SC Board of Pharmacy

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Prescriptions for Schedule II substances must be dispensed within ___ days of the date of issue, after which time they are void.


Prescriptions for controlled substances in Schedules III through V, inclusive, must not exceed a _____ day supply.


ACPE CE Codes:

(01) Disease State Management/ Drug Therapy Management (02) HIV/AIDS (03) Law(related to pharmacy practice) (04) General Pharmacy (05) Patient Safety (06) Immunizations (07) Compounding

Technician Ratio:

- 1 RPh to 4 technicians (as long as 2 are state certified) - 1 RPh to 2 technicians if NONE are state certified - *RPh may not supervise more than 2 non-state certified Techs* Institutional Pharmacy: - Employment ration 1:3 - Daily operational ratio determined by PIC

Which of the following scenarios represents the correct pharmacist to technician ratio in South Carolina?

1 pharmacist to 2 pharmacy technicians 1 pharmacist to 4 pharmacy technicians provided two of the four pharmacy technicians are state-certified.

Make Up of the Board:

9 Members total - 7 elected pharmacists from each of the congressional districts - 2 members-at-large: 1 Pharmacist-at-large and a public lay member appointed by the governor

The Investigational Review Committee (IRC) Consists of:

1. 2 professional members chosen by BOP 2. BOP administrator 3. Pharmacist investigator 4. Attorney from LLR Office of Disciplinary Counsel

BOP Staff

1. An *administrator* of the Board of Pharmacy who must be: - a *pharmacist licensed* in the State of South Carolina - and who must be the *chief drug inspector.* 2. Staff of inspectors who must be: - pharmacists licensed in South Carolina - and shall conduct all pharmacy inspections and investigations - and shall report to and be supervised by the administrator of the Board of Pharmacy.

Duties of the PIC:

1. Assures all pharmacists, technicians, and interns employed at the pharmacy are *currently licensed, certified, or registered* 2. Assures that *interns and technicians wear proper identification* while on duty. 3. Files any necessary *reports* - including a current list of all pharmacy techs 4. *Responds to Board* regarding any violations 5. *Notifies the Board* of Pharmacy immediately of Changes (5) 6. Establishes ans implements appropriate policies and procedures

Duties of PIC: Changes that the PIC must Notify the Board Immediately of: (5)

1. Change of employment of PIC (within 10 days) 2. Change of PIC status (Within 10 days) 3. Change of Pharmacy ownership (within 10 days) 4. Change of pharmacy address (within 10 days) 5. Permanent closing of the pharmacy (within 30 days of intent to close and 10 days of closing)

BOP Inspection Staff:

1. Charleston/Low Country 2. Upstate 3. Midlands/Aiken 4. Investigator 5. York/Rock Hill/Myrtle Beach

BOP Staff includes:

1. Chief Drug inspector 2. Non-Resident facilities 3. Pharmacists/interns 4. Technicians 5. Assistant administrator 6. Pharmacy facilities 7. Compliance

Potential IRC Actions:

1. Dismissal 2. Letter of Caution 3. Disciplinary actions per resolution guidelines 4. Referral to full Board for hearing - Licensee has the right to appeal to the full board

What must be reported in SCRIPTS? (11)

1. Dispenser DEA number 2. Date dispensed 3. Prescription number 4. Status - whether prescription is new or refill 5. NDC code for drug dispensed 6. Approximate number of days supplied 7. Patient name 8. Patient address 9. Patient DOB 10. Prescribers DEA number 11. Date prescription was written by prescriber

Most Common Pharmacy Issues: (4)

1. Drug Diversion 2. Medication Errors 3. Pharmacy Technician Issues

The Bureau of Drug Control (DHEC): 1. Responsibility 2. Can be thought of as... 3. Inspectors/Investigators 4. DHEC Registration requirement

1. Enforcing the SC Controlled Substances Act, Which closely parallels the federal controlled substances act 2. SC's local DEA (drug enforcement agency) 3. Are all SC-licensed pharmacists who are also commissioned as state law enforcement officers 4. The SC Controlled Substances act requires that every person or entity who engages in controlled substances activity obtain an annual registration from DHEC

Inspection Citations Affecting the PIC: (5)

1. Failure to *display permit* - PIC $50 2. Failure to *display intern certificate* or *possess wallet card* - PIC and Intern $25 3. Pharmacy *technician working without a registration* - PIC $500 4. Pharmacy *technician working with lapsed registration* - PIC $500 5. Pharmacy operating out of *RPh-to-tech ratio* - PIC $500

Who can prescribe controlled substances in SC?

