Soc Final Exam 2

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Examples of nations using Capitalism

Canada Mexico U.S.


Countries that usually have low levels of economic productivity, low per capita incomes, and generally low standards of living. such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Mass Murder

Killed 4 or more people.

Power Elite model is similar to the work of


According to goffman refers to some disvalued attribute


You are Happy!

You are the best!

Functionalism Gender

complementary gendeer roles promote family health and socail integration


the genital and biological difference between male and female


the violation of cultural norms (different)


Fairness, representation, sex, violence

In Max Weber's view

people hold three distinct ranks in society: class, status, power

Which 2 basic types of economic system distinguish contemporary Industrial Societies

Capitalism and Socialism

Natalie is a prejudiced person who actively discriminates against other groups. According to Merton, Natalie is a/n "active bigot." "timid bigot." "fair-weather liberal." "all-weather liberal." "passive bigot."

"active bigot"

double Answer


According to a national survey, what percent of Americans polled felt abortion should be legal under any circumstances?


The United States allows abortion up to about the _____ week and beyond.


Socioeconomic status (SES)

A composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequality. 1st - Class 2nd - Status 3rd - Power

Racial formation

A sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed

Conflict Theory (Karl Marx)

A theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources.

Child abuse was defined as a social problem when and by who?

About 1960 and Dr. C. Henry Kempe

Surveys suggest that about what share of U.S. households have one or more guns? -Almost all of them. -About three-fourths of them. -About one-half of them. -About one-third of them.

About one-third of them


According to Robert Merton, members of revolutionary political organizations such as the Irish Republican Army would typically be classified as


Adam Smith People compete freely without government intervention

____ ____ refers to positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions and educational opportunities.

Affirmative action

Women do the majority of housework in which of the following? The richest countries The poorest countries All countries Housework is equal in all countries

All countries

Intermarriage over several generations, resulting in various groups combining to form a new group, would be an example of


Charles Horton Cooley

Concluded that the self is part of how society makes us human

Transnational crime

Crime that occurs across multiple national borders

One of the most useful aspects of the relationships between dominant and subordinate groups is the ability of the dominant group to

Define a society's values

Karl Marx

He believe that class conflict with a key to human history

Crimes that are against people of property

Index Crimes

Which country is considered "the oldest" compared to the U.S. from statistics available? Sweden Japan Spain Greece


A variety of male gender roles, including nurturing-caring and effeminate-gay roles, that men may play along with their more pervasive traditional role of dominating women.

Multiple masculinities


Negative attitude toward an entire category of people


Penalties & Rewards

I sometimes result from ethnocentrism. I tend to perpetuate false definition of individuals and groups.


sociologists use the term___to refer to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.


Power Elite

Pyramid model

Chicago School of Sociology

Refers to research that stresses participant observation, symbolic interventionism, and seeing things from an insider's point of view, as practiced by the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago in the 1920s.

The ideology that one sex is superior to the other is known as sexual harassment. sexism. sex stratification. gender identity.



The belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior

Upper Class

The blue bloods less then 1% of the populations. Old money


The dominant group forces the minority to leave.


The monies that immigrants return to their families of origin. Also called migradollars.

* Surplus value of labor

The result of selling items for more than what they cost to produce.

social control pg. 153

The techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in society.

Asian men

Which of the following groups has the highest median income level?


Which scholar coined the term stigma?

Social stratification in the U.S. is _____________.

a class system, which combines meritocracy with elements of a caste system


a compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchical structure

Hate crime pg. 166

a criminal offense committed because of the offender's bias against race, religion, ethnic groups, national origin, or sexual orientation. Also referred to as bias crime.

Single-parents families that are poor are _______ to be headed by a woman than a man

abouot 5 times more likely

According to Robert Merton, an innovator is an individual who has ?

accepted the goals of society, but pursues them with means regarded as improper.

_____ statuses are those that we can change, control or choose through effort or actions. Master Achieved Ascribed Role Social




Prejudice is to discrimination as

attitude to behavior

Although history continues to show that it is difficult to change social stratification, ________________.

challenges to the status quo always arise

According to the Davis and Moore thesis, more highly rewarded jobs tend to be those that ___________.

demand the scarce talents and also extensive and expensivve training

t/f conservatives and liberals agree on the topic of wellfare

f; debate

White-collar occupations

higher-prestige jobs that involve mostly mental activity

Robin Williams

identified 10 core values

Nuclear Family

nucleus or core upon which larger family groups are built

Traditional Male Roles

provide protect build

According to crime statistics, hate crime focus most frequently on which of the following?


Biological differences



the behavioral and cultural difference associated with being male and female

informal sanction

used casually to enforce norms

Serial Monogamy

when a person has several spouses in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time

The research conclusing that "good boys": display a strong conscience, can handle frustration, and identify with cultural norms and values is know as __________ theory. A.labeling B.biological C.functional D.containment


__________ theory assumes that for every individual, there exists a containing external structure and a protective internal structure, both of which provide defense, protection, or insulation against delinquency.

Containment (page 161)

____theory states that we are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society.



Convinced of its own superiority, the minority wants to reverse the status and dominate the society.

Professor Zale bases her self-concept as a professor on the interactions she has with students and the reactions she receives from them during class. In view of this, which process is Professor Zale utilizing?

Cooley's looking glass self

Operation pipeline is an example of me. I generally occur when law enforcement officials assume that people who fit certain descriptions are likely to be engaged in illegal activities.

Racial Profiling

If you believe that the criminal justice system operates to stabilize an unfair economic system in the United States, you are guided by which of the following?

Radical Left Politics

Polyandry, a system in which women may have several husbands, is an example—albeit a rare one—of a social order in which women are more powerful than men. True False


Polygyny is a social system in which women may have several husbands and in which women are more powerful than men. True False


The "one-drop rule" stipulated that if a person had even a single drop of "Indian blood", that person was viewed as Indian. True False


The contact hypothesis suggests that if an African-American boss and her Italian employee work together for several years in the same office, they will become more prejudiced toward one another.


The term "racial group" is used to describe a group that is set apart from others because of obvious cultural distinctions. True False


Unlike race or gender, age is not socially constructed. True False


Worldwide, women hold about 10 percent of corporate managerial positions. True False


A woman and her husband, her children, her parents, her mother-in-law, her sister, a parakeet, two Irish setters, a cow, and five chickens live together on a farm in the Midwest. This is an example of a city. community. family. nuclear family.


Which of the following books is not associated with the second wave of feminism in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s?

Fear of Flying

The belief in social, economic, and political equality for women.


Women's subjugation is intergral to society and social structure


I began in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848 My first wave battled ridicule and scorn while fighting for legal and political equality for women. Today, I endorse passage of the equal rights amendment, government subsidies for child care, and greater representation of women in government.

Feminist movement

By 2012, female householders accounted for 50 percent of the poor in the U.S. This alarming trend is referred to as?

Feminization of poverty

Interactionist approach to Milgrams experiment

Subjects were less likely to inflict supposed shocks as they were moved closer to the victim


Subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives

Muslim countries are exceedingly varied and complex and do not often fit the stereotypes created by the Western media. True False


Taking into account age, education, marital status, children, occupational specialization, work experience, and hours worked in a year reduced the pay gap between men and women by only 3 cents. True False


The overwhelming majority of people begin with a definite sex and quickly receive societal messages about how to behave. True False


Victimization survey

a questionnaire or interview given to a sample of the population to determine whether people have been victims of crime. pg. 167

In sociological terms, members of a minority group experience unequal treatment. have a strong sense of group solidarity. generally marry others from the same group. all of these

all of these

When racism prevails in a society, members of subordinate groups generally experience exploitation. prejudice. discrimination. all of these

all of these

Which of the following factors has contributed to the amount of childlessness in the U.S.? couples not believing that having children automatically follows from marriage couples not considering reproduction to be the duty of all married couples economic considerations all of these

all of these

Which of the following factors has contributed to the rise of dual-income families in the U.S.? economic need transient jobs females pursuing their career all of these

all of these

Which of the following images is commonly used by the media to portray Black women? illiterates welfare queens prostitutes all of these

all of these

changes in growing older

before industrial revolution: 2 stages of development: childgood or adulthood today we have childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age

In the U.S. class system, which of the following is typically the single most important factor that affects social position?

being born into a particular family

According to Ross, __________ rather than specific laws guide what people do and universally serve to control behavior. A. morals B. pressures to conform C. belief systems D. environmental strains

belief systems (page 153)

Prejudice is a(n) ________; discrimination is a(n) ________.

belief; action

Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?

class, status, power

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild has used which phrase to describe the double burden that many women face and few men share equitably: work outside the home followed by child care and housework

"second shift"

_____ refers to the advantages that people enjoy because of their race. "White power" "White privilege" "White advantage" "Racial privilege" "Racial opportunity"

"white privilege"

On average, women earn approximately _____ for every dollar men earn. $1.04 $0.98 $0.77 $0.66 $0.50


&&&&Most prolific researcher of collective behavior

&&&Consciously responding to one anothers actions

Four Principles of Stratification 4th

4th - It involves inequality and Beliefs It's not that we believe the pyramid is real but that we also view it as fair.

About what % of families make up the entire upper class in the U.S.?


Which of the following theories offers a view of conformity and deviance that suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society's norms?

control theory

Which sociological theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society's norms?

control theory

Informal social control

control-control is used casually to enforce norms

_____ is recognizing that no culture is better than another and that a culture should be judged by its own standards. Darwinism Ethnocentrism Cultural relativism Subculturism Multiculturalism

cultural relativism

which theory was used by Edwin Sutherland to emphasize that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions with others?

cultural transmission

According to our textbook, marriage, medicine, and modesty are examples of George Murdock's cultural changes. cultural differences. cultural universals. cultural competencies. cultural variations.

cultural universals

According to ___________ theory, some prejudice is found in everyone within a society's population.


The _____ view contends that the poor are "deficient" --that they share some problems, values, attitudes, and beliefs about life which are different from those who are not poor. world-systems culture of poverty feminization of poverty modernization dependency

culture of poverty

Due process is especially important in U.S. society as it provides a check on the power of ______________. A.government B.victims C.the accused D.attorneys


Law pg. 156.

governmental social control.

Looking back over the last century, it is correct to conclude that change with regard to gener has been _____________.

great and remarkable

Which of the following would most likely be characteristic of a society with a more open system of social stratification?

greater emphasis on meritocracy

While the U.S. economy has expanded since the late 1960s, income inequality has increased. decreased. fluctuated. stayed the same. none of the above


One factor that has led to an increase in the share of women in the U.S. workforce over the last century is a _______________.

increased divorce rate

Joanna is conducting a research project that examines whether parent's income impacts a child's choice of college. Joanna thinks that parents who make a lot of money will have children who will attend private schools and parents who make little money will have children who will attend public schools. "Parent's income" is the _____ in Joanna's project. validity reliability hypothesis independent variable dependent variable

independent variable

In the U.S., more than half of all young people between the ages of 18-24 are _____________.

living at home with their parents.

Compared with divorce rates between 1970 and 1990, divorce rates in 2008 were much higher. higher. much lower. lower. about the same.


A focus on the broad features of society to analyze such things as social class and how groups relate to one another is called


Expressive roles

maintenance of harmony and internal emotional affairs of family

Sexism is generally used to refer to

male prejudice and discrimination against women

Sexism is generally used to refer to

male prejudice and discrimination against women.

Gottfredson and Hirschi proposed a new model of personal and social control in A General Theory of Crime. Their model assumes that:

offenders have little control over their own behavior and desires (page 167)

Overall single parent families are: on the rise on the decline remaining consistent none of these

on the rise

According to Jean Piaget's cognitive theory of development, the stage in which children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas is called the

preoperational stage.

The respect or admiration that an occupation holds in a society is referred to as


t/f the percentage of working married mothers increased steadily over the past century, with older kids more likely than with younger ones


t/f the percentage of working women increased steadily over the past century


t/f there are 7 times more property crimes than violent crimes


t/f unmarried males prodestants are the most likely to commit suicide


in an effort to resist the label of deviant, most people will develop rationales to justify their deviant acts. Sykes and Matza refer to these rationales as

technologies of neutralization

techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.

term "social control" refers to

a serial killer has recently been convicted of his charges. in what State is he most likely to receive the death penalty


An ethnic group is a group ?

that is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns.

Ethnic group

that is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns.

According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the expressive role is performed by men. women. children. whichever adult has a career.


functionalist perspective

"Deviance defines the limits of proper behavior." This statement represents the view of which sociological perspective?

Based on studies of isolated and institutionalized children, what is a key variable in acquiring the basic "human" traits we take for granted? (Think Genie and Harlow)

"Human" traits result not from basic instincts but rather from early close relations with other humans

Failure to socialize

"deprived of social experience"


"father of sociology"

In what year did women win the right to vote in national elections? 1865 1895 1920 1945


Four Principles of Stratification 3rd

3rd - it's Universal but variable Distance between individuals may very but it's universally applied.

Crime against property accounts for what share of all serious offenses?


white-collar crime

A corporate vice president is convicted of attempting to bribe a presidential aide. This type of crime is called

Societies with mostly capitalist economies distribute health care through what?

A market system

Total institution

A place that is almost totally controlled by those who run it, in which people are cut off from the rest of society and the society is mostly to cut them

Minority group

A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their lives than the members of a dominant or majority group have over theirs.

Model, or ideal, minority

A subordinate group whose members supposedly have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally despite past prejudice and discrimination, and without resorting to confrontations with Whites


A system of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others is known as


According to the conflict perspective, deviance is a common part of human existence, with positive (as well as negative) consequences for social stability.

Strained gender relations:

According to this theory, women who harass men do so as a means of correcting the inequalities between men and women

Which of the following statements is correct?

All human societies have been socially stratified although in variable ways.

A small body of scholarship suggests that traditional gender roles may be disadvantageous to men in that in the 1980s, girls were more likely to go to college than boys. by 2006, women accounted for over 57 percent of college students nationwide. in 2002, more women than men in the U.S. earned a doctoral degree. all of these

All of these

What does economic restructuring refer to?

All of these choices are correct.

Delete this later

And this

Sociologists consider race and ethnicity to be ?


Most of the immigrants entering the U.S. today come from _____________.

Asia and Latin America

Cohabitation is least common among which racial or ethnic group in the U.S.? Hispanics Asian Americans Native Americans Whites

Asian Americans

Alphonso D' Abruzzo changed his name to Alan Alda. His action is an example of ?



Attempts to improve the human "race" through selective breeding.

Who wrote Feminine Mystique


In ethnomethodology, the ideas we take for granted that underlie our behavior and we violate at our risk are called

Background assumptions

The United States is facing a nursing shortage that is projected to increase. Which of the following is a major reason for the shortage?

Because women's work choices are expanding, fewer women are drawn to this traditionally female occupation


Behavior that violates standards of conduct or expectations of a group

Deviance pg.151

Behavior that violates the standards of conduct of conduct or expectations of a group or society.


Belief that one race is supreme and others are innately inferior

Liberal Feminism

Believes everyone has access to equal rights. Patriarchy and oppression exist because our institutions socialize men and women into believing oppressive ideology.

A subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change is referred to as


formal sanction

Clyde is imprisoned for "tagging," or "visual terrorism." The arrest is an example of a(n)

Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the US, competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system

Conflict perspective


Cooperative interracial contacts can reduce hostility. People and profiled and stereotyped based on their racial and ethnic identity.

victimless crimes

Dave, the president of a small corporation, has a wild weekend. He spends a night with a prostitute, gambles illegally, drinks excessively, and uses drugs. Some would argue he has committed various

Rate of Violence

From 1960 to 1991. rate of violence has dropped only 60% or what it was in 1990.

Stanley Milgram used the word conformity to mean

Going along with peers.

Occupational Prestige

High prestige given to occupations that require extensive training and generate high income

In terms of population size, which of the following is the largest minority category in the U.S.?

Hispanic Americans

Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality.


I contribute significantly to rigid gender-role socialization. I am an important element in traditional views of proper "masculine and feminine behavior. I am fear of and prejudice against homosexuality,


Airline pilot and police officer have the same occupational prestige ranking. Suppose that a former airline pilot becomes a police officer. Sociologists call this kind of movement __________ mobility.



How people categorize things- they put tags on other people or on events and then act accordingly. Labels, then, affect how we perceive and react to social problems.

informal sanction

Jennifer is attending a business luncheon with several corporate executives. At one point during the meal, she reaches in front of another executive for a saltshaker and hits the executive's arm as he is about to put a spoonful of soup in his mouth. The soup spills on his shirt, and he glares at Jennifer. The glare is an example of a(n)

After the Civil War, the Southern states passed"__ ___" laws to enforce official segregation, and the Supreme Court upheld them, as constitutional in1896.

Jim Crow

which sociologist illustrated the boundary-maintenance function of deviance in his study of Puritans in 17th- century New England?

Kai Ericson

_____ predicted that communism would dominate because exploited workers would revolt against capitalism. Max Weber Emile Durkheim Auguste Comte Harriet Martineau Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Workers were robbed of any meaningful relationship to their work

Marx view of industrialization


Means of production are held in private hands - accumulation of profits

Most stigmatized people in our society?

Mental Ill

The feminist movement of the United States was born in what state?


The feminist movement of the United States was born in what state?

New York

The personal experience of the article "Nickel-and Dimes: On (Not) Getting By in America" tells us that the wages of working class people are enough to live. working class people do not work hard enough to make more money. Working class jobs are not as stressful. None of the above.

None of the above.

Which of the following statements best exemplifies the functionalist perspective on culture? Norms and values unify a society and promote social stability. Culture creates inequality because those in power control the media, education, and the political structures of a society. Material culture, especially the media, creates inequalities specifically for women. Cultural symbols allow societies to develop identities and interact with one another. none of the above

Norms and values unify a society and promote social stability.


Norms that are not strictly enforced


Norms that are strictly enforce because there are thought essential to core values or the well being of the group

Cultural relativism

Not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms

Formal social control

Often carried out by authorized agents


One person has all the power


Only nation to use genuine governmental power through a Monarchy

Thoughts and actions become devient_________. every case B.only in relation to the norms of a particular setting, group, or society C.only when the actions are harmful D.only when the criminal justice system becomes involved

Ony in relation to the norms of a particular setting, group, or society.

Which of the following is NOT one of the aspects of the male gender role?

Openly flaunt the trappings of success.


Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm

Agents of socialization

People or groups that affect our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life

Emile Durkheim

Primary goal was to get sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline

Which sociologist discussed the concept and coined the term "multiple masculinities"? Arlie Hochschild R.W. Connell Margaret Mead Robert Merton

R.W. Connell

Sociologist who developed what is called "strain theory" of deviance A.Edwin Lemert B.Robert Merton C.Steven Spitzer D.Edwin Sutherland

Robert Merton

Anomie theory of deviance Pg. 159

Robert Merton's theory of deviance as an adaptation of socially prescribed goals or of the means governing their attainment, or both

which individual would have the narrowest field of eligible marriage partners based on background expectations

Robert, son of CEO of major corporation


Salaries and wages

The most extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals and groups is


Micro-Level analysis of social stratification

Social standing affects everyday interaction. People with different social standing keep their distance from one another 215 Review -


Sociologists rarely distinguish between racial and ethnic groups.

What key argument did Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore present to support their claim that social inequality has beneficial consequences for the operation of society?

Some form of social stratification has been found in every known society.

Labeling Theory

Some people are labeled as deviant while others who engage in other behaviors are not.

A rigid caste system based on race emerged during the last century in which of the following countries?

South Africa

Which racial or ethnic group has the highest rate of welfare dependency in the U.S.? African Americans Hispanics Southeast Asians Puerto Ricans

Southeast Asians

Which of the following examined obedience by conducting an experiment that required subjects to administer "painful" shocks to subjects in an analysis of "learning?"

Stanley Milgram

_________ are unreliable generations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group.



Such feelings of being unconnected and uprooted.

Which of the following would NOT be considered discrimination?

Sue believes poor people are criminals.

Conflict theorists see gender differences as a reflection of the subjugation of one group (women) by another group (men)


he feminist movement in the United States was born in upstate New York, in a town called Seneca Falls, in the summer of 1848. This first wave of feminists battled ridicule and scorn as they fought for legal and political equality for women.


Which of the following social thinkers did/does not hold an elite model of power relations?

Talcott Parsons

Gina wakes up with a fever and calls in sick to her workplace. Then, she calls her physician and makes an appointment. After seeing the physician, who prescribes some medication and bed rest, Gina immediately goes home and follows her doctor's instructions. In sociological terms, Gina has

The Sick Role

C. Wright Mills

The Sociological Imagination - challneged status quo - encouarged people to think sociologically - argued that society influences individuals

The only high-income nation to rely primarily on a direct-fee system is

The United States

Human rights

The basic rights to which all people are entitled as human beings.


The deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation.

Cultural goal

The goal is held out for all Americans.

Canada has what type of health care system?

The government operates like a large insurance company, paying physicians and hospitals from tax revenues

In Freud's theory, what part of the personality represents the pleasure-seeking aspect, demanding immediate fulfillment of basic needs such as attention, food, safety, and sex?

The id

Manifest Functions

The intended beneficial consequences of people's actions

If a landlord refused to rent to Latino tenants, what could be used as evidence that it was a case of individual discrimination?

The landlord was following long-held conventions and practices.


The language, beliefs, norms ,values ,behaviors, and even material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next

What terms applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death, beginning with "childhood" and concluding with " the older years."

The life course


The position that someone occupies in a social group

Scientific method

The use of objective and systematic observations to test theories


The use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or groups, generally leading to a negative evaluation of their values, norms, and behaviors

Color-blind racism

The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo.

Role performance

The ways in which someone performs a role

Which of the following statements about childlessness in the U.S. is correct? There has been a modest increase in childlessness. Childlessness has decreased dramatically. Childlessness is directly correlated to views on abstinence. There has been a modest decrease in childlessness.

There has been a modest increase in childlessness.

Emile Durkheim's basic insight was that _________. A.deviance is unknown in most societies because of its harmful consequences B.deviance blurs the line between right and wrong C.deviance causes more harm than we tend to think D.there is nothing abnormal about deviance because all societies create it and it has positive functions for the operation of society

There is nothing abnormal about deviance because all societies create it and it has positive functions for the operation of society.

Why does China lack of an AIDS epidemic?

They still have traditional sexual norms

Criminal Sexual Assult

This crime is much broader, including all sexual assaults, completed and attempted, against both males and females.

institutional discrimination

This discrimination is built into the social system that oppresses whole groups.

Strain theory (Merton)

Tied to crime in the United States. Success-especially in the form of money or material goods

Feminists contend that prostitution and some forms of pornography are not______crimes


Which of the following women is at the greatest risk of violence?

Violet, who lives with her husband and three young children. Both she and her husband work to support their family, but they are challenged by the fact that together they earn only $30,000 a year.


Vladimir, a Russian immigrant to the U.S., insists that everyone call him "Joe," and he refuses to speak Russian even when in casual conversation with Russian-speaking neighbors. This is an example of

C. Wright Mills

Was a controversial figure in society because of his analysis of the role of the power and elite and US society

Cell Phones

What is a less expensive way of furthering agriculture than biotechnology

racial group

What term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance?

2. According to george herbert mead the preparatory stage occurs

When children imates the people around them

Conviction generally does not harm the person's reputation or career aspirations as much as conviction for a street crime would.

Which of the following is true of white-collar crime?

false consciousness

Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position?


Which perspective would look to the disproportionate economic and lobbying power wielded by groups such as the National Rifle Association in the debate over gun violence in U.S. society?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?

