Senior Comp (1) and (4)

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If an individual III-3 were to have a daughter, what is the probability that the daughter would receive the disease trait from her mother (III-3)?


If individuals III-3 and III-6 were to produce a son, what is the probability that the son would be affected with the disease?


In garden peas, the allele for tall plants (D) is completely dominant to the allele for dwarf plants (d) and the allele for violet flower color (W) in completely dominant to the allele for white flower color (w). In a cross between a tall violet plant, with the genotype DDWw, and a dwarf white plant, what phenotypic ratio of the progeny would be expected from this cross?

1 tall violet: 1 tall white

Approximately what fraction of the human genome encodes proteins?


5' ATCAGCGCTGGC3' The above sequence of DNA is part of a gene. How many amino acids are coded for by this segment? a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 d. 20


In certain breeds of dogs, deafness Is due to a recessive allele (d) of a particular gene, and normal hearing is due to its dominant allele (D). what percentage of the offspring of a normal heterozygous (Dd) dog and have a deaf dog (dd) would be expected to have normal hearing? a. 0% b. 25% c. 50% d. 100%


Which of the following most accurately describes a retrotransposon?

A DNA sequence that replicates via an RNA intermediate

A DNA strand with the sequence 5' CGA TTG 3' would be complementary to the sequence

A DNA strand with the sequence 5' CGA TTG 3' would be complementary to the sequence

An Arabidopsis line that produced flowers with carpel identity in all four whorls would most likely have mutation(s) in

A and B class genes

A healthy person sitting at rest consciously begins to breathe too fast. Which of the following describes the change in the person's blood caused by this hyperventilation?

A decrease in partial pressure of carbon dioxide and a decrease in concentration of hydrogen ions

Which of the following best explains how mutations in DNA can result in the expression of a new phenotype?

A different polypeptide is produced.

The crouching of very young birds in response to a predator's shape overhead is an example of

A fixed action pattern

Monoclonal antisera are distinguished from polyclonal antisera in which of the following ways?

A monoclonal antiserum contains antibodies secreted from the descendants of a single B lymphocyte; a polyclonal antiserum contains antibodies secreted from the descendants of different B lymphocytes.

Earth has undergone some catastrophic changes from time to time. Which of these most likely explains why life on Earth continued following these catastrophes? a. Dominant species had a slow mutation rate. b. Many species filled the same niche. c. A strong species had many different characteristics. d. A wide diversity of species existed.

A wide diversity of species existed.

The fight-or-flight response includes greater heart output and a rise in blood pressure. This response is due to a. Insulin secreted by the pancreas. b. Thyroxine secreted by the thyroid gland. c. Oxytocin secreted by the pituitary gland d. Adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands.

Adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands.

Fur color in cats is controlled by an autosomal gene that can occur in the dominant form, (B), or the recessive form, (b). The length of the cat's fur is controlled by another autosomal gene that occurs in the dominant form, (S), or the recessive form, (s). The table below shows the traits for these allele codes. B black fur b white fur S short-haired fur s long-haired fur The following genotypes were found in a male cat and a female cat. BbSs (male) bbSS (female) Which one of the following choices is true of the phenotype of offspring from these parents? a. All offspring will have black fur b. All offspring will have white fur c. All offspring will have long-haired fur d. All offspring will have short-haired fur

All offspring will have short-haired fur

There are many different enzymes located in the cytoplasm of a single cell. How is a specific enzyme able to catalyze a specific reaction? a. Different enzymes are synthesized in specific areas of the cytoplasm. b. Most enzymes can catalyze many different reactions. c. An enzyme binds to a specific substrate (reactant) for the reaction catalyzed. d. Enzymes are transported to specific substances (reactants) by ribosomes.

An enzyme binds to a specific substrate (reactant) for the reaction catalyzed.

Which of the following is typically NOT found in normal somatic cells of a human male?

An inactivated X chromosome

Which of these best illustrates natural selection? a. An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully. b. A population monopolizes all of the resources in its habitat, forcing other species to migrate. c. A community whose members work together utilizes all existing resources and migratory routes d. The largest organisms in a species receive the only breeding opportunities.

