Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Quiz

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What happens in the last part of the second day's hunt? What does the lord give Gawain when he returns home? What does Gawain give the lord? What do they agree on for the third day? What is bothering Gawain? (See lines 1657-1663.)

At the end of the second day, the lord captured and kills the boar. The lord gives Gawain the boars head on a stick. Gawain repays him with 2 kisses. They make the same ageeement for the next day, but this time Gawain is nervous about the green knight.

What happens in the last part of the third day's hunt? What color is "Sir Reynard" the fox, and how is he treated? Does his color remind you of anything?

At the end of the third days hunt, the lord hunts a fox,that is red, and is treated as a type of reward. The color is red, which can represent Gawain.

What happens to Gawain the third day? What is the meaning of the narrator's warning in lines 1768-1769? What choices does Gawain have (lines 1770-1775)?

Gawain awakes to the lady half naked trying to sexually please Gawain, Gawain is warned not to be tempted, Gawain rejects the lady

What does Gawain do differently after the lady leaves? What is ironic about lines 1883-1884? What should Gawain have included in his confession that he probably didn't because it was only planned at that point but hadn't actually occurred?

Gawain confesses but it's ironic because he know he's going to sin so he's basically asking for a free pass.

What happens the first time the Green Knight raises the ax? What does he tell Gawain in line 2270? Have we heard that before?

Gawain flinches when he sees the axe. The green knight then tells him that he is a coward. Yes, in part one the green knight also called Gawain, and his knights, cowards.

What two women does Gawain meet after evensong? How are they described? How does Gawain behave with the women?

Gawain meets the Lady of the castle and an old Dame. The lady is described as young and beautiful, while the old Dame is described as old and ugly. Gawain is respectful to both.

What does Gawain fear he will miss on December 25th (lines 750-762)? What happens after Gawain's prayer?

Gawain prays to find food, shelter and a place to have Christmas Eve mass. A castle suddenly appears out of the storm

Why does Gawain tell the lord he has to leave? What surprising news does the lord have for him? What does Gawain then decide to do?

Gawain says that he has to find the green chapel and the green knight and that he is running out of time. He tells Gawain that he knows where the green chapel is. He says to stay a few more days and he will tell him out to get there, so he decided to stay.

Why does the poem begin with a discussion of the Trojan War and the founding of Rome, and not with King Arthur or Sir Gawain?

Gives backstory of events leading up to the plot. Explains how the story would,d be related to a story he had previously told.

What shape is on Gawains shield

Gold Pentangle Star

What happens the second time the Green Knight raises the ax? What is Gawain's response?

He does not flinch the second time. Gawain gets angry and calls the green knight out for being a coward, die on his lack of strength in swinging the axe.

What is Gawain's attitude when he returns to Camelot? What is the court's attitude? What happens to the girdle? What does the court do about it?

He is embarrassed by his actions. The court is happy to have Gawain home and that he was safe. He decides to wear the sash to remind him of his flaws and sin. The court decides to wear green sashes to honor gawains deed.

How is Gawain received in the castle? How does the lord of the castle respond? How would you describe the lord of the castle?

He is honored. He welcomes Gawain and tells him to treat his home as his own. The lord of the castle is big, tall, strong, and has a broad brown beard.

Why won't Arthur eat his dinner yet?

He is waiting for all of his guests to be served first. More importantly, he is waiting for a story to be told or for something dramatic to happen, which is the green giant.

What happens to Gawain while he is still in bed? What does the lady seem to have in mind? How does Gawain respond? What does she give Gawain?

He is woken by his by the lords lady when she sits on the bed. She wants to make love to Gawain and seduce him, but he rejects her. She only gives her a kiss.

What arrangements does the lord propose for Gawain and himself for the next day? How does Gawain respond?

He proposes a challenge. He says that he will go out hunting every day and bring back what he hunts back to Gawain. In return, Gawain has to to stay at the castle. Anything that Gawain wins he has to give to the lord in return. He agrees.

What does the Green Knight propose?

He proposes a game. The knight says that he has no interest in fighting, but wants one of his knights to strike him with his own axe, and whoever does would receive the same treatment in a year and a day

How does the Green Knight judge Gawain's performance during his tests? How does Gawain judge his own performance? Whom does Gawain blame (lines 2411-2428)?

He thinks his performance was honorable. He thinks that he only failed a little bit. However, Gawain does not think the same, for he thinks he is a fool. Gawain blames himself, at first, then continues to blame women for his faults.

When does Gawain leave Arthur's court?

The day after all saints day, November 1st.

Who is the Green Knight? Who is the old woman at the castle? Why is she so much more important to the poem than she appeared to be? What did she want to do to Arthur's knights? What did she want to do to Arthur's queen?

The green knight is Beenlqk de Hautdesert, who is the lord of the castle. The old woman is Morgan Keegan Fey(Gawains Aunt). Morgan is important because she sent the green knight to Author's courtand scare Guinevere to death.

What surprises do we and Gawain get in the Green Knight's explanation of the three tries (lines 2345-2357)? What additional surprise appears in lines 2358-2361?

