Social Deviance Final
Roughly _____ billion dollars are spent each year on Internet gambling.
According to the textbook, roughly _____ of adult American men have participated in extramarital sex.
Approximately _____ of Americans are alcoholics.
According to a recent representative sample of the U.S. adult population, the percentage of American men that have ever engaged in same-sex behavior is about _____ percent.
Which of the following statements is NOT a myth about alcohol abuse?
A drinker may find it more difficult to perform sexually after several drinks.
Which of the following is an example of the situational type of homosexual behavior?
A stripper who rarely has time to date after work.
Female genital mutilation mostly takes place in _____.
Which of the following statements about the definition of alcoholism is FALSE?
Alcoholism is a clearly defined and understood disease.
Which of the following statements reveals a biased view of the disabled by "normal" people?
All of the above statements are biased views of the disabled.
Which of the following statements about pedophile priests is NOT true?
Almost half of all priests have been involved in molesting children.
The highest status prostitute is the _____.
Call girl
Which of the following statements about homophobia from a global perspective is true?
Countries like Russia and Zimbabwe have strong and sometimes violent traditions of homophobia.
Which of the following is NOT a definition of deviance proposed by sociologists?
Deviance always involves immoral behavior.
Which of the following is an effect of alcohol on sexual performance?
Drinking makes a person feel less inhibited sexually.
How did the raising of the drinking age from 18 to 21 lead to more problems with drinking?
Drinking was driven underground, where it could more easily lead to binge drinking.
Because men own their wives, they cannot actually be found guilty of raping them.
Conflict sociologists begin with the idea that modern societies have achieved a high degree of social and cultural unity.
Early positivist criminologists were convinced that a person's criminal status changed through time and from culture to culture.
Feminist theorists argue that women's experience of deviance is essentially no different from the experience of men.
It is impossible for a woman to rape a man; such a case of rape has not been known to take place except in the movies or some men's fantasies.
Labeling and phenomenological theories concentrate on understanding the causes of deviance.
Most husbands feel genuine remorse after they have battered their wives.
Most rapists choose strangers as their victims.
Powerful people have less need to engage in deviance because they have so much already.
Secondary deviance occurs when a person who is labeled a deviant passively accepts the stigmatizing label and undertakes a deviant career.
The positivist perspective is associated with the humanities, such as art and philosophy, while the constructionist perspective is associated with the science, such as physics and biology.
The majority of new AIDS cases today involve _____.
IV drug users
Which theoretical perspective attributes deviance to the unequal distribution of resources brought about by the exploitative capitalist system?
Marxist theory
Which of the following statements about nude dancers is TRUE?
Most find their work empowering.
Which of the following statements about the social profile of illegal drug users is FALSE?
Parental and peer influences seem to have little impact on drug users.
_____ is characterized by feelings of depression, anxiety, and helplessness such as those suffered by U.S. soldiers who served in Vietnam and victims of physical injury.
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Which of the following statements reflects a conservative posititon on sex education?
Schools should teach only abstinence from sex.
Which of the following events has produced a significant shift from sexual promiscuity to monogamy among homosexuals?
The AIDS crisis of the early 1980s.
Which of the following traits is part of the traditional masculine social role that leads to rape?
The male should take an active part in achieving social and sexual relations with females.
Which of the following statements about the definition of deviance is true?
There is usually a great deal of disagreement among people as to what they consider deviant.
A call girl is especially skilled at making her commercial transactions appear non-commercial.
A transsexual is someone who identifies themselves as a member of the opposite sex, while transvestites engage in crossdressing.
According to Davis' functional theory, prostitution exists to protect the moral order.
Before 1900, cocaine could be found in many soft drinks such as Coca-Cola.
From the feminist perspective, rape is primarily an expression of men's dominance over women.
In some cultures, adultery may take both legitimate and illegitimate forms.
Many obese people internalize their stigma, agreeing with others that they are to blame for their obesity.
Most homosexual men are involved in long-term relationships characterized by power equality between partners.
Most persons who are homophobic are less educated and more racially prejudiced.
Most prostitutes enter the trade out of economic necessity.
Most prostitutes feel that they are more moral than their customers.
Most sociologists assume that gays and lesbians may be born with a biological predisposition that makes them more likely than other children to be attracted to members of the same sex.
