SOC 101 Final Exam (Ch 1-13)

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global commodity chain

A ___ ___ ___ is a worldwide network of labor and production processes whose end result is a finished commodity.


A ___ is the behavior expected of a person occupying a particular position in society


A carefully controlled artificial situation that allows researchers to isolate hypothesized causes and measure their effects precisely is called ____

abortion was legalized

A controversial finding among some researchers is that the recent decline in crime started 19 years after...

non-poor families in the 15 years after WWII

A functionalist description of family patterns in the US is best suited for which group(s)?

lowers inequality and promotes economic growth

A large body of research shows that democracy...

a dramatic increase in the incarceration rate for non-violent offenders

A major consequence of the War on Drugs in the US since the 1980s is...


A norm stipulated and enforced by government bodies is called a ___


A religious organization that has endured for many years, formally trains its leaders, applied a strict hierarchy of roles, and has clearly drawn rules and regulations is called a(n)...


A researcher uses a series of questions to gauge the commitment level of members of a new religious movement. She is concerned that her questions may not actually be measuring levels of commitment. This is a concern about ___

ethnic group

A(n) ___ ___ is composed of people whose perceived cultural markers are deemed socially significant

a majority of Americans oppose women's rights to make their own choices about abortion

Abortion continues to create controversy in the US. Which of the following is false about abortion in the US? a majority of Americans oppose women's rights to make their own choices about abortion right-to-life activists want to repeal laws legalizing abortion some right-t0-life extremists have resorted to violence


About what % of eligible workers in Sweden are unionized?


About what % of people 75+ live in a single-family detached house?


About what portion of the world's population is without electricity?

social structural differences typically underlie cultural differences

According to Brym and Lie, ethnic values and other elements of ethnic culture have less of an effect on the way people behave than we commonly believe because...


According to Brym and Lie, the most conflict-ridden are in the world is____

socially heterogenous

According to Brym and Lie, you are more likely to marry outside of your group if the local marriage market is ...

altruistic suicide

According to Durkheim's typology, "suicide bombers" would be an example of ____

as an infant learns that his or her needs are different than those of the parent

According to Freud, the development of one's personality is achieved....

the perpetuation of social inequality

According to Friedrich Engels, the traditional nuclear family is a site of gender conflict and...


According to Goffman, we are constantly engaged in ___-___

early capitalism grew robustly

According to Weber, the Protestant ethic had wholly unexpected economic consequences. Where it took root, and where economic conditions were favorable

inspire the creation of a better and more just world

According to Weber, the routinization of charisma achieves all of these things, except...

Karl Marx

According to ____ the dominant force in society is the struggle between the working class and the owning class.


According to research conducted by Charles Derber, Americans usually try to turn conversations toward ____.

there will likely be losses and gains in freedom and opportunity

According to sociologists, what is the most likely outcome of increasing globalization and widespread postindustrialism?


According to the FBI, if crimes against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals were defined as hate crimes, they would have comprised ___ of the total in 2009

are defined differently in different historical periods

According to the text, deviance and crime...

is legal in the Netherlands

According to the text, euthanasia...

the husband's income rises and the wife's declines

After divorce, the most common economic outcome for the former husband and wife is that...

Jim Crow laws

After the end of slavery, __ __ __ kept blacks from voting, attending public schools, and in general from participating equally in a wide variety of social institutions


Although it is often difficult to achieve the material success that is so highly valued in American culture, most people accept the strain and adhere to the social norms. These people are considered ___ within the theory of Robert Merton.

in other countries, governments regulate drug prices

Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anyone else in the world. This is because...


An early critic of Marx, and the person who noted the rapid growth of the service sector within the industrial economy, was ____

more hierarchical

As one work revolution gave way to the next, work relations became...

virtual communities

Associations of people scattered across the country or the world, who are able to communicate via computer about some common interest are known as ___ ___


B/c of the nature of social networks, a letter delivered between complete strangers will be delivered successfully after being passed along by an average of ___ acquiantances

patriarchy is more deeply rooted in the history of humankind than Marxism has recognized

Because gender inequality exists in non-capitalist and pre-capitalist societies, feminists believe that...


