.

Queues are available for: C.L.O.C.K.S

-Cases -Leads -Orders -Custom Objects -Knowledge Articles -Service Contracts

Describe computer activation, and under what conditions it occurs:

-Computer activation is designed to prevent unauthorized access to, particularly in the event of a hijacked username and password. Computer activation is required when all of the following conditions are TRUE: 1. The user is NOT logging in from a Trusted IP range. 2. A browser cookie indicating a prior login is NOT present.

Explain the difference between USER & FEATURE Licenses:

-Every USER MUST be assigned one and ONLY one USER license. This is the PRIMARY license. -Users can optionally be assigned one or more FEATURE license.

To control organization access use:

-IP Ranges (Company Level) - users outside range are sent an activation code. -IP Ranges (Profile Level) - users outside range are DENIED access. -Login Hours (Profile Level) - Specified hours are enforced. Outside users are DENIED access even if they are in the middle of a session.

Section 2: USER SETUP 9%, 5 Questions

-Identify the steps to set up and/or maintain a user (e.g., assign licenses, reset passwords, and resolve locked user accounts). -Given a scenario, troubleshoot common user access and visibility issues.

6. Computer Activation:

-It is required when SF CANNOT identify the identity of the request. (i.e. accessing SF from an unknown device) You will need to enter a verification code sent to email.

Describe the capabilities of Salesforce to manage multiple currencies:

-Multiple currencies CANT be disabled once enabled. -By default, Salesforce supports one currency within an org. -Multiple currencies can be enabled by feature request, and allows for static conversion rates between currencies. Once enabled by checking the "Allow Support to Activate Multiple Currencies" checkbox you must still raise a case with Salesforce to enable the feature after checking this box in setup. -Once multiple currencies is enabled, ADVANCED CURRENCY MANAGEMENT allows for dated exchange rates (e.g. use the exchange rate at the opportunity's close date instead of a static rate).

3. Login IP Ranges:

-Prevents Logins from unauthorized IP addresses. (i.e. Like at home or from a location w/o a VPN connection)

2. Login Hours:

-Prevents logins except for specified times set by the admin. (i.e. Prevent log in during non-working hours or during maintenance times)

Describe QUEUES:

-Queues are used for a variety of purposes. -Each queue can include multiple users, and is assigned to one or more objects. -Members of the queue can then take ownership of a queue's records. For instance, leads generated from the company's website are routed to a lead queue "Inside Sales". Members of the inside sales team then take ownership of leads owned by the queue as they have availability to call additional leads.

Queue Members can include: T.R.I.P.C.P.

-Territories -Roles -Individuals -Public Groups -Connections -Partner Users +Only Q Members and users above them in a role hierarchy can take ownership of records in a Queue.

Describe the security token, and under what conditions it is required.

-The security token is a mechanism designed to prevent unauthorized access via the API. -A user must append their security token to their password when authenticating via the API, unless they are connecting within a Trusted IP range.

Describe the steps required to login as another user.

-The user must grant the administrator login access, or -The administrator must have the setting "Administrators Can Log in as Any User" enabled.

7. Security Token:

-This is a string of characters attached to the end of a password when login in via API. Expect from trusted networks. EXAMPLE: Generated Token: XCHIAP!?XUMS Password: Butterfly23 --combined both to login to the API as: Butterfly23XCHIAP!?XUMS *Token changes with password

Describe how to monitor computer activations.

-To see login IP and browser information about devices from which users have verified their identity, from Setup, enter Activations in the Quick Find box, then select Activations. -You can revoke activation status by selecting one or more entries in the Activated Client Browser list, clicking Remove, and confirming the action. -Users can view and revoke only their own activated browsers. -A user who logs in from a deactivated browser is prompted to verify identity, unless the login IP address is within a trusted IP range.

* Every RECORD in SF must have an owner. * Records can be owned by Users or Queues. * By default, the user that creates the record is the owner. * Record ownership is used to determine responsibility (e.g. I manage the leads that I own), reporting (I am credited for the opportunities that I own) and for record security.


**Note** When a user deselects the Don't ask again option that appears on the identity verification page, the browser isn't activated. Advise your users to deselect this option whenever they log in from a public or shared device.


-Then go to manage users = users and click "Login" next to the name of the user you want to log in as. When done, log out to log back in as yourself. ***While logged on as that user, your ability to perform tasks are limited to that users PERMISSION SETS.***


-You can manually add a record to a Q by changing the records owner to the Q name OR an assignment rule can be created to add CASES or LEADS to a Q based on a specific record criteria. -Records remain in a Q until they are assigned an owner. -Any Q members or USERS higher in a ROLE hierarchy can take ownership of records in a Q. -There are no limit to how many Qs you can create. -You can choose members to receive email notifications.


