Smart Goals, Learning Styles, Multiple intelligences Test Study Guide
Logical mathematical
Intelligence that involves logic and breaking down things with facts
Intelligence revolving around nature and being around the outdoors
Visual learners
Best Buy sing pictures and videos for very helpful for them
Learning diversity
Differences in learning based on abilities interest or experiences.
Differentiated instruction
Different modes of instruction to match a student's preferred mode of learning disability or background.
Teaching to a different learning styles multiple intelligences
Everyone is different and how they learn three ways are visual auditory and tactile they should do activities that work out all three
Teaching to different learning styles/multiple intelligences
Everyone is different in how they learn three ways are visual auditory and tactile they should do activities that work out all three
Verbal linguistic
Intelligence involves knowing the English language
Kinesthetic tactile learners
People who learn best by performing hands on or physical activities.
People who learned most easily by hearing or listening to information.
Preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people
Social intelligence that in most cases involves talking such being social and being an active person in a social environment.
It develop psychologist with a theory of multiple intelligence
The intelligence that deals with oneself in people with this intelligence learn better by themselves
Learning styles
The message individuals prefer in five most effective to absorb and process information.
Multiple intelligences Theory
The strange of types of intelligence each to a different degree that are nine major types of intelligence is created by Howard Gardner
Musical rhythmic and harmonic
They deal with sounds and rhythms