Soccer midterm 1

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What makes sports culture in the U.S. different than nearly any other country in the world?

- 2-sport stars - U.S. only sports - "world" championships of only American leagues - franchises (that can change cities) - No single hegemonic sport (Football, baseball ,basketball... etc) - Popularity of college sports

Identify three different ways in which ethnic groups are created.

- Imagined community (shared experience and/or location) - War (represented by sports, more literally by hooligans) - Homeland (represented by pitch)

Why are there usually not more than one division 1 soccer teams in France?

Historically speaking, cities were not allowed to form more than 1 soccer team per city. No derbies allowed.

What is a caganer and describe its significance to Catalans.

It is a traditional Catalan Christmas figure in which the figure is bent down showing his bare ass and defecating. Represents a human side to the mystery of Christmas. This down-to-earth symbol makes for a marvelous synthesis which harmonizes its transcendent and supernatural message with material reality and the biological condition of our organism.

Who was the leader of Corinthian democracy?


What is a derby and where does the word come from?

Word came from Derbyshire where the uptowners(farmers) played against the downtowners(fishermen) -A derby is a cross town game.

What are/is Carsi and what are they against?

-Is a word that means marketplace. Is a Beşiktaş's fan(supporter) group established in 1982. Are also a rebellious group that are against everything including themselves if need be.

Describe the tribe issue in Kenya and why some soccer fans cheer "Oliech, Odinga, Obama!" at games.

-Oliech is a Kenyan soccer star, Odinga is the prime minister that was elected, and Obama is the president of US; all hail from Luo families (a tribe in Kenya). -Kibaki falsified votes to win the election as president which caused riots. An agreement was made to make Odinga the prime minister -There is a tribe issue because after the independence of Kenya a lot of jobs and land were handed out based on tribal affiliations (a lot of land and jobs were given to the tribe of the President at the time). This caused a division of the people to put their tribe before their nationality.

What are the three different types of relationships a person can have with football and describe each.

-Player: actually plays soccer -Fan: Immersed in the soccer clubs and watches soccer regularly -World Cup/Nationalistic: only watches the fifa world cup every time it comes around (A person can be all three or a mixture of the three above)

Name Big three clubs in Istanbul and briefly explain who they were.

Galatasaray: Rich kids in private schools; elite Fenerbahce: With Greeks; on Asian side; started as secret soccer club. Besiktas: Craftsmen & market neighborhood; started as secret exercise club; Anarchic hooligan group

Contrast Gaudi and Miro. Both artistically and their ideologies

Gaudi: Very conservative and religious. Very Catalan and nature oriented in his artwork. Miro: Very pro-democratic. Abstract artwork

Who is George Weah and what happened when did he go for election?

George Weah was the first African to be named World Player of the Year, when he was playing for AC Milan. And when he went for election in Liberia, he lost to Johnson Sirleaf.

Who is Beitar? Why are they considered a racist club?

A racist club in Israel who is formed purely of Jews. When they signed 2 Arabs for the first time in history, the fans disrespected them, and ultimately they left the club.

Describe the relationship and the history between Rwanda and Zaire (Congo)

After the genocide in Rwanda where the Hutu killed a lot of the Tutsi population in Rwanda, many Hutu refugees fled into Zaire causing another humanitarian catastrophe. Rwandan forces would later invade Zaire to capture Hutu extremists who caused the genocide.

What is a Tifo?

A visual display (such as a large banner) of passionate support for a team/club. The supporters of the Portland Timbers and Dortmund usually use Tifos.

What is the kick it out app?

An anti-racism app in England that encourages fans to report instances of racism to authorities, for them to be swiftly and properly dealt with.

What is the Lipton Cup? Why did it lose value?

An old International Cup between Uruguay and Argentina played in the early 1900s that eventually lost value due to the Olympics, World Cup, and South American Championship.

Which two countries make up the River Plate region in Latin America, where there are about thirty-one soccer teams.

Argentina and Uruguay

How has the government in Turkey affected soccer negatively with the use of technology?

Attempted to get information of fans with a new ticket buying system. Soccer attendance went down dramatically.

Who is the better team? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

Barcelona (gimme question that I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps)

Crime goes down in Mexico when what player is playing?


What technology advancement in 1970 helped transform soccer in Latin America?