1-Fully Supported Languages: You can change the language for all features, including Help, to one of the following fully supported languages from the Setup page.


2-End-User Languages: End-user languages are useful if you have a multilingual organization or partners who speak languages other than your company's default language. For end-user languages, Salesforce provides translated labels for all standard objects and pages, except administrative pages, Setup, and Help. When you specify an end-user language, labels and Help that aren't translated appear in English. Salesforce doesn't provide customer support in end-user languages.


2. Two factor authentication - refers to requiring two independent mechanisms to successfully authenticate. -The most common example of this is a username/password combined with a randomly generated number (similar to computer activation - however, the randomly generated number may be generated by another system or device, and is required for every authentication).


3-Platform-Only Languages: In situations where Salesforce doesn't provide default translations, use platform-only languages to localize apps and custom functionality that you've built on the Salesforce App Cloud. You can translate items such as custom labels, custom objects, and field names. You can also rename most standard objects, labels, and fields. Informative text and non-field label text aren't translatable.


<> FEATURE licences are found under the ACTIVE checkbox in the user SETUP screen. Depending on which user license is selected will determine which feature license is available.


<> Fiscal Years can be modified at any time. Changes to FY structure takes place immediately. Fiscal Years impact forecasting, quotas, and reporting. Changing FY configuration can result in data loss.


<> It is always BEST to deactivate a user than to delete it. Salesforce does NOT let you delete users outright. Because deleting users can create orphan records and risk of data loss.


<> Locale time changes the formatting of how time is displayed (24hr or reg) Timezone changes the conversion of regional time.


<> When a USER falls under one of those 7 categories, you must freeze the user first by going to the USER RECORD and click FREEZE. Then reassign a new default owner and then go back and deactivate the user.


<>Assignment Rules are only available for LEADS or CASES. Queues must have Leads and/or Cases added to the Available Object List in order for Queues to show in available queue lookup.


<>By default SF supports a single currency. Changes to currency locale affect the ORG-Wide settings for all users and it will only change the format like symbols and punctuation but it WILL NOT change the values since THAT would be a currency conversion.


<>Custom fields, custom objects, and picklist values must be translated using the Workbench translator.


<>Deactivated users are removed from the default opportunity and account teams of other users. The deactivated users' default opportunity and account teams are not removed.


<>Deactivated users continue to own opportunities and appear in forecasts and territories. When users are deactivated, their opportunity forecast overrides, adjusted total overrides, and manager's choice overrides on subordinates' forecasts are frozen. However, the manager of a deactivated user can apply manager's choice overrides to that user's forecasts. Rollup amounts are kept current. If a deactivated user is later reactivated, the user can resume normal work as before. If "Allow Forecasting" is disabled for a user who is deactivated, the user is removed from any territories he or she is assigned to.


<>Deactivated users lose access to any records that were manually shared with them, or records that were shared with them as team members. Users higher in the role hierarchy relative to the deactivated users also lose access to those records. However, you can still transfer their data to other users and view their names on the Users page.


<>Deactivating a user DOES NOT affect the records they own until they are transferred.


<>Enable the SMS method of identity verification provides users the possibility to receive the 5-digit verification code by SMS when they are challenged to authenticate a new IP address or a new device/browser from where they are logging in.


<>Files owned by a deactivated user are not deleted. The deactivated user is the file owner until an admin reassigns the files to an active user. Files shared in a content library can be edited by other library members with author or delete permissions. Sharing rules remain active until an admin modifies them.


<>If a user needs access to SF 24/7 then DO NOT set the IP RANGE at the profile level or set any hours. THAT will give them access, they will just be sent an activation code.


<>If a user on an ACCOUNT TEAM has Read/Write access (Account Access, Contact Access, Opportunity Access, and Case Access) and is deactivated, the access will default to Read Only if the user is reactivated.


<>If a user only is allowed to access SF during business hours and only at the office, then set the IP RANGE to the PROFILE LEVEL and set the hours (i.e. Call center reps) **Setting days to 12am to 12am cancels the day**


<>If you deactivate users in an organization where opportunity SPLITTING is enabled, they ARE NOT removed from any opportunity teams where they're assigned a split percentage. To remove a user from an opportunity team, FIRST REASSING the split percentage.


<>Multiple Currencies needs to be enabled in order for a value to be changed from one currency to the other. Only available by feature request and configurations.


<>Once Multiple currencies has been enabled, then you can activate ADVANCED CURRENCY MANAGEMENT. This allows for data conversion rates, which means an opportunity can use a conversion close date instead of a fixed rate. -All conversion rates are configured by an administrator, they are NOT automatically generated.


<>The MODIFY ALL DATA Permission allows an admin to reassign new owners to records or files after a user is deactivated.


