Sexual violence

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Stipulations of the Romeo and Juliet clause?

* The actor cannot be more than 3 years older than the victim * The victim was older than 14 years of age at the time the offense occured * The actor was not at the time registered or required to register for life as a sexual offender. * The conduct did not constitute incest * Neither the actor nor the victim would commit bigamy by marrying the other.

How many gay men and women will experience harassment/sexual assault?

* Twenty-six percent of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experience rape, physical violence, and or stalking by a partner over their lifetime.

What are characteristics of sexual violence perpetrators?

* almost 98% of offenders are male, with only 2% being female.

How does the CDC define sexual violence?

* completed or attempted penetration of a victim * completed or attempted alcohol/drug-facilitated penetration of a victim. * Completed or attempted forced acts in which a victim is made to penetrate a perpetrator or someone else. * Completed or attempted alcohol/drug facilitated acts in which a victim is made to penetrate a perpetrator or someone else. * Non-physically forced penetration * unwanted sexual contact *non-contact unwanted sexual experiences

What is the difference between victim versus survivor?

* may be more accurate term to define the person as a victim of a crime, survivor is a term that is used to define the person as having survived the crime and moving forward.

Training for sexual violence in law enforcement includes?

*understand dynamics of rape and sexual assault. Training includes understanding the victim they will encounter, common reactions and responses victims may have, types of violence that may occur during assaults, and patterns of perpetrators.

Treatment for PTSD?

-support groups -talk about the experience, but don't push -medications may be helpful -assertion training -clinical-assisted emotional disclosure -cognitive processing therapy -eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, prolonged exposure therapy, stress inoculation therapy, and supportive psychotherapy.

The three most common drugs used to facilitate sexual assault are?

1. Alcohol 2. Prescription (tranquilizers, muscle relaxers) 3. street drugs

Considerations for counselors should consider the following guidelines:

1. Do not ignore the strong spiritual 2. Help clients see the benefits of their religious coping skills 3. If clients are experiencing negative coping skills, avoid dealing with the problems, barganing with God, help them develop more positive religious coping skills meaning through religious beliefs, helping others, or religious activities

What is important to remember about rape?

1. First, rape is but one form of sexual assault. 2. Second, physical force is not always used during rape; perpetrators may use other types of force, such as emotional pressure, psychological pressure, or manipulation. 3. Third, there are several types of rape, including acquaintance rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault, intimate partner sexual violence, and statutory rape.

What are a wide range of emotions that victims may experience?

1. Guilt about surviving the attack 2. self-blame about not being able to stop the attack 3. shame if they chose not to report the assault 4. humiliation with family and friends 5. anxiety about another attack 6. depression that manifests as an inability to return to normal functioning to daily life. * Victims may report feeling emotionally numb and being unable to reconnect with the world around them.

What is the PRACTICE acronym?

1. Psychoeducation 2. Relaxation and stress management skills 3. Affective expression and modulation 4. cognitive coping and processing 5. Trauma narration 6. in vivo mastery of trauma 7. con-joint child parent sessions 8. Enhancing future safety and development.

What are ways in which drugs facilitate sexual assault?

1. The sexual assault occurs after the victim has voluntarily used alcohol and/or drugs 2. The perpetrator uses a drug to incapacitate the person.

Victims response to information does not fit their schema?

1. alter the information or distort in some way to fit into their existing schema. 2. change the existing schema to accept the new information.

What are examples of non-contact sexual experiences?

1. being forced into sexual situations (e.g. viewing pornography). 2. sexual harassment through verbal comments or behaviors either in person or through technology 3. Threats of sexual violence to obtain money or sex 4. filming, taking, or disseminating sexual explicit material without someone's knowledge

What three aspects should counselors consider when considering treatment for sex offenders?

1. client dynamics 2. treatment settings 3. treatment modality First, clients dynamics must be assessed through a comprehensive psychological evaluation that includes demographics, family background, medical history, education level, Second, appropriate treatment settings should be considered. Sex offenders enter the mental health system through either the criminal justice or health care system. Lastly, there are specific treatment modalities that may be effective when treating sex offenders. Available treatment modalities include counseling, psychoeducation behavior modification and cognitive-behavioral approaches, and incapacitation

What is stress inoculation training?

1. conceptualization 2. skills acquisition and rehearsal 3. application and follow through. In the conceptualization phase, the counseling relationship is deployed, stressors are evaluated to determine severity, problem solving methods are employed to determine stressors

What is PFA?

