Sentence Correction: Relative Clauses - Overview

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As surprising as it may seem, in the medium-long term Iceland is one of the places that ☺are most likely to benefit from☺ global warming. are most likely to benefit from is most likely to benefit from are likely to benefit from is likely to benefit from are most likely to benefit

A Correct!

When ☺releasing an animal that has lived in captivity back into a wild environment, zoologists can never be sure whether it will successfully adapt to its new habitat.☺ releasing an animal that has lived in captivity back into a wild environment, zoologists can never be sure whether it will successfully adapt to its new habitat an animal that has lived in captivity is released back into a wild environment, zoologists can never be sure if it will successfully adapt to its new habitat releasing an animal back into a wild environment that has lived in captivity, zoologists can never be sure whether it will successfully adapt to its new habitat an animal is released back into a wild environment that has lived in captivity, zoologists can never be sure if it will successfully adapt to its new habitat an animal that has lived in captivity is released back into a wild environment, zoologists can never be sure whether it will successfully adapt to its new habitat or not

A Great! The relative clause that has lived in captivity should immediately follow the noun it modifies, namely, animal.

A consistent rise in emissions of carbon dioxide over the past two centuries suggest that the industrial revolution, which was driven by energy derived from fossil fuels, is a chief cause of global warming. suggest that the industrial revolution, which was driven by energy derived from fossil fuels suggesting that because it was driven on energy derived from fossil fuels, the industrial revolution suggests that the industrial revolution which was driven by energy derived from fossil fuels is a suggestion that the industrial revolution, which was driven by fossil-fuel energy suggests that the industrial revolution, which was driven by energy derived from fossil fuels

A Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect, because the plural verb suggest does not agree with the singular subject rise. What helps identify this question as a Subject Verb Agreement question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: A long, complex subject or a great distance between subject and verb E Well done! This answer choice corrects the original Subject Verb Agreement mistake by changing the plural verb suggest to the singular verb suggests.

☺John, who is a 28 year old man, asked Jane to marry him and was devastated when she turned down his proposal.☺ John, who is a 28-year-old man, asked Jane to marry him and was devastated when she turned down his proposal John asked Jane, who is a 28-year-old man, to marry him and was devastated when she turned his proposal down John, a 28-year-old man, asked Jane to marry him and were devastated when she turned down his proposal John, who is 28-year-old man, asked Jane to marry him and was devastated when she turned down his proposal John, who is 28, have asked Jane to marry him and was devastated when she turned down proposal

A Very good! Note that some answer choices use the phrase turned down his proposal while others use turned his proposal down. Both are correct. +++++++++++++ D This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The singular noun man requires an article (e.g., a man, the man). E This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The singular subject John does not agree with the plural verb have. Note that stylistically, this answer choice is better than the original sentence as it is more concise: John, who is a 28 year old man, asked... = John, who is 28, have... However, grammar overrides style. While the correct answer can be stylistically flawed (i.e., redundant or ambiguous), it can NEVER be grammatically incorrect.

Publication of the French Encyclopédie, ☺which was meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, began in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot☺, was suspended in 1759 by decree of the French government, after which work continued in secret until completion of the opus in 1772. which was meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, began in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, which was meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, began in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, and meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, begun in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, and meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, which was begun in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, and meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought and begun in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, and it

A Very good! You took 1 minutes and 56 seconds to answer this question. Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The subject of the sentence, Publication of the French Encyclopédie, is followed by a parallel construction (A and B) of two verbs: began and was suspended, but these verbs lack a connector: Publication of the French Encyclopédie ... (A) began ... [and?] (B) was suspended ... B Well done! This answer choice corrects the grammatical mistake in the original question by adding the connector and before the second verb in the sentence's main clause (began....and was suspended). ++++++++++++ C Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the grammatical mistake in the original sentence, it creates another grammatical mistake, by incorrectly changing began to begun. Begun is a non-conjugated V3 form of the verb begin (e.g. has begun, were begun..), so it cannot be used where a conjugated verb is required. D Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect because it creates a fragment. Adding the relative pronoun which turns everything that follows it to a relative clause and leaving no conjugated verb in the main clause: Main clause: Publication of the French Encyclopédie [ no main verb! ] Modifer: ,meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought, Relative clause: which was begun in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, and was suspended in 1759 by decree of the French government, after which work continued in secret until completion of the opus in 1772. E Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect because it creates a fragment: the first main clause in this sentence is missing a conjugated verb. First Main clause: Publication of the French Encyclopédie [ no main verb! ] Modifer: ,meant to represent the best of Enlightenment thought and begun in 1751, first under the editorship of Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves and later under that of Denis Diderot, [ still no main verb! ] and Second Main clause: it was suspended in 1759 by decree of the French government, after which work continued in secret until completion of the opus in 1772.

