SIFT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions

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C. The investigation ends after the examination of a word

"As I watched him I was irresistibly reminded of a pure-blooded, well-trained foxhound, as it dashes backwards and forwards through the covert,whining in its eagerness until it comes across the lost scent. For twenty minutes or more he continued his researches, measuring with the most exact care the distance between marks which were entirely invisible to me, and occasionally applying his tape to the walls in an equally incomprehensible manner. In one place, he gathered up very carefully a little pile of grey dust from the floor, and packed it away in an envelope. Finally, he examined with his glass the word upon the wall, going over every little of it with the most minute exactness. This done, he appeared to be satisfied, for he replaced his tape and his glass in his pocket." A. The investigative methods mentioned are easily understandable B. The investigator physically resembles a canine C. The investigation ends after the examination of a word D. The investigation is rushed

A. Incorrect - While the author states this, it is not the main idea. B. CORRECT - The author states, "Ignored by the government, an activist group known as Indians of All Tribes sailed to Alcatraz in the early morning hours with eighty-nine men, women, and children." The author goes on to describe the nineteen-month occupation of the island. C. Incorrect - The author states that up to 600 people joined the occupation. D. Incorrect - The author does not describe any violent action towards protestors. E. Incorrect - While the author does state this, it is not the main idea of the passage.

"When a fire destroyed San Francisco's American Indian Center in October of 1969, American Indian groups set their sights on the recently closed island prison of Alcatraz as a site of a new Indian cultural center and school. Ignored by the government, an activist group known as Indians of All Tribes sailed to Alcatraz in the early morning hours with Eighty-nine men, women, and children. They landed on Alcatraz, claiming it for all the tribes of North America. Their demands were ignored, and so the group continued to occupy the island for the next nineteen months, its numbers swelling up to 600 as others joined. By January 1970, many of the original protestors had left, and on June 11, 1971, federal marshals forcibly removed the last residents." The main idea of this passage is that: A. the government refused to listen to the demands of American Indians B. American Indians occupied Alcatraz in protest of government policy C. few people joined the occupation of Alcatraz weakening its effectiveness D. the government took violent action against protestors at Alcatraz. E. American Indians wanted Alcatraz to be a new cultural center.

E. was late for an important business appointment. This is the only violation that was due to deliberate intent or to inexcusable negligence

A summons is an official statement ordering a person to appear in court. In traffic violation situations, summonses are used when arrests need to be made. The main reason for traffic summonses is to deter motorists from repeating the same traffic violation. On occasion, motorists may make unintentional driving errors and sometimes they are unaware of correct driving regulations. In cases such as these, the policy should be to have the officer verbally inform the motorist of the violation and warn him/her against repeating it. The purpose of this practice is not to limit the number of summonses, but rather to prevent the issuing of summonses when the violation is not due to deliberate intent or to inexcusable negligence. Using the distinctions given in the above passage, the one of the following motorists to who it would be most desirable to issue a summons is the one who exceeded the speed limit because he/she A. did not know the speed limit B. had a speedometer that was not working properly C. speeded to avoid being hit by another car D. was driving a sick person to the hospital E. was late for an important business appointment

A. Incorrect - The author implies that bedbugs transitioned to humans relatively easily. B. Incorrect - The author does not address the impact of light on bedbugs. C. Incorrect - The author explains that the three discovered species still exist today. D. Incorrect - The author does not address the growth rate of bedbug populations E. CORRECT - The author writes, "Humans only lived seasonally in the Oregon cave system, however, which might explain why these insects did not fully transfer to human hosts like bedbugs elsewhere did."