1. contact and engage 2. safety and comfort 3. stabilization 4. information gathering 5. practical assistance 6. connection with social supports 7. information on coping support 8. linkage with collaborative services The benefits of PFA are that it can be used by mental health professionals who have been trained in the application of the core actions.

What is EMDR?

1. discussion of the client's history and treatment plan 2. client preparation 3. assessment of the target event 4. desensitization 5. installation 6. body scan 7. closure 8. re-evaluation

Services that are provided at emergency rooms or crisis center?

1. evidence collection 2. medical interventions to treat possible health concerns 3. examinations by SANE nurses. The crisis center may use trained volunteers

To meet the Acute Stress Disorder diagnosis?

1. exposure to the incident that ended in actual or threatened death, injury, or sexual violation (excluding exposure through media sources; e.g. television, movies.) 2. symptoms from categories such as intrusion symptoms 3. disturbance that occurs between between 3 and 5 days following the trauma exposure. 4. significant impairment of important areas of functioning. 5. disturbance that cannot be attributed to medical conditions, substance use, or psychiatric disorder. 6. One of the hallmarks of ASD to extreme anxiety levels that interfere with sleeping patterns, physical energy, and the ability to complete tasks.

Several common reactions that may occur in treatment?

1. fear and anxiety 2. re-experiencing the trauma through nightmares or flashbacks. 3. increased arousal such as impatient or irritability 4. avoidance of situations that remind the client of the assault 5. numbness 6. anger 7. guilt and shame 8. depression 9. negative self-image 10. problems with intimate relationships, including issues with sexual pleasure.

Why do victims of sexual violence turn to substances?

1. feelings of shame and guilt or personal responsibility for the sexual assault incident. 2. lacking access to adequate treatment. 3. lacking resources 4. feeling fearful

What increases risk of rape in college-aged women?

1. frequent intoxication to the point of incapacitation 2. single status 3. previous sexual victimizations 4. residing on campus

Examples of special services may include?

1. interpreters for heaing-impaired victims 2. special equipment and supplies to perform a SAFE for victims with physical disabilities 3. an awareness that certain cultures may have their own laws and regulations addressing sexual assault

What are techniques used in groups?

1. introduction and education 2. understanding the meaning of the event 3. identifying thoughts and feelings 4. remembering the incident 5. identifying stock points 6. challenging questions 7. identifying faulty thinking patterns 8. discussing safety issues 9. identifying trust issues 10. identifying power and control issues 11. identifying esteem issues 12. identifying intimacy issues and the meaning of the event.

Specific examples of stalking include?

1. making unwanted phone calls 2. sending unsolicited or unwanted letters 3. Following or spying on the victim 4. showing up at places without a legitimate reason. 5. waiting at places for the victim 6. leaving unwanted items, present, or flowers 7. posting information on spreading rumors about the victim on the Internet, in a public place, or by word of mouth

What are the prime motivators for rape?

1. power 2. anger 3. sadism * The majority of rapes are committed (55%), while anger accounts for 40% and sadism accounts for 5%

Foa and Rothbaum's suggestions to crisis counselors when working with survivors:

1. provide support to the survivor for other issues being dealt with 2. take and maintain a non-judgemental attitude 3. show level of comfort with traumatic events described 4. demonstrate competence with rape trauma syndrome 5. feel confident about the treatment chosen 6. focus on personal resources 7. normalize the response to the assault

What are cognitive behavioral approaches to sexual abuse?

1. psychoeducation about trauma and the effects of trauma 2. behavior techniques such as breathing retraining to reduce anxiety. 3. real-life and imaginal exposure 4. cognitive restructuring

RAINN describes sexual assault as a power and control form, including:

1. rape, 2. attempted rape, 3 forced performance of sexual acts 4. fondling or unwanted sexual touching

According to Groth, what are some misconceptions that exist about rapists?

1. rapists are sexually compuslive males who see women as provocative and malicious 2. rapists are sexually frustrated males reacting to repressed stress. 3. rapists are demented sex fiends who harbor perverted desires

Features of substance use disorder includes?

1. relapse effect 2. rapid changes in behavior 3. problems with impulse control 4. engaging in risky behavior 5. social impairment 6. increases in tolerance of a substance 7. resources for helping victims, perpetrators, and general information for counselors and individuals who work with sexual assault

What are the important functions of volunteers?