Being __ means being afraid of an antagonistic toward homosexuality.

majority group

Blacks in South Africa during Apartheid were the numerical majority but lacked social advantages. They formed a(n) ___ ___

it ignores the degree to which mobility is limited by gender, race, and class

Blau and Duncan's study of social stratification has been criticized from many perspectives. However, most of the criticisms agree that...

are very different concepts

Brym and Lie conclude that it is misleading to claim that race and ethnicity...

tendency of symbolic culture to change more slowly than material culture

Brym and Lie define cultural lag as


By the end of 1900s, Weber remarked on how the world had turned away from religious authority to science and other forms of rationalism. The world, he wrote, had become ___

rites of passage

Ceremonies that mark the transition from one stage of life to another are called ____ of ____

why it seems that there are so many adults who are unable to grow up

Certain popular films, such as Wedding Crashers, The 40 Year Old Virgin and Clerks II, raise the sociological question of...

exchange of attention

Charles Derber's research shows that most conversations typically involve...


Christianity was the state religion in the Roman Empire, and Islam is the state religion in Pakistan. They are examples of ___

types of religious organization, according to sociologists

Churches, sects, and cults are all...

corporations are taxed at a lower rate as compared to individuals

Corporate ownership holds certain advantages over individual ownership. One advantage is that...

victimless crimes

Crimes that involve violations of the law in which no victim steps forward and is identified are called ___ ___

surveys of blacks about their experiences with racism

Critics of the theory of the declining significance of race, who believe that racism is the greatest barrier to the progress of blacks in the US largely base their claims on...

survey results showed on modest declines in religiosity

Despite the consensus about secularization that was still evident in the 80s, many sociologists modified their ideas in the 90s because...

Erving Goffman

Dramaturgical analysis originated in the work of ___

co-founded the NAACP

DuBois believed that the elimination of white prejudice would reduce racial conflict and create more equality between blacks and whites. In order to advance his interest in creating racial equaity. DuBois ____

expansion of public school system

During the 20th century mothers increasingly worked outside of the home in order to support their family. The problem with child care that was created was solved to a large extent by...

medicalization of deviance is partly a social and political process

During the 70s and 80s, psychiatrists and other doctors, and lobbyists and advocates debated what "conditions" such as homosexuality, obesity, and PTSD, should be diagnosed as mental disorders. What does this illustrate about deviance?

through tax and welfare policies

During the recent period of postindustrialism, social inequality has increased in the US and the UK, but remained fairly stable in countries such as France, Germany, and Canada. How did these countries achieve a stable level of inequality?


Durkheim called public practices that connect people with the sacred ___

state-supported churches

Ecclesia are...


Emile Durkheim's theory of suicide is an application of the theory that sociologists now call ____.

of comparable worth

Even if jobs are different, they can still be similar in terms of education required, amount of responsibility, and amount of stress. Such similar jobs are termed...

a potential

Examples of children who are deprived of attention social conflict demonstrate that the ability to learn culture and become fully human is ___

the rates for all forms of major crime began to fall

FBI crime statistics show that since 1990...

primary sector

Farming, fishing, logging, mining, and the extraction of other raw materials and resources are all activities associated with which sector of the economy?

many children are not living in 2-parent households with stay-at-home mothers

For functionalists, rising rates of crime, illegal drug use, poverty, and welfare dependency can be traced to the fact that....

only by controlling his wife sexually and economically

Friedrich Engels maintained that once wealth was concentrated into the hands of a man he became concerned with how to transmit it to his children, especially his sons. A man could safely pass on an inheritance, wrote Engels ....

laughter is not as spontaneous as we may think

From Provine's research on laughter, we may conclude that...

are less visible than groups and organizations, but every bit as important

From a sociological perspective, networks...

ending private property will not end gender discrimination

Gender inequality has been common in every society that has described itself as communist. This is evidence that...


George Herbert Mead called the culturally approved standards that emerge as part of the self during social interaction the ____.

conflict theory

Given the high levels of social inequality in the US, and the unequal access to health care, authors Brym and Lie find __ the most useful approach to analyzing the American health care system

rational economic practice

Harris argues that ethnocentrism prevents many western scholars and observers from completely understanding cow worship in rural India. When examining cow worship in terms of its function within Indian culture, cow worship can be understood as...

in the US workers work more hours per week and receive fewer vacation days

How does labor in the US compare with other countries?

among the 12 richest countries in the world, the US has the highest rate of child poverty

How does the US compare to other wealthy countries in terms of child poverty?

sparked the pursuit of globalization by tobacco companies

IN the 70s, the antismoking campaign in the US...