Which of the following is not considered a minority group in the U.S.? Native-American women African-American men White men Jewish-American women

White men

William Ogburn

Who wrote culture lag?


Widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants

Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high school males(the Saints and the Roughnecks) and concluded that social class played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups?

William Chambliss

Which scholar studied the labeling theory

William Chambliss

Which sociologist suggested that interracial coalitions would most likely reduce racial and ethnic stereotyping and prejudice? Karl Marx William Julius Wilson Robert Blauner Roscoe Cox

William Julius Wilson

Which of the following statements is true in intimate partner violence? Half of all women have experienced intimate partner violence. Men are more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence than women. Males who earn less than $75,000 are more likely to be abusers than those who earn more. Women are more likely than men to sustain serious physical injuries as a result of intimate partner violence. Cultural factors have little effect on reporting intimate partner violence.

Women are more likely than men to sustain serious physical injuries as a result of intimate partner violence.


Working people who sell their labor for wages

Approach Sociological Perspective Explanation

World systems analysis Functionalist and conflict -Functionalist Unequal economic and political relationships maintain sharp divisions between nations. Dependency Theory Conflict Functionalist Industrial nations exploit developing countries through colonialism and multinational corporations Modernization theory NONE Developing countries are moving away from traditional cultures and toward the cultures of industrialized nations

A class system

__________ is a social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility.


__________ is an economic system in which the means of production are largely in private hands and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits


__________ mobility involves changes in social position within a person's adult life.


__________ poverty is a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society, whatever their lifestyles, are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison with the nation as a whole.

Which of the following is an example of a white-collar crime? a. embezzling company money b. robbing a bank c. smuggling drugs into the country d. molesting a family memeber


• Mundugamor

a culture of cannibals and head hunters, so both males and females were found to be aggressive, selfish, hot-tempered, combative and uncaring. Both males and females had the traits that our culture would consider masculine.

absolute poverty

a deprivation of resources that is life-threatening


a group of people who share cultural heritage, common ancestry, and language

Which of the following types of societies typically has the least amount of social stratification?

a hunting and gathering society

selective perception

a learned behavior to stereotype members of groups because" They are like that ," the stereotypes become lenses through which we view people.

In _____, prospective spouses can compare the "value" of eligible partners before selecting a mate. family economics family values a love bazaar a marriage market none of the above

a marriage market

Defining boundaries between social categories in fluid class systems is much more difficult than defining the boundaries of categories within a rigid caste system. Why?

a person's standing on one dimension may differ from other dimensions within a class system, making class boundaries unclear

In Middle Eastern societies (Sociology in the Global Community: The Head Scarf and the Veil: Complex Symbols), the veil represents

a rejection of the Beauty Myth, which is so prevalent in Western society

A dominant ideology is ?

a set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests.

Structual social mobility

a shift in the social position of large numbers of people due to more changes in society than individual efforts

Sociologists claim that race is _________________.

a socially constructed concept


a statement of how and why specific facts are related

karl Marx used the concept of class consciousness to refer to ?

a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change.

Social Stratification

a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy or in strata

Following the Thomas Theorem, we would view prejudice and discrimination as ______________.

a vicious circle or a self-fulfilling prophesy


a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

According to Francis Ivan Nye, _____ comes from an individual's identification with noncriminals and a desire not to embarrass parents and friends by acting against their expectations. a. indirect control b. direct control c. self control d law enforcement

a. indirect control

Best predictorts of poverty

age, education, race, gender, and marital status

According to Reiss, delinquency is the result of all but which of the following factors? a. a failure to internalize socially accepted and prescribed norms of behavior b. a breakdown of internal social controls c. attachment to delinquent peers d. a lack of social rules that prescribe behavior in the family, the school, and other important social groups.

attachment to delinquent peers (page 158)



The term "gender roles" refers to _____________.

attitudes and activites that a society linkns to each sex

A White male lawyer mentors a young female Latina lawyer. According to the contact hypothesis, this situation would

be likely to cause them to become less prejudiced.

Traditional Female Roles

bearing and caring for children food preparation care for home

Why does class matter?

because it influences just about everything

Ruth, a young pregnant woman has recently been diagnosed with aids. because a person with aids is stigmatized in US society, it is likely that Ruth's master class will

become lower

In a unanimous decision related to sentencing for a hate crime, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a belief is no longer protected when it __________________. A.becomes the motive for a crime expressed in writing C.threatens the constitutional protection of free speech published or broadcast

becomes the motive for a crime

Which of the following traits increases the risk of being poor?

being a single mother

__________ is the assent to the society's value system. a. attachment b. belief c. commitment d. involvement

belief (page 156)

In applying to three colleges, Layla spent several days completing nearly identical forms. Each asked for her high school grades, roommate preferences, and parent's financial status. This is an example of which of the shortcomings of bureaucracies? a weak reward system bureaucratic ritualism alienation Parkinson's Law Peter Principle

bureaucratic ritualism

Lookig historically, what is the most important reason that social hierarchies endure for so long?

by using ideology to define social inequality as "fair" and "just"

_____ is an economic system where wealth is in private hands and is invested and reinvested to produce profits. Capitalism Communism Socialism Mercantilism Pseudo-capitalism


According to Friedrich Engels, the development of capitalism has what effect on the relations between females and males?

capitalism gives men increasing power over women

Women's jobs tend to be "feminine" and require care-giving. serving others. working with people. none of the above. all of the above.

care-giving. serving others. working with people.

Professional Crime

career crimes with status among peers

Formal sanction

carried out by authorized agents

Using a sociological perspective encourages accepting conventional ideas. challenging common sense, myths, and misconceptions. seeing society as unpredictable. people to become happier. all of the above are correct.

challenging common sense, myths, and misconceptions.

Intragenerational mobility

change in social posiition that occurs during a person'slifetime

_____________ make up the fastest-growing category of homeless people.


In a/n _____ stratification system, a person's ability to change social positions is limited and often based on gender or race. rigid open closed caste slavery


The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo is referred to as ?

color-blind racism

The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo is referred to as color-blind racism. prejudice. discriminatory racism. none of these

color-blind racism.

According to Travis Hirschi, one of the four social bonds that promote socialization and conformity is _____.

commitment (page 155)

Street Crime

committing an ollegal act in a public place

"Low wages alienate workers." This statement best represents the views of which sociological theory on work and the economy? functionalist conflict feminist symbolic interactionist globalization


Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective has influenced the creation of the feminist perspective the most? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective

conflict perspective

Racial hierarchies are supported and perpetuated through economic inequality. This statement represents the views of functionalists. conflict theorists. symbolic interactionists. feminist theorists. exchange theorists.

conflict theorists

The main theoretical perspective used in article "The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison" by Jeffrey Reiman is functionalist perspective. conflict perspective. symbolic interactional perspective. feminist perspective.

conflict theorists

_____ ask why some deviant acts are defined as criminal while others are not. Functionalists Conflict theorists Feminist theorists Symbolic interactionists Strain theorists

conflict theorists

Income, status and other rewards allow some owners and managers to exploit workers. This statement exemplifies which major theoretical perspective? Functionalism conflict theory symbolic interactionism exchange theory feminist theory

conflict theory

The phrase "matrix of domination" is associated with which sociological perspective?

conflict? - Patricia Hill Collins

Which of the following terms refers to going along with one's peers, with peers defined as individuals of a person's own status who have no special right to direct that person's behavior?


The most common adaptation in Robert Merton's anomie theory of deviance is ?


According to George Murdock's research, in a preindustrial community, which job would most often fall to women?


Mr. Davis, an accounting executive at Alpha Inc., participated in tax fraud for several years, which saved the company millions of dollars in taxes. Mr. Davis is guilty of cybercrime. occupational crime. corporate crime. organized crime. industrial crime.

corporate crime

According to the __________, many conpeting groups within the community have access to government so that no single group is dominant.

corporate-conservative coalition

Equal pay for equal work laws

couldn't discriminate on sex or gender

the main idea of control theory developed by Walter recklass is that most people have strong desires to deviate. 2 systems work against their motivation to deviate

courts and prisons

The violation of a society's formally enacted law is called ____________. -deviance -crime -delinquency -social control


In theory, all crimes are composed of two elements: the act itself and ____________. A.the perpetrator B.the victim C.the context D.criminal intent

criminal intent

Crime is a violation of ?

criminal law for which formal penalties are applied by some governmental authority


critiqued capitilism bourgeoisie- rich, property owners proleteriant- poor, working class economics is the idependent variable influencing all else

_____capital refers to social assets, such as an elite education. Economic Cultural Social Class Collective


Anthropologist Margaret Mead, in examining cross-cultural data, found that

cultural conditioning is the most important factor in determining the social roles of males and females

According to Merton, Americans are taught to strive towards the "American Dream" of economic success. He called these aspirations institutionalized goals. institutionalized means. cultural strain. cultural means. cultural goals.

cultural goals

In basic terms, ideology refers to any statement that ___________.

defines inequality as fair

Genocide refers to the process of combining a majority group and a minority group through intermarriage to form a new group. expelling a group of people from a territory. deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation. forsaking a cultural identity in order to become part of a different culture.

deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation.

The _____ Party believes that the government should provide social programs; the _____ Party believes that the federal government should not be involved in social programs. Republican; Independent Democratic; Independent Republican; Democratic Democratic; Republican Independent; Republican

democratic; republican

Early age at marriage is a/n _____ reason for some divorces. macro-level micro-level demographic interpersonal intrapersonal


Institutional discrimination

denial of opportunities and equal rights as result of normal operations of society

Institutional discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society. belief that individuals or groups should be denied equal rights and opportunities. stereotyping of people who work in public or private institutions. establishment of laws that intentionally deny opportunities and equal rights to members of minority groups.

denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society.

Institutional discrimination is the ?

denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society.

an important aspect of a professional criminal's work is ?

developing technical skills.

_____ is behavior that violates expected rules or norms. Crime Deviance Stigma Social control Sanction


every human group develops a system of formal and informal social controls to enforce norms and discourage deviance. they do this because

deviance is not socially acceptable

Which of the following products most often target women in advertising?

diet products

Monica, a new student at Valley High School, becomes friends with a group of teenagers who use marijuana and remain seated during the singing of the national anthem. Although Monica had never used marijuana and used to sing the anthem, she begins to engage in the same behavior as her new friends. This is an example of ?

differential association

History shows that it is ____________ to change systems of social stratification.


Max Weber

disagreed with Marx that economics was the single cause of stratification 3 factors: class status power economics is society's dependent variable, the consequwnce of many other factors

Racism is a form of which of the following?


Suppose that a White employer refuses to hire a qualified Vietnamese American but hires an inferior White applicant. This decision is an act of?


_____ is an action that treats people unequally or unfairly because of their group membership. Prejudice Scapegoating Cultural relativism Ethnocentrism Discrimination


Which one of the following is NOT a phase of the retirement experience as outlined by Robert Atchley? disenchantment phase disengagement phase termination phase reorientation phase

disengagement phase

3rd Wave Feminism

diverse identites: lesbians, minorities, etc.

A split labor market:

divides more secure jobs from less secure jobs

A/n _____ is any physically or culturally distinctive group that has the most economic and political power. popular group apartheid group dominant group majority group principle group

dominant group

In As You Like It, Shakespeare wrote that "All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players." This illustrates which concept? self-fulfilling prophecy Thomas theorem dramaturgical analysis social construction of reality ethnomethodology

dramaturgical analysis


earnings from work or investments

3 major systems of social stratification still used throughout the world. which of the following is no longer used: slavery, caste, estate, class

estate stratification system

A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection is known as a(n) ?

estate system.

Which term is used to refer to the reputation that a specific person has within an occupation?


What term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance?

ethnic group

Characteristics of national origin or distinctive cultural patterns are used primarily by a society to set apart

ethnic groups

Characteristics of national origin or distinctive cultural patterns are used primarily by a society to set apart minority groups. ethnic groups. racial groups. polarization groups.

ethnic groups

While race might reflect our biological heritage, ________ reflects our cultural heritage.


Timothy and Kiley were asked to violate a norm by their sociology professor. They choose to go to the mall and use the up-escalator to go down and the down-escalator to go up. They watched the reactions of others and wrote a paper describing the experience. Which methodological tool were Timothy and Kiley using? dramaturgical analysis secondary analysis participant observation conduct testing ethnomethodology


The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as exogamy. hypergamy. endogamy. homogamy.


A sociologist argues that the capitalist ruling class is willing to tolerate high rates of illegal immigration because these immigrants serve as a cheap labor pool. This sociologist is most likely to draw upon the contact hypothesis. the anomie theory of deviance. exploitation theory. labeling theory.

exploitation theory

The main idea of the article "Historic Reversals, Accelerating Resegregation, and the Need for New Integration Strategies" is that school segregation is getting better than before. true false


what term did Karl Marx use to describe the experience when workers mistakenly identify with capitalists

false conscienceness

In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a ?

false consciousness

Sexuality is linked to gender inequality and the control of women's sexual behavior by men. Which sociological perspective does this statement illustrate? functionalist conflict symbolic interactionist feminist exchange


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that studies of social class have tended to neglect the occupations and incomes of women as determinants of social rank, thereby elevating the status of males?

feminist perspective

Control Theory

forms of social control overcome our natural tendencies.

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to point out that policymakers have both a humanitarian and a financial stake in promoting adoption? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective


_____ believe that deviance and crime are normal parts of the social structure that maintain society. Functionalists Conflict theorists Feminist theorists Symbolic interactionists Criminologists


Expecting a woman to be nuturing would be an example of: genetic traits gender roles homophobia none of these

gender roles

Which of the following terms refers to expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females? expressiveness gender roles gender schema instrumentality

gender roles

Sociologists characterize most of the places we go and activites we engage in as ___________, meaning that they are defined as either masculine or feminine.


3. An individual is sitting in a large college lecture hall with 300 other students and has the urge to pick her nose she reframes because she is afraid of how other students will react this person's behavior is being controlled by

generalized others

Research shows that social mobility is relatively greater for people born at what levels of the class system?

generally, in the middle levels

Which of the following connections to criminality is commonly rejected by sociologists?

genetic roots

Systematic attempts to destroy members of particular minority groups is called genocide. internal colonialism. segregation. assimilation. pluralism.


The killing of Christian people in some parts of the Middle East today by forces of ISIS illustrated which concept?


Conformity Pg. 153

going along with peers-individuals of our own status who have no special right to direct our behavior.

Asch's studies, in which subjects were asked to match lines on cards, showed that people tend to see most things differently. people often lie to those who have authority. group membership generates conformity. leaders compete for power in social groups. All of the above are correct.

group membership generates conformity

Ethnic Group

group set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns

What type of crime is motivated by characteristics such as race, religion, sexual orientation or disability?

hate crime

Operational definition

how a research for measures a variable

At which level of technological development do societies display the least amount of social stratification?

hunting and gathering societies

Looking at the model of the Kuznets Curve, which of the following types of societies has the least social inequality?

hunting and gathering societies

Researchers onclude that _____________ is the daily experience of about 20 percent of poor African Americans. It is found in approximately 25 large U.S. cities today.



ideology that one sex is superior to the otherGl

In analyzing the elderly as a minority, one crucial difference between older people and other subordinate groups is that old people are not the objects of prejudice and discrimination. membership is not involuntary. if we live long enough, we will all become members of this minority. old people do not marry members of their own group.

if we live long enough, we will all become members of this minority.

White-collar Crime

illegal acts committed by affluent people in their business activities

White collar crimes

illegal acts committed in the course of business activities

A panhandler makes $15 to $20 per day on the streets. This is his


Some radical feminist theorists view the oppression of women in male-dominated societies as retribution. inevitable. hyperreactive. merely a falsity.


Jennifer is attending a business luncheon with several corporate executives. At one point during the meal, she reaches in front of another executive for a saltshaker and hits the executive's arm as he is about to put a spoonful of soup in his mouth. The soup spills on his shirt, and he glares at Jennifer. The glare is an example of a(n) ?

informal sanction

According to Talcott Parsons, masculine behavior is _______________ and feminine behavior is _____________.

instrumental; expressive

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patterns of male dominance in cross-sex conversations that express themselves in day-to-day exchanges represent one more battleground in the struggle for gender equality as women try to get a word in edgewise? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective

interactionist perspective

Glass Ceiling

invisible barrier that blocks promotion of a qualified individual because of gender, race, or ethnicity


is an attitude, a prejudging of some sort, The dominant group holds the minority's physical or cultural traits in low esteem.

Day Care

is it good for kids? research increases health risks, stress, bullying, not cost-efficient

the sexual revolution

isolated and elevated sex

What does the metaphor "glass ceiling" mean in relation to women's jobs?

it represents hard-to-see but real gener obstacles to promotion

"Society's reaction to behavior is a major factor in defining someone as deviant." This statement best exemplifies which theory of deviance? differential association labeling strain crime control feminist theory


The social constructionist perspective is most closely affiliated with which other sociological explanation of deviance?

labeling theory

Which one of the following is the most likely to value familism? Latino families African American families American Indian families Asian American families Middle Eastern families

latino families

_____ are the fastest-growing minority group in the United States. Chinese American Indians Latinos Cubans Arabs


A caste system is _______________.

less open than a class system

Compared to high-income people, working-class people tend to be ___________ controversial patterns of behavior in others.

less tolerant of

Blue-collar occupations

lower-prestige jobs that involve mostly manual labor

Identify which social class the following description illustrates: Some individuals in this social class flaunt their money and spend it on lavish goods and services to enhance their prestige. upper-upper class lower-upper class upper-middle class lower-middle class working class

lower-upper class

No-fault divorce is a/n _____ reason for some divorces. macro-level micro-level demographic interpersonal intrapersonal



males are expected to dominate in all family decision making


marriage of a man to more than one woman at the same time

Patrilineal Family

only the father's relatives are important

The major research method in article "Between Good and Ghetto: African American Girls and Inner-City Violence" by Nikki Jones is: survey interview field work participant observation

participant observation

Annie and Brandon recently married and are living with his parents. This is an example of a/n _____ residence pattern. matriarchal nuclear patrilocal matrilocal patriarchal


Which of the following is the appropriate order of Cooley's phases of the "looking-glass self?" perception, interpretation, response perception, response, interpretation perception, initiation, response preparatory, play, game play, game, preparatory

perception, interpretation, response

In terms of strain theory, a __________ is an example of someone who exhibits retreatism from society. A.convict B.police officer C.student D.person who voluntarily lives on the street

person who voluntarily lives on the street

Which of the following is not a criterion of a social group? persons who interact with one another persons who share a common identity persons who share a sense of belonging None of the above are characteristics of a social group. All of the above are criteria of a social group.

persons who interact with one another persons who share a common identity persons who share a sense of belonging None of the above are characteristics of a social group. All of the above are criteria of a social group.

Segregation refers to the act of

physically separating two groups, an action often imposed on a minority group by a dominant group.

_____ is a political system where power is distributed among a variety of competing groups Communism Pluralism Assimilation Capitalism Socialism


Under which marital form can a woman have several husbands at the same time? monogamy polygamy polygyny polyandry


Biological explanations

posit that men are by nature more sexually motivated than women, and that when placed in a workplace environment, they lose control of their sex drive and sexual harassment occurs (Saal 1996)

Open stratification system

position of each individuals influenced by the persons achieved status

Sociology helps us see...

predictable patterns in human behavior changes over time in human behavior social factors influence human behavior

how does the manner in which sociologists apply to the term deviant differ from the manner in which the general public apply the term

public responds negatively, sociologists don't judge


rapid social change in the 1700s and 1800s - industrial - urban - migration - political/economical

_____ is the process of unlearning old ways of doing things and adopting new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. The self-fulfilling prophecy Resocialization Socialization The "looking-glass self" Anticipatory socialization


Labeling theory links deviance to the ___________.

reactions of others to someone's behavior

how can one avoid role conflict

read rope ques

Social construction of reality

reality does not come with built-in meanings, but, rather that we construct our realities as we apply symbols to our experiences.

According to Robert Merton, members of revolutionary political organizations such as the Irish Republican Army would typically be classified as


A/n _____ is a group that shapes our behavior, values and attitudes, and influences who we'd like to be in the future. in-group out-group primary group secondary group reference group

reference group

Internal colonialism

refers to a more powerful nation making colony of a weaker nation so it can EXPLOIT IT RESOURCES.

Which one of the following would NOT be an example of assimilation?

refusing to acknowledge darker-skinned grandparents on a public street

Which of the following is not a function of the family? sexual regulation reproduction religious placement socialization social placement

religious placement


requires mate selection outside certain groups, usually family or certain kin

Prestige refers to the ?

respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society.

Harold started using drugs when he was 17. By the time Harold turned 20 he was living on the streets. According to Merton, Henry is a/n conformist. innovator. ritualist. retreatist. rebel.


"An eye for an eye" describes which of the following justifications for punishment? A.societal protection B.retribution C.deterrence D.rehabilitation


_____ are the behaviors expected of people who have a particular status. Role sets Status sets Roles Symbols Signals


Which thoery of prejudice cleaims that minorities are often blames for the troubles of others because they are "safe targets"?

scapegoat thoery

Connor is reviewing birth and death certificates for persons living in Jefferson County. Connor is using which data collection method? survey evaluation research secondary analysis experiment field research

secondary analysis

In South Africa, whites are a minority, but held power and controlled government and economy, some minorities were allowed to live only in certain areas. Compared to whites other categories of people had limited access to educationm health care, housing, and legal aid. What does this illustrate?


Charles Cooley

self image is based on how we think others see us (looking glass self)

According to Walter Reckless, the primary containment factor is found in: a. self-control b. self-concept c. a strong ego d. a good conscience

self-concept (page 160)

Manufacturing jobs lost in the U.S. since 1960 have largely been replaced by ______________ jobs.


Pink-collar Jobs

service industry jobs, dominated by women


set of people related by blood, marriage, or other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society

According to George Herbert Mead, children learn to take the role of important people in their lives, especially parents, as they model themselves after them. Mead referred to these important people as role models looking-glass models significant others the generalized other authority figures

significant others

Feminization of poverty

since World War II increasing proportions of poor in U.S. have been women

Blue-collar Jobs

skilled or unskilled, manual jobs, dominated by men

A system of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others is known as?


A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called ?

social inequality.


social interaction (learned)

Which of the following refers to the movement of individuals or groups from one position of society's stratification system to another?

social mobility

Friedrich Engels is associated with which sociological approach?

social-conflict theory

Karl Marx believed that a ______________ system would replace _____________ and provide for the needs of all people rather than just the needs of an elite few.

socialist; capitalism

It is important to underscore the fact that __________is the primary source of conformity and obedience, including obedience to law.


