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The following method is intended to return a string containing the character at position n in the string str. For example, getChar("ABCDE", 2) should return "C". /* missing precondition */ public String getChar(String str, int n) { return str.substring(n, n + 1); } Which of the following is the most appropriate precondition for the method so that it does not throw an exception?

/* Precondition: 0 <= n <= str.length() - 1 */

Consider the following code segment. int a = 5; int b = 4; int c = 2; a *= 3; b += a; b /= c; System.out.print(b); What is printed when the code segment is executed?


Consider the following code segment. int a = 5; int b = 8; int c = 3; System.out.println(a + b / c * 2); What is printed as a result of executing this code?


Consider the following while loop. Assume that the int variable k has been properly declared and initialized. while (k < 0) { System.out.print("*"); k++; } Which of the following ranges of initial values for k will guarantee that at least one "*" character is printed? k < 0 k = 0 k > 0

I only

In the code segment below, assume that the int variable n has been properly declared and initialized. The code segment is intended to print a value that is 1 more than twice the value of n. /* missing code */ System.out.print(result); Which of the following can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that the code segment works as intended? int result = 2 * n;result = result + 1; int result = n + 1;result = result * 2; int result = (n + 1) * 2;

I only

Which of the following expressions evaluate to 7 ? 9 + 10 % 12 (9 + 10) % 12 9 - 2 % 12

II and III

In the Toy class below, the raisePrice method is intended to increase the value of the instance variable price by the value of the parameter surcharge. The method does not work as intended. public class Toy { private String name; private double price; public Toy(String n, double p) { name = n; price = p; } public void raisePrice(double surcharge) // Line 12 { return price + surcharge; // Line 14 } Which of the following changes should be made so that the class definition compiles without error and the method raisePrice works as intended?

Replace line 14 with price += surcharge;.

Consider the following code segment, where k and count are properly declared and initialized int variables. k++; k++; count++; k--; count++; k--; Which of the following best describes the behavior of the code segment?

The code segment leaves k unchanged and increases count by 2.

In the code segment below, assume that the int variables a and b have been properly declared and initialized. int c = a; int d = b; c += 3; d--; double num = c; num /= d; Which of the following best describes the behavior of the code segment?

The code segment stores the value of (a + 3) / (b - 1) in the variable num.

Consider the following Bugs class, which is intended to simulate variations in a population of bugs. The population is stored in the method's int attribute. The getPopulation method is intended to allow methods in other classes to access a Bugs object's population value; however, it does not work as intended. public class Bugs { private int population; public Bugs(int p) { population = p; } public int getPopulation() { return p; } } Which of the following best explains why the getPopulation method does NOT work as intended?

The instance variable population should be returned instead of p, which is local to the constructor.

Consider the following class definition. public class Password { private String password; public Password (String pwd) { password = pwd; } public void reset(String new_pwd) { password = new_pwd; } } Consider the following code segment, which appears in a method in a class other than Password. The code segment does not compile. Password p = new Password("password"); System.out.println("The new password is " + p.reset("password")); Which of the following best identifies the reason the code segment does not compile?

The reset method does not return a value that can be printed.

Consider the following class definition. The class does not compile. public class Player { private double score; public getScore() { return score; } // Constructor not shown } The accessor method getScore is intended to return the score of a Player object. Which of the following best explains why the class does not compile?

The return type of the getScore method needs to be defined as double.

Consider the following class definition. public class ItemInventory { private int numItems; public ItemInventory(int num) { numItems = num; } public updateItems(int newNum) { numItems = newNum; } } Which of the following best identifies the reason the class does not compile?

The updateItems method is missing a return type.

Consider the following code segment. num += num; num *= num; Assume that num has been previously declared and initialized to contain an integer value. Which of the following best describes the behavior of the code segment?

The value of num is the square of twice its original value.

Consider the following code segment, which is intended to print the digits of the two-digit int number num in reverse order. For example, if num has the value 75, the code segment should print 57. Assume that num has been properly declared and initialized. /* missing code */ System.out.print(onesDigit); System.out.print(tensDigit); Which of the following can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that the code segment works as intended?

int onesDigit = num % 10; int tensDigit = num / 10;

Which of the following statements stores the value 3 in x ?

int x = 8 % 5;

Consider the following method, which is intended to return the product of 3 and the nonnegative difference between its two int parameters. public int threeTimesDiff (int num1, int num2) { return 3 * (num1 - num2); } Which, if any, precondition is required so that the method works as intended for all values of the parameters that satisfy the precondition?

num1 >= num2

Consider the following code segment. int a = 4; int b = 5; a++; b++; int c = a + b; a -= 1; System.out.println(a + c); What is printed when the code segment is executed?


Consider the following code segment. int x = 5; x += 6 * 2; x -= 3 / 2; What value is stored in x after the code segment executes?


Consider the following class definition. public class FishTank { private double numGallons; private boolean saltWater; public FishTank(double gals, boolean sw) { numGallons = gals; saltWater = sw; } public double getNumGallons() { return numGallons; } public boolean isSaltWater() { if (saltWater) { return "Salt Water"; } else { return "Fresh Water"; } } } Which of the following best explains the reason why the class will not compile?

The value returned by the isSaltWater method is not compatible with the return type of the method.

The following code segment is intended to interchange the values of the int variables x and y. Assume that x and y have been properly declared and initialized. int temp = x; /* missing code */ Which of the following can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that the code segment works as intended?

x = y; y = temp;

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