Sleepy Hollow ACT I - Ichabod

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You don't say? Yes I suppose we need a new one after that daft imbecile tired himself out. Well, Mr. Crane, I thank you for accompanying my dear Katrina home tonight. I hope you make your way back to town safely. Sleepy Hollow can be dangerous at night.

(under his breath) That's what I'm starting to realize... (full volume, slightly awkward) Mr. Van Tassel, it has been a pleasure. Katrina... I hope to see you again soon.

Then you should do just fine! The tavern is just down at the end of the street and to the left. Straight ahead from there. Careful sir, Sleepy Hollow is not a town you want to get lost in.

Admittedly, I'm well versed in the... well... issues of the supernatural. As you can see here... (pulls out book) In the book 'The History of New England Witchcraft' the wise Cotton Mather describes the spirits— Looks up to see she's gone, He checks the sign before entering. An INNKEEPER polishing glasses awaits by the bar. Excuse me, sir. Am I right in assuming you are the owner of this establishment?

Yes, it's right that way... but... I'm sorry, I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you a traveling vagabond? Excited, she begins frantically tapping a woman near her, desperate for gossip. Oh, wouldn't that be exciting!

Ahhh no, I'm afraid nothing that interesting, ma'am. I-Ichabod Crane at your service. I am a pedagogue. I come in from Connecticut, meant to be the new schoolmaster.

Cotton Mather!

Are you familiar with his work?

Yes, sir?

Can you point me in the direction of the tavern? I've just arrived in town and was told to seek one out.

Well, we have arrived.

Dear me, this is all your land?

It must be! The tales are too widely known to be a farce!

Did you hear that?

Mr. Crane, get a hold of yourself. There isn't any spirit.

Did you hear that? It sounded like a horse... breathing. Right near us. But no horse in sight...

Not at all Mr. Crane!

Do you know of his story? Not that I want to put you out, but according to Cotton Mathers, "tis better know the tales, than to be blind to them." As he says, it is the "Devil's Shield against a Devil's Sword!"

The tree is like a looming figure in the town. I can see it when the winter is at its deepest, and the trees are bare, the silhouette of it against the horizon often obscures the moon in my window. I must admit it does give me quite a scare on most nights.

Do you think it's true?

Scene II

Excuse me, ma'am?

You are a real treasure, Mr. Crane! Singing is the truest form of prayer as they say.

Here, here! I most certainly agree! I would be happy to assist in any way I can! Not to sound pompous... It's been said to me, by some rather well educated colleagues, that... my voice seems to be that of a particular, unique and pleasant register.

No matter Mr. Crane, the evening was still a pleasant one for me.

I am quite glad to hear that Katrina.

I'd best be turning in for the night. Mr. Crane, would you like to meet my father? He's waiting on the porch.

I don't know, do you think he'd like to meet me?

Ah, yes of course! We have been expecting you. You'll find that there is talk about close to everything here in Tarrytown. Do not fear the gossip, it causes no harm. Though it would be wise to not keep many secrets.

I have no secrets to keep.

Well why shouldn't I be? I walked here didn't I?

I suppose so, m'lady, but, from what I've heard, this area is no place for a damsel like yourself to walk about at night.

Ahh, yes, alright.

If you please, may I inquire about your tardiness today?

Yes I would, Mr. Crane. You seem awfully surprised?

It's just, I feel rather foolish whenever I bring up this book. Many people don't take me very seriously or care to listen.

Yes, you don't suppose anyone else is in the churchyard with us? I can't imagine who it would be at this hour.

Katrina, you don't think it's some kind of spirit awaiting us in the dark, do you?

Van Tassel, Katrina Van Tassel. She curtsies, as she rises, ICHABOD stands suddenly from his seat. KATINA VAN TASSEL (CONT'D) I must be on my way now, it was nice meeting you!

Miss Van Tassel?

Ichabod, let's leave, please.

My apologies Katrina, I suppose all that talk of spirits riled up my senses for the evening.

Scene III

Now children, array yourselves on the chancel, three rows. Adrian! Stop fussing around! Now, today we will be practicing Psalm 23. And a one and a two and one two three.

Quite right, quite right. A truly ghastly shame. But the devil is alive, and always on the prowl, like a snake stalking its next victim.