Ideas or standards for what is right or wrong, good or bad, and other types of judgments are called ___

impression management

If a student in a sociology class asks questions that she thinks will impress her teacher, the student is engaged in...


If the female-male earnings ratio continues to increase at its current rate, women will be earning as much as men around the year ___


If you are not wealthy, but do well in school and are able to obtain a very high paying high, your social position would be based on ___

Plessy v. Ferguson

In 1896, the Supreme Court approved segregation when it ruled that separate facilities for blacks and whites are legal as long as they are of normally equal quality. What are the name of this case?


In 1992, political scientist Benjamin Barber published an important book titled ___ vs. McWorld in which he argues that globalization is creating an anti-globalization reaction


In 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke apart upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, due to damage caused by insulation debris. An engineer on the management team expressed his concern was overruled when everyone went along with the person in charge. This was probably due to ____


In 2009 about ___% of the prison population consisted of African Americans, who comprise about 12% of the total US population.

2.4 million

In 2009, about ___ people were incarcerated in state and federal prisons in the US

lessened attention to gender

In Thorne's research on a 4th and 5th grade American classroom she noted that activities requiring cooperation such as a group radio show or an art project...


In contemporary society, we are overly busy and often feel rushed trying to accomplish too much during the average workday. Our lives seem so highly regimented that each moment is precisely planned. Sociologists attribute this to the growth of ___.


In early agrarian societies, if you were born a peasant, you and your children would remain peasants; if you were born a lord, you and your children would remain lords. This is an example of stratification based on ____.

having more siblings

In general, which of these factors in the least influential in terms of person's chance of success in school

income strata

In order to make meaningful comparisons, sociologists divide the population into 5 different groups of equal size. These are called __ __

analysis of existing sources

In order to study the amount of immigration into a community over a five year period which type of research would you use?

the division of labor

In pre-agriculture societies there were four main jobs: hunting wild animals, gathering wild edible plants, raising children, and tending to the tribe's spiritual needs. In modern society, there are thousands of different kinds of jobs. This increasing diversification of work is called...

hidden curriculum

In school students are not just taught how to prepare for the job market but also how to be conventionally "good citizens". This is considered an example of ___ ___

having the means and opportunity for interesting social activities

In the Adler's study of preadolescent peer groups, the popularity of the most popular girls was based on...

that white students were being denied equal protection because of accomodations made for students of color

In the Supreme Court cases Grotz and Harnacher v. Bollinger et al and Grutter v. Bollinger et al. what was the position of the plaintiffs?

symbolic interactionists

In theories of socialization, ___ are most likely to emphasize the creativity of individuals as they attach meaning to their experiences

secondary sector

In which sector of the economy are raw materials turned into finished goods?


Jim traveled to Thailand for a vacation and became shocked and judgmental toward "foreign" practices. Which term best describes Jim's reaction?

often tranquilizes the underprivileged into accepting their lot in life

Karl Marx stressed that religion...

Social circumstances have a big impact on athletic and other

Koreans in Japan today are subject to much prejudice and discriminaton. They often pursue careers in sports. IN contrast, Koreans in the US face less prejudice and discrimination and are often said to excel in engineering and science. What does this illustrate?

demographic changes in various segments of the population

Long-term factors that influence the outcome of an election include...

an aging population

Lower fertility rates and increasing life expectancy in the US have contributed to ...

many Cuban immigrants achieve middle-class status relatively quickly

Many Cuban immigrants receive support from well-established and prosperous Cuban-American ethnic enclaves. Because of this support...

former Canadian and British PMs, and former President Bill Clinton have supported this idea

Many analysts argue that the world's rich countries and banks should simply write off the debt owed to them by the developing countries in recognition of historical injustices. How has this idea been received?

the former colonial powers drew boundaries so intentionally increase tribal tensions and welfare

Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have problems with internal conflicts and war. One reason for this is...

be skeptical or rebellious, and may perform poorly

Many students from poor and racial minority families reject the hidden curriculum in school. They tend to ...

begins to increase again

Marital satisfaction generally starts high, falls when children are born, reaches a low point when children are in their teenage years and then...

the capitalist class would get smaller and richer, while the working class grew larger and poorer

Mark argued that as the capitalist economy matured...

rapid social change caused by industrialization

Marx and Durkheim shared concern over ____

are extremely socially and economically interconnected

Members of the corporate, state and military elite...

people who haven't reached middle age

Most crime is committed by...