Color television (Quiz Question)

Explain the effect Didier Drogba and soccer had for Ivory Coast

Drogba picked up a microphone in the dressing room and, surrounded by his team-mates, fell to his knees live on national television. He begged both warring factions to lay down their arms and, within a week, his bold wish had been granted. By taking the trophy he received for being the best African soccer player of the year to the North, he united the South and the North and put an end to the tension between the two. Soccer unites the South and the North and allows the two groups of people who have different religions (North - Islam, South - Christianity) to feel connected, similar and equal.

Describe how the Sierra Leone's civil war impacted the lives of children (during and after the war) and the significance of amputee soccer leagues that were established after the war.

During the civil war tens of thousands of people died (Operation "No Living Thing") - which left an age gap after the war. Many teenagers had to step up after the war to serve as mentors to the "slightly younger" children - often times through soccer to teach lessons of respect. Also, during this war, MANY child soldiers were used Due to the many amputations that resulted during and after the war due to injuries, amputee soccer leagues formed. It gave many people an opportunity to rise from bad times (bad conditions and times for those with amputees) to center stage on the soccer field. Soccer is a great counseling tool and a character builder - both for amputee players and the nation as a whole.

Explain the effect of the industrial revolution on soccer.

First, the industrial revolution killed soccer (folk football), because of physical space constraints in cities. Then, the industrial revolution catalyzed the success of the sport, as Standardized wages and working hours gave workers regular leisure time (half-day Saturdays) Teams formed around the unions The advent of the railroad allowed teams to easily travel to play against one another.

What are some of the struggles women of Muslim religion (Saudi Arabia and Iran) face with regarding soccer?

For a while it was illegal for them to play. Now in order for them to travel they must have approval from their husbands to leave the country. On occasion they face restrictions for wearing the hijab (head scarf) while playing. Men have began disguising themselves as women and playing for the women's team

In the early days of German Damenfußall (women's soccer), why did Germany lift the ban on women's soccer and what did they do to remain in control?

Germany lifted the ban because they did not want to lose control over the women's football movement. Secret women soccer associations were forming and women were gaining power so they wanted to avoid a mess. They set many restrictions on the game like time limit, season of play, no advertising, no playing for a championship

Identify how Johan Cruyff formed an identity as a Catalon, Jew, and a Dutchman

He named his son Jordi, which is a Catalan name Adopted a Jewish identity to represent Ajax (anti-German) Played for the Ajax, a Dutch club

What is a hegemonic sport? Why is soccer the "world's" hegemonic sport?

Hegemonic sports are associated with common talk, daily communication, and a community connection that transcends the sport itself Soccer is simple, and democratic in nature, allowing it to be easily learned among different societies and integrated into everyone's daily life Hegemonic sports are ones that allow fans/nonplayers to be and feel as connected to the team as the actual players and coaches.

In South Africa - post apartheid - soccer is one of the sports that didn't require a black "quota" to ensure the national team was multiracial, while sports like rugby and cricket did. Explain why this was the case.

In the past, rugby and cricket occupied a space generally consisting of white citizens and players, while soccer was a game generally played by lower class citizens... "a poor man sport" (mostly blacks, who were repressed under apartheid rule) Since blacks had been so involved with soccer in the past, duriong apartheid, (in the streets, the Robben Island Prison, etc.), it was easier for them to fill the space on the national team post-apartheid

Explain the significance of "Istanbul United" and its relationship to the Gezi Park protests.

Istanbul United is the name of a group of hooligan/ultra groups in Turkey - consisting of Bestikas, Galatasaray, and Fenerbache (rivals) - that came together to protest in Taksim Gezi Park against President Erdogan's corruption and gvnt issues. The groups communicated using social media and technology to rally together. "We are Carsi" When Erdogan's police started attacking the protesters the hooligan groups joined forces to resist the police force and protect the non-warrior protesters

What is the name of youth academy of Barcelona which means "The Farmhouse," in English ?

La Masia

What is La Senyera and/or L'Estelada.

La Senyera is the official flag of the Spanish Autonomous Communities of Catalonia, Aragón, the Balearic Islands, Valencia and the historically Catalan-speaking city of Alghero in Sardinia. It has four red stripes which are known as the "Four fingers of blood." L'Estelada is an unofficial flag waved by supporters of Catalan independence. In addition to red and yellow stripes, it has a white star superimposed over a blue triangle.

What was the significance of Tahrir Square in the Egypt revolution and who was at the frontline in defending the protestors in controlling it?

