SOCI Midterm M/C

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The Whisky Rebellion was

A protest movement by Irish and other frontier settlers against oppressive control by eastern interests

The _____ allowed for the forcible displacement of thousands of Native Americans.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

_____ racism consists of policies, laws, and institutions that reproduce racial inequalities.


In the theory of systematic racism,

It is important to recognize the centrality of the history of material and economic exploitation in the U.S.

How did the Naturalization Act of 1790 lay the foundation for later racialized immigration policies?

It set a precedent for racially exclusionary practices by granting citizenship only to whites.

Anglo-Protestant politicians and other prominent persons in the 19th century

Viewed the Scotch Irish as exemplary pioneers

How was wealth distributed in colonial North America?

Wealth was concentrated in the hands of very few white families.

The term "race" refers to a group of people who

share physical and cultural traits as well as a common ancestry

The _____ was the first major piece of immigration legislation, targeting one specific group based on race and class- mainly Chinese laborers.

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

In a survey conducted by Joe Feagin, he found that _____ of whites surveyed agreed with prejudicial statements about blacks such as "blacks have less native intelligence" than whites.

75 percent

What percentage of the Native population was eradicated as a result of two centuries of European colonization?

95 percent

Which of the following best describes an Irish contribution to US politics?

A pragmatic system of coalition and compromise at the local level

Early stereotypes of the Irish were similar to those of the

African Americans

An example of a white privilege is being able to

All of the above

Racism refers to the

All of the above

Systemic racism encompasses a diverse assortment of racist practices, inequalities, and ideologies. It includes

All of the above

Which of the following claims would a proponent of IRCA, who relies on nativism and anti-immigrant sentiment, use to garner support for placing tighter regulations on immigration?

All of the above

According to competition theorists, intergroup conflict is primarily the result of

An attempt by two or more ethnic groups to secure the same resources

In the racial and ethnic stratification system that exists in the U.S.,

Ascribed group characteristics such as race or ethnicity are major criteria for social position and rewards

How do racial disparities in the criminal justice system relate to deportation policies?

Blacks and Latinos are more likely to be incarcerated, which means black and Latino immigrants are more likely to be deported than white and Asian immigrants.

Which of the following best describes the process of cultural resistance?

Both b and c

Why did American slavery come to an end after the Civil War?

Capitalists in the North believed slavery gave the south an unfair competitive advantage.

The _____ was the first piece of immigration legislation to deny entry to a specific group, thus paving the way for future racially biased immigration policies,

Chinese Exclusion Act

DREAMers were able to successfully pressure President Obama into providing deferred action and work permits to undocumented youth. In June 2012, the president instituted the _____, which protects youth from deportation for two years.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

In 2001, Congress proposed a bill that would provide undocumented youth who finish high school in the United States with a path to U.S. citizenship. The act was known as the

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act

Cultural pluralism theorists believe that

Each ethnic group has the democratic right to retain its own cultural heritage without being forced to assimilate to the dominant culture

Power-conflict theorists focus mainly on

Economic and political subordination and inequality of certain immigrant groups

The split labor market view

Emphasizes the discrimination against nonwhite workers by white workers

According to the biosocial perspective,

Ethnicity is a fundamental part of the physiological and psychological self

What aspect of U.S. immigration policy has changed over time?

Explicitly discriminatory language has been removed from immigration laws.

The theory of racial formation emphasizes the role of ______ in the creation of racial and ethnic tensions and oppression.


The concept of middlemen minorities refers to

Groups that occupy a distinctive class position that is of special use to the capitalist class and that act as go-betweens to society's subordinate classes

_____ is a set of principles and ideas that benefits the dominant group.


In Robert Bautista's case, outlined at the beginning of Chapter 3, his attempted arson charge was classified as an aggravated felony and he was subject to mandatory detention and deportation without judicial review. The passage of what legislation made this treatment legal?

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

. Which of the following was true of the Americas at the time of European invasion and conquest during the sixteenth century?

Many civilizations in the Americas were more advanced than European civilizations.

According to the _______perspective, immigrants to the US lose their racial and ethnic identities as they mix together in one new American blend.