Phenomenological theory focuses on people's subjectivity, consciousness, perception, and opinions about deviance.
Research shows that child molesters fail disastrously to meet the cultural standards of masculinity.
The objectification of women in our culture plays a role as to why men commit rape.
There is a relationship between family violence and poverty.
To phenomenologists, the deviant's subjective experience is the heart of deviant reality.
Two reasons why the powerful are likely to commit profitable deviance are a greater deviant opportunity and a strong deviant motivation.
U.S. society considers teenage sex to be deviant and unacceptable.
When caregivers have problems with money or stress they are more likely to become elder abusers.
Which of the following countries has the highest drug use?
United States
All of the following are social factors that promote drug use, EXCEPT for _____.
a cognitive association between relieving pain and drug use
Peter has a serious drinking problem and is seeking professional psychological counseling and therapy. Today, where might he go to receive this form of help?
a community-based alcohol treatment center
Which of the following is NOT an example of a transgendered person?
a homosexual
All of the following are part of the positivist perspective on deviance, EXCEPT that deviance is _____.
a label
Two factors that have led to the tremendous rise of cyberdeviance is the phenomenal increase in the use of computers and _____.
a lack of law enforcement
A Trojan is
a type of spyware
According to a definition of spouse abuse that includes both violent and nonviolent acts, _____.
about 1/3 of all married persons in the U.S. assault their spouses
Internet gambling seems to be more convenient, solitary, and anonymous. These features also make it more _____.
According to Menachim Amir, a common victim behavior that leads to "victim-precipitated rape" involves the woman _____.
agreeing to have a drink or a ride home with a stranger
Which of the following is a legal drug in the United States?
All of the following are diseases caused by heavy drinking, EXCEPT for _____.
alcoholic personality
The real extent of family violence may be much higher than reported figures because _____.
all of the above
The Prohibition Movement of the 1920s originated mostly from _____.
an attempt to control the powerless segments of society
Which of the following concepts constitutes the core of Sutherland's differential association theory?
an excess of criminal over normative contacts
According to Hirschi, which of the following is NOT a way for individuals to bond themselves to society?
an experience of a gap between goals and means
According to the constructionist perspective, deviant behavior is _____.
an expression of human volition
The essential idea of conflict theory is that conflict as well as its resulting criminality is _____.
an inherent, normal, and integral part of complex modern societies
All of the following are assumptions of the constructionist perspective on deviance EXCEPT that deviance should be seen as _____.
an objective fact
Research has shown that children raised by gay parents _____.
are no more likely than children with heterosexual parents to become homosexual
Feminist theorists argue that most theories of deviance _____.
are only about men
The deterrence doctrine assumes that human beings, when anticipating deviant behavior, are _____.
basically rational
Child molesters are likely to _____.
be their victim's relatives or neighbors
To say that deviance is determined behavior implies that humans _____.
cannot choose between good and bad
Positivist sociological theories attempt to explain the _____ of deviance.
According to social-psychological theory, the unique factor that turns individuals into alcoholics is the fit between vulnerable personality traits and _____.
certain drinking-group values and activities
The phrase "lighting a fire in the brain" has been used to describe the effect of a _____ overdose.
Which of the following groups of people have experienced a great increase in problem drinking in recent years?
college students
The four stages whereby male homosexuals come to acquire their gay identity are sensitization, dissociation, coming out, and _____.
Someone who believes that pornography is dangerous to communal values such as marriage and the family follows a _____ view of pornography.
The _____ perspective is more pertinent for studying less serious kinds of deviance.
Which of the following is NOT one of the constructionist theories of deviance?
control theory
Cyberdeviance can be split into two broad categories; disrupting a computer network as a target and _____.
creating a computer network to commit deviance
The repeated harassment of others through the Internet is called _____.
According to Albert Cohen, when lower-class boys experience status frustration, they set up their own competitive system in the form of _____.
delinquent subcultures
Hank is a sociologist investigating the causes of crime. He is interested in how some areas of the city have traditions of crime that persist over generations, and how individuals easily move into groups following those traditions. What theory of deviance is guiding Hank's research?
differential association theory
Burgess and Akers argued that before one becomes criminal, a process of _____ must occur where he or she is rewarded for continuing deviant behavior.
differential reinforcement
Greg was about 17 when he realized that he wasn't very interested in women. Instead, he was attracted to men and wanted to have sex with men but hoped that he would grow away from these feelings in time. He was in the _____ stage of acquiring a gay identity.