A Giffen good ☺is a product that experiences a rise in demand alongside a rise in the retail price although the term refers to one of the economic theories that do☺ not necessarily occur in the real world. is a product that experiences a rise in demand alongside a rise in the retail price although the term refers to one of the economic theories that do is a product that experiences a rise in demand alongside a rise in the retail price although the term refers to one of the economic theories that does means rising demands for a product alongside rising retail prices for that product although the term refers to one of the economic theories that do is a product that experiences a rise in demand alongside a rise in the retail price although the term is one of the economic theories that do is a rising in demand of a product alongside a rise in the retail price although the term refers to one of the economic theories that do

A You underestimated the time this question took you. You actually solved it in 1 minutes and 34 seconds. Superb! This answer choice maintains Parallelism by matching the subject (Giffen good) with a noun (product). +++++++++++ B This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The relative clause that does not necessarily occur in the real world describes the noun that appears immediately before it, namely, theories. Since theories is plural, the verb that follows it also needs to be plural. However, does is singular. What helps us identify this question as a Relative Clause question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: one of the + plural noun + who/which/that Whenever you see this Stop Sign, make sure that the following verb is plural. C This answer choice is grammatically incorrect due to a Parallelism error. Whenever you come across a sentence containing the structure A is/means B make sure that: (A) A and B are grammatically parallel (i.e., of the same part of speech). (B) A and B are logically parallel. In this answer choice, A is a noun (Giffen good) whereas B is a present participle (ing verb rising). What helps us identify this kind of Parallelism error and correct it is the following Stop Sign: A is/means B D This answer choice is illogical. The subject of the second part of the sentence is the term. A term cannot be an economic theory. We cannot say that a word or term is something or other, but a word or term can refer to/define/describe something or other. What helps us identify this mistake is the following Stop Sign: The word/term... (it) is... Whenever we see this Stop Sign, we know that the topic that the question checks is pronouns, specifically using refers to/defines/describes after the word/term (and not is). E This answer choice is grammatically incorrect due to a Parallelism error. Whenever you come across a sentence containing the structure A is/means B make sure that: (A) A and B are grammatically parallel (i.e., of the same part of speech). (B) A and B are logically parallel. In this answer choice, A is a noun (Giffen good) whereas B is a verbal phrase (a rising). What helps us identify this kind of Parallelism error and correct it is the following Stop Sign: A is/means B

While some economists propose that agricultural land be used to help solve the energy crisis by converting arable land from foods to bio-fuel, a majority of analysts believe that bio-fuels should be produced only from non-food crops, ☺whose use will impact the environment less.☺ whose use will impact the environment less the use of which will have a lesser impact on the environment having less of an impact on the environment if used lessening the impact of its use on the environment with lower environmental impacts of using them

A You underestimated the time this question took you. You actually solved it in 1 minutes and 43 seconds. Well done! This answer choice makes correct and unambiguous use of the possessive relative pronoun whose to refer to the use of non-food crops: non-food crops' use == use of non-food crops --> non-food crops whose use This answer choice also concisely expresses the meaning of the sentence by using the verb impact and the adverb less. +++++++++++++ the use of which will have a lesser impact on the environment Incorrect. This answer choice is stylistically flawed. The phrase the use of which will have a lesser impact is wordy and redundant. Look for an answer choice that is more concise. having less of an impact on the environment if used Incorrect. This answer choice is stylistically flawed. It unnecessarily makes use of the conditional (if used) within the modifying clause having less of an impact. This construction also creates ambiguity, as it is not clear what if used refers to - the environment or non-food crops. Similarly, the use of the participle clause having less of an impact is ambiguous as it could refer to analysts, bio-fuels, or non-food crops. lessening the impact of its use on the environment Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The pronoun its does not agree with the plural noun it is meant to refer to - non-food crops. with lower environmental impacts of using them Incorrect. This answer choice is stylistically flawed. The use of the pronoun them is ambiguous, as it could refer to analysts, bio-fuels, or non-food crops. In addition, the use of the preposition with is also awkward and confusing, as it is not clear what with refers to.