An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully.

In carrier pigeons there is a rare inherited condition that causes the death of the chicks before hatching. In order for this disease to be passed from generation to generation there must be parent birds that a. Are heterozygous for the disease b. Have the disease themselves c. Produce new mutations for this disease d. Are closely interbred

Are heterozygous for the disease

Individuals with HIV sometimes contract a pneumonia infection that is rare in the rest of the population because people with HIV a. Are unable to fight off these pneumonia-causing organisms. b. Are more often exposed to these pneumonia-causing organisms. c. Release pheromones that attract the pneumonia-causing organisms. d. Release substances that increase the strength of the pneumonia-causing organisms.

Are unable to fight off these pneumonia-causing organisms.

Complete burning of plant material returns carbon primarily to the a. Herbivores. b. Water. c. Vegetation. d. Atmosphere.


Which of the following is the most likely mode of inheritance for the disease trait?

Autosomal dominant

Which of the following cells are typically necessary for the production of a maximal humoral response upon initial exposure to a protein antigen?

B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and dendritic cells

How do human diseases caused by bacteria and diseases caused by viruses react to antibiotics? a. Neither responds to antibiotics. b. Both respond to antibiotics. c. Viral diseases respond to antibiotics; bacterial diseases do not. d. Bacterial diseases respond to antibiotics; viral diseases do not.

Bacterial diseases respond to antibiotics; viral diseases do not.

Experiments on song development in birds have shown that when a young male reared in isolation hears only the song of a different bird species, he will develop an adult song repertoire that lacks certain characteristics typical of his own species. This result shows that the song of his species is most likely

Both instinctive and learned

Both C4 and CAM plants employ physiological and biochemical strategies to reduce photorespiration. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two strategies?

C4 plants fix CO2 in the mesophyll but carry out the Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath, while CAAM plants fix CO2 and carry out the Calvin cycle in the mesophyll.

5' G T A _ _ _ A A 3' 3' C A T G C A T T 5' The above segment of DNA has undergone a mutation in which three nucleotides have been deleted. A repair enzyme would replace them with a. CGT b. GCA c. CTG d. GTA


All of the following statements about muscle contraction are true EXCEPT:

Calcium-tropomyosin binding precedes actin-myosin binding

Which of the following sets of reaction occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast in plant cells?

Calvin cycle

Which of the following contain DNA sequences required for the segregation of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis?


The clear protein of an egg white becomes opaque and firm when cooked because the heat a. Mutates the DNA b. Turns the protein into carbohydrates c. Stops protein formation d. Changes the protein structure.

Changes the protein structure.

Which of the following provides visual evidence of genetic recombination during meiosis?


Which molecule in plant cells first captures the radiant energy from sunlight? a. Glucose b. Carbon dioxide c. Chlorophyll d. Adenosine triphosphate


Targeting of a newly synthesized protein is most likely to require two different signal peptides for which of the following destinations?


Which of the following is the most direct cause of polyteny in somatic cells of certain organisms?

Chromosome replication without cell division

The action of an inhibitor that diminishes the rate of catalysis by binding reversibly at the active site is best describe as


The respiratory system depends on the nervous system for signals to a. Enhance the amount of available oxygen in the lungs. b. Coordinate muscles controlling breathing. c. Release enzymes to increase the exchange of gases. d. Exchange gases with the circulatory system.

Coordinate muscle controlling breathing

Portions of the DNA sequences of normal and mutant B-globin genes are shown above. The most plausible explanation for why the indicated mutation (changing an A to a G) results in the disease B-thalassemia is that the mutation

Creates a new splice site, so that a portion of the intron is not removed

How do cyanobacteria differ from green unicellular algae?

Cyanobacteria have no nuclei

Which of the following techniques could be used to demonstrate protein binding to specific DNA sequences?

