Skuid Essentials Certification - Flash Cards

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a) UserContactFeed b) EntitySubscription c) ContactFeed d) Contact Answer: D

For a Chatter Feed Component to display Chatter related to a particular Contact record, what Salesforce Object should the component's Model be querying data from?

a) Standard Objects b) System Objects c) Chatter Objects d) All of the above e) None of the above Answer: D

Which type or types of S-objects can you use with Skuid Models?

a) Date Range b) Multi-Select Option c) Single Select Option d) Multi-Model Option e) Toggle Condition Answer: D

A commonly used Table feature is the Table Filter. There are several types of Filters available for your use on a Table. Which of the following is not available?

a) They cannot be shown on the same Calendar. b) Having an Event Source tied to an Aggregate Model. c) Adding different Event Sources. d) Adding different views. e) Changing the "Valid Date Range" property. Answer: C

Events whose datetime fields are on different Objects can be shown on the same Calendar by:

a) Table b) Queue c) Field Editor d) Panel Set e) Page Title Answer: A, B

Filters are available on which of the following Components? (Two correct answers)

a) The first row's Record Type b) The page layout of a standard Tab page. c) The running User attribute. d) The first row of a selected Model. Answer: C, D

In the Chatter Feed component properties, you can choose to display Chatter feeds based on the two following types:

a) Developer View b) List View c) Photo View d) Checklist View Answer: B, C

The Table component includes several different views. Select two of the views available in the Table component.

a) Fields from the record's Grandparent Objects. b) Fields from the record's Children Objects. c) Fields from the record's Parent Objects. d) Fields from a Sibling record. Answer: D?

What data is not accessible in a single Model?

a) Use the Skuid File component with the reference set to a Model created on the Account object. b) Create a redirect button to the standard Salesforce attachment load page and pass in the appropriate WhatId. c) Redirect users to the standard Salesforce Account page layout. d) Use the Skuid File component with the reference set to a Model created on the Attachment Object. Answer: D

What is the most straightforward way to add a number of attachments to an Account object in Skuid?

a) Uncheck the box next to "Load Model on page load" b) Check the box next to "Create default row if Model has none" c) Uncheck the box next to "Do not allow New Records in Model" d) Check the box next to "Clone Salesforce New Record Layout" e) Check the box next to "Update Salesforce 'Recently Viewed' info" Answer: A, B

You are building an Account page that will override the Salesforce "New" action. You've created a Model on your Account page called "NewAccount" and connected this Model to the Account Object. You've added a Field Editor Component to the page and set the default mode to Edit. You've added the necessary fields. Now you want to configure your Model so that you don't need to build Model conditions to use the page to create new records. Select the two most commonly used Advanced Properties for Models that are set when using a Model to create new records.

a) 1 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 Answer: C

You are creating an Account detail page using Skuid. On this page, you would like to have the following 6 tabs: Account Details, Contacts, Opportunities, Cases, Open Tasks, Notes & Attachments. You would like to show the following data in these tabs, respectively: fields on the Account record, all related Contact records, all related Opportunity records, all related Cases, all Open Tasks associated with the Account, and related Notes and related Attachments. You would like to inline edit all of this data from your page, and be able to create new records of any of the related objects. How many separate Models are needed to achieve this?

a) Skuid Site Viewer b) Skuid Page Constructor c) Skuid Page Builder d) Skuid Page Viewer e) Skuid Page Administrator f) Skuid Site Builder Answer: C, D

Assuming a user has a Skuid license, what are the available Skuid-specific permission sets you can assign to a user to allow them to view Skuid pages and/or edit Skuid pages?

a) Wizard Step Buttons b) Field Editor Buttons c) Page Title Buttons d) Table Columns e) Field Editor Sections Answer: B

Conditional Rendering is available for many Components and features within Skuid. Which of the following items can not be conditionally rendered? (There is only one correct answer.)

a) Create a redirect button, like a redirect to the Home page. b) Create a new row in the Table. c) Create a popup button in the header of the Table. d) All of the above. e) None of the above. Answer: D