<>There are several ways SF can verify identity and bypass activation; Login from Trusted IP ranges like from another computer at work and User Previous Login from browser cookies. This is why you can take your work laptop to a coffee shop w/o needing to activate.


<>To deactivate a user from SETUP go to MANAGE USERS then USERS, click EDIT next to the user you want and simply uncheck the ACTIVE BOX and SAVE.


<>To remove a USER from his assigned territories you would uncheck the ALLOW FORECASTING checkbox under User Detail.




<>Users with the "Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins" permission have to provide a second factor, such as a mobile authenticator app or U2F security key, each time they log in to Salesforce.


<>You CANNOT deactivate a user that's assigned as the sole recipient of a workflow email alert.


<>You CANNOT deactivate a user that's selected in a CUSTOM HIERARCHY field even if you delete the field. To deactivate a user in a custom hierarchy field, delete and permanently erase the field first.


<>You can also use a profile-based policy to set a two-factor authentication requirement for users assigned to a particular profile. Use the profile policy when you want to require two-factor authentication for users of the following authentication methods: 1-SAML for single sign-on 2-Social sign-on in to Salesforce orgs or Communities 3-Username and password authentication into Communities


<>You can create and edit accounts, opportunities, and custom object records that are owned by inactive users. For example, you can edit the Account Name field on an opportunity record that's owned by an inactive user. To enable this feature, contact Salesforce.


<>You can require two-factor authentication each time a user logs in with a username and password to Salesforce, including orgs with custom domains created using My Domain. To set the requirement, select the "Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins" permission in the user profile (for cloned profiles only) or permission set.


<>You can see how users are verifying their identity by: 1. Customizing a list view of users 2. Check the Identity Verification Methods report Create custom reports to spot patterns in identity verification behavior for your org or community.


Salesforce offers three levels of language support: fully supported languages, end-user languages, and platform-only languages. **REMEMBER Setting a default locale is different from setting a default language*** -LOCALE means FORMAT


Section 1: Describe the components of the company Profile. 2%, 1 question.


The Tranlsation Workbench: -Lets you specify languages you want to translate, assign translators to languages, create translations for customizations you've made to your Salesforce organization, and override labels and translations from managed packages. Everything from custom picklist values to custom fields can be translated so your global users can use all of Salesforce in their language. Must be enabled.


<>Control Login Access -Control whether your users are prompted to grant account access to Salesforce admins, and whether users can grant access to publishers. (flip)

1-From Setup, enter Login Access Policies in the Quick Find box, then select Login Access Policies. 2-To allow Salesforce admins to log in as any user in the org without first asking them to grant access, enable Administrators Can Log in as Any User. Click Save

What is the difference between a SANDBOX and a PRODUCTION environment.

1. A sandbox is a copy of a production environment, commonly used for testing and development. 2. It is isolated from your Production Org, so operations that you perform in your sandbox DON'T affect your production org. 3. Sandbox and production environments use different login URLs: Production: Sandbox: 4. When a SANDBOX is created or refreshed, a copy of the production environment is made.

Feature Licenses gives users access to:

1. Chatter Answers User - This feature license is automatically assigned to high-volume portal users who self-register for Chatter Answers. 2. Flow User 3. Knowledge User - Access SF Knowledge. 4. Live Agent User - Access to Live Agent. 5. Marketing User - Create, edit, and delete campaigns, configure advanced campaign setup, and add campaign members and update their statuses with the Data Import Wizard.

The Components of the Company Profile are:

1. Company Information 2. Fiscal Year 3. Business Hours 4. Salesforce ID 5. Storage Usage 6. My Domain 7. Language Settings 8. Currency Management 9. Locale 10. API Usage

You CANNOT deactivate a User if they are assigned as the default owner of:

1. Default Case owner 2. Automated case user 3. Default lead creator or owner 4. Default workflow user 5. Recipient of a WORKFLOW email ALERT 6. User selected in a custom hierarchy field 7. Custom Portal Admin

3. Business Hours

1. Impacts when case escalation rules are triggered 2. Sets the biz hours of operations minus holidays. 3. You can set up multiple biz hours and holidays for multiple teams. 4. Escalation rules are suspended during holidays and non-biz hours.

When you create or edit a user key points are:

1. LICENSING - what security they can be granted. a. USER LICENSE b. FEATURE LICENSE 2. SECURITY - what the user can see or do. a. ROLE b. PROFILE 3. LOCALIZATION - How info is displayed to the user. a. Locale b. Language c. Time Zone d. Currency

Explain the implications of user localization settings: (4 Types)

1. Locale - Affects how dates, times, numbers, names, and addresses are displayed. Affects the format. (i.e. 7/31/17 USA or 31/7/17 EU) 2. Language - Determines which language translatable elements are displayed to the user. 3. Time Zone - Time conversion. Sets the time by region. 4. Currency Locale - Configured Org-wide unless multiple currencies is enabled. Determines the formatting of currency fields, and used to determine currency conversions when multiple currencies is enabled.