One aspect of social organization is the patterns of intimate social relations that are formed during face-to-face interpersonal interactions. Sociologists call these patterns ____.

people are freer to choose their own identities and are more tolerant of differences

One benefit of the lack of consensus and erosion of authority within postmodernism is that...

changes in social context

One of the authors, John Lie, describes how has ethnic identity changed over time. His personal story is an example of how ... may create a shift in racial or ethnic identity.

high-tech cures

One of the great shortcomings of modern medicine is its emphasis on __ __

they work with local organizations to identify the most pressing needs and focus on those.

Organizations like Oxfam and Catholic Relief Services have been very beneficial in terms of providing aid within poor countries. They provide a good model because...


Our houses, the tools we use, and the clothes we wear are all examples of ____ culture

face prejudice and discrimination

People do.... enter professional sports in disproportionately large numbers compared with other groups

the existing culture

Perhaps the greatest constraint on what we think and do is....

modernization theory

Proponents of ____ argue that adopting Western-style government, cultures, and values is the way for poor societies to improve their situation

socially constructed and often arbitrarily perceptions

Racial differences are based on ...

children are actively engaged in constructing their gender roles

Research on school children by sociologist Barrie Thorne indicates that...

generally very modest

Researchers have found that mobility, within a single generation is...

civil religion

Robert Belah called the quasi-religious beliefs and practices that bind the population together and justify our way of life __ __

what makes people obey authority

Robert Brym's father managed to survive the Holocaust. To answer the question of why more people did not resist the Nazis and why ordinary German citizens could support the Holocaust, Brym believes it is important to understand...

social constructionaism

Scholars who see gender differences as a reflection of the different social positions occupied by men and women are approaching gender from which position?

aggressiveness is partly role related

Situations involving competition and threat increase the production of the hormone testosterone in women causing them to act more aggressively. This is evidence that...

upward mobility

Sociologists find that the overall trend in the US is one of ...

a feeling of loyalty to their fellow students

Sociologists have found that the primary motivation for soldiers in combat is...

old old

Sociologists of aging refer to elderly people who are 85 years+ are the __ __


Structures of authority tend to render people ___

people with higher status get more laughs and lower status people laugh more

Studies of the role of laughter in social interaction have found that...

white-collar crime

Such crimes as embezzlement, false advertising, tax evasion, insider stock trading, fraud, copyright infringement, and price fixing are all examples of ...

divorce rates

The # of divorces that occur in a year for every 1,000 people in the population is the ___ ___

the father

The 'primary provider and ultimate authority' in a traditional nuclear family is ____

Japan, the US, China, and Germany

The 3 main trading blocs- Asian, North American, and West-European- are dominated respectively by...

questioned old ways of seeing and doing things

The Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the French and American Revolutions all are events that...

deviance is relative

The Tukano Indians of Brazil greet people by asking if they have bathed today. The Yanomamo rubbed their hands over the body of an anthropologist when they first met. In Korea, beckoning with the index finger is only done with cats and dogs. These are examples used in the text to demonstrate that...


The UN urges the world's 22 richest countries to contribute 0.7% of their GDP to development aid of poor countries. IN 2001, only 5 countries reached that goal. Which of the following country has NOT reached that goal? Denmark Norway the Netherlands USA Sweden

more/ lower

The US has __ doctors/ 100,000 people and __ life expectancy, compared to Canada and Japan.

the US process for voter registration

The US has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any of the wealthier countries. This is largely due to...

Latin America

The US intervened militarily in ______ ____ to prevent land reform

status attainment model

The approach to studying social stratification that examines the relative effects of family inheritance and individual merit on occupational achievement is called the ....

no gene linked to general athletic superiority has yet been identified

The argument for the genetic basis of black athletic superiority begins to falter once we consider...


The assets you own and control comprise your ___

making reparation for past discrimination

The authors suggest that the "rights revolution" has raised difficult issues. One of the most controversial is the question of ...


The belief that a visible characteristic of a group, such as skin color, indicates group inferiority and justifies discrimination in known as ____

cultural relativism

The belief that all cultures and all cultural practices have equal values is known as ___ ____

they are of = status and interact face-to-face in a situation of established norms

The boundary between an in-group and an out-group is most likely to fade when...