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay

Double fertilization is a unique feature of flowering plants. In this process, one sperm unites with the egg to yield a zygote. The second sperm unites with the polar nuclei to initiate the formation of the


A plant that possesses swimming sperm, xylem with tracheids, independent gametophyte and sporophyte phases, and no seeds is probably most closely related to


The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects plants, and a portion of its DNA is inserted into the plant's chromosomes. This causes the plant to produce gall cells, which manufacture amino acids that the bacterium uses as food. This process is a natural example of a. Polyploidy b. Genetic manipulation c. Grafting d. Hybridization

Genetic manipulation

Fossil evidence suggest that a number of members of one fish species from an ancient lake in Death Valley, California, became several isolated species. Each of these new species lived in a different pond. Which of the following best explains that cause of this speciation? a. Episodic isolation b. Temporal isolation c. Geographic isolation d. Behavioral isolation

Geographic isolation

Mendel hypothesized that reproductive cells have only one factor for each inherited trait. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that a. Haploid cells are produced by mitosis b. Diploid cells are produced by mitosis c. Haploid cells are produced by meiosis d. Diploid cells are produced by meiosis

Haploid cells are produced by meiosis

Eukaryotic cells are differentiated from prokaryotic cells because eukaryotic cells a. Are much smaller b. Have permeable membranes c. Have a higher rate of reproduction d. e. Have nuclei

Have nuclei

Stabilization of the unique coiled structure of an alpha helix in a protein is primarily attributed to

Hydrogen bonding between the peptide backbone atoms

A cell nucleus contains which of the following?

I, II, and III (DNA, Protein,RNA)

Which of the following would increase the rate at which a gas diffuses between the alveoli of the lung and blood within a pulmonary capillary?

Increasing the total surface area available for diffusion

What is the greatest danger to a patient who has had damage to the skin? a. Loss of oils produced by the skin b. Excessive muscle contractions in the damaged area c. Infections in uncovered tissues d. Damages tissue entering the blood stream

Infections in uncovered tissues

A species of finch has been studied on one of the geographic isolated Galapagos Islands for many years. Since the island is small, the lineage of every bird for several generations is known. This allows a family tree of each bird to be developed. Some family groups have survived and others have died out. The groups that survive probably have a. Interbred with other species. b. Inherited some advantageous variations. c. Found new places on the island to live. d. Been attacked by more predators

Inherited some advantageous variations.

Mouse sperm contain receptor proteins that bind to a glycoprotein (ZP3) in the zona pellucida of mouse eggs. Binding of ZP3 receptors to ZP3 initiates the sperm's acrosomal reaction. All of the following experimental observations would be expected EXCEPT:

Injecting eggs with antibodies that bind to ZP3 blocks in vitro fertilization.

Genetic engineering has produced goats whose milk contains proteins that can be used as medicines. This effect was produced by a. Mixing foreign genes into the milk. b. Injecting foreign genes into the goats' udders c. Inserting foreign genes into fertilized goat eggs. d. Genetically modifying the nutritional needs of the goats' offspring.

Inserting foreign genes into fertilized goat eggs.

Mitochondria isolated and placed in a buffered solution with a low pH begin to manufacture ATP. Which of the following is the best explanation for the effect of low external pH?

It increases diffusion of H+ from the intermembrane space to the matrix.

Which of the following best describes meiosis? a. It is carried out in all tissues that require cell replacement. b. It occurs only in cells in the reproductive structures of the organism. c. It happens in all tissues except the brain and spinal cord. d. It is the first stage of mitosis.

It occurs only in cells in the reproductive structures of the organism.

A small population of chimpanzees lives in a habitat that undergoes no changes for a long period. How will genetic drift probably affect this population? a. It will accelerate the appearance of new traits. b. It will promote the survival of chimpanzees with beneficial traits. c. It will increase the number of alleles for specific traits. d. It will reduce genetic diversity.

It will reduce genetic diversity.