If consumed in moderation, compositional analysis of certain types of alcoholic beverage, such as red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals they can be healthy, as they contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can prevent the development of cancer and protect organ tissue. If consumed in moderation, compositional analysis of certain types of alcoholic beverage, such as red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals they can be healthy, as they contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can prevent the development of cancer and protect organ tissue If consumed in moderation, compositional analysis of red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals alcoholic beverages of this type can be healthy, which contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can prevent the development of cancer and protect organ tissue Compositional analysis of red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals that certain types of alcoholic beverages contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can be healthy, prevent the development of cancer, and protect organ tissue, if consumed in moderation Certain types of alcoholic beverages such as red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey that contain phytochemicals and flavonoids, as revealed by compositional analysis, can be healthy if consumed in moderation, prevent the development of cancer, and protect organ tissue Certain types of alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey, can be healthy if consumed in moderation; compositional analysis reveals that they contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can prevent the development of cancer and protect organ tissue

A You underestimated the time this question took you. You actually solved it in 2 minutes and 39 seconds. Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. It begins with a modifier (If) consumed with moderation which should be placed right next to the noun it describes. The only noun that this modifier can logically modify is alcoholic beverage but what immediately follows the modifier is compositional analysis (which cannot be consumed). What helps us identify this question as a Dangling Modifier question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: A modifier, characterized by all of the following: 1. Verb+ing or Verb in 3rd form 2. Separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma 3. Appears at the very beginning of the sentence Whenever you see this Stop Sign, focus on the modifier: check whether the noun right after the modifier is indeed the noun that the modifier describes. If it isn't - you've found your mistake. Note that unlike most modifiers you've encountered, the modifier in this question is preceded by if. Although if is a Stop Sign that indicates a conditional sentence, this sentence is an exception. Here, if does not form a conditional clause because it is not followed by a conjugated verb. E Excellent work! This answer choice corrects the Dangling Modifier mistake by placing the modifier if consumed in moderation next to the phrase can be healthy. This way, the entire phrase can be healthy if consumed in moderation correctly modifies Certain types of alcoholic beverage. +++++++++++++++ If consumed in moderation, compositional analysis of red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals alcoholic beverages of this type can be healthy, which contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can prevent the development of cancer and protect organ tissue Incorrect. This answer choice repeats the original Dangling Modifier mistake. It begins with a modifier (If) consumed with moderation which should be placed right next to the noun it describes. The only noun that this modifier can logically modify is alcoholic beverage but what immediately follows the modifier is compositional analysis (which cannot be consumed). In addition, the relative clause which contain phytochemicals and flavonoids is also intended to modify the noun alcoholic beverages. In this answer choice, however, it follows the adjective healthy. Compositional analysis of red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey reveals that certain types of alcoholic beverages contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that can be healthy, prevent the development of cancer, and protect organ tissue, if consumed in moderation Incorrect. This answer choice is stylistically flawed and changes the meaning of the original sentence. It ends with a modifier: (If) consumed with moderation, but the placement of the modifier makes it ambiguous because it could grammatically refer to many nouns in the sentence: analysis, certain types of alcoholic beverages, phytochemicals and flavonoids, cancer, and organ tissue. However, the only noun that this modifier can logically modify is alcoholic beverages. In addition, this answer choice changes the meaning of the original sentence by using the relative clause that can be healthy, etc. to modify phytochemicals and flavonoids, whereas the original sentence states that certain types of alcoholic beverage... can be healthy. Certain types of alcoholic beverages such as red wine, brandy, gin, malted beer and even whiskey that contain phytochemicals and flavonoids, as revealed by compositional analysis, can be healthy if consumed in moderation, prevent the development of cancer, and protect organ tissue Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the original Dangling Modifier mistake, it is grammatically incorrect and changes the meaning of the original sentence. The defining relative clause that contain phytochemicals and flavonoids is used to modify the noun whiskey (which immediately precedes it). However, the plural verb contain does not agree with the singular noun whiskey. This use of the defining relative pronoun that also changes the meaning, since the original sentence describes all of the beverages in the list as containing phytochemicals and flavonoids - not only whiskey.