Solomon Asch

The classic experiment involving gauging the relative lengths of lines drawn on cards was conducted by ___ ___


The construction of the first agricultural settlements was based on ___ The use of small hand tools to cultivate plants is known as___

clear their consciences and commit crimes

The creation of justifications and rationalization, such as an appeal to higher loyalties or condemning those who pass judgment on them, enables criminals to...

most of our human potential remains unlocked until we are socialized

The discussion of the "wild boy" of Aveyron" in the text illustrates that without childhood socialization...


The domestication of animals is a characteristic of which type of society?

peer group

The dominant socializing agent from middle childhood through adolescence is most often the ___ ___

Asian American

The fastest growing ethnic or racial category used by the US Census is __ ___


The feelings, attitudes, and behaviors associated with being male or female are termed one's ____


The first African American to receive a PhD from Harvard was sociologist named

white prejudice

The first major sociological research project on African American communities in the US. The Philadelphia Negro concluded that the supposed 'natural' inferiority of African Americans was actually a result of ____

women and men's separate gender roles as complementary and functional for society

The functionalist perspective supports essentialism because it ...

public health system

The government-run program that ensure access to clean drinking water, sewage and sanitation services, and inoculation against disease make up the __ __ __

actions of the perpetrators were consistent with the values of the adults around them

The horrifying case of the gang rape of a young woman with mental retardation in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, did not result in serious punishment for the perpetrators. How does the research of Bernard Lefkowitz explain this?


The idea of McDonaldization extends Weber's concept of ___ the application of the most efficient means to achieve given ends.


The idea that some jobs, such as that of a judge, require more education and longer training periods and should thus receive more money and prestige, is central to which theory of satisfaction?

medieval doctors

The importance of prevention, exercise, a balanced diet, and a congenial environment in maintaining good health is (was) stressed by __ __

mixed in terms of race and social crisis

The individualistic brand of dissent encouraged by hip-hop appeals to an audience that is...


The institution that organizes the production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services is the ___

whether or not scientific studies have been conducted and indicate effectiveness

The key factor in acceptance by the medical profession of alternative forms of treatment is...

structural mobility

The late 19th and early 20th centuries witnessed a declined in agriculture and the rise of manufacturing, resulting in many fewer farmers and a corresponding surge in the number of factor workers. Mobility due to such changes in jobs is called...

dramaturgical analysis

The line from Shakespeare's play As You Like It, "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players" illustrates which theory?

the self emerges during early social interaction

The main sociological contribution of Freud's theory of the self is that...

85 years

The maximum average human life span is less than ___ years

cultural relativism

The necessity to understand that other people have values that differ from ours and that we should not see these values as inferior but merely different is known as ____


The ownership and control of people against their will is called ___

erosion of authority

The popularity of TV fathers like Homer Simpson and declining confidence in government are both examples of which characteristic of postmodernism?


The process by which people gain control and authority over their occupation and their clients is called ____


The process of work being broken down from complex tasks into simple routines, human labor being replaced with machines whenever possible, and supervisors exerting increasing control over workers has been called ___

enable doctors to share expensive equipment for diagnosis and treatment

The rise of medical hospitals is due primarily to...


The ritual objects that people use to symbolize the sacred are called ___ with Durkheim's theory of religion


The social class system in the US would be an example of what kind of social structure?

understanding the relationship between social issues an private troubles

The sociological perspective allows people to:


The sociological term for the retention of racial and ethnic culture combined with equal access to social resources is ____

Talcott Parsons

The sociologist best known for emphasizing that various institutions must work to ensure the smooth operation of society as a whole is ____


The system that maintains male privilege in society is known as:

was not apparent in the first stages of industrial growth

The tendency of industrialization to lower the level of social stratification...


The term for a family form in which there are at least two wives is ____

symbolic interactionism

The theory that regards people as active, creative, and self-reflective in their everyday life is known as ___ ___

technological factors that have created new jobs and made others more routine and less skilled

The trend most responsible for the gap between rich and poor increasing over the past 50 years is...

secretaries and administrative assistants

The two occupations with the highest percentage of women in 2010 were....