After a volcanic eruption has covered an area with lava, which of the following is the most likely order of succession in the repopulation of the area? a. Lichens → grasses → shrubs → trees b. Mosses → grasses → lichens →trees c. Grasses → trees → mosses → lichens d. Shrubs →grasses → trees → lichens

Lichens → grasses → shrubs → trees

The first stage of photosynthesis in a chloroplast is a. Light-dependent. b. Temperature-dependent c. Glucose-driven d. ATP-driven


During the mammalian cardiac cycle, a volume of blood equivalent to ventricular stroke volume is transferred from the more compliant venous side to the less compliant arterial side of the circulation. In terms of pressures within the venous and arterial compartments, this transfer results in

Little effect on venous pressure and a large increase in arterial pressure

What causes tomatoes to ripen much more slowly in a refrigerator than they do if left on a table at room temperature? a. Tomatoes need sunlight to ripen. b. Humidity accelerates the ripening process. c. Low temperatures reduce the action of ripening enzymes. d. Enzymes produced by bacteria inhibit ripening.

Low temperatures reduce the action of ripening enzymes.

A strand of mRNA containing the repeating sequence AAGAAGAAGAAG could code for which of the following amino acid sequences? a. Lys-arg-glu-lys b. Ser-ser-glu-glu c. Lys-arg-lys-arg d. Lys-lys-lys-lys


Many marine birds drink seawater yet maintain their internal osmolarity at a constant level that is hypoosmotic to seawater. Which of the following physiological strategies best explains how the birds maintain their tissue osmolarity?

Marine birds excrete salts through specialized salt-exchange glands and excrete small volumes of urine.

A computer model of cellular mitosis can simulate the aspects of cellular division quite well. However, microscopic observation of actual cellular mitosis can improve understanding because actual observations a. May reveal greater unknown complexities b. Are easier than a computer model to view c. Are the same each time d. May provide division events in sequence.

May provide division events in sequence

Phalloidin is a toxin made by the death cap mushroom. The toxin binds to actin subunits and disrupts actin function. Which of the following structures would be most directly affected by phalloidin?


A cell from heart muscle would probably have an unusually high proportion of a. Lysosomes b. Mitochondria c. mRNA d. Golgi bodies


In aerobic respiration, the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) takes place in a. Chloroplasts b. Nuclei c. Lysosomes d. Mitochondria


Mutations within a DNA sequence are a. Natural processes that produce genetic diversity b. Natural processes that always affect the phenotype c. Unnatural processes that always affect the phenotype d. Unnatural processes that are harmful to genetic diversity.

Natural processes that produce genetic diversity

In the presence of alcohol dehydrogenase, the rate of reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol increases as the concentration of acetaldehyde is increased. Eventually, the rate of the reaction reaches a maximum, after which point further increases in the concentration of acetaldehyde have no effect. Which of the following is true at the maximal rate of reaction?

Nearly all of the enzyme molecules are interacting with acetaldehyde molecules.

If the activity of an enzyme is constant over a broad range of pH values, it is likely that

No ionizing groups on the enzyme or substrate participate in the reaction

The following pairs were placed in solution together. Which tow could be separated by performing low-speed centrifugation?

Nuclei and secretory vesicles

A healthy individual is a carrier of a lethal allele but is unaffected by it. What is the probable genotype of this individual? a. Two dominant normal alleles b. One recessive lethal allele and one dominant lethal allele c. One recessive lethal allele and one dominant normal allele d. One dominant lethal allele and one recessive normal allele

One recessive lethal allele and one dominant normal allele

Which of the following is the correct anatomical order of structures in the mammalian female reproductive tract?

Ovary, uterus, vagina, rete

A stem-boring beetle has laid its eggs in the center of a 5-year old wood twig, and the eggs have matured into larvae. In proper order (inside to outside), what tissues and tissue regions would the larvae encounter as they eat their way toward the outside of the twig? (For simplicity, assume that the epidermis has already fallen off completely.)

Pith; primary xylem; secondary xylem; vascular cambium; secondary phloem; primary phloem; cortex

Which of the following statements about mitochondria and chloroplasts is generally true?

Plants have both chloroplasts and mitochondria; animals and fungi have only mitochondria

The Sabin vaccine is a liquid containing weakened polio viruses. Vaccinated individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses a. Prevent further viral invasion. b. Induce an inflammatory response. c. Promote production of antibodies. d. Are too weak to cause illness.