During the process of photosynthesis, some of the light energy absorbed by chlorophylls is stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); the rest is used for the removal of the electrons in water, ☺to then be used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds.☺ to then be used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds which are then used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds which are then used in the reactions, turning carbon dioxide into organic compounds then used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds which the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds then use

B Very good! You took 1 minutes and 10 seconds to answer this question. Excellent work! This answer choice corrects the ambiguity in the original question by using a relative clause (which are then used) instead of the non-conjugated form to be used, making it clear that electrons are used in the chemical process. The corrected sentence also makes the sequence clear: first the electrons in water are removed and then used in the chemical reaction. Note that in this construction, the complex noun phrase electrons in water is plural (similar to x of y subject), and is correctly modified by the relative clause which are then used, which uses a plural verb (are). ++++++++++++++++ to then be used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds Incorrect. This answer choice is stylistically flawed. The phrase to then be used is ambiguous and confusing, because it is not clear what it refers to, what will then be used - light energy or electrons? which are then used in the reactions, turning carbon dioxide into organic compounds Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the original ambiguity by using a relative clause (which is then used) instead of the non-conjugated form to be used, it introduces a change of meaning. In the original phrase reactions that turn carbon dioxide [...], the relative pronoun that is used to define what kind of reactions these are. By changing that turn to turning and separating it with a comma the phrase tuning carbon dioxide [...] seems to describe the entire situation of using electrons, thereby conveying a different meaning. then used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds Incorrect. This answer choice repeats the original stylistic flaw. The phrase then used is ambiguous and confusing, because it is not clear what it refers to, what is later used - light energy or electrons? which the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds then use Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the original ambiguity, it changes the meaning of the original sentence. The original sentence states that electrons are used in the chemical reactions (i.e. the electrons are a part of the reactions), while this sentence states that the reactions are the ones who use the electrons (i.e. the reactions are those who manipulate the electrons).

A relative clause, as you already know by now, modifies (i.e., describes) the noun that appears right before it. For example, in the following sentence, the relative clause who loves Jane modifies John: John, who loves Jane, has just turned 28. The relative clause modifies which noun in the following sentence? John is one of the people who have not voted in the last elections. John one people

C Correct!

The orange, ☺which probably originates from the pomelo species, contains high amounts of Vitamin C, as many citrus fruits.☺ which probably originates from the pomelo species, contains high amounts of Vitamin C, as many citrus fruits which probably has origins from the species of the pomelo, contains high amounts of Vitamin C, as many citrus fruits do which probably originates from the pomelo species, contains high amounts of Vitamin C, as many citrus fruits do who probably originates from the pomelo species, contains Vitamin C in high amounts, as many citrus fruits do which probably originates from the pomelo species, contains, as many citrus fruits, high amounts of Vitamin C

C Good job! This answer choice corrects the original Comparative error by adding a verb (do) to the As section.

Written by Benjamin Nugent and published in 2008, American Nerd is a lively and entertaining ☺book, in which the author lays his own social flaws☺ on the line, asking the reader to consider whether they are really flaws at all. book, in which the author lays his own social flaws book, in which the author lays his own socially flaws book, in whom the author lays his own social flaws book, in which the author lays his own socializing flaws book, in whom the author lays his social flaws

C This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The relative pronoun whom can only be used to describe humans. What helps us identify this question as a Relative Clause question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: who, which, that, whose, whom A Good!

Established in 1945 upon the demise of the League of Nations, the United Nations' General Assembly, comprised of all the ☺nations who are signatories to the UN charter, plays a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and environmental protection. ☺ nations who are signatories to the UN charter, plays a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and environmental protection signatories to the UN charter, play a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and protect the environment nations that are signatories to the UN charter, plays a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and environmental protection nations, which were signatories to the UN charter, plays a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and environmental protection nations that are signatories to the UN charter, is playing a crucial role in sustaining international agreements concerning human rights, global trade, and environmental protection

C Well done! This answer choice corrects the pronoun mistake in the original sentence by replacing the pronoun who at the beginning of the relative clause with that. Remember that who can only refer to a human subject. In this sentence, Nations is the non-human subject to which the relative pronoun refers. ++++++++++++ B Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The plural verb play does not agree with the singular subject Assembly. Even though assembly is a collection of people, it remains as a singular unit, NOT a plural one. In addition, this answer choice introduces a parallelism mistake by changing the noun phrase environmental protection appearing at the end of list of parallel noun phrases (human rights, global trade, and environmental protection), with the verb protect. What helps us identify the mistake in this answer choice is the following Stop Sign: A list of 3 items or more, separated by commas and and/or before the last item. E Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the pronoun mistake in the original sentence by changing the relative pronoun who to that, it introduces a new mistake by unnecessarily changing the verb plays in the Present Simple tense to is playing in the Present Progressive tense. The Present Simple is appropriate for describing facts or generalizations, as in this sentence. The Present Progressive is used for describing actions that are in progress at the moment, and is inappropriate in the context of this sentence.