The use of small hand tools to cultivate plants is known as ___

social consructionism

The view that apparently natural or innate features of life (eg gender) are sustained by social processes that are culturally and historically variable is called __ __


Timothy always believed that he should be a girl. If he has sexual reassignment surgery, takes estrogen and begins to live as Tina, he would be considered ____


Today about ___ of the world's population in one of the 89 countries with fully democratic governments

are found outside of US and other English-speaking countries

Today, the most radical forms of hip-hop music ...

people are not just passive recipients of culture

Until the 60s, many sociologsts argued that culture was a simple "reflection" of society. However, many sociologists today content that...

the impact of foreign investment and international trade depends on the time period and the country under discussion

What are the effects of foreign investment and international trade on poorer societies?

they object to being categorized as Hispanic

What do all groups who are categorized as Hispanic have in common, besides possibly speaking Spanish?

the decision not to have children is most common among college graduates than others

What have sociologists found in terms of the decision to have children?

they reinforce the normality of traditional gender roles

What is the primary effect of the mass media's depiction of gender?

the invention of the plow

What motivated the development of agricultural society?

the mass media

What part of civil society is supposed to keep a close eye on the activities of politicians and the state and inform the public about the activities and quality of government?


What topic do families quarrel about most?


What you are able to earn in a given period of time is called your ___


When Kyle holds up two fingers in the peace sign, she is using____

anticipatory socialization

When adolescents watch episodes of a popular TV show, they begin to learn what to expect from young adulthood. This is called...

it gains considerate control over its clientele

When an occupation is able to professionalize...

boys may not be concerned about whether or not toys are gender appropriate, unless they are told a toy is for girls

When it comes to the way that children play...

the negative impact of divorce is great and getting increasingly worse

When research is based on representative samples and separates other factors from the impact of divorce, studies find that...

during the Great Depression of the 30s

When was the first time that the US government took responsibly for providing basic sustenance for those unable to do so for themselves?

TV, radio, movies, videos, books, and the internet

Which are examples of mass media?

encourages respect for people different from oneself

Which is NOT a criticism of multiculturalism? Multicultural education: hurts minority students by overlooking core subjects causes political disunity results in interethnic and interacial conflict encourages cultural relativism encourages respect for people different from oneself

China and India

Which of the following countries maintains among the highest barriers to international trade in the world?

it ignores individual rights and differences

Which of the following is NOT an argument made by advocates of affirmative action?

geographical distribution

Which of the following is not a factor in the disproportionately high arrest, conviction, and incarceration rates of African Americans?

genetic differences between people

Which of the following is not a social cause of illness and death?

create corporations

Which of the following is not an action taken by governments in maintaining a capitalist economy?

one's ability to use social networking sites

Which of the following is not an example of the different social forces that influence whom we are most like to fall in love with and marry?

private ownership of property

Which of the following is the most distinctive feature of capitalism?


Which of these countries has the highest expenditures on health care as measured as a percentage of the gross national product?

high paying jobs and extensive benefits for workers

Which of these descriptions does NOT apply to McDonald's seen as a symbol of US values and business culture? model of rationality high paying jobs and extensive benefits for workers a symbol of the global spread of American values the goal of optimizing speed and economy, while maximizing profits doing most of its business outside of the US

desire for less government interference in the economy

Which of these does not describe liberals in the US?

improving the well-being of people in the former colonies

Which of these has not been a consequence of heavy investment by multinational corporations in the former colonies? siphoning off of wealth in the form of raw materials low-paying jobs for the poor people higher paying jobs in the rich countries improving the well-being of people in the former colonies

tougher penalties and incarceration of more criminals

Which of these is NOT considered an explanation for lower crime rates after the 90s?

environmental pollutants have left more women infertile

Which of these is NOT discussed as a reason that women are having fewer children? children are increasingly expensive to raise children are an economic liability more than an economic asset most women want to work in paid employment the costs of children often outweigh the benefits environmental pollutants have left more women infertile

the attractiveness of available partners

Which of these is NOT one of the social forces described in the text as a major influence on whom one will likely fall in love with and marry? geographical location the attractiveness of available partners the amount and kind of resources one brings to the 'market' the influence of family and friends the size of one's social group

members of ethnic groups received more federal aid than other people

Which of these is not a way that ethnic group membership provides economic advantages for some Americans?

private corporations

Which of these is not considered a distinctive feature of ideal communism

tasks are routine and repetitive

Which of these is not generally considered characteristic of a 'good' jobs?