Promote production of antibodies

A scientist puts nucleotide chains of UUUUUU in a test tube under conditions allowing protein synthesis. Soon the test tube is full of polypeptide chains composed of only the amino acid phenylalanine. What does this experiment indicate? a. The amino acid phenylalanine is composed of uracil. b. UUU codes for the amino acid phenylalanine c. Protein synthesis malfunctions in test tubes. d. Most proteins contain only one type of amino acid.

Protein synthesis malfunctions in test tubes.

In fruit flies, the gene for red eyes (R) is dominant and the gene for sepia eyes (r) is recessive. What are the possible combinations of gene in the offspring of two red-eyed heterozygous flies (Rr)? a. R R only b. r r only c. Rr and rr only d. RR, Rr, and rr only

RR, Rr, and rr only

Striking the tendon just below the kneecap causes the lower leg to jerk. Moving an object quickly toward the face can cause the eyes to blink shut. These are examples of a. Learned responses. b. Short-term memory. c. Reflex reactions. d. Sensory overload.

Reflex reactions

When an influenza virus enters a cell, it immediately starts to do which of the following?

Replicate its genetic material and synthesize viral proteins

In most stable freshwater environments, populations of Daphnia are almost entirely female and reproduce asexually. However, males are observed in low oxygen environments or when food is scarce. Based on these observations, a researcher suggest that male Daphnia develop in response to unfavorable environmental conditions. This is an example of a a. Result b. Theory c. Procedure d. Hypothesis


Proteins destined to be secreted move through the secretory pathway in which of the following orders?

Rough ER → Golgi transport vesicle → Golgi cisternae → secretory vesicle→ Cell surface

If wild type Arabidopsis were transformed with a chimeric gene composed of a C class promoter fused to a B class coding sequence, which of the following arrangements (outer to inner) would be predicted?

Se Pe St St

The cell membrane of the red blood cell will allow water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and glucose to pass through. Because other substances are blocked from entering, this membrane is called a. Perforated. b. Semi-permeable. c. Non-conductive. d. Permeable.


Although there are a limited number of amino acids, many different types of proteins exist because the a. Size of a given amino acid can vary. b. Chemical composition of a given amino acid can vary. c. Sequence and number of amino acids is different. d. Same amino acid can have many different properties.

Sequence and number of amino acids is different

Which of the following is a function of the nervous system? a. Releasing ATP into contracting muscle tissues b. Signaling muscle tissues to contract c. Producing lactic acid in fatigued muscle tissues d. Increasing cellular respiration in muscle tissues

Signaling muscle tissues to contract

In eukaryotic photosynthetic cells, which of the following occurs when electrons flow cyclically through the electron transport chain associated with photosystem I?

Synthesis of ATP

Scientist found that, over a period of 200 years, a mountain pond was transformed into a meadow. During that time, several communities. Which of these best explains why new communities were able to replace older communities? a. The original species become extinct. b. Species in the older community died from old age. c. The abiotic characteristics of the habitat changed. d. Diseases that killed the older organisms disappeared.

The abiotic characteristics of the habitat changed.

If a human baby boy inherits a recessive allele from his mother, in which circumstance would he most likely show the trait coded for the by recessive allele? a. The baby inherits the dominant allele from his father. b. The allele is on an autosomal chromosome and the baby is a twin. c. The allele is on the X chromosome. d. The allele is on the Y chromosome.

The allele is on the X chromosome.

In an experiment, the first cleavage plane of an amphibian zygote was manipulated so that the gray crescent was contained in only one of the two blastomeres that were then separated. What is the expected fate of the blastomeres?

The blastomere with the gray crescent will form a complete, but small, embryo

Which of the following tissues in an actively photosynthesizing plant would have the highest rate of oxygen production?