Autism is one of the neurological disorders that ☺create confusion and parents are often unsure if their child is affected by such a developmental disability.☺ create confusion and parents are often unsure if their child is affected by such a developmental disability create confusion and parents are often unsure whether their child is affected by such a developmental disability or not creates confusion and parents are often unsure whether their child is affected by such a developmental disability create confusion and parents are often unsure whether their child is affected by such a developmental disability creates confusion and often parents are unsure whether their child is affected by a developmental disability of this sort

D Nice work! This answer choice correctly replaces if with whether since there is no condition present in the original sentence.

John works for ☺a company who was established☺ 23 years ago. a company who was established company that was established company which was established a company that was founded a company who was founded

D Well done! This answer choice correctly uses the relative pronoun that to refer to the non-human noun company. Replacing the word established with founded does not change the meaning, as the two words mean the same thing.

The Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee, ☺who held a ceremony in 2005, announced that the slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games would be☺ "One world, one dream". who held a ceremony in 2005, announced that the slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games would be which held a ceremony in 2005, announced that the slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games would be which held a ceremony in 2005, announced that the slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games is which held a ceremony in 2005, announced that the slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games will be who, in 2005, held a ceremony, announced that 2008 Olympic Games slogan would be

D While this answer choice corrects the original Relative Clause error by using the correct relative pronoun to refer to a non-human noun, it is grammatically incorrect. In Reported Speech, when the reporting verb is in the Past tense (announced), the following conjugated verbs should also be in the Past. However, will be is in the Future. What helps us identify this question as a Reported Speech question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: Reported Speech with a reporting verb in Past tense B Very well done! This answer choice corrects the original Relative Clause error by using the correct relative pronoun (which) to refer to a non-human noun (The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee).

Established by several venture capital investors from Silicon Valley in 1999, HDT is one of the first companies that ☺has explored and applied the Internet marketing technology.☺ has explored and applied the Internet marketing technology has explored and applied the Internet marketing technologies have explored and applied the Internet marketing technologies have explored and applied the Internet marketing technology has explored and applied Internet marketing technology

D You overestimated the time this question took you. You actually solved it in 41 seconds. Good!

Inspired by Hegel and later developed by Marx, the dialectical method is a style of philosophical reasoning which presents a thesis, ☺only to be countered by its antithesis, and finally is resolved by means of an ultimate synthesis☺ that integrates elements of the first two phases. only to be countered by its antithesis, and finally is resolved by means of an ultimate synthesis counters the thesis with an antithesis, and arrives at a resolution by means of an ultimate synthesis countering with its antithesis, and then synthesizing an ultimate resolution is then countered by an antithesis, whose ultimate resolution is by means of a synthesis counters with an antithesis, resolves by means of an ultimate synthesis

D You slightly overestimated the time this question took you. You actually solved it in 2 minutes and 41 seconds. Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect and illogical. It breaks the original 3-item list by connecting the last two items with the relative pronoun whose. As a result, the new 2-item list is missing the connector and. In addition, the relative clause whose ultimate resolution... is placed right after the noun antithesis but this changes the meaning of the sentence, in which the resolution was of the philosophical reasoning and not just the antithesis. A Incorrect. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The parallelism (list) in the sentence requires that all items be grammatically parallel. However, items A and C are conjugated verbs (presents, is resolved) whereas item B is a prepositional phrase (only to be countered). What helps us identify this question as a Parallelism question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: A list of 3 items or more, separated by commas and and/or before the last item. In addition, this answer choice is stylistically flawed. Using the passive form (to be countered, is resolved) creates redundancy. B Excellent work! This answer choice corrects the logical mistake by creating a parallel construction of three conjugated verbs presents, counters, and arrives (which logically match the subject a style of philosophical reasoning). This answer choice also corrects the original stylistic flaw by changing the passive constructions to be countered and is resolved to the active voice. +++++++++++++ C Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects the original stylistic flaw, it repeats the original Parallelism mistake. The parallelism (list) in the sentence requires that all items be grammatically parallel. However, item A is a conjugated verb (presents) whereas items B and C are unconjugated verbs (countering, synthesizing). E Incorrect. While this answer choice corrects both the original Parallelism mistake and the stylistic flaw, it creates a new Parallelism mistake. The parallelism (list) in the sentence requires that all items be separated by commas only, except for the last item, which is also preceded by and/or. Here, however, there is no and before resolves.