Large gathering of protesters to overthow Egypts president due to years of dictatorship and oppression (The core/foundation of the revolution) Tahrir means liberation, also controlling and defending this space meant the symbolic territorial heart of the country belonged to the protestors. The frontline of defense in maintaining control of Tahrir Square was the Al-Ahlawi ultras, hooligan fan group of Al Ahly sporting club

What is malapportionment and how does it apply to soccer and politics?

Malapportionment is the unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a political body. The FIFA voting system is malapportioned, since it grants every country one vote, from Germany and Brazil to Timor Leste. This is analogous to the United States Senate, which grants two senators to every state regardless of size or population. Unless you live in Washington, D.C. in which case you're subject to all federal taxes but have no representation in the US Senate

How are the people called in Latin America when they're mixed with Spanish and American Indian?


Describe the disaster in Somalia involving the United States and Mogadishu's warlords and how it has impacted U.S. relations with Somalia.

Mogadishu's warlords—in particular Mohammed Farah Aideed—refused to abide by an international agreement on a new Somali government. The US decided it was time to take out Aideed, but their initial efforts ended in failure. An attack on a supposed safe house resulted in the deaths of seventy-three clan elders who were meeting to discuss ways of persuading Aideed to back down. It was a costly deed that hardened Somali support for Aideed and turned many against the U.S.

Why is Paraguay an outlier in terms of identity in Latin America?

Multiple wars and the development of a unique language helped form the identity of Paraguay, while most Latin American countries formed an identity solely around soccer.

What are the two possible outcomes from hosting global sporting events?

Negative. The gov't spends too much money on the event and doesn't get enough return. This leaves them with empty stadiums and billions of dollars of debt. For example, Brazil '14. Qatar labor deaths. Positive. If a country is already in the "upswing" and growing the olympics can help further this effort. This is what was seen in Barcelona '92

What was the 1969 Soccer War between Honduras and El Salvador?

Occurred when Honduras kicked out about 300,000 E.S. farmers/migrants, fueling a 100 hour conflict that ended when the Honduran national team and their fans were attacked at an away match in El Salvador, claiming about 6,000 lives.

Explain how Barcelona's development has been directly affected by Madrid and the rest of Spain?

Since the creation of the Fort in 1714 Barcelona's development has been affected by Madrid's repression. Constant injustices against Catalunya made Catalans even more anti authoritarian and have a bigger sense of catalanism, therefore creating historical landmarks that represent catalanism such as the Colon statue.

Who are the only World Cup Hosts not to advance from the first round?

South Africa

Why do many Latin American countries have a lack of "homeland" identity (the identity facet described by Walker Connor)?

Such countries have a "mixed" population formed of various races, indigenous population, and a large immigrant population

What is the Yid Army?

Supporters of the English football club Tottenham Hotspur F.C. adopted the nickname "Yid" (or "Yiddo") and often identify as "Yid Army" - as a direct response to opposition fans originally using the word against them as a form of taunting and abuse. "Yid" is used as a badge of pride by the supporters of Tottenham Hotspur F.C., both those who are Jewish and non-Jewish. Such usage is controversial.

Describe the similarities and differences between the Beckham and Nowitzki Effects.

The Beckham Effect denotes the arrival of a foreign, bona fide, crossover, global superstar to help a struggling sport in a country where is has languished at the cultural margins. The Nowitzki Effect features almost the exact opposite. A local boy excels far away from home in a sport that is huge popular in said country where he now resides, but has been secondary in his native country. This results in increased popularity of the sport in the native country.

According to Gilberto Freyre, how is the Brazilian and English style of play characterized?

The Brazilians play with Dionysian style, which is impulsive, individualistic and emotional (a portrayal of mulatto character) while the English play Apollonian style, which is a formal, pent-up, rational, well-oiled machine style.

Countries in Latin America who were economically dominated by England and America usually picked up different sports. What were they?

The English brought soccer as cultural baggage. American dominated countries were taught baseball (on banana farms and plantations).

What is the first soccer competition and why is it still significant?

The FA cup, because it's a knock-out competition between teams from all divisions.

Several countries in Africa are split by religion. Describe what this split is, and how it impacts soccer & global politics, for example, in Nigeria vs Ivory Coast.

The North tends to be Islam, while the South often consists of Christians in several countries in Africa In Nigeria, the national team players are typically Christian, and is often explicitly shown on the field (e.g. praying before the match). This hurts the team's level of performance on the soccer field, but also hurts the country as a whole (leading to a very large political cabinet and lack of organization) In the Ivory Coast, the national team consists of players both from the N and the S and have superstars from each region & religion. This ultimately helps unite the team and the country as a whole (something the government had struggled to do).