Archaeologists have discovered the oldest known species of bedbugs in a cave in Oregon where humans once lived. The three different species date back to between 5,000 and 11,000 years ago. The finding gives scientists a clue as to how bedbugs became human parasites. These bedbugs, like those that plague humans today, originated as bat parasites. Scientists hypothesize that it was the co-habitation of humans and bats in the caves that encouraged the bugs to begin feeding on the humans. The three species found in Oregon caves are actually still around today, although they continue to prefer bats. Humans only lived seasonally in the Oregon cave system, however, which might explain why these insects did not fully transfer to human hosts like bedbugs elsewhere did. Which of the following claims about bedbugs would the author most likely agree? A. Ancient bedbugs did not easily transition to new animal hosts, slowing their evolution. B. Modern bedbugs that prefer humans thrive better in areas with extensive light. C. Bedbugs are a relatively fragile species that has struggled to survive over time. D. The transition to humans significantly accelerated the growth of bedbug populations. E. Bedbugs that prefer humans originated in caves that humans occupied year-round.

C. had to more complicated systems for data handling. The third sentence states that the techniques of data processing have become highly elaborate and sophisticated with the introduction of computers.

In one form or another, data processing has been carried on throughout the entire history of civilization. In its most general sense, data processing means organizing data so that it can be used for a specific purpose - a procedure commonly known simply as "record-keeping" or "paperwork." With the development of modern office equipment, and particularly with the introduction of computers, the techniques of data processing have become highly elaborate and sophisticated, but the basic purpose remains the same - turning raw data into useful information. According to the above passage, the use of computers has A. greatly simplified the clerical operations of an office B. had no effect on data processing C. had to more complicated systems for data handling D. made other modern office machines obsolete E. reduced the cost of office procedures.

C. competition. Conflict as used in the passage means competition that may be desirable or undesirable in an organization, depending upon whether it is a positive or negative factor in achieving organizational objectives.

Inherent in all organized endeavors is the need to resolve the individual differences involved in conflict. Conflict may be either a positive or negative factor, since it may lead to creativity, innovation, and progress, on the one hand, or it may result, on the other hand, in a deterioration or even destruction of the organization. Thus, some forms of conflict are desirable, whereas others are undesirable and ethically wrong. The word conflict as used in the above passage means most nearly A. aggression B. combat C. competition D. confusion E. cooperation

A. were the result of seeing the European polecat running loose. The first sentence states that the rarely seen black-footed ferret is often confused with the common European polecat. The second sentence indicates that these two mammals resemble each other in some ways.

Mustela nigripes, the rarely seen black-footed ferret, is often confused with Mustela putorius, the common European polecat. It is true that these two mammals resemble each other in some ways. However, they are two distinct and separate species with differences in color, body form, and other attributes. Indeed, it is possible that many sightings of the black-footed ferret A. were the result of seeing the European polecat running loose B. were of species other than the common European polecat C. were made of a related species of the same form and color D. were instead sightings of the Mustela nigripes E. were due to the European polecat destroying their habitat

A. has absorbed words from other languages. The first sentence states that there is scarcely a language spoken among people that has not some representative in English speech

The English language is particularly rich in synonyms, and there is scarcely a language spoken among people that has not some representative in English speech. The spirit of the English-speaking people has subjugated these various elements to one idiom, making not a patchwork, but a composite language. It can be truly stated that the English language A. has absorbed words from other languages B. has few idiomatic expressions C. has provided words for other languages D. is difficult to translate E. is universally used.

B. looking at the spacing and cleanliness of the transcript. The second sentence lists the factors that provide for a good first impression. Spacing and cleanliness of the transcript are included. None of the other options in included among the factors that make for a good first impression.

The recipient gains an impression of a typewritten letter before beginning to read the message. Factors that provide for a good first impression include margins and spacing that are visually pleasing, formal parts of the letter that are correctly placed according to the style of the letter, copy that is free of obvious erasures and over-strikes, and transcript that is even and clear. The problem for the secretary is how to produce that first, positive impression. According to the above passage, the addressee very quickly judges the quality of the typed letter by A. counting the number of erasures and over-strikes B. looking at the spacing and cleanliness of the transcript C. measuring the margins to ascertain whether they are proper D. reading the date line and address for errors E. scanning the body of the letter for meaning.

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