1. Physicians (MD and DO) 2. Dentists 3. Podiatrists 4. Veterinarians 5. Optometrists -CIII through CV only, limited to *7 day supply* - Exception: May prescribe *hydrocodone combination* products 6. Nurse Practitioners (APRN) -CIII through CV only 7. Physician's Assistants (PA)*

Types of Pharmacy Technicians in SC:

1. Registered Pharmacy Technicians 2. Nationally Certified Pharmacy Techs (PTCB) 3. State-Certified Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Inspections: 1. How often? 2. When? 3. How long? 4. Results?

1. The Board inspects every 2 years 2. Unannounced 3. Take anywhere from 2-8 hours depending on practice site and regulatory condition of the site 4. The PIC will have a specified number of days to correct any violation and respond to the inspector

An individual may be certifiedby the board as a pharmacy technician if the individual has:

1. Worked for one thousand hours as a registered pharmacy technician under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist 2. has completed a Board of Pharmacy approved pharmacy technician course 3. Has a high school diploma or equivalent 4. passed the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam or a Board of Pharmacy approved exam and has maintained current certification 5. fulfilled continuing education requirements

Renewal of Pharmacist Licenses: 1. When does it expire? 2. How to renew in an "Active" Status - Can you use mail? 3. What if you don't renew it in time? 4. Renewal notifications

1. annually on April 30th 2. Submit a renewal application to the board. - If mailed, the board must receive the application before April 1st - including all required fees, data, and certification of CEs - If not postmarked before April 1st, a penalty of $50 must be assessed. 3. Not renewed before May first = Lapsed license. 4. Feb of each year - These are a courtesy - It is up to the licensee to be responsible for renewal

Reporting Changes to the BOP 1. How can you report? 2. When must you report? 3. What must you report?

1. fax, mail, or online 2. Within 10 days 3. Pharmacists: 1. Employment 2. Personal Name or Address 3. PIC Changes Technicians 1. Employment 2. Personal name or address

Which of the following scenarios accurately lists the complete SC pharmacist annual CE requirements?

15 hours total; *ACPE-accredited* or *CME Category I* - 6.0 live CE hours - 50%of total hours must be in *patient management* or *drug-therapy* - must include 1 hour PDMP South Carolina does NOTaccept state sponsored continuing education (ie. North Carolina offers 5 hours of CE for acting as a preceptor

Prescriptions for controlled substances in Schedule II, with the exception of transdermal patches, must not exceed a ___ day supply.


No prescription for a controlled substance listed in schedule III, IV, or V shall be filled or refilled more than ___ months after the date on which such prescription was issued and no such prescription may be refilled more than ____ times.

6 months, 5 times


ALL complaints are investigated by the BOP Pharmacist investigator reports finding to the IRC (Investigational Review Committee)

SC BOP Inspections:

All permitted facilities in SC are inspected every 2 years

The BOP's "Sister Agency"

Bureau of Drug Control (Affiliated with SC DHEC) - Analogous relationship that the BOP has with LLR


Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation - the sate "umbrella" agency which provides legal and administrative functions for the BOP

APRN's may only write for Schedule

III through V Controlled Substance Prescriptions: III - Acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3®) IV - Benzodiazepines IV - Carisoprodol(Soma®) V - Diphenoxylate/Atropine (Lomotil®) III - dronabinol (Marinol®) IV - Tramadol (Ultram®)

SCRIPTS is intended to...