A powerful negative label that greatly changed a person's self-concept and social identity is called a ____________. A.a stigma B.degradation C.primary deviance D.secondary deviance


A/n _____ is a negative label that devalues a person and disqualifies him/her from full social acceptance. harm injurious stigma social control dishonor


Symbolic Interactionism Stratification

stratification is an individual matter; social possission is reflected by what we consume and how we act

Coflict Theory Stratification

stratification is not inevitable/beneficial it is the result of capitilism and the misuse of power that protects the status quo and oppressed the weak taking advantage of the poor

Most common traits associated with masculinity and feminity

strength (males) beauty (females)

The key insight of the _________ theoretical approach is that deviance is a necessary part of social organization. A.feminist B.symbolic-interaction D.structural-functional


Social stratifiation, a system in which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy, is _____________.

supported by widely-held values and beliefs about what is fair

Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau mails forms to every home in the United States to collect federally mandated data. The Census Bureau is using which of the following data collection methods? secondary analysis field research experiment survey evaluation research


Which of the following theoretical approaches is most commonly used to understand socialization? functionalism conflict feminist symbolic interactionism None of the above are used to understand socialization.

symbolic interactionism

"Human reality is socially constructed reality." This statement best matches which of the theories explaining social interaction? symbolic interaction social exchange feminist theories functionalist social learning

symbolic interation

A stop sign, a wedding dress, and a handshake are examples of mores. transitions. symbols. signs. culture.



systematically observe, record, and interpret social behavior

t/f Asian Americans and Whites are both above the national average


t/f Asian Americans report the highest education level and income


t/f Chicago and Harvard were early sociological centers


t/f Chicago is considered the most segregated U.S. city in the terms of its neighborhoods


t/f Hispanics and Blacks report the lowest educational level and income


t/f females earn a higher percent of all degrees


Sigmund Freud

the Id:basic drives the ego: efforts to achieve balance the superego: culture within

New York City's Little Italy is an example of pluralism just as _______________ is an example of genocide.

the Nazi Holocaust

Which of the following statements about race and ethnicity is correct?

the U.S. Census Bureau provides people with the opportunity to identify themselves using many racial and ethnic categories or combination of categories


the belief thatone sex is innately superiod to the other

What is NOT a example of a closed-class system?

the class system in American society

One point upon which most feminists agree is the importance of ________________.

the elminiation of gender stratification

Sex Role Spillover

the hypothesis that gender role characteristics spill over into the workplace, creating stereotypes and a sexualized workplace


the lifelong social experience by which people develope their human potential and learn culture

Capitalism is an economic system in which ?

the means of production are largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profit.

According to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau _______________.

the median income of African American families is slightly more than half that of non-hispanic white families.

Which of the following social classes accounts for the largest % of the U.S. population?

the middle class

What distinhuishes a minority from a society's majority?

the minority has a distinct identity based on physical or cultural traits, and the minority experiences subordination or disadvantage

Changes in the U.S. attitudes toward death penalty are reflected in the fact that __________. A.the annual number of executions has increased steadily since 1990 B.the number of executions has been decreasing in recent years C.the death penalty is now outlawed in all but five states D.there have been no executions in the past five years

the number of executions has been decreasing in recent years.

A midlife crisis is best defined as a period of stressful self-evaluation experienced by men and women that begins around 50 years of age. a period in which men, not women, realize that they have not achieved basic life goals and ambitions and have little time to do so. the second transitional period experienced by men and women, according to Daniel Levinson. all of these

the second transitional period experienced by men and women, according to Daniel Levinson.

Which of the followig statements about U.S. women with young children is correct?

the share of women in the paif workforce has been increawsing, and women with small children are especially likely to be working for income

A family lives in a remote area of Appalachia, where coal mines that once employed many workers have been idle for years. There are no jobs in the area, the distant schools are poorly funded, and because of the remote location, there are no churches or medical facilities nearby. These poor, chronically unemployed people who barely survive from winter to winter are an example of ?

the underclass

How do sociologists define the concept of wealth?

the value of income, all other assets, minus the valye of all outstanding debts

Labeling theory

the view of deviance according to which being labeled as a "deviant" leads a person to engage in deviant behavior.

Marcus used a deductive approach to examine the relationship between two variables. Which of the following best represents a deductive approach? theory --> hypothesis --> observation --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis theory --> observation --> hypothesis --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis observation --> theory --> hypothesis --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis hypothesis --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis --> theory --> observation hypothesis --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis --> observation --> theory

theory --> hypothesis --> observation --> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis


they were expected to speak the English language and adopt other Anglo=Saxon ways of life.

Crime that occurs across multiple national borders is known as ?

transnational crime

Callahan, who wa born to working-class parents, just graduated from medical school and passes his medical board exa,s. He would be considered to have experienced ______________________.

upward mobility

Intergenerational social mobility

upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents

If the researcher and the respondent interpret a research question differently, there is a problem with reliability. validity. deduction. accuracy. objectivity.


For sociologists, culture refers to which of the following? values beliefs behaviors all of the above

values beliefs behaviors

In the United States, police record about how many serious crimes each year?

11 Million

George Herbert Mead

Pointed out how important play is developing a self



Auguste Comte

( father of sociology) applying the scientific approach to the social world


(Pronounced day-see) is colloquial for people who trace their ancestry of South Asia, especially India

Herbert Spencer

(Second founder) coined the term "survival of the fittest." Helping the poor was wrong and that it was merely help the less fit

Functionalists maintain that gender differentiation masks underlying power relations between men and women


Assertions about culture

- all people have a culture - all cultures are diverse - all cultures are similar - all cultures change over time

God's design

- complmentary pair - permanent union - closed system - practical purpose - good appraisal

Four Principles of Stratification 2nd

2nd - It carries over from generation to generation. Most people stay in the same social position as their parents.

By about ____________ years of age, most children begin to think of themselves as either female or male.


William Sheldon

3 basic body types: Endomorphs (soft and round) mesomorphs (muscular and hard) ectomorphs (lean and fragile)

The Vicious Cycle

1. prejudice an discrimination 2. social disadvantage 3. belief in minority inferiority repeat

What are the 4 processes of social change that are inevitable according to Parsons and the evolutionary approach

1.Differentiation (Medicine man to physician) 2. Adaptive Upgrading (physician to OB or suregon) 3. Inclusion (previously excluded minorities) 4. Value Generalization (preventative and alternative medicine)

What is the percentage of people who feel fear of walking at night because of crime in the US?


Women make up about _____ percent of all workers in the United States. 20 25 34 43 54


Role conflict

Conflicts that someone feels between statuses because the expectations attached to one status are compatible with the expectation

In the U.S., the top one percent of U.S. households has _____ of all wealth and _____ of all income. 10%; 20% 17%; 34% 29%; 59% 43%; 35% 52%; 34%

43%; 35%

In 2003, women accounted for approximately _____ percent of the paid labor force in the United States


What percentage of couples in the US will marry, divorce and remarry over the course of a lifetime? 20% 35% 45% 60%


College sex ratios (ONU)

100 females to 71.5 males

Nationwide college sex ratio

100 females to 75 males

As of mid-2011, only __________ of the nation's 50 states had a female governor.


Four General Conclusions of Social Mobility

1 - Social mobility over the course of the past century has been fairly high 2 - The long-term trend in social mobility has been upward 3 - Within a single generation, social mobility is usually small 4 - Social mobility since the 1970's has been uneven

Sexual Abuse

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 bous are victims highest rates for children living with a cohabiting parents; lowest rates for those living with their marrieg biological parents

Patterns of rape

1. Acquaintanceship: A woman is more likely to be raped by someone she knows than by a stranger. 2.Place: A woman is more likely to be raped at home or at the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor than anywhere else. 3. Time: Night is more dangerous than day: Two of three rapes occur between 6pm. and 6am. 4. Seasons: rapes are more likely to occur in summer than in winter. 5. Age: the typical victim is between 16 and 24 years of age. After this age, rape rates decline. 6. Income: poor women are more likely that richer women to be raped. (Low SOS) 7. Region: a woman's chances of being raped are higher in some states than others. 8. Weapon: About seven out of ten rapists use no weapon, depending instead on surprise, threats, and their physical strength.

Anomie Theory of Deviance

1. Conformity 2. Innovator 3. Ritualist 4. Retreatist 5. Rebel

2 explanations of crime

1. Cultural 2. Differential Association

Forms of Collective Behavior

1. Fads & Fashions 2. Crowds 3. Disaster Behavior 4. Panics & Crazes 5. Rumors 6. Public Behavior

Three elements of looking Glass self

1. How we imagine we appear to others 2. How we think other feel about what they perceive. 3. How we feel about this reflected image.


1. People learn violence from other-not just techniques of violence, but also attitudes, motives, drives, and rationalizations for violence. 2. People who are violent have learned more attitudes (or definitions) that favor nonviolence. 3. The most significant learning (of violence or nonviolence) is that which occurs earliest in life and in interactions that are the most frequent, last the longest, and are the most emotional or meaningful.

2 Basic views of US power structure

1. Power Elite 2. Pluralist Model



6 determinants of collective behavior

1. Structured Conduciveness 2. Structural Change 3. Generalized Belief 4. Precipitating Factor 5. Mobilization for Action 6. Exercise of social control

Upper Middle

113-200k per year. 2/3 of the children attend college. Many are high prestige occupations

The poverty level for older non-Hispanic whites was 6.8%. What is the percentage for older African Americans? 8.4% 12% 16.8% 18.2%


Which amendment to the United States Constitution granted women the right to vote in national elections?

19th ; Nineteenth

Which amendment gave women the right to vote in national elections? 10th amendment 14th amendment 19th amendment 22nd amendment

19th amendment

Ralf Dahrendorfs take on why No Marxist Revolution?

1st - Fragmentation of the capitalist state Not just large families only all the business. May small companies exist and even the large companies have stock holders. 2nd - A higher standard of living. More people are in white color jobs 3rd - More worker organization such as Labor unions provide power 4th - Greater legal protections

Four Principles of Stratification 1st

1st - It's a trade of society, not a reflection of individual differences Example: Is not that rich people like BMW more then poor people.


2 ways to adress: eliminate access increase accountability

The United States allows abortion up to the _____ week and beyond


57 percent of women considered themselves feminists in 1987. What percent considered themselves feminists in 2001? 25 percent 35 percent 45 percent 55 percent


In 2008, what was the median age for a woman in the U.S. at the time of her first marriage? 19.3 22.7 24.2 26.3


What is the number of privately owned guns in the US?

280 Million

The average age at first marriage is _____ for men, and _____ for women. 22; 25 25; 26 26; 28 28; 26 30; 25

28; 26

In the view of sociologists, the distinction between racial and ethnic minorities is clear-cut. True False


The average person is exposed to how many commercials a year


Social Security provides what proportion of income for people in the United States? 81 percent 59 percent 39 percent 21 percent


By old age, by what ratio do women outnumber men? 2:1 3:2 5:2 they don't, men outnumber women


Jean Piaget

4 stages of development: sensori mortorm preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

About what percent of abortions worldwide are performed illegally each year?


In 2100, white non-Hispanics will make up what percentage of the population following the Census estimates? 35% 40% 48% 53%


Middle Class

40-45% of the U.S. population. Advertising it directed at this group. They are a more racial and ethnic divers group.

If American women were free to choose, _____ would prefer to be employed rather than stay home to take care of their house and family. 10 percent 20 percent 30 percent 50 percent 80 percent

50 percent

This chapter opens with a brief description of a study in which the researchers submitted 5,000 fake résumés to potential employers. The résumés with names that sounded white received _____ callbacks for interviews than those with names that sounded African American. 10 percent more 25 percent more 50 percent more 25 percent fewer 10 percent fewer

50 percent more

Comparing survey responses to police reports shows that about what share of serious crime is known to police?


In 2015, __________ percent of adult women in the United States were in the paid labor force.


In 1900, just 20% of women were in the paid labor force. Today, the share is about ___________.


About _____ of the human body's 35,000 genes determine the color of a person's skin. 6 16 26 36 No one knows for sure.


The lastest data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows us that about what share of U.S. children under the age of 5 are multiracial?


Recent surveys have found that _____ of high school students admit to cheating on tests. 10 percent 35 percent 60 percent 75 percent 90 percent

60 percent

hat age do people have to be in order for writers to commonly refer to them as "young old"? 50s 60s 70s 80s


About what percentage of divorcees in the U.S. have remarried? 25 percent 50 percent 63 percent 90 percent


Women earn about ____ cents for every dollar earned by men


In the U.S., for every dollar earned by men, women earn how much?

78 cents

In 2010, nearly _____ of all married couples were interracial couples. 1 percent 5 percent 8 percent 12 percent 17 percent

8 percent

Erik Erikson

8 stages: infancy, toodlerhood, perschool, preadolesence, adolescence, young adult hood, middle adulthood, old age

Approximately what percent of the world's population is age 65 and older? 2.5 8.0 12.3 18.4


Women earn what percent of every dollar a man earns? 95 percent 90 percent 85 percent 80 percent


If a male physician earned $140,000 in 2004, his female counterpart is compensated how much for the same work? $128,000 $115,000 $100,000 $88,000


What share of all wealth is owned by the richest 20 % of all U.S. families?

89 %


93% male; 7% female 37% black males 32% white males 22% Hispanic males

Gay/ Lesbians

< 2% of the population causes confussion with children respond with truth and love

Police officers, judges, administrators, employers, military officers, and managers of movie theaters are all instruments of


Which of the following equations represents assimilation? A + B + C → A A + B + C = A + B + C A + B + C = D none of these

A + B + C → A

Which of the following equations represents pluralism?

A + B + C → A+B+C

Who of the following is most likely to have lost a job during the current recession? A Black man, who is a construction worker, with no college education. A Black man, who is a professional, with a college degree. A Black woman, who is in manufacturing, with no college education. A White man, who works for the government, with a college degree. A White woman, who works in retails, with no college education.

A Black man, who is a construction worker, with no college education.

Exploitation theory

A Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the United States as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism

conflict perspective

A bank president is found guilty of tax evasion. In addition to paying the government all the money he owes with substantial interest, he is sentenced to three years' probation and a $50,000 fine. At the same time, a female teller at the same bank is found guilty of stealing $500. The teller is sentenced to a prison term of no less than four years. This differential treatment would be of particular concern to sociologists using the

Organized crime

A business operation that supplies illegal goods and services for profit.

Social mobility

A change in position within the social hierarchy


A class of individuals situated at the bottom of the class system, normally composed of people from ethnic minority backgrounds.

formal social control

A college student is caught cheating on an exam and is brought before a college-wide disciplinary committee, which decides to expel the student from the school. The committee's action is an example of

Which of the following would best fit the definition of a NORC? A nursing home set up to resemble an apartment living situation A planned retirement village in Florida where only those 65+ can live. An assisted living facility that offers various stages of assistance. A community in Arizona where many 65 + people have relocated to due to the nice weather and multiple facilities that cater to their needs.

A community in Arizona where many 65 + people have relocated to due to the nice weather and multiple facilities that cater to their needs.

Hate crime

A criminal offense committed because of the offender's bias against a race, religion, ethnic group, national origin, or sexual orientation

What do studies of alienation focus on?

Factors that serve to increase or decrease worker satisfaction

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rapid rise in U.S. health care costs?

A declining average age for the U.S. population


A former policy of the South African government, designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and other non-Whites from the dominant Whites

Entrocentrism pg. 240

A function of racial-ethnic inequality , " My groups ways are right, and your group's ways are wrong."

Peer group

A group of individuals, often of roughly the same age, who are linked by common interests and orientations

Racial group

A group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance

Ethnic group

A group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns.


A group whose values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviour place its member in opposition to the broader culture

Which of the following is an example of absolute poverty?

A homeless man in tattered clothes begs in the streets for money and food.

Stigma pg. 152

A label used to devalue members of certain social groups .

Social class

A large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and pretige

White and non-Hispanic.

A person convicted of a crime—even when prior arrest record and severity of the crime are taken into account—is more likely to receive a shorter prison sentence if he or she is

Echoing Emile Durkheim, what did Kai Erikson claim based on his study of the Massachusetts Bay Puritans? A.Deviance is a necessary resource for the operation of society. B.Deviance is a matter of reaction rather than action. C.Deviance is a result of powerlessness. D.Deviance depends on a relative opportunity structure.

A.Deviance is a necessary resource for the operation of society.

Modernization theory

A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations

few issues seem to stir as much intense conflict as I do . A critical victory was won for me in 1973. In the United States, people appear to support a woman's right to me.


Which of the following countries have outlawed all forms of abortion including procedures performed to save a pregnant woman's life? Chile El Salvador East Timor all of these

All of these


A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.


A new form of global power relationships that involves non direct political control, but economic exploitation by multinational corporations. *Continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries. • Remittances • The monies that immigrants return to their families of origin. Also called migradollars.


A norm so strong that it's often brings revulsion if violated


A penalty or reward for conduct concerning a social norm

Ideal culture

A people's ideal values and norms; the goals held out for them

formal sanction.

An individual being imprisoned for murder is an example of a(n)

Margaret Mead

A pioneering anthropologist is considered a very significant study in beginning a line of thought that recognizes that gender roles are not inherent, that they do vary from culture to culture.

Black power

A political philosophy, promoted by many younger Blacks in the 1960s, that supported the creation of Black-controlled political and economic institutions

Ascribed status

A position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

labeling theory

A sociologist studies how a teacher's attitudes toward particular students affects students' performance. Students of similar abilities who are "teacher's pets" perform at a high level, and students who are viewed as "troublemakers" perform poorly. This illustrates which explanation of deviance?


An individual's salary and wages are referred to as

Cultural transmission pg. 160

A school of criminology that argues that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions.

Feminist theory

A sociological theory that focuses on the domination of women by men.

Master status

A status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies

Social Stratification

A system by which a society ranks categoeries of people in a hierarchy. Good - Better - Best

estate system

A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection is known as a(n)

objective method

A technique for measuring social class that assigns individuals to classes on the basis of criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence. (188)

victimless crime pg. 163

A term used by sociologists to describe the willing exchange among adults of widely desired by but illegal goods and services.

Latent Functions (Merton)

Consequences that help some part of the social system but were not intended for that purpose. Ex. unintended action that results in benefits.

Conflict theory

A theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for some research

Functional analysis (functionalism)

A theoretical framework in which the side is viewed as composed of various parts each with a function, that, when full filled, contributes to society's equilibrium

Symbolic interactionism

A theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, developed the views of the world and, communicate with one another

Differential association pg. 160

A theory of deviance that holds that violation of rules results from exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts.


A type of society in which life is intimate


A type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationship -self interest

The elderly are categorized as a subordinate group or minority because membership in the group is involuntary. older United States citizens have a strong sense of group solidarity. older people experience unequal treatment in employment and may face prejudice and discrimination. all of these

All of these

Control theory pg 157

A view of conformity and deviance that suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to society's norms.

Crime pg 163

A violation of criminal law for which some governmental authority applies formal penalities.

upward intergenerational mobility

A woman who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the U.S. Postal Service. She has experienced

Which of the following equations represents assimilation?

A+B+C-> A

Which of the following is an example of segregation?


The commonly used "poverty line" measure of poverty used by the federal government measures which type of poverty?

Absolute poverty

The commonly used poverty line measure of poverty is used to measure which type of poverty

Absolute poverty

Value Generalization

Acceptance of preventative medicine

Force, Influence, Authority

According to Weber 3 basic sources of power

Poverty seems to impact which of the following groups the most? Non-Hispanic whites African Americans Latinos There is no difference by race or ethinicity.

African Americans

Which of the following is an example of retrospective labeling? A.A boy commits a crime, and his group of friends is blamed for not stopping him. B.A homeless man who talks to himself is admitted to a mental hospital to treat his "illness." C.When a man imprisoned for child molestation is released, town members are constantly vigilant, afraid he might repeat his crime. D.After a serial killer is caught, neighbors describe him as an odd loner who kept to himself and always seemed to be "slightly creepy."

After a serial killer is caught, neighbors describe him as an odd loner who kept to himself and always seemed to be "slightly creepy."

Which of the following is correct regarding age? Age is a socially constructed ascribed status. Age is considered an achieved status. The status of age is not socially constructed much like race or gender. all of these

Age is a socially constructed ascribed status.

Which of the following statements about family systems is correct? Only about one-third of families in the U.S. are nuclear in composition. The practice of polygamy steadily declined throughout the twentieth century. Polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women. all of these

All of these

Which of the following statements about the status of women throughout the world is true? Women grow half the world's food, but they rarely own land. Women constitute one-third of the world's paid labor force, but are generally found in the lowest paying jobs. Single-parent households headed by women are typically found in the poorest sections of the population. all of these

All of these

Which trait(s) of a minority group can also be used to characterize the elderly? They possess physical characteristics that distinguish them from younger people. They experience unequal treatment in employment and may face prejudice and discrimination. Membership in this group is involuntary. all of these

All of these

an individual can acquire an achieved status by A. Attending school,B. establishing an important friendship,C. inventing a new product,D. A &CE. All of the Above

All the above

What is the main idea in the article named "Has the Power Elite Become Diverse?" As the power elite became diverse, the values of power elite also changed. As the power elite became diverse, there is no shared value any more. Although the power elite became diverse, they endorse the same values of those already in power. None of the above.

Although the power elite became diverse, they endorse the same values of those already in power.

Which of the following is true regarding social research being value free? Social researchers must be value free from topic selection through the interpretation of data. Social researchers always aim for being value free, but if they fail to meet that standard it is not such a big deal. Although the topic selection may be subjective, the research must maintain objectivity when collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. All of the above are true about social research. None of the above is true about social research.

Although the topic selection may be subjective, the research must maintain objectivity when collecting, analyzing and interpreting data.

Labeling theory pg. 161

An approach to deviance that attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior are not.

Social Constructionist perspective pg. 161

An approach to deviance that emphasizes the role of culture in the creation of the deviant identity.


An approach, pioneered by Erving Goffman, in which social life is analyzed in terms of drama or the stage


An employee at a welfare office is so concerned with paperwork that he doesn't have time to administer to the needs of the poor, hungry, and homeless individuals who seek assistance. According to Merton's theory, this welfare worker would be a(n)

Symbolic ethnicity

An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage.


An immigrant who sustains multiple social relationships that link his or her society of origin with the society of settlement.

developing skilled techniques

An important aspect of a professional criminal's work is

Contact hypothesis

An interactionist perspective, which states that, in cooperative circumstances, interracial contact between people of equal status will reduce prejudice.

a glass ceiling.

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as

Glass ceiling

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.

anomie theory of deviance

An unemployed young adult wants a stereo, but he doesn't have the money or the means of earning the money needed to buy it. His desire for the stereo overwhelms him, and he steals one from a local store. This incident illustrates which theory of deviance?


An unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not recognize individual differences within the group.


Analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of society, like social class and the relationship of groups to one another


Analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction; typically use by symbolic interactionist

Which of the following situations illustrated what the text describes as a woman's "second shift"?

Anna comes home from work and does housework until it is time to pick up the children from sports practice

Which term is used in the sociological literature to describe a loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective?


________is a state of normlessness that typically occurs during a period of profound social change and disorder, such as a time of economic collapse.



Another extreme means of acting out racial or ethnic prejudice


Another name for labeling theory is cultural transmission theory

societal-reaction approach

Another name for labeling theory.


Anti-Jewish prejudice.

Racial profiling

Any arbitrary action initiated by an authority based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on a person's behavior

Racial profiling

Arbitrary action imitated by an authority based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on Person's behavior

The "second shift", which refers to the double burden borne by many women—work outside the home followed by child care and housework—was the subject of analysis by Letty Cottin Pogrebin. Heidi Hartmann. Susan Shaw. Arlie Hochschild.

Arlie Hochschild.

The Second Shift

Arlie R. Hochschid: descirbes the double burden of women: work outside the home and then come back and do housework and care for children at home


Arnold gets an "A" on his organic chemistry exam because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain" who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a(n)

What was the result of research on mother-child bonding based on hours per week children spent in day care

As the numbers of hours in daycare increased, the bond was weaker between mother and child

I can strike at the very roots of your identity. I am generally practiced by a minority group that want to conform to the standard of the dominant group.



At one time in the southern part of the United States, if a person had even a single drop of "Black blood," that person was viewed as Black. This was referred to as the "one-drop rule," and it is a vivid example of the social construction of race.

_____, who coined the term "sociology," is also known as the "father of sociology." Auguste Comte Emile Durkheim Karl Marx C. Wright Mills Max Weber

Auguste Comte

Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin extended Merton's strain theory, arguing that whether or not one becomes a criminal depends not only on the lack of legitimate opportunity such as schooling or jobs, but also on what?