Global Actions in the Table Component allow you to...

a) Add a formula field to the Contact Object in Salesforce and drag it into the Field Editor. b) Drag a Custom Component into the Field Editor. Select the "combo field" renderer in the Component's properties. c) Use a custom label on the "Shipping Address" field. d) Drag a Template Component into the Field Editor. Add the appropriate fields to the Template. Answer: D

How would you combine all the standard "Mailing Address" fields for the Contact object into one editable field within the Field Editor?

a) Use a "UserInfo" condition to link to the Contacts owned by the running User. b) Use a "Field from another model" condition that refers to the ID in the Account Model. c) Use a condition with a subquery to limit the Contact Model to only the current Account's Contacts. d) Use a "URL Parameter" condition with the same value as the Account Model's ID value Answer: B, D???

How would you ensure that only Contacts related to a specific Account were returned by a Model? (Pick two)

a) Lookup / Master-Detail field: show as Picklist b) Number field: show as Slider c) Picklist field: show as Radio Buttons d) Multi-picklist field: show as Checkboxes Answer: B

In a field's properties, you can select a Field Renderer to change the way a field is displayed. Which of the following is not a standard option (no JavaScript required)?

a) How the Grid determines which elements to load; starting with the element with the lowest "min width" property. b) How narrow the element is allowed to become before it is wrapped to the next line. c) How narrow the element is allowed to become before a warning message is provided. d) How narrow the element is allowed to become before it is removed. Answer: B

In the Mobile Composer, many page elements have a "min width" property. What does this property control?

a) User Name b) Permission Set c) User Role d) User Profile Answer: B, C

In the Page Assignment function, pages can be assigned to specific users based on which of the following features? (There are two correct answers.)

a) Import from an existing standard page layout. b) Using a page template. c) Start with a blank page. d) Paste in XML from a pre-built page. Answer: A

New Skuid pages can be built from several different starting points. Choose the starting point that is not available.

a) Variable Height Scrolling b) Dynamic Scrolling c) Fixed Height Scrolling d) No Scroll Bars Answer: B

Panel Sets allow you to control the deployment of scroll bars on your page. Which of the following is NOT an option for your Panel Sets?

a) Components within non-active (not currently selected) Tabs will not be added to the DOM until the non-active Tab is selected. b) Only data from the active (currently selected) Tab will be requested from the database when the page is loaded. c) The contents and data of Page Includes within Tabs in the Tab Set are not loaded until that Tab is active (currently selected). d) Each Tab in a Tab Set is not rendered until the user clicks 'Yes' in a dialog box that asks "Would you like to render this page now?" Answer: A, B?

The "defer tab rendering of tab contents" option for the Tab Set Component offers which of the following load time improvements? (There are two correct answers.)

a) Tabs displayed horizontally b) Tabs displayed as radio buttons c) Tabs displayed as a picklist d) Tabs displayed in an accordion-style e) Tabs displayed vertically on the left-hand side of the Component f) Tabs displayed vertically on the right-hand side of the Component Answer: D

The Tab Set component can display in several different visual configurations on your page. Which of the following answers is NOT an available option?

a) Multiple specified values b) Running user attribute c) Result of subquery d) Page/URL parameter value Answer: D

To create a Detail Page, you must create a condition on the Model to pass the Detail page a single record. In most cases, what type of condition would you use to pass the id?

a) Request Salesforce Custom Labels to be loaded into the page at runtime, so that Components can display translated text. b) Provides a way to restyle and theme your Skuid pages from within the Page Composer. c) Recording comments and notes from multiple authors while building your Skuid Pages. d) Provide an alternative to using the Setup menu to define Salesforce Custom Labels. Answer: A

What is the purpose of the Labels section within the Resources tab of the Skuid Page Composer?

a) Selecting the Scroll property in the Item Display properties of the Queue component. b) Selecting the Scroll property in the advanced tab of the Queue Properties. c) Selecting the Scroll property for the overall page. d) Selecting the Scroll Mode property for the Panel Set in which the Queue is placed. Answer: D