Which of these is not one of the general principles of conflict theory? inequality conflict lessening privilege equilibrium macro-level structures

American familiarity with Spanish language

Which of these is not part of the explanation for why Cuban immigrants assimilate relatively easily into American society?

the relationship between marital satisfaction and sexual compatibility is reciprocal

Which of these is true about the relationship between marital satisfaction and sexual compatibility? the relationship between marital satisfaction and sexual compatibility is reciprocal marital satisfaction improves one's sex life not vice versa being sexually compatible improves one's marriage, not vice versa

fathers are more likely than mothers to encourage competitive behavior in their daughters

Which of these statements about research findings related to parental attitudes toward gender is false? today's parents have fewer gender-stereotyped perceptions of newborns than in the past parents still attribute different characteristics to male and female children both parents tend to stress compliance in girls parents encourage competitive play among boys fathers are more likely than mothers to encourage competitive behavior in their daughters

student success is solely based on their academic performance

Which of these statements about student success in school is false?

American drug companies put more of their sales revenues back into research than companies in other countries do

Which of these statements comparing prescription drugs in the US to drugs in other postindustrialized countries is false? prescription drugs in the US cost between 58-114% more than in other rich countries more than 1 million Americans now purchase their prescription drugs directly from Canadian pharmaceutical companies prescription drugs in Canada are an average of 42% cheaper than in the US American drug companies put more of their sales revenues back into research than companies in other countries do some US officials want to purchase drugs for their cities from Canada to save $

the rate of imprisonment for young white men and young black men is =

Which of these statements regarding race and the criminal justice system is false? a disproportionate number of street crimes= committed by African Americans a disproportionate # of white-collar crimes are committed by whites rate of imprisonment for young white men and young black men is =

the academic achievement between black and white students closed considerably

Which of these was NOT a result following the attempt to desegregate American schools? white families moved to all-white suburbs white families enrolled their children in private schools racial tension kept minority students from educational gains in desegregated schools the academic achievement between black and white students closed considerably policy shift in improving the quality of underfunded schools instead of relying on busing

symbolic interactionism

Which theoretical perspective is most focused on learning and labeling deviant and criminal roles?

symbolic interactionist

Which theoretical perspective is most likely to focus the fashion choices made by the consumers?

sociology and evolutionary psychology

Which theoretical perspective is most likely to take an essentialist view of gender?


Which theory contends that criminals are those likely to have few social attachements, few legitimate opportunities, weak controversial beliefs, and few involvements in their community?


While only 1% of African Americans married non-blacks in 1970, the figure had increased to ___ by 2008.


While status cues may be useful in helping people define a situation, they can quickly degenerate into ____

the Indian children who played the main characters as children were paid exploitative wages, amounting to a total of less than $4000 for a year's work

While the film Slumdog Millionaire brought attention to the plight of the poor in India; it was accompanied by a scandal. What was it?

because social norms justify male domination

Why do men commit more frequent (and more harmful) acts of aggression against women than women commit against men?

they have more free time

Why do older people attend religious services more often than younger people on average?

latent function

Without meaning to do so, schools encourage the development of a separate youth culture that often conflicts with parents' values. This is an example of a __ __ of schools.

they can seem indecisive when trying to preserve consensus

Women's gender role socialization can work against them in the workplace because...


Your ___ depends on whether you were born with distinct male or female genitals and a genetic program that released either male or female hormones to stimulate the development of your reproductive system.

Symbolic interactionists

__ __ focus on the meanings people attach to age-based groups and age stratification.

stereotype threat

__ __ refers to the negative impact of negative stereotypes on the school performance of disadvantaged groups

educational attainment

__ __ refers to the number of years of school students complete.

conflict theory

___ ___ holds that social interaction involves competition valued resources


___ is the term for the economic domination of one country by another.


___ refers to the idea that the US in a heterogeneous society with many competing interests, with no one power center consistently dominating.


____ takes places when powerful socializing agents deliberately cause rapid change in people's values, roles, and self-conception, sometimes even vs. their will

peer groups

groups that may help to integrate young people into the larger society


is the American sociologist known as the foremost proponent of functionalism.


what country has the highest rate of incarceration, more than any place else in the world?

gender roles

widely shared expectations about how males and females are supposed to act are called ___ ___

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