Availability of illegitimate opportunity

Which of the following is an example of a secondary group

Members of your sociology class

Ascribed status

Membership comes through birth


Biology, focused on physical traits such as the size and shape of one's skully jaw, length of arms, etc.

Which of the following terms refers to a political philosophy, promoted by many younger Blacks in the 1960s, which supported the creation of Black-controlled political and economic institutions? Rainbow Coalition Black Power civil rights manifest destiny

Black Power

In the 1960's proponents of __ ___rejected the goal of assimilation into White, middle-class society. They defended the beauty and dignity of Black and African cultures and supported the creation of black-controlled political and economic institutions.

Black power

differential association

Bob works as a cashier in a supermarket. His boss instructs him to include the price of a new broom— which Bob's boss has deceptively placed near the register—on everyone's bill. Bob's boss also encourages him to change the dates on expired food items so the items can continue to be sold. Eventually, Bob begins to develop his own deceptive sales practices. This is an example of A. labeling. B. anomie. C. differential association. D. dramaturgy.

Gender - Social Standing

Both men and women are found in families at every social level. However, on average, women have less income, wealth, and occupational prestige then men. Single-Parent families headed by women are three times more likely to be poor then those headed by men.

Which term was used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the means of production?


Which decision by the U.S. Supreme Court ended intituationalized discimination involving segregated schools in the U.S.?

Brown v. Board of Education in Topeka

Functionalist view of Informal Economy

Bureaucratic regulations contribute to the rise of an informal, underground economy

Conspicuous consumption

Buying and using products with an eye to the "statement" they make about social position

2 Basic types of economic system distinguish contemporary industrial societiesm

Capitalism & Socialism

British sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf views social classes as groups of people who share common interests resulting from their authority relationships. Dahrendorf's ideology aligns best with which theoretical perspective


Gender inequality is rooted in the female-male power relationship. Functionalists maintain that gender differentiation masks underlying power relations between men and women.


A reserve labor force

Can be laid off to rejoin the unemployed, with no unsettling effects on society. Minority workers are ideal to replace white workers.

Which of the follwoing is the most important reason that Canada has less income inequality than the nations of Colombia, Chile, and Zambia?

Canada is a high-income nation; high-income nations typically have less income inequality than lower-income countries.

The social scientists who criticized the theory of Lawrence Kohlberg and developed an alternate theory on the development of mortality based on personal relationships was

Carol Gilligan

Which of the following terms refers to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?


Hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated and tending to be fixed and immobile, are referred to as


Gap between social expectations and opportunity

Cause for high rate of deviance

Nonmaterial/symbolic culture

Central components are symbols like gestures and language

Representative Democracy

Certain people selected to speak for the people

Horizontal Social Mobility

Change jobs at the same level

Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct? Children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers. The well-being of children in stepfamilies is better, on average, than that of children in single-parent households. Studies suggest most stepmothers are evil. all of these

Children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers.

Which of the following group makes up the largest percentage of the Asians and Pacific Islanders group? Japanese Chinese Korean Asian Indians


What led to the outbreak of hostility against Chinese people in the late 1800s, primarily in California, that was known as the so-called "Yellow Peril?"

Chinese immigrants came to the U.S., taking many of the jobs that other people felt they deserved

Which sociological perspective would be particularly concerned about studies that show that White criminal offenders receive shorter sentences than comparable Latino and African American offenders?

Conflict perspective

Randal Collins

Conflict theorist observed a sequence of events that led to the soviet collapse

Most powerful groups will use technology to violate the privacy of the less powerful

Conflict theorists view of the internet

The process by which we develop a sense of self, referred to as the "looking-glass self," was developed by

Charles Horton Cooley

The research result in article "Charter Schools and the Public Good" show that Charter school students perform better than traditional public school students. Charter schools students perform worse than traditional public schools students. Charter school students do better in math than public school students. Charter school students do better in reading than public school students.

Charter schools students perform worse than traditional public schools students.

Auguste Comte

Coined the term, Just as an animal has tissues and organs that are interrelated and function together, so does society. IT'S PARTS MUST BE IN BALANCE.

Which one of the following statements about the U.S. education system is false? The typical curriculum covers too many topics and too superficially. Much school funding is inadequate, and teachers typically have little control over the curriculum. Many K-12 teachers are out of field. College education departments accept too many students with low GPAs. Seventeen-year-olds are performing better in reading and math than their counterparts did in the early 1970s.

College education departments accept too many students with low GPAs.


Communal ownership of all property . No social distinctions made on basis of people's ability to produce.

Economic system under which all property is communally owned & no social distinctions are made based on people's ability to produce


Prison alternatives include correctional programs that take place in society at large rather than behind prison walls. Taken together, such programs are called what?

Community-based corrections


Complete government control North Korea Germany under Hitler

Harry and Margaret Harlow

Conducted the rhesus monkeys experiment which shows that Caregivers are great effect on infants

A significant component of the __________ approach to gender stratification draws on feminist theory.


What theory points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the US, competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system


Which sociological perspective contends that the relationship between females and males has traditionally been one of unequal power with men in a dominant position over women?


I believe that powerful groups such as the National Rifle Association(NRA) can dominate the legislative process in opposition to majority will because of their ability to mobilize resources. I believe that schools can reinforce the divisive aspects of Society, especially those of social class I believe that sports reflect and even exacerbate many of the divisions of society

Conflict Perspective

I believe that the social institutions, such as education, help maintain the privileges of the most powerful individuals and groups within a society. I believe that people with power protect their own interests and define deviance to suit their own needs I believe that the longer union leaders are in office, the less responsive they are to the needs and demands of the rand and file, and the more concerned thy are with maintaining their own positions of power.

Conflict Perspective

Which sociological perspective views race from the macrolevel and purports the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a person's health and educational opportunities are affected by his or her class position in important ways?

Conflict perspective

Role strain

Conflicts that someone feel within a status

One of the major themes revealed from Cop in the Hood: My Year Policing Baltimore's Eastern District was

Crime is functional in that subcultures and it provides stability.

Transnational crime

Crime that occurs across multiple national borders.

Transnational Crime

Crime that occurs over borders

What is the emergent norm perspective

Crowds are effectively by norms and procedures - waiting in line

Examples of nations using Communism

Cuba North Korea Vietnam

Which of the following categories has the highest median income, the lowest poverty rate, and the highest adult college completion rate among allcategories of Hispanic Americans?

Cuban Americans


Cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements, including patterns of inequality. Every culture considers some type of inequality fair. This can change with society's economy and technology.

Sociologists have identified five basic properties of a minority group. Which of the following is not one of those properties?

Cultural bias

Which of the following statements best exemplifies the conflict perspective on culture? Norms and values unify a society and promote social stability. Culture creates inequality because those in power control the media, education, and the political structures of a society. Material culture, especially the media, creates inequalities specifically for women. Cultural symbols allow societies to develop identities and interact with one another. none of the above

Culture creates inequality because those in power control the media, education, and the political structures of a society.

"The Lions"

Culture of poverty, poor people have different values than the middle class, and this is way they act as they do. * Violence was situation and constructed internationally.


Men are more likely than women to withdraw from the workforce when their skills far exceed the jobs offered them. True or False

_____ segregation, or legal segregation, has been declared unconstitutional, but _____ segregation has replaced this form of segregation in the United States. De facto; de jure De jure; de facto De jure; de inform De facto; de legal none of the above

De jure; de facto

Fred has joined a fraternity. As as part of his initiation, he has been forced to cook for the fraternity brothers, clean the frat house, and address to the fraternity members as "sir." This is an example of what Harold Garfinkel termed

Degradation ceremony

Civil disobedience

Deliberately but peacefully disobeying laws considered unjust.


Denial of opportunities and equal rights to people on arbitrary basis

What concept involves a rational approach to using punishment to discourage further crime?


Sigmund Freud

Developed a theory of the origin of personality that has had a major impact on Western thought

The concept __________ refers to the recognied violation of cultural norms. A.crime B.deviance C.theft control


Which of the following statements is consistant with labeling theory? -Deviance is a matter of social definition. -Deviance helps societies to operate. -Deviance is linked to social inequality. -All deviance is linked to gender.

Deviance is a matter of social definition

Which of the following statements is true of deviance?

Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.

differential Justice pg. 162

Differences in the way social control is exercised over different groups.

Violence is especially likely to be defined as a social problem to the extent that it is?

Directed against the government and violates the laws of the government

The process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as


People of ______________ ancestry have always enjoyed the most wealth and the greatest power in the U.S. society.


Conflict theorists have suggested that the transition from agricultural economies to industrialization and capitalism has always been beneficial for the elderly. True False


Mobility: Divorce

Divorce makes social standing go down • Divorced couples support two households • Men earn more then women • Divorced women lose income and benefits

Which sociologist, using the interactionist perspective, noted that "one key source of job satisfaction lies int he information interaction shared by members of a work group

Donald Roy

An approach to social interaction in which social life is analyzed in terms of the stage is called


Latent Dysfunction

Due to the consequences of peoples actions that disrupt a system's equilibrium usually are unintended.


Durkheim's study: rates were fairly stable year to year rates varied place to place rates rose through out the century

Organic Solidarity

Durkheim's term for the interdependence that results from the division of labor; part of the same unit(depend on others)

Mechanical Solidarity

Durkheim's term for the unity (a shared consciousness)that people feel a as result of performing the same or similar tasks





Herbert Spencer

Each part affects another part.

In the United States, most people appear to support a woman's right to legal abortion under any circumstance.


In the United States, people appear to support a woman's right to legal abortion under any circumstance


National surveys done today show that women generally endorse feminist positions, and they readily accept the label of "feminist."


Social Instution through which goods and services are produced, distributed, & consumed

Economic System

Which of the following is not a latent function of education? Schools provide child care. High schools and colleges are matchmaking institutions. Educational institutions create social networks. Education increases upward mobility. Education is good for businesses.

Education increases upward mobility.

The research of anthropologist Margaret Mead points to the importance of biology in defining social roles of males and females.


Functionalists maintain that gender differentiation masks underlying power relations between men and women

FALSE Conflict theorists take this position. Functionalists maintain that gender differentiation has contributed to overall social stability

The research of anthropologist Margaret Mead points to the importance of biology in defining social roles of males and females.

FALSE Research by both Sanday and Mead points to the importance of cultural conditioning—as opposed to biology—in defining social roles of males and females. Her findings confirm the influential role of culture and socialization in gender-role differentiation.

Labeling Thoery

Edwin Lemert deviance results when one is labeled weakness: all labels don't lead her


Edwin Sutherland one learns deviant behavior through interactions with other who reject societt's normas this is the theory your parents subscribe to weakness: where does it begin?


Edwin Sutherland used the term "differential association" to describe the process through which exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts leads to violation of rules.

the term white collar crime was coined by sociologist

Edwin sutherland


Either expression of approval given to people for upholding norms or expression of disapproval for violating them

Which sociologists were responsible for developing the disengagement theory? Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and Richard Kalish Elaine Cumming and William Henry Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Elaine Cumming and William Henry


Eliminate economic exploitation and meet people's needs

Which sociologist noted that dying people pass through stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance on their journey to death? Richard Kalish Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh Robert Atchley

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Which of the following situations is an example of secondary deviance?

Elliot is an honor student at school. After he is caught using recreational drugs by his father, he stops going to school, loses many of his friends, begins to take drugs every day, and is hostile toward members of his family.

Which sociologist argued that deviance performs essential social functions, such as clarifying boundaries and encuraging social change? -Jean Piaget -Karl Marx -Max Weber -Emily Durkheim

Emile Durkheim

4 Social Policies to reduce violence

Equality: Reduce rape by increasing the social value of women. The cost of Rape: Social policies that increase the likelihood that rapists with be punished. Gun Control: Most murder victims die form gunshot wounds. Keep the Issues alive: feminist/conflict view



German Americans, Italian Americans, and Norwegian Americans are all examples of

Ethnic group

I am exemplified in the united states by people with a Spanish-speaking background.

Ethnic group

Daniel Bell used the term __to describe the process during which leadership of organized crime was transferred from Irish Americans to Jewish Americans and later to Italian Americans and others.

Ethnic succession

Core Nations

European nations that profit from the world economy; import raw materials from NONCORE nations, then export manufactured items

Society moves from simple to more complex

Evolutionary Approach to social change


Expectations of "right" behavior

A sociologist argues that the capitalist ruling class is willing to tolerate high rates of illegal immigration because these immigrants serve as a cheap labor pool. This sociologist is most likely to draw upon

Exploitation theory

Concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family


I am associated with the functionalist view. According to the a Parson and Bales, women's interest in my goals frees men for instrumental tasks. I denote concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family.


__________ denotes concern for maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family.



For sociologists, the term "deviance" does not mean perversion or depravity.

Radical Feminism

Form of feminist theory that believes that gender inequality is the result of male domination in all aspects of social and economic life.

According to Piaget, when children are capable of abstract thinking, they have reached the level of development called the

Formal operational stage

Social control carried out by authorized agents—such as police officers, judges, school administrators, and employers—is called ?

Formal social control

Millennium Project

Formed after the 2000 Millennium Summit of world leaders, an independent advisory body of the United Nations dedicated to alleviating world poverty, ill health, and suffering by 2015 through the pursuit of eight broad goals with indicators and interim targets., project to reduce extreme poverty in Africa by making agriculture sustainable; criticized for its reliance on expensive modified seeds and chemical fertilizer

Mass media

Forms of communication such as radio, news papers, and television that are directed to mass audiences

Officials from which country have come under fire for banning the hijab or headscarf in public schools?


Which of the following terms refers to an advantage that men have when employed in female-dominated occupations? glass ceiling glass escalator crystal stairs transparent ascension

Glass escalator

Which government health care program serves poor people who are pregnant, blind, or permanently disabled, elderly, or who live in families with dependent children?



Freud's term: For a balancing force between the Id and the demands of society


Freud's term: for consience, norm, and value


Freud's term: for our inborn basic drives

Who argued that women's subjugation coincided with the rise of private property during industrialization? Friedrich Engels Ralf Dahrendorf Talcott Parsons Robert Bales

Friedrich Engels


From a sociological perspective, deviance is objective or set in stone

what two sociological perspective are most linked to macrosociology

Functionalism and conflict perspective

From a _______ perspective, generous compensation seems reasonable given the potential gain that a talented executive brings to a corporation.


Gender differentiation contributes to social stability Functionalists maintain that gender differentiation has contributed to overall social stability.


I believe that bureaucratization of education increases the likelihood that students, teachers, and administrator will be dealt with fairly. I believe that deviance is a common part of human existence, with positive( as well as negative) consequences for social stability. I believe that political contributions keep the public involved in the democratic process and committed to candidates I believe that the best course of action for a community might differ from the best course of action for a society I believe that sports can almost be viewed as religious instruction that uses ritual and ceremony to reinforce the common values of a society.

Functionalist Perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that a society must accomplish certain tasks it is service

Functionalist Perspective

which sociological perspective argues that people must respect social norms if any group or society is to survive?

Functionalist Perspective

Which sociological perspective emphasizes how societies literally could not operate if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to argue that most talented people would not go to school for many years to become biochemists if they could make as much money and gain as much respect working as elevator operators?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require convicted sex offenders to register with police agencies and have their pictures published in newspapers to make their identities publicly known?

Functionalist perspective

Facilitating communication

Functionalist view of the internet

_____theorists view standards of deviant behavior as merely reflecting cultural norms, whereas____and____theorists point out that the most powerful groups in a society can shape laws and standards and determine who is (or is not) prosecuted as a criminal.

Functionalist, conflict, labeling

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.

Glass ceiling

I RESULT PRIMARILY FROM THE FEARS AND PREJUDICES OF MANY MIDDLE-AND-UPPER LEVEL WHITE MALE MANAGERS. In early 1995, a federal commission conducted a comprehensive study on me.

Glass ceiling

What is part of the Social Security system?


Both males and females are physically capable of learning to cook and sew, yet most Western societies determine that these tasks should be performed by women. This illustrates the operation of

Gender Roles

I am evident not only in your work and behavior but in how you react to others. You are constantly "enacting" me without realizing it. I am the expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of male and females.

Gender Roles

In a transgendered person the following is true of gender: Gender and physical identity match. Gender and physical identity do not match. Gender and physical identity are one. There is no gender present.

Gender and physical identity do not match.

Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

Gender role

Functionalists would view gender roles in which of the following ways? Gender roles assist in keeping women oppressed within the family structure. Gender roles have a bias towards male power. Gender roles are necessary to keep the family in balance. All of these

Gender roles are necessary to keep the family in balance.

The Smiths are going Christmas shopping for their two children, Dick and Jane. They plan to buy Dick a Tonka truck and Jane a Barbie. Their selection of toys for their children as an example of what by the parents

Gender socialization

Today's young people have been dubbed

Generation Y

The little girl who was found in the 1970's tied to the potty chair; who sparked a psychological /socialogical study of nature vs nurture and critical period of social learning was

Genie Edward o. Wilson

the symbolic interactionist who taught at the University of Chicago and stressed that play was critical to the development of the concept of self was

George Herbert Mead

As presented in the text, the Kuznets curve analysis uses the model of sociocultural evolution developed by ____________.

Gerhard Lenski

Examples of nations using Socialism

Germany Russia Sweden

What concepts from Chapter 3 - Culture can we apply in the article "Global Culture" by Manfred Steger? Globalization Cultural infusion Cultural imperialism All of the above.

Globalization Cultural infusion Cultural imperialism


Group of people not necessarily in contact with one another who share an interest in an issue

Racial Group

Group set apart from others because of obvious physical differences

Pluralist Model

Groups have access to government so that no single group is dominate

Organized crime

Groups that regulates relations between various criminal enterprises involved in legal activities

which of the following is NOT one of the basic forms of adaption specified in Robert Merton's anomie theory of deviance?



Happens when majority group and majority group combine to form a new group

The research in the early 1960s using rhesus monkeys to demonstrate the importance of intimate physical contact in the rearing of animals was conducted by

Harry and Margaret Harlow

Max Weber on Class, Status, and Power

He viewed social stratification as involving three dimensions of inequality. 1st - Class position - economic inequality 2nd - Status - social prestige 3rd - Power

Explain nurture

How you are grown socially (not biologically)

Immigration Reform and Control Act

In 1986. the federal; government passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, Which permitted unauthorized immigrant to apply for U.S citizenship. Over 3 Million people applied, the vast majority from Mexico.

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf

Hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

Socialism & Capitalism

Ideal Types of economic system

The sociocultural model:

Identifies sexual harassment as the means by which the power differences between males and females are maintained throughout society, both economically and socially (Saal)

White-collar crime pg. 165

Illegal acts committed by affluent, "respectable" individuals in the course of business activities.

Which of the following statements is true? In 2009, six of the nation's 50 states had a female governor. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Janet Reno are the only females to have ever been members of the U.S. Supreme Court. Only one woman, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has ever been a candidate for Vice President of the U.S. In 2009, nearly 65 percent of the House of Representatives were comprised of women.

In 2009, six of the nation's 50 states had a female governor.

false consciousness

In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a

ethnic succession.

In a city on the East Coast, organized crime was dominated by an Italian "family," but they were eventually displaced by African Americans. This would be an example of

Gender socialization

Learning society's "gender map," the paths in life set out for us because we are male or female

Which of the following statements regarding gender and social class is correct?

In general women earn les income and have less wealth than men.


In general, victimization surveys question police officers to determine how many people have been victims of crime.

created a typology to explain the basic types of adaptations people make to culture.

In his anomie theory of deviance, Robert Merton

The number of years, on average, people in a society can expect to live is referred to as

Life Expectancy Rate


In the U.S., wealth in an important source of power Small proportion of families that control most of the wealth also has the ability to shape the agenda of the entire society


The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary reasons


Inclusive term encompassing all a person's material assets

Which of the following is NOT an example of income?



Income-tax evasion, stock manipulation, consumer fraud, and bribery are all examples of organized crime.

The minority aged population is expected to: Decline in the next 40 years Increase in the next 40 years Remain constant over the next 40 years None of these

Increase in the next 40 years

Because medical advances now save the lives of people who, decades ago, would have died, the share of our population with a disability is what?


The system of social stratification involving Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shundra castes is associated with traditional village life in which of the following countries?


Which of the following would not be a focus of social control theorists? a. individual modes of adaptation to environmental strains b. the influence of family on behavior c. techniques that regulate human behavior and lead to conformity (values-friends) d. the influence of religion on behavior

Individual modes of adaptation to environmental strains

Which of the following is not a principle of democracy? Individuals are the best judges of their own interests and participate in decisions. Citizens select leaders who are responsive to the wishes of the majority of the people. Suffrage is universal, and elections are free, fair, secret, and occur frequently. The government recognizes individual rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and organizing political parties whose members compete for public office. All of the above are characteristics of democracy.

Individuals are the best judges of their own interests and participate in decisions. Citizens select leaders who are responsive to the wishes of the majority of the people. Suffrage is universal, and elections are free, fair, secret, and occur frequently. The government recognizes individual rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and organizing political parties whose members compete for public office.

Schooling - Credential Society

Industrial societies have expanded opportunities for schooling, but some receive much more than others. Affect occupation and income

One general measure of a society's health is the share of babies who die in their first year of life for each thousand live births. What concept is used to track this pattern?

Infant Mortality Rate

According to Davis and Moore, what benefits come from social stratification?

Linking rewards to the functional importance of positions promotes a society's productivity and effciency


Informal social control is carried out by authorized agents, such as managers of movie theaters.

I consistently affect certain racial and ethic groups. A recent example of me occurred in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States.


The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society

Institutional discrimination

__________ is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups resulting from the normal operation of society.

Institutional discrimination

An emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions.


I am associated with male gender roles. I refer to an emphasis on tasks. I refer to a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions.


__________ refers to emphasis on tasks, focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions.


Gender distinctions are reflected in people's everyday behavior.


I am interested in finding out if violence in the media may then become a script for real-life behavior My perspective examines sports on the micro level. I believe that in cooperative circumstances interracial contact between people of equal status will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon old stereotypes.

Interactionist Perspective

Contact hypothesis

Interracial contact between people of equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause the to become less prejudiced and to abandon old stereotypes.

contact hypothesis

Interracial contact can cause people to become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotype

What did the Harlow experiment conclude as being the key to infant-mother bonding?

Intimate social contact

Glass ceiling

Invisible barrier blocking promotion of qualified individuals in work environment because of gender, race, or ethnicity

The preoccupation with activities that promote the interests of society would be an example of which type of Hirschi's bonds? a. involvement b. commitment c. belief d. attachment

Involvement (page 156)

Which of the following terms refers to first-generation Japanese immigrants? Issei Sansei Nisei Cantonese


Powerlessness of workers in a capitalist economy

Marx view of alienation

Exploitation theory is a

Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the U.S. as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism


It is important to schedule free time on your official calendar. True or False?

Race - Social Standing

It is linked closely to social position in the U.S. Social ranking also involves ethnicity

What do critics of hate crime laws argue is the downside to such legislation? -It punishes people for their beliefs, not just their actions. -It fails to take into account the motives behind these types of crime. -It reaffirms the majority's power over the criminal justice system. -It divides people into categories, when all should be equal under the law.

It punishes people for their beliefs, not just their actions

refers to a reduction in the proficiency needed to perform a specific job that leads to a corresponding reduction in the wages for that job. It has resulted from the introduction of computer and other technologies ?

Job deskilling

Which sociologist argued that women's subjugation coincided with the rise of private property during industrialization?