Melting pot

English colonists' justification for the treatment of Native Americans was distinct from justifications for African slavery in that

Native Americans were seen as hindering white expansion.

The _____ limited naturalization to immigrants who were "free white persons."

Naturalization Law of 1790

Internal colonialism primarily applies to the experience of

Nonwhites brought into the American economic and political system by force

If Eduardo was an undocumented farmhand working on an orange orchard in California, under which piece of legislation could he have been denied social services and educational opportunities, had it remained in effect?

Proposition 187

What distinguishes race from ethnicity?

Race implies a set of hierarchical distinctions based on physical and cultural differences and is often a category imposed by others; ethnicity refers to a shared identity based on group culture and history and is more often self-selected.

Sociologists, including W. E. B. DuBois, claim that there is a "psychological wage of whiteness" and that racism affects everyone, including whites. How might racism affect whites negatively?

Racism has driven a wedge between white and black laborers who otherwise could have worked together to fight for better conditions.

_____ presumes the superiority of a racial group, whereas _____ presumes the superiority of native-born citizens.

Racism; nativism

Which of the following statements is not true of slavery in ancient societies?

Slavery was based primarily on racial hierarchies.

Initiation, mechanisms, privileges, maintenance, rationalization, and resistance of oppression are aspects of which social theory?

Systematic Racism

_____ racism is the idea that racism has been part of the United States since its founding and that it continues to be reproduced through various institutions, such as the educational system and the criminal justice system.


Internal colonialism theorists are concerned mainly with

The establishment and persistence of a racial stratification system and the social control processes that maintain subordination

Oliver and Shapiro point to three instances of structured inequalities that work together to reproduce wealth inequalities. Which of the following is not one of these instances?

The outsourcing of low-skilled jobs

_____ is a sociological explanation for how racial inequality is created and reproduced.

The sociological theory of racism

Why were the methods used by scientists such as Samuel George Morton problematic?

They were biased by the expectations of the scientists.

What was the motivation for Virginia's laws that prohibited intermarriage between free whites with blacks or Native Americans?

They were concerned that these groups would realize their shared interests and unite against their oppressors

Most young, single Irish women immigrants

Took jobs and became independent and self-sufficient

The major emphasis of the concept of gendered racism is

Triple oppression- the interactive set of race, class, and gender forces that subordinate women

Race is

a social and historical construction

The racial taxonomies developed by François Bernier, Carolus Linnaeus, and Johann Blumenbach laid the groundwork for modern ideas of race by

attributing cultural and moral qualities to each racial group.

The Bell Curve, in which the authors argue that intelligence is quantifiable and that they found differences in intelligence across racial groups, is one of the most prominent examples of _____ in recent decades.

biological racism

According to historian George Sanchez, the racialized nativism of today is distinct from that of a century ago in each of the following ways except for the

concern that Chinese laborers are starting to compete with whites in agriculture.

The _____ set an important historical precedent for current understandings of race.

conflicts between England and Ireland

African Americans have a higher unemployment rate than whites. If someone were to make the argument that African Americans are more likely to be unemployed because African Americans tend to be lazy, this would be an example of

cultural racism.

Faustino was born in the Philippines and came to the United States on a student visa. After graduating college, he remains in the country illegally. Faustino's illegal status is discovered and the U.S government returns him to the Philippines. His removal from the United States is an example of


18th century English - dominated colonial society

encouraged Irish immigrants to settle in frontier areas as a barrier to Native Americans

Many 19th century Irish American miners

engaged in armed conflict in an effort to improve working conditions

The _____ movement advocated the selective breeding of Americans and the sterilization of the biologically unfit as a way of creating a superior breed of people.


English colonists created a permanent slave class by passing a law that

forbade masters from freeing their slaves.

As defined by Omi and Winant, the sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed, is called racial


By 2000s, Irish Americans, compared with the average white American

had a higher median family income

Colonialism, slavery, and genocide are all examples of

historical forces shaping race.

Ryan pays for his groceries with a credit card, and the machine reads "denied." The cashier simply swipes the card again, assuming it must have been a machine error because Ryan is white, and the cashier believes that whites are financially reliable. This scenario demonstrates

how white privilege is related to white supremacy.

