Terrestrial planets
A terrestrial planet is a planet that is made of mainly rocks or metals with a hard surface. The 4 planets closest to the sun are terrestrial planets
Jupiter is the 5th closest planet to the sun and is the biggest planet in our solar system. It is named after roman god Jupiter(God of the sky, thunder and the king of the roman gods.) Jupiter has 79 moons. Jupiter is known for its Great Red Spot. It is a gas giant
Saturn in the 6th closest planet to the sun and is the second largest planet in our solar system. It is named after the roman god Saturn(The god of sowing and seeds. He is known for eating his children.) Saturn has 82 moons and is known for its big, bright wings. It is also a gas giant
Uranus is the 7th closest planet to the sun and is the 3rd biggest planet in our solar system. Uranus is named after the Greek god Uranus(The first god of the sky.) Uranus has 27 moons. In 1781, Uranus become the first planet(other then earth) to be discovered. It is an ice giant.
Venus is the 3rd smallest planet in our solar system and the 2nd closest to the sun. It is named after the roman goddess Venus(She is the goddess of love and beauty.) Venus does not have any moons. 1 Venus year is 225 year years. Venus can get up to 880°F due to its dense atmosphere that traps the heat.
Ice giants
A gas giant is a planet made up of mostly hydrogen and helium.
Earth is the 4th smallest planet in our solar system and the third closest to the sun. Earth is named after the Germanic word "earth" meaning ground. Earth has one moon. Earth is the only planet that has known life on it.
Mars is the 2nd smallest planet inn our solar system and the 4th closest to the sun. It is named after the Roman god Mars(He is the god of war.) Mars has 2 moons. People think Mars is suitable for human life once technology gets better.
a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
a natural luminous body visible in the sky especially at night
Gas giants
An ice giant is a planet made up of mostly elements heavier then helium and hydrogen.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun. It is named after the roman god Mercury(He is the messenger of the gods and the god of travel and thieves.) Mercury does not have any moons. 1 Mercury year is 88 Earth days.
Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and is the fourth biggest planet in the solar system. Neptune is named after the roman god Neptune(He is the god of the sea and the god of horses.) Neptune has 14 moons. Neptune is also an ice giant