When a Queue list has more members than can be shown in a single page, scrolling can be added to the column so that the Queue list and its associated details are in the same visual space. How is this goal accomplished?

a) This property has no use in this scenario. b) Indicate a query string to be used to update the next entry in the Queue component list. c) Indicate which query string is passed from the selected Queue entry into the Page Include component. d) Indicate a query string that should be passed into the Page Include component on initial load (e.g., the default parameter used by the Page Include composer). Answer: D

When creating a Queue, a Page Include component is typically used to show details. The Queue component has a query string property. What is the function of the query string property?

a) Every other time you click on the Clone button in the Page Builder. b) Every time you click the Save button in the Page Builder. c) Every time you drag and drop a component in the Page Builder. d) Every time you click on the Preview button in the Page Builder. Answer: B

When you click on the Versions button in the Page Builder, a popup lists the available versions of the page. Many versions are created by the auto-save feature. When does the auto-save occur?

a) Table b) File c) Tab Set d) Page Title e) Template Answer: B

Which Component does not carry a Model context?

a) Day Scheduling View b) Year View c) Month View d) Week View Answer: A

Which of the following Calendar Views can be grouped by data in another Model?

a) Can be sourced directly from a Google Calendar URL b) There is a limit of 5 Event sources per Calendar. c) Can be used on Objects that only have Date fields d) Every field used in the Event Source must be included in the Model. e) Can be individually marked as createable, updateable, and deletable. Answer: E

Which of the following are true about Skuid Calendar Event Sources?

a) Calculating the sum of each Account's Opportunities closed in the past year. b) Performing multiple queries on different Objects and merging the results into a single Model. c) Finding the frequency of different values for a certain field (e.g., how many Contacts have a given Birthdate). d) Creating new records on multiple Objects, such as Sales Opportunities and Line Items at the same time. Answer: A, C

Which of the following are use cases for Skuid Aggregate Models? (There are two correct answers).

a) Median b) Sum c) Max d) Average e) Mode Answer: E

Which of the following is NOT a Skuid Column Summary Function?

a) Show Popup b) Save Model(s) c) Export Model to Excel d) Run Salesforce Custom Button/Link e) Redirect to URL Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a standard Skuid Page Title Component action type?

a) Mass Update selected records. b) Send e-mail to selected records. c) Run a JS snippet. d) Flag selected records for deletion. e) Toggle Edit mode on and off. Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a standard Table Mass Action?

a) You can have one page assigned for the View action for a Particular Record Type, and then have a fallback page assigned for any other Record Type of that object. b) You can show different Tab pages to users based on User Profile. c) You can choose to show standard Page Layouts to certain Profiles/Record Types, rather than a Skuid Page. d) You can set a Page Assignment at the User level, as well as Profile. Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT true about Page Assignments?

a) Search on Child Relationship data. b) Search on data not already in a Table's Model. c) Faster search speeds. d) Search across all records of an object with 1 million+ records. Answer: C client = faster, records only on model loaded server = all records for an object

Which of the following is a reason to use client-side search, rather than the server-side search, on a Table?

a) Can be defined separately everywhere that a Model Field is used. b) Can be based on a field from another Model. c) Can be automatically created from Salesforce Lookup Filters d) Can be dependent on the value of another field on the same row. Answer: C

Which of the following is not true about Skuid Lookup Filters?

a) Row Actions can show a Popup in context of the row. b) There is no limitation to the number of Row Actions you may add. c) Row Actions can send the user to another URL that includes data from the current row in Query String parameters. d) Row Actions cannot be triggered by JS. e) Row Actions can be conditionally rendered based on data in the row. Answer: D

Which of the following is not true about Table Row Actions?

a) It can be used to display iFrames containing 3rd party apps. b) It can contain HTML tags. c) It can be dragged into the Field Editor Component. d) It can contain other Skuid Components. e) It can be dragged into the Table Component. Answer: D

Which of the following is not true about the Template Component?