The motivation for both the Immigration Act of 1924 and the Oriental Exclusion Act of 1924 was to

improve the racial stock of the United States.

Up until the 1970s, over 80 percent of Mexicans who came to the United States were temporary farmworkers. The passage of the 1965 Immigration Act, and subsequently the 1986 mass legalization laws, resulted in

increasing numbers of Mexicans choosing to reside permanently in the United States.

Racially discriminatory actions by individuals, such as a landlord lying about an apartment being taken because the person on the phone has a Spanish accent, constitute _____ racism.


The criminal justice system is a prime example of _____ racism as evidenced by the fact that laws are written in ways that discriminate against blacks, and blacks are more likely to get harsher sentences.


W. E. B. DuBois argued that white workers received a psychological "wage of whiteness" by

seeing themselves as white, thereby aligning themselves with the dominant group.

To fully understand the experiences of black and Latina women in a battered women's shelter, we have to look at how race, class, and gender play a role in their need for the shelter's services. When we take these factors into account simultaneously, we are engaging in


The idea of race as a classificatory system

is a modern invention.

According to Omi and Winant, a racial project defined as racist when

it reproduces structures of domination and hegemony.

Jen is Korean American and works as a receptionist. Whenever an Asian client is in the office, her boss asks her if she will sit in on the meeting to help translate. Just because she is Asian, she is expected to be able to communicate with any Asian, regardless of what language they actually speak. Jen's experiences are an example of


The two aspects of U.S. immigration policy that have remained constant since its inception are that the consequences of the policy have been more disadvantageous to people defined as nonwhite than to those considered to be white and

nativism has been an integral part of debates over immigration.

If Lynn was born in France, immigrated to the United States, and five years later is granted U.S. citizenship, she has become an American citizen by means of


Many scholars make a distinction between _____ racism, which permitted the enslavement of Africans, and _____ racism, in which it is no longer acceptable to make overtly racist statements, yet racial inequality persists.

old; new

Racism encompasses both racial _____, the belief that people belong to distinct races with innate hierarchical differences that can be measured and judged, and racial _____, the practice of treating people differently on the basis of their race.

prejudice; discrimination

White _____ refers to the advantages inherent in being categorized as white.


A white student is recommended for a gifted program over an equally qualified black student. This decision constitutes

racial discrimination.

A set of principles and ideas that divides people into different racial groups and serves the interests of one group is known as

racial ideology.

Racial discrimination is frowned upon in the United States. However, individual racism persists through

racial microaggressions.

Mrs. Smith is a teacher who believes that whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks. Mrs. Smith's belief is an example of

racial prejudice.

According to Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, societies that have _____ differentially allocate economic, political, social, and even psychological rewards to groups along racial lines.

racialized social systems

Colonists' initial justifications for using African slaves were based on


English colonists justified forcibly taking land from indigenous people using _____ arguments.


Although slaves were emancipated in the 1800s, this period also marked the beginning of a new understanding of race known as

scientific racism.

The Spanish Inquisition helped to shape the European understanding of human difference because it

set a precedent of discrimination based on ancestry.

Passed in the 1600s, laws aimed at distinguishing the social status of European indentured servants from that of African slaves were known as the

slave codes.

The form of slavery that developed in the North American colonies was unique in each of the following ways, except

slaves could only marry other slaves.

As a means to address labor shortages following World War II, the U.S government created a program that brought Mexicans to the United States to work in agriculture. This program was called

the bracero program.

Joe Feagin explains that systemic racism exists because of

the history of the United States as a slaveholding nation.

English settlers' perception of Native Americans as "savage" originated from

their similar views of the Irish as savage, sexually immoral, and resistant to civilization.

The use of African slaves in the North American colonies proved more profitable than enslaving indigenous people for several reasons, including

they had immunities to Old World diseases.

Legislation in the early twentieth century, including the Immigration Act of 1917 and the Johnson-Reed Act, sought to restrict immigration from all of the following regions except

western and northern Europe.

Bacon's Rebellion confirmed colonists' fears that

white servants and black slaves would join forces.

Andrea Smith argues that antiblack racism, genocide, and orientalism are the three pillars of

white supremacy.

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