1. support survivors during the process of reporting and to help them prepare for future steps. 2. Crisis counselors may participate in this volunteer program, often by providing the services of during regular hours and by preparing, supporting, and supervisors during the process of reporting and to help prepare them for future steps.

What are the effects of sexual violence?

1. the accute phase 2. the reorganization phase * The reorganization phase was a long-term process of integration, during which the victim regained a sense of control over life. * educating victims of common reactions and responses at each stage is crucial.

Examples of negative coping behaviors include?

1. using religion to avoid dealing with problems 2. making bargains with God to make things better 3. feeling dissatisfied with religion after the assault * According to their findings, sexual assault survivors who used positive religious coping behaviors experienced improved well being and less depression that those who used negative religious coping behaviors.

What are examples of positive coping behaviors?

1. using religion to find meaning, comfort, and support 2. engaging in good deeds and helping others 3. involvement in church activities and/or attending religious services

What are statistics on reporting of rape cases?

20% of students and 32% nonstudents did not report rape

What are perpetrators of power-motivated rape?

A power motivated rapist may be attempting to validate strength and control in compensation for feelings of inadequecy

What is rape?

Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape

CBT can be used for sex offenders by?

CBT has also been used to treat offender populations, targeting cognitive distortions, deviant sexual practices and preferences, concurrent nonsexual behavior and social challenges and relapse prevention.

What is criteria for PTSD?

CRITERIA: -exposed to a significant stressor. -the event elicits fear and helplessness -event is re-experienced -avoidance of stimuli associated with stressor -symptoms last more than 1 month -symptoms are persistant and cause distress.

What are long term interventions?

Crisis counselors should perform a thorough evaulation to determine the most appropriate treatment.

What is prolonged exposure therapy?

During exposure therapy, clients with eyes closed, are encouraged to recall the traumatic event in the safety of a counselor's office. These sessions are often recorded to allow the client to review at home in order to continue the repeated exposure to the memories.

What are interventions with survivors of sexual violence?

Early evaluation and intervention are vital for survivors of sexual violence. Typically two facilities provide intervention and evaluation services for victims. The first is the emergency room, where many victims of sexual violence first present themselves after having been physically injured during an attack. Once victims enter the health care system, they are treated for a variety of possible health concerns. The second treatment facility for survivors of sexual violence is a crisis center, which is typically in a different location from the emergency medical facility.

What is the first task of psychological first aid?

First assessment is about the safety of the survivor. Establish rapport. Offer to accompany the victims to the medical exam, Determine the best place for the victim to go, the types of support necessary, and how to implement those strategies.

What is important evidence to collect for sexual abuse cases?

For evidence preservation purposes, it is important for victims not to bathe, wash their hands, or brush their teeth, counselors should be knowledgeable about the need for collecting urine samples in case victims are unable to wait until the forensic examiner arrives. A final aspect of the medical exam involves treating any potential medical conditions that occur due to sexual violence.

An article published by? challenged the myth that stranger rape was the most common form of sexual assault?

Kross (1993)

What is involved in psychoeducation for sex offenders?

Life-skills training involves focusing on several areas which deficiencies may exist, such as sex education, social skills, empathy skills, and emotional regulation. Sex education can help the sex offender understand normal sexual functioning, as most experience sexuality in a dysfunctional social skills training allows sex offenders to understand healthy relationships. Empathy building skills help the sex offender develop sensitivity to people and recognize the needs of others. Possible techniques for inducing empathy include imitation, imagination, or simple identification of emotions. Emotional regulation is important for helping sex offenders cope with anger and aggression, which they typically release via a sexual assault

Why do many victims not disclose their status?

Many victims do not disclose their victim status for many of the same reasons that survivors of sexual assault do not fear guilt, distrust of law enforcement.

What is cognitive processing therapy?

Modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy in which thoughts, feelings, and meanings of the event are revisited and questioned

What are rape myths?

Myth 1. Rape is about sex Myth 2: Victims of rape deserve to be raped due to their appearance or their neglect of safety issues. Myth 3: Victims of sexual assault often make false reports based on revenge. Myth 4: Only strangers lurking in dark alleys commit sexual assaults.

What is behavior modification approaches to sex offenders?

One behavior modification technique is to have an offender masturbate to ejaculation, while fanasizing about an appropriate, nondeviant sexual encounter and partner; then, postorgasm, to have the offender continue to masurbate for an additional hour to a fantasy involving his preferred partner or sexual encounter, thus paiting the pleasurable experience with a socially appropriate partner and the uncomfortable experience with the behavior to be extinguished. Another behavior modification technique is convent sensitization in which guided imagery is used to help the client imagine his offense and then imagine a frightening or disgusting event.

