How many times has Something Royal given birth?
what year does the movie start?
How many lengths did Secretariat win by?
31 lengths
How many wins did Secretariat win in four months?
Where does a good colt come from?
A good mare and sire
Who are the two mares impregnated from?
Bold Ruler
How does a trainer make his money?
Commissions, 10% of winnings
what is the Pro and con of Bold Ruler?
Great speed, low stamina
Why is Mrs. Tweedy mad at Mr. Jensen the horse trainer?
He disrespected her and didn't stop the sale of the horses when it was a bad deal.
What did Mr. Laurin say was wrong with Big Red
He eats too much, sleeps to much, is stubborn, and starts off leaning too far back in the gate.
What was so different about Secretariats start to the final race in the Triple Crown?
He took the lead instead of falling back.
Why does Mrs. Tweedy's brother believe that selling the horse farm is the best option?
It's been losing money for years
Who thought of the name for Big Red
Ms. Ham
What is the Triple Crown Race?
Preakness Stake's, Kentucky Derby, and Belmont States.
What is Big Red's new name that was finally accepted?
What happened at the Wood Memorial Race? What was affecting Secretariat's racing?
Secretariat got third, he had an abscess.
What happens in the final quarter race of the Kentucky Derby?
Secretariat pulls ahead into first place.
What does Mrs. Tweedy intend to do to pay off the inheritance tax?
Sell exclusive breeding rights to 32 shareholders.
Why is Mrs. Tweedy in the racing industry?
She's Secretariat's voice.
In the coin toss what colt did Mrs. Tweedy get?
Something Royal
What does Mr. Laurin give to Mrs. Tweedy at the ball?
The coin Mrs. Tweedy used to get Secretariat.
What was unique about the colt after it was born?
The colt stood up right after it was born.
For the third and final race of the Triple Crown, what does Mr. Laurin decide to do in order to prepare Secretariat for the race?
They pushed him instead of letting him rest.
What has been wrong with the colts of Bold Ruler
They're long on speed but short on stamina.
What is the importance of the coin toss?
To see who gets what foal
What is the suggestion to pay off the inheritance tax?
To sell Secretariat
What happened to the last horse that Ron Turcotte rode?
it ran so hard it's heart burst.
Did Secretariat win his first race? why or why not?
no, the jockey who ran him didn't have enough experience.
what is the con of Something Royal?
Why did Mrs. Tweedy choose Lucien Laurin.
they both loved winning
Did Secretariat win the Saratoga race of 1972?
what is the pro of Hasty Matilda?