The green knight is the Lord and the entire time that his wife was flirting with him, it was only a test to his loyalty and honor.

What does the guide say about the Green Knight? What does he tell Gawain to do? What is Gawain's response?

The guide tells Gawain that the green knight is the most terrible creature in the world. The guide tells Gawain to leave the green knights chapel and return his kingdom, where he would stay alive. He basically is telling him that he should just go back home and break his promise to the green knight. Gawain rejected his idea, due to his loyalty to the green knight.

What is the most unusual thing about the man who rides into the hall? In what interesting way does the author bring us that information? What is the man carrying in his hands (lines 206-208)? How does the man behave when he enters? Whom does he ask for? What initial response does he get?

The knight is gigantic and everything thing about him is the color green. His horse is green, his hair is green, his clothing is green, etc. Without introducing himself to Arthur and his guests, he demands to see Arthur, who steps forth. The giant knight explains that he came because he had heard much about him and his knights.

What does the lady give Gawain during her visit? What does the lady ask for as she leaves? What can Gawain give her? Why doesn't he accept the ring from him? What object does he accept from her? Why does he accept it? What does it look like?

The lady tries to give Gawain a ring but he rejects this because he can't give something as rich as the ring in return, Gawain instead is given a green sash because he believes it can protect him

What does the lord give Gawain when he returns home? What does Gawain give the lord? What do they agree on for the second day?

The lord gives Gawain the deer he hunted that day and in return, Gawain gives the lord the kiss he received from the lords lady. They make the same agreement for the next day

What animal does the lord hunt the second day? What might this animal symbolize?

The lord hunts a board head. This animal could symbolize aggression or a higher desire, since it is considered to be a difficult animal to hunt.

What animal does the lord hunt the third day? What might this animal symbolize

The lord hunts a fox which represents deceptivness

What season of the year is it as the actual story begins? Why is that significant? What night is it when the main events of Part 1 take place (line 60)?

The story begins during Christmas time, so during the winter. It is significant because the author goes into detail about the feast and all of the guests gathered their to enjoy it. Arthur's guests represent happiness, which resembles the new year they are celebrating, so it is New Year's Day.

What happens the third time the Green Knight raises the ax? What is Gawain's response?

The third time, the axe Knick's the side of gawains neck. Gawain immediately restates the agreement, saying that that was his swing, and he should get no more.

What do the castle residents expect once they know it is Gawain (lines 908-927)? In other words, what is Gawain well-known for?

They expect to watch and learn from Gawain the ways to be a proper and honorable knight.

What happens differently when the lord returns home on the third day? Why? Does Gawain meet the terms of his oath? How well does Gawain sleep that night? Why?

What's different is that it is a lot quicker, Gawain kisses the lord vigorously, and there is no meat in the trade. Gawain exchanges first, which is suspicious. Gawain met his oath by kissing the lord and not having sex with the lord's wife, Gawain has a nightmare because time is caving in and he thinks he's gonna die.

What color is Gawain's shield


what are the 5 knightly virtures

1. friendship 2. generosity 3. chastity 4. courtesy 5. piety

What animal does the lord hunt the first day?

A deer

What do each angle represent on the Star

A knightly virtue

What is Arthur's response once the Green Knight has left? Is this ironic?

Arthur acts as if nothing happened. He, and his guests, return to the festivities and says that these things were going to happen during Christmas time anyways.

How many knights initially offer to undertake the Green Knight's challenge? Why does Arthur accept the challenge? What arguments does Gawain finally use in asking to be given the challenge?

At first, none of Aurthurs knights speak up. The green knight breaks this silence, basically calling them cowards. This causes Arthur to step up, but Gawain decided to, last minute.

Is the Green Chapel what Gawain expected it to be? What is it?

No. It looks like a cave, and where devil worship would take place.

What route does Gawain follow? What sorts of adventures does he encounter?

North Wales, Isles of Angelssey, Holyhead to Whirrals He encounters dragons, wolves, crazy woodsmen, bulls, bears, boars

What happens to Gawain the second day? Why does the lady complain? What does she ask him to do (lines 1533-1534)? What is suggested by the narrator's comments in lines 1549-1551? What does the lady give him?

On the second day, the lady again attempts to seduce Gawain, but he rejects once again. She gives Gawain to kisses, which he accepts.

What happens when Gawain cuts off the Green Knight's head (lines 425)? What do the colors in line 429 remind you of?

Once the green giant was beheaded, he was uneffected. He doesn't fall off his horse, instead he picks up his head and hold it up for everyone to see. He then restates what Gawain had originally agreed to.

Whose response should we see as the more appropriate, Gawain's or that of both the Green Knight and the court?

The Green Knight and his court

What tone does the Green Knight maintain throughout Gawain's encounter with him?

The Green Knight continues to be brave, courageous, and intimidating when he is around Gawain. Also, playful.

Gawain puts on the girdle in lines 2030-2036. Does the combination of colors in lines 2035-2036 remind you of anything?

The colors of red, green, and gold remind me of the Christmas season. Also, from the red blood of the green knight hitting his green skin, when Gawain first beheaded him.

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