Oh Pastor Jansen, it does make me shiver to think!

I am deeply sorry, Mr. Crane. I live just outside of town and it's a bit of a way to walk to the church.

Oh, I see. And have you always partaken in this choir? This is the first time I've seen you at practice since I took over.

I am.

Oh, very well! My name is Ichabod Crane. I have been told there is lodging available here.

Indeed, there is. Do you travel alone?

Oh, yes. Just me.

You will, Mr. Crane. You will.

Ohhhh, Katrina... (makes a pensive face) My fairest goddess, most beautiful dame... ICHABOD looks at the sky. ICHABOD CRANE My heart calls into that speckled night sky. Together may me flourish Rich with life and love

You will, Mr. Crane. You will.

Ohhhh, Katrina... (makes a pensive face) My fairest goddess, most beautiful dame... ICHABOD looks at the sky. ICHABOD CRANE My heart calls into that speckled night sky. Together may me flourish Rich with life and love

You are very taken with our livestock, I can see.

One of the greatest pleasures in life is a gratifying meal. Falling asleep with your belly full and warm with food.

But is it a place for a man such as yourself?

Perhaps not... But I suppose it could benefit us both then? We could make sure the other doesn't disappear into the dark?

The Lord to me a shepherd is, want therefore shall not I: He in the folds of tender grass, doth cause me down to lie: To waters calm me gently leads The choir stops singing as the church door opens. KATRINA VAN TASSEL enters. KATRINA VAN TASSEL Oh my, I'm so sorry I'm late... (she runs over out of breath)

Please find a place next to the rest of the children. KATRINA walks over to the chancel. (clears his throat) Sorry for the interruptions. Let's begin again. 1...2..3

Why, Mr. Crane, you seem rather well read. I suppose that is a good quality of a school teacher. Now, what is that book about?

Really? You would like to know?

Well, you must come and dine with us one night to get one of these gratifying meals.

Say the word and I will run as quick as a hare.

Mr. Crane, let's get out of here. You were supposed to walk me home, not give me the fright of my life.

So strange, I thought I saw a man in the distance. But something about him was so odd...

The Lord to me a shepherd is, want therefore shall not I: He in the folds of tender grass, doth cause me down to lie: To waters calm me gently leads restore my soul doth he: He doth in paths of righteousness for his name's sake-

Stop! Stop! Enough! ICHABOD pinches the bridge of his nose. That was awful. Messe, you're singing was subpar! I could barely hear you in the psalm! Judith, use your mouth not nose to sing! And Adrian, stop fumbling the words! Look at the book for guidance. Now all of you, start again. From the top.

Well, we'd be happy to accommodate.

Thank you, good sir. The INNKEEPER walks behind the bar, kneeling down to grab a set of keys. Handing them to ICHABOD. ICHABOD CRANE (CONT'd) (starting to leave, but stops to talk to the INNKEEPER) Pardon me sir but I have heard tell that the town is abound with myths, as a native, is this true?

I'm sure you've heard of such tales as that of Major André?

Why yes, the men in the tavern were discussing him! I was quite taken with the story, until I felt a cool breeze up my neck, I do say I had to excuse myself quite quickly. It felt as if he was there with me and... oh goodness I am sounding foolish!

Well, my father's, yes.

Those pigs, and-and those cows... oh you must have a feast each night!

Our choir opportunities have been rather limited but perhaps, as a teacher, you would be a good fit to instruct. I must ask, are you well versed with adults as well as children? Not to overwhelm you on your first day, that is.

Uh, yes, sir. I'm experienced with teaching all walks of life. I'd be honored to help spread God's good songs through Sleepy Hollow.

To waters calm me gently leads restore my soul doth he: I do beg your pardon, Mr. Crane, but I think we should be let go at this hour. The sun is setting and it's not advisable for the youngest of children to be walking home in the dark.

Very well then. The day surely does get away when singing the good word. Be on your way, children, before the night completely overtakes the sky. I ensure to see you for our next session. (he looks at Katrina directly) But could you stay, miss. It's just for a moment, I assure you.

Well Ichabod, you arrived at the perfect time. The air is just getting warm again. The winter was a tough one, but we are pleased you could join us here in town.