John Stuart Mill

johns steel mill closed and has unable to find work

John is a victim of the change of social structure

Which of the following would be a violation of the male gender role? Playing football Getting into a fight Joining a knitting circle Spitting

Joining a knitting circle

An approach to racism which emphasizes that racism keeps minorities in low-paying jobs, thereby supplying the capitalist ruling class with a pool of cheap labor, is based on the work of which classical theorist? Émile Durkheim Talcott Parsons Karl Marx Auguste Comte

Karl Marx

Serial Events

Killing people in 3 or 4 in separate events.

A sociologist studies how a teacher's attitudes toward particular students affects students' performance. Students of similar abilities who are "teacher's pets" perform at a high level, and students who are viewed as "troublemakers" perform poorly. This illustrates which explanation of deviance?

Labeling theory

Although formal education is intended to transmit knowledge and skills, it unintentionally teaches students that the same rules apply to everyone. This is universality reflects what sociologists described as what function

Latent function

The largest racial minority group in the United States is?


Together, the various groups included under the general category__ ___ represent the largest minority group in the United States.

Latinos or Hispanics


Law may be defined as government social control

When it comes to the health of the overall population, in comparison with most other high-income nations, the United States ranks


Millennium Project

Main goal to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender, reduce child mortality

The conflict views hold that social institutions

Maintain the Privileges of powerful individuals


Male-female couples who choose to live together without marrying

Little Syria

Manhattan, NY

Robert Merton

Manifest Functions: is an action that is intended to help some part of the system.

Which of the following situations provides the best example of horizontal social mobility?

Melinda, a tax attorney living in Phoenix, Arizona, has been working in her law firm for 6 years but would like to relocated to her hometown. She chooses a job that offers slightly higher pay.

Forced people to exchange labor for low wages

Marx theory of capitalism

I am a term used by African American feminist Patricia Hill Collins. I highlight the confluence of social affects of such things as race and poverty with gender discrimination. I am the convergence of social forces that contribute to the subordinate status of women of color who are also poor.

Matrix of dominance

The cumulative impact of oppression because of race and ethnicity, gender, and social class, as well as religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, and citizenship status.

Matrix of domination

Which social theorist described three ideal types of legitimate authority? Jane Addams Max Weber Robert Merton C. Wright Mills Karl Marx

Max Weber

Life Changes

Max Weber saw social class as being closely related to people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable life experiences. According to the text, these opportunities, conditions, and experiences are termed

Generalized other

Mead, After learning to empathize with a few individuals, we learn to take the role of people in general.

Based on Durkheim's classification of society, the Old Order Amish would fall into which this category of what solidarity

Mechanical solidarity

Durkheim introduced the term anomie, but _____ elaborated on the concept to explain how social structure can create deviance. Sutherland Bogel Merton Becker Lembert


Latin American countries generally have the strictest measures against the practice of abortion. True False


Little Havana

Miami, FL

Which of the following situations is an example of the pattern called "miscegenation"?

Michi's parents are originally from Japan, and Sandy's family emigrated from England in the 1800s. The two people met in college, marry and have a daughter together.


Military Rule

Which model of power suggests that a variety of groups play a significant role in decision-making?

Mill's model

Absolute poverty

Minimum level of subsidence that no family should live below

William Graham Sumner

Minority group members have a strong sense of group solidarity. Which sociologist noted that individuals make distinctions between members of their own group, or the in-group, and everyone else, or the out-group?


Minority members tend to marry within their group.

I am exemplified by Asian Americans.

Model minority

Asian Americans are held up as a ___ or__minority group, supposedly because despite past suffering from prejudice and discrimination, they have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally, without resorting to political and violent confrontations with Whites.

Model, ideal

5 Basic types of government

Monarchy Oligarchy, Dictatorship, Totalitarianism Democracy

differential association

Monica, a new student at Valley High School, becomes friends with a group of teenagers who use marijuana and remain seated during the singing of the national anthem. Although Monica had never used marijuana and used to sing the anthem, she begins to engage in the same behavior as her new friends. This is an example of

Which of the following statements explains a limitation of the biological approach to deviance? A.It focuses on society as a whole, ignoring the individual. B.Most deviant behaviors, including crimes, are carried out by biologically normal people. C.Biology explains all deviance well although not everyone understands why. D.Biology explains most but not all types of deviance very well.

Most deviant behaviors, including crimes, are carreid out by biologically normal people.


Mutual respect for one another's cultures among the various groups in a society, which allows minorities to express their cultures without experiencing prejudice

Which sociologist did fieldwork on women in the roller derby? Margaret Mead Talcott Parsons Nancy Finley Arlie Hochschild

Nancy Finley

In which of the following racial or ethnic groups has one teenager in every 6 attempted suicide?

Native Americans

In terms of nature vs. nurture argument, most sociologists would agree with which of the following statements? Nature's influence on human development is constant; nurture's influence fluctuates over the life course. Nature can explain all human behavior. Nurture can explain all human behavior. Nurture affects human development, but nature is more significant. Nature affects human development, but nurture is more significant.

Nature affects human development, but nurture is more significant.

compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchical structure.


Video games have begun to portray woman in changing gender roles, such as Lara Croft, the adventure-seeking archaeoligist, and Xena, warrior Princess. This change in roles may also serve as what kind of stereotype for women?

New stereotype of women as symbolic males

Which amendment to the United States Constitution granted women the right to vote in national elections?


Which of the following statements challenges Karl Marx's claims that workers will inevitably overthrow a capitalish economic system?

No advanced capitalish society has ever experienced a class revolution by the workers.

Conflict Theorists

Note how much debate over immigration is phrased in economic terms. Fear and dislike of "new" ethnic groups divides countries throughout the world.

Ancestry - Social standing Nothing affects social standing as does birth

Nothing affects social standing as does birth into a particular family. Has strong bearing on schooling, occupation, and income

Obedience pg. 153

Obey those of higher authority

Which of the following statements is a correct expression of intersection theory?

Race, class, and gender combine in various ways resulting in multiple dimensions of disadvantage.

Hate crime

Offender is motivated to choose a victim based on race, religion, ethnic group, national origin, or sexual orientation and when evidence shows that hatred prompted offender to commit the crime

Cultural lag

Ogburn's term for human behavior lagging behind technical innovations

Which of the following statements is NOT correct in terms of wealth and income among elderly persons? There is significant variation in wealth and poverty among the nation's older people. Older people as a group are homogeneous and poor. Middle-class workers tend to remain better-off as they retire compared to lower-class workers. all of these

Older people as a group are homogeneous and poor.


One Native American teenager in six has attempted suicide. Today, life remains difficult for members of the 554 tribal groups in the United States, whether they live in cities or on reservations. For example, one Native American teenager in six has attempted suicide—a rate four times higher than the rate for other teenagers.

The 1973 United States Supreme Court ruling known as Roe v. Wade (Social Policy and Gender Stratification: The Battle over Abortion from a Global Perspective) was based on a woman's right to


The work of a group that regulates relations between various criminal enterprises involved in the smuggling and sale of drugs, prostitution, gambling, and other illegal activities is called ?

Organized crime

In the United States, I am more of an ideal than a reality. I allow a minority group to express its own culture and still participate without prejudice in the larger society. I am based on mutual respect for one another's cultures among the various groups in a society



Royal Family

Which sociologist coined the term "matrix of domination"? Patricia Hill Collins Karl Marx bell hooks Ida Wells-Barnett

Patricia Hill Collins


Physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, social events

Individuals who are approximately the same age and are linked by common interests, including friends, classmates, and "the kids in the neighborhood,"or more appropriately referred to as


Which of the following statements best exemplifies symbolic interactionist theory? Society is composed of interrelated parts that work to maintain society's cohesion. Society has continuous struggles between the "haves" and "have nots" and this inequality is the source of social change. Gender inequality is the major source in inequality in society. People act on the basis of the interpreted meanings attached to interaction with others. None of the above exemplifies the symbolic interactionist theory

People act on the basis of the interpreted meanings attached to interaction with others.

More people in the United States are ending up with a chronic and disabling condition, ranging from arthritis (inflammation of the joints) to Alzheimer's disease (loss of brain function) mainly because

People are living longer

Looking Glass Self (Cooley)

People come to view themselves as they think other perceive them.

Functionalist approach to social control

People must respect social norms in order for society is to survive

Which of the following statments provides the most accurate example of a difference between people of high social standing and people of low social standing?

People of high social standing tend to favor lower taxes than people of low standing because high-income people have more wealth to protect

Minority group

People who are discriminated against because they belong to a particular group are called a minatory.


People who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is significant


People who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits.

Frustration -agression theory of violence

People whose goal are blocked relieve their frustration by striking out at others.

Example of a formal Sanction

Person arrested for murder

C. Wright Mills

Pioneered the Power Elite

What ancient Greek philosopher pointer out that every culture considers some type of inequality as just?


Tory is 5 years of age. he loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to save Gotham City from the penguin. According to Mead's theory, he is in the what stage.


Which of the following statements about the effect of social class on person traits is correct?

Poor parents are more likely than rich parents to encourage obedience to authority figures in their children

Achieved status

Position that are earned, accomplished, or involved at least some effort or activity on the individual's part

Affirmative action

Positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities

The ability to exercise one's will over others is referred to as


_________ is the ability to exercise one's will over others.



Prejudicial attitudes can be equated with discriminatory behavior Prejudicial attitudes should not be equated with discriminatory behavior. Although the two are generally related, they are not identical, and either condition can be present without the other.

Morris is 3 years old and is just beginning to talk. He can count to 10 but is not altogether sure what numbers actually mean. According to Piaget, Morris is in the what stage


The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) does which of the following?: Protects those over 30 from being fired due to age and replaced with younger, cheaper employees. Protects those over 40 from being fired due to age and replaced with younger, cheaper employees. Protects those under 30 from being fired due to age and replaced with older, cheaper employees. Protects those under 18 from being fired due to age.

Protects those over 40 from being fired due to age and replaced with younger, cheaper employees.

Which of the following was the important medical advance in terms of treating mental disorders that led to the deinstitutionalization of mental patients across the country?

Psychoactive Drugs

The techniques created by Sigmund Freud for the treatment of emotional problems through long-term, intensive exploration of the subconscious mind referred to as


If we fail to respect and obey social norms, we may face punishment through informal or formal



Race and ethnicity are considered ascribed statuses. Feedback: . Membership in either a minority or a dominant group is not voluntary; people are born into the group. Thus, race and ethnicity are considered ascribed statuses.

Emile Durkheim identified four functions of crime

Reacting to crime brings people together. Crime often encourages social change. Crime affirms a society's norms and values. Crime helps the economy

Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz charges that people apply the label of "insanity" to behavior that they find disturbing. According to Szasz, much behavior defined as "crazy" is?

Really only different

_____ seeks to release offenders from prison and return them to the community as law-abiding citizens by providing therapy or skills training. Based on this approach, offenders are treated, not punished, so that they will not continue their criminal activities


Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?

Relative poverty

Where was the feminist movement born in the U.S.? Philadelphia, PA Seneca Falls, NY Akron, OH Minneapolis, MN

Seneca Falls, NY

According to Piaget, the stage of development that is dominated by touching, listening, looking, and the inability to recognize cause and effect is the what stage



Resisted the Industrial Revolution

An individual participates in personal therapy sessions for one year and there are dramatic changes and personality during that time this person has undergone


When young people enter college as a resident students, they must learn new norms, Values, attitude, and behaviors. This is an example of what


In 2003 only 6 of the nation's 50 states had a female governor. Which one of the following states does not have a female governor?

Rhode Island

Why is health closely related to social standing?

Richer people live healthier and longer because they eat more nutritious food and receive better medical care.

White privilege

Rights or immunities granted to people as a particular benefit or favor simply because they are White.

STrain THeory

Robert K. Merton people want success and have cultural goals no legitimate means to reach theose goals, results in strain thus they turn to crims weakness: white collar crimes

Which Supreme Court decision granted women the right to terminate pregnancies? Brown v. Topeka Roe v. Wade Smith v. Allwright Wood v. Lovett

Roe v. Wade

Women suffer from me. I am the ideology that one sex is superior to the other. I am a term generally used to refer to male prejudice and discrimination against women.


penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm


Social Control

Schools teach students punctuality, discipline, scheduling, responsible work habits, and how to negotiate a bureaucratic organization

Human Genome Project

Scientists mapping all 20k - 25k human genes

I am a phrase used by sociologist Arlie Hochschild. I am faced by many women and few men share me equitable. I and the work outside the home followed by child care and housework.

Second Shift

The double burden—work outside the home followed by child care and housework—that many women face and few men share equitably.

Second shift

I occur when a dominant group imposes me on a minority group. I refer to the physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence. I was part of the lives of African Americans in the South in the early part of the 20th century.


Our image of how others see us is called the


The ideology that one sex is superior to the other.


in the 1998, The Supreme Court ruled that I apply to people of the same sex as well as the opposite. I must be understood in the context of continuing prejudice and discrimination against women. I am behavior that occurs when work benefits are made contingent on sexual favor, or when touching, lewd comments,, or the exhibition of pornographic materials creates a hostile environment in the workplace.

Sexual harassment

Forcible rape

Sexual intercourse without consent by force, threat or force, or victim is unconscious. General Intent.

Milgram Experiment

Shocking Victims Took on the role of "seeker of knowledge"

Which well-known person played a major part in the rise of psychotherapy, influences practitioners who have built on his theories and treatment strategies ever since?

Sigmund Freud

according to Mead's theory of development, individuals who have a profound influence on the lives of another person, such as parents or siblings, are referred to as

Significant others

Social Inequality

Situation in which members of society have different amounts of wealth, prestige or power

Society brings about acceptance of basic norms through techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior. This process is termed

Social Control

Functionalist Approach to social change

Social change contributes to stability Modest adjustments are needed to accommodate social change

Whether we call a youth group a "club" or a "gang" has a lot to do with?

Social class of the members

The various efforts by society to regulate people's thoughts and behaviors are together called________. A.conformity B.behavioral regulation control D.mind control

Social control

Formal social control pg. 155

Social control that is carried out by authorized agents, such as police officers, judges, school administrators, and employers.

Which of the following theories contends that criminal victimization increases when communal relationships and social instructions break down?

Social disorganization theory


Social disorganization theory attributes increases in crime and deviance to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions.

Which of the following is not one of the key characteristics of social interaction? Social interaction is central to all human social activity. People respond to a situation differently depending on what they think is at stake for them. Social interaction is similar across time and place. People influence each other's behavior through interaction. Elements of social structure affect all interaction and can produce different personal outcomes.

Social interaction is similar across time and place.

Which os the following statements most accurately reflects the symbolic-interaction approach to social stratification?

Social position is a matter of meanings, which in our society largely reflect the quantity and quality of products that we consume.

Which of the following statements most accurately reflectes the symbolic-interaction approach to social stratification?

Social position is a matter of meanings, which in our society often reflects the quantity and quality of products that we consume

Caste system - Closed Systems

Social stratification based on ascription or birth. Allows little change in position. Example: Born into royalty or a peasant.

Class system - Open Systems

Social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement. Permit much more social mobility. Example: Born into a family that never went to college but you end up going, that improves your standing.


Social stratification based on personal merit or achievement. Does not exist anywhere in the world.

Davis Moore thesis

Social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of a society. Societies reward positions that are more difficult or important. Example: It's harder to be a doctor than a secretary, that's way doctors get paid more.

Karl Marx and Class Conflict

Social stratification is rooted in people's relationship to the means of production. He believed that social stratification existed because of the apposing forces of Capitalists and Proletarians.

What concepts do sociologists refer to when they say that "society makes us human"?


What is the term for a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians?

Socialized Medicine

Labeling theory is also the ____-___approach



Society composed of many parts, work together to create well being.

Why was Spencer's application of Darwin's theory to the operations of society incorrect?

Society does not operate according to biological principles.

Which of the following statements best exemplifies conflict theory?

Society has continuous struggles between the "haves" and "have nots" and this inequality is the source of social change.

Which of the following statements best exemplifies functionalist theory? Society is composed of interrelated parts that work to maintain society's cohesion. Society has continuous struggles between the "haves" and "have nots" and this inequality is the source of social change. Gender inequality is the major source in inequality in society. People act on the basis of the interpreted meanings attached to interaction with others. None of the above exemplifies the functionalist theory.

Society is composed of interrelated parts that work to maintain society's cohesion.

Basic sociology

Sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in humans groups not for making changes in those groups

false, it was Emile Durkheim

Sociologist Robert Merton introduced the term "anomie" into the sociological literature to describe a loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective


Sociologist William Julius Wilson and other social scientists have used which term to describe the long-term poor who lack training and skills?

Why do many sociologists object to psychoanalysis as a valid explanation for human behavior

Sociologist object to the view that inborn and subconscious motivations are the primary reasons for human behavior

minority groups

Sociologists have identified five basic properties—unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage—to describe


Sociologists see the creation of laws as a social process.

Cultural feminism *

Stresses that we need to appreciate the biological differences between men and women. Thy claim that women are inherently kinder and gentler that men. If women ruled the world, patriarchy, oppression, and capitalism would not exists, and the world would be a better place.

Emile Durkheim reasoned that crime is quite normal and performs important functions for the operation of society. This assessment fits which theoretical approach?

Structural-Functional Approach


Structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society

Members of Congress have successfully blocked foreign aid to countries that might use the funds to encourage abortion. True False


Lawrence Kohlberg

Stages: what pleases me, what pleases parents and others, inner ethical principles


Stanley Milgram used the term "obedience" to mean going along with peers who have no special right to direct our behavior.

Every evening at a neighborhood bar, the clientele, which consists of construction workers, police officers, plumbers, and factory workers, watches sports events on the big screen television set and play pool. The people who hang out in this bar are an example of a ?

Status Group

Weber used what term to refer to people who rank the same in prestige or lifestyle?

Status group

Which concept refers to a powerful negative social label that radically changes a person's self-concept and social identity?


Native Americans

Stood int eh way of expansion, and Europeans adopted a policy of genocide.

Social control

Strategies and techniques employed for preventing deviant's human behavior in any society

Which of the following terms is used by sociologists for a structured ranking of groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society?


Which term is used by sociologist to refer to a structured ranking of groups of people that perpetuate unequal economic rewards and power in society


Casual Crowd

Street performers

Eco-feminism *

Stress that patriarchy is oppressive not only for women but also for the environment. They point out that men want to dominate both women and nature.

Socialist feminism *

Stress that there is a direct link between capitalism and the oppression of women. The main rewards to to those who perform in the workplace, not in the home.

In psychoanalytic theory, the " culture within us" is represented by the


In 1872, which feminist was arrested for attempting to vote in that year's presidential election?

Susan B. Anthony

Frank is a son of a middle class family. He took the family car without permission last night, returning home at 3 a.m. with the smell of alcohol on his breath. It is most likely, based on the research of Kohn, that the next day Frank's parents will:

Suspend Frank's driving privileges for a month and discussing with Frank danger of drinking and driving

Which socialogical perspective is most closely linked to microsociology

Symbolic and interactionism

I am represented by the occasional family trip to an ethnic bakery. I am reflected in the celebration of a ceremonial event such as St. Joseph's Day among Italian Americans

Symbolic ethnicity


Symbolic ethnicity is an ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage.

In 2002, for the first time, more women than men in the United States earned doctoral degrees.


Interactionist theorists often examine gender stratification on the micro level of everyday behavior


Interactionist theorists often examine gender stratification on the micro level of everyday behavior.


Many people, both male and female, find it difficult to conceive of women as a subordinate and oppressed group


National opinion polls consistently show that in general that is, without reference to particular people workers prefer to take orders from a man rather than a woman


One survey in the private sector found that African American women were three times more likely than White women to experience sexual harassment.


The discussion of gender roles among African Americans has always provoked controversy. Advocates of Black nationalism contend that feminism only distracts women from full participation in the Black struggle. The existence of feminist groups among Blacks, in their view, simply divides the Black community and thereby serves the dominant White society. By contrast, Black feminists argue that little is to be gained by adopting or maintaining the gender-role divisions of the dominant society. 15 CORRECT


Ultimately, the early feminists won many victories, among them the passage and the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right to vote in national elections beginning in 1920


We socially construct our behavior so the male-female differences are either created or exaggerated.


Many people, both male and female, find it difficult to conceive of women as a subordinate and oppressed group

TRUE The political structure of the United States: Women remain noticeably underrepresented . For example, by mid-2006, only 8 of the nation's 50 states had a female governor.

The courts recognize two kinds of sexual harassment.

TRUE Sexual harassment is behavior that occurs when work benefits are made contingent on sexual favors, or when touching, lewd comments, or the exhibition of pornographic material creates a "hostile environment" in the workplace. Sexual harassment also applies to people of the same sex in the workplace.

Corporate welfare (Concept)

Tax breaks, bailouts, direct payments, and grants that the government give to corporations. Conflict theorists urge policymakers and the general public to look closely.

Social Control

Techniques and strategies for regulating human behavior in a society


Tendency to assume one's culture and way of life are superior to others


The "one-drop rule" referred to Native Americans and stipulated that if a person had even a single drop of "Indian blood," that person was viewed as Indian. True or False

Institutional discrimination

The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society

Most people do not display strictly "masculine" or "feminine" qualities all the time. True False


Life course

The stages of our life as we go from birth to death

What is Social Epidemiology?

The study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population


The study of how people use background assumption to make sense out of life

Our society's organized means to enforce law, using police, courts, and prisons is called what?

The Criminal Justice System

Which of the following major historical events strongly influenced Karl Marx? The Enlightenment Discovery of the New World The French Revolution The Industrial Revolution World War I

The Industrial Revolution

Which sociologist first advanced the idea that an individual undergoes the same basic socialization process whether learning conforming or deviant acts?

Travis Hirschi

Which sociologist is responsible for creating control theory?

Travis Hirschi

Control Theory

Travis Hirschi attachements, investments, and commitments to others encourage conformity to society's normas we are socialized to conform deviance results from lack of socialization or lack of attachments weakness: all loners aren't deviant


The Mexican people of today are the result of a gradual merging of generations of Spaniards and Indians. This is an example of

Because of _____, teachers now spend much of their time on basic reading and math skills instead of higher order learning. charter schools magnet schools Brown v. Board of Education the No Child Left Behind Act Title IX

The No Child Left Behind Act

Many U.S. students are doing poorly in math and science compared to students in many other countries. Which one of the following reasons for many American students' low performance is false? The typical U.S. curriculum is too demanding and rigorous. American students have shorter school days. American students have fewer school days. Most American schools don't provide talented students with highly qualified teachers. Most American schools don't have adequate funding.

The typical U.S. curriculum is too demanding and rigorous.


The unique human capabilities of being able to see ourselves from the outside views; the view we internalize of how others see us

All societies have some system of age stratification and associate certain social roles with distinct periods in life. True False


Which of the following countries has the highest violent crime rate? -India -Japan -the United States -Germany

The U.S.

In which of the following ways does the United States differe from most European nations and Japan>

The U.S. has social inequality but it never had a titled nobility

____ is the global leader in the number of inmates per capita. Mexico Iraq Ireland Japan The United States

The United States


The contact hypothesis states that interracial contact between people of equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause them to become more prejudiced and to reaffirm the stereotypes they hold. The opposite is true. The contact hypothesis states that interracial contact between people of equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotypes.


The United States exemplifies the modern pluralistic state. Feedback: Sweden exemplifies the modern pluralistic state. In the United States, pluralism is more of an ideal than a reality.