Defining Relative Clauses

Defining relative clauses (also called restrictive relative clauses) give detailed information defining a general term or expression. The information provided in a defining relative clause is crucial in understanding the meaning of the sentence. NOTE: Defining relative clauses are not put in commas. Example: People who are under 18 cannot vote in the elections. The purpose of a defining relative clause is to clearly define who or what we are talking about. Without this information, it would be difficult to know who or what is meant. Let's omit the relative clause: People cannot vote in the elections. This is a totally different sentence with a very different meaning.

☺John, that deeply loves Jane, has☺ asked her to marry him. John, that deeply loves Jane, has John, that deeply love Jane, has John, who deep loves Jane, has John, that deeply loves Jane, have John, who deeply loves Jane, has

E Correct!

During a dangerous journey through the Himalayas, a fearsome beast ☺suddenly leapt on one of the members of the expedition, whose fangs and claws were stained with blood.☺ suddenly leapt on one of the members of the expedition, whose fangs and claws were stained with blood suddenly leapt on one of the members, whose fangs and claws were stained with blood, of the expedition whose fang and claw was stained with blood suddenly leapt on one of the members of the expedition suddenly leapt on the members of the expedition, whose fangs and claws were stained with blood whose fangs and claws were stained with blood suddenly leapt on one of the members of the expedition

E Correct! The relative clause whose fangs and claws were stained with blood should immediately follow the noun it modifies, namely, beast. +++++++++++++++ A This answer choice is illogical. The relative clause whose fangs and claws were stained with blood is intended to modify the noun beast. However, it follows the noun one of the members of the expedition. What helps us identify this question as a Relative Clause question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: who, which, that, whose, whom B This answer choice is illogical. The relative clause whose fangs and claws were stained with blood is intended to modify the noun beast. However, it follows the noun one of the members. What helps us identify this question as a Relative Clause question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: who, which, that, whose, whom Furthermore, this answer choice splits the compound noun one of the members of the expedition. A modifier can only appear before and after a noun but not within it. C Although it corrects the original relative clause mistake, this answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The plural subject fang and claw does not agree with the singular verb was. What helps us identify this mistake is the following Stop Sign: A plural subject that is made up of singular nouns connected by and D This answer choice is illogical. The relative clause whose fangs and claws were stained with blood is intended to modify the noun beast. However, it follows the noun the members of the expedition. What helps us identify this question as a Relative Clause question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign: who, which, that, whose, whom In addition, changing the noun from one of the members to the members also changes the meaning of the original sentence.

One should work for a company who one believes in. who one believes in that he believes in that one believes that they believe in that one believes in

E Great work! This answer choice corrects the original Relative Clause mistake by using that to modify a non-human noun (company).

Salvador Dali and especially Pablo Picasso ☺was known for not only their artistic talent but also their financial success☺ as artists. was known for not only their artistic talent but also their financial success were known for not only their artistic talent but their financial success were known for not only their artistic talent but also succeeding financially were known for their artistic talent but also for their financial success were known for not only their artistic talent but also their financial success

E Nice work! This answer choice corrects the original Subject Verb Agreement error by replacing was with were. In addition to this, it correctly uses the structure not only X...but also Y.

☺The Oklahoma City Police Department is questioning two suspects who their fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime.☺ The Oklahoma City Police Department is questioning two suspects who their fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime The Oklahoma City Police Department is questioning two suspects, whom their fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime The Oklahoma City Police Department is questioning two suspects, of which fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime Two suspects, whose fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime, are being questioned by the Oklahoma City Police Department The Oklahoma City Police Department is questioning two suspects whose fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime

E That's the way! There is a possessive relationship between the suspects and the fingerprints: the fingerprints belong to the suspects. This answer choice corrects the original Relative Clause mistake by using the correct relative pronoun (whose) in the case of a possessive relationship.

Each of the five relative pronouns - who, which, that, whose, and whom - can and should be used under certain circumstances only. Using a relative pronoun outside these circumstances constitutes a grammatical mistake and is cause for elimination of the answer choice that so uses it. The correct choice of relative pronoun is influenced by several factors. In some cases, as in who, whom and which, the choice depends on whether the relative clause describes humans (who, whom) or non humans (which). In other cases, it is a question of the syntactic function (i.e., subject or object) of the noun that the relative clause describes in the relative clause. Finally, the use of that and which is also affected by whether the relative clause is a separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. Let's go over each relative pronoun and see exactly when it should be used.