Describe what is the Rooney Rule.

The Rooney Rule requires National Football League teams to interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation jobs. It is sometimes cited as an example of affirmative action, though there is no quota or preference given to minorities in the hiring of candidates. It was established in 2003

What was the Civil War and in what ways did it affect Catalunya?

The civil war was the result of a military coup in 1937 led by Francisco Franco that continued for three years and ended after Franco established his supremacy. The civil war and the following 20 years to come were a period of Catalan repression, where Franco attempted to eliminate every bit of Catalan culture

Describe how the "Paradox of Plenty" has hurt many African Nations.

The paradox of plenty occurs when a region has a lot of valuable resources that are high in value (e.g. diamonds, oil, timber), but ultimately leads to more problems overall and hurts the economy. Many times, having such resources leads to a cycle of borrowing and debt, inflation, and negative impacts on traditional industries in the region Often times, many wars in Africa have been resource wars that have been violent, as well as resulting instability in government, and lack of important institutions (e.g. schools, hospitals, etc.).

what are some of the hardships South Africa faced pertaining to the building of stadiums? How did it affect the people that lived in shacks and the children who had their schools demolished? (from the video we watched in class 10-20-15)

The temporary shacks used as replacement has no air-conditioning so it is difficult for students to study well in it. students felt as if the government was being racist towards them saying this would have never happened in the white areas they caused mayhem in the streets setting fires to buildings students and parents of the neighborhood wondered where they would go The only people who profit from the stadiums are construction companies and corrupted government officials who get money from these construction companies. People of the lower income class are forced to leave to make space for stadiums and construction workers are only hired temporarily and are paid as little as usual.

Name a couple of reasons the the Somali pirate attacks have declined since 2012:

There are now armed soldiers on ships for security Warships have been placed in pirating areas (international waters) Government stability has improved Many pirates are being tried in courts Soccer is back in the country!!!

Why are the Chinese terrible at soccer?

They have a history of corruption and the main focus for children is studying over training for sports and there is a lack of space to play. Treat soccer as one of their dictated subjects with strict enforcement like with gymnastics, no love or free flowing a part of the game.

Nigeria is a country that does not have birth certificates for citizens. How has this impacted their country's soccer and development of youth teams?

This has resulted in age cheating in Nigeria (Players have their real age, and their soccer age) Many older/senior level players play on youth teams which can help improve the youth team immediately, but hurts it in the long run Ageism leads to lost Nigerian youth value (EPL teams, for example, are more reluctant to invest in what might be a young "superstar" prospect, for fear that they are actually much older and more likely to lose value)

What is the difference in women's soccer in the US vs Europe and what is the challenge for each?

US: women had to be the trailblazers for the sport because men did not care too much for soccer. Challenge: harder for the sport to be central to American culture Europe: football is already hemogenic. Challenge: women are trying to enter an occupied space where men dominate

Describe the political and day to day issues in Zimbabwe

Whites owned acres of lands while blacks were poor. Farm invasions began, those that took over the farms were inexperienced and didn't have interest in actually running the farms; used up the resources without producing more. The country was hit with inflation as a result and prices began to rise. The president forced all the stores to half their prices since they were rising by so much. The store owners were forced to sell everything at a loss and weren't able to buy new stock. Stores remained empty, unemployment rose to 90 percent.

Name three countries where baseball is more popular than soccer in South America and give a reason why baseball is more popular.

Venezuela, Panama and Dominican Republic. These countries have all had bad relationships with the US as well as had American military influence.

What is a ballotage?

a second ballot taken to decide between the two or three highest candidates when no candidate receives a majority of the votes on the first ballot.

What was the purpose of ultra soccer clubs in Turkey?

are for alienated men to express their anger and aggression with their government leaders without fear of retribution from the state core of revolutions

Describe the Darfur Conflict and state the two countries that were involved.

begun in 2003. Deby had given Darfur rebel groups, including the JEM, weapons and logistics support, as well as allowing them to set up bases in eastern Chad, close to the border with Sudan. Rebel groups would cross the border to carry out raids on Sudanese government forces in Darfur, before scurrying back to the safety of Chad.

What is a caudillo?

•A strong, charismatic, corrupt leader that is characteristic of many dictators throughout Latin American history. For example, Castro can be considered a caudillo.

