Scalco test - porn and gay stuff
Catechism on cohabitation
"Human love does not tolerate trial marriages, it demands a total and definitive gift of persons to one another" (CCC 2391)
Debated ARTs
Tubal Ovum Transfer: perforated condom used to collect sperm
Super normal stimulus
when organisms prefer an excessive stimulus to the normal stimulus
Artificial reproductive technology
Homosexual sexual acts
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are just ________, not real things
Homosexual big ideA
- homosexual and heterosexual do not really exist, they are constructs
Why homosexual constructs aren't helpful
1) they are dishonest about the fact that they are constructs 2) that have made doing moral theology and ethical philosophy harder- because we forget about the simple marital-procreative standard for sexuality 3) they have led to moral confusion- young people agonizing over "figuring out their sexual identity" 4) these constructs are at odds with the freedom for which Christ has set us free
Morally acceptable ARTs
Any medicine, procedure, or method that increases a couples fertility naturally and makes it more likely to conceive through the marital act
Deliberate intervention by use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures with he express intention of preventing the conception of new life, which might occur through sexual intercourse
Premarital sex
Intimate relations between relatives or in-laws
Morally Wrong ARTs
Intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, zygote intra-fallopian transfer (ZIFT), gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT)
Living together with someone you are sexually active with as a kind of trial marriage
Free union
Living together with someone you are sexually active with without the purpose of marriage
Sexual sins
Masturbation, pornography, premarital sex, oral and anal sex, contraception, sterilization, homosexual sex, artificial reproductive technologies
Direct sterilization
Permanent contraception, a surgical act done for the purpose of preventing someone from being able to produce children
Pulling out
What determines what makes you a male or female with a transgender mentality
Natural family planning
The practice of achieving or avoiding pregnancy according to an informed awareness of a woman's fertility
Orientation essentialism
The way our culture thinks of homosexuality and heterosexuality we are one way or other or both
Immodesty in dress
Using clothing to sexuality yourself or to inspire sexual arousal
When someone's gender identity does not conform to the sex they were assigned at birth
Impure thoughts/desire
Willfully entertaining sexual thoughts, in addition, we should do our best to avoid sexually provocative images on the internet and on tv