What are physical effects of sexual violence?

Physical reactions to sexual violence can manifest in varying somatic complaints including chronic pain, sleep distrubances, hypervigilance, and impaired memory. Sleep disturbances may range from sleeplessness or frequent waking to excessive amounts of sleeping * cervical answers and genital injuries may occur

Perpetrators of anger-motivated rape?

Sex becomes a weapon through which to release anger, may perform sodemy, falacio, or urinating and ejaculating onto the victim

What is anger motives for rape?

The forced used to rape may exceed what is necessary to subdue the victim and achieve the goal of sexual penetration. This type of attack may take two forms: (1) a suprise attack, catching the victim off guard, or (2) a manipulated approach during which the perpetrator demonstrates a charisma and confidence to make the victim fell secure, only to change suddenly, becoming angry and agressive

What is sadistic rape?

The main goal of the sadistic rape is to achieve gratification through inflicting pain.

Perpetrators of sadistically motivated rape?

The sadistically motivated rape is often premediated and the perpetrator goes to great length to avoid detection * Perpetrator is often personable and friendly and employed

What is intimate partner sexual violence?

Type of violence is rarely reported and most often classified as intimate partner violence, not domestic violence.

What is power motives for rape?

Unlike anger or sadistic rapists, the power rapist may use only the amount of force necessary to subdue his victim.

What is counseling for sex offenders?

Various methods of counseling are used to treat sex offenders. Individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, and marital counseling was used to help clients develop insight into their inappropriate behavior and choices, which are typically thought to be based on internal and emotional conflicts. First, there is no clear evidence that this type of treatment works particularly in isolation Second, clients intellectual functioning can affect their ability to develop insights related to their behavior, in addition, their ability to think abstract as well as their level of self-awareness, is crucial to the success of counseling.

What are emotional psychological effects of sexual violence?

Victim who demonstrate more expressed reactions openly show emotions by crying, screaming, yelling, or even laughing.

What is sexual violence?

a broad term that is used to describe an unwanted sexual act that is perpetrated on an individual without the individual's consent. Forms of sexual violence include sexual assault and rape, unwanted sexual contact and or sexual harrassment, touching, and sexual exploitation

What is group counseling?

a common treatment modality for victims of sexual violence.

What is the US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women developed?

a national protocol for sexual assault forensic exams to recognize the sensitive needs of victims of sexual violence and preserve evidence vital to the successful prosecution of the offenders.

DSM-5 was the first edition of the DSM to include sexual assault as?

a specific traumatic event, which is defined specifically as threatened or actual violence (forced sexual penetration, alcohol/drug-facilitated sexual penetration, abusive sexual contact, noncontact, and sexual trafficking. * 20% of female respondents and 5.2% of male respondents who have experienced sexual contact violence and PTSD.

What is psychological first aid?

a systematic set of skills known for working with victims of recent traumatic event.

What is relaxation training?

a treatment procedure that teaches clients to relax at will so they can calm themselves in stressful situations

How does the CDC define self harm?

an act of injuring oneself intentionally by various methods, such as self-laceration, self-battering, taking overdoess or exhibting dilebrate or reckless behavior with no intent to die, Examples include biting, burning, cutting, hitting the body, pulling out hair, and scratching and picking skin.

Sex Offender-Specific treatment groups should seek to?

and reinforce prosotcial behavior as well as facilitate healthy social interactions. According to Jennings and Demind, cognitive behavioral techniques for such groups should effectively address the behavioral side of CBT. Behaviorally focused techniques include those that prompt group members to engage in self-disclosure, encourage members to identify problem behaviors, enhance members' self-esteem and empathy, and support members in managing deviant thoughts.

Victims of sexual violence may request?

anonymity with reporting and/or responding to an incident may be particularly difficult for school counselors who are ethically obligated to maintain confidentiality. * The school should evaluate the request in the context of its responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students * designating an individual from the school's counseling center to be on call to assist victims of sexual harassment or violence whenever needed * offering counseling, health, mental health, or other holistic and comprehensive victim services to all students affected by sexual harrassment or sexual violence and notifying students of campus and community counseliing, health, mental health, and other student services

What is sexual harassment?

as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affect an individual's employment, unreasonably interfere with an individual's work performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

What are the effects of stalking?

broad from causing extreme personal distress to loss of employment to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Symptoms of depression related to sexual assault were best treated with?

cognitive processing therapy and EMDR therapy with symptoms of anxiety were best treated with assertion training and supportive psychotherapy with information.