What was the reason women started playing football and what was the main concern?

during WW1 when they had to work in the factories (men went to war), and the main concern was the conflict of class and gender roles of women for the time period Factories began forming teams during leisure hours just like the men had done. Teams began forming leagues and playing each other. Most countries were not prepared or ready for women to rise in the sport of soccer as it meant that they would be more equal to men

Many countries have developed a soccer style that is supposed to reflect their innate culture and blood. Identify three countries and their style of play built around their blood myth.

•Argentina - La Nuestra •Brazil - Futbol Arte •Spain - Tiki Taka •Uruguay - Garra Charrua •Dutch - Total Soccer •English - Apollonian •Paraguay - Direct/Aerial Soccer

What is diada?

is a day-long festival in Catalonia. It commemorates the defeat of Catalonia during the War of the Spanish Succession. The Catalan troops that initially fought in support of the Habsburg dynasty's claim to the Spanish throne were finally defeated at the Siege of Barcelona by the army of the Bourbon king Philip V of Spain on 11 September 1714 after 14 months of siege.

What is la Masia?

is the name of FC Barcelona's football training facilities, originally located near the Camp Nou in the Les Corts district of Barcelona, and is often used to generically describe the Barcelona youth academy.

What steps is China taking to try to fix their poor soccer ranking?

making soccer part of national curriculum, creating soccer themed schools, setting up study abroad programs and trying to lure international stars to China

What is malapportionment and how has this related to FIFA?

poorly apportioned, especially divided, organized, or structured in a manner that prevents large sections of a population from having equitable representation in a legislative body. In FIFA, each country gets one vote regardless of size.

What is the Hillsborough disaster?

resulted in the deaths of 96 people and injuries to 766 others, at a match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, England on 15 April 1989. The disaster has since been blamed primarily on the police for letting too many people enter the stadium (fans were crushed against fences). It remains the worst stadium-related disaster in English sports history, and one of the world's worst football disasters

What makes Spain's national anthem so unique?

there are no words because there are cultural differences that prevent an agreement on words other countries share national pride and community when singing the anthem, but Spain still has a rift in its community

What is meant by the term "white elephant"? Where was this term so commonly used in a negative way?

white elephant pertains to a stadium that has no use after the event that it was built for is over. In South Africa a large number of people had the belief that these stadiums would never be used again and felt the government was wasting folds of money by building new stadiums from scratch instead of renovating stadiums already in place. Brazil as well

ESSAY Describe the relationship between science/technology on society through soccer, citing technology advancements during the Industrial Revolution, and also more recent technology.

•Can describe how railroads connected towns, which allowed clubs to form throughout countries and improved fan bases. Could also describe the importance of telegraphs in terms of relaying match results, and providing soccer news throughout the country. Color Tv adding new popularity to the game as well as slow replay. •New technology could include the use of velcro Hijab technology in the middle east, the electronic ticket purchase conflict in Turkey (gvnt trying to steal fan info), the kick-it-out app in England to try to reduce racism, etc.

ESSAY Describe the difference between cosmopolitanism and tribalism. Cite examples of both, and explain which direction you believe world soccer is headed in relationship to them. (Pretty open ended, no "correct" answer in terms of which you believe is more prevalent as long as you cite examples).

•Cosmopolitanism: The respect for strangers and the universal recognition of individuals independent of their cultural or racial background, citizenship, and heritage. The drive of fans to want to watch the best players in the world helps the community admire and love "foreign" players and those belonging to ethnic minorities that the fans might've otherwise ignored. Cosmopolitanism is an integrative force among different groups and boundaries. Examples: An attempt to reduce racism at World Soccer events, the spread of jerseys and material throughout the world (diffusing into communities of various background), the Carsi coming together as a unified group to protest a common cause in Turkey (Gezi Park protests), ... •Tribalism: Counter-cosmopolitanism. The idea that groups are innately drawn to their own kind, and thus reject others based on race, beliefs, etc. Ritualized rivalries and the construction of "enemies" have always constituted part of the sports culture for tribalism. For example: Beitar's racism, hooligan groups attacking others, Honduran's kicking out El Salvador farmers and subsequently being attacked, Arkan's Tigers, Atletico Bilbo thinking they are only catalan.

ESSAY Cite specific examples in Latin America where soccer was unsuccessfully used as "bread and circuses" by the government.