Improve the state's ability to *identify and stop diversion* of prescription drugs in an efficient and cost effective manner that will *not impede the appropriate medical utilization of licit controlled substances* where there is a valid prescriber-patient or pharmacist-patient relationship

A pharmacy Tech registration is valid from:

July 1 through June 30th of each year

PA prescriptive authority in South Carolina

Limited Schedule II prescriptive authority as outlined below: Oral Rx - limited to a *72 hour* supply - *any subsequent* prescription authorization must be in *consultation with* and *upon patient examination and evaluation* by the *supervising physician,* and must be documented in the patient's chart Parenteral Rx for CII in a hospital setting - (including emergency and outpatient departments affiliated with a hospital) - the written medical order may not exceed a *one-time administration* within a *twenty-four hour period*

Duties of State-Certified Pharmacy Technicians Practicing in South Carolina

Not withstanding any other provision of this chapter, a supervising pharmacist may authorize a state-certified pharmacy technician to: 1. receive and initiate verbal telephone orders 2. conduct prescription transfers 3. check another technician's refill of medications if the medication is to be administered by a licensed health care professional in an institutional setting; i.e. "Tech-check-Tech" 4. Check a technician's repackaging of medications from bulk to unit dose in an institutional setting.

A Pharmacist may not serve as

PIC of more than one pharmacy at a time without written permission from the Board.

What is a Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC)?

Pharmacist currently *licensed in this state* who *accepts responsibility for the operation of a pharmacy* in conformance with all laws pertinent to the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of drugs and who is in *full and actual charge of the pharmacy and personnel* *No person may operate a pharmacy without a PIC*

Pharmacy Protocols in South Carolina

Protocol for Administration of Vaccines - Vaccinating pharmacist must complete yearly CE Protocol for Dispensing of Naloxone - - Reporting is voluntary

The transfer of pharmacist licenses from other jurisdictions: Requirements: (7)

Reciprocity Required The Applicant Shall: 1. have submitted a *written application* in the form prescribed by the Board of Pharmacy 2. have possessed at the time of initial licensure as a pharmacist *all qualifications necessary to have been eligible for licensure* at that time *in this State* 3. have presented to the board *proof of initial licensure by examination* and *proof that such license is in good standing;* 4. have presented to the board proof that any other license granted to the applicant by any other state *has not been suspended, revoked, or otherwise restricted* for any reason *except nonrenewal or for the failure to obtain the required continuing education* credits in any state where the applicant is currently licensed but not engaged in the practice of pharmacy 5. have paid the *fees* specified by the board; 6. have passed the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination *(MPJE)* 7. be *interviewed by* members of *the board*

The BOP Shall ______ Pharmacy techs who are:

Register performing pharmacy functions under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Board Meetings:

SC BOP typically meets 5x per year January March June September November - BOP meetings are open to the public

TRUEor FALSE? It is legal to fax a Schedule II prescription for patients residing in long-term care (LTC) facilities and/or hospice patients.


Reciprocity Process: It is important to note that SC does require...

That your original pharmacy license remain active in order for your SC license to remain valid

Board Committees

The BOP has multiple committees made up of: - a Board Member chairperson - pharmacists - pharmacy technicians from various practice settings across the state 1. Compounding committee 2. Legislative Committee 3. Nuclear Pharmacy Committee 4. Pharmacy Technician Committee 5. Practice & Technology Committee, etc. 6. Recovering Professionals Program (RPP) 7. Participate in Healthcare Collaborative

Medication Errors:

The SC Pharmacy Practice Act does not have a mandatory error reporting clause - however, if any other entity is involved in the medication error (physician, hospital, liability insurance company, etc.) then there is a good chance the error will be reported.

The Purpose of the SC BOP according to the "SC Pharmacy Practice Act"

The purpose of the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy is to *promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare* by and through the effective control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy.

Pharmacist's corresponding liability/responsibility:

a SC registered pharmacist *may not* dispense a CS prescription if the pharmacist knows or should have known the Rx was issued *without a valid patient-practitioner relationship*

A pharmacist may not serve as a PIC unless:

he/she is physically present in the pharmacy a sufficient amount of time to provide supervision and control.

Duties of the PIC: Maintains and files with the Board...

on a form provided by the Board, a current list of all pharmacy technicians assisting in the provision of pharmacy services

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