The United States has long had a history of policies to determine who has preference to enter the country. The United States has long had a history of policies to determine who has preference to enter the country. Often, clear racial and ethnic biases have been built into these policies. In the 1920s, U.S. policy gave preference to people from Western Europe, while making it difficult for residents of Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa to enter the country. During the 1930s and 1940s, the federal government refused to lift or loosen restrictive immigration quotas in order to allow Jewish refugees to escape the terror of the Nazi regime.

Anticipatory socialization for retirement is most systematic for White men, since they have most likely participated in a formal retirement preparation program. True False


Profiling the Rapist

The Woman Hater: Hate women who is close to him, often Mother and never healed. The Sadist: Beats his victims because he has learned to receive pleasure fro hurting others. The Revenger: Rape to get even with someone. The Political: Chooses his victim as substitute for his enemy, but use rape to make a political statement. The Walter Mitty: Unrealistic image of masculinity. Bridges the gap between the way he how men ought to be and the way he perceives himself. The opportunist: does not set out to rape however, he takes advantage of an unexpected opportunity. During burglary.

Status consistency

The degree of consistency in a person's social standing across various dimensions of social inequality. Low status consistency means that classes are harder to define than casts.


The behaviors and attitudes that a society considered proper for its male and female


The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status


The belief that the U.S. was a "melting pot," which became very compelling in the first part of the twentieth century, suggested that the nation had an almost divine mission to produce


The challenge to effective social control is that people often receive competing messages about how to behave.

Feminist perspective

The concerns of women navigating the bureaucratic tangle of schools, city services, and medical facilities. Women are reluctant to seek outside help for medical and domestic violence.

What is the 3rd stage of piaget's theory title of stage

The concrete operational stage

Which of the following statements about the connection between love and marriage is not correct? The connection between love and marriage is a cultural universal. The connection between love and marriage is unknown in many cultures. Parents and the bride always have a say in who she marries across cultures. Most couples in arranged marriages are expected to find love after the legal union is formalized, if at all.

The connection between love and marriage is a cultural universal.

working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm, a Hispanic woman and a Jewish man overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's strengths and talents. This is a example of?

The contact hypothesis

Culture shock

The disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their take it for granted assumption about life

The feminization of poverty refers to: The disproportionate representation of women in the workforce. The disproportionate representation of female-headed households among the poor. The disproportionate representation of male-headed households among the poor. The disproportionate representation of females in professional-level jobs.

The disproportionate representation of female-headed households among the poor.

Functionalist Labeling

The dominant majority benefits from the subordination of racial minorities.

Social environment

The entire human environment, including interactions with others


The experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness. Karl Marx felt that because of this alienation it was only a matter of time before people rise up and over though the capitalists.


The failure of some part of society, which then interferes with society's smooth functioning.

What is the difference between a family and a kin group? The family is a household unit, and kin do not always live together. Kin is a household unit, but a family does not always live together. Family units include aunts and uncles, but a kin group does not. Kin groups and families are identical.

The family is a household unit, and kin do not always live together.

the affluent

The federal tax policies of the last four decades, especially in the 1980s and in the ten years from 2001 to 2010, have favored

Rising expectations

The lives of poor African Americans, they expected better conditions to follow broken barriers however, little changed.


The majority of Arabs are Muslim. True of False

material culture

The material object that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, building, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyle, clothing, and jewelry

Dependency ratio

The number of workers compared with the number of social Security recipients

How would the Davis-Moore thesis explain the fact that physicians earn far more oney than do bus drivers?

The occupation of physicians is more highly valued than that of bus drivers and rrequired much more ability and sacrifice in terms of education and training. Providing physicians with greater rewards draws talent to that position and ensures that some people will be willing to make the sacrifices need to become physicians.

The concept "cultural capital" refers to which of the following?

The opportunities value and attitudes that families provide to their children

social construction of race

The use of background assumptions and life experiences to define what is real.

Applied sociology

The use of sociology to solve problems from the micro level of classroom interaction and family relationships to the micro level of crime and pollution


The values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from a larger culture; a word within a world

Conflict theorists are interested in asking questions about the values raised by decisions involving physician assisted suicides. True False


Florida currently has the highest proportion of elderly people in the United States. True False



The physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social events; often imposed on a minority group by a dominant group

The official poverty line is calculated by

The poverty line is calculated by estimating food costs based on meeting minimal nutritional requirements, estimating this cost for a variety of families, and multiplying this figure by three based on the assumption that families spend about one-third of their budget on food (p. 394).


The process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as


The process of learning new norms, values attitudes, and behavior


The process through which a majority group and a minority group combine to form a new group.


The process through which a person forsakes his or her cultural tradition to become part of a different culture.

Inequality in the United States

The richest 20% of families make 47.8% of all income. That same 20% also holds 85% of all wealth in the U.S. The bottom 20% earns less then 28k per year and receive only 4% of the income.

• Tchambuli,

The roles that the males and females played out were just the reverse from how the males and females in our society play them out.


The scientific study of society and human behavior

In the "nature vs nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to

The social environment

Division of labor

The splitting of a group or a society's task in specialities

Cultural diffusion

The spread of cultural traits from wrong group to another; including both material and nonmaterial cultural trait


The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others.


The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm, or are superior to all others, is referred to as "prejudice." The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm, or are superior to all others, is referred to as "ethnocentrism." Prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.


The term "prejudice" refers to the Denial Of Opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups which results from the normal operations of a society The term "institutional discrimination" refers to the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups which results from the normal operations of a society

absolute poverty

The term __________ refers to a minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below

social disorganization theory 161.

The theory that crime and deviance are caused by the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions.

What did anthropologist Margaret Mead find in her study of three different societies in New Guinea?

The three societies defined feminity and masculinity in different ways.

Informal Economy

Transfers of money, goods, or services take place but are not reported to the government

Which social class in the u.s. Contains the smallest portion of the population

The wealthy

Evolutionary Theory

The writings of Auguste Compte and Emile Durkheim are examples of

Milo, a highly successful attorney, just received a $200 ticket for speeding. Jim, an unemployed father of six, received a $50 fine for parking in a restricted area. Milo considers his $200 ticket an inconvenience, but Jim sees his $50 fine as a financial disaster. Why do Milo and Jim feel so differently about their fines, even though Milo's is four times greater than Jim's?

Their location in the social structure has created the difference between Milo's and Jim's reactions.

Research conducted by Sandy, as well as research conducted by Mead, confirms that

There appears to be no innate or biological reasons to designate completely different gender roles for men and women.

Of the following statements about African Americans, which one is true? When compared with whites, their gap in educational achievement has increased in the last four decades. They are the least diverse minority group in the United States. They are the only group to have been brought to the United States involuntarily. Most are foreign-born. They live almost exclusively in urban areas.

They are the only group to have been brought to the United States involuntarily.

According to Karl Marx, what are the two basic relationships that people have to the means of production?

They either own productive property or labor for others

Subcultural theory

This theory says that people who grow up in a subculture that approves of violent behavior have a high chance of becoming violent.

Who coined the term vested interests and what does it mean

Thorstein Veblen - People or groups who will suffer from social change

interactionist perspective

Thorstein Veblen suggested persons at the top of the social hierarchy convert wealth into conspicuous consumption while the behavior of the lower classes is often subjected to ridicule. Veblen's views are from the

Which of the following illustrates institutional discrimination?

To save money, a city fires all employees hired during the last three years. During the last three years, the city has had an aggressive minority-hiring program, and the majority of those fired are therefore members of various minority groups.

Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of the scientific method? Literature review, topic selection, formulate hypothesis, collect data, analyze results Topic selection, collect data, analyze results, literature review, analyze results Literature review, collect data, formulate hypothesis, analyze results Topic selection, formulate hypothesis, collect data, analyze results, present findings Topic selection, literature review, formulate hypothesis, collect data, analyze results

Topic selection, literature review, formulate hypothesis, collect data, analyze results

Example of Informal Economy

Trading a haircut for computer lessons

3 Ideal types of authority

Traditional Rational Legal Charismatic

Why does China lack of an AIDS epidemic?

Traditional Sexual Norms

In the article "The Service Society and the Changing Experience of Work", the author argues that U.S. economy has changed from manufacturing to service industries. There are two tiers in service sector, one is core, and the other is periphery. White males tend to be in core service jobs than non-whites and females. All of the above is true.

U.S. economy has changed from manufacturing to service industries. There are two tiers in service sector, one is core, and the other is periphery. White males tend to be in core service jobs than non-whites and females.

What makes defining classes in U.S. society so difficult?

U.S. society has a relatively low level of status consistency so the boundaries between class levels are not very clear

Which of the following would be an example of social institution

U.s. government

aggravated assult

UNLAWFUL attack by one person upson another for the purpose of inflicting servere bodily injury

The crime data assembled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation are referred to as what?

Uniform Crime Report


Unrealizable generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group

Max Weber

Use cross cultural and historical materials to trace the causes of social change and to determine how social groups affect peoples orientations to life

Cultural universal

Value, norm, or other cultural trait that is found in every group

Conflict Labeling

Vested interests perpetuate racial inequality through economic exploitation.


Viewed from a conflict perspective, sanctions against deviant acts help to reinforce society's standards of proper behavior.

___________________ offered the following statement to explain how prejudice and discimination reinforce each other: "Situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences."

W. I. Thomas and Dorothy Thomas

This early sociologist helped to found the NAACP and was himself a prominent Black sociologist. W.E.B. DuBois Booker T. Washington Jesse Martin Donald Black George Herbert Mead

W.E.B. DuBois

World systems analysis

Wallerstein's world system's analysis • Roots in the conflict perspective • Most widely used version of dependency theory. • Viewed of the global economic system as one that is divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited.


Wanting to be treated as individuals, not as members of a separate group, the minority group adopts the culture of the dominant group and is adsorbed into the larger society.


Wary of technology & question expansion of industrialization

Operant conditioning

We repeat behavior that are rewarded.

Split-Labor Market

Weaken the bargaining power of workers by splitting them along racial -ethnic lines.

Land, stocks, and other types of property are all examples of


Average Middle

Wealth is in a home or retirement account. Most are high school graduates and 50% are college graduates but more at state run colleges.

Unlike Marx, _____ focused on social organization, rather than the economy, to explain society. Addams Comte Durkheim Martineau Weber


Schools as Bureaucracies

Weber's characteristics of this are: Division of labor Hierarchy of authority Written rules and regulations Impersonality Employment based on technical qualifications

A government study found that about 60 percent of people in prison for violent offenses...

Were under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Material - Inventions, artifacts, and technology Non- Material - Ideas, norms, communications, & social organization

What is material and non-material aspects of culture


What term did Talcott Parsons use to describe the increasing complexity of social organization


When a majority and minority group combine to form a new group it is known as amalgamation. True of False

According to your text women play a significant role in the economic support of the family: When the family is among the poor. When the family has no children. When the family is affluent. Never

When the family is among the poor.

According to Robert Merton's strain theory, patterns of rule breaking reflect what?

Whether or not people accept society's goals and whether they have the opportunity to achieve them


Which functionalist sociologist developed a theory of deviance suggest that members of a society may conform or deviate from the norm

class, status, and power

Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?

seems to "blame the victim"

Which of the following is a criticism of social disorganization theory

relative poverty

Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?


Which of the following terms refers to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people?


Which of the following terms refers to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?

A man loses his job, his fortune, and his family during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Which of the following would be an example of anomie

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective emphasizes how societies literally could not operate if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct?

feminist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that studies of social class have tended to neglect the occupations and incomes of women as determinants of social rank, thereby elevating the status of males?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be particularly concerned about studies that show that White criminal offenders receive shorter sentences than comparable Latino and African American offenders?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the association between the use of surveillance techniques as a means of social control and the power of an authoritarian government?

interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require convicted sex offenders to register with police agencies and have their pictures published in newspapers to make their identities publicly known?

Pitirim Sorokin

Which sociologist first made the distinction between vertical and horizontal mobility?

William I. Thomas

Which sociologist observed that people respond not only to the objective features of a situation or person but also to the social meaning that situation or person has for them?

When White American can use credit cards without suspicion and browse through stores without being shadowed by security guards, they are enjoying _____ _______.

White Privilege

Fiesta Politics

White power brokers only visit minorities when there is an election

Mobility: Race, Ethnicity

Whites always in a more privileged position • In the 1980's and 1990's More African-Americans became wealthy • Overall income, however, has not changed in three decades • Latinos average income is 61% of whites

Morton - Drug Addict

Who coined the term retreatest and what does it mean?

William F. Ogburn

Who distinguished between material and non material aspects of culture

Political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics as

Who gets what, when, how

Which of the following questions might a conflict theorist ask about education? What are the benefits of education? Why does education serve some people better than others? What content is covered in the classroom? Where should schools be located? How do students and teachers communicate?

Why does education serve some people better than others?

The main idea in "The Unfinished Revolution - How a New Generation is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America" is Women want a balance of economic autonomy and emotional commitment. Men want a 'neotraditional' family arrangement. Both A and B are correct. Neither A or B is correct.

Women want a balance of economic autonomy and emotional commitment. Men want a 'neotraditional' family arrangement.


a movement that focuses on common elements in the cultures of Native Americans in order to develop a cross-tribal self-identity and to work toward the welfare of all Native Americans


a mutual relationship between two things

A professional criminal is

a person who pursues crime as a daily occupation, developing skilled techniques, and enjoying a degree of status among other criminals

Racism is defined as a belief that one race is supreme and that all others are innately inferior. the tendency of people to respond to and act on the basis of stereotypes. the systematic killing of an entire people or nation. the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice.

a belief that one race is supreme and that all others are innately inferior.

Which of the following scenarios in an example of "quid pro quo" sexual harassment?

a boss threatens to fire his assistant if she stops having sex with him

Which type of stratification is typically found in agrarian societies?

a caste system

The concept of ethnicity refers to which of the following?

a cultural heritage

Using the definition discussed in class and given on the PowerPoint slides, Racism is defined as ?

a cultural system composed of prejudicial attitudes, stereotypes, and discriminatory behavior.

Groupthink is choosing the path of least resistance when working with others. attempting to persuade others to agree with you. a software program that predicts group behavior. a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment that results from in-group pressures. a decision-making process where an individual weighs group decisions against his/her own before making a decision.

a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment that results from in-group pressures. f. a decision-making process where an individual weighs group decisions against his/her own before making a decision.

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as pluralism. a glass ceiling. institutional discrimination. exploitation theory.

a glass ceiling


a group of people who share a similar economic strata, values, and lifestype


a group of people who share biologically trasmitted traits

Which of the following is considered an extended family? a college sorority the Arapesh tribe of New Guinea Beverly, her husband Bob, and their two children, Barry and Bonnie a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home

a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home

In which type of society do women hold greater authority than men? a matriarchy a patrilineal society a neolocal society an egalitarian society

a matriarchy

A system of social inequality by which people are ranked entirely according to their personal abilities and performance would be what?

a meritocracy

Professional criminal

a person who pursues crime as a day-to-day occupation


a social movement that seeks equal rights for women: equality with men throughout society elimination of sexual violence expression of freedom and control over their sexuality and reproduction


all groups are distinct but equal ("tossed salad")


all groups unite to form a new group ("melting pot")

Wealth is ?

all of a person's material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property.

The poorest 20% of families int he U.S. make up the lower class. According to data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, what % of all U.S. income is earned by the 20 % families with the lowest income?

about 4 %

How many of the recognized Indian tribes are involved in gambling ventures since Congress passed the Indian Gambling Regulatory Act in 1988? about one-third about one-half about three-fourths all tribes are involved

about one-third

The Johnson family cannot afford to buy food for their children. The Johnson family is living in absolute poverty. relative poverty. subjective poverty. objective poverty. squalor.

absolute poverty

In open stratification systems, social classes are based on _____ statuses. ascribed achieved hereditary religious official


A status that can be earned and that people have some degree of control and choice over is known as an ?

achieved status

Prejudice involves attitudes; discrimination involves _____________.


Which theory of aging stresses the fact that old people have essentially the same need for social interaction as middle-aged people? disengagement theory activity theory conflict theory labeling theory

activity theory

The U.S. government is made up of three branches. Which of the following is not one of these branches? executive judicial administrative legislative None of the above - all of the above are branches of the U.S. government.


The process that allows for the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to a new legal parent or parents is referred to as functions of the family. fostering. adoption. cohabitation.


Which of the following statements about gender in advertising is correct?

ads present women in ways that suggest they have less power than men and seek men's attention

In the article "Leaving Home for College: Expectations for Selective Reconstruction of Self" is a process of ______. primary socialization role taking looking glass self adulthood socialization

adulthood socialization

The sandwich generation occurs when children insist on having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for school lunch every day. adults try to meet the competing demands of their parents and their own children. adults realize that their parents have died and that they are now the oldest generation. more than one of these

adults try to meet the competing demands of their parents and their own children.

Glass Escalator

advantage men experience in occupations dominated by women

If strangers are told that a baby is a boy, how are they likely to treat him?

aggressively, with physical activites such as spinning and bouncing

Based on an understanding of the Kuznets curve, we can conclude that ______________.

agrarian societies typically display the greatest intensity of social inequality.

Which of the following is an example of a domestic partnership? Joe and Mike, a gay couple, live together in an apartment. Jane and Liz, a lesbian couple, live together in a house. Fred and Estelle, an unmarried couple who are both widowed and in their 70s, live in an apartment in order to care for each other and share living expenses. all of these

all of these

Which of the following statements about racial groups in the U.S. is true? Throughout history, many Southern states defined a person as Black, regardless of how s/he looked, if s/he had "only a single drop of Black blood". Over six million people in the U.S. are multiracial. The largest multiracial group is of White and Native-American ancestry. all of these

all of these

Which of the following victim statuses may motivate a hate crime? race/ethnicity religion sexual orientation all of these

all of these

Which of the following would be included in the matrix of domination? gender race social class all of these

all of these

Which of the following would be of interest to a conflict theorist? a matriarchal family system a patriarchal family system how a new couple decides who will make family decisions all of these

all of these

Poverty Line

allows our government to track poverty and determine eligibility for certain benefits, while being aadjusted every year

From a biologiva lstandpoint, researchers have learned, if we assume we are dealing with people oof the same social position, knowin a young person's racial category allows us to predict _____________.

almost nothing about that person

The Mexican people of today are the result of a gradual merging of generations of Spaniards and Indians. This is an example of


Which of the following examples best expresses the exact meaning of the concept of prejudice?

an African American woman claims that all white people are hostile to all minorities

The term "glass ceiling" refers to

an invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.

The term glass ceiling refers to

an invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.

3 primary differences between males and females

anatomy sexual dimorphism brain differences

People over 100 are considered: An anomaly A drain on the social system Proportionately, the fastest-growing age group All of these


An unemployed young adult wants a stereo, but he doesn't have the money or the means of earning the money needed to buy it. His desire for the stereo overwhelms him, and he steals one from a local store. This incident illustrates which theory of deviance?

anomie theory of deviance

a child grows up in a dysfunctional family, where he observes abuse, constant fighting, character assassination, and humiliation. this represent an internal process of?

anticipatory socialization


any behavior that violates social norms, and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society

Manifest Functions

any function of an institution or other social phenomenon that is planned and intentional.

Latent Functions

any function of an institution or other social phenomenon that is unintentional and often unrecognized.

Control theory states that we

are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society.

_____ statuses are those that we cannot change, control or choose. Master Achieved Ascribed Role Social


An 83-year-old woman is placed at a small table in a dark corner of a trendy nightclub and is ignored by the staff. Her snoddy treatment is probably due to her age, which is a(n) ________ status?

ascribed status

An ascribed status is a social position

assigned to a person without regard to the person's unique characteristics or talents.

In 1871, the U.S. declared American Indians to be wards of the federal government and implemented a strategy of forced ____________________, a policy that had the official goal of turning native peoples into "Americans."


The ____________ pattern of majority-minority relations involves people making changes in ethnicity but not in race.


Which of the following is not a form of Hirschi's first bond, attachment? a. attachment to parents b. attachment to peers c. attachment to school d. attachment to church

attachment to church (page 155)

In testing Hirschi's theory, Michael Hindelang found that involvement in delinquency was positively related to: a. drug use b. social class c. dislike of siblings d. attachment to peers

attachment to peers (page 156)

Prejudice is to discrimination as norm is to value. attitude is to behavior. behavior is to attitude. good is to bad.

attitude is to behavior

_____ is a political system in which the state controls the lives of its citizens but generally permits some degree of individual freedom. Democracy Communism Socialism Totalitarianism Authoritarianism


Troy encourages his daughters to work hard and rewards their work with complements and occasional gifts. Troy's parenting style is authoritarian. authoritative. permissive. uninvolved. maternal.


Which of the following statements is an example of institutional prejudice and discrimination?

automobile dealerships charge minority car buyers a higher interest rate than that offered to white buyers

amanda teaches high school chemistry and earns about $60,000 a year. she is building up her retirement account, and is paying off a mortgage for her home. What class category does she fall in?

average-middle class

The criminal justice system relies on three major approaches to crime control. Which of the following is not one of these approaches? avoidance prevention intervention punishment rehabilitation


Gender shapes the colege courses that students choose. Which of the following college courses is most likely to have a larger share of men than women? a. cosmetology b. computer science c. sociology d. secretarial science


Which of the following is an example of informal social control? a. arresting someone for driving under the influence b. teasing a friend because he listens to Justin Bieber's music c. sentencing an innocent man to 10 years in prison d. giving a driver a ticket for speeding


Which of the following individuals is most likely to engage in deviance, according to Travis Hirschi's control theory? a. girl who comes from a weahlthy family and wants to get into a good college b. a boy with few friends who has to live with his older sister since his parents are divorced c. a teenage girl who lives with her mother and plays in the marching band after school d. a married man who works 14 hour days to support his family


Gender discrimination often goes unnoticed because beliefs about male superiority are internalized. laws prohibit such discrimination. there are more males than females. gender discrimination is poorly defined. it is uncommon.

beliefs about male superiority are internalized.

Instituational Discrimination

biases built into the operation of society's institutions

Race is to _____________ as ethnicity is to __________________.

biological traits; cultural traits


biology (innate)

According to research conducted by sociologist Tomas Sowell, racial difference in IQ scores result not from __________ but rather from _____________.

biology; a cultrural environment

2nd Wave Feminism

birth control, abortion, reproduction rights

Osagie Obasogie conducted research about prejudice using as subjects people who are blind and he reached what conclusion?

blind pople hold much the same attitudes about race as sighted people

Christina graduated from college last year. She moved back into her parents' home while she looks for a job. Christina is part of the Generation X. Generation Y. boomerang generation. baby boomer generation. sandwich generation.

boomerang generation

• Arapesh:

both sexes had traits that were more like what our culture would consider feminine.

Bilateral Family

both sides of a person's family are regarded as equally important

In most states in the U.S., an individual is not permitted to marry a parent, a sibling, an aunt or an uncle, a grandparent, or a first or second cousin. These rules reflect our societal emphasis on the incest taboo. endogamy. exogamy. both the incest taboo and exogamy.

both the incest taboo and exogamy.

Karl Marx argued that capitalism benefits the rich and that society would ultimately be reduced to just two classes: _____ and _____. middle; lower lower; upper bourgeoisie; lower bourgeoisie; proletariat proletariat; capitalist

bourgeoise; proletariat

According to Karl Marx, the capitalist class owns the means of production. He referred to this group as the


A _____ is a formal organization that is designed to accomplish goals and tasks by large numbers of people. voluntary association formal association bureaucracy government civil organization


Samantha works at a place that is hierarchical in nature, has a division of labor, and workers treat another impersonally. Samantha works in a


Karl Marx believed that the key element in understanding human history and social change is to understand family and its functions. the role of education. class conflict. the importance of religion. social organization.

class conflict

According to Max Weber's analysis of social stratification, the single, most important dimension of social inequality in industrial societies is _______________.

class or economic inequality

A high level of mobility is what we would expect to be typical of a __________.

class system

In which type of social stratification is social standing based on both birth and individual achievement?

class system

Intergenerational mobility

change in social position from one generation to the next

Strained gender relations

changing female roles in society and the workplace have confused and aggravated men. Their sense of control has been threatened

Semiperiphery of the system

contries with marginal economic status, such as Israel, Ireland, and south Korea.