Describe the settings an administrator controls to conditionally allow or prevent user authentication.

1. Login IP Ranges - used to prevent login from unapproved IP addresses. 2. Login Hours - used to prevent login during blocked hours of the day. 3. The permission (profile/permission set) "API Enabled" is required for a user to authenticate via the API.

Describe the different methods that can be used to authenticate to Salesforce: (7 Types)

1. Login Methods 2. Login URL's 3. Login Hours 4. Login IP Ranges 5. Trusted IP Ranges 6. Computer Activation 7. Security Token

IF a deactivated user was an approver then you need to do:

1. Remove the user from all approval processes. or 2. Reassign their approval responsibilities to other users.

Describe the capabilities of SMS based identity confirmation and two factor authentication:

1. SMS Identity - now offers the ability to perform identity confirmation via SMS (text message) or via email. SMS provides an additional layer of security in case email credentials are compromised. -SETUP = SECURITY CTRLS = SESSION SETTINGS = Then CHECK BOX "Enable the SMS method of identity verification" **If this is NOT checked then SF will send the code to email by default.

The PRIMARY User license types are:

1. STANDARD USER LICENSES: a. Salesforce- Designed for users who requires full access to standards CRM and Allows access to any standard or custom app. b. Knowledge Only- Designed for users who only need access to the knowledge app. This license gives access to custom objects, custom tabs, and the following standard tabs: Articles, Article management, chatter, files, home, profile, reports, custom objects, custom tabs.

cont... 2. CHATTER USER LICENSE (3 types) -All standard user licenses allow free chatter access a. Chatter External - Intended for users outside your org's email domain. Customers can be invited to chatter groups but have no access to objects or data. b. Chatter Free - For users who dont have a SF license but need access to chatter. c. Chater Only (Chatter Plus) - For users who dont have a SF license but need access to chatter AND SOME SF objects. (flip)

3. COMMUNITIES USER LICENSE - In order to create communities in your org you must have this license purchased. 4. SERVICE CLOUD PORTAL USER LICENSE - Gives contacts unlimited logins to your service cloud portal to access customer support info. 5. SITES and - (2 types) a. Guest User - For public users who access site and sites. b. only - For Performance, Unlimited, and Enterprise edition users who need access to but not to standard CRM functions.

<>To see registered identity verification methods in a USERS LIST VIEW create or edit a view and add one or more of the following fields: 1. Has verified mobile number - Indicates whether the user has verified a mobile phone number. Salesforce can text a verification code to the user at that number. 2. Has one time password app - Indicates whether the user has connected an authenticator app that generates verification codes, also known as time-based one-time passwords. The user can verify identity by entering a code generated by the app. (FLIP)

3. Has salesforce authenticator - Indicates whether the user has connected the Salesforce Authenticator mobile app. The user can verify identity by approving a notification sent to the app. 4. Has Temporary code - Indicates whether the user has a temporary verification code. Admins or non-admin users with the "Manage Two-Factor Authentication in User Interface" permission generate temporary codes and set when the code expires. 5. Has a U2F security key - Indicates whether the user has registered a U2F security key. The user can verify identity by inserting the security key into a USB port.

8. Currency Management

This is NOT available in developer edition, it needs to be added. Here you can manage conversions of exchange rates and can only be changed ONCE in 24hrs.

cont... c. Identity- Grants access to SF identity features. Connects users w/external apps and services. d. External Identity- Provides identity feature for users outside the org user base (non employees) e. only- Designed for users who dont have a SF license but need access to f. user licenses: -Salesforce platform- Designed for users who need access to all custom apps BUT NOT to standard CRM functionality. However they're entitled to use core platform functionality such as: Accounts, Contacts, Reports, Dashboards, Documents, and Custom Tabs (flip)

cont... one app- Users are entitled to the same rights as Salesforce Platform user plus they have access to an unlimited number of custom tabs. app subscription- Grants users access to a light app. No CRM functionality. -Company Community User- An internal user license for employee communities.

cont... 6. Mobile User Access 7. Offline User - Access Connect Offline. 8. Salesforce CRM Content User - Access Salesforce CRM Content. 9. Service Cloud User - Access the Salesforce Console for Service. Access to the Salesforce Console for Sales requires the Sales Console User permission set license.(flip)

cont... 10. Contributor User - Edit site content on Studio. 11. Publisher User - Create and style websites, control the layout and functionality of pages and page elements, and add and edit content on Studio. 12. User - Access to objects and permissions.

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