•In Argentina, government tried to schedule public TV coverage of Division 1 soccer games at the same time as Jorge Latana's satirical TV show. The general public protested by tuning in to watch "Journalism for Everyone," the satirical TV show (giving it higher ratings). •In Brazil, government tried to raise public transportation fare and pass a law (PEC 37, allowing immunity from being investigated for corruption) during the same time as the 2013 Confederations Cup. This led to mass protests by Brazilians (fueling their anger about white elephants, etc.)

Explain why the physical appearance of the Honduran national soccer team is not a true reflection of the race of the population.

•In Honduras, Afro-Hondurans have generally been repressed, and the country tries to claim to be a mestizo nation. •The soccer team, however, portrays a racially harmonious nation, of about 50% afro-Hondurans, and 50% mestizo players.

Who was Marta and Claudina Vidal? How did they make an impact for women by challenging the soccer space once exclusively claimed by men?

•Marta of Brazil originally played with men and help the women Brazilian national team become successful, helping improve the repression of the female game in Brazil (which had been banned for many years). •Claudina Vidal in Uruguay signed for a men's club increasing awareness of the lack of opportunity for women in Uruguay. She never was allowed to play, but served as an important figure.

Who is Diego Maradona and how is he viewed in Argentina?

•Most famous Argentinian soccer player. •Won world cup and scored with the 'Hand of God' in a game against England. •Loved by many and even has a religion dedicated to him. Church of Maradona

ESSAY Describe the three phases of soccer development in Latin America according to Nadel (in "Futbol: Why Soccer Matters in Latin America).

•Phase 1: Foreign arrival of the sport by European imperialistic countries (around the 1930s), such as England. The arrival of the sport is typically built around educational institutions (schools) and taught to the elite class since they make up such institutions. •Phase 2: National (and local) adoption of the sport. This phase involves the spread of the sport from the elite class to middle and working-classes. Technology - such as trains and telegraphs - often help aid this process as the sport diffuses to the popular classes. At this point, the sport is becoming the hegemonic sport. •Phase 3: A shift from amateurism to professionalism. This phase involves the shift from amateur idea of playing a sport without pay, to a professional mindset, such that players could be paid playing for clubs (and make a living from it). This phase brought a higher quality of play, a regularized schedule of games, and steady revenue for clubs.

Name a couple ways barrabrava leaders (the leaders of hooligan/ultra groups in Latin American soccer fandom) make money.

•Recall barrabravas are essentially unemployed para-military youth •Leaders can make money through: •Latin American Presidents or Managers pay them for political reasons (e.g. to chant certain things to promote political party or go against another party) •Club gives them extra tickets that they re-sale •Charge spectators to pay for parking near stadiums •Make money from drugs, crimes, etc.

Name a soccer player in Latin America that made a political impact for their country.

•Socrates of Brazil started Corinthian Democracy in protest of the 1964-1985 military dictatorship. OR •Jose Luis Chilavert of Paraguay was a goalie who (the Socrates of Paraguay) had an anti-Caudillo mindset. He boycotted the 1999 Copa America in protest of a country in poverty and the lack of government action.

Why was the development of soccer in Paraguay different(slower than) from its neighbors?

•Very rural wide open spaces •Series of strong leaders ruled according to whim rather than national interest •Poverty due to corrupt leaders

ESSAY What are the three types of identity formation described by Walker Connor, Benedict Anderson, and Hobsbawm/Marx? Provide examples of each in relationship to soccer and global politics.

•Walker Connor - Identity through Homeland (immigrant population doesn't count). Key points: Homeland, ethnonationalism, people's connection to the stadium ~ homeland, and tied to it by blood. ◦Definitely not the case for Latin American countries, which are typically formed of a mixed population of indigenous, mestizo, immigrants... ◦For example, could think of the conflict between Serbia and Albania, where there once was a melee fight at a stadium between the two (rooted on ethnic cleansing, and a struggle for pride and nationalism). •Benedict Anderson - Identity through imagined community. Key points: chants/cheers, formation of a shared language, immigrant societies, unifying around club, use of newspaper/print capitalism, ... ◦This is largely popular in Latin America, which is full of immigrant countries. ◦A good example of this is done by comparing Spain and Chile. In Spain, they struggle to connect through their national anthem, whereas Chile's fan unite passionately around the anthem of their nation (chants/cheers/songs) as they show comradeship. •Hobsbawm Tilly/Marx: Identity shaped through institutions such as schools/tribe, army, factories, ... Marx also included the idea of horizontal class identity (workers). ◦For example, France's identity through war, Italy winning soccer at Olympics (an institutional world event) help them identify as Italians.

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