Some analysts suggest that inner-city riots have frequently occurred when poor people realize that their chances of climbing out of poverty are unlikely because of the structure of our social system. Their frustration is based on their perception that they are living in a(n) ?

closed stratification system

The United Kingdom and Australia are amongg the countries that have adopted __________ policies to remove the historical double standard at work.

comparable worth

Which of the following would be an example of segregation? Jews and Catholics marrying one another and producing children interracial marriage confining Japanese Americans to relocation camps during World War II all of these

confining Japanese Americans to relocation camps during World War II

A significant component of the __________ approach to gender stratification draws on feminist theory.


Feminists suggest that laws in the U.S. traditionally viewed wives and children as the property of the husband. This view reflects the concerns of which sociological perspective? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective


Gender inequality is built into the social structure, in and out of the home. Which sociological perspective does this statement illustrate? functionalist conflict symbolic interactionist feminist exchange


Stratification is dysfunctional because it harms society and individuals. This statement best represents which theoretical perspective? conflict functionalist symbolic interactionist feminist exchange theory


Which sociological perspective contends that the relationship between females and males has traditionally been one of unequal power with men in a dominant position over women?


Which sociological perspective views the closure of clinics that would perform abortions in rural areas another instance of an extra financial burden and possible deterrent for lower income women to have an abortion due to the extra expense of traveling to an out-of-town clinic as their best option? functionalist conflict interactionist feminist


Which sociological perspective would argue that the U.S. family contributes to social injustice and denies women opportunities that are commonly extended to men? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective


Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that elderly minority women experience a double burden regarding income levels compared to non-Hispanic Whites? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective


hich sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective labeling theory


A bank president is found guilty of tax evasion. In addition to paying the government all the money he owes with substantial interest, he is sentenced to three years' probation and a $50,000 fine. At the same time, a female teller at the same bank is found guilty of stealing $500. The teller is sentenced to a prison term of no less than four years. This differential treatment would be of particular concern to sociologists using the ?

conflict perspective

Which perspective suggests that men may originally have become powerful in preindustrial times because their size, physical strength, and freedom from childbearing duties allowed them to dominate women physically, but in contemporary societies such considerations are not so important? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that the higher rates of poverty among single mothers are due to the difficulty women have finding affordable child care, to sexual harassment, and to sex discrimination in the labor market?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective views the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that family decision making reflects the inequality of traditional gender stratification in which men have held a dominant position over women? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective labeling perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective ethnocentric perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the association between the use of surveillance techniques as a means of social control and the power of an authoritarian government?

conflict perspective

which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with the theorist that sees the law as an instrument of repression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged postitions

conflict perspective

An important tenet of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others. This view shares the emphasis on the social significance of power as purported by the ?

conflict perspective.

What term did Thorstein Veblen use to refer to the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner?

conspicuous consumption

The one-drop rule was a vivid example of the social ____of race- the process by which people come to define a group as a race based in part on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors.


In 1995, the federal Glass Ceiling Commission found that glass ceilings

continue to block women and minority men from top management positions in the nation's industries.

According to Steven Spitzer, which of the following would at the greatest risk of being labeled "deviant"? a. rich people who commit white-collar crimes b. peopler who play along with "the system" c. people with weak consciences and a low tolerance for frustration d. poor people who threaten the livelihood of the rich


Among the high-incomenations notes below, ____________ generally stands out as having greater income inequality. a. Great Britain b. Japan c. Sweeden d. the United States


Based on national survey data, which of the following occupations is ranked highest in relative social prestige? a. firefighter b. taxi driver c. real estate agent d. dentist


The central idea that underlies our entire criminal justice system is __________________. A.rehabilitation B.due process inequality D.punishment

due process

lower sex ratios are in the...


A change in social position that occurs during a person's lifetime is known as _____________.

intragenerational social mobility

Symbolic-interaction theory holds that in interactions between the sexes, men tend to initiate and women, who typically have less power, are expected to be ___________.

deferential to men

following his court Marshall, captain Lewis was brought before his regiment. army insignia, captains bars, and buttons were ripped off his uniform. sociologists would classify this as an example of

degradation ceremony

_____ is a process of social and economic change due to the reduction of industrial activity, especially manufacturing. Conglomeration Deindustrialization Unionization Undevelopment none of the above



deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation

Which of the following factors have contributed the most to the shift in public attitudes for married couples to remain childless? economic considerations health-care issues thinking of themselves as childless none of these

economic considerations

Over the past several decades, what has happened to the level of economic inequality in the U.S.?

economic inequality has increased drastically

A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on ?

economic position

Definition of capitalism

economic system based benefiting private ownerships

Capitolist economy

economic system is based on investing capital with the goal of making a profit.

The _____ is a social institution that determines how a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services. religious system medical system criminal justice system economy work


_____ is a social institution that transmits culture to its members through formal and systematic training. Tracking Credentialing Education Schooling Magneting


which of the following is the least important variable in determining ones place in the social stratification system propertyy, power, prestige, education


High-income countries have greater access to _____ than low-income countries. education safe water income health services all of the above

education safe water income health services

comparing inequality sociologists use two main criteria:

education and economics

As time goes on, the increasing ____________ helps increase the number of women in high paying professions.

educational achievement of women

The functionalist perspective maintains that once people are labeled as "old" in the United States, this designation will have a major impact on how they are perceived and how they view themselves. elderly people are unfairly regulated by the powerful elements in society. elderly people passing social roles on from one generation to another ensure social stability. more than one of these

elderly people passing social roles on from one generation to another ensure social stability.

symbolic interactionism

emphasis on everyday life, face to face interaction, symbols, rols, experiences and interpretations borrows from psychology

functional theory

emphasis on functions, order, intefration, stability and cooperation'borrows from biology

Conflict theory

emphasis on inequality, stratification, competition, power, struggle, oppression and change borrows from economics

Instrumental role

emphasis on tasks, focus on more distant goals, and concern for external relationship between one's family and social institutions

Jim Crow laws were passed in the Southern states in order to ?

enforce de jure segregation

Language, geographic roots, traditions, and religion are all components of assimilation. colonialism. ethnicity. race. apartheid.


_____ is the belief that one's culture and way of life are superior to those of other groups. Counterculturism Subculturism Superculturism Ethnocentrism Cultural relativism


The "act of bringing about the death of a hopelessly ill and suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way for reasons of mercy" is called active euthanasia. euthanasia. activity theory. gerontology.


Gender Roles

expectations regarding proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

A _____ is a complex and structured secondary group that is deliberately created to achieve a specific goal in an efficient manner. primary group secondary group formal group formal organization primary organization

formal organization

An individual being imprisoned for murder is an example of a(n) ?

formal sanction

Being arrested for murder would be an example of a (an)

formal sanction

A college student is caught cheating on an exam and is brought before a college-wide disciplinary committee, which decides to expel the student from the school. The committee's action is an example of ?

formal social control

Social control carried out by authorized agents—such as police officers, judges, school administrators, and employers—is called

formal social control.

Expulsion refers to the process of

expelling a group of people from a territory.

In sociological terms, members of a minority group ?

experience unequal treatment.

Advocates of Marxist class theory argue that the basis for racial subordination in the United States lies within the capitalist economic system. Another representation of this point of view is reflected in which of the following theories?


Recent Chinese immigrants to the U.S. often find jobs working in sweatshops in New York City's Chinatown, where they work 16 or more hours a day in the garment industry, earning less than minimum wage. The big businesses that hire these illegal and often uninformed immigrants illustrate

exploitation theory

The conclusion in the article "The Impact of Internet Communications on Social Interaction" is that there is no difference between face-to-face interaction and internet interaction. Goffman's rules on interaction apply to internet interaction. face-to-face interaction is different from internet interaction. None of the above is true.

face-to-face interaction is different from internet interaction.

Secession or Partitioning

failure to resolve an ethnic or racial conflict in the drawing of formal boundaries between the groups.

Most people display strictly "masculine" or "feminine" qualities all the time.


Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position?

false consciousness

Extended Family

family in which relatives live in same home as parents and children


family in which spouses are regarded as equals

Agents of Socialization

family, school, peers, media, religion/church, media, day care (last 2 are most important)

From birth, a caste system determines the direction of a person's life, including work. In these mostly agrarian societies, however, one occupation is open to almost everyone. Which one is it?


Which of the following books is NOT associated with the second wave of feminism in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s?

fear of flying


fear of, and prejudice against, homosexuality

"Interaction often involves a dominant-subordinate relationship." This statement best matches which of the theories explaining social interaction? symbolic interaction social exchange feminist theories functionalist social learning

feminist theories

The trend in the US in which most poor families are headed by women is called

feminization of poverty

Relative poverty

floating standard by which people at the bottom of a society are judged as being disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole

Charles Goring

focused on traits such a weight and height

Norms that members of society look upon as not being critical and that may be broken without severe punishment are folkways. mores. laws. sanctions. rules.



form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other

Clyde is arrested for "tagging," or "visual terrorism." The arrest is an example of a (an)

formal Sanction

Social mobility that occurs over the course of an individual's lifetime is called ?

intragenerational mobility

Norms (informal/formal)

formal- expectations written intow laws or rules informal- expectations widely understood but rarely recorded

Nearly _____ in ten American children are born to unmarried mothers. three four five six seven


"Capitalism brings prosperity to a society." This statement best represents the views of which sociological theory on work and the economy? functionalist conflict feminist symbolic interactionist globalization


A division of gender roles helps society function smoothly. Which sociological perspective does this statement illustrate? functionalist conflict symbolic interactionist feminist exchange


Stratification is both necessary and inevitable. This statement best represents which theoretical perspective? conflict functionalist symbolic interactionist feminist exchange theory


Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective feminist perspective


Which sociological perspective would suggest that social change has influenced the family in that many traditional family activities, such as education, have been assumed by other social institutions? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective anomie perspective


according to the ___perspective, stratification is universal.


"Deviance defines the limits of proper behavior." This statement represents the view of which sociological perspective?

functionalist perspective

Although it does not explicitly endorse traditional gender roles, which sociological perspective implies that dividing tasks between spouses is beneficial for the family unit? functionalist perspective conflict perspective interactionist perspective global perspective

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require convicted sex-offenders to register with police agencies and have their pictures published in newspapers to make their identities publicly known?

functionalist perspective

Disengagement theory is a functionalist theory of aging, which contends that elderly people who remain active will be best-adjusted. conflict theory of aging, which argues that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships. functionalist theory of aging, which argues that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships. theory of United States withdrawal from international involvement.

functionalist theory of aging, which argues that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships.

_____ refers to learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize women and men. Sex Gender Gender identity Sex roles Sexual identity


social or cultural difference


Which statement about gender is correct?

gender affects our self image and our social life in imprtant ways

Conflict Theory Gender

gender is a power struggle and the inequality benefits men over women

Symbolic Interactionism Gender

gender shapes everyday interactions, but dynamics vary with each situation

The term ___________ refers to the unequal distribuation of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women.

gender stratification

Which concept refers to society placing men and women at different social levels?

gender stratification

What term describes when a population declines from millions to 250,000?


Which of the following factors is especially likely to result in downward social mobility for women?

getting divorced

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as

glass ceiling

_____ refers to the growth and spread of investment, trade, production, communication, and new technology. Monopoly Capitalism Communism Globalization The economy


Radical Feminism

goal: abolish gender and family, and create a gender free society

Conservative Feminism

goal: promote motherhood and family as a noble calling

Liberal Feminism

goal: seek equality of opportunity and income


going along with peers who have no special right to direct behavior

A _____ is a formal organization that has the authority to make and enforce laws. bureaucracy government political structure social group police department


The textbook defines family as an "intimate group in which two or more people" do all of the following except "live together in a committed relationship." "have a legal relationship." "care for one another and any children." "share close emotional ties and functions." All of the above are part of the definition.

have a legal relationship

Marcine is highly educated, holds an important job, makes a lot of money and enjoys the respect of almost everyone who knows her. Sociologists would describe her social position as ____________.

having high status consistency

Statuary rape *

having sexual intercourse with a minor, reguardless if the minor consents

Which of the following traits would make you think that someone was at least in the middle class in the U.S.?

he obtains a college degree


hereditary ranks that are usually religiously dictated and that tend to be fixed and immobile

At the Barkley Company, there are forty employees. Addison is the President and CEO. Below her, Jack and Ross, are managers. The thirty-seven others work below the managers in the storeroom or on the show floor. Which of Weber's ideal characteristics does this exemplify? high degree of division of labor and specialization hierarchy of authority explicit written rules and regulations impersonality qualification based employment

hierarchy of authority

In general, women come closest to men in terms of social standing in which of the following societies?

high-income nations

From the symbolic-interation point of view, definitions of deviance and conformity are _________. -one and the same -applied uniformly and rigidly -variable from situation to situation -based on a society's moral code

highly variable

An important element in traditional views of proper "masculine" and "feminine" behavior is fear of homosexuality. This fear, along with accompanying prejudice, is referred to as


In the United States, a person moving from one job to a comparable job, they are engaged in what sociologists call ______________.

horizontal mobility

Which practice was first introduced in London, England in the 1960s? hospice care euthanasia senilicide credit counseling for the elderly

hospice care

In the article "The Sociological Imagination" by C. Wright Mills, the sociological perspective is how biology influence human lives. how natural environment influence human lives. how social and historical structures influence human lives. None of the above.

how social and historical structures influence human lives.

Take on the role of the other

how we develop our self-concept. Put on someones else shoes.

Erving Goffman

human interaction is seen as a theatrical performance on a stage we ar ebothe the actors and the audience impression management: the manipulation of scenery, props, costumes and behavior to convey a particular role image to others

The main idea in article "Gender and Ageism" by Laurie Hatch is ______ if you are a woman and old, you experience the most prejudice. if you are a man and old, you experience the most prejudice. if you are a woman and young, you experience the most prejudice. if you are a man and young, you experience the most prejudice.

if you are a woman and old, you experience the most prejudice.


immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of settlement

Teacher-expectancy effect

impact of teacher expectations about a student on student's actual achievements

Alice makes sure to have good manners and look nice for her interview with a potential employer

impression management

Tasha is preparing for her first date with Bobby. She is very excited because Bobby is the captain of the football team. Before the date, she showers, applies make-up, and buys an expensive new outfit. Tasha's preparation is an example of Goffman's imitation stage. the self. impression management. setting control. manner.

impression management


impulses and desires, resulting in consistent rates of violence.

Conspicous Consumption

in America, we comsume things to make a statement/ impress people


in contrast, is a action, It refers to treating someone or some group unfairly.

Stereotyping is especially harmful to minorities when it occurs _____________.

in the workplace

_____ are those that share a sense of identity and exclude and devalue outsiders. In-groups Out-groups Primary groups Secondary groups Reference groups


The main topic in "Clique Dynamics" by Patricia Adler and Peter Adler is the study of _______. primary groups secondary groups reference groups in-groups and out-groups

in-groups and out-groups

An individual's salary and wages are referred to as


Compared to thirty-five years ago, the number of people living in poverty has increased. decreased. stayed the same. fluctuated. None of the above - poverty statistics were not collected thirty-five years ago.


While on vacation, Jose went to a local restaurant for lunch. Before he sat down, the owner came out from behind the counter and told Jose to leave the restaurant because his "kind aren't welcome." This is an example of prejudice. individual discrimination. institutional discrimination. gendered racism. holistic discrimination.

individual discrimination

Which of the following statements correctly describes intragenerational social mobility?

individuals change their social position during their own lifetimes

Jennifer is attending a business luncheon with several corporate executives. At one point during the meal, she reaches in front of another executive for a saltshaker and hits the executive's arm as he is about to put a spoonful of soup in his mouth. The soup spills on his shirt, and he glares at Jennifer. The glare is an example of a (an)

informal sanction

Social control carried out casually by people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule is known as ?

informal social control

Social control carried out casually by people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule is known as

informal social control.

Acts of racial profiling are always illegal. initiated by law enforcement officers. opposed by the American public. opposed by law enforcement officials.

initiated by law enforcement officers.

Arnold gets an "A" on his organic chemistry exam because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain" who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a(n)


Henry's family was unable to pay their bills last month. He wanted the best for his family, but had a low-paying job. To "earn" some extra cash, be began selling fraudulent tickets at the Civic Center. According to Merton, Henry is a/n conformist. innovator. ritualist. retreatist. rebel.


John desires the best things in life. rather than work his way through the system, he sells drugs instead. Merton classified John as a


At one time, many Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet the height requirement. This was an example of

institutional discrimination

Suppose that a workplace requires that only English be spoken, even when it is not a business necessity to restrict the use of the other languages. This requirement would be an example of

institutional discrimination

The fact that banks reject home mortgage applications from minorities at a higher rate compared to white applicants is an example of ___________.

institutional discrimination

A scientific company lays off employees by seniority. The majority of the female employees had been hired in the last 10 years and were educated as part of the push to get more females into math and sciences. This would be an example of instrumentality. expressiveness. institutional discrimination. pluralism.

institutional discrimination.

The civil rights movement of the 1960s had little impact on school segregation. housing segregation. institutional discrimination. employment segregation.

institutional discrimination.

Which perspective would look to the disproportionate economic and lobbying power wielded by groups such as the National Rifle Association in the debate over gun violence in U.S. society?


Which sociological perspective would argue that political contributions keep the public involved in the democratic process and connected to the candidates?


A farmer is called to help sandbag a levy that is about to flood his town. The farmer is stationed between two correctional center inmates who are required to assist in the flood-control efforts. As a result of this experience, the farmer has developed a newfound respect for inmates. This example would be consistent with which perspective?

interactionist perspective

Activity theory is a(an) functionalist theory of aging, which contends that elderly people who remain active will be best-adjusted. conflict theory of aging, which argues that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships. functionalist theory of aging, which argues that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships. interactionist theory of aging, which argues that elderly people who remain active will be best-adjusted.

interactionist theory of aging, which argues that elderly people who remain active will be best-adjusted.

Interactionists would be concerned about the impact of racial profiling on young children. the likelihood of terrorism. relationships in interracial families. intergroup relations.

intergroup relations.

Socialization controls behavior because of sociobiology integration institutionalization internalization nurture


A woman is born into a homeless, single-parent family. She is very talented and as an adult, becomes a wealthy, world-acclaimed pianist. This scenario most closely represents which type of social mobility?


Functionalism Stratification

it is good because certain jobs are more important then others, they require training and motivate people to achieve for the promised rewards stratification is inevitable and beneficial people are motivated by knowing they will mkae more money

How does the mass media influence the gender roles in contemporary American society

it reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for ones' sex

Some norms are considered so important by a society that they are formalized into______ controlling people's behavior.


Federal courts have upheld the practice of discriminating against elderly people. firing people simply because they are old. laying off older workers for economic reasons. all of these

laying off older workers for economic reasons.

The symbolic interaction perspective suggests that people _____ deviant behavior. are born with develop study learn recognize


Only one version of feminism- ____________________ feminism- accepts the basic order of society as it is.


According to G. William Domhoff, two different coalitions exercise political influence in the electoral arena: a corporate-conservative coalition and a __________ coalition that is based in unions, local environmental organizations, a segment of the minority group community, and arts communities.


Max Weber referred to people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable experiences as ?

life chances

Emile Durkheim, in his studies of suicide, found that _____, and concluded that _____ accounted for the variation in suicide rates. males are more likely than females to commit suicide; social structure females are more likely than males to commit suicide; social structure males are more likely than females to commit suicide; social integration females are more likely than males to commit suicide; social integration none of the above

males are more likely than females to commit suicide; social integration


marriage of a woman to more than one husband at the same time; extremely rare

Families that include ________ earn more than families with ______________.

married couples; a single parent

Mead's and Murdock's international studies cited in the text show that societies define ________________ very differently.

masculinity and feminity

Which of the following is a form of stratification in which all positions are awarded on the basis of merit?



minoritites gradually adopt the patterns of the dominant culture ("americanization")

A/n _____ is a group of people who may be subject to differential and unequal treatment because of their physical, cultural, or other characteristics. minority group majority group dominant group subordinate group principal group

minority group

Sociologists have identified five basic properties—unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage—to describe minority groups. racial groups. ethnic groups. polarization.

minority groups

Sociologists have identified five basic properties—unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage—to describe

minority groups.

According to _____, low-income societies are poor because of "traditional" attitudes about technology and institutions. modernization theory attitudinal theory dependency theory traditional theory world-systems theory

modernization theory

In U.S. presidential elections, the most important factor in winning is the candidate's platform. the number of registered voters. the candidate's social class. the candidates racial and ethic background. money.



money migrant send back to family and friends in their home countries, often in cash, forming an important part of the economy in many poorer countries

A/n _____ is a situation where one person or company controls a particular market or industry. economy oligarchy monopoly conglomerate interlocking directorate


The basic idea behind differential association theory is that one's environment has little influence on deviance and crime. most deviant and criminal behavior is spontaneous. labeling is a major factor in explaining deviance. primary deviance leads to secondary deviance. most people learn deviant behavior through interaction.

most people learn deviant behavior through interaction.

Social mobility

movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society's stratification system to another

Social Mobility

movement or change in position within a social hierarchy

Compared to 1980, today, the gap in income between high- and low-income families in the U.S. is ______________.

much bigger

_____ refers to the coexistence of many cultures in the same geographic area, without any one culture dominating another. Ethnocentism Cultural relativism Multiculturalism Metaculturalism Popular culture


The richest 20% of U.S. families received __________ of all income earned in the U.S.

nearly one-half

Which of the following is (are) main findings in the article "Romantic Relationships from Adolescence to Young Adulthood" by Ann Meier and Gina Allen? nearly two-thirds of adolescents have some romantic relationship experience. there is differences in adolescents relationship experiences by race. both a and b are correct. none of the above is correct.

nearly two-thirds of adolescents have some romantic relationship experience. there is differences in adolescents relationship experiences by race.

One of the differences that Michael Hindelang found between his research and Hirschi's research is that there is: a. no relationship between attachment to father and attachment to peers b. no relationship between attachment to church and attachment to peers c. no relationship between attachment to mother and attachment to peers d. no relationship between attachment to school and attachment to peers

no relationship between attachment to mother and attachment to peers (page 156)

Symbols, values, norms and beliefs are examples ofcultural boundaries. nonmaterial culture. material culture. primitive culture. subversive culture.

nonmaterial culture

"Actions speak louder than words." This statement represents which concept of social interaction? dramaturgical analysis ethnomethodology nonverbal communication silence facial expressions

nonverbal communication

A married couple and their unmarried children living together constitute a(an) nuclear family. extended family. matrilocal family. patrilocal family.

nuclear family.

Compared to middle-calss parents, working-calss parents are more likely to encourage __________ in their children.

obedience and respect for authority figured

Sexual harassment:

once was defined as a personal problem rather than a social problem, it has now been legally defined as sex discrimination and is behavior prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Approximately how many out of every nine people in this country lives below the poverty line established by the federal government?


Monogamy refers to a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other. a woman may have several husbands at the same time. a man may have several wives at the same time. two men or two women are married only to each other.

one woman and one man are married only to each other.

n the U.S., endogamous rules stressed by many groups include marriage within one's own racial, ethnic and religious group. one's own family group. one's own sexual group. all of these

one's own racial, ethnic and religious group.