a) Step Buttons can be conditionally rendered based on data in Models. b) Wizards can contain other Wizards. c) Step Buttons can save one or more Models and then navigate to another Step. d) Step Buttons can be rendered as radio buttons. e) Any Skuid Component can be placed inside the body of a Wizard Step. Answer: D

Which of the following is not true about the Wizard Component?

a) Visualforce Pages b) External HTML Pages c) Page Assignments d) Skuid Pages Answer: C, D

Which types of content can be included via the Page Include component? Select two answers.

a) Use a Panel Set of type "Custom Width" with two Panels having a fixed pixel width and one Panel having a percentage width. b) Use three Panel Sets of type "Vertical Panels". c) Use a Panel Set of type "Custom Width" with one Panel having a fixed pixel width of 200px, and another Panel having an undefined width that contains a nested Panel Set of type "Custom Width" containing one Panel with fixed 200px d) Use a Panel Set of type "Fluid with Sidebars" with three panels, one of which is positioned left with a width of 200px, and another which is positioned right with a width of 200px. Answer: A

You are building a Skuid Page for a customer who would like to have the following top-level layout: -a left panel with a fixed width of 200px -a central panel whose width increases / decreases as the user shrinks/expands the browser window, -a right panel with a fixed width of 200px. Which of the following Skuid configurations is ideal for implementing this request?

a) Document Object. b) Attachment Object. c) ContentVersion Object. d) ContentVersionHistory Object. Answer: B

You are using the File Component to upload a file for record. Which Salesforce Object does the File Component use to store the file?

a) The page will return an error. b) Only the first contact's name and phone number will be shown. c) Nothing will show in the template, {{Name}} and {{Phone}} have no value. d) Nothing. The merge logic run the same as before the change. Answer: B???

You have a Template Component showing {{Name}} and {{Phone}} on a Model that returns multiple contacts. If you check the "Do not run template on each row" option in the Template Component properties, then what will change on the page when the page is refreshed?

a) This configuration prevents you from adding more buttons to the Page Title component. Additional buttons and the Save/Cancel action type are mutually exclusive configurations. b) This configuration allows you to cancel any Model changes made on the page. c) This configuration allows you to remove the Save and Cancel buttons from the page's other components because they duplicate the Page Title component's functionality. d) This configuration allows you to save any Model changes made on the page. Answer: A

You have added a button to the Page Title component. You selected the "Save/Cancel" action type for the button. In the button's properties, you selected all of the additional Models for the Save and Cancel Button to affect. What is NOT an outcome of this configuration?

a) Global Action b) Row Action c) Table Action d) Featured Action e) View Action Answer: B, C

You want users to see an overlaid window with detailed info for particular records within a Table. Select two Table features that will allow you to accomplish this goal.

a) Create a condition on the Opportunity Model that filters field Account.PrimaryIndustry. b) Create filter source on the filter feature in order to display the appropriate values in the drop down. c) Add a filter feature to the Table. Connect that filter to the condition created in Answer A. d) Add a new Model on Account that groups all records by Primary Industry. Answer: D

You've been asked to filter a Table of Opportunities by the primary industry of their associated Account. The primary industry field is a picklist field on Account. Which step is not required? (This question assumes you are not using a filter with auto generated conditions)

a) Create a condition on the Opportunity model that filters the Account.PrimaryIndustry field. b) Add a filter to the Table. Connect that filter to the condition created in Step A. c) Add a new Model on Account that groups all records by Primary Industry. d) Create filter source on the filter in order to display the appropriate values in the filter's dropdown menu.. Answer: C

You've been asked to filter a Table of Opportunities by the primary industry of their associated Account. The primary industry field is a picklist field on the Account object. Which of the following steps is NOT required?

a) Query String b) Lazy Load c) Page Include Panel Id d) Skuid Page e) Pass-Through Data Answer: A

You've configured your Queue component to update a Page Include component when an item is clicked in the Queue list. Which of the following properties allow you to use data from the currently-selected Queue Item to affect Models in the Skuid Page you are loading in the Page Include panel?

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