Well as the wise Cotton Mather once said, "A Good School deserves to be call'd, the very Salt of the Town, that hath it!"

Well, when you phrase it like that, Mr. Crane, It does make a good bit of sense. I'd be happy to have your company on my walk home tonight. Sleepy Hollow carries a bountiful offering of myths.

Well from what I have read, Katrina, they don't sound much like myths.

Yes, the church is at the eastern border of town, you can't miss it, you might want to go soon, he gets paranoid at nighttime, and isn't privy to visitors after dark. Hail me if you should, I shall be down the corridor.

Well then, I'll be sure to go straight away! Good day, Sir! The people of Tarrytown walk with a dreaminess in their stride. I have been here hardly an hour and I already feel myself falling into trance by the lightness of their steps.

I do.

Well, Cotton Mather describes plenty of "signs of the Devil" to look out for in New England, but this area as well I'm sure. I mean you grew up around here, you must agree, I'd say he is correct with his fears, as, since I've been here I've heard the wildest of stories.

Why, yes, been a part of it for the past few years.

Well, I hope to set a great example of seriousness to such a commitment we are making for our community and that includes all participants, and especially the most senior of members.

Why of course! A fine, fine scholar. When you bid to church you will hear in my sermons that we are very alike in our philosophies!

Well, that is good to hear! I find it is best to be open and upfront with dangerous topics, God forbid something were to happen here as it did in Salem.

Light change

Well. It seems we are just going to be doing this over and over until we get it right. This try lacked effort from all of you. You mustn't be nasally with the line of "He in the folds of tender grass". It must be sung tenderly and full of joys towards the wonderful nature of our lord, not stuffed up and congested tenors. So we must redo this one more time. Start again... and a 1 and a 2...

It is one of my favorite tales to tell. The man himself, Major André, was a famed British soldier in the war. He was a spy, working undercover throughout the states. When he was eventually found out by the continental army, they hanged him from a tree right here in Sleepy Hollow. Some say it is the focal point, the center of all evil in the town. Nearly every creature and apparition, or at least the most devilish, appear at some point by Major André's tree.

Why, Katrina, what a frightful story.

Yes, Mr. Crane?

Will you be alright walking home alone tonight?

KATRINA VAN TASSEL Why of course! (louder, calling out to her father) Father, come here! BALTUS VAN TASSEL enters onto the stage. He is an older man, smoking a pipe, with a slightly dazed expression. BALTUS VAN TASSEL Deary me, Katrina! What took you so long? KATRINA VAN TASSEL My apologies, Father, I took some extra time to get acquainted with the new choir master, Mr. Ichabod Crane. (she gestures to ICHABOD, introducing him) BALTUS VAN TASSEL Choir instructor, aye?

Yes sir, and town school master as well, this coming fall.

Yes, well... enough of that talk, welcome Mr. Crane to Sleepy Hollow. We are delighted that you will be with us come the Autumn.

Yes, I am as well, sir.

I will make sure to arrive swiftly. Is that all Mr. Crane?

Yes, I believe so... Miss...?

And you must meet Mr. Van Tassel. A leader in our village, owns the largest farm just outside of town. If you intend to know the community, you must know the Van Tassels.

Yes, anything you say, Father. Now, whilst I was sent here as a school teacher, I believe I can make myself useful in other ways. You see, well, I have been performing psalmodies in churches since early childhood. I consider it my duty to continue with the activity.

Quite. People claim to have seen apparitions all over town, in their homes, at church. They have a significant influence through the village. I'm sure you shall hear many tales during your time here. They are not difficult to discover. I shall leave you to settle. Your room is up the stairs and to the left. #6. Is there anything else you shall be requiring, sir?

Yes, could you point me in the direction of the church, I must speak to the Pastor sometime this afternoon.

Yes, I understand. Is there anything else you need from me?

Yes, since you've been here for some time, I'd like you and other seniors of the choir to help set an example for the younger ones. Arrive early, if you can, and help set up the choir books on their stands before the rehearsal begins. Show them how well prepared you all are and how to project their voices, Katrina.

Why, hello, good sir! You must be Mr. Crane?

Yes, sir, but Ichabod is fine.

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