What is consent?

consent must be freely given in any sexual experience or contact. Consent is defined as words or actions given by a person who is competent, both legally and functionally. *New movements "It's on Us." * 90% of rape victims were female

According to the ACA Code of Ethics,

counselors practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience.

What are crimes of sexual violence?

defined by a wide variety of acts, which include but are not limited to sexual threats, unwanted sexual contact, and rape

What is the trafficking protection act?

defines minors under the age of 18 years involved in commercial sex acts as victims

What are cognitive behavioral effects of sexual violence?

impaired memory and/or concentration including memory loss or the inability to recall certain details in their lives. They may have marked inability to concentrate on work help and other activities of daily living. Victims of sexual violence may change address to telephone numbers to try to ensure safety

What are strategies for incapaciation?

includes neurosurgery, surgical castration, and imprisonment/ institutionalization. Neurosurgery Sex offenders may vountarily undergo this procedure to help lessen sexual drives. Involuntary castration is extremely controversial, based on legal, moral, and ethical ambiguity. Imprisonment is the most common type of incapacitation

What is the Justice for All Reauthorization Act?

includes the following victim rights: 1. The right to be informed of a plea bargain or prosecution agreement in a timely manner. 2. The right to be informed of one's eligibility to receive victims' rights and services. In addition, victims can receive services from the Victim's Rights Ombudsman of the Department of Justice.

Schools are required to?

investigate any sexual violence that occurs either on or off campus. However, the involvement of law enforcement in any criminal investigation does not absolve the school of responsibility

What is sex trafficking?

is coerced, forced, or deceived into prostitution-or maintained in prostitution through one of these means after intially consenting-that person is a victim of trafficking. Under such circumstances, perpetrators involved in recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining a person for that purpose is responsible for trafficking crimes

What is stalking?

is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.

What is forced penetration?

is defined as physical insertion of body parts and/or objects

What is a commercial sex act?

is defined as prostitution, poronography, and sexual performance done in exchange for any item of value, such as money, drugs, shelter, food, or clothes

What is alcohol/drug-facilitated penetration?

is the term used to describe when a person is penetrated by a body part of other object due to intoxication via use of alcohol or drugs.

What is non physically forced penetration?

occurs when the person's ability to give consent is altered due to verbal pressure, intimidation, or abuse of authority

What is the Rape Prevention and Education program?

overseen by the CDC. Organization was designed to help with prevention efforts providing assistance by means of funding, training, and technical support to agencies and sexual assault coalitions in the United States. *CDC publishes the first edition of the Sexual Violence Survey in 2002

What is the Romeo and Juliet clause?

protects individuals whoa re close in age and not causing harm through manipulation or coercion of another individual

What is the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights oversees Title IX?

provides discrimination based on sex in educational settings.

Victims of child sexual assault are at a higher risk for addiction, which can lead to?

revictimization in adulthood, risk for incarceration, suicide risk, and comorbidity with mental health disorders reported that incarcerated female survivors of child sexual assault are at a higher risk for addiction, which can lead to revictimization in adulthood, risk for incarceration, suicide risk, and comorbidity with mental health disorders.

What is statutory rape?

sexual intercourse with a minor who is below a specified age often called the age of consent. Age of consent ranges from 16 to 18 in different states

Females make up the majority of?

sexual violence cases

Treatment in the area of sex trafficking should focus on?

support and crisis intervention techniques, as well as services for both mental and physical health. Treatment that would best be suited to the victims

The National Eating Disorder speculates?

that as many as 30% of those suffering from eating disorders have experienced sexual violence.

After the conclusion of a sexual abuse investigation,

the case may be turned over to the local prosecutor's office, which may then develop a case to present to a judge and a jury. Victims may be referred to a victim's assistance program to help deal with the personal impact of the trial

What is the term acquaintence in rape cases means?

the victim is not necessairly in an intimate relationship with the perpetrator. Females in early adulthood are four times more likely to be sexually assaulted than females in other age groups.

What is the definition of sexual assault?

wide range of victimizations, separate from rape or attempted rape. These crimes include attacks or attempted attacks generally involving unwanted sexual contact between the victims and offender. Sexual assaults may or may not involve force and include such things as grabbing or fondling. Sexual assault also includes verbal threats.

What is affirmative consent?

yes means yes

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