Let's review the correct use of who Who is used to describe humans only. Correct: The man who loves Jane very much has asked her to marry him. Incorrect: The pen who was bought yesterday cost 50 dollars.

Let's review the correct use of whom

Like who, whom is used to describe humans only. We use who as default and will use whom instead in the following cases: 1. A preposition (a linking word such as to, from, by, with, near, about, of, under, over,) appears between the noun and the relative clause that modifies it. Example: Jane, with whom John is in love, is a lawyer. The relative clause modifies the noun right before it, namely, Jane. The preposition with appears between Jane and the relative clause that modifies Jane. 2. The noun that the relative clause modifies is not the subject of the relative clause, but rather its object. Example: Jane, whom John loves, is a lawyer. As always, the relative clause modifies the noun right before it, namely, Jane. However, Jane is not the subject of the relative clause - John is. Jane is the object of the relative clause: John loves Jane.

And now for non-defining relative clauses

Non-Defining Relative Clauses Non-defining relative clauses (also called non-restrictive relative clauses) give additional information on something, but do not define it. Put differently, they provide additional information which is not essential to understanding the meaning of the sentence. NOTE 1: Non-defining relative clauses are put in commas. Correct punctuation is essential in non-defining relative clauses. If the non-defining relative clause occurs in the middle of a sentence, a comma is put before the relative pronoun and at the end of the relative clause. If the non-defining relative clause occurs at the end of a sentence, a comma is put before the relative pronoun. Examples: John, who loves Jane, has just turned 28. John loves Jane, who is 31 years old. NOTE 2: In non-defining relative clauses, who/which may not be replaced with that. Example: Correct: John, who loves Jane, has just turned 28. Incorrect: John, that loves Jane, has just turned 28.


That is used to describe both human and non-humans, but it can only be used in defining relative clauses. Correct: The boy that dived to get the pearl could not find it. Incorrect: The boy, that dived to get the pearl, could not find it.

Last but not least - that and which

The bottom line is the following: that (when used as a relative pronoun) cannot appear after a comma while which must appear after a comma. In this, that and which are different from all other relative pronouns, which can follow a comma or not follow a comma. Now, here's the complete story. Relative clauses can be divided into two categories: defining and non-defining.

Like an adjective, a relative clause is used to modify (i.e., describe) a noun. Unlike an adjective, which is a single word, a relative clause is longer and so provides more information. Example: John, who loves Jane very much, has asked her to marry him. In this example, the relative clause who loves Jane very much modifies the noun John. A relative clause begins with one of the following words, called relative pronouns: who, which, that, whose, whom Each of these words constitutes a Stop Sign. Whenever we see one of them in a Sentence Correction question, we need to check whether the use of the relative clause in the sentence is correct.

The relative clause should appear immediately after the noun it modifies. Otherwise, the sentence's meaning is distorted, as in the following example: Incorrect: John is drinking coffee, who is very tired. The relative clause who is very tired describes John, but appears after another noun - coffee. The easiest, simplest, most obvious way of correcting this mistake is to place the relative clause right after the noun it modifies: Correct: John, who is very tired, is drinking coffee.


Which is used to describe non-humans only and, to top it all off, it can only be used in non-defining relative clauses. Correct: John's house, which was painted yesterday, looks great. Incorrect: John's house which was painted yesterday looks great. Incorrect: The pen which was bought yesterday cost 50 dollars.

Let's review the correct use of whose

Whose is used to describe possession. It can describe both humans and non-humans. We use it when the noun modified by the relative clause possesses something mentioned in the relative clause. Examples: John, whose last name is Brown, has just turned 28. Facebook, whose initial target audience was college and university students, was launched on February 4, 2004.

Continue to Stop Sign and rule This is rather tricky stuff, so we need to remember it. Our Stop Sign is:

one of the + plural noun + who/which/that Whenever we see this structure, we have to make sure that the following verb is A...singular B....plural B Indeed, it should be plural. The rule is as follows: one of the + plural noun + who/which/that + plural verb. Examples: Incorrect: Microsoft is one of the companies that is affected by software piracy. Correct: Microsoft is one of the companies that are affected by software piracy.

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