The evaporation of water from leaf mesophyll cells generates tension in the water column

In cloning experiments on the frog Xenopus laevis, nuclei were removed from intestinal cells of tadpoles and transplanted into zygotes whose nuclei had been removed. A small percent of these zygotes developed into normal frogs, suggesting that

The genomes of all somatic cells are equivalent

Which of these would most likely cause a mutation? a. The place of ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum b. The insertion of a nucleotide into DNA c. The movement of transfer RNA out of the nucleus d. The release of messenger RNA from DNA

The insertion of a nucleotide into DNA

A single species of squirrel evolved over time into two species, each on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon. This change was most likely due to a. Higher mutation rates on one side. b. Low genetic diversity in the initial population. c. The isolation of the two groups. d. Differences in reproductive rates.

The isolation of the two groups

Which of the following best explain why enzymes are effective in facilitating chemical reactions?

The lower the activation energy, thereby speeding up the conversion of reactants to products.

The ability of the brain to detect differences in stimulus intensity is best explained by the fact that which of the following varies with the stimulus intensity?

The number of action potentials per second

Evidence that sea urchins are more closely related to frogs than they are to snails is that echinoderms and chordates share which of the following embryological features?

The pore that forms the mouth develops after the pore that forms the anus.

Rabbits introduced into Australia over 100 years ago have become a serious pest to farmers. Rabbit populations increased so much that they displaced many native species of plant eaters. What is the most logical explanation for their increased numbers? a. Rabbits have a high death rate. b. There are few effective predators. c. Additional rabbit species have been introduced. d. There is an increase in rabbit competitors.

There are few effective predators

In chloroplasts, a certain protein is found in the lumen of the thylakoid (thylakoid space). It is transcribed in the nucleus and synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. How many membrane bilayers must this protein cross to reach its final location?


In humans, a hereditary disorder called xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) can result in the inability to repair ultraviolet damage to DNA. Which of the following molecular lesions is most likely to accrue in individuals with XP?

Thymine dimers

Which of these secretes a hormone that regulates the rate of metabolism of the body? a. Spleen b. Cerebrum c. Thyroid d. Kidney


Mutation of homeotic cluster genes often results in which of the following developmental defects in Drosophila?

Transformation of one segment into another

If a corn plant has a genotype of Ttyy, what are the possible genetic combinations that could be present in a single grain of pollen from this plant? a. Ty,ty b. TY, ty c. TY, Ty, ty d. Ty, ty, tY, TY


Which of the following is encoded by the src oncogene and catalyzes the specific addition of phosphate groups to cellular proteins?

Tyrosine kinase

A base sequence is shown below ACAGTGC How would the base sequence be coded on mRNA? a. TGTCACG b. GUGACAU c. UGUCACG d. CACUGUA


Two students were testing the amount of fertilizer that would best promote the growth of strawberries in a garden. Which of the following could be an unavoidable source of experimental error? a. Length of the study b. Variation in the strawberry plants c. The cost of watering the plants d. Fertilization during the study.

Variation in the strawberry plants

Which of the following require a host cell because they are not able to make proteins on their own? a. Blue-green algae b. Bacteria c. Protozoans d. Viruses


Which of the following sources makes the greatest contribution to the dry mass of organic matter contribution to the dry mass of organic matter that comprises an oak tree?

Water that is taken up by the roots and carbon dioxide from the air

Which of the following plant cells undergoes programmed cell death to become functional?

Xylem vessel member

Is surrounded by: a rigid coat of cellulose Has: a well defined nuclear: DNA Contains: mitochondria: chloroplast ______59. Which of these best completes this concept map? a. An animal cell. b. A prokaryotic cell. c. A virus. d. A plant cell.

a plant cell

All of the following may serve as intracellular messengers EXCEPT


If a paleontologist finds fossils of many different species existing in the same area at approximately the same time, the paleontologist can conclude that the ecosystem in this area had a high degree of a. Climatic variation. b. Episodic speciation. c. Biological diversity. d. Geographic isolation.

biological diversity

Which of these organisms would most likely be found at the top of an energy pyramid? a. Clams b. Sardines c. Sharks d. Kelp


In order for the body to maintain homeostasis, the chemical decomposition of food to produce energy must be followed by a. Water intake. b. Muscle contractions. c. Waste removal. d. Nervous impulses

waste removal

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