Matrilineal descent

only the mother's relatives are important

A stratification system that implies that the position of each individual is influenced by the person's achieved status is referred to as a(n) ?

open stratification system.

Which of the following would be an example of men traditionally "doing masculinity"? opening a door for a female styling hair feeding a baby crying in public

opening a door for a female

_____ are those people who are viewed and treated negatively because they are seen as being different. In-groups Out-groups Primary groups Secondary groups Reference groups


According to Karl Marx, the defining trait of the bourgeoisie is which of the following?

ownership of productive property

Sanctions are defined as

penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm

Status group refers to ?

people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position.

Who are the Maquiladoras?

people who work in NAFTA factories for 12+ hours for $8-$20 dollars

Science tells us that there is more genetic variation within each racial category than there s between racial categories. Knowing this fact, why do people in societies around the world create and pay attention to racial differences?

placing people into categories allows societies to create hierarchies in which some people have greater access to things of value than other people

According to Carol Gilligan, boys have a sense of rightness that involves ___________.

playing by the rules

The organization model

posits that sexual harassment results when differences in power are assigned to typically male positions within an organization and typically female positions (i.e., supervisors or managers vs. clerks or secretaries, respectively (Saal 1996)

Max Weber defined ________ as the ability to exercise one's will over others.


The owner of a major league baseball team can fire employees for not winning a pennant, have the city build him a new ballpark, and prevent companies that compete against his own team from airing advertisements during the team's televised games. In Max Weber's view, this owner would most likely be considered to have ?


Unequal power distribution


"The wealthy control politics." This statement reflects which sociological perspective of political power? pluralist power elite feminist symbolic interactionist globalist

power elite

what term did c Wright mills coin to refer to the collection of people who make big decisions in US society

power elite


practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on basis of test scores and other criteria

Employment that is poorly paid and, from the worker's perspective, insecure and unprotected is called ?

precarious work

In which of the following jobs do we find about 97% of the workers are women?

preeschool teacher

Which of the following terms refers to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people?


_____ is a positive or negative attitude toward people because of their group membership. Stereotyping Racism Prejudice Discrimination Pluralism


Ageism is defined as the prejudicial and discriminatory behavior directed against the elderly. reflection of a deep uneasiness among young and middle-aged people about growing old. domination and control by the elderly. none of these

prejudicial and discriminatory behavior directed against the elderly.

Social Controls

prevent- reduce the opportunity deter- punish as lesson to others reform- change the behavior and resocialize

_____ deviance is the initial violation of a norm or law and can range from relatively minor offenses to serious offenses. Primary Secondary Tertiary Street Corporate


_____ groups meet our expressive (or emotional) needs; _____ groups meet our instrumental (or task-oriented) needs. In; out Out; in Secondary; primary Primary; secondary Primary; in

primary; secondary

one measure of humanity is how a society treats it's deviants. how does an examination of prisons in the US today measure up to that standard?

prisons are warehouses for unwanted

According to victimization surveys, the overall crime rate is _________ offical reports indicate. A.considerably lower than B.the same as C.probably more than twice as high as D.ten times higher than

probably more then twice as high as

sex got detached from...

procreation, marriage, babies, gender, God

if a person worked at the iron mill during Karl marx time, Marx would consider them


Ryan is examining children's books as part of a research project on gender images in the media. Ryan is using which of the following research approaches? quantitative research qualitative research deductive research inductive research none of the above

qualitative research

_____ refers to a group of people who share physical characteristics that are passed on through reproduction. Gender Ethnicity Racism Race Racial-ethnic group


The article "The Social Organization of Toy Stores" by Christine Williams discussed about race problem in the toy store. gender problem in the toy store. neither a or b is correct. both a and b are correct.

race problem in the toy store. gender problem in the toy store.

What term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance? ethnic group racial group social group reference group

racial group

The practice of assuming that people who fit certain descriptions are likely to be engaged in illegal activities is referred to as explanative prejudice. racial profiling. institutionalized stereotyping. contact hypothesis.

racial profiling

The practice of assuming that people who fit certain descriptions are likely to be engaged in illegal activities is referred to as

racial profiling.


racial-ethnic division put pressure on the social system. The elite try to defuse the situation by offering concessions.

_____ is/are a set of beliefs which claim that one's own racial group is "naturally" superior to other groups. Stereotypes Racism Prejudice Discrimination Pluralism


Which category of feminists believe that it is womankinds collective responsibility to work togerther to ensure the success of each individual woman?

radical and social feminists

Social constructionist theories contend that sexual behavior is largely the result of social pressure and culture. sexual orientation has a strong genetic basis. sexual identity is based on cultural factors. sexual orientation is based on social structure. none of the above

sexual behavior is largely the result of social pressure and culture.

Which of the following individuals would most likely be the focus of labeling theorists who are researching the power of some individuals or groups to define labels?

regulators of social control

Feminists propose a _____________, by which all individuals can develop all human traits

reintegration of humanity

All systems of social inequality create _________, the lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more.

relative poverty

Gretchen is conducting a research project and is interviewing respondents about their fertility history. On the first day her respondent says that she has had three children. However, the next day, the respondent reports that she has only two children. This is an example of a problem with validity. reliability. hypotheses. variables. methods.


_______________ is one of the factors on which membership in an ethnic category is based.


Gary is angry to find that a coworker took his food out of the office fridge. In retaliation, he takes the coworker's lunch. Gary is engaging in an act of ________________. -retribution -societal protection -rehabilitation -deterrence


Of the four justifications for punishment, __________ is the older and perceives punishment as society's revenge for a moral wrong. A.deterrence B.retribution C.societal protection D.rehabilitation


Sanctions are endorsements of certain behaviors. forms of conformity that are written into law. inconsistent forms of punishment. rewards or punishments for obeying or violating a norm. none of the above

rewards or punishments for obeying or violating a norm.

which statement is accurate regarding the changes in income distribution in the US since 1970

rich get richer and poor get poorer

In Robert Merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as ?


Cameron was scheduled to work on Thursday from 9:00am until 3:00pm. His sociology final was scheduled for 2:00 pm. Cameron was likely experiencing role sets. role strain. role conflict. role sprain. role tension.

role conflict

The rate of handgun deaths in the United States in about _______ times higher than the rate in Canada. A.five B.three D.two


Biological characteristics (anatomy, hormones, etc) determine one's sex. gender. gender roles. sex roles. sexual identity.


_____ is/are an attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex based on the assumed superiority of the other sex. Sex identities Gender roles Sex stereotypes Sexism Racism


_____ is any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with his or her work. Sexual misconduct Sexual harassment Sexism Feminism Pregnancy discrimination

sexual harassment

Quid Pro quo

sexual harassment! It is more explicit, less ambiguous: the individual either yields to the harasser's sexual demands or he/she suffers in terms of job benefits, or, in the case of a college student, in grades or other educational benefits

_____ refers to our awareness of ourselves as male or female and the ways we express our sexual values, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs. gender identity sexual identity gender roles sexual roles sexual orientation

sexual identity

_____ refers to a preference for sexual partners of the same sex, of the opposite sex, or of either sex. Sexual discrimination Sexual orientation Sexuality Gender role Gender identity

sexual orientation

According to the social-conflict approach, deviance is ____________. A.highly variable B.socially constructed C.universal D.shaped by power

shaped by power

Compared to working-calss couples, middle-class couples are more likely to ____________.

share common interests

systems of stratification

slavery- where individuals are bought and owned as property (closed system, no mobility) caste- where rank is fixed based on birth (closed system, no mobility) class- where rank is achieved through work and economic worth (open system, mobility possible)

what term do sociologists use to refer to a category of people who share many similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige

social class

In his study of the Saints and the Roughnecks, William Chambliss concluded that a key factor in the varying fortunes of the two groups was their differing

social class standing

For social scientists, race is a(n) social construct. personality trait. temporary characteristic. variable trait. myth.

social construct

_____ refer(s) to the technique and strategies that regulate people's behavior in society. Sanctions Social control Strain Anomie Labeling

social control


social control that is carried out casually by ordinary people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule.

Which theory attributes increases in crime and deviance to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions?

social disorganization theory

One technique that allows researchers to measure the strength of prejudice is the ____________ scale.

social distance

_____ suggests that any social interaction between two people is based on each person's trying to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs. Dramaturgical analysis Symbolic interactionism Feminist theory Social exchange theory Ethnomethodology

social exchange theory

The term __________ describes a condition in which members of a society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power

social inequality

_____ is a person's movement up or down the class hierarchy. Social stratification Social mobility Social movement Social change Social hierarchy

social mobility

_____ are webs of social ties that link individuals to one another. Social muddles Social networks Social systems Social interactions Social organisms

social networks

Ascribed status

social position assigned to person by society without regard for the person's unique talents or characteristics

Achieved Status

social position that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts Slavery- individuals owned by other people, who treat them as properly

Class System

social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility

A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy is called ______________.

social stratification

The hierarchical ranking of people who have different access to valued resources is referred to as social networking. the division of society. dependency. social stratification. inequality.

social stratification

the division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power property and prestige

social stratification

Taking a sociological survey f inequality around the world, ___________________.

social stratification is found everywhere, but exactly what is unequal and the degree of inequality differ from society to society.

_____ is an organized pattern of behavior that governs people's relationships. Social interaction Social structure Status Master status Role

social structure

Which of the following approaches states that even when the powerful engage in harmful and even criminal activites, they still have resources to resist deviant labels? -structural-functional theory -social-conflict theory -symbolic-interaction theory -labeling theory


Todd claims that the risk of being a criminal offender depends more than anything on class and race. In making such a claim, Todd is supporting which theoretical approach? -feminist theory -social-conflict theory -structural-functional theory -symbolic-interaction theory

social-conflict theory

_____ is an economic and political system based on the principle of the public ownership of the production of goods and services. Economy Monopoly Socialism Communism Capitalism


t/f sociologists main research method is a survey


A community of men and women maintain distinct sexual identites but share housework and childcare responsibilities and all other work in a community equally. These socila arrangements illustrate which of the following?

socialist feminism

Adrian, from the time he was born, began learning how to think and behave effectively in society. He learned language, norms, and values first from his parents and then from his peers. Adrian went through a process of learning. socialization. culture. resocialization. nurturing.


According to social conflict theory, those who threaten the wealthy are likely to be labeled deviant because ______________________. A.they are the most dangerous individuals B.they have disrupted the unspoken code that most people live with C.societal norms generally reflect the interests of the rich and powerful D.they also threaten law and social institutions

societal norms generally reflect the interests of the rich and powerful

Cultural Means

society offered approved (or legitimate) ways to reach this goal, such as education, jobs, and career training.

The contemporary study of possible genetic roots of criminality is but one aspect of the larger debate over


Bill is a sociologist who studies poverty. He understands that an individual's poverty status is the result of larger economic situations and unemployment rates in the local community rather than the individual's personal problem. Bill is utilizing his macrosociology. microsociology. research methodology. common sense. sociological imagination.

sociological imagination.

Why do sex ratios matter?

sociologists believe that sex ratios influence attitudes and roles


sociologists define a minority group. sociologists are primarily concerned with the economic and political power, or powerlessness, of that group. In the sociological sense, a minority group is a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant, or majority group, have over theirs.

What type of informal social control is supported by 59 percent of pediatricians in spite of the risk of harmful effects to recipients?


The major reason that plea bargaining is so widely used in the U.S. is that this policy _______________. -spares the criminal justice system the time and expense of a trial -ensures that all categories of people are treated equally and fairly -allows guilty people to escape punishment -ensures that only the guilty are punished

spares the criminal justice system the time and expense of a trial

The term social control refers to ?

specific penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.


specifies groups within which spouse must be found; prohibits marriage with members of other groups

Hidden Curriculum

standards of behavior deemed proper and taught subtly in schools

The contact hypothesis

states that interracial contact between people of equal status will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotypes.

17yo college professor

status inconsistency

Keri is a mother, a parole officer, and a softball player. These positions make up Keri's role set. status set. master statuses achieved statuses. ascribed statuses.

status set

A person proclaims loudly that "all Black people are lazy and shiftless and collect welfare." This is an example of


An unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not recognize individual differences within the group is referred to as ?


A community divides responsibilites between men and women as a means to organize social life and to unite families. Which gender theory does this pattern illustrate?

structural-functional theory

Which of the following is not an example of a study from a macrosociological perspective? a. studies of the legal system b. studies of the powerful groups in society c. studies of economic directives of private groups d. studies of individuals

studies of individuals (page 154)

The problem of illegal drugs in the United States is an issue of ____________. A.little importance and demand C.price fixing D.morality

supply and demand

Prejudice and discrimination are learned, and can therefore be unlearned. This statement best illustrates which of the following theoretical perspectives? functionalist conflict symbolic interactionist feminist social exchange

symbolic interactionist

t/f Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the U.S.


t/f White are the lrgest racial group in America


t/f about 15% of the U.S. is in poverty


t/f familes earn more than singles


t/f female headed homes are more likely to be in poverty


t/f more men than women are in the U.S. labor force


t/f on average women earn 79% of what men earn


In the aristocratic society of Europe from the Middle Ages, until the more recent past, the three "Estates" consisted of _______________.

the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners

Organized Crime

the coordination of work between various criminal groups

relative poverty

the deprivation of some people in relation to those who have more

According to Marx, exploitation of the proletariat will inevitably lead to

the destruction of capitalism.

Index crimes pg. 167

the eight types of crime tabulated each year by the FBI in the Uniform Crime Reports: MURDER, RAPE, ROBBERY, ASSAULT, BURGLARY, THEFT, M OTOR VEHICLE THEFT, AND ARSON.

Friedrich Engels, a colleague of Karl Marx, noted that the family is the ultimate source of social inequality. there are six paramount functions of the family. 80 percent of the 565 societies that he studied had some type of polygamy. there are six stations of divorce, but the most important is the economic station.

the family is the ultimate source of social inequality.

Look at the following choices and indicate where we would be most likely to find high concentraions of lower-income families.

the inner cities

George H. Mead

the key to development is learning to take the role of another 3 stages: imitation, plate, game

Sex Ratios

the number of males per 100 females in a society


the physical and social separation of categories of people

the life course

the primary focus is on how children are socialized, but is it life long

Example of Mcdonaldized society

the process of rationalization taken to extreme levels.

The term "incest taboo" refers to the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives. the prohibition of marriage between close relatives and neighbors. the requirement, in some cultures, of having one's sexual initiation occur within the safe confines of a family relationship. not having sex with neighbors or business associates.

the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives.

In Émile Durkheim's view ?

the punishments established within a culture help to define acceptable behavior and thus contribute to social stability.

In what important way does the "caste" part of Britain's social structure remain evident in the country's life today?

the queen, a traditional monarch, is the head of state

1st Wave Feminism

the right to vote

What did the Dred Scott case (1857) come to exemplify the "American dilemma"?

the ruling denied an entire category of people--African American slaves--basic rights and freedoms given to U.S. citizens


the scientific study of social structure and human groups

Gerontology is rule by the elderly. the scientific study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged. a religious cult that worships the aged. a religion formed in Florida that is practiced exclusively by the aged.

the scientific study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged.

For sociologists, the term political system refers to

the social institution that is founded on a recognized set of procedures for implementing and achieving society's goals, such as the allocation of valued resources

A minority group is a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences. that is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. whose members have significantly less control over their own lives than the members of a dominant group. that has reached very moral decisions about a way of life.

whose members have significantly less control over their own lives than the members of a dominant group.

Ethnocentrism refers to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice. the process by which a person forsakes his or her own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture. the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others.

the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others.

Ethnocentrism refers to ?

the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others.


the total value of money and other assests, minus outstanding debts Note: Wealth is distributed more unequally than income.

Feminization of poverty

the trend of women making up an increasing proportion of the poor

Normal violence

the violence that a group normally (or usually) has.


the ways of thinking, the ways of action and the material objects that together form a people's way of life

Why might stay-at-home mothers oppose feminism?

they might believe that their domestic work would be unappreciated

Though male nurses, grade school teachers, and librarians may experience some scorn in the larger society, within the position they are also scorned. they earn the same as women. they are automatically "better". they more encouraged to become administrators.

they more encouraged to become administrators.

Between 2001 and 2011, what change took place in the share of people who said that they believe that their family can achieve the American dream?

this share declined considerably

One survey in the private sector found that African American women were how many times more likely than White women to experience sexual harassment


What is the main reason that some people engage in conspicuoys consumption?

to make a statement about one's social position

The governments of Burma, Cuba, North Korea, and Libya are examples of democracies. totalitarianism. tyranny. socialism. communism.


In the article "Code of the Street" by Elijah Anderson, he argues that interpersonal violence and aggression is part of the code of the street in inner cities poor neighborhood. true false violence was not the topic. code is about language.


In the article "Gamers, Hackers, and Facebook --- Computer Cultures, Virtual Community, and Postmodern Identity", the author Ross Haenfler regards cyberspace interactions as a subculture. true false


In the article "The Myth of the Missing Black Father", the authors found out that black fathers may not live with their children, but they do visit them often. true false


In the article "Why You Voted" by Andrew Perrin, one of the reasons that Americans vote is for ritual purpose. True. false The article did not talk about it.


The main argument in article "The Medicalizaiton of Deviance" is that we redefine certain deviant behaviors as "illness" rather than as "badness", so that they are treated medically rather than punishment. true false


The main idea of Peter Berger's article "Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective" is that the beauty of sociology is to unmask the taken-for-granted common beliefs about social reality. true false


Oliver works a full-time day shift at a fast food restaurant. He has a college degree and training in electrical engineering. Oliver is unemployed. underemployed. self employed. a contingent worker. a part-time worker.


Latent function

unintended beneficial consequences of people's actions

a stereotype is

unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not recognize individual differences within the group.

Studies show that men initiate __________ percent of all interruptions in cross-sex (male-female) conversations

up to 96

A woman who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the U.S. Postal Service. She has experienced ?

upward intergenerational mobility.

According to feminist theory, gender influences how we define deviance because people commonly ________________. -use the same standards to judge the behavior of males and females -use different standards to judge the behavior of males and females -see women as requiring less control compared to men -see women as more powerful than men

use different standards to judge the behavior of males and females.


widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality.

From the sociological perspective, sexuality includes which of the following? Check all that apply. Beliefs Values Social Norms None of these


_____ are the standards by which members of a particular culture define what is good or bad, moral or immoral, desirable or undesirable. Languages Norms Mores Values Sanctions


According to the symbolic-interaction approach, the definitions of deviance and conformity are ___________. -one and the same -applied uniformly and rigidly -variable from situation to situation -based on a society's moral code

variable from situation to situation

In her research project, Megan is measuring age, gender, GPA, and study habits. Age, gender, GPA and study habits are examples of social inequality. variables. characteristics. assets. social issues.


Researchers use __________ to ask people whether they have been the victims of crime. surveys B.victimization surveys C.police reports D.FBI data

victimization surveys

Dave, the president of a small corporation, has a wild weekend. He spends a night with a prostitute, gambles illegally, drinks excessively, and uses drugs. Some would argue he has committed various

victimless crimes

Deviance is behavior that ?

violates in a significant way the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.

4 letter words

wait stop heal hope 4 reasons to wait pleases God eliminated risks enhanced communication and knowledge of the other promotes sel respect

Dr. Harry Harlows' experiments with infant monkeys concluded that orphaned monkeys needed more attention than those with mothers. biology affects behavior. nourishment was more important than warmth and comfort. warmth and comfort were more important than nourishment. none of the above

warmth and comfort were more important than nourishment.

4. What is the first part of cooley's looking glass self stage just the first stage

we imagine how we present yourself to others

A well-known Hollywood actress owns a home in Beverly Hills and another one on the French Riviera. She owns her own movie production company along with a large stock portfolio. The total of the different things she owns is considered her ?


high sex ratios are in the...





when an individual has several husbands or wives simultaneously

Victimless Crime

when willing adults exchange desired but illegal goods or services

Robert Merton asserts that the type of deviance people engage in depends upon _______________. -whether society provides them with means to achieve cultural goals -their exposure to stressful life conditions -their upbringing and family structure -the perceived role of conflict, or strains, in their life

whether society provides them with means to achieve cultural goals

About 2/3s of the people living in poverty in the U. S. today are ___________.


numerically, most poor people in the US are


The historical dominance of _______________ in the U.S. culture is evidenced by the widespread use of the terms "race" and "ethnicity" to describe everyone but the members of that category.

white Anglo-Saxon Protestants

Conflict theorists often focus on which type of crime? violent crime property crime white collar crime organized crime victimless crime

white collar crime

consumer fraud, bribery, and income tax evasion are considered ____crimes.

white collar crimes.

What term is used to refer to crimes committed by individuals in the course of their daily business activities?

white-collar crimes

Which of these racial and ethnic groups has the longest life expectancy? Whites Asian Americans Hispanics African Americans


One example of unfair prejudice is to say that people ________________.

who have blonde hair are dumb

a minority group is

whose members have significantly less control over their own lives than the members of a dominant group

According to Robert Merton, a retreatist is an individual who has ?

withdrawn from the goals and means of society

Which of the following is commonly used to explain the gender pay gap? women choose fields with lower earnings the glass ceiling women are more likely to work part-time all of the above none of the above

women choose fields with lower earnings the glass ceiling women are more likely to work part-time


women have greater authority than men

A matriarchy is a society in which women hold greater authority than men. women hold no authority at all. men hold greater authority than women. women and men hold equal amounts of authority.

women hold greater authority than men.

Karl Marx used the term proletariat to refer to the ?

working class

Which of the following is an example of institionalized sexism?

working women earn less than working men

Is the U.S. a pluralistic society?

yes and no, all races and ethnicities are offically equal under the law, but they do not have equal social standing

Which set of traits below could best be used to develop a portrait of someone who is likely to be poor in the U.S.?

young; African American; female, central city dweller

Multinational Corporation (Concept)

• A commercial organization that is headquartered in one country but does business throughout the world. • According to Functionalist, it can help developing nations of the world • Conflict Theorist exploits workers to maximize profits.

Maquiladora (concept)

• A foreign-owned factory in establish business across the borders of Mexico at which imported parts are assembled by lower paid workers into products for export. • Contributed to Mexico's economy. • Attracted manufacturing jobs to Mexico from other parts of North America.

Dependency theory

• Immanuel Wallerstein An approach that contends that industrialized nations continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain.

Mobility: Marriage

• Marriage has an important effect on social standing • Married people accumulate about twice as much wealth compared to single and divorced - Double incomes • Compared to singles, married men and women work harder and save more

Mobility Patterns (concept)

• Patterns in industrialized countries are usually associated with both intergenerational and intragerational mobility. • Macro-level social and economic changes often overshadow micro-level movement form one occupation to another. • Researchers have begun to investigate the impact of gender.

Borderlands (concept)

• The area of common culture along the border between Mexico and the United States. • Economic position is rather complicated. • People in the United States think about immigration. • Area of common culture along the border between Mexico and the United States

Colonialism (concept)

• The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period. • A view of the global economic system as one divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited. • By the 1980's it had largely disappeared • Ruled by outsiders • Occurs when a foreign power maintains political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people for an extended period.

Globalization (concept)

• The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the ex-change of ideas. • Problematic for developing countries in Latin America and Africa. • Critics say it allows Multinational Corporation to expand unchecked. • The worldwide integration of government policies, culture, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas.

Moderation (concept)

• Wendell Bell • The far-reaching process by which periphery nation's move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies. • Suggest positive change

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