What drinking pattern would be more typical of the higher socioeconomic levels?
drinking as a facilitator of social interaction
All of the following are types of drug treatment programs, EXCEPT _____.
drug prevention programs
Those who oppose the legalization of drugs argue that if drugs are legalized, _____.
drug use and addiction will skyrocket
Secondary victimization, or the "feeling of being raped again," refers to the victim's _____.
encounter with the police
A major characteristic of the final, chronic stage of alcoholism is when a person _____.
engages in a set of drinking sprees for days
According to Sutherland's differential association theory, a person becomes deviant or delinquent when there is a(n) _____.
excess of deviant contacts favorable to the violation of the law
People who are in the psychologically addicted state of alcoholism cannot stop drinking even if they are determined to do so.
The same amount of alcohol has the same intoxicating effect on people of different sizes and weights.
Compared to non-drug users, drug users are _____ times more likely to commit a crime.
Men are _____ times more likely to become alcoholics than women
According to sociologists, participation in gang rape _____.
fulfills a social need more than a sexual desire
According to the deterrence doctrine, all of the following would help reduce the rate of crime, except for making punishment more _____.
If you believe that those who are likely to get involved in one form of deviant activity are also likely to get involved in other forms of deviance, you believe in the _____ theory.
general deviance syndrome
Which of the following traits is more likely to be associated with child molesters than rapists?
gentleness and passivity
Which of the following is a relatively harmless form of hacking?
hacking a famous person's cellphone and posting stored photos
Which of the following disturbs the nervous system and distorts the user's perception of reality?
Joe has a serious drinking problem and has visited a psychologist for several months. The psychologist discovered that Joe had an unfilled need for dependency that alcohol helped to cover. From a psychological perspective, Joe _____.
has an alcoholic personality
This drug is most common among the poor, as it helps them cope with the stresses of daily life.
Which of the following is an example of a depressant?
Which of the following is a social consequence of alcohol abuse?
higher rates of criminal offenses
Which of the following kinds of deviance is best understood through the positivist perspective?
higher-consensus deviance
Which of the following statements reflects the symbolic interactionist's view of human beings?
humans face, deal with, and act toward the objects they encounter
According to Glaser, before a person pursues criminal behavior, he or she must first _____ real or imaginary persons whose criminal behavior seems acceptable.
identify with
All of Jane's friends have jewelry and new clothes, but Jane has no money to buy these kinds of things. She therefore resorted to shoplifting to get what she wanted. According to Merton's theory, her behavior is an example of _____.
If you believe that deviant behavior has characteristics that distinguish it from conforming behavior, you believe deviance is _____.
intrinsically real
According to Richard Quinney, there are different ways for the dominant class to define the social reality of crime. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
it engages in behavior that is defined as criminal
All of the following are popular myths about prostitution, EXCEPT that _____.
it is the second oldest profession in the world
To many sociologists, hackers strongly resemble _____.
juvenile delinquents
According to Howard Becker, a person has to go through a 3-step process to learn to become a marijuana user. Which of the following is NOT one of those steps?
learning where to find the drug
Compared with most other types of prostitutes, the streetwalker is _____.
less able to charge her customers high fees
Research shows that illegal drug use has generally _____ since 1992.
leveled off
The _____ view of pornography emphasizes its harmless impact on society.
A pimp is a man who _____.
lives off of the earnings of one or more prostitutes
For women, the major significance of an affair is _____.
All of the following are factors that lead to more rape-prone campuses, EXCEPT _____.
mandatory membership in fraternities
Which of the following is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States?
Which of the following is the most common outcome of cybersex?
John experienced family violence as he was growing up. According to social learning theory, he is _____.
more likely to engage in family violence
According to labeling theory, being labeled deviant produces _____ for that person.
negative consequences
Alcohol is implicated in almost _____ of all violent crimes.
Most identity theft is committed by _____.
organization or corporate insiders
Chambliss stated that the tendency of the police, prosecutors, and judges to become tools of power and privilege is caused by the _____, or the need of organizations to compel their members to maximum rewards.
organizational imperative
Men who visit and use child pornography sites are considered _____.
Which of the following is NOT a primarily positivist theory of deviance?
phenomenological theory
Which of the following theories examines the subjectivity of people, including their attitudes, feelings, and opinions about deviance?
phenomenological theory
If consumers are sent bogus emails that appear to come from legitimate banks or e-commerce sites in order to gain personal information, they are victims of _____.
Which of the following factors is involved in most marital rapes?
physical violence or threats of it
Joe is a sociologist who is undertaking a study of drug use. He is interested in how broken families and poor neighborhoods lead to more problems of drug addiction. Joe is following a _____ theory of deviant behavior.
Jane goes to a bar after work several nights a week to seek relief from job tensions. She is in the _____ stage of becoming an alcoholic.
According to Lemert, what is the first act in the sequence of interaction leading to secondary deviation?
primary deviation
Labeling theory interprets deviance as a(n) _____.
process of symbolic interactionism
Which of the following behavioral characteristics would a rapist NOT consider to be a sign of vulnerability?
projecting confidence without appearing aggressive
All of the following are ways that pornography is implicated in the problem of rape EXCEPT that it _____.
provides an erotic sexual outlet
Jane is an alcoholic. Her experiences are different from those of male alcoholics because she _____.
receives less serious treatment by doctors and therapists
The fact that the same behavior can be seen as normal by some and as deviant by others is called the _____.
relativist view
Which of the following is part of the treatment program of Alcoholics Anonymous?
requiring members to admit that they are alcoholics and are powerless over liquor
All of the following are reasons for people to take part in cybersex, except for _____.
resolving marital problems
According to the textbook, AIDS among homosexuals has substantially declined because of _____.
safer sex practices
The main purpose of the positivist approach to deviance is _____.
seeking out the causes of deviant behavior
Since 1973, the American Psychiatric Association has referred to the problems that some homosexuals have with their sexual orientation as _____.
sexual orientation disturbance
The incompatible interests, needs, and desires of diverse groups of people in society can lead to _____.
social conflict
Today's positivist sociologists now recognize the importance of _____ in understanding deviant behavior.
social factors
According to the power theory, the types of deviance and the types of persons who commit deviant acts are strongly influenced by __
social inequality
According to the power theory, the types of deviance and the types of persons who commit deviant acts are strongly influenced by _____.
social inequality
Merton's version of anomie-strain theory is based on the premise that _____.
society encourages the individual to engage in deviance
A _____ is something a person has or does that others see as bad in some way.
Which of the following conditions separates the positivist and constructionist perspectives on deviance?
the amount of public consensus about what type of behavior is deviant
One problem with saying that alcoholism is related to nutritional deficiencies, metabolic dysfunction, or malfunctions of the central nervous system is that researchers cannot determine whether these problems are _____.
the cause or the effect of alcohol
One reason why Church leaders failed to dismiss offending priests from their jobs is _____.
the church's culture of secrecy and forgiveness
According to the Marxist explanation of deviance, the cause of deviance can be traced to _____.
the exploitative nature of capitalism
All of the following are part of America's culture of rape EXCEPT _____.
the formation of anti-rape organizations like rape crisis centers
According to the drug enslavement theory, _____.
the high cost of drugs forces addicts into a life of crime
Which of the following norms is used to define homosexuality as deviant?
the norm that married couples should produce children
A key event in the development of the gay rights movement was _____.
the police raid on Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York
Feminists argue that _____ is a major cause of wife beatings.
the sexist, patriarchal nature of society
All of the following are factors that influence the physical effects of drugs, EXCEPT for _____.
the social environment
What do phenomenologists mean by the term deviant reality?
the subjective meaning that deviants impute to their own deviant experience
As popularly used, the term drug abuse often means _____.
the use of illegal drugs
Most people consider online affairs just as real as offline affairs because _____.
they can lead to marital discord and divorce
According to economic deprivation theory, the reason why poor people turn to drugs is the need for status.
According to sociologists, alcoholism develops from a social situation where psychologically vulnerable persons are pressured by drinking companions to drink heavily.
One problem with the drug Ecstasy is that it causes the body to overheat, leading to dehydration or brain damage.
People with a lower socioeconomic status have a proportionally higher likelihood of being an alcoholic or problem drinker.
With acquaintance rape, the rapist mostly uses _____.
verbal coercion
All of the following statements about incest are true EXCEPT that _____.
young victims of incest usually forget